//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #ifdef _WIN32 #include <stdio.h> #include "CreateMultiplayerGameServerPage.h" #include <Winsock2.h> using namespace vgui; #include <vgui_controls/Controls.h> #include <KeyValues.h> #include <vgui_controls/ListPanel.h> #include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h> #include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h> #include <vgui_controls/CheckButton.h> #include <vgui/IVGui.h> #include <OfflineMode.h> #include "filesystem.h" #include "mainpanel.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include "netapi.h" // for SRC #include <vstdlib/random.h> // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //#define ALLOW_OLD_ENGINE_GAMES bool IsEp1EraAppID( int iSteamAppId ) { return iSteamAppId == 211 || iSteamAppId == 215; } // Checks the liblist.gam file for a "fallback_dir" const char *GetLiblistFallbackDir( const char *pszGameDir ) { static char szFallback[512]; char szTemp[512]; szFallback[0] = 0; V_sprintf_safe( szTemp, "%s\\liblist.gam", pszGameDir ); g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalCopy( szTemp ); FileHandle_t hFile = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( szTemp, "rt" ); if ( hFile ) { char szLine[512]; // look for the line starting with 'fallback_dir' while ( !g_pFullFileSystem->EndOfFile( hFile ) ) { // get a single line szLine[0] = 0; g_pFullFileSystem->ReadLine( szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, hFile ); szLine[sizeof(szLine) - 1] = 0; if ( !strnicmp( szLine, "fallback_dir", 12 ) ) { // we got the line, get the value between the quotes char *start = strchr( szLine, '\"' ); if ( !start ) { break; } char *end = strchr( start + 1, '\"' ); if ( !end ) { break; } // copy out between start and end int bytesToCopy = end - start - 1; if ( bytesToCopy >= sizeof(szFallback) - 1 ) { bytesToCopy = sizeof(szFallback) - 1; break; } if ( bytesToCopy > 0 ) { strncpy( szFallback, start + 1, bytesToCopy ); szFallback[bytesToCopy] = 0; } } } g_pFullFileSystem->Close( hFile ); } return szFallback; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name) : Frame(parent, name) { memset(&m_iServer,0x0,sizeof(serveritem_t)); m_MainPanel = parent; // as we are a popup frame we need to store this seperately m_pSavedData = NULL; m_pGameInfo = NULL; SetMinimumSize(310, 350); SetSize(310, 350); SetSizeable(false); SetTitle("#Start_Server_Title",true); m_pMapList = new ComboBox(this, "MapList",10,false); m_pMapList->SetEnabled(false); // a mod needs to be chosen first to populate the map list m_pMapList->SetEditable(false); m_pNetworkCombo = new ComboBox(this, "NetworkCombo",10,false); int defaultItem = m_pNetworkCombo->AddItem("#Internet", NULL); int lanItem = m_pNetworkCombo->AddItem("#LAN", NULL); if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm("-steam") && IsSteamInOfflineMode() ) { defaultItem = lanItem; } m_pNetworkCombo->ActivateItem(defaultItem); m_pNumPlayers = new ComboBox(this, "NumPlayers",10,false); char num[3]; int i; for( i = 1 ; i <= MAX_PLAYERS ; i++ ) { V_sprintf_safe(num, "%i", i); m_pNumPlayers->AddItem(num, NULL); } m_pNumPlayers->ActivateItemByRow(23); // 24 players by default m_pGameCombo = new ComboBox(this,"MODCombo", 10, false); m_pStartServerButton = new Button(this, "StartButton", "#Start_Server_Button"); m_pStartServerButton->SetCommand("start"); m_pCancelButton = new Button(this, "CancelButton", "#Start_Server_Cancel"); m_pCancelButton->SetCommand("cancel"); m_pSecureCheck = new CheckButton(this, "SecureCheck", "#Start_Server_Secure"); m_pSecureCheck->SetSelected(true); LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig("Admin/CreateMultiplayerGameServerPage.res"); // load some defaults into the controls SetControlString("ServerNameEdit", "Half-Life dedicated server"); V_strcpy_safe(m_szGameName, "Half-Life"); LoadMODList(); m_pGameCombo->RequestFocus(); // get default port from commandline if possible m_iPort = 27015; const char *portVal = NULL; if (CommandLine()->CheckParm("-port", &portVal) && portVal && atoi(portVal) > 0) { m_iPort = atoi(portVal); } SetControlInt("PortEdit", m_iPort); LoadConfig(); m_szMapName[0] = 0; m_szHostName[0] = 0; m_szPassword[0] = 0; m_iMaxPlayers = 24; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm("-steam") && IsSteamInOfflineMode() ) { m_pNetworkCombo->SetEnabled( false ); } SetVisible(true); if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm("-steam") && IsSteamInOfflineMode() ) { MessageBox *box = new vgui::MessageBox( "#Start_Server_Offline_Title", "#Start_Server_Offline_Warning" ); box->DoModal(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::~CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage() { SaveConfig(); if (m_pSavedData) { m_pSavedData->deleteThis(); m_pSavedData = NULL; } if ( m_pGameInfo ) { m_pGameInfo->deleteThis(); m_pGameInfo = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::OnResetData() { m_pGameCombo->SetEnabled(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: loads settings from a config file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::LoadConfig() { // free any old filters if (m_pSavedData) { m_pSavedData->deleteThis(); } m_pSavedData = new KeyValues ("Server"); if (!m_pSavedData->LoadFromFile(g_pFullFileSystem, "Server.vdf", "CONFIG")) { // file not successfully loaded } else { if (m_pSavedData->FindKey("RconPassword", false)) { const char *password = m_pSavedData->GetString("RconPassword", ""); if (strlen(password)>0) { SetControlString("RCONPasswordEdit", password); } } if (m_pSavedData->FindKey("MaxPlayers", false)) { int maxPlayers = m_pSavedData->GetInt("MaxPlayers", -1); if (maxPlayers > 0 && maxPlayers <= 32) { m_pNumPlayers->ActivateItemByRow(maxPlayers - 1); } } if (m_pSavedData->FindKey("MOD", false)) { const char *mod = m_pSavedData->GetString("MOD", ""); if (strlen(mod) > 0) { // look for the item in the dropdown m_szMod[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_pGameCombo->GetItemCount(); i++) { if (!m_pGameCombo->IsItemIDValid(i)) continue; if (!stricmp(m_pGameCombo->GetItemUserData(i)->GetString("gamedir"), mod)) { // item found in list, activate m_pGameCombo->ActivateItem(i); break; } } } } if (m_pSavedData->FindKey("Map", false)) { const char *map = m_pSavedData->GetString("Map", ""); if (strlen(map) > 0) { SetControlString("MapList", map); } } if (m_pSavedData->FindKey("Network", false)) { int nwIndex = m_pSavedData->GetInt("Network"); if (nwIndex > 0 && nwIndex < 2) { m_pNetworkCombo->ActivateItemByRow(nwIndex); } } if (m_pSavedData->FindKey("Secure", false)) { int secure = m_pSavedData->GetInt("Secure"); m_pSecureCheck->SetSelected(secure); } if (m_pSavedData->FindKey("ServerName", false)) { const char *serverName = m_pSavedData->GetString("ServerName",""); if (strlen(serverName) > 0) { SetControlString("ServerNameEdit", serverName); } } m_iPort = m_pSavedData->GetInt("Port", m_iPort); SetControlInt("PortEdit", m_iPort); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: data accessor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::SetConfig(const char *serverName, const char *rconPassword, int maxPlayers, const char *mod, const char *map, int network, int secure, int port) { m_pSavedData->SetInt("MaxPlayers", maxPlayers); m_pSavedData->SetString("RconPassword", rconPassword); m_pSavedData->SetString("ServerName", serverName); m_pSavedData->SetString("MOD", mod); m_pSavedData->SetString("Map", map); m_pSavedData->SetInt("Secure", secure); m_pSavedData->SetInt("Network", network); m_pSavedData->SetInt("Port", port); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::SaveConfig() { m_pSavedData->SaveToFile(g_pFullFileSystem, "Server.vdf", "CONFIG"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true if one of the characters in the string is not a valid alpha numeric character //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::BadRconChars(const char *pass) { bool bad = false; for(unsigned int i=0;i<strlen(pass);i++) { bad |= !( V_isalnum(pass[i]) ? true : false ); } return bad; } const char *ToString( int val ) { static char text[256]; Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%i", val ); return text; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called to get the info from the dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::OnCommand(const char *cmd) { char cvars[1024]; int secure = GetControlInt("SecureCheck", 1); m_pNumPlayers->GetText(cvars, 1024); m_iMaxPlayers = atoi(cvars); V_strcpy_safe(m_szHostName, GetControlString("ServerNameEdit", "")); V_strcpy_safe(m_szPassword, GetControlString("RCONPasswordEdit", "")); m_iPort = GetControlInt("PortEdit", 27015); if (!stricmp(cmd, "cancel")) { vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( m_MainPanel->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("Quit"), NULL); Close(); } else if (!stricmp(cmd, "start")) { // save our current settings SetConfig(m_szHostName, m_szPassword, m_iMaxPlayers, m_szMod, GetMapName(), m_pNetworkCombo->GetActiveItem() != 0, secure, m_iPort); SaveConfig(); // create the command to execute bool isLanOnly = (m_pNetworkCombo->GetActiveItem() != 0); CommandLine()->AppendParm("-game", m_szMod); CommandLine()->AppendParm("-maxplayers", ToString(m_iMaxPlayers)); CommandLine()->AppendParm("+sv_lan", ToString(isLanOnly)); CommandLine()->AppendParm("+map", GetMapName()); CommandLine()->AppendParm("-port", ToString(m_iPort)); if (!secure) // if they don't want it secure... { CommandLine()->AppendParm("-insecure", ""); } // V_strcpy_safe(m_szPassword, GetControlString("RCONPasswordEdit", "")); if (strlen(m_szPassword) < 3 || BadRconChars(m_szPassword)) { MessageBox *dlg = new MessageBox("#Start_Server_RCON_Error_Title", "#Start_Server_RCON_Error"); dlg->DoModal(); } else { V_sprintf_safe(cvars, "rcon_password \"%s\"\nsetmaster enable\nhostname \"%s\"\n", m_szPassword, m_szHostName); m_pGameCombo->SetEnabled(false); m_pNumPlayers->SetEnabled(false); netadr_t local; net->GetLocalIP(&local); local.port = ::htons(m_iPort); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_iServer.ip[i] = local.ip[i]; } m_iServer.port = (local.port & 0xff) << 8 | (local.port & 0xff00) >> 8;; V_strcpy_safe(m_iServer.name, m_szHostName); V_strcpy_safe(m_iServer.map, GetMapName()); V_strcpy_safe(m_iServer.gameDir, m_szMod); m_iServer.maxPlayers = m_iMaxPlayers; SetVisible(false); KeyValues *gameData = m_pGameCombo->GetActiveItemUserData(); // // mount the caches // if (CommandLine()->CheckParm("-steam")) // { // if (gameData) // { // KeyValues *pFileSystem = gameData->FindKey( "FileSystem" ); // if ( !pFileSystem ) // Error( "Game %s missing FileSystem key.", gameData->GetString( "game" ) ); // // // Mods just specify their app ID (CS, HL2, HL2MP, etc), and it mounts all the necessary caches. // int iAppId = pFileSystem->GetInt( "SteamAppId" ); // if ( iAppId ) // { // CUtlVector<unsigned int> depList; // MountDependencies( iAppId, depList ); // // char gameinfoFilename[MAX_PATH]; // Q_snprintf( gameinfoFilename, sizeof( gameinfoFilename ), "%s\\gameinfo.txt", m_iServer.gameDir ); // g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalCopy( gameinfoFilename ); // } // } // } // Launch the old dedicated server if necessary. if ( LaunchOldDedicatedServer( gameData ) ) { vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( m_MainPanel->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("Quit"), NULL); Close(); } CMainPanel::GetInstance()->StartServer(cvars); } } } bool CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::LaunchOldDedicatedServer( KeyValues *pGameInfo ) { #if defined( ALLOW_OLD_ENGINE_GAMES ) // Validate the gameinfo.txt format.. KeyValues *pSub = pGameInfo->FindKey( "FileSystem" ); if ( pSub ) { int iSteamAppId = pSub->GetInt( "SteamAppId", -1 ); if ( iSteamAppId != -1 ) { if ( IsEp1EraAppID( iSteamAppId ) ) { // Old-skool app. Launch the old dedicated server. char steamDir[MAX_PATH]; if ( !system()->GetRegistryString( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\Steam\\SteamPath", steamDir, sizeof( steamDir ) ) ) Error( "LaunchOldDedicatedServer: can't get SteamPath." ); V_FixSlashes( steamDir ); V_AppendSlash( steamDir, sizeof( steamDir ) ); char commandLine[1024 * 4]; commandLine[0] = 0; V_snprintf( commandLine, sizeof( commandLine ), "\"%ssteam.exe\" -applaunch 205 -HiddenLaunch", steamDir ); // Feed it all the parameters chosen in the UI so it doesn't redisplay the UI. STARTUPINFO si; memset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) ); si.cb = sizeof( si ); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; if ( !CreateProcess( NULL, commandLine, NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, steamDir, &si, &pi ) ) { Error( "LaunchOldDedicatedServer: Unable to launch old srcds." ); } return true; } } } #endif return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: loads the list of available maps into the map list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::LoadMODList() { m_pGameCombo->DeleteAllItems(); // add steam games if (CommandLine()->CheckParm("-steam")) { const char *pSteamGamesFilename = "hlds_steamgames.vdf"; KeyValues *gamesFile = new KeyValues( pSteamGamesFilename ); if ( gamesFile->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pSteamGamesFilename, NULL ) ) { for ( KeyValues *kv = gamesFile->GetFirstSubKey(); kv != NULL; kv = kv->GetNextKey() ) { const char *pGameDir = kv->GetString( "gamedir", NULL ); if ( !pGameDir ) Error( "Mod %s in %s missing 'gamedir'.", kv->GetName(), pSteamGamesFilename ); AddMod( pGameDir, pSteamGamesFilename, kv ); } } gamesFile->deleteThis(); gamesFile = NULL; } // For backward compatibility, check inside the dedicated server's own directory for mods. LoadModListInDirectory( "." ); // Also, check in SourceMods. char sourceModsDir[MAX_PATH]; if ( system()->GetRegistryString( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\Steam\\SourceModInstallPath", sourceModsDir, sizeof( sourceModsDir ) ) ) LoadModListInDirectory( sourceModsDir ); m_pGameCombo->ActivateItem(0); } void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::LoadModListInDirectory( const char *pDirectoryName ) { char searchString[MAX_PATH*2]; V_strcpy_safe( searchString, pDirectoryName ); Q_AppendSlash( searchString, sizeof( searchString ) ); Q_strncat( searchString, "*.*", sizeof( searchString ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); FileFindHandle_t findHandle = NULL; const char *filename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( searchString, &findHandle ); while ( filename ) { // add to the mod list if (filename[0] != '.' && g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory(findHandle)) { char fullFilename[MAX_PATH]; if ( Q_stricmp( pDirectoryName, "." ) == 0 ) { // If we don't do this, then the games in hlds_steamgames.vdf will get listed twice // since their gamedir is listed as "cstrike" and "hl2mp", not ".\cstrike" or ".\hl2mp". V_strcpy_safe( fullFilename, filename ); } else { V_strcpy_safe( fullFilename, pDirectoryName ); Q_AppendSlash( fullFilename, sizeof( fullFilename ) ); Q_strncat( fullFilename, filename, sizeof( fullFilename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } LoadPossibleMod( fullFilename ); } filename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext(findHandle); } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose(findHandle); } void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::LoadPossibleMod( const char *pGameDirName ) { char gameInfoFilename[1024]; Q_snprintf(gameInfoFilename, sizeof(gameInfoFilename) - 1, "%s\\gameinfo.txt", pGameDirName); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists(gameInfoFilename) ) return; // don't want to add single player games to the list KeyValues *pGameInfo = new KeyValues( "GameInfo" ); bool loadedFile = pGameInfo->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, gameInfoFilename ); if ( !loadedFile ) return; AddMod( pGameDirName, gameInfoFilename, pGameInfo ); pGameInfo->deleteThis(); pGameInfo = NULL; } void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::AddMod( const char *pGameDirName, const char *pGameInfoFilename, KeyValues *pGameInfo ) { // Don't re-add something with the same gamedir name (this can happen with games listed in hlds_steamgames.vdf, // since after the first time a game is run, it'll also have a gameinfo.txt that will be found). for ( int i=0; i < m_pGameCombo->GetItemCount(); i++ ) { if ( !m_pGameCombo->IsItemIDValid(i) ) continue; if ( Q_stricmp( m_pGameCombo->GetItemUserData(i)->GetString("gamedir"), pGameDirName ) == 0 ) return; } // If this mod supports multiplayer, then we'll add it. const char *gameType = pGameInfo->GetString( "type", "singleplayer_only" ); if ( Q_stricmp(gameType, "singleplayer_only") != 0 ) { // Validate the gameinfo.txt format.. KeyValues *pSub = pGameInfo->FindKey( "FileSystem" ); if ( !pSub ) Error( "%s missing FileSystem key.", pGameInfoFilename ); int iSteamAppId = pSub->GetInt( "SteamAppId", -1 ); if ( iSteamAppId == -1 ) Error( "%s missing FileSystem\\SteamAppId key.", pGameInfoFilename ); #if !defined( ALLOW_OLD_ENGINE_GAMES ) // If we're not supporting old games in here and its appid is old, forget about it. if ( IsEp1EraAppID( iSteamAppId ) ) return; #endif const char *gameName = pGameInfo->GetString( "game", NULL ); if ( !gameName ) Error( "%s missing 'game' key.", pGameInfoFilename ); // add to drop-down combo and mod list KeyValues *kv = pGameInfo->MakeCopy(); kv->SetString( "gamedir", pGameDirName ); m_pGameCombo->AddItem( gameName, kv ); kv->deleteThis(); kv = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: loads the list of available maps for the given path into the map list // Returns: number of maps loaded into the list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::LoadMaps( const char *pszMod ) { // iterate the filesystem getting the list of all the files // UNDONE: steam wants this done in a special way, need to support that FileFindHandle_t findHandle = NULL; char szSearch[256]; sprintf( szSearch, "%s/maps/*.bsp", pszMod ); int iMapsFound = 0; const char *pszFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( szSearch, &findHandle ); KeyValues *hiddenMaps = NULL; if ( m_pGameInfo ) { hiddenMaps = m_pGameInfo->FindKey( "hidden_maps" ); } while ( pszFilename ) { // remove the text 'maps/' and '.bsp' from the file name to get the map name char mapname[256]; const char *str = strstr( pszFilename, "maps" ); if ( str ) { V_strcpy_safe( mapname, str + 5 ); // maps + \\ = 5 } else { V_strcpy_safe( mapname, pszFilename ); } char *ext = strstr( mapname, ".bsp" ); if ( ext ) { *ext = 0; } //!! hack: strip out single player HL maps // this needs to be specified in a seperate file if ( ( mapname[0] == 'c' || mapname[0] == 't' ) && mapname[2] == 'a' && mapname[1] >= '0' && mapname[1] <= '5' ) { goto nextFile; } // strip out maps that shouldn't be displayed if ( hiddenMaps ) { if ( hiddenMaps->GetInt( mapname, 0 ) ) { goto nextFile; } } iMapsFound++; // add to the map list m_pMapList->AddItem( mapname, NULL ); // get the next file nextFile: pszFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( findHandle ); } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( findHandle ); return iMapsFound; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: loads the list of available maps into the map list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::LoadMapList() { int iMapsFound = 0; // clear the current list (if any) m_pMapList->DeleteAllItems(); Assert( strlen(m_szMod ) > 0); if ( strlen( m_szMod ) < 1) { m_pMapList->SetEnabled( false ); return; } m_pMapList->SetEnabled( true ); m_pStartServerButton->SetEnabled( true ); if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-steam" ) ) { KeyValues *userData = m_pGameCombo->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( userData && userData->GetString( "DedicatedServerStartMap", NULL ) ) { // set only m_pMapList->AddItem( userData->GetString( "DedicatedServerStartMap" ), NULL ); m_pMapList->ActivateItemByRow( 0 ); m_pMapList->SetEnabled( false ); return; } } // Load the maps for the GameDir iMapsFound += LoadMaps( m_szMod ); // If we're using a "fallback_dir" in liblist.gam then include those maps... const char *pszFallback = GetLiblistFallbackDir( m_szMod ); if ( pszFallback[0] ) { iMapsFound += LoadMaps( pszFallback ); } if ( iMapsFound < 1 ) { m_pMapList->SetEnabled( false ); } // set the first item to be selected m_pMapList->ActivateItemByRow( 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the name of the map selected from the map combo //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::GetMapName() { m_pMapList->GetText(m_szMapName, DATA_STR_LENGTH); return m_szMapName; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: data accessor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::GetRconPassword() { return m_szPassword; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: updates "s" with the details of the chosen server to run //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::GetServer(serveritem_t &s) { s=m_iServer; V_strcpy_safe(s.name,m_iServer.name); V_strcpy_safe(s.rconPassword,m_iServer.rconPassword); memcpy(s.ip,m_iServer.ip,sizeof(m_iServer.ip)); memcpy(s.pings,m_iServer.pings,3*sizeof(int)); V_strcpy_safe(s.gameDir,m_iServer.gameDir); V_strcpy_safe(s.map,m_iServer.map); V_strcpy_safe(s.gameDescription,m_iServer.gameDescription); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Handles changes to combo boxes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage::OnTextChanged(Panel *panel) { if (panel == m_pGameCombo) { // see if we should update the game name bool updateHostname = false; char hostname[256]; GetControlString("ServerNameEdit", m_szHostName, sizeof(m_szHostName)); V_sprintf_safe(hostname, "%s dedicated server", m_szGameName); if (!stricmp(m_szHostName, hostname)) { updateHostname = true; } // update the game name m_pGameCombo->GetText( m_szGameName, sizeof(m_szGameName) ); // Copy the gamedir into m_szMod. KeyValues *gameData = m_pGameCombo->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( !gameData ) Error( "Missing gameData for active item." ); const char *pGameDir = gameData->GetString( "gamedir", NULL ); if ( !pGameDir ) Error( "Game %s missing 'gamedir' key.", m_szGameName ); V_strcpy_safe( m_szMod, pGameDir ); // re-load the GameInfo KeyValues if ( m_pGameInfo ) { m_pGameInfo->deleteThis(); } char liblist[1024]; Q_snprintf(liblist, sizeof(liblist) - 1, "%s\\gameinfo.txt", m_szMod); m_pGameInfo = new KeyValues( "GameInfo" ); m_pGameInfo->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, liblist ); // redo the hostname with the new game name if (updateHostname) { V_sprintf_safe(hostname, "%s dedicated server", m_szGameName); SetControlString("ServerNameEdit", hostname); } // reload the list of maps we display LoadMapList(); } } #endif // _WIN32