//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Shared util code between client and server.

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "cmodel.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "networkvar.h"
#include "engine/IEngineTrace.h"
#include "engine/IStaticPropMgr.h"
#include "shared_classnames.h"
#include "steam/steamuniverse.h"

#include "cdll_client_int.h"

#ifdef PORTAL
#include "portal_util_shared.h"

// Forward declarations
class CGameTrace;
class CBasePlayer;
typedef CGameTrace trace_t;

extern ConVar developer;	// developer mode

// Language IDs.
#define LANGUAGE_GERMAN					1
#define LANGUAGE_FRENCH					2

// Pitch + yaw
float		UTIL_VecToYaw			(const Vector &vec);
float		UTIL_VecToPitch			(const Vector &vec);
float		UTIL_VecToYaw			(const matrix3x4_t& matrix, const Vector &vec);
float		UTIL_VecToPitch			(const matrix3x4_t& matrix, const Vector &vec);
Vector		UTIL_YawToVector		( float yaw );

// Shared random number generators for shared/predicted code:
// whenever generating random numbers in shared/predicted code, these functions
// have to be used. Each call should specify a unique "sharedname" string that
// seeds the random number generator. In loops make sure the "additionalSeed"
// is increased with the loop counter, otherwise it will always return the
// same random number
float	SharedRandomFloat( const char *sharedname, float flMinVal, float flMaxVal, int additionalSeed = 0 );
int		SharedRandomInt( const char *sharedname, int iMinVal, int iMaxVal, int additionalSeed = 0 );
Vector	SharedRandomVector( const char *sharedname, float minVal, float maxVal, int additionalSeed = 0 );
QAngle	SharedRandomAngle( const char *sharedname, float minVal, float maxVal, int additionalSeed = 0 );

// Standard collision filters...
bool PassServerEntityFilter( const IHandleEntity *pTouch, const IHandleEntity *pPass );
bool StandardFilterRules( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int fContentsMask );

// Converts an IHandleEntity to an CBaseEntity
inline const CBaseEntity *EntityFromEntityHandle( const IHandleEntity *pConstHandleEntity )
	IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity = const_cast<IHandleEntity*>(pConstHandleEntity);

	IClientUnknown *pUnk = (IClientUnknown*)pHandleEntity;
	return pUnk->GetBaseEntity();
	if ( staticpropmgr->IsStaticProp( pHandleEntity ) )
		return NULL;

	IServerUnknown *pUnk = (IServerUnknown*)pHandleEntity;
	return pUnk->GetBaseEntity();

inline CBaseEntity *EntityFromEntityHandle( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity )
	IClientUnknown *pUnk = (IClientUnknown*)pHandleEntity;
	return pUnk->GetBaseEntity();
	if ( staticpropmgr->IsStaticProp( pHandleEntity ) )
		return NULL;

	IServerUnknown *pUnk = (IServerUnknown*)pHandleEntity;
	return pUnk->GetBaseEntity();

typedef bool (*ShouldHitFunc_t)( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );

// traceline methods
class CTraceFilterSimple : public CTraceFilter
	// It does have a base, but we'll never network anything below here..
	DECLARE_CLASS_NOBASE( CTraceFilterSimple );

	CTraceFilterSimple( const IHandleEntity *passentity, int collisionGroup, ShouldHitFunc_t pExtraShouldHitCheckFn = NULL );
	virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );
	virtual void SetPassEntity( const IHandleEntity *pPassEntity ) { m_pPassEnt = pPassEntity; }
	virtual void SetCollisionGroup( int iCollisionGroup ) { m_collisionGroup = iCollisionGroup; }

	const IHandleEntity *GetPassEntity( void ){ return m_pPassEnt;}

	const IHandleEntity *m_pPassEnt;
	int m_collisionGroup;
	ShouldHitFunc_t m_pExtraShouldHitCheckFunction;


class CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities : public CTraceFilterSimple
	// It does have a base, but we'll never network anything below here..
	DECLARE_CLASS( CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities, CTraceFilterSimple );
	CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities( const IHandleEntity *passentity, const IHandleEntity *passentity2, int collisionGroup );
	virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );
	virtual void SetPassEntity2( const IHandleEntity *pPassEntity2 ) { m_pPassEnt2 = pPassEntity2; }

	const IHandleEntity *m_pPassEnt2;

class CTraceFilterSimpleList : public CTraceFilterSimple
	CTraceFilterSimpleList( int collisionGroup );
	virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );

	void	AddEntityToIgnore( IHandleEntity *pEntity );
	CUtlVector<IHandleEntity*>	m_PassEntities;

class CTraceFilterOnlyNPCsAndPlayer : public CTraceFilterSimple
	CTraceFilterOnlyNPCsAndPlayer( const IHandleEntity *passentity, int collisionGroup )
		: CTraceFilterSimple( passentity, collisionGroup )

	virtual TraceType_t	GetTraceType() const

	virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );

class CTraceFilterNoNPCsOrPlayer : public CTraceFilterSimple
	CTraceFilterNoNPCsOrPlayer( const IHandleEntity *passentity, int collisionGroup )
		: CTraceFilterSimple( passentity, collisionGroup )

	virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );

// Purpose: Custom trace filter used for NPC LOS traces
class CTraceFilterLOS : public CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities
	CTraceFilterLOS( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int collisionGroup, IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity2 = NULL );
	bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );

class CTraceFilterSkipClassname : public CTraceFilterSimple
	CTraceFilterSkipClassname( const IHandleEntity *passentity, const char *pchClassname, int collisionGroup );
	virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );


	const char *m_pchClassname;

class CTraceFilterSkipTwoClassnames : public CTraceFilterSkipClassname
	// It does have a base, but we'll never network anything below here..
	DECLARE_CLASS( CTraceFilterSkipTwoClassnames, CTraceFilterSkipClassname );

	CTraceFilterSkipTwoClassnames( const IHandleEntity *passentity, const char *pchClassname, const char *pchClassname2, int collisionGroup );
	virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );

	const char *m_pchClassname2;

class CTraceFilterSimpleClassnameList : public CTraceFilterSimple
	CTraceFilterSimpleClassnameList( const IHandleEntity *passentity, int collisionGroup );
	virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );

	void	AddClassnameToIgnore( const char *pchClassname );
	CUtlVector<const char*>	m_PassClassnames;

class CTraceFilterChain : public CTraceFilter
	CTraceFilterChain( ITraceFilter *pTraceFilter1, ITraceFilter *pTraceFilter2 );
	virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask );

	ITraceFilter	*m_pTraceFilter1;
	ITraceFilter	*m_pTraceFilter2;

// helper
void DebugDrawLine( const Vector& vecAbsStart, const Vector& vecAbsEnd, int r, int g, int b, bool test, float duration );

extern ConVar r_visualizetraces;

inline void UTIL_TraceLine( const Vector& vecAbsStart, const Vector& vecAbsEnd, unsigned int mask, 
					 const IHandleEntity *ignore, int collisionGroup, trace_t *ptr )
	Ray_t ray;
	ray.Init( vecAbsStart, vecAbsEnd );
	CTraceFilterSimple traceFilter( ignore, collisionGroup );

	enginetrace->TraceRay( ray, mask, &traceFilter, ptr );

	if( r_visualizetraces.GetBool() )
		DebugDrawLine( ptr->startpos, ptr->endpos, 255, 0, 0, true, -1.0f );

inline void UTIL_TraceLine( const Vector& vecAbsStart, const Vector& vecAbsEnd, unsigned int mask, 
					 ITraceFilter *pFilter, trace_t *ptr )
	Ray_t ray;
	ray.Init( vecAbsStart, vecAbsEnd );

	enginetrace->TraceRay( ray, mask, pFilter, ptr );

	if( r_visualizetraces.GetBool() )
		DebugDrawLine( ptr->startpos, ptr->endpos, 255, 0, 0, true, -1.0f );

inline void UTIL_TraceHull( const Vector &vecAbsStart, const Vector &vecAbsEnd, const Vector &hullMin, 
					 const Vector &hullMax,	unsigned int mask, const IHandleEntity *ignore, 
					 int collisionGroup, trace_t *ptr )
	Ray_t ray;
	ray.Init( vecAbsStart, vecAbsEnd, hullMin, hullMax );
	CTraceFilterSimple traceFilter( ignore, collisionGroup );

	enginetrace->TraceRay( ray, mask, &traceFilter, ptr );

	if( r_visualizetraces.GetBool() )
		DebugDrawLine( ptr->startpos, ptr->endpos, 255, 255, 0, true, -1.0f );

inline void UTIL_TraceHull( const Vector &vecAbsStart, const Vector &vecAbsEnd, const Vector &hullMin, 
					 const Vector &hullMax,	unsigned int mask, ITraceFilter *pFilter, trace_t *ptr )
	Ray_t ray;
	ray.Init( vecAbsStart, vecAbsEnd, hullMin, hullMax );

	enginetrace->TraceRay( ray, mask, pFilter, ptr );

	if( r_visualizetraces.GetBool() )
		DebugDrawLine( ptr->startpos, ptr->endpos, 255, 255, 0, true, -1.0f );

inline void UTIL_TraceRay( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int mask, 
						  const IHandleEntity *ignore, int collisionGroup, trace_t *ptr, ShouldHitFunc_t pExtraShouldHitCheckFn = NULL )
	CTraceFilterSimple traceFilter( ignore, collisionGroup, pExtraShouldHitCheckFn );

	enginetrace->TraceRay( ray, mask, &traceFilter, ptr );
	if( r_visualizetraces.GetBool() )
		DebugDrawLine( ptr->startpos, ptr->endpos, 255, 0, 0, true, -1.0f );

// Sweeps a particular entity through the world
void UTIL_TraceEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const Vector &vecAbsStart, const Vector &vecAbsEnd, unsigned int mask, trace_t *ptr );
void UTIL_TraceEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const Vector &vecAbsStart, const Vector &vecAbsEnd, 
					  unsigned int mask, ITraceFilter *pFilter, trace_t *ptr );
void UTIL_TraceEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const Vector &vecAbsStart, const Vector &vecAbsEnd, 
					  unsigned int mask, const IHandleEntity *ignore, int collisionGroup, trace_t *ptr );

bool UTIL_EntityHasMatchingRootParent( CBaseEntity *pRootParent, CBaseEntity *pEntity );

inline int UTIL_PointContents( const Vector &vec )
	return enginetrace->GetPointContents( vec );

// Sweeps against a particular model, using collision rules 
void UTIL_TraceModel( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, const Vector &hullMin, 
					  const Vector &hullMax, CBaseEntity *pentModel, int collisionGroup, trace_t *ptr );

void UTIL_ClipTraceToPlayers( const Vector& vecAbsStart, const Vector& vecAbsEnd, unsigned int mask, ITraceFilter *filter, trace_t *tr );

// Particle effect tracer
void		UTIL_ParticleTracer( const char *pszTracerEffectName, const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, int iEntIndex = 0, int iAttachment = 0, bool bWhiz = false );

// Old style, non-particle system, tracers
void		UTIL_Tracer( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, int iEntIndex = 0, int iAttachment = TRACER_DONT_USE_ATTACHMENT, float flVelocity = 0, bool bWhiz = false, const char *pCustomTracerName = NULL, int iParticleID = 0 );

bool		UTIL_IsLowViolence( void );
bool		UTIL_ShouldShowBlood( int bloodColor );
void		UTIL_BloodDrips( const Vector &origin, const Vector &direction, int color, int amount );

void		UTIL_BloodImpact( const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, int color, int amount );
void		UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( trace_t *pTrace, int bloodColor );
void		UTIL_DecalTrace( trace_t *pTrace, char const *decalName );
bool		UTIL_IsSpaceEmpty( CBaseEntity *pMainEnt, const Vector &vMin, const Vector &vMax );

void		UTIL_StringToVector( float *pVector, const char *pString );
void		UTIL_StringToIntArray( int *pVector, int count, const char *pString );
void		UTIL_StringToFloatArray( float *pVector, int count, const char *pString );
void		UTIL_StringToColor32( color32 *color, const char *pString );

CBasePlayer *UTIL_PlayerByIndex( int entindex );
// Helper for use with console commands and the like.
// Returns NULL if not found or if the provided arg would match multiple players.
// Currently accepts, in descending priority:
//  - Formatted SteamID ([U:1:1234])
//  - SteamID64 (76561197989728462)
//  - Legacy SteamID (STEAM_0:1:1234)
//  - UserID preceded by a pound (#4)
//  - Partial name match (if unique)
//  - UserID not preceded by a pound*
// *Does not count as ambiguous with higher priority items
CBasePlayer* UTIL_PlayerByCommandArg( const char *arg );

CBasePlayer* UTIL_PlayerByUserId( int userID );
CBasePlayer* UTIL_PlayerByName( const char *name ); // not case sensitive
// Finds a player who has this non-ambiguous substring.  Also not case sensitive.
CBasePlayer* UTIL_PlayerByPartialName( const char *name );

// decodes a buffer using a 64bit ICE key (inplace)
void		UTIL_DecodeICE( unsigned char * buffer, int size, const unsigned char *key);

 * Given a position and a ray, return the shortest distance between the two.
 * If 'pos' is beyond either end of the ray, the returned distance is negated.
inline float DistanceToRay( const Vector &pos, const Vector &rayStart, const Vector &rayEnd, float *along = NULL, Vector *pointOnRay = NULL )
	Vector to = pos - rayStart;
	Vector dir = rayEnd - rayStart;
	float length = dir.NormalizeInPlace();

	float rangeAlong = DotProduct( dir, to );
	if (along)
		*along = rangeAlong;

	float range;

	if (rangeAlong < 0.0f)
		// off start point
		range = -(pos - rayStart).Length();

		if (pointOnRay)
			*pointOnRay = rayStart;
	else if (rangeAlong > length)
		// off end point
		range = -(pos - rayEnd).Length();

		if (pointOnRay)
			*pointOnRay = rayEnd;
	else // within ray bounds
		Vector onRay = rayStart + rangeAlong * dir;
		range = (pos - onRay).Length();

		if (pointOnRay)
			*pointOnRay = onRay;

	return range;

* Macro for creating an interface that when inherited from automatically maintains a list of instances
* that inherit from that interface.

// interface for entities that want to a auto maintained global list
#define DECLARE_AUTO_LIST( interfaceName ) \
	class interfaceName; \
	abstract_class interfaceName \
	{ \
	public: \
		interfaceName( bool bAutoAdd = true ); \
		virtual ~interfaceName(); \
		static void AddToAutoList( interfaceName *pElement ) { m_##interfaceName##AutoList.AddToTail( pElement ); } \
		static void RemoveFromAutoList( interfaceName *pElement ) { m_##interfaceName##AutoList.FindAndFastRemove( pElement ); } \
		static const CUtlVector< interfaceName* >& AutoList( void ) { return m_##interfaceName##AutoList; } \
	private: \
		static CUtlVector< interfaceName* > m_##interfaceName##AutoList; \

// Creates the auto add/remove constructor/destructor...
// Pass false to the constructor to not auto add
#define IMPLEMENT_AUTO_LIST( interfaceName ) \
	CUtlVector< class interfaceName* > interfaceName::m_##interfaceName##AutoList; \
	interfaceName::interfaceName( bool bAutoAdd ) \
	{ \
		if ( bAutoAdd ) \
		{ \
			AddToAutoList( this ); \
		} \
	} \
	interfaceName::~interfaceName() \
	{ \
		RemoveFromAutoList( this ); \

// You can use this if you need an autolist without an extra interface type involved.
// To use this, just inherit (class Mine : public TAutoList<Mine> {)
template< class T >
class TAutoList
	typedef CUtlVector< T* > AutoListType;

	static AutoListType &GetAutoList()
		return m_autolist;

		m_autolist.AddToTail( static_cast< T* >( this ) );

	virtual ~TAutoList()
		m_autolist.FindAndFastRemove( static_cast< T* >( this ) );

	static AutoListType m_autolist;

template< class T >
CUtlVector< T* > TAutoList< T >::m_autolist;

 * Simple class for tracking intervals of game time.
 * Upon creation, the timer is invalidated.  To measure time intervals, start the timer via Start().
class IntervalTimer
	IntervalTimer( void )
		m_timestamp = -1.0f;

	void Reset( void )
		m_timestamp = Now();

	void Start( void )
		m_timestamp = Now();

	void Invalidate( void )
		m_timestamp = -1.0f;

	bool HasStarted( void ) const
		return (m_timestamp > 0.0f);

	/// if not started, elapsed time is very large
	float GetElapsedTime( void ) const
		return (HasStarted()) ? (Now() - m_timestamp) : 99999.9f;

	bool IsLessThen( float duration ) const
		return (Now() - m_timestamp < duration) ? true : false;

	bool IsGreaterThen( float duration ) const
		return (Now() - m_timestamp > duration) ? true : false;

	float m_timestamp;
	float Now( void ) const;		// work-around since client header doesn't like inlined gpGlobals->curtime

 * Simple class for counting down a short interval of time.
 * Upon creation, the timer is invalidated.  Invalidated countdown timers are considered to have elapsed.
class CountdownTimer
	CountdownTimer( void )
		m_timestamp = -1.0f;
		m_duration = 0.0f;

	void Reset( void )
		m_timestamp = Now() + m_duration;

	void Start( float duration )
		m_timestamp = Now() + duration;
		m_duration = duration;

	void Invalidate( void )
		m_timestamp = -1.0f;

	bool HasStarted( void ) const
		return (m_timestamp > 0.0f);

	bool IsElapsed( void ) const
		return (Now() > m_timestamp);

	float GetElapsedTime( void ) const
		return Now() - m_timestamp + m_duration;

	float GetRemainingTime( void ) const
		return (m_timestamp - Now());

	/// return original countdown time
	float GetCountdownDuration( void ) const
		return (m_timestamp > 0.0f) ? m_duration : 0.0f;

	float m_duration;
	float m_timestamp;
	virtual float Now( void ) const;		// work-around since client header doesn't like inlined gpGlobals->curtime

class RealTimeCountdownTimer : public CountdownTimer
	virtual float Now( void ) const OVERRIDE
		return Plat_FloatTime();

char* ReadAndAllocStringValue( KeyValues *pSub, const char *pName, const char *pFilename = NULL );

int UTIL_StringFieldToInt( const char *szValue, const char **pValueStrings, int iNumStrings );

// Holidays

// Used at level change and round start to re-calculate which holiday is active
void				UTIL_CalculateHolidays();

bool				UTIL_IsHolidayActive( /*EHoliday*/ int eHoliday );
/*EHoliday*/ int	UTIL_GetHolidayForString( const char* pszHolidayName );

// This will return the first active holiday string it can find. In the case of multiple
// holidays overlapping, the list order will act as priority.
const char		   *UTIL_GetActiveHolidayString();

const char *UTIL_GetRandomSoundFromEntry( const char* pszEntryName );

/// Clamp and round float vals to int.  The values are in the 0...255 range.
Color FloatRGBAToColor( float r, float g, float b, float a );
float LerpFloat( float x0, float x1, float t );
Color LerpColor( const Color &c0, const Color &c1, float t );

// Global econ-level helper functionality.
EUniverse GetUniverse();

#endif // UTIL_SHARED_H