//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: A Class to create a window that you can type and edit text in. // Window can hold single line or multiline text. // If it is single it can scroll horizontally in response to // key input and mouse selection. // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #ifndef TEXTENTRY_H #define TEXTENTRY_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include <vgui/VGUI.h> #include <Color.h> #include <vgui_controls/Panel.h> #include <vgui_controls/Label.h> #include <vgui_controls/ListPanel.h> #include <utlvector.h> namespace vgui { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Text-input handler // Behaviour Specs: // This class handles input from mouse and keyboard. // TextEntry classes support several box styles, horizontal scrolling with no scrollbar // vertical scrolling with or without a scrollbar, single line, multiline, // editable and noneditable. // // Shared behaviour: // URL's are a different text color and are clickable. Clicking them brings up a web browser. // For vertical scroll bars, up and down arrows scroll one line at a time. // Clicking and dragging the nob scrolls through text lines. // Mouse wheel also moves the nob. // User can select and highlight text in the window. // Double clicking on a word selects it. // // Non editable: // No blinking cursor in non editable windows. // Right clicking mouse opens copy menu. Menu's top left corner is where mouse is. // Ctrl-c will also copy the text. // Editable: // Blinking cursor is positioned where text will be inserted. // Text keys type chars in the window. // ctrl-c copy highlighted text // ctrl-v paste highlighted text // ctrl-x cut highlighted text // ctrl-right arrow move cursor to the start of the next word // ctrl-left arrow move cursor to the start of the prev word // ctrl-enter delete the selected text (and inserts a newline if _catchEnterKey is true) // insert delete selected text and pastes text from the clipboard // delete delete the selected text // ctrl-home move cursor to the start of the text // ctrl-end move cursor to the end of the text. // left arrow move cursor before prev char // ctrl-shift left/right arrow selects text a word at a time // right arrow move cursor before next char // up arrow move cursor up one line. // down arrow move cursor down one line. // home move cursor to start of current line // end move cursor to end of current line // backspace delete prev char or selected text. // Trying to move to the prev/next char/line/word when there is none moves the cursor to the // start/end of the text. // Horizontal scrolling: // Trying to move to the prev/next char/line/word when there is none scrolls the text // horizontally in the window so the new text displays at the correct side. // When moving to prev chars scrolling is staggered. To next chars it is one char at a time. // Cut/Copy/Paste Menu: // Right clicking mouse brings up cut/copy/paste menu. // If no text is highlighted the cut/copy options are dimmed. Cut is dimmed in non editable panels // If there is no text in the clipboard or panel is not editable the paste option is dimmed. // If the mouse is right clicked over selected text, the text stays selected. // If the mouse is right clicked over unselected text, any selected text is deselected. // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TextEntry : public Panel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( TextEntry, Panel ); public: TextEntry(Panel *parent, const char *panelName); virtual ~TextEntry(); virtual void SetText(const wchar_t *wszText); virtual void SetText(const char *text); virtual void GetText(OUT_Z_BYTECAP(bufLenInBytes) char *buf, int bufLenInBytes); virtual void GetText(OUT_Z_BYTECAP(bufLenInBytes) wchar_t *buf, int bufLenInBytes); virtual int GetTextLength() const; virtual bool IsTextFullySelected() const; // editing virtual void GotoLeft(); // move cursor one char left virtual void GotoRight(); // move cursor one char right virtual void GotoUp(); // move cursor one line up virtual void GotoDown(); // move cursor one line down virtual void GotoWordRight(); // move cursor to Start of next word virtual void GotoWordLeft(); // move cursor to Start of prev word virtual void GotoFirstOfLine(); // go to Start of the current line virtual void GotoEndOfLine(); // go to end of the current line virtual void GotoTextStart(); // go to Start of text buffer virtual void GotoTextEnd(); // go to end of text buffer virtual void InsertChar(wchar_t ch); virtual void InsertString(const char *text); virtual void InsertString(const wchar_t *wszText); virtual void Backspace(); virtual void Delete(); virtual void SelectNone(); virtual void OpenEditMenu(); MESSAGE_FUNC( CutSelected, "DoCutSelected" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( CopySelected, "DoCopySelected" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( Paste, "DoPaste" ); MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( LanguageChanged, "DoLanguageChanged", handle ); MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( ConversionModeChanged, "DoConversionModeChanged", handle ); MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( SentenceModeChanged, "DoSentenceModeChanged", handle ); MESSAGE_FUNC_WCHARPTR( CompositionString, "DoCompositionString", string ); MESSAGE_FUNC( ShowIMECandidates, "DoShowIMECandidates" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( HideIMECandidates, "DoHideIMECandidates" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( UpdateIMECandidates, "DoUpdateIMECandidates" ); virtual void DeleteSelected(); virtual void Undo(); virtual void SaveUndoState(); virtual void SetFont(HFont font); virtual void SetTextHidden(bool bHideText); virtual void SetEditable(bool state); virtual bool IsEditable(); virtual void SetEnabled(bool state); // move the cursor to line 'line', given how many pixels are in a line virtual void MoveCursor(int line, int pixelsAcross); // sets the color of the background when the control is disabled virtual void SetDisabledBgColor(Color col); // set whether the box handles more than one line of entry virtual void SetMultiline(bool state); virtual bool IsMultiline(); // sets visibility of scrollbar virtual void SetVerticalScrollbar(bool state); // sets whether or not the edit catches and stores ENTER key presses virtual void SetCatchEnterKey(bool state); // sets whether or not to send "TextNewLine" msgs when ENTER key is pressed virtual void SendNewLine(bool send); // sets limit of number of characters insertable into field; set to -1 to remove maximum // only works with if rich-edit is NOT enabled virtual void SetMaximumCharCount(int maxChars); virtual int GetMaximumCharCount(); virtual void SetAutoProgressOnHittingCharLimit(bool state); // sets whether to wrap text once maxChars is reached (on a line by line basis) virtual void SetWrap(bool wrap); virtual void RecalculateLineBreaks(); virtual void LayoutVerticalScrollBarSlider(); virtual bool RequestInfo(KeyValues *outputData); // sets the height of the window so all text is visible. // used by tooltips void SetToFullHeight(); // sets the width of the window so all text is visible. (will create one line) // used by tooltips void SetToFullWidth(); int GetNumLines(); /* INFO HANDLING "GetText" returns: "text" - text contained in the text box */ /* CUSTOM MESSAGE HANDLING "SetText" input: "text" - text is set to be this string */ /* MESSAGE SENDING (to action signal targets) "TextChanged" - sent when the text is edited by the user "TextNewLine" - sent when the end key is pressed in the text entry AND _sendNewLines is true "TextKillFocus" - sent when focus leaves textentry field */ // Selects all the text in the text entry. void SelectAllText(bool bResetCursorPos); void SelectNoText(); void SelectAllOnFirstFocus( bool status ); void SetDrawWidth(int width); // width from right side of window we have to draw in int GetDrawWidth(); void SetHorizontalScrolling(bool status); // turn horizontal scrolling on or off. // sets whether non-asci characters (unicode chars > 127) are allowed in the control - defaults to OFF void SetAllowNonAsciiCharacters(bool state); // sets whether or not number input only is allowed void SetAllowNumericInputOnly(bool state); // By default, we draw the language shortname on the right hand side of the control void SetDrawLanguageIDAtLeft( bool state ); virtual bool GetDropContextMenu( Menu *menu, CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& data ); virtual bool IsDroppable( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& data ); virtual void OnPanelDropped( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& data ); virtual Panel *GetDragPanel(); virtual void OnCreateDragData( KeyValues *msg ); void SelectAllOnFocusAlways( bool status ); void SetSelectionTextColor( const Color& clr ); void SetSelectionBgColor( const Color& clr ); void SetSelectionUnfocusedBgColor( const Color& clr ); void SetUseFallbackFont( bool bState, HFont hFallback ); protected: virtual void ResetCursorBlink(); virtual void PerformLayout(); // layout the text in the window virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme); virtual void PaintBackground(); virtual int DrawChar(wchar_t ch, HFont font, int index, int x, int y); virtual bool DrawCursor(int x, int y); virtual void SetCharAt(wchar_t ch, int index); // set the value of a char in the text buffer virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData ); virtual void GetSettings( KeyValues *outResourceData ); virtual const char *GetDescription( void ); virtual void FireActionSignal(); virtual bool GetSelectedRange(int& cx0,int& cx1); virtual void CursorToPixelSpace(int cursorPos, int &cx, int &cy); virtual int PixelToCursorSpace(int cx, int cy); virtual void AddAnotherLine(int &cx, int &cy); virtual int GetYStart(); // works out ypixel position drawing started at virtual bool SelectCheck( bool fromMouse = false ); // check if we are in text selection mode MESSAGE_FUNC_WCHARPTR( OnSetText, "SetText", text ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnSliderMoved, "ScrollBarSliderMoved" ); // respond to scroll bar events virtual void OnKillFocus(); virtual void OnMouseWheeled(int delta); // respond to mouse wheel events virtual void OnKeyCodePressed(KeyCode code); //respond to keyboard events virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code); //respond to keyboard events virtual void OnKeyTyped(wchar_t unichar); //respond to keyboard events virtual void OnCursorMoved(int x, int y); // respond to moving the cursor with mouse button down virtual void OnMousePressed(MouseCode code); // respond to mouse down events virtual void OnMouseDoublePressed( MouseCode code ); virtual void OnMouseTriplePressed( MouseCode code ); virtual void OnMouseReleased( MouseCode code ); // respond to mouse up events virtual void OnKeyFocusTicked(); // do while window has keyboard focus virtual void OnMouseFocusTicked(); // do while window has mouse focus virtual void OnCursorEntered(); // handle cursor entering window virtual void OnCursorExited(); // handle cursor exiting window virtual void OnMouseCaptureLost(); virtual void OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall); // Returns the character index the drawing should Start at virtual int GetStartDrawIndex(int &lineBreakIndexIndex); public: // helper accessors for common gets virtual float GetValueAsFloat(); virtual int GetValueAsInt(); protected: void ScrollRight(); // scroll to right until cursor is visible void ScrollLeft(); // scroll to left bool IsCursorOffRightSideOfWindow(int cursorPos); // check if cursor is off right side of window bool IsCursorOffLeftSideOfWindow(int cursorPos); // check if cursor is off left side of window void ScrollLeftForResize(); void OnSetFocus(); // Change keyboard layout type void OnChangeIME( bool forward ); bool NeedsEllipses( HFont font, int *pIndex ); private: MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( OnSetState, "SetState", state ); // get index in buffer of the Start of the current line we are on int GetCurrentLineStart(); // get index in buffer of the end of the current line we are on int GetCurrentLineEnd(); bool IsLineBreak(int index); int GetCursorLine(); void MoveScrollBar(int delta); void CalcBreakIndex(); // calculate _recalculateLineBreaksIndex void CreateEditMenu(); // create copy/cut/paste menu public: Menu *GetEditMenu(); // retrieve copy/cut/paste menu private: void FlipToLastIME(); public: virtual void GetTextRange( wchar_t *buf, int from, int numchars ); // copy a portion of the text to the buffer and add zero-termination virtual void GetTextRange( char *buf, int from, int numchars ); // copy a portion of the text to the buffer and add zero-termination private: CUtlVector<wchar_t> m_TextStream; // the text in the text window is stored in this buffer CUtlVector<wchar_t> m_UndoTextStream; // a copy of the text buffer to revert changes CUtlVector<int> m_LineBreaks; // an array that holds the index in the buffer to wrap lines at int _cursorPos; // the position in the text buffer of the blinking cursor bool _cursorIsAtEnd; bool _putCursorAtEnd; int _undoCursorPos; // a copy of the cursor position to revert changes bool _cursorBlink; // whether cursor is blinking or not bool _hideText; // whether text is visible on screen or not bool _editable; // whether text is editable or not bool _mouseSelection; // whether we are highlighting text or not (selecting text) bool _mouseDragSelection; // tells weather mouse is outside window and button is down so we select text int _mouseSelectCursorStart; // where mouse button was pressed down in text window long _cursorNextBlinkTime; // time of next cursor blink int _cursorBlinkRate; // speed of cursor blinking int _select[2]; // select[1] is the offset in the text to where the cursor is currently // select[0] is the offset to where the cursor was dragged to. or -1 if no drag. int _pixelsIndent; int _charCount; int _maxCharCount; // max number of chars that can be in the text buffer HFont _font; // font of chars in the text buffer HFont _smallfont; bool _dataChanged; // whether anything in the window has changed. bool _multiline; // whether buffer is multiline or just a single line bool _verticalScrollbar; // whether window has a vertical scroll bar ScrollBar *_vertScrollBar; // the scroll bar used in the window Color _cursorColor; // color of the text cursor Color _disabledFgColor; Color _disabledBgColor; Color _selectionColor; Color _selectionTextColor; // color of the highlighted text Color _defaultSelectionBG2Color; int _currentStartLine; // use for checking vertical text scrolling (multiline) int _currentStartIndex; // use for horizontal text scrolling (!multiline) bool _horizScrollingAllowed; // use to disable horizontal text scrolling period. Color _focusEdgeColor; bool _catchEnterKey; bool _wrap; bool _sendNewLines; int _drawWidth; // selection data Menu *m_pEditMenu; ///cut/copy/paste popup int _recalculateBreaksIndex; // tells next linebreakindex index to Start recalculating line breaks bool _selectAllOnFirstFocus : 1; // highlights all text in window when focus is gained. bool _selectAllOnFocusAlways : 1; bool _firstFocusStatus; // keep track if we've had that first focus or not bool m_bAllowNumericInputOnly; bool m_bAllowNonAsciiCharacters; bool m_bAutoProgressOnHittingCharLimit; enum { MAX_COMPOSITION_STRING = 256, }; wchar_t m_szComposition[ MAX_COMPOSITION_STRING ]; Menu *m_pIMECandidates; int m_hPreviousIME; bool m_bDrawLanguageIDAtLeft; int m_nLangInset; bool m_bUseFallbackFont : 1; HFont m_hFallbackFont; }; } #endif // TEXTENTRY_H