//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #include "cbase.h" // for messaging with the GC #include "econ_gcmessages.h" #include "econ_item_inventory.h" #include "econ_game_account_client.h" #include "tf_gcmessages.h" #include "gc_clientsystem.h" // ui related #include "ienginevgui.h" #include "confirm_dialog.h" #include "tf_controls.h" #include "econ_notifications.h" #include "select_player_dialog.h" #include "vgui_avatarimage.h" // for hud element #include "iclientmode.h" // misc #include "c_tf_freeaccount.h" #include "c_tf_player.h" #include "c_playerresource.h" #include "tf_hud_statpanel.h" #include "tf_gamerules.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool g_bHadCoach = false; static bool g_bCanLikeCoach = false; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // used by the waiting dialogs class CCoachingWaitDialog : public CGenericWaitingDialog { public: CCoachingWaitDialog() : CGenericWaitingDialog( NULL ) { } protected: virtual void OnTimeout() { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_Timeout_Title", "#TF_Coach_Timeout_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool BInCoachesList() { if ( InventoryManager() && TFInventoryManager()->GetLocalTFInventory() && TFInventoryManager()->GetLocalTFInventory()->GetSOC() ) { CEconGameAccountClient *pGameAccountClient = TFInventoryManager()->GetLocalTFInventory()->GetSOC()->GetSingleton<CEconGameAccountClient>(); if ( pGameAccountClient ) return pGameAccountClient->Obj().in_coaches_list(); } return false; } // send a message to the GC requesting to be added to the list of coaches static void RequestAddToCoaches() { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_AddToCoaches > msg( k_EMsgGCCoaching_AddToCoaches ); bool bSent = GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); if ( bSent ) { ShowWaitingDialog( new CCoachingWaitDialog(), "#TF_Coach_WaitingForServer", true, false, 20.0f ); } } // send a message to the GC requesting to be removed from the list of coaches static void RequestRemoveFromCoaches() { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_RemoveFromCoaches > msg( k_EMsgGCCoaching_RemoveFromCoaches ); GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); ShowWaitingDialog( new CCoachingWaitDialog(), "#TF_Coach_WaitingForServer", true, false, 20.0f ); } // alternates between asking to be added/removed from the list of coaches static void ToggleCoachingConfirm( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext ) { if ( bConfirmed ) { if ( BInCoachesList() ) { RequestRemoveFromCoaches(); } else { RequestAddToCoaches(); } } } static bool IsServerFull() { int iNumPlayers = 0; for( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayerIndex++ ) { if ( g_PR->IsConnected( iPlayerIndex ) == false ) continue; player_info_t pi; if ( !engine->GetPlayerInfo( iPlayerIndex, &pi ) ) continue; ++iNumPlayers; } return iNumPlayers >= gpGlobals->maxClients; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Select player to ask to be a coach dialog. */ class CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog : public CSelectPlayerDialog { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog, CSelectPlayerDialog ); public: CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog(); virtual ~CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog(); virtual void OnSelectPlayer( const CSteamID &steamID ); virtual void OnCommand( const char *command ); virtual bool AllowOutOfGameFriends() { return false; } virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ); protected: virtual const char *GetResFile() { return "resource/ui/SelectPlayerDialog_Coach.res"; } bool CanAskPlayerToCoach( const CSteamID &steamID ); }; static vgui::DHANDLE< CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog > g_pSelectPlayerForCoachDialog; CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog::CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog() : CSelectPlayerDialog( NULL ) { g_pSelectPlayerForCoachDialog = this; m_bAllowSameTeam = true; m_bAllowOutsideServer = true; } CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog::~CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog() { g_pSelectPlayerForCoachDialog = NULL; } void CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog::OnSelectPlayer( const CSteamID &steamID ) { if ( CanAskPlayerToCoach( steamID ) ) { g_bCanLikeCoach = false; GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_FindCoach > msg( k_EMsgGCCoaching_FindCoach ); msg.Body().set_account_id_friend_as_coach( steamID.GetAccountID() ); GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); ShowWaitingDialog( new CCoachingWaitDialog(), "#TF_Coach_AskingFriend", true, false, 20.0f ); } } void CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "performmatchmaking" ) ) { if ( CanAskPlayerToCoach( CSteamID() ) ) { // close dialog OnCommand( "cancel" ); // send message g_bCanLikeCoach = true; GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_FindCoach > msg( k_EMsgGCCoaching_FindCoach ); GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); ShowWaitingDialog( new CCoachingWaitDialog(), "#TF_Coach_CoachSearching", true, false, 20.0f ); } return; } BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); } void CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { CSelectPlayerDialog::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); SetDialogVariable( "title", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "TF_FindCoachDialog_Title" ) ); } bool CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog::CanAskPlayerToCoach( const CSteamID &steamID ) { bool bMatchesFriend = false; const int iMaxPlayers = gpGlobals->maxClients; int iNumPlayers = 0; for( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayerIndex++ ) { if ( g_PR->IsConnected( iPlayerIndex ) == false ) continue; player_info_t pi; if ( !engine->GetPlayerInfo( iPlayerIndex, &pi ) ) continue; // friend on this server? if ( pi.friendsID != 0 && pi.friendsID == steamID.GetAccountID() ) { bMatchesFriend = true; } ++iNumPlayers; } if ( iMaxPlayers <= iNumPlayers ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_ServerFull_Title", "#TF_Coach_ServerFull_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); return false; } if ( bMatchesFriend ) { return true; } return steamID.GetAccountID() == 0; } static void ShowFindCoachDialog() { CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog *pDialog = vgui::SETUP_PANEL( new CSelectPlayerForCoachDialog() ); pDialog->InvalidateLayout( false, true ); pDialog->Reset(); pDialog->SetVisible( true ); pDialog->MakePopup(); pDialog->MoveToFront(); pDialog->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled(true); pDialog->SetMouseInputEnabled(true); TFModalStack()->PushModal( pDialog ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // sent from main menu CON_COMMAND( cl_coach_toggle, "Toggle coach status" ) { if ( IsFreeTrialAccount() ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_FreeAccount_Title", "#TF_Coach_FreeAccount_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); return; } if ( BInCoachesList() ) { ShowConfirmDialog( "#TF_Coach_RemoveCoach_Title", "#TF_Coach_RemoveCoach_Text", "#TF_Coach_Yes", "#TF_Coach_No", &ToggleCoachingConfirm ); } else { ShowConfirmDialog( "#TF_Coach_AddCoach_Title", "#TF_Coach_AddCoach_Text", "#TF_Coach_Yes", "#TF_Coach_No", &ToggleCoachingConfirm ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CGCCoaching_AddToCoachesResponse : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGCCoaching_AddToCoachesResponse( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {} virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { GCSDK::CGCMsg<MsgGCStandardResponse_t> msg( pNetPacket ); CloseWaitingDialog(); if ( msg.Body().m_eResponse == k_EGCMsgResponseOK ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_AddedCoach_Title", "#TF_Coach_AddedCoach_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } else if ( msg.Body().m_eResponse == k_EGCMsgResponseDenied ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_Denied_Title", "#TF_Coach_Denied_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } return true; } }; GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGCCoaching_AddToCoachesResponse, "CGCCoaching_AddToCoachesResponse", k_EMsgGCCoaching_AddToCoachesResponse, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CGCCoaching_RemoveFromCoachesResponse : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGCCoaching_RemoveFromCoachesResponse( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {} virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { GCSDK::CGCMsg<MsgGCStandardResponse_t> msg( pNetPacket ); CloseWaitingDialog(); if ( msg.Body().m_eResponse == k_EGCMsgResponseOK ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_RemovedCoach_Title", "#TF_Coach_RemovedCoach_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } return true; } }; GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGCCoaching_RemoveFromCoachesResponse, "CGCCoaching_RemoveFromCoachesResponse", k_EMsgGCCoaching_RemoveFromCoachesResponse, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CGCCoaching_RemovedAsCoach : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGCCoaching_RemovedAsCoach( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {} virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_SessionEnded_Title", "#TF_Coach_SessionEnded_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); return true; } }; GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGCCoaching_RemovedAsCoach, "CGCCoaching_RemovedAsCoach", k_EMsgGCCoaching_RemoveCurrentCoach, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient ); static void FindCoach( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext ) { if ( bConfirmed ) { ShowFindCoachDialog(); } } static void PromptFindCoach() { C_TFPlayer *pLocalTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( pLocalTFPlayer == NULL ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_NotInGame_Title", "#TF_Coach_NotInGame_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } else if ( pLocalTFPlayer->m_hCoach != NULL ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_AlreadyBeingCoached_Title", "#TF_Coach_AlreadyBeingCoached_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } else if ( pLocalTFPlayer->m_hStudent != NULL ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_AlreadyCoaching_Title", "#TF_Coach_AlreadyCoaching_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } else if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsInTraining() ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_Training_Title", "#TF_Coach_Training_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } else if ( IsServerFull() ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_ServerFull_Title", "#TF_Coach_ServerFull_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } else if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_MannVsMachine_Title", "#TF_Coach_MannVsMachine_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } else { ShowConfirmDialog( "#TF_Coach_AskStudent_Title", "#TF_Coach_AskStudent_Text", "#TF_Coach_Yes", "#TF_Coach_No", &FindCoach ); } } CON_COMMAND( cl_coach_find_coach, "Request a coach for the current game" ) { PromptFindCoach(); } class CGCCoaching_FindCoachResponse : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGCCoaching_FindCoachResponse( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {} virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_FindCoachResponse > msg( pNetPacket ); CloseWaitingDialog(); if ( msg.Body().found_coach() ) { const char* pText = "#TF_Coach_FoundCoach_Text"; if ( msg.Body().num_likes() > 2 ) { pText = "#TF_Coach_FoundCoachLike_Text"; } CTFMessageBoxDialog *pDialog = ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_FoundCoach_Title", pText, "#GameUI_OK" ); if ( pDialog ) { wchar_t szPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( msg.Body().coach_name().c_str(), szPlayerName, sizeof(szPlayerName) ); pDialog->AddStringToken( "coachname", szPlayerName ); wchar_t szNumLikes[32]; V_snwprintf( szNumLikes, ARRAYSIZE(szNumLikes), L"%d", msg.Body().num_likes() ); pDialog->AddStringToken( "numlikes", szNumLikes ); } } else { // retry? ShowConfirmDialog( "#TF_Coach_StudentRetry_Title", "#TF_Coach_StudentRetry_Text", "#TF_Coach_Yes", "#TF_Coach_No", &FindCoach ); } return true; } }; GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGCCoaching_FindCoachResponse, "CGCCoaching_FindCoachResponse", k_EMsgGCCoaching_FindCoachResponse, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CTFAskCoachNotification : public CEconNotification { public: CTFAskCoachNotification( bool bStudentIsFriend ) : CEconNotification() , m_bStudentIsFriend( bStudentIsFriend ) { SetLifetime( 20.0f ); SetText( bStudentIsFriend ? "#TF_Coach_AskCoachForFriend_Text" : "#TF_Coach_AskCoach_Text" ); } virtual EType NotificationType() { return eType_AcceptDecline; } // XXX(JohnS): Dead code? This notification type was accept/decline, so how was it being triggered? virtual void Trigger() { // prompt coach ShowConfirmDialog( "#TF_Coach_AskCoach_Title", m_bStudentIsFriend ? "#TF_Coach_AskCoachForFriend_Text" : "#TF_Coach_AskCoach_Text", "#TF_Coach_Yes", "#TF_Coach_No", &AskCoachCallback ); } virtual void Accept() { AskCoachCallback( true, this ); } virtual void Decline() { AskCoachCallback( false, this ); } static void AskCoachCallback( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext ) { CTFAskCoachNotification *pNotification = (CTFAskCoachNotification*)pContext; GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_AskCoachResponse > msg( k_EMsgGCCoaching_AskCoachResponse ); msg.Body().set_accept_coaching_assignment( bConfirmed ); GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); if ( bConfirmed ) { ShowWaitingDialog( new CCoachingWaitDialog(), "#TF_Coach_JoiningStudent", true, false, 30.0f ); } pNotification->MarkForDeletion(); } protected: bool m_bStudentIsFriend; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CGCCoaching_AskCoach : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGCCoaching_AskCoach( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {} virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_AskCoach > msg( pNetPacket ); if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUtils() ) { bool bStudentIsFriend = msg.Body().has_student_is_friend() && msg.Body().student_is_friend(); CTFAskCoachNotification *pNotification = new CTFAskCoachNotification( bStudentIsFriend ); if ( bStudentIsFriend ) { wchar_t wszPlayerName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( InventoryManager()->PersonaName_Get( msg.Body().account_id_student() ), wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ) ); pNotification->AddStringToken( "friend", wszPlayerName ); } CSteamID steamID( msg.Body().account_id_student(), 1, GetUniverse(), k_EAccountTypeIndividual ); pNotification->SetSteamID( steamID ); NotificationQueue_Add( pNotification ); } return true; } }; GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGCCoaching_AskCoach, "CGCCoaching_AskCoach", k_EMsgGCCoaching_AskCoach, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CGCCoaching_CoachJoinGame : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGCCoaching_CoachJoinGame( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {} virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_CoachJoinGame > msg( pNetPacket ); CloseWaitingDialog(); if ( msg.Body().join_game() ) { if ( msg.Body().has_server_address() && msg.Body().has_server_port() ) { // join the game uint32 iAddress = msg.Body().server_address(); uint16 iPort = msg.Body().server_port(); char command[256]; Q_snprintf( command, sizeof(command), "connect %d.%d.%d.%d:%d coaching\n", (iAddress >> 24) & 0xff, (iAddress >> 16) & 0xff, (iAddress >> 8) & 0xff, iAddress & 0xff, iPort); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( command ); } } else { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_JoinFail_Title", "#TF_Coach_JoinFail_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); } return true; } }; GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGCCoaching_CoachJoinGame, "CGCCoaching_CoachJoinGame", k_EMsgGCCoaching_CoachJoinGame, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient ); class CGCCoaching_AlreadyRatedCoach : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGCCoaching_AlreadyRatedCoach( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {} virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { ShowMessageBox( "#TF_Coach_AlreadyRatedCoach_Title", "#TF_Coach_AlreadyRatedCoach_Text", "#GameUI_OK" ); return true; } }; GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGCCoaching_AlreadyRatedCoach, "CGCCoaching_AlreadyRatedCoach", k_EMsgGCCoaching_AlreadyRatedCoach, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void LikeCoachCallback( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext ) { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_LikeCurrentCoach > msg( k_EMsgGCCoaching_LikeCurrentCoach ); msg.Body().set_like_coach( bConfirmed ); GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); g_bCanLikeCoach = false; } static void PromptIfLikeCoach() { if ( g_bCanLikeCoach ) { ShowConfirmDialog( "#TF_Coach_LikeCoach_Title", "#TF_Coach_LikeCoach_Text", "#TF_Coach_Yes", "#TF_Coach_No", &LikeCoachCallback ); } } void CL_Coaching_LevelShutdown() { if ( g_pSelectPlayerForCoachDialog ) { g_pSelectPlayerForCoachDialog->OnCommand( "cancel" ); } bool bHadCoach = g_bHadCoach; g_bHadCoach = false; if ( bHadCoach ) { PromptIfLikeCoach(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConVar tf_coach_min_time_played( "tf_coach_min_time_played", "7200", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_HIDDEN ); ConVar tf_coach_request_nevershowagain( "tf_coach_request_nevershowagain", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_HIDDEN ); // @return true if the current player has played less than a certain threshold of hours and // so is deemed eligible for coaching static bool Coaching_ShouldRequestCoach() { // cannot request a coach while in training if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsInTraining() ) { return false; } // cannot request a coach if server is full if ( IsServerFull() ) { return false; } // Grab generic stats and add time played to total time played int totalTimePlayed = 0; for ( int iClass = TF_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS; iClass < TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS; iClass++ ) { ClassStats_t &classStats = CTFStatPanel::GetClassStats( iClass ); totalTimePlayed += classStats.accumulated.m_iStat[TFSTAT_PLAYTIME] + classStats.accumulatedMVM.m_iStat[TFSTAT_PLAYTIME]; } // Better to not risk losing slots needed for bot opponents to coaches, as this could // inadvertently reduce difficulty and/or induce undefined behaviors/conditions if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { return false; } // check how many hours this player has played const int minTimePlayedForCoachingEligibility = tf_coach_min_time_played.GetInt(); return ( totalTimePlayed < minTimePlayedForCoachingEligibility ); } // If the player is eligible for coaching, then prompt them void Coaching_CheckIfEligibleForCoaching() { C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( pLocalPlayer == NULL ) { return; } // first time only...better way to do this? if ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) { return; } if ( !tf_coach_request_nevershowagain.GetBool() && Coaching_ShouldRequestCoach() ) { ShowConfirmOptOutDialog( "#TF_Coach_AskStudent_Title", "#TF_Coach_AskStudent_Text", "#TF_Coach_Yes", "#TF_Coach_No", "#TF_Coach_AskStudent_DoNotShowAgain", "tf_coach_request_nevershowagain", &FindCoach ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CCoachedByPanel : public CHudElement, public vgui::EditablePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CCoachedByPanel, vgui::EditablePanel ); public: CCoachedByPanel( const char *pElementName ) : CHudElement( pElementName ) , BaseClass( NULL, "CoachedByPanel" ) , m_bCanLikeCoach( false ) { vgui::Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport(); SetParent( pParent ); SetHiddenBits( HIDEHUD_MISCSTATUS ); ListenForGameEvent( "localplayer_changeteam" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_changename" ); } virtual ~CCoachedByPanel() { } virtual bool ShouldDraw( void ) { if ( !CHudElement::ShouldDraw() ) { return false; } C_TFPlayer *pLocalTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( pLocalTFPlayer == NULL || pLocalTFPlayer->m_hCoach == NULL || pLocalTFPlayer->GetObserverMode() > OBS_MODE_NONE ) { return false; } if ( !IsVisible() ) { g_bHadCoach = true; m_bCanLikeCoach = g_bCanLikeCoach; UpdateUI(); InvalidateLayout(); } if ( m_bCanLikeCoach != g_bCanLikeCoach ) { m_bCanLikeCoach = g_bCanLikeCoach; UpdateUI(); } return true; } virtual void PerformLayout( void ) { int iXIndent = XRES(5); int iXPostdent = XRES(10); int iWidth = iXIndent + iXPostdent; int iTextW, iTextH; C_TFPlayer *pLocalTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( m_pCoachNameLabel && pLocalTFPlayer) { m_pCoachNameLabel->GetContentSize( iTextW, iTextH ); iWidth += MAX( iTextW, m_minCoachNameLabelWidth ); m_pCoachNameLabel->SetWide( iTextW ); if ( m_pAvatar ) { iWidth += m_pAvatar->GetWide(); } SetSize( iWidth, GetTall() ); if ( m_pBGPanel_Blue ) { m_pBGPanel_Blue->SetSize( iWidth, GetTall() ); } if ( m_pBGPanel_Red ) { m_pBGPanel_Red->SetSize( iWidth, GetTall() ); } if ( m_pBGPanel_Blue && m_pBGPanel_Red ) { bool bRed = ( pLocalTFPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED ); m_pBGPanel_Blue->SetVisible( !bRed ); m_pBGPanel_Red->SetVisible( bRed ); } } } virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *scheme ) { LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/CoachedByPanel.res" ); BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( scheme ); m_pCoachNameLabel = dynamic_cast< vgui::Label* >( FindChildByName("CoachNameLabel") ); m_minCoachNameLabelWidth = 0; if ( m_pCoachNameLabel ) { m_minCoachNameLabelWidth = m_pCoachNameLabel->GetWide(); } m_pBGPanel_Blue = FindChildByName("Background_Blue"); m_pBGPanel_Red = FindChildByName("Background_Red"); if ( m_pBGPanel_Blue ) { m_pBGPanel_Blue->SetVisible( true ); } m_pAvatar = dynamic_cast<CAvatarImagePanel *>( FindChildByName("AvatarImage") ); UpdateUI(); } virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { C_TFPlayer *pLocalTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( pLocalTFPlayer == NULL || pLocalTFPlayer->m_hCoach == NULL ) { return; } const char *name = event->GetName(); if ( FStrEq( name, "localplayer_changeteam" ) || ( FStrEq( name, "player_changename" ) && event->GetInt( "userid" ) == pLocalTFPlayer->m_hCoach->GetUserID() ) ) { UpdateUI(); InvalidateLayout(); } } int HudElementKeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) { if ( !IsVisible() ) return 1; // key not handled if ( !down ) return 1; // key not handled C_TFPlayer *pLocalTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( pLocalTFPlayer != NULL && pLocalTFPlayer->m_hCoach != NULL ) { switch ( keynum ) { case KEY_F7: { PromptIfLikeCoach(); } break; case KEY_F8: { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgTFCoaching_RemoveCurrentCoach > msg( k_EMsgGCCoaching_RemoveCurrentCoach ); GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); return 0; } break; } } return 1; // key not handled } void UpdateUI() { C_TFPlayer *pLocalTFPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( pLocalTFPlayer == NULL || m_pCoachNameLabel == NULL || pLocalTFPlayer->m_hCoach == NULL ) { return; } C_TFPlayer *pCoachPlayer = pLocalTFPlayer->m_hCoach; const char* pCoachName = pCoachPlayer->GetPlayerName(); wchar_t wszPlayerName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(pCoachName, wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ) ); wchar_t wszText[ 256 ] = L""; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_Coach_Coach_Prefix" ), 1, wszPlayerName ); m_pCoachNameLabel->SetText( wszText ); if ( m_pAvatar ) { m_pAvatar->SetShouldDrawFriendIcon( false ); if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { CSteamID coachSteamID; if ( pCoachPlayer->GetSteamID( &coachSteamID ) ) { m_pAvatar->SetPlayer( coachSteamID, k_EAvatarSize64x64 ); } else { m_pAvatar->ClearAvatar(); } } } SetChildPanelVisible( this, "LikeCoachLabel", m_bCanLikeCoach ); } protected: CAvatarImagePanel *m_pAvatar; vgui::Label *m_pCoachNameLabel; vgui::Panel *m_pBGPanel_Blue; vgui::Panel *m_pBGPanel_Red; int m_minCoachNameLabelWidth; bool m_bCanLikeCoach; }; DECLARE_HUDELEMENT( CCoachedByPanel ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @return true if the coaching panel handled the input // false otherwise bool CoachingHandlesKeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding ) { CCoachedByPanel *pCoachingPanel = ( CCoachedByPanel * )GET_HUDELEMENT( CCoachedByPanel ); if ( pCoachingPanel ) { return pCoachingPanel->HudElementKeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding ) == 0; } return false; }