#!perl use File::Find; use File::Basename; $dir_to_run_on = shift; $max_size = shift; if ( (! length( $dir_to_run_on ) || (! $max_size ) ) ) { die "format is 'limit_vtf_sizes game_dir_to_run_on size'. maxisze -1 to unlimit"; } open(CMDOUT,">\runit.cmd"); find(\&ProcessFile, $dir_to_run_on); close CMDOUT; sub ProcessFile { local($_) = $File::Find::name; my $origname=$_; my $srcname; s@\\@/@g; if (/\.vtf$/i) # is a vtf? { next if (m@/hud/@i); # don't shrink hud textures next if (m@/vgui/@i); # don't shrink hud textures my $vtex_it=0; if ( s@game/(.*)/materials/@content/\1/materialsrc/@i ) { $srcname=$_; s/\.vtf$/\.txt/i; if (-e $_ ) { my $txtname=$_; # decide whether or not to add the limits open(TXTIN,$txtname) || die "can't open $_ for read something weird has happened"; my $txtout; my $should_add_it=1; while( <TXTIN>) { next if ( ( $max_size == -1) && (/maxwidth/i || /maxheight/i) ); # lose this line $txtout.=$_; $should_add_it = 0 if (/maxwidth/i || /maxheight/i || /nomip/i || /reduce/i ); } close TXTIN; if ($should_add_it ) { print `p4 edit $txtname`; open(TXTOUT,">$txtname"); print TXTOUT $txtout; print TXTOUT "maxwidth $max_size\nmaxheight $max_size\n" if ($max_size != -1); close TXTOUT; $vtex_it = 1; } } else { if (-d dirname($_) ) { print "$_ not found. Creating it\n"; open(TXTOUT,">$_" ) || die "can't create $_?"; print TXTOUT "maxwidth $max_size\nmaxheight $max_size\n" if( $max_size != -1); close TXTOUT; print `p4 add $_`; $vtex_it=1; } else { print "directory does not exist in content for $_\n"; } } } else { die "I dont understand the file $_ : bad path?"; } if ($vtex_it) { my $name=$srcname; $name=~s@\..*$@@; # kill extension $cmd="vtex -nopause $name"; $cmd=~s@/@\\@g; print "execute:$cmd\n"; print CMDOUT "$cmd\n"; # print `$cmd`."\n"; } } }