//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// A class representing a light

#ifndef DMELIGHT_H
#define DMELIGHT_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "movieobjects/dmedag.h"

// Forward declaration
struct LightDesc_t;

// A base class for lights
class CDmeLight : public CDmeDag
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeLight, CDmeDag );

	// Sets the color and intensity
	// NOTE: Color is specified 0-255 floating point.
	void SetColor( const Color &color );
	void SetIntensity( float flIntensity );

	// Sets up render state in the material system for rendering
	virtual void SetupRenderState( int nLightIndex );
	virtual bool GetLightDesc( LightDesc_t *pDesc ) { return false; }

	// Sets up render state in the material system for rendering
	void SetupRenderStateInternal( LightDesc_t &desc, float flAtten0, float flAtten1, float flAtten2 );

	CDmaVar< Color > m_Color;
	CDmaVar< float > m_flIntensity;

// A directional light
class CDmeDirectionalLight : public CDmeLight
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeDirectionalLight, CDmeLight );

	void SetDirection( const Vector &direction );
	const Vector &GetDirection() const { return m_Direction; }

	// Sets up render state in the material system for rendering
	virtual bool GetLightDesc( LightDesc_t *pDesc );

	CDmaVar<Vector> m_Direction;

// A point light
class CDmePointLight : public CDmeLight
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmePointLight, CDmeLight );

	void SetPosition( const Vector &pos ) { m_Position = pos; }
	const Vector &GetPosition() const { return m_Position; }

	// Sets the attenuation factors
	void SetAttenuation( float flConstant, float flLinear, float flQuadratic );

	// Sets the maximum range
	void SetMaxDistance( float flMaxDistance );

	// Sets up render state in the material system for rendering
	virtual bool GetLightDesc( LightDesc_t *pDesc );

	CDmaVar< Vector >	m_Position;
	CDmaVar< float >	m_flAttenuation0;
	CDmaVar< float >	m_flAttenuation1;
	CDmaVar< float >	m_flAttenuation2;
	CDmaVar< float >	m_flMaxDistance;

// A spot light
class CDmeSpotLight : public CDmePointLight
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeSpotLight, CDmePointLight );

	// Sets the spotlight direction
	void SetDirection( const Vector &direction );

	// Sets the spotlight angle factors
	// Angles are specified in degrees, as full angles (as opposed to half-angles)
	void SetAngles( float flInnerAngle, float flOuterAngle, float flAngularFalloff );

	// Sets up render state in the material system for rendering
	virtual bool GetLightDesc( LightDesc_t *pDesc );

	CDmaVar<Vector> m_Direction;
	CDmaVar<float>	m_flSpotInnerAngle;
	CDmaVar<float>	m_flSpotOuterAngle;
	CDmaVar<float>	m_flSpotAngularFalloff;

// An ambient light
class CDmeAmbientLight : public CDmeLight
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeAmbientLight, CDmeLight );

	// Sets up render state in the material system for rendering
	virtual void SetupRenderState( int nLightIndex );

#endif // DMELIGHT_H