//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#include "vgui_controls/ControllerMap.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/KeyCode.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

using namespace vgui;

struct keystring_t
	int code;
	const char *name;

static const keystring_t s_ControllerButtons[] = {	{ KEY_XBUTTON_UP,				"KEY_XBUTTON_UP" },
												{ KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN,				"KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN" },
												{ KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT,				"KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT" },
												{ KEY_XBUTTON_BACK,				"KEY_XBUTTON_BACK" },
												{ KEY_XBUTTON_A,				"KEY_XBUTTON_A" },
												{ KEY_XBUTTON_B,				"KEY_XBUTTON_B" },
												{ KEY_XBUTTON_X,				"KEY_XBUTTON_X" },
												{ KEY_XBUTTON_Y,				"KEY_XBUTTON_Y" },
												{ KEY_XSTICK1_UP,				"KEY_XSTICK1_UP" },
												{ KEY_XSTICK1_DOWN,				"KEY_XSTICK1_DOWN" },
												{ KEY_XSTICK1_LEFT,				"KEY_XSTICK1_LEFT" },
												{ KEY_XSTICK1_RIGHT,			"KEY_XSTICK1_RIGHT" },
												{ KEY_XSTICK2_UP,				"KEY_XSTICK2_UP" },
												{ KEY_XSTICK2_DOWN,				"KEY_XSTICK2_DOWN" },
												{ KEY_XSTICK2_LEFT,				"KEY_XSTICK2_LEFT" },
												{ KEY_XSTICK2_RIGHT,			"KEY_XSTICK2_RIGHT" } };

// Purpose: for the UtlMap
bool lessFunc( const int &lhs, const int &rhs )
	return lhs < rhs;

// Purpose: converts a button name string to the equivalent keycode
int StringToButtonCode( const char *name )
	for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( s_ControllerButtons ); ++i )
		if ( !Q_stricmp( s_ControllerButtons[i].name, name ) )
			return s_ControllerButtons[i].code;
	return -1;

// Purpose: intercepts the keycode from its parent, and handles it according to
//			the button map.  If the keycode isn't handled, it gets passed on to the parent.
void CControllerMap::OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode code )
	int idx = m_buttonMap.Find( code );
	if ( idx != m_buttonMap.InvalidIndex() )
		GetParent()->OnCommand( m_buttonMap[idx].cmd.String() );
		// Disable input before forwarding the message
		// so it doesn't feed back here again.
		SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
		GetParent()->OnKeyCodeTyped( code );
		SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true );

// Purpose: constructor
CControllerMap::CControllerMap( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name ) : BaseClass( parent, name )
	m_buttonMap.SetLessFunc( lessFunc );

// Purpose: sets up the button/command bindings
void CControllerMap::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
	BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );

	// loop through all the data adding items to the menu
	for (KeyValues *dat = inResourceData->GetFirstSubKey(); dat != NULL; dat = dat->GetNextKey())
		if ( !Q_stricmp( dat->GetName(), "button" ) )
			const char *buttonName = dat->GetString( "name", "" );
			int keycode = StringToButtonCode( buttonName );
			if ( keycode != -1 )
				button_t b;
				b.cmd = CUtlSymbol( dat->GetString( "command", "" ) );

				// text and icon are optional - their existence means this button
				// should be displayed in the footer panel.
				const char *helpText = dat->GetString( "text", NULL );
				if ( helpText )
					b.text = CUtlSymbol( helpText );
					b.icon = CUtlSymbol( dat->GetString( "icon", NULL ) );

				m_buttonMap.Insert( keycode, b );

// Purpose: gets the help text for a binding, if it exists
const char *CControllerMap::GetBindingText( int idx )
	CUtlSymbol s = m_buttonMap[idx].text;
	if ( s.IsValid() )
		return s.String();
	return NULL;

// Purpose: gets the icon for a binding, if it exists
const char *CControllerMap::GetBindingIcon( int idx )
	CUtlSymbol s = m_buttonMap[idx].icon;
	if ( s.IsValid() )
		return s.String();
	return NULL;