//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// // hltvdirector.cpp: implementation of the CHLTVDirector class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "cbase.h" #include "hltvdirector.h" #include "KeyValues.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static ConVar tv_delay( "tv_delay", "30", 0, "SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds", true, 0, true, HLTV_MAX_DELAY ); static ConVar tv_allow_static_shots( "tv_allow_static_shots", "1", 0, "Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots" ); static ConVar tv_allow_camera_man( "tv_allow_camera_man", "1", 0, "Auto director allows spectators to become camera man" ); static bool GameEventLessFunc( CHLTVGameEvent const &e1, CHLTVGameEvent const &e2 ) { return e1.m_Tick < e2.m_Tick; } #define RANDOM_MAX_ELEMENTS 256 static int s_RndOrder[RANDOM_MAX_ELEMENTS]; static void InitRandomOrder(int nFields) { if ( nFields > RANDOM_MAX_ELEMENTS ) { Assert( nFields > RANDOM_MAX_ELEMENTS ); nFields = RANDOM_MAX_ELEMENTS; } for ( int i=0; i<nFields; i++ ) { s_RndOrder[i]=i; } for ( int i=0; i<(nFields/2); i++ ) { int pos1 = RandomInt( 0, nFields-1 ); int pos2 = RandomInt( 0, nFields-1 ); int temp = s_RndOrder[pos1]; s_RndOrder[pos1] = s_RndOrder[pos2]; s_RndOrder[pos2] = temp; } }; static float WeightedAngle( Vector vec1, Vector vec2) { VectorNormalize( vec1 ); VectorNormalize( vec2 ); float a = DotProduct( vec1, vec2 ); // a = [-1,1] a = (a + 1.0f) / 2.0f; Assert ( a <= 1 && a >= 0 ); return a*a; // vectors are facing opposite direction } #if !defined( CSTRIKE_DLL ) && !defined( DOD_DLL ) && !defined( TF_DLL )// add your mod here if you use your own director static CHLTVDirector s_HLTVDirector; // singleton EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR(CHLTVDirector, IHLTVDirector, INTERFACEVERSION_HLTVDIRECTOR, s_HLTVDirector ); CHLTVDirector* HLTVDirector() { return &s_HLTVDirector; } IGameSystem* HLTVDirectorSystem() { return &s_HLTVDirector; } #endif // MODs CHLTVDirector::CHLTVDirector() { m_iPVSEntity = 0; m_fDelay = 30.0; m_iLastPlayer = 1; m_pHLTVServer = NULL; m_pHLTVClient = NULL; m_iCameraMan = 0; m_nNumFixedCameras = 0; m_EventHistory.SetLessFunc( GameEventLessFunc ); m_nNextAnalyzeTick = 0; m_iCameraManIndex = 0; } CHLTVDirector::~CHLTVDirector() { } bool CHLTVDirector::Init() { return gameeventmanager->LoadEventsFromFile( "resource/hltvevents.res" ) > 0; } void CHLTVDirector::Shutdown() { RemoveEventsFromHistory(-1); // all } void CHLTVDirector::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event ) { if ( !m_pHLTVServer ) return; // don't do anything CHLTVGameEvent gameevent; gameevent.m_Event = gameeventmanager->DuplicateEvent( event ); gameevent.m_Priority = event->GetInt( "priority", -1 ); // priorities are leveled between 0..10, -1 means ignore gameevent.m_Tick = gpGlobals->tickcount; m_EventHistory.Insert( gameevent ); } IHLTVServer* CHLTVDirector::GetHLTVServer( void ) { return m_pHLTVServer; } void CHLTVDirector::SetHLTVServer( IHLTVServer *hltv ) { RemoveEventsFromHistory(-1); // all if ( hltv ) { m_pHLTVClient = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( hltv->GetHLTVSlot() + 1 ); if ( m_pHLTVClient && m_pHLTVClient->IsHLTV() ) { m_pHLTVServer = hltv; } else { m_pHLTVServer = NULL; Error( "Couldn't find HLTV client player." ); } // register for events the director needs to know ListenForGameEvent( "player_hurt" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_death" ); ListenForGameEvent( "round_end" ); ListenForGameEvent( "round_start" ); ListenForGameEvent( "hltv_cameraman" ); ListenForGameEvent( "hltv_rank_entity" ); ListenForGameEvent( "hltv_rank_camera" ); } else { // deactivate HLTV director m_pHLTVServer = NULL; } } bool CHLTVDirector::IsActive( void ) { return (m_pHLTVServer != NULL ); } float CHLTVDirector::GetDelay( void ) { return m_fDelay; } int CHLTVDirector::GetDirectorTick( void ) { // just simple delay it return m_nBroadcastTick; } int CHLTVDirector::GetPVSEntity( void ) { return m_iPVSEntity; } Vector CHLTVDirector::GetPVSOrigin( void ) { return m_vPVSOrigin; } void CHLTVDirector::UpdateSettings() { // set delay m_fDelay = tv_delay.GetFloat(); int newBroadcastTick = gpGlobals->tickcount; if ( m_fDelay < HLTV_MIN_DIRECTOR_DELAY ) { // instant broadcast, no delay m_fDelay = 0.0; } else { // broadcast time is current time - delay time newBroadcastTick -= TIME_TO_TICKS( m_fDelay ); } if( (m_nBroadcastTick == 0) && (newBroadcastTick > 0) ) { // we start broadcasting right now, reset NextShotTimer m_nNextShotTick = 0; } // check if camera man is still valid if ( m_iCameraManIndex > 0 ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( m_iCameraManIndex ); if ( !pPlayer || pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { SetCameraMan( 0 ); } } m_nBroadcastTick = MAX( 0, newBroadcastTick ); } const char** CHLTVDirector::GetModEvents() { static const char *s_modevents[] = { "hltv_status", "hltv_chat", "player_connect", "player_disconnect", "player_team", "player_info", "server_cvar", "player_death", "player_chat", "round_start", "round_end", NULL }; return s_modevents; } void CHLTVDirector::BuildCameraList( void ) { m_nNumFixedCameras = 0; memset( m_pFixedCameras, 0, sizeof ( m_pFixedCameras ) ); CBaseEntity *pCamera = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, GetFixedCameraEntityName() ); while ( pCamera && m_nNumFixedCameras < MAX_NUM_CAMERAS) { CBaseEntity *pTarget = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, STRING(pCamera->m_target) ); if ( pTarget ) { // look at target if any given QAngle angles; VectorAngles( pTarget->GetAbsOrigin() - pCamera->GetAbsOrigin(), angles ); pCamera->SetAbsAngles( angles ); } m_pFixedCameras[m_nNumFixedCameras] = pCamera; m_nNumFixedCameras++; pCamera = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pCamera, GetFixedCameraEntityName() ); } } // this is called with every new map void CHLTVDirector::LevelInitPostEntity( void ) { BuildCameraList(); m_vPVSOrigin.Init(); m_iPVSEntity = 0; m_nNextShotTick = 0; m_nNextAnalyzeTick = 0; m_iCameraManIndex = 0; RemoveEventsFromHistory(-1); // all // DevMsg("HLTV Director: found %i fixed cameras.\n", m_nNumFixedCameras ); } void CHLTVDirector::FrameUpdatePostEntityThink( void ) { if ( !m_pHLTVServer ) return; // don't do anything // This function is called each tick UpdateSettings(); // update settings from cvars if ( (m_nNextAnalyzeTick < gpGlobals->tickcount) && (m_fDelay >= HLTV_MIN_DIRECTOR_DELAY) ) { m_nNextAnalyzeTick = gpGlobals->tickcount + TIME_TO_TICKS( 0.5f ); AnalyzePlayers(); AnalyzeCameras(); } if ( m_nBroadcastTick <= 0 ) { // game start is still in delay loop StartDelayMessage(); } else if ( m_nNextShotTick <= m_nBroadcastTick ) { // game is being broadcasted, generate camera shots StartNewShot(); } } void CHLTVDirector::StartDelayMessage() { if ( m_nNextShotTick > gpGlobals->tickcount ) return; // check the next 8 seconds for interrupts/important events m_nNextShotTick = gpGlobals->tickcount + TIME_TO_TICKS( DEF_SHOT_LENGTH ); // game hasn't started yet, we are still in the broadcast delay hole IGameEvent *msg = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hltv_message", true ); if ( msg ) { msg->SetString("text", "Please wait for broadcast to start ..." ); // send spectators the HLTV director command as a game event m_pHLTVServer->BroadcastEvent( msg ); gameeventmanager->FreeEvent( msg ); } StartBestFixedCameraShot( true ); } void CHLTVDirector::StartBestPlayerCameraShot() { float flPlayerRanking[MAX_PLAYERS]; memset( flPlayerRanking, 0, sizeof(flPlayerRanking) ); int firstIndex = FindFirstEvent( m_nBroadcastTick ); int index = firstIndex; float flBestRank = -1.0f; int iBestCamera = -1; int iBestTarget = -1; // sum all ranking values for the cameras while( index != m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) { CHLTVGameEvent &dc = m_EventHistory[index]; if ( dc.m_Tick >= m_nNextShotTick ) break; // search for camera ranking events if ( Q_strcmp( dc.m_Event->GetName(), "hltv_rank_entity") == 0 ) { int index = dc.m_Event->GetInt("index"); if ( index < MAX_PLAYERS ) { flPlayerRanking[index] += dc.m_Event->GetFloat("rank" ); // find best camera if ( flPlayerRanking[index] > flBestRank ) { iBestCamera = index; flBestRank = flPlayerRanking[index]; iBestTarget = dc.m_Event->GetInt("target"); } } } index = m_EventHistory.NextInorder( index ); } if ( iBestCamera != -1 ) { // view over shoulder, randomly left or right StartChaseCameraShot( iBestCamera, iBestTarget, 112.0f, 20, (RandomFloat()>0.5)?20:-20, false ); } else { StartBestFixedCameraShot( true ); } } void CHLTVDirector::StartFixedCameraShot(int iCamera, int iTarget) { CBaseEntity *pCamera = m_pFixedCameras[iCamera]; Vector vCamPos = pCamera->GetAbsOrigin(); QAngle aViewAngle = pCamera->GetAbsAngles(); m_iPVSEntity = 0; // don't use camera entity, since it may not been transmitted m_vPVSOrigin = vCamPos; IGameEvent *shot = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hltv_fixed", true ); if ( shot ) { shot->SetInt("posx", vCamPos.x ); shot->SetInt("posy", vCamPos.y ); shot->SetInt("posz", vCamPos.z ); shot->SetInt("theta", aViewAngle.x ); shot->SetInt("phi", aViewAngle.y ); shot->SetInt("target", iTarget ); shot->SetFloat("fov", RandomFloat(50,110) ); // send spectators the HLTV director command as a game event m_pHLTVServer->BroadcastEvent( shot ); gameeventmanager->FreeEvent( shot ); } } void CHLTVDirector::StartChaseCameraShot(int iTarget1, int iTarget2, int distance, int phi, int theta, bool bInEye) { IGameEvent *shot = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hltv_chase", true ); if ( !shot ) return; shot->SetInt("target1", iTarget1 ); shot->SetInt("target2", iTarget2 ); shot->SetInt("distance", distance ); shot->SetInt("phi", phi ); // hi/low shot->SetInt( "theta", theta ); // left/right shot->SetInt( "ineye", bInEye?1:0 ); m_iPVSEntity = iTarget1; // send spectators the HLTV director command as a game event m_pHLTVServer->BroadcastEvent( shot ); gameeventmanager->FreeEvent( shot ); } void CHLTVDirector::StartBestFixedCameraShot( bool bForce ) { float flCameraRanking[MAX_NUM_CAMERAS]; if ( m_nNumFixedCameras <= 0 ) return; memset( flCameraRanking, 0, sizeof(flCameraRanking) ); int firstIndex = FindFirstEvent( m_nBroadcastTick ); int index = firstIndex; float flBestRank = -1.0f; int iBestCamera = -1; int iBestTarget = -1; // sum all ranking values for the cameras while( index != m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) { CHLTVGameEvent &dc = m_EventHistory[index]; if ( dc.m_Tick >= m_nNextShotTick ) break; // search for camera ranking events if ( Q_strcmp( dc.m_Event->GetName(), "hltv_rank_camera") == 0 ) { int index = dc.m_Event->GetInt("index"); flCameraRanking[index] += dc.m_Event->GetFloat("rank" ); // find best camera if ( flCameraRanking[index] > flBestRank ) { iBestCamera = index; flBestRank = flCameraRanking[index]; iBestTarget = dc.m_Event->GetInt("target"); } } index = m_EventHistory.NextInorder( index ); } if ( !bForce && flBestRank == 0 ) { // if we are not forcing a fixed camera shot, switch to player chase came // if no camera shows any players StartBestPlayerCameraShot(); } else if ( iBestCamera != -1 ) { StartFixedCameraShot( iBestCamera, iBestTarget ); } } void CHLTVDirector::StartRandomShot() { int toTick = m_nBroadcastTick + TIME_TO_TICKS ( DEF_SHOT_LENGTH ); m_nNextShotTick = MIN( m_nNextShotTick, toTick ); if ( RandomFloat(0,1) < 0.25 && tv_allow_static_shots.GetBool() ) { // create a static shot from a level camera StartBestFixedCameraShot( false ); } else { // follow a player StartBestPlayerCameraShot(); } } void CHLTVDirector::CreateShotFromEvent( CHLTVGameEvent *event ) { // show event at least for 2 more seconds after it occured const char *name = event->m_Event->GetName(); bool bPlayerHurt = Q_strcmp( "player_hurt", name ) == 0; bool bPlayerKilled = Q_strcmp( "player_death", name ) == 0; bool bRoundStart = Q_strcmp( "round_start", name ) == 0; bool bRoundEnd = Q_strcmp( "round_end", name ) == 0; if ( bPlayerHurt || bPlayerKilled ) { CBaseEntity *victim = UTIL_PlayerByUserId( event->m_Event->GetInt("userid") ); CBaseEntity *attacker = UTIL_PlayerByUserId( event->m_Event->GetInt("attacker") ); if ( !victim ) return; if ( attacker == victim || attacker == NULL ) { // player killed self or by WORLD StartChaseCameraShot( victim->entindex(), 0, 96, 20, 0, false ); } else // attacker != NULL { // check if we would show it from ineye view bool bInEye = (bPlayerKilled && RandomFloat(0,1) > 0.33) || (bPlayerHurt && RandomFloat(0,1) > 0.66); // if we show ineye view, show it more likely from killer if ( RandomFloat(0,1) > (bInEye?0.3f:0.7f) ) { ::V_swap( attacker, victim ); } // hurting a victim is shown as chase more often // view from behind over head // lower view point, dramatic // view over shoulder, randomly left or right StartChaseCameraShot( victim->entindex(), attacker->entindex(), 96, -20, (RandomFloat()>0.5)?30:-30, bInEye ); } // shot 2 seconds after death/hurt m_nNextShotTick = MIN( m_nNextShotTick, (event->m_Tick+TIME_TO_TICKS(2.0)) ); } else if ( bRoundStart || bRoundEnd ) { StartBestFixedCameraShot( false ); } else { DevMsg( "No known TV shot for event %s\n", name ); } } void CHLTVDirector::CheckHistory() { int index = m_EventHistory.FirstInorder(); int lastTick = -1; while ( index != m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) { CHLTVGameEvent &dc = m_EventHistory[index]; Assert( lastTick <= dc.m_Tick ); lastTick = dc.m_Tick; index = m_EventHistory.NextInorder( index ); } } void CHLTVDirector::RemoveEventsFromHistory(int tick) { int index = m_EventHistory.FirstInorder(); while ( index != m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) { CHLTVGameEvent &dc = m_EventHistory[index]; if ( (dc.m_Tick < tick) || (tick == -1) ) { gameeventmanager->FreeEvent( dc.m_Event ); dc.m_Event = NULL; m_EventHistory.RemoveAt( index ); index = m_EventHistory.FirstInorder(); // start again } else { index = m_EventHistory.NextInorder( index ); } } #ifdef _DEBUG CheckHistory(); #endif } int CHLTVDirector::FindFirstEvent( int tick ) { // TODO cache last queried ticks int index = m_EventHistory.FirstInorder(); if ( index == m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) return index; // no commands in list CHLTVGameEvent *event = &m_EventHistory[index]; while ( event->m_Tick < tick ) { index = m_EventHistory.NextInorder( index ); if ( index == m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) break; event = &m_EventHistory[index]; } return index; } bool CHLTVDirector::SetCameraMan( int iPlayerIndex ) { if ( !tv_allow_camera_man.GetBool() ) return false; if ( m_iCameraManIndex == iPlayerIndex ) return true; // check if somebody else is already the camera man if ( m_iCameraManIndex != 0 && iPlayerIndex != 0 ) return false; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = NULL; if ( iPlayerIndex > 0 ) { pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ); if ( !pPlayer || pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) return false; } m_iCameraManIndex = iPlayerIndex; // create event for director event history IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hltv_cameraman" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt("index", iPlayerIndex ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } CRecipientFilter filter; for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR && !pPlayer->IsFakeClient() ) { filter.AddRecipient( pPlayer ); } } filter.MakeReliable(); if ( iPlayerIndex > 0 ) { // tell all spectators that the camera is in use. char szText[200]; Q_snprintf( szText, sizeof(szText), "SourceTV camera is now controlled by %s.", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() ); UTIL_ClientPrintFilter( filter, HUD_PRINTTALK, szText ); } else { // tell all spectators that the camera is available again. UTIL_ClientPrintFilter( filter, HUD_PRINTTALK, "SourceTV camera switched to auto-director mode." ); } return true; } void CHLTVDirector::FinishCameraManShot() { Assert( m_iCameraMan == m_iPVSEntity ); int index = FindFirstEvent( m_nBroadcastTick ); if ( index == m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) { // check next frame again if event history is empty m_nNextShotTick = m_nBroadcastTick+1; return; } m_nNextShotTick = m_nBroadcastTick + TIME_TO_TICKS( MIN_SHOT_LENGTH ); //check if camera turns camera off within broadcast time and game time while( index != m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) { CHLTVGameEvent &dc = m_EventHistory[index]; if ( dc.m_Tick >= m_nNextShotTick ) break; if ( Q_strcmp( dc.m_Event->GetName(), "hltv_cameraman") == 0 ) { int iNewCameraMan = dc.m_Event->GetInt("index"); if ( iNewCameraMan == 0 ) { // camera man switched camera off m_nNextShotTick = dc.m_Tick+1; m_iCameraMan = 0; return; } } index = m_EventHistory.NextInorder( index ); } // camera man is still recording and live, resend camera man message IGameEvent *msg = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hltv_cameraman", true ); if ( msg ) { msg->SetInt("index", m_iCameraMan ); m_pHLTVServer->BroadcastEvent( msg ); gameeventmanager->FreeEvent( msg ); } } bool CHLTVDirector::StartCameraManShot() { Assert( m_nNextShotTick <= m_nBroadcastTick ); int index = FindFirstEvent( m_nNextShotTick ); // check for cameraman mode while( index != m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) { CHLTVGameEvent &dc = m_EventHistory[index]; // only check if this is the current tick if ( dc.m_Tick > m_nBroadcastTick ) break; if ( Q_strcmp( dc.m_Event->GetName(), "hltv_cameraman") == 0 ) { if ( dc.m_Event->GetInt("index") > 0 ) { // ok, this guy is now the active camera man m_iCameraMan = dc.m_Event->GetInt("index"); m_iPVSEntity = m_iCameraMan; m_nNextShotTick = m_nBroadcastTick+1; // check setting right on next frame // send camera man command to client m_pHLTVServer->BroadcastEvent( dc.m_Event ); return true; } } index = m_EventHistory.NextInorder( index ); } return false; // no camera man found } void CHLTVDirector::StartInstantBroadcastShot() { m_nNextShotTick = m_nBroadcastTick + TIME_TO_TICKS( MAX_SHOT_LENGTH ); if ( m_iCameraManIndex > 0 ) { // camera man is still recording and live, resend camera man message IGameEvent *msg = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hltv_cameraman", true ); if ( msg ) { msg->SetInt("index", m_iCameraManIndex ); m_pHLTVServer->BroadcastEvent( msg ); gameeventmanager->FreeEvent( msg ); m_iPVSEntity = m_iCameraManIndex; m_nNextShotTick = m_nBroadcastTick+TIME_TO_TICKS( MIN_SHOT_LENGTH ); } } else { RemoveEventsFromHistory(-1); // all AnalyzePlayers(); AnalyzeCameras(); StartRandomShot(); } } void CHLTVDirector::StartNewShot() { // we can remove all events the int smallestTick = MAX(0, gpGlobals->tickcount - TIME_TO_TICKS(HLTV_MAX_DELAY) ); RemoveEventsFromHistory( smallestTick ); // if the delay time is to short for autodirector, just show next best thing if ( m_fDelay < HLTV_MIN_DIRECTOR_DELAY ) { StartInstantBroadcastShot(); return; } if ( m_iCameraMan > 0 ) { // we already have an active camera man, // wait until he releases the "record" lock FinishCameraManShot(); return; } if ( StartCameraManShot() ) { // now we have an active camera man return; } // ok, no camera man active, now check how much time // we have for the next shot, if the time diff to the next // important event we have to switch to is too short (<2sec) // just extent the current shot and don't start a new one // check the next 8 seconds for interrupts/important events m_nNextShotTick = m_nBroadcastTick + TIME_TO_TICKS( MAX_SHOT_LENGTH ); if ( m_nBroadcastTick <= 0 ) { // game hasn't started yet, we are still in the broadcast delay hole IGameEvent *msg = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hltv_message", true ); if ( msg ) { msg->SetString("text", "Please wait for broadcast to start ..." ); // send spectators the HLTV director command as a game event m_pHLTVServer->BroadcastEvent( msg ); gameeventmanager->FreeEvent( msg ); } StartBestFixedCameraShot( true ); return; } int index = FindFirstEvent( m_nBroadcastTick ); while( index != m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) { CHLTVGameEvent &dc = m_EventHistory[index]; if ( dc.m_Tick >= m_nNextShotTick ) break; // we have searched enough // a camera man is always interrupting auto director if ( Q_strcmp( dc.m_Event->GetName(), "hltv_cameraman") == 0 ) { if ( dc.m_Event->GetInt("index") > 0 ) { // stop the next cut when this cameraman starts recording m_nNextShotTick = dc.m_Tick; break; } } index = m_EventHistory.NextInorder( index ); } float flDuration = TICKS_TO_TIME(m_nNextShotTick - m_nBroadcastTick); if ( flDuration < MIN_SHOT_LENGTH ) return; // not enough time for a new shot // find the most interesting game event for next shot CHLTVGameEvent *dc = FindBestGameEvent(); if ( dc ) { // show the game event CreateShotFromEvent( dc ); } else { // no interesting events found, start random shot StartRandomShot(); } } CHLTVGameEvent *CHLTVDirector::FindBestGameEvent() { int bestEvent[4]; int bestEventPrio[4]; Q_memset( bestEvent, 0, sizeof(bestEvent) ); Q_memset( bestEventPrio, 0, sizeof(bestEventPrio) ); int index = FindFirstEvent( m_nBroadcastTick ); // search for next 4 best events within next 8 seconds for (int i = 0; i<4; i ++) { bestEventPrio[i] = 0; bestEvent[i] = 0; int tillTick = m_nBroadcastTick + TIME_TO_TICKS( 2.0f*(1.0f+i) ); if ( tillTick > m_nNextShotTick ) break; // sum all action for the next time while ( index != m_EventHistory.InvalidIndex() ) { CHLTVGameEvent &event = m_EventHistory[index]; if ( event.m_Tick > tillTick ) break; int priority = event.m_Priority; if ( priority > bestEventPrio[i] ) { bestEvent[i] = index; bestEventPrio[i] = priority; } index = m_EventHistory.NextInorder( index ); } } if ( !( bestEventPrio[0] || bestEventPrio[1] || bestEventPrio[2] ) ) return NULL; // no event found at all, give generic algorithm a chance // camera cut rules : if ( bestEventPrio[1] >= bestEventPrio[0] && bestEventPrio[1] >= bestEventPrio[2] && bestEventPrio[1] >= bestEventPrio[3] ) { return &m_EventHistory[ bestEvent[1] ]; // best case } else if ( bestEventPrio[0] > bestEventPrio[1] && bestEventPrio[0] > bestEventPrio[2] ) { return &m_EventHistory[ bestEvent[0] ]; // event 0 is very important } else if ( bestEventPrio[2] > bestEventPrio[3] ) { return &m_EventHistory[ bestEvent[2] ]; } else { // event 4 is the best but too far away, so show event 1 if ( bestEvent[0] ) return &m_EventHistory[ bestEvent[0] ]; else return NULL; } } void CHLTVDirector::AnalyzeCameras() { InitRandomOrder( m_nNumFixedCameras ); for ( int i = 0; i<m_nNumFixedCameras; i++ ) { int iCameraIndex = s_RndOrder[i]; CBaseEntity *pCamera = m_pFixedCameras[ iCameraIndex ]; float flRank = 0.0f; int iClosestPlayer = 0; float flClosestPlayerDist = 100000.0f; int nCount = 0; // Number of visible targets Vector vDistribution; vDistribution.Init(); // distribution of targets Vector vCamPos = pCamera->GetAbsOrigin(); for ( int j=0; j<m_nNumActivePlayers; j++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = m_pActivePlayers[j]; Vector vPlayerPos = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); float dist = VectorLength( vPlayerPos - vCamPos ); if ( dist > 1024.0f || dist < 4.0f ) continue; // too colse or far away // check visibility trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( vCamPos, pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), MASK_SOLID, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 ) continue; // not visible for camera nCount++; // remember closest player if ( dist < flClosestPlayerDist ) { iClosestPlayer = pPlayer->entindex(); flClosestPlayerDist = dist; } Vector v1; AngleVectors( pPlayer->EyeAngles(), &v1 ); // check players orientation towards camera Vector v2 = vCamPos - vPlayerPos; VectorNormalize( v2 ); // player/camera cost function: flRank += ( 1.0f/sqrt(dist) ) * WeightedAngle( v1, v2 ); vDistribution += v2; } if ( nCount > 0 ) { // normalize distribution flRank *= VectorLength( vDistribution ) / nCount; } IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent("hltv_rank_camera"); if ( event ) { event->SetFloat("rank", flRank ); event->SetInt("index", iCameraIndex ); // index in m_pFixedCameras event->SetInt("target", iClosestPlayer ); // ent index gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } } void CHLTVDirector::BuildActivePlayerList() { // first build list of all active players m_nNumActivePlayers = 0; for ( int i =1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; if ( !pPlayer->IsAlive() ) continue; if ( pPlayer->IsObserver() ) continue; if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() <= TEAM_SPECTATOR ) continue; m_pActivePlayers[m_nNumActivePlayers] = pPlayer; m_nNumActivePlayers++; } } void CHLTVDirector::AnalyzePlayers() { // build list of current active players BuildActivePlayerList(); // analyzes every active player InitRandomOrder( m_nNumActivePlayers ); for ( int i = 0; i<m_nNumActivePlayers; i++ ) { int iPlayerIndex = s_RndOrder[i]; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = m_pActivePlayers[ iPlayerIndex ]; float flRank = 0.0f; int iBestFacingPlayer = 0; float flBestFacingPlayer = 0.0f; int nCount = 0; // Number of visible targets Vector vDistribution; vDistribution.Init(); // distribution of targets Vector vCamPos = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector v1; AngleVectors( pPlayer->EyeAngles(), &v1 ); v1 *= -1; // inverted for ( int j=0; j<m_nNumActivePlayers; j++ ) { if ( iPlayerIndex == j ) continue; // don't check against itself CBasePlayer *pOtherPlayer = m_pActivePlayers[j]; Vector vPlayerPos = pOtherPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); float dist = VectorLength( vPlayerPos - vCamPos ); if ( dist > 1024.0f || dist < 4.0f ) continue; // too close or far away // check visibility trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( vCamPos, pOtherPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), MASK_SOLID, pOtherPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 ) continue; // not visible for camera nCount++; // check players orientation towards camera Vector v2; AngleVectors( pOtherPlayer->EyeAngles(), &v2 ); float facing = WeightedAngle( v1, v2 ); // remember closest player if ( facing > flBestFacingPlayer ) { iBestFacingPlayer = pOtherPlayer->entindex(); flBestFacingPlayer = facing; } // player/camera cost function: flRank += ( 1.0f/sqrt(dist) ) * facing; vDistribution += v2; } if ( nCount > 0 ) { float flDistribution = VectorLength( vDistribution ) / nCount; // normalize distribution flRank *= flDistribution; } IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent("hltv_rank_entity"); if ( event ) { event->SetInt("index", pPlayer->entindex() ); event->SetFloat("rank", flRank ); event->SetInt("target", iBestFacingPlayer ); // ent index gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } }