//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #ifndef TEAM_CONTROL_POINT_MASTER_H #define TEAM_CONTROL_POINT_MASTER_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "utlmap.h" #include "team.h" #include "teamplay_gamerules.h" #include "team_control_point.h" #include "trigger_area_capture.h" #include "team_objectiveresource.h" #include "team_control_point_round.h" #define CPM_THINK "CTeamControlPointMasterCPMThink" #define CPM_POSTINITTHINK "CTeamControlPointMasterCPMPostInitThink" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: One ControlPointMaster is spawned per level. Shortly after spawning it detects all the Control // points in the map and puts them into the m_ControlPoints. From there it detects the state // where all points are captured and resets them if necessary It gives points every time interval to // the owners of the points //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CTeamControlPointMaster : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CTeamControlPointMaster, CBaseEntity ); // Derived, game-specific control point masters must override these functions public: CTeamControlPointMaster(); // Used to find game specific entities virtual const char *GetControlPointName( void ) { return "team_control_point"; } virtual const char *GetControlPointRoundName( void ) { return "team_control_point_round"; } public: virtual void Spawn( void ); virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void ); virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); virtual void Precache( void ); virtual void Activate( void ); void RoundRespawn( void ); void Reset( void ); int GetNumPoints( void ){ return m_ControlPoints.Count(); } int GetNumPointsOwnedByTeam( int iTeam ); int CalcNumRoundsRemaining( int iTeam ); bool IsActive( void ) { return ( m_bDisabled == false ); } void FireTeamWinOutput( int iWinningTeam ); bool IsInRound( CTeamControlPoint *pPoint ); void CheckWinConditions( void ); bool WouldNewCPOwnerWinGame( CTeamControlPoint *pPoint, int iNewOwner ); int GetBaseControlPoint( int iTeam ); bool IsBaseControlPoint( int iPointIndex ); bool PlayingMiniRounds( void ){ return ( m_ControlPointRounds.Count() > 0 ); } int GetNumRounds( void ) { return m_ControlPointRounds.Count(); } const CTeamControlPointRound* GetRoundByIndex( int nIndex ) const; float PointLastContestedAt( int point ); CTeamControlPoint *GetControlPoint( int point ) { Assert( point >= 0 ); Assert( point < MAX_CONTROL_POINTS ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_ControlPoints.Count(); i++ ) { CTeamControlPoint *pPoint = m_ControlPoints[i]; if ( pPoint && pPoint->GetPointIndex() == point ) return pPoint; } return NULL; } CTeamControlPointRound *GetCurrentRound( void ) { if ( !PlayingMiniRounds() || m_iCurrentRoundIndex == -1 ) { return NULL; } return m_ControlPointRounds[m_iCurrentRoundIndex]; } string_t GetRoundToUseAfterRestart( void ) { int nCurrentPriority = -1; int nHighestPriority = -1; string_t nRetVal = NULL_STRING; if ( PlayingMiniRounds() && GetCurrentRound() ) { nCurrentPriority = GetCurrentRound()->GetPriorityValue(); nHighestPriority = GetHighestRoundPriorityValue(); // if the current round has the highest priority, then use it again if ( nCurrentPriority == nHighestPriority ) { nRetVal = GetCurrentRound()->GetEntityName(); } } return nRetVal; } void FireRoundStartOutput( void ); void FireRoundEndOutput( void ); bool ShouldScorePerCapture( void ){ return m_bScorePerCapture; } bool ShouldPlayAllControlPointRounds( void ){ return m_bPlayAllRounds; } int NumPlayableControlPointRounds( void ); // checks to see if there are any more rounds to play (but doesn't actually "get" one to play) #ifdef STAGING_ONLY void ListRounds( void ); #endif float GetPartialCapturePointRate( void ); void SetLastOwnershipChangeTime( float m_flTime ) { m_flLastOwnershipChangeTime = m_flTime; } float GetLastOwnershipChangeTime( void ) { return m_flLastOwnershipChangeTime; } int GetCurrentRoundIndex() { return m_iCurrentRoundIndex; } bool ShouldSwitchTeamsOnRoundWin( void ) { return m_bSwitchTeamsOnWin; } private: void EXPORT CPMThink( void ); void SetBaseControlPoints( void ); int TeamOwnsAllPoints( CTeamControlPoint *pOverridePoint = NULL, int iOverrideNewTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED ); bool FindControlPoints( void ); // look in the map to find active control points bool FindControlPointRounds( void ); // look in the map to find active control point rounds bool GetControlPointRoundToPlay( void ); // gets the next round we should play bool SelectSpecificRound( void ); // selects a specific round to play int GetHighestRoundPriorityValue( void ) { int nRetVal = -1; // rounds are sorted with the higher priority rounds first for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_ControlPointRounds.Count() ; ++i ) { CTeamControlPointRound *pRound = m_ControlPointRounds[i]; if ( pRound ) { if ( pRound->GetPriorityValue() > nRetVal ) { nRetVal = pRound->GetPriorityValue(); } } } return nRetVal; } void RegisterRoundBeingPlayed( void ); CUtlMap<int, CTeamControlPoint *> m_ControlPoints; bool m_bFoundPoints; // true when the control points have been found and the array is initialized CUtlVector<CTeamControlPointRound *> m_ControlPointRounds; int m_iCurrentRoundIndex; DECLARE_DATADESC(); bool m_bDisabled; void InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputRoundSpawn( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputRoundActivate( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetWinner( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetWinnerAndForceCaps( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetCapLayout( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetCapLayoutCustomPositionX( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetCapLayoutCustomPositionY( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InternalSetWinner( int iTeam ); void HandleRandomOwnerControlPoints( void ); string_t m_iszTeamBaseIcons[MAX_TEAMS]; int m_iTeamBaseIcons[MAX_TEAMS]; string_t m_iszCapLayoutInHUD; float m_flCustomPositionX; float m_flCustomPositionY; int m_iInvalidCapWinner; bool m_bSwitchTeamsOnWin; bool m_bScorePerCapture; bool m_bPlayAllRounds; bool m_bFirstRoundAfterRestart; COutputEvent m_OnWonByTeam1; COutputEvent m_OnWonByTeam2; float m_flPartialCapturePointsRate; float m_flLastOwnershipChangeTime; }; extern CUtlVector< CHandle<CTeamControlPointMaster> > g_hControlPointMasters; #endif // TEAM_CONTROL_POINT_MASTER_H