//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Pulling CCollisionEvent's definition out of physics.cpp so it can be abstracted upon (for the portal mod) // // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #ifndef PHYSICS_COLLISIONEVENT_H #define PHYSICS_COLLISIONEVENT_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "physics.h" #include "tier1/callqueue.h" extern CCallQueue g_PostSimulationQueue; struct damageevent_t { CBaseEntity *pEntity; IPhysicsObject *pInflictorPhysics; CTakeDamageInfo info; bool bRestoreVelocity; }; struct inflictorstate_t { Vector savedVelocity; AngularImpulse savedAngularVelocity; IPhysicsObject *pInflictorPhysics; float otherMassMax; short nextIndex; short restored; }; enum { COLLSTATE_ENABLED = 0, COLLSTATE_TRYDISABLE = 1, COLLSTATE_TRYNPCSOLVER = 2, COLLSTATE_TRYENTITYSOLVER = 3, COLLSTATE_DISABLED = 4 }; struct penetrateevent_t { EHANDLE hEntity0; EHANDLE hEntity1; float startTime; float timeStamp; int collisionState; }; class CCollisionEvent : public IPhysicsCollisionEvent, public IPhysicsCollisionSolver, public IPhysicsObjectEvent { public: CCollisionEvent(); friction_t *FindFriction( CBaseEntity *pObject ); void ShutdownFriction( friction_t &friction ); void FrameUpdate(); void LevelShutdown( void ); // IPhysicsCollisionEvent void PreCollision( vcollisionevent_t *pEvent ); void PostCollision( vcollisionevent_t *pEvent ); void Friction( IPhysicsObject *pObject, float energy, int surfaceProps, int surfacePropsHit, IPhysicsCollisionData *pData ); void StartTouch( IPhysicsObject *pObject1, IPhysicsObject *pObject2, IPhysicsCollisionData *pTouchData ); void EndTouch( IPhysicsObject *pObject1, IPhysicsObject *pObject2, IPhysicsCollisionData *pTouchData ); void FluidStartTouch( IPhysicsObject *pObject, IPhysicsFluidController *pFluid ); void FluidEndTouch( IPhysicsObject *pObject, IPhysicsFluidController *pFluid ); void PostSimulationFrame(); void ObjectEnterTrigger( IPhysicsObject *pTrigger, IPhysicsObject *pObject ); void ObjectLeaveTrigger( IPhysicsObject *pTrigger, IPhysicsObject *pObject ); bool GetTriggerEvent( triggerevent_t *pEvent, CBaseEntity *pTriggerEntity ); void BufferTouchEvents( bool enable ) { m_bBufferTouchEvents = enable; } virtual void AddDamageEvent( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const CTakeDamageInfo &info, IPhysicsObject *pInflictorPhysics, bool bRestoreVelocity, const Vector &savedVel, const AngularImpulse &savedAngVel ); void AddImpulseEvent( IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject, const Vector &vecCenterForce, const AngularImpulse &vecCenterTorque ); void AddSetVelocityEvent( IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject, const Vector &vecVelocity ); void AddRemoveObject(IServerNetworkable *pRemove); void FlushQueuedOperations(); // IPhysicsCollisionSolver int ShouldCollide( IPhysicsObject *pObj0, IPhysicsObject *pObj1, void *pGameData0, void *pGameData1 ); int ShouldSolvePenetration( IPhysicsObject *pObj0, IPhysicsObject *pObj1, void *pGameData0, void *pGameData1, float dt ); bool ShouldFreezeObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject ); static const char *ModuleName() { return CBaseEntity::IsServer() ? "SERVER" : "CLIENT"; } int AdditionalCollisionChecksThisTick( int currentChecksDone ) { //CallbackContext check(this); if ( currentChecksDone < 1200 ) { DevMsg(1,"%s: VPhysics Collision detection getting expensive, check for too many convex pieces!\n", ModuleName()); return 1200 - currentChecksDone; } DevMsg(1,"%s: VPhysics exceeded collision check limit (%d)!!!\nInterpenetration may result!\n", ModuleName(), currentChecksDone ); return 0; } bool ShouldFreezeContacts( IPhysicsObject **pObjectList, int objectCount ); // IPhysicsObjectEvent // these can be used to optimize out queries on sleeping objects // Called when an object is woken after sleeping virtual void ObjectWake( IPhysicsObject *pObject ); // called when an object goes to sleep (no longer simulating) virtual void ObjectSleep( IPhysicsObject *pObject ); // locals bool GetInflictorVelocity( IPhysicsObject *pInflictor, Vector &velocity, AngularImpulse &angVelocity ); void GetListOfPenetratingEntities( CBaseEntity *pSearch, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> &list ); bool IsInCallback() { return m_inCallback > 0 ? true : false; } private: #if _DEBUG int ShouldCollide_2( IPhysicsObject *pObj0, IPhysicsObject *pObj1, void *pGameData0, void *pGameData1 ); #endif void UpdateFrictionSounds(); void UpdateTouchEvents(); void UpdateDamageEvents(); void UpdatePenetrateEvents( void ); void UpdateFluidEvents(); void UpdateRemoveObjects(); void AddTouchEvent( CBaseEntity *pEntity0, CBaseEntity *pEntity1, int touchType, const Vector &point, const Vector &normal ); penetrateevent_t &FindOrAddPenetrateEvent( CBaseEntity *pEntity0, CBaseEntity *pEntity1 ); float DeltaTimeSinceLastFluid( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); void RestoreDamageInflictorState( IPhysicsObject *pInflictor ); void RestoreDamageInflictorState( int inflictorStateIndex, float velocityBlend ); int AddDamageInflictor( IPhysicsObject *pInflictorPhysics, float otherMass, const Vector &savedVel, const AngularImpulse &savedAngVel, bool addList ); int FindDamageInflictor( IPhysicsObject *pInflictorPhysics ); // make the call into the entity system void DispatchStartTouch( CBaseEntity *pEntity0, CBaseEntity *pEntity1, const Vector &point, const Vector &normal ); void DispatchEndTouch( CBaseEntity *pEntity0, CBaseEntity *pEntity1 ); class CallbackContext { public: CallbackContext(CCollisionEvent *pOuter) { m_pOuter = pOuter; m_pOuter->m_inCallback++; } ~CallbackContext() { m_pOuter->m_inCallback--; } private: CCollisionEvent *m_pOuter; }; friend class CallbackContext; friction_t m_current[4]; gamevcollisionevent_t m_gameEvent; CUtlVector<triggerevent_t> m_triggerEvents; triggerevent_t m_currentTriggerEvent; CUtlVector<touchevent_t> m_touchEvents; CUtlVector<damageevent_t> m_damageEvents; CUtlVector<inflictorstate_t> m_damageInflictors; CUtlVector<penetrateevent_t> m_penetrateEvents; CUtlVector<fluidevent_t> m_fluidEvents; CUtlVector<IServerNetworkable *> m_removeObjects; int m_inCallback; int m_lastTickFrictionError; // counter to control printing of the dev warning for large contact systems bool m_bBufferTouchEvents; }; #endif //#ifndef PHYSICS_COLLISIONEVENT_H