//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//

#include "cbase.h"

#include "SelectionTool.h"
#include "nav_mesh.h"
#include "nav_pathfind.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"


using namespace vgui;

SelectionToolPanel::SelectionToolPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *toolName ) : CNavUIToolPanel( parent, toolName )
	LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/NavTools/SelectionTool.res" );

void SelectionToolPanel::Init( void )
	m_dragType = DRAG_NONE;

void SelectionToolPanel::Shutdown( void )

void SelectionToolPanel::PerformLayout( void )
	Panel *parent = GetParent();
	if ( parent )
		int w, h;
		parent->GetSize( w, h );
		SetBounds( 0, 0, w, h );


void SelectionToolPanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
	if ( FStrEq( "FloodSelect", command ) )
		TheNavUI()->SetLeftClickAction( "Selection::Flood", "Flood Select" );

	BaseClass::OnCommand( command );

void SelectionToolPanel::OnCursorMoved( int x, int y )
	CNavArea *area = TheNavMesh->GetSelectedArea();
	if ( area )
		bool selected = TheNavMesh->IsInSelectedSet( area );

		if ( selected && m_dragType == DRAG_UNSELECT )
			TheNavMesh->RemoveFromSelectedSet( area );
			TheNavUI()->PlaySound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" );
		else if ( !selected && m_dragType == DRAG_SELECT )
			TheNavMesh->AddToSelectedSet( area );
			TheNavUI()->PlaySound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" );
	BaseClass::OnCursorMoved( x, y );

class FloodSelectionCollector
	FloodSelectionCollector( SelectionToolPanel *panel )
		m_count = 0;
		m_panel = panel;

	bool operator() ( CNavArea *area )
		// already selected areas terminate flood select
		if ( TheNavMesh->IsInSelectedSet( area ) )
			return false;

		if ( !m_panel->IsFloodSelectable( area ) )
			return false;

		TheNavMesh->AddToSelectedSet( area );

		return true;

	int m_count;

	SelectionToolPanel *m_panel;

bool SelectionToolPanel::IsFloodSelectable( CNavArea *area )
	if ( IsCheckButtonChecked( "Place" ) )
		if ( m_floodStartArea->GetPlace() != area->GetPlace() )
			return false;

	if ( IsCheckButtonChecked( "Jump" ) )
		if ( (m_floodStartArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP) != (area->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP) )
			return false;

	return true;

void SelectionToolPanel::FloodSelect( void )
	m_floodStartArea = TheNavMesh->GetSelectedArea();
	if ( m_floodStartArea )
		TheNavUI()->PlaySound( "EDIT_DELETE" );

		int connections = INCLUDE_BLOCKED_AREAS;

		if ( IsCheckButtonChecked( "Incoming" ) )
			connections = connections | INCLUDE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS;

		if ( !IsCheckButtonChecked( "Outgoing" ) )
			connections = connections | EXCLUDE_OUTGOING_CONNECTIONS;

		// collect all areas connected to this area
		FloodSelectionCollector collector( this );
		SearchSurroundingAreas( m_floodStartArea, m_floodStartArea->GetCenter(), collector, -1, connections );

		Msg( "Selected %d areas.\n", collector.m_count );
	m_floodStartArea = NULL;

	TheNavMesh->SetMarkedArea( NULL );			// unmark the mark area

void SelectionToolPanel::StartLeftClickAction( const char *actionName )
	if ( FStrEq( actionName, "Selection::Flood" ) )
		TheNavUI()->SetLeftClickAction( "", "" );
	else if ( FStrEq( actionName, "Selection::Select" ) )
		CNavArea *area = TheNavMesh->GetSelectedArea();
		if ( area )
			if ( TheNavMesh->IsInSelectedSet( area ) )
				TheNavMesh->RemoveFromSelectedSet( area );
				m_dragType = DRAG_UNSELECT;
				TheNavMesh->AddToSelectedSet( area );
				m_dragType = DRAG_SELECT;
			TheNavUI()->PlaySound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" );

void SelectionToolPanel::FinishLeftClickAction( const char *actionName )
	m_dragType = DRAG_NONE;

void SelectionToolPanel::StartRightClickAction( const char *actionName )
	if ( m_dragType != DRAG_NONE )
		TheNavUI()->PlaySound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" );
		m_dragType = DRAG_NONE;

	if ( FStrEq( actionName, "Selection::ClearSelection" ) )
		if ( FStrEq( TheNavUI()->GetLeftClickAction(), "Selection::Select" ) )
			if ( TheNavMesh->GetSelecteSetSize() > 0 )
				TheNavUI()->PlaySound( "EDIT_END_AREA.Creating" );
			TheNavUI()->SetLeftClickAction( "", "" );

