//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #ifndef C_TF_PLAYER_H #define C_TF_PLAYER_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "tf_playeranimstate.h" #include "c_baseplayer.h" #include "tf_shareddefs.h" #include "baseparticleentity.h" #include "tf_player_shared.h" #include "c_tf_playerclass.h" #include "tf_item.h" #include "props_shared.h" #include "hintsystem.h" #include "c_playerattachedmodel.h" #include "c_playerrelativemodel.h" #include "iinput.h" #include "ihasattributes.h" #include "GameEventListener.h" #include "tf_item_inventory.h" #include "c_tf_mvm_boss_progress_user.h" #include "c_te_legacytempents.h" class C_MuzzleFlashModel; class C_BaseObject; class C_TFRagdoll; class C_TFWearable; class C_CaptureZone; class C_MerasmusBombEffect; class CTFReviveDialog; class C_TFDroppedWeapon; class C_PasstimePlayerReticle; class C_PasstimeAskForBallReticle; extern ConVar tf_medigun_autoheal; extern ConVar cl_autorezoom; extern ConVar cl_autoreload; enum EBonusEffectFilter_t { kEffectFilter_AttackerOnly, kEffectFilter_AttackerTeam, kEffectFilter_VictimOnly, kEffectFilter_VictimTeam, kEffectFilter_AttackerAndVictimOnly, kEffectFilter_BothTeams, }; struct BonusEffect_t { BonusEffect_t( const char* pszSoundName, const char* pszParticleName, EBonusEffectFilter_t eParticleFilter, EBonusEffectFilter_t eSoundFilter, bool bPlaySoundInAttackersEars ) : m_pszSoundName( pszSoundName ) , m_pszParticleName( pszParticleName ) , m_eParticleFilter( eParticleFilter ) , m_eSoundFilter( eSoundFilter ) , m_bPlaySoundInAttackersEars( bPlaySoundInAttackersEars ) {} const char* m_pszSoundName; const char* m_pszParticleName; EBonusEffectFilter_t m_eParticleFilter; EBonusEffectFilter_t m_eSoundFilter; bool m_bPlaySoundInAttackersEars; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class C_TFPlayer : public C_BasePlayer, public IHasAttributes, public IInventoryUpdateListener, public C_TFMvMBossProgressUser { public: DECLARE_CLASS( C_TFPlayer, C_BasePlayer ); DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS(); DECLARE_PREDICTABLE(); DECLARE_INTERPOLATION(); C_TFPlayer(); ~C_TFPlayer(); virtual void Spawn(); static C_TFPlayer* GetLocalTFPlayer(); virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void ); virtual const QAngle& GetRenderAngles(); virtual void UpdateClientSideAnimation(); virtual void SetDormant( bool bDormant ); virtual void OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual void ProcessMuzzleFlashEvent(); virtual void ValidateModelIndex( void ); void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); virtual Vector GetObserverCamOrigin( void ); virtual int DrawModel( int flags ); virtual void ApplyBoneMatrixTransform( matrix3x4_t& transform ); virtual void BuildTransformations( CStudioHdr *hdr, Vector *pos, Quaternion q[], const matrix3x4_t& cameraTransform, int boneMask, CBoneBitList &boneComputed ); virtual bool CreateMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *pCmd ) OVERRIDE; void CreateVehicleMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *pCmd ); virtual bool IsAllowedToSwitchWeapons( void ); void StopViewModelParticles( C_BaseEntity *pParticleEnt ); virtual void ClientThink(); // Deal with recording virtual void GetToolRecordingState( KeyValues *msg ); CTFWeaponBase *GetActiveTFWeapon( void ) const; bool IsActiveTFWeapon( CEconItemDefinition *weaponHandle ) const; bool IsActiveTFWeapon( const CSchemaItemDefHandle &weaponHandle ) const; virtual void Simulate( void ); virtual void FireEvent( const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, int event, const char *options ) OVERRIDE; virtual void UpdateStepSound( surfacedata_t *psurface, const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &vecVelocity ) OVERRIDE; CNewParticleEffect *SpawnHalloweenSpellFootsteps( ParticleAttachment_t eParticleAttachment, int iHalloweenFootstepType ); void FireBullet( CTFWeaponBase *pWpn, const FireBulletsInfo_t &info, bool bDoEffects, int nDamageType, int nCustomDamageType = TF_DMG_CUSTOM_NONE ); void ImpactWaterTrace( trace_t &trace, const Vector &vecStart ); bool CanAttack( int iCanAttackFlags = 0 ); const C_TFPlayerClass *GetPlayerClass( void ) const { return &m_PlayerClass; } C_TFPlayerClass *GetPlayerClass( void ) { return &m_PlayerClass; } bool IsPlayerClass( int iClass ) const; virtual int GetMaxHealth( void ) const; int GetMaxHealthForBuffing() const; virtual int GetRenderTeamNumber( void ); bool IsWeaponLowered( void ); void AvoidPlayers( CUserCmd *pCmd ); bool IsABot( void ); // Get the ID target entity index. The ID target is the player that is behind our crosshairs, used to // display the player's name. void UpdateIDTarget(); int GetIDTarget() const; void SetForcedIDTarget( int iTarget ); void SetAnimation( PLAYER_ANIM playerAnim ); virtual float GetMinFOV() const; virtual const QAngle& EyeAngles(); bool ShouldDrawSpyAsDisguised(); virtual int GetBody( void ); int GetBuildResources( void ); // MATTTODO: object selection if necessary void SetSelectedObject( C_BaseObject *pObject ) {} void GetTeamColor( Color &color ); bool InSameDisguisedTeam( CBaseEntity *pEnt ); virtual void ComputeFxBlend( void ); // Taunts/VCDs virtual bool StartSceneEvent( CSceneEventInfo *info, CChoreoScene *scene, CChoreoEvent *event, CChoreoActor *actor, C_BaseEntity *pTarget ); virtual bool ClearSceneEvent( CSceneEventInfo *info, bool fastKill, bool canceled ); virtual void CalcView( Vector &eyeOrigin, QAngle &eyeAngles, float &zNear, float &zFar, float &fov ); bool StartGestureSceneEvent( CSceneEventInfo *info, CChoreoScene *scene, CChoreoEvent *event, CChoreoActor *actor, CBaseEntity *pTarget ); bool StopGestureSceneEvent( CSceneEventInfo *info, bool fastKill, bool canceled ); void TurnOnTauntCam( void ); void TurnOnTauntCam_Finish( void ); void TurnOffTauntCam( void ); void TurnOffTauntCam_Finish( void ); bool IsTaunting( void ) const { return m_Shared.InCond( TF_COND_TAUNTING ); } virtual void InitPhonemeMappings(); // Gibs. void InitPlayerGibs( void ); void CheckAndUpdateGibType( void ); void CreatePlayerGibs( const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &vecVelocity, float flImpactScale, bool bBurning, bool bWearableGibs=false, bool bOnlyHead=false, bool bDisguiseGibs=false ); void DropPartyHat( breakablepropparams_t &breakParams, Vector &vecBreakVelocity ); void DropWearable( C_TFWearable *pItem, const breakablepropparams_t ¶ms ); int GetObjectCount( void ); C_BaseObject *GetObject( int index ); C_BaseObject *GetObjectOfType( int iObjectType, int iObjectMode=0 ) const; int GetNumObjects( int iObjectType, int iObjectMode=0 ); virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const; float GetPercentInvisible( void ); float GetEffectiveInvisibilityLevel( void ); // takes viewer into account virtual bool IsTransparent( void ) OVERRIDE { return GetPercentInvisible() > 0.f; } virtual void AddDecal( const Vector& rayStart, const Vector& rayEnd, const Vector& decalCenter, int hitbox, int decalIndex, bool doTrace, trace_t& tr, int maxLODToDecal = ADDDECAL_TO_ALL_LODS ); virtual void CalcDeathCamView(Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& fov); virtual Vector GetChaseCamViewOffset( CBaseEntity *target ); virtual Vector GetDeathViewPosition(); void ClientPlayerRespawn( void ); virtual bool ShouldDraw(); virtual int GetVisionFilterFlags( bool bWeaponsCheck = false ); virtual void CalculateVisionUsingCurrentFlags( void ); void CreateSaveMeEffect( MedicCallerType nType = CALLER_TYPE_NORMAL ); void StopSaveMeEffect( bool bForceRemoveInstantly = false ); void CreateTauntWithMeEffect(); void StopTauntWithMeEffect(); void CreateKart(); void RemoveKart(); C_BaseAnimating *GetKart() const { return m_pKart; } void CreateKartEffect( const char *pszEffectName ); void StopKartEffect(); void UpdateKartSounds(); void StartKartBrakeEffect(); void StopKartBrakeEffect(); CNetworkVar( int, m_iKartState ); bool IsAllowedToTaunt( void ); virtual bool IsOverridingViewmodel( void ); virtual int DrawOverriddenViewmodel( C_BaseViewModel *pViewmodel, int flags ); void SetHealer( C_TFPlayer *pHealer, float flChargeLevel ); void SetWasHealedByLocalPlayer( bool bState ) { m_bWasHealedByLocalPlayer = bState; } void GetHealer( C_TFPlayer **pHealer, float *flChargeLevel ) { *pHealer = m_hHealer; *flChargeLevel = m_flHealerChargeLevel; } bool GetWasHealedByLocalPlayer() { return m_bWasHealedByLocalPlayer; } float MedicGetChargeLevel( CTFWeaponBase **pRetMedigun = NULL ); bool MedicIsReleasingCharge( void ); CBaseEntity *MedicGetHealTarget( void ); void StartBurningSound( void ); void StopBurningSound( void ); void StopBlastJumpLoopSound( int iUserID ); void UpdateSpyStateChange( void ); void UpdateRecentlyTeleportedEffect( void ); void UpdateOverhealEffect( void ); void UpdatedMarkedForDeathEffect( bool bFroceStop = false ); void CreateOverhealEffect( int iTeam ); void UpdateRuneIcon( bool bForceStop = false ); bool CanShowClassMenu( void ); bool CanShowTeamMenu( void ); void InitializePoseParams( void ); void UpdateLookAt( void ); bool IsEnemyPlayer( void ); void ShowNemesisIcon( bool bShow ); void ShowDuelingIcon( bool bShow ); void ShowIconForIT( bool bShow ); #ifdef STAGING_ONLY void UpdateTranqMark( bool bShow, bool bForceStop = false ); void UpdateSpyClassStealParticle( bool bShow ); #endif // STAGING_ONLY void ShowBirthdayEffect( bool bShow ); CUtlVector<EHANDLE> *GetSpawnedGibs( void ) { return &m_hSpawnedGibs; } bool HasBombinomiconEffectOnDeath( void ); Vector GetClassEyeHeight( void ); void ForceUpdateObjectHudState( void ); bool GetMedigunAutoHeal( void ){ return tf_medigun_autoheal.GetBool(); } bool ShouldAutoRezoom( void ){ return cl_autorezoom.GetBool(); } bool ShouldAutoReload( void ){ return cl_autoreload.GetBool(); } void GetTargetIDDataString( bool bIsDisguised, OUT_Z_BYTECAP(iMaxLenInBytes) wchar_t *sDataString, int iMaxLenInBytes, bool &bIsAmmoData, bool &bIsKillStreakData ); void RemoveDisguise( void ); bool CanDisguise( void ); bool CanDisguise_OnKill( void ); virtual void OnAchievementAchieved( int iAchievement ); virtual void OverrideView( CViewSetup *pSetup ); bool CanAirDash( void ) const; bool CanGetWet() const; void CreateBoneAttachmentsFromWearables( C_TFRagdoll *pRagdoll, bool bDisguised ); bool CanUseFirstPersonCommand( void ); bool IsEffectRateLimited( EBonusEffectFilter_t effect, const C_TFPlayer* pAttacker ) const; bool ShouldPlayEffect( EBonusEffectFilter_t filter, const C_TFPlayer* pAttacker, const C_TFPlayer* pVictim ) const; virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); virtual const char* ModifyEventParticles( const char* token ); // Set the distances the camera should use. void SetTauntCameraTargets( float back, float up ); // TF-specific color values for GlowEffect virtual void GetGlowEffectColor( float *r, float *g, float *b ); void UpdateGlowColor( void ); virtual const Vector& GetRenderOrigin( void ); RTime32 GetSpottedInPVSTime() const { return m_rtSpottedInPVSTime; } RTime32 GetJoinedSpectatorTeamTime() const { return m_rtJoinedSpectatorTeam; } RTime32 GetJoinedNormalTeamTime() const { return m_rtJoinedNormalTeam; } // IHasAttributes CAttributeManager *GetAttributeManager( void ) { return &m_AttributeManager; } CAttributeContainer *GetAttributeContainer( void ) { return NULL; } CBaseEntity *GetAttributeOwner( void ) { return NULL; } CAttributeList *GetAttributeList( void ) { return &m_AttributeList; } virtual void ReapplyProvision( void ) { return; } // ITFMvMBossProgressUser virtual const char* GetBossProgressImageName() const OVERRIDE; virtual float GetBossStatusProgress() const OVERRIDE; protected: CNetworkVarEmbedded( CAttributeContainerPlayer, m_AttributeManager ); // IClientNetworkable implementation. public: virtual void NotifyShouldTransmit( ShouldTransmitState_t state ); public: // Shared functions float GetMovementForwardPull( void ) const; bool CanPlayerMove() const; float TeamFortress_CalculateMaxSpeed( bool bIgnoreSpecialAbility = false ) const; void TeamFortress_SetSpeed(); bool HasItem( void ) const; // Currently can have only one item at a time. void SetItem( C_TFItem *pItem ); C_TFItem *GetItem( void ) const; bool HasTheFlag( ETFFlagType exceptionTypes[] = NULL, int nNumExceptions = 0 ) const; virtual bool IsAllowedToPickUpFlag( void ) const; float GetCritMult( void ) { return m_Shared.GetCritMult(); } virtual void ItemPostFrame( void ); void SetOffHandWeapon( CTFWeaponBase *pWeapon ); void HolsterOffHandWeapon( void ); CTFWeaponBase* GetOffHandWeapon( void ) { return m_hOffHandWeapon; } void GetActiveSets( CUtlVector<const CEconItemSetDefinition *> *pItemSets ); virtual int GetSkin(); float GetLastDamageTime( void ) const { return m_flLastDamageTime; } virtual bool Weapon_CanSwitchTo( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon ); virtual bool Weapon_ShouldSetLast( CBaseCombatWeapon *pOldWeapon, CBaseCombatWeapon *pNewWeapon ) OVERRIDE; virtual bool Weapon_Switch( C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon, int viewmodelindex = 0 ) OVERRIDE; virtual void SelectItem( const char *pstr, int iSubType = 0 ) OVERRIDE; virtual void UpdateWearables() OVERRIDE; CTFWearable *GetEquippedWearableForLoadoutSlot( int iLoadoutSlot ); CBaseEntity *GetEntityForLoadoutSlot( int iLoadoutSlot ); //Gets whatever entity is associated with the loadout slot (wearable or weapon) CTFWeaponBase *Weapon_OwnsThisID( int iWeaponID ) const; CTFWeaponBase *Weapon_GetWeaponByType( int iType ); virtual void GetStepSoundVelocities( float *velwalk, float *velrun ); virtual void SetStepSoundTime( stepsoundtimes_t iStepSoundTime, bool bWalking ); virtual const char *GetOverrideStepSound( const char *pszBaseStepSoundName ); virtual void OnEmitFootstepSound( const CSoundParameters& params, const Vector& vecOrigin, float fVolume ); virtual void ModifyEmitSoundParams( EmitSound_t ¶ms ); virtual void ThirdPersonSwitch( bool bThirdperson ); bool DoClassSpecialSkill( void ); bool EndClassSpecialSkill( void ); bool CanGoInvisible( bool bAllowWhileCarryingFlag = false ); int GetMaxAmmo( int iAmmoIndex, int iClassIndex = -1 ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return true if we are a "mini boss" in Mann Vs Machine mode bool IsMiniBoss( void ) const; bool ShouldTauntHintIconBeVisible() const; virtual bool IsHealthBarVisible( void ) const OVERRIDE; bool CanStartPhase( void ); bool CanPickupBuilding( CBaseObject *pPickupObject ); bool TryToPickupBuilding( void ); void StartBuildingObjectOfType( int iType, int iObjectMode=0 ); void FeignDeath( CTakeDamageInfo& info ); C_CaptureZone *GetCaptureZoneStandingOn( void ); C_CaptureZone *GetClosestCaptureZone( void ); float GetMetersRan( void ) { return m_fMetersRan; } void SetMetersRan( float fMeters, int iFrame ); CEconItemView *GetInspectItem( int *iLastItem ); void SetBodygroupsDirty( void ); void RecalcBodygroupsIfDirty( void ); bool CanMoveDuringTaunt(); bool ShouldStopTaunting(); bool IsTauntForceMovingForward() const { return m_bTauntForceMoveForward; } float GetTauntMoveAcceleration() const { return m_flTauntMoveAccelerationTime; } float GetTauntMoveSpeed() const { return m_flTauntForceMoveForwardSpeed; } float GetTauntTurnAccelerationTime() const { return m_flTauntTurnAccelerationTime; } bool IsReadyToTauntWithPartner( void ) const { return m_bIsReadyToHighFive; } CTFPlayer * GetTauntPartner( void ) { return m_hHighFivePartner; } float GetTauntYaw( void ) { return m_flTauntYaw; } float GetPrevTauntYaw( void ) { return m_flPrevTauntYaw; } void SetTauntYaw( float flTauntYaw ); int GetActiveTauntSlot() const { return m_nActiveTauntSlot; } void PlayTauntSoundLoop( const char *pszSoundLoopName ); void StopTauntSoundLoop(); float GetCurrentTauntMoveSpeed() const { return m_flCurrentTauntMoveSpeed; } void SetCurrentTauntMoveSpeed( float flSpeed ) { m_flCurrentTauntMoveSpeed = flSpeed; } float GetVehicleReverseTime() const { return m_flVehicleReverseTime; } void SetVehicleReverseTime( float flTime ) { m_flVehicleReverseTime = flTime; } CEconItemView *GetTauntEconItemView() { return m_TauntEconItemView.IsValid() ? &m_TauntEconItemView : NULL; } float GetHeadScale() const { return m_flHeadScale; } float GetTorsoScale() const { return m_flTorsoScale; } float GetHandScale() const { return m_flHandScale; } float GetLastResistTime() const { return m_flLastResistTime; } bool BRenderAsZombie( bool bWeaponsCheck = false ); static void AdjustSkinIndexForZombie( int iClassIndex, int &iSkinIndex ); // Ragdolls. virtual C_BaseAnimating *BecomeRagdollOnClient(); virtual IRagdoll *GetRepresentativeRagdoll() const; EHANDLE m_hRagdoll; Vector m_vecRagdollVelocity; // Objects int CanBuild( int iObjectType, int iObjectMode=0 ); CUtlVector< CHandle<C_BaseObject> > m_aObjects; virtual CStudioHdr *OnNewModel( void ); void DisplaysHintsForTarget( C_BaseEntity *pTarget ); // Shadows virtual ShadowType_t ShadowCastType( void ) ; virtual void GetShadowRenderBounds( Vector &mins, Vector &maxs, ShadowType_t shadowType ); virtual void GetRenderBounds( Vector& theMins, Vector& theMaxs ); virtual bool GetShadowCastDirection( Vector *pDirection, ShadowType_t shadowType ) const; CMaterialReference *GetInvulnMaterialRef( void ) { return &m_InvulnerableMaterial; } bool IsNemesisOfLocalPlayer(); bool ShouldShowDuelingIcon(); bool ShouldShowNemesisIcon(); virtual IMaterial *GetHeadLabelMaterial( void ); // Spy Cigarette bool CanLightCigarette( void ); void UpdateDemomanEyeEffect( int iDecapitations ); const char* GetDemomanEyeEffectName( int iDecapitations ); int GetCurrency( void ){ return m_nCurrency; } virtual void UpdateMVMEyeGlowEffect( bool bVisible ); void UpdateKillStreakEffects( int iCount, bool bKillScored = false ); const char *GetEyeGlowEffect() { return m_pszEyeGlowEffectName; } Vector GetEyeGlowColor( bool bAlternate ) { return bAlternate? m_vEyeGlowColor1 : m_vEyeGlowColor2 ; } // Bounty Mode int GetExperienceLevel( void ) { return m_nExperienceLevel; } // Matchmaking bool GetMatchSafeToLeave() { return m_bMatchSafeToLeave; } // Halloween silliness. void HalloweenBombHeadUpdate( void ); bool IsUsingVRHeadset( void ){ return m_bUsingVRHeadset; } bool ShouldPlayerDrawParticles( void ); bool IsPlayerOnSteamFriendsList( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer ); protected: void ResetFlexWeights( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr ); virtual void CalcInEyeCamView( Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& fov ); virtual void UpdateGlowEffect( void ); virtual void DestroyGlowEffect( void ); private: bool ShouldShowPowerupGlowEffect(); void GetPowerupGlowEffectColor( float *r, float *g, float *b ); void HandleTaunting( void ); void TauntCamInterpolation( void ); void OnPlayerClassChange( void ); void UpdatePartyHat( void ); void InitInvulnerableMaterial( void ); void GetHorriblyHackedRailgunPosition( const Vector& vStart, Vector *out_pvStartPos ); void MaybeDrawRailgunBeam( IRecipientFilter *pFilter, CTFWeaponBase *pWeapon, const Vector& vStartPos, const Vector& vEndPos ); bool m_bWasTaunting; bool m_bTauntInterpolating; CameraThirdData_t m_TauntCameraData; float m_flTauntCamCurrentDist; float m_flTauntCamTargetDist; float m_flTauntCamCurrentDistUp; float m_flTauntCamTargetDistUp; QAngle m_angTauntPredViewAngles; QAngle m_angTauntEngViewAngles; CSoundPatch *m_pTauntSoundLoop; C_TFPlayerClass m_PlayerClass; // ID Target int m_iIDEntIndex; int m_iForcedIDTarget; CNewParticleEffect *m_pTeleporterEffect; bool m_bToolRecordingVisibility; int m_iOldSpawnCounter; // Healer CHandle<C_TFPlayer> m_hHealer; bool m_bWasHealedByLocalPlayer; float m_flHealerChargeLevel; int m_iOldHealth; int m_nOldMaxHealth; float m_fMetersRan; int m_iLastRanFrame; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pEyeEffect; bool m_bOldCustomModelVisible; CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > m_hOldActiveWeapon; // Look At /* int m_headYawPoseParam; int m_headPitchPoseParam; float m_headYawMin; float m_headYawMax; float m_headPitchMin; float m_headPitchMax; float m_flLastBodyYaw; float m_flCurrentHeadYaw; float m_flCurrentHeadPitch; */ // Spy cigarette smoke bool m_bCigaretteSmokeActive; // Medic callout particle effect CNewParticleEffect *m_pSaveMeEffect; CNewParticleEffect *m_pTauntWithMeEffect; bool m_bUpdateObjectHudState; bool m_bBodygroupsDirty; HPARTICLEFFECT m_hKartDamageEffect; CNetworkVar( float, m_flKartNextAvailableBoost ); CNetworkVar( int, m_iKartHealth ); int m_iOldKartHealth; void UpdateKartEffects(); void UpdateKartState(); int m_iOldKartState; C_BaseAnimating *m_pKart; public: float GetKartSpeedBoost( void ); float GetKartHealth( void ) { return m_iKartHealth; } CTFPlayerShared m_Shared; friend class CTFPlayerShared; // Called by shared code. public: float GetClassChangeTime() const { return m_flChangeClassTime; } void SetFootStamps( int nFootStamps ) { m_nFootStamps = nFootStamps; } void DoAnimationEvent( PlayerAnimEvent_t event, int nData = 0 ); bool PlayAnimEventInPrediction( PlayerAnimEvent_t event ); bool GetPredictable( void ) const; // Halloween void CreateBombonomiconHint(); void DestroyBombonomiconHint(); void CleanUpAnimationOnSpawn(); CTFPlayerAnimState *m_PlayerAnimState; QAngle m_angEyeAngles; CInterpolatedVar< QAngle > m_iv_angEyeAngles; CNetworkHandle( C_TFItem, m_hItem ); CNetworkHandle( C_TFWeaponBase, m_hOffHandWeapon ); CNetworkHandle( C_TFPlayer, m_hCoach ); CNetworkHandle( C_TFPlayer, m_hStudent ); CGlowObject *m_pStudentGlowEffect; CGlowObject *m_pPowerupGlowEffect; int m_iOldPlayerClass; // Used to detect player class changes bool m_bIsDisplayingNemesisIcon; bool m_bIsDisplayingDuelingIcon; bool m_bIsDisplayingIconForIT; bool m_bIsDisplayingTranqMark; bool m_bShouldShowBirthdayEffect; RuneTypes_t m_eDisplayingRuneIcon; float m_flLastDamageTime; bool m_bInPowerPlay; int m_iSpawnCounter; bool m_bArenaSpectator; bool m_bIsMiniBoss; bool m_bIsABot; int m_nBotSkill; int m_nOldBotSkill; bool m_bSaveMeParity; bool m_bOldSaveMeParity; bool m_bIsCoaching; private: void UpdateTauntItem(); void ParseSharedTauntDataFromEconItemView( CEconItemView *pEconItemView ); bool m_bAllowMoveDuringTaunt; bool m_bTauntForceMoveForward; float m_flTauntForceMoveForwardSpeed; float m_flTauntMoveAccelerationTime; float m_flTauntTurnSpeed; float m_flTauntTurnAccelerationTime; bool m_bIsReadyToHighFive; CNetworkHandle( C_TFPlayer, m_hHighFivePartner ); int m_nForceTauntCam; float m_flTauntYaw; float m_flPrevTauntYaw; int m_nActiveTauntSlot; int m_nPrevTauntSlot; item_definition_index_t m_iTauntItemDefIndex; item_definition_index_t m_iPrevTauntItemDefIndex; float m_flCurrentTauntMoveSpeed; float m_flVehicleReverseTime; int m_nTauntSequence; float m_flTauntStartTime; float m_flTauntDuration; CEconItemView m_TauntEconItemView; public: int m_nOldWaterLevel; float m_flWaterEntryTime; bool m_bWaterExitEffectActive; bool m_bDuckJumpInterp; float m_flFirstDuckJumpInterp; float m_flLastDuckJumpInterp; float m_flDuckJumpInterp; CMaterialReference m_InvulnerableMaterial; // Burning CSoundPatch *m_pBurningSound; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pBurningEffect; float m_flBurnEffectStartTime; // Urine HPARTICLEFFECT m_pUrineEffect; // Milk HPARTICLEFFECT m_pMilkEffect; // Soldier Buff HPARTICLEFFECT m_pSoldierOffensiveBuffEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pSoldierDefensiveBuffEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pSoldierOffensiveHealthRegenBuffEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pSoldierNoHealingDamageBuffEffect; // Speed boost HPARTICLEFFECT m_pSpeedBoostEffect; // Taunt effects HPARTICLEFFECT m_pTauntEffect; // Temp HACK for crit boost HPARTICLEFFECT m_pCritBoostEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pOverHealedEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pPhaseStandingEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pStunnedEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pMegaHealEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pRadiusHealEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pKingRuneRadiusEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pKingBuffRadiusEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pRunePlagueEffect; C_LocalTempEntity* m_pTempShield; float m_flLastResistTime; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pSappedPlayerEffect; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pMVMEyeGlowEffect[ 2 ]; // KillStreak Weapons char m_pszEyeGlowEffectName[MAX_PATH]; Vector m_vEyeGlowColor1; Vector m_vEyeGlowColor2; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pEyeGlowEffect[ 2 ]; float m_flNextSheenStartTime; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pMVMBotRadiowave; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pRuneChargeReadyEffect; #ifdef STAGING_ONLY HPARTICLEFFECT m_pRocketPackEffect; #endif // STAGING_ONLY enum EKartParticles { KART_PARTICLE_LEFT_LIGHT = 0, KART_PARTICLE_RIGHT_LIGHT, KART_PARTICLE_LEFT_WHEEL, KART_PARTICLE_RIGHT_WHEEL, NUM_KART_PARTICLES }; HPARTICLEFFECT m_pKartParticles[ NUM_KART_PARTICLES ]; enum EKartSounds { KART_SOUND_ENGINE_LOOP = 0, KART_SOUND_BURNOUT_LOOP, NUM_KART_SOUNDS, }; CSoundPatch *m_pKartSounds[ NUM_KART_SOUNDS ]; CNewParticleEffect *m_pDisguisingEffect; float m_flDisguiseEffectStartTime; float m_flDisguiseEndEffectStartTime; EHANDLE m_hFirstGib; EHANDLE m_hHeadGib; CUtlVector<EHANDLE> m_hSpawnedGibs; int m_iOldTeam; int m_iOldClass; int m_iOldDisguiseTeam; int m_iOldDisguiseClass; int m_iOldObserverMode; EHANDLE m_hOldObserverTarget; bool m_bDisguised; int m_iPreviousMetal; int GetNumActivePipebombs( void ); int m_iSpyMaskBodygroup; Vector m_vecCustomModelOrigin; // Halloween CHandle<C_PlayerAttachedModel> m_hHalloweenBombHat; CHandle<C_MerasmusBombEffect> m_hBombonomiconHint; CHandle<C_PlayerAttachedModel> m_hHalloweenKartCage; float m_flBombDelay; // Achievements float m_flSaveMeExpireTime; //CountdownTimer m_LeaveServerTimer; //---------------------------- // INVENTORY MANAGEMENT public: // IInventoryUpdateListener virtual void InventoryUpdated( CPlayerInventory *pInventory ); virtual void SOCacheUnsubscribed( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner ) { m_Shared.SetLoadoutUnavailable( true ); } void UpdateInventory( bool bInit ); // Inventory access CTFPlayerInventory *Inventory( void ) { return &m_Inventory; } bool CanDisplayAllSeeEffect( EAttackBonusEffects_t effect ) const; void SetNextAllSeeEffectTime( EAttackBonusEffects_t effect, float flTime ); private: CTFPlayerInventory m_Inventory; bool m_bInventoryReceived; private: float m_flChangeClassTime; float m_flWaterImpactTime; RTime32 m_rtSpottedInPVSTime; RTime32 m_rtJoinedSpectatorTeam; RTime32 m_rtJoinedNormalTeam; // Gibs. CUtlVector< int > m_aSillyGibs; CUtlVector< char* > m_aNormalGibs; CUtlVector<breakmodel_t> m_aGibs; C_TFPlayer( const C_TFPlayer & ); mutable char m_bIsCalculatingMaximumSpeed; // In-game currency int m_nCurrency; int m_nOldCurrency; // Bounty Mode int m_nExperienceLevel; int m_nExperienceLevelProgress; int m_nPrevExperienceLevel; // Matchmaking // is this player bound to the match on penalty of abandon. Sync'd via local-player-only DT bool m_bMatchSafeToLeave; // Medic healtarget active weapon ammo/clip count uint16 m_nActiveWpnClip; // Blast jump whistle CSoundPatch *m_pBlastJumpLoop; float m_flBlastJumpLaunchTime; CNetworkVar( float, m_flHeadScale ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flTorsoScale ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flHandScale ); // Allseecrit throttle - other clients ask us if we can be the source of another particle+sound float m_flNextMiniCritEffectTime[ kBonusEffect_Count ]; CNetworkVar( bool, m_bUseBossHealthBar ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bUsingVRHeadset ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bForcedSkin ); CNetworkVar( int, m_nForcedSkin ); int m_nFootStamps; vgui::DHANDLE< CTFReviveDialog > m_hRevivePrompt; public: void SetShowHudMenuTauntSelection( bool bShow ) { m_bShowHudMenuTauntSelection = bShow; } bool ShouldShowHudMenuTauntSelection() const { return m_bShowHudMenuTauntSelection; } private: bool m_bShowHudMenuTauntSelection; public: CBaseEntity *GetGrapplingHookTarget() const { return m_hGrapplingHookTarget; } bool IsUsingActionSlot() const { return m_bUsingActionSlot; } void SetUsingActionSlot( bool bUsingActionSlot ) { m_bUsingActionSlot = bUsingActionSlot; } void SetSecondaryLastWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pSecondaryLastWeapon ) { m_hSecondaryLastWeapon = pSecondaryLastWeapon; } CBaseCombatWeapon* GetSecondaryLastWeapon() const { return m_hSecondaryLastWeapon; } bool CanPickupDroppedWeapon( const C_TFDroppedWeapon *pWeapon ); C_TFDroppedWeapon* GetDroppedWeaponInRange(); bool HasCampaignMedal( int iMedal ); CampaignMedalDisplayType_t GetCampaignMedalType( void ); const char *GetCampaignMedalImage( void ); void SetInspectTime( float flInspectTime ) { m_flInspectTime = flInspectTime; } bool IsInspecting() const; void HandleInspectHint(); bool AddOverheadEffect( const char *pszEffectName ); void RemoveOverheadEffect( const char *pszEffectName, bool bRemoveInstantly ); void UpdateOverheadEffects(); Vector GetOverheadEffectPosition(); int GetSkinOverride() const { return m_iPlayerSkinOverride; } private: CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_hGrapplingHookTarget ); CNetworkHandle( CBaseCombatWeapon, m_hSecondaryLastWeapon ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bUsingActionSlot ); CNetworkVar( int, m_iCampaignMedals ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flInspectTime ); bool m_bNotifiedWeaponInspectThisLife; C_PasstimePlayerReticle *m_pPasstimePlayerReticle; C_PasstimeAskForBallReticle *m_pPasstimeAskForBallReticle; CUtlMap< const char *, HPARTICLEFFECT > m_mapOverheadEffects; float m_flOverheadEffectStartTime; CNetworkVar( int, m_iPlayerSkinOverride ); }; inline C_TFPlayer* ToTFPlayer( C_BaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsPlayer() ) return NULL; Assert( dynamic_cast<C_TFPlayer*>( pEntity ) != 0 ); return static_cast< C_TFPlayer* >( pEntity ); } void SetAppropriateCamera( C_TFPlayer *pPlayer ); class C_TFPlayerPreviewEffect { public: // If you re-order this list, please update TF_ImportPreview_Effect* in tf_english.txt enum PREVIEW_EFFECT { PREVIEW_EFFECT_NONE, PREVIEW_EFFECT_UBER, //PREVIEW_EFFECT_CRIT, // Punting on particle effects for now PREVIEW_EFFECT_URINE, //PREVIEW_EFFECT_MILK, // Punting on particle effects for now //PREVIEW_EFFECT_INVIS, // The CMDLPanel draw path doesn't handle transparency at the moment PREVIEW_EFFECT_BURN, NUM_PREVIEW_EFFECTS }; public: C_TFPlayerPreviewEffect(); void SetEffect(PREVIEW_EFFECT nEffect) { m_nPreviewEffect = nEffect; } PREVIEW_EFFECT GetEffect() const { return m_nPreviewEffect; } void SetTeam(int nTeam); int GetTeam() const { return m_nTeam; } CMaterialReference *GetInvulnMaterialRef( void ) { return &m_InvulnerableMaterial; } void Reset(); protected: PREVIEW_EFFECT m_nPreviewEffect; int m_nTeam; CMaterialReference m_InvulnerableMaterial; }; extern C_TFPlayerPreviewEffect g_PlayerPreviewEffect; #endif // C_TF_PLAYER_H