//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #include "cbase.h" #include "tf_weapon_mechanical_arm.h" #include "in_buttons.h" #if !defined( CLIENT_DLL ) #include "tf_player.h" #include "tf_gamestats.h" #include "ilagcompensationmanager.h" #include "particle_parse.h" #include "tf_fx.h" #include "tf_weapon_grenade_pipebomb.h" #include "tf_team.h" #include "tf_passtime_logic.h" #else #include "c_tf_player.h" #endif //============================================================================= // // tables. // IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( TFMechanicalArm, DT_TFMechanicalArm ) BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE( CTFMechanicalArm, DT_TFMechanicalArm ) END_NETWORK_TABLE() BEGIN_PREDICTION_DATA( CTFMechanicalArm ) END_PREDICTION_DATA() LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( tf_weapon_mechanical_arm, CTFMechanicalArm ); PRECACHE_WEAPON_REGISTER( tf_weapon_mechanical_arm ); #define AMMO_BASE_PROJECTILE_SHOCK 10 #define AMMO_PER_PROJECTILE_SHOCK 5 //============================================================================= // // CTFMechanicalArm // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTFMechanicalArm::CTFMechanicalArm() { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL m_pParticleBeamEffect = NULL; m_pParticleBeamSpark = NULL; m_pEffectOwner = NULL; #endif // CLIENT_DLL } CTFMechanicalArm::~CTFMechanicalArm() { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL if ( m_pEffectOwner ) { if ( m_pParticleBeamEffect ) { m_pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->StopEmissionAndDestroyImmediately( m_pParticleBeamEffect ); m_pParticleBeamEffect = NULL; } if ( m_pParticleBeamSpark ) { m_pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->StopEmissionAndDestroyImmediately( m_pParticleBeamSpark ); m_pParticleBeamSpark = NULL; } m_pEffectOwner = NULL; } #endif // CLIENT_DLL } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFMechanicalArm::Precache() { BaseClass::Precache(); PrecacheParticleSystem( "dxhr_arm_muzzleflash" ); PrecacheParticleSystem( "dxhr_arm_muzzleflash2" ); PrecacheParticleSystem( "dxhr_arm_impact" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFMechanicalArm::ShockAttack( void ) { CTFPlayer *pOwner = ToTFPlayer( GetPlayerOwner() ); if ( !pOwner ) return false; if ( pOwner->GetWaterLevel() == WL_Eyes ) return false; // Enough ammo to shock at least one target? if ( pOwner->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) < ( AMMO_BASE_PROJECTILE_SHOCK + AMMO_PER_PROJECTILE_SHOCK ) ) return false; #ifdef GAME_DLL if ( pOwner->m_Shared.IsStealthed() ) { pOwner->RemoveInvisibility(); } lagcompensation->StartLagCompensation( pOwner, pOwner->GetCurrentCommand() ); Vector vecEye = pOwner->EyePosition(); Vector vecForward, vecRight, vecUp; AngleVectors( pOwner->EyeAngles(), &vecForward, &vecRight, &vecUp ); Vector vecSize = Vector( 128, 128, 64 ); float flMaxElement = 0.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { flMaxElement = MAX( flMaxElement, vecSize[i] ); } Vector vecCenter = vecEye + vecForward * flMaxElement; CUtlVector< CBaseEntity* > vecShockTargets; // Get a list of entities in the box defined by vecSize at VecCenter. // We will then try to deflect everything in the box. const int maxCollectedEntities = 64; CBaseEntity *pObjects[ maxCollectedEntities ]; int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox( pObjects, maxCollectedEntities, vecCenter - vecSize, vecCenter + vecSize, FL_GRENADE | FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( IsValidVictim( pOwner, pObjects[i] ) ) { vecShockTargets.AddToTail( pObjects[i] ); } } // Remove the base cost for attempting to fire, regardless of what we hit pOwner->RemoveAmmo( AMMO_BASE_PROJECTILE_SHOCK, m_iPrimaryAmmoType ); // We attacked by didn't hit anything if ( vecShockTargets.Count() == 0 ) { lagcompensation->FinishLagCompensation( pOwner ); return true; } // Horribly hacked muzzle position Vector vForward, vRight, vUp; AngleVectors( pOwner->EyeAngles(), &vForward, &vRight, &vUp ); Vector vStart = pOwner->EyePosition() + (vForward * 40.0f) + (vRight * 15.0f) + (vUp * -10.0f); FOR_EACH_VEC( vecShockTargets, i ) { if ( pOwner->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) < AMMO_PER_PROJECTILE_SHOCK ) break; CBaseEntity* pTarget = vecShockTargets[i]; Vector vecTarget = pTarget->WorldSpaceCenter(); ShockVictim( pOwner, pTarget ); pOwner->RemoveAmmo( AMMO_PER_PROJECTILE_SHOCK, m_iPrimaryAmmoType ); // Play an effect where the target is CPVSFilter filter( vecTarget ); const char *shootsound = GetShootSound( SPECIAL3 ); if ( shootsound && *shootsound ) { EmitSound( shootsound ); } // play the electrical effect from the gun to the pipes te_tf_particle_effects_control_point_t controlPoint = { PATTACH_WORLDORIGIN, vecTarget }; TE_TFParticleEffectComplex( filter, 0.0f, "dxhr_arm_muzzleflash", vStart, QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), NULL, &controlPoint, pTarget, PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN ); } lagcompensation->FinishLagCompensation( pOwner ); #endif return true; } #ifdef GAME_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFMechanicalArm::IsValidVictim( CTFPlayer *pOwner, CBaseEntity *pTarget ) { if ( pTarget == NULL ) return false; if ( pTarget == pOwner ) return false; if ( pTarget->IsPlayer() && pTarget->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) return false; if ( pTarget->GetTeamNumber() == pOwner->GetTeamNumber() ) return false; if ( pTarget->IsPlayer() && !pTarget->IsAlive() ) return false; if ( !pTarget->IsDeflectable() && !FClassnameIs( pTarget, "prop_physics" ) ) return false; if ( pOwner->FVisible( pTarget, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY ) == false ) return false; if ( g_pPasstimeLogic && ( g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBall() == pTarget ) ) return false; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFMechanicalArm::ShockVictim( CTFPlayer *pOwner, CBaseEntity *pTarget ) { // Projectile if ( !pTarget->IsPlayer() ) { pTarget->SetThink( &BaseClass::SUB_Remove ); pTarget->SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); pTarget->SetTouch( NULL ); pTarget->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); pTarget->RemoveFlag( FL_GRENADE ); } // deal damage CTakeDamageInfo info; info.SetDamageType( DMG_SHOCK ); info.SetAttacker( pOwner ); info.SetInflictor( this ); info.SetWeapon( this ); info.SetDamage( 20 ); info.SetDamagePosition( pTarget->WorldSpaceCenter() ); pTarget->TakeDamage( info ); // Achievement CTFGrenadePipebombProjectile *pPipebomb = dynamic_cast<CTFGrenadePipebombProjectile*>( pTarget ); if ( pPipebomb && pPipebomb->HasStickyEffects() ) { // If we are near a building, award achievement progress. CTFTeam *pTeam = pOwner->GetTFTeam(); if ( pTeam ) { for ( int j = 0; j < pTeam->GetNumObjects(); j++ ) { CBaseObject *pTemp = pTeam->GetObject( j ); if ( pTemp && ( pTemp->ObjectType() != OBJ_ATTACHMENT_SAPPER ) ) { if ( ( pTemp->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( pPipebomb->GetAbsOrigin() ) < 100 ) && ( pTemp->FVisible( pPipebomb, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY ) ) ) { pOwner->AwardAchievement( ACHIEVEMENT_TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES, 1 ); break; // Only one award per sticky. } } } } } } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFMechanicalArm::SecondaryAttack( void ) { CTFPlayer *pOwner = ToTFPlayer( GetPlayerOwner() ); if ( !pOwner ) return; // Are we capable of firing again? if ( m_flNextSecondaryAttack > gpGlobals->curtime ) return; if ( m_iPrimaryAmmoType == TF_AMMO_METAL ) { if ( ( GetAmmoPerShot() > GetOwner()->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) ) || ( pOwner->GetWaterLevel() == WL_Eyes ) ) { WeaponSound( EMPTY ); m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.67f; return; } } if ( !CanAttack() ) return; if ( ShockAttack() ) { WeaponSound( SPECIAL3 ); } else { WeaponSound( EMPTY ); } #ifdef CLIENT_DLL // Play an effect on the client so they have some kind of visual feedback that something happened int iParticleAttachment = LookupAttachment( "muzzle" ); CNewParticleEffect* pEffect = ParticleProp()->Create( "dxhr_sniper_fizzle", PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, iParticleAttachment ); ParticleProp()->AddControlPoint( pEffect, 1, this, PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, "muzzle" ); #endif SendWeaponAnim( ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK ); pOwner->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 ); m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.67f; m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.67f; } #ifdef CLIENT_DLL void CTFMechanicalArm::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType ); UpdateParticleBeam(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFMechanicalArm::StopParticleBeam( void ) { if ( !m_pEffectOwner ) return; // Different owners, kill the old effect if ( m_pParticleBeamEffect ) { m_pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->StopEmissionAndDestroyImmediately( m_pParticleBeamEffect ); m_pParticleBeamEffect = NULL; } if ( m_pParticleBeamSpark ) { m_pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->StopEmissionAndDestroyImmediately( m_pParticleBeamSpark ); m_pParticleBeamSpark = NULL; } m_pEffectOwner = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFMechanicalArm::UpdateParticleBeam() { // Update Particle // If we are attacking, update the particle (make it render) CTFPlayer *pFiringPlayer = ToTFPlayer( GetOwnerEntity() ); if ( !pFiringPlayer ) { StopParticleBeam(); return; } C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); C_BaseEntity *pEffectOwner = this; if ( pLocalPlayer == pFiringPlayer ) { pEffectOwner = pLocalPlayer->GetRenderedWeaponModel(); if ( !pEffectOwner ) { StopParticleBeam(); return; } } if ( m_pEffectOwner && m_pEffectOwner != pEffectOwner ) { StopParticleBeam(); return; } if ( m_flNextSecondaryAttack > gpGlobals->curtime ) { StopParticleBeam(); return; } m_pEffectOwner = pEffectOwner; // Constantly perform the shock attack and update control points if attack is down and we've already fired if ( pFiringPlayer && pFiringPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK && pFiringPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() == this && pFiringPlayer->GetWaterLevel() != WL_Eyes && pFiringPlayer->m_flNextAttack < gpGlobals->curtime ) { trace_t tr; Vector vecAiming; pFiringPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecAiming ); Vector vecEnd = pFiringPlayer->EyePosition() + vecAiming * 256.0f; UTIL_TraceLine( pFiringPlayer->EyePosition(), vecEnd, ( MASK_SHOT & ~CONTENTS_HITBOX ), pFiringPlayer, DMG_GENERIC, &tr ); // Line laser if ( !m_pParticleBeamEffect ) { const char *pszEffectName = "dxhr_arm_muzzleflash2"; m_pParticleBeamEffect = pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->Create( pszEffectName, PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, "muzzle" ); } if ( m_pParticleBeamEffect ) { Vector vEndPos = tr.endpos - pFiringPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->AddControlPoint( m_pParticleBeamEffect, 1, pFiringPlayer, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, NULL, vEndPos ); } // Spark if ( !m_pParticleBeamSpark && tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsPlayer( ) ) { m_pParticleBeamSpark = pEffectOwner->ParticleProp( )->Create( "dxhr_arm_impact", PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW ); } else if ( m_pParticleBeamSpark && (!tr.m_pEnt || !tr.m_pEnt->IsPlayer() ) ) { m_pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->StopEmissionAndDestroyImmediately( m_pParticleBeamSpark ); m_pParticleBeamSpark = NULL; } if ( m_pParticleBeamSpark ) { Vector vEndPos = tr.endpos - pFiringPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); pEffectOwner->ParticleProp( )->AddControlPoint( m_pParticleBeamSpark, 1, pFiringPlayer, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, NULL, vEndPos ); } } else if ( m_pEffectOwner ) { StopParticleBeam( ); } } #endif // CLIENT_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFMechanicalArm::PrimaryAttack() { CTFPlayer *pOwner = ToTFPlayer( GetPlayerOwner() ); if ( !pOwner ) return; float flFireDelay = ApplyFireDelay( m_pWeaponInfo->GetWeaponData( m_iWeaponMode ).m_flTimeFireDelay ); if ( m_iPrimaryAmmoType == TF_AMMO_METAL ) { if ( ( GetAmmoPerShot() > GetOwner()->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) ) || ( pOwner->GetWaterLevel( ) == WL_Eyes ) ) { WeaponSound( EMPTY ); m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + flFireDelay; return; } } // Are we capable of firing again? if ( m_flNextPrimaryAttack > gpGlobals->curtime ) return; // Get the player owning the weapon. CTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( GetPlayerOwner() ); if ( !pPlayer ) return; if ( !CanAttack() ) return; #ifdef GAME_DLL CTF_GameStats.Event_PlayerFiredWeapon( pPlayer, false ); int iAmmoPerShot = 0; CALL_ATTRIB_HOOK_INT( iAmmoPerShot, mod_ammo_per_shot ); pOwner->RemoveAmmo( iAmmoPerShot, m_iPrimaryAmmoType ); //int nAmmoToTake = bShocked ? 0 : GetAmmoPerShot(); //pOwner->RemoveAmmo( nAmmoToTake, m_iPrimaryAmmoType ); FireProjectile( pPlayer ); #endif #ifdef CLIENT_DLL // Play an effect on the client so they have some kind of visual feedback that something happened int iParticleAttachment = LookupAttachment( "muzzle" ); CNewParticleEffect* pEffect = ParticleProp()->Create( "dxhr_sniper_fizzle", PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, iParticleAttachment ); ParticleProp()->AddControlPoint( pEffect, 1, this, PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, "muzzle" ); #endif WeaponSound( SINGLE ); // Set the weapon mode. m_iWeaponMode = TF_WEAPON_PRIMARY_MODE; SendWeaponAnim( ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK ); pPlayer->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 ); // Set next attack times. m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + flFireDelay; SetWeaponIdleTime( gpGlobals->curtime + SequenceDuration() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTFMechanicalArm::GetAmmoPerShot( void ) { // Used by normal fire code, we only decrement ammo on ticks which uses an Attr return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFMechanicalArm::UpdateBodygroups( CBaseCombatCharacter* pOwner, int iState ) { if ( !pOwner ) return false; iState = pOwner->GetActiveWeapon() == this; bool res = BaseClass::UpdateBodygroups( pOwner, iState ); CTFPlayer *pTFOwner = ToTFPlayer( pOwner ); if ( pTFOwner ) { CBaseViewModel *pVM = pTFOwner->GetViewModel(); if ( pVM ) { pVM->SetBodygroup( 1, iState ); } } return res; }