//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #ifndef GC_JOB_H #define GC_JOB_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #include "tier1/functors.h" #include "workthreadpool.h" namespace GCSDK { class CJobMgr; class CLock; class CJob; class IMsgNetPacket; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Use these macros to declare blocks where it is unsafe to yield. // The job will assert if it pauses within the block //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DO_NOT_YIELD_THIS_SCOPE() GCSDK::CDoNotYieldScope doNotYieldScope_##line( FILE_AND_LINE ) #define BEGIN_DO_NOT_YIELD() GJobCur().PushDoNotYield( FILE_AND_LINE ) #define END_DO_NOT_YIELD() GJobCur().PopDoNotYield() class CDoNotYieldScope { public: CDoNotYieldScope( const char *pchLocation ); ~CDoNotYieldScope(); private: // Disallow these constructors and operators CDoNotYieldScope(); CDoNotYieldScope( const CDoNotYieldScope &that ); CDoNotYieldScope &operator=( const CDoNotYieldScope &that ); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // job creation function typedef CJob *(*JobCreationFunc_t)( void *pvServerParent, void * pvStartParam ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: static job information // contains information relevant to one type of CJob //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct JobType_t { const char *m_pchName; // name of this type of job MsgType_t m_eCreationMsg; // network message that creates this job EServerType m_eServerType; // the server type that responds to this message JobCreationFunc_t m_pJobFactory; // virtual constructor }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: reason as to why the current job has yielded to the main thread (paused) // if this is updated, k_prgchJobPauseReason[] in job.cpp also needs to be updated //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum EJobPauseReason { k_EJobPauseReasonNone, k_EJobPauseReasonNotStarted, k_EJobPauseReasonNetworkMsg, k_EJobPauseReasonSleepForTime, k_EJobPauseReasonWaitingForLock, k_EJobPauseReasonYield, k_EJobPauseReasonSQL, k_EJobPauseReasonWorkItem, k_EJobPauseReasonCount }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: contains information used to route a message to a job, or to // create a new job from that message type //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct JobMsgInfo_t { MsgType_t m_eMsg; JobID_t m_JobIDSource; JobID_t m_JobIDTarget; EServerType m_eServerType; JobMsgInfo_t() { m_eMsg = (MsgType_t)0; m_JobIDSource = k_GIDNil; m_JobIDTarget = k_GIDNil; m_eServerType = k_EServerTypeInvalid; } JobMsgInfo_t( MsgType_t eMsg, JobID_t jobIDSource, JobID_t jobIDTarget, EServerType eServerType ) { m_eMsg = eMsg; m_JobIDSource = jobIDSource; m_JobIDTarget = jobIDTarget; m_eServerType = eServerType; } }; typedef void (CJob::*JobThreadFunc_t)(); #define BYieldingAcquireLock( lock ) _BYieldingAcquireLock( lock, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) #define BAcquireLockImmediate( lock ) _BAcquireLockImmediate( lock, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) #define ReleaseLock( lock ) _ReleaseLock( lock, false, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A job is any server operation that requires state. Typically, we use jobs for // operations that need to pause waiting for responses from other servers. The // job object persists the state of the operation while it waits, and the reply // from the remote server re-activates the job. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CJob { public: // Constructors & destructors, when overriding job name a static string pointer must be used explicit CJob( CJobMgr &jobMgr, char const *pchJobName = NULL ); virtual ~CJob(); // starts the job, storing off the network msg and calling it's Run() function void StartJobFromNetworkMsg( IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket, const JobID_t &gidJobIDSrc ); // accessors JobID_t GetJobID() const { return m_JobID; } // start job immediately // mostly for CMD jobs, which should immediately Yield() once // so that they don't do their work until the enclosing JobMbr.Run() // is called void StartJob( void * pvStartParam ); // schedules the job for execution, but does not interrup the currently running job. Effectively starts the job on the yielding list as if it had immediately yielded // although is more efficient than actually doing so void StartJobDelayed( void * pvStartParam ); // string name of the job const char *GetName() const; // return reason why we're paused EJobPauseReason GetPauseReason() const { return m_ePauseReason; } // string description of why we're paused const char *GetPauseReasonDescription() const; // return time at which this job was last paused or continued const CJobTime& GetTimeSwitched() const { return m_STimeSwitched; } // return microseconds run since we were last continued uint64 GetMicrosecondsRun() const { return m_FastTimerDelta.GetDurationInProgress().GetUlMicroseconds(); } bool BJobNeedsToHeartbeat() const { return ( m_STimeNextHeartbeat.CServerMicroSecsPassed() >= 0 ); } // --- locking pointers bool _BYieldingAcquireLock( CLock *pLock, const char *filename = "unknown", int line = 0 ); bool _BAcquireLockImmediate( CLock *pLock, const char *filename = "unknown", int line = 0 ); void _ReleaseLock( CLock *pLock, bool bForce = false, const char *filename = "unknown", int line = 0 ); bool BHoldsAnyLocks() const { return m_vecLocks.Count() > 0; } void ReleaseLocks(); /// If we hold any locks, spew about them and release them. /// This is useful for long running jobs, to make sure they don't leak /// locks that never get cleaned up void ShouldNotHoldAnyLocks(); // --- general methods for waiting for events // Simple yield to other jobs until Run() called again bool BYield(); // Yield IF JobMgr thinks we need to based on how long we've run and our priority bool BYieldIfNeeded( bool *pbYielded = NULL ); // waits for a set amount of time bool BYieldingWaitTime( uint32 m_cMicrosecondsToSleep ); bool BYieldingWaitOneFrame(); // waits for another network msg, returning false if none returns bool BYieldingWaitForMsg( IMsgNetPacket **ppNetPacket ); bool BYieldingWaitForMsg( CGCMsgBase *pMsg, MsgType_t eMsg ); bool BYieldingWaitForMsg( CProtoBufMsgBase *pMsg, MsgType_t eMsg ); #ifdef GC bool BYieldingWaitForMsg( CGCMsgBase *pMsg, MsgType_t eMsg, const CSteamID &expectedID ); bool BYieldingWaitForMsg( CProtoBufMsgBase *pMsg, MsgType_t eMsg, const CSteamID &expectedID ); bool BYieldingRunQuery( CGCSQLQueryGroup *pQueryGroup, ESchemaCatalog eSchemaCatalog ); #endif bool BYieldingWaitTimeWithLimit( uint32 cMicrosecondsToSleep, CJobTime &stimeStarted, int64 nMicroSecLimit ); bool BYieldingWaitTimeWithLimitRealTime( uint32 cMicrosecondsToSleep, int nSecLimit ); void RecordWaitTimeout() { m_flags.m_bits.m_bWaitTimeout = true; } // wait for pending work items before deleting job void WaitForThreadFuncWorkItemBlocking(); // waits for a work item completion callback // You can pass a string that describes what sort of work item you are waiting on. // WARNING: This function saves the pointer to the string, it doesn't copy the string bool BYieldingWaitForWorkItem( const char *pszWorkItemName = NULL ); // adds this work item to threaded work pool and waits for it bool BYieldingWaitForThreadFuncWorkItem( CWorkItem * ); // calls a local function in a thread, and yields until it's done bool BYieldingWaitForThreadFunc( CFunctor *jobFunctor ); // Used by the DO_NOT_YIELD() macros int32 GetDoNotYieldDepth() const; void PushDoNotYield( const char *pchFileAndLine ); void PopDoNotYield(); #ifdef DBGFLAG_VALIDATE virtual void Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ); // Validate our internal structures static void ValidateStatics( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ); #endif // creates a job template <typename JOB_TYPE, typename PARAM_TYPE> static JOB_TYPE *AllocateJob( PARAM_TYPE *pParam ) { return new JOB_TYPE( pParam ); } // delete a job (the job knows what allocator to use) static void DeleteJob( CJob *pJob ); void SetStartParam( void * pvStartParam ) { Assert( NULL == m_pvStartParam ); m_pvStartParam = pvStartParam; } void SetFromFromMsg( bool bRunFromMsg ) { m_bRunFromMsg = true; } void AddPacketToList( IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket, const JobID_t gidJobIDSrc ); // marks a packet as being finished with, releases the packet and frees the memory void ReleaseNetPacket( IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ); void EndPause( EJobPauseReason eExpectedState ); // Generate an assertion in the coroutine of this job // (creating a minidump). Useful for inspecting stuck jobs void GenerateAssert( const char *pchMsg = NULL ); /// Return true if we tried to waited on a message of this type, /// and failed to receive it. (If so, then this means we could /// conceivably still receive a reply of that type at any moment.) bool BHasFailedToReceivedMsgType( MsgType_t m ) const; /// Mark that we awaited a message of the specified type, but timed out void MarkFailedToReceivedMsgType( MsgType_t m ); /// Clear flag that we timed out waiting on a message of the specified type. /// This is used to allow you to wait ont he same message again, even if /// you know the reply might be a late reply. It's up to you to deal with /// mismatched replies! void ClearFailedToReceivedMsgType( MsgType_t m ); protected: // main job implementation, in the coroutine. Every job must implement at least one of these methods. virtual bool BYieldingRunJob( void * pvStartParam ) { Assert( false ); return true; } // implement this if your job can be started directly virtual bool BYieldingRunJobFromMsg( IMsgNetPacket * pNetPacket ) { Assert( false ); return true; } // implement this if your job can be started by a network message // Can be overridden to return a different timeout per job class virtual uint32 CHeartbeatsBeforeTimeout(); // Called by CJobMgr to send heartbeat message to our listeners during long operations void Heartbeat(); // accessor to get access to the JobMgr from the server we belong to CJobMgr &GetJobMgr(); uint32 m_bRunFromMsg:1, m_bWorkItemCanceled:1, // true if the work item we were waiting on was canceled m_bIsTest:1, m_bIsLongRunning:1; private: // starts the coroutine that activates the job void InitCoroutine(); // continues the current job void Continue(); // break into this coroutine - can only be called from OUTSIDE this coroutine void Debug(); // pauses the current job - can only be called from inside a coroutine void Pause( EJobPauseReason eReason ); static void BRunProxy( void *pvThis ); JobID_t m_JobID; // Our unique identifier. HCoroutine m_hCoroutine; void * m_pvStartParam; // Start params for our job, if any // all these flags indicate some kind of failure and we will want to report them union { struct { uint32 m_bJobFailed:1, // true if BYieldingRunJob returned false m_bLocksFailed:1, m_bLocksLongHeld:1, m_bLocksLongWait:1, m_bWaitTimeout:1, m_bLongInterYield:1, m_bTimeoutNetMsg:1, m_bTimeoutOther:1, m_uUnused:24; } m_bits; uint32 m_uFlags; } m_flags; int m_cLocksAttempted; int m_cLocksWaitedFor; EJobPauseReason m_ePauseReason; MsgType_t m_unWaitMsgType; CJobTime m_STimeStarted; // time (frame) at which this job started CJobTime m_STimeSwitched; // time (frame) at which we were last paused or continued CJobTime m_STimeNextHeartbeat; // Time at which next heartbeat should be performed CFastTimer m_FastTimerDelta; // How much time we've been running for without yielding CCycleCount m_cyclecountTotal; // Total runtime CJob *m_pJobPrev; // the job that launched us // lock manipulation void _SetLock( CLock *pLock, const char *filename, int line ); void UnsetLock( CLock *pLock ); void PassLockToJob( CJob *pNewJob, CLock *pLock ); void OnLockDeleted( CLock *pLock ); void AddJobToNotifyOnLockRelease( CJob *pJob ); CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< CLock *, 2 > m_vecLocks; CLock *m_pWaitingOnLock; // lock we're waiting on, if any const char *m_pWaitingOnLockFilename; int m_waitingOnLockLine; CJob *m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease; // other job that wants this lock CWorkItem *m_pWaitingOnWorkItem; // set if job is waiting for this work item CJobMgr &m_JobMgr; // our job manager CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< IMsgNetPacket *, 1 > m_vecNetPackets; // list of tcp packets currently held by this job (ie, needing release on job exit) /// List of message types that we have waited for, but timed out. /// once this happens, we currently do not have a good mechanism /// to recover gracefully. But we at least can detect the situation /// and avoid getting totally hosed or processing the wrong reply CUtlVector<MsgType_t> m_vecMsgTypesFailedToReceive; // pointer to our own static job info struct JobType_t const *m_pJobType; // Name of the job for when it's not registered const char *m_pchJobName; // A stack of do not yield guards so we can print the right warning if they're nested CUtlLinkedList<const char *> m_stackDoNotYieldGuards; // setting the job info friend void Job_SetJobType( CJob &job, const JobType_t *pJobType ); friend class CJobMgr; friend class CLock; // used to store the memory allocation stack CUtlMemory< unsigned char > m_memAllocStack; }; // Only one job can be running at a time. We keep a global accessor to it. extern CJob *g_pJobCur; inline CJob &GJobCur() { Assert( g_pJobCur != NULL ); return *g_pJobCur; } #define AssertRunningJob() { Assert( NULL != g_pJobCur ); } #define AssertRunningThisJob() { Assert( this == g_pJobCur ); } #define AssertNotRunningThisJob() { Assert( this != g_pJobCur ); } #define AssertNotRunningJob() { Assert( NULL == g_pJobCur ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: simple locking class // add this object to any classes you want jobs to be able to lock //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CLock { public: CLock( ); ~CLock(); bool BIsLocked() { return m_pJob != NULL; } CJob *GetJobLocking() { return m_pJob; } CJob *GetJobWaitingQueueHead() { return m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease; } CJob *GetJobWaitingQueueTail() { return m_pJobWaitingQueueTail; } void AddToWaitingQueue( CJob *pJob ); const char *GetName() const; void SetName( const char *pchName ); void SetName( const char *pchPrefix, uint64 ulID ); void SetName( const CSteamID &steamID ); int16 GetLockType() const { return m_nsLockType; } void SetLockType( int16 nsLockType ) { m_nsLockType = nsLockType; } uint64 GetLockSubType() const { return m_unLockSubType; } void SetLockSubType( uint64 unLockSubType ) { m_unLockSubType = unLockSubType; } int32 GetWaitingCount() const { return m_nWaitingCount; } int64 GetMicroSecondsSinceLock() const { return m_sTimeAcquired.CServerMicroSecsPassed(); } void IncrementReference(); int DecrementReference(); void ClearReference() { m_nRefCount = 0; } int32 GetReferenceCount() const { return m_nRefCount; } void Dump( const char *pszPrefix = "\t\t", int nPrintMax = 1, bool bPrintWaiting = true ) const; private: enum ENameType { k_ENameTypeNone = 0, k_ENameTypeSteamID = 1, k_ENameTypeConstStr = 2, k_ENameTypeConcat = 3, }; CJob *m_pJob; // the job that's currently locking us CJob *m_pJobToNotifyOnLockRelease; // Pointer to the first job waiting on us CJob *m_pJobWaitingQueueTail; // Pointer to the last job waiting on us int16 m_nsLockType; // Lock priority for safely waiting on multiple locks int16 m_nsNameType; // Enum that controls how this lock is named uint64 m_ulID; // ID part of the lock's name const char *m_pchConstStr; // Prefix part of the lock's name mutable CUtlString m_strName; // Cached name int32 m_nRefCount; // # of times locked int32 m_nWaitingCount; // Count of jobs waiting on the lock CJobTime m_sTimeAcquired; // Time the lock was last locked uint64 m_unLockSubType; const char *m_pFilename; // Filename of the source file who aquired this lock int m_line; // Line number of the filename friend class CJob; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: automatic locking class //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CAutoCLock { public: CAutoCLock( CLock &refLock ) : m_pLock ( &refLock) { DbgVerify( GJobCur().BYieldingAcquireLock( m_pLock ) ); } // explicitly unlock before destruction void Unlock() { if ( m_pLock != NULL ) GJobCur().ReleaseLock( m_pLock ); m_pLock = NULL; } ~CAutoCLock( ) { Unlock(); } private: CLock *m_pLock; CJob *m_pJob; }; } // namespace GCSDK #include "tier0/memdbgoff.h" #endif // GC_JOB_H