//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: VMT tool; main UI smarts class

#ifndef VMTTOOL_H
#define VMTTOOL_H

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

// Forward declarations
class CDmeEditorTypeDictionary;

// Singleton interfaces
extern CDmeEditorTypeDictionary *g_pEditorTypeDict;

// Allows the doc to call back into the VMT editor tool
class IVMTDocCallback
	// Called by the doc when the data changes
	virtual void OnDocChanged( const char *pReason, int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags ) = 0;

	// Update the editor dict based on the current material parameters
	virtual void AddShaderParameter( const char *pParam, const char *pWidget, const char *pTextType ) = 0;

	// Update the editor dict based on the current material parameters
	virtual void RemoveShaderParameter( const char *pParam ) = 0;

	// Adds flags, tool parameters
	virtual void AddFlagParameter( const char *pParam ) = 0;
	virtual void AddToolParameter( const char *pParam, const char *pWidget = NULL, const char *pTextType = NULL ) = 0;
	virtual void RemoveAllFlagParameters() = 0;
	virtual void RemoveAllToolParameters() = 0;

#endif // VMTTOOL_H