//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Implementation of the VGUI ISurface interface using the // material system to implement it // //=============================================================================// #if defined( WIN32) && !defined( _X360 ) #include #endif #ifdef OSX #include #endif #if defined( USE_SDL ) #include ILauncherMgr *g_pLauncherMgr = NULL; #endif #include "tier1/strtools.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include "tier0/dbg.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include #include #include "utlbuffer.h" #include "utlvector.h" #include "Clip2D.h" #include #include #include #include "bitmap/imageformat.h" #include "TextureDictionary.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Input.h" #include #include #include "vgui_surfacelib/FontManager.h" #include "FontTextureCache.h" #include "MatSystemSurface.h" #include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h" #include #include #include "icvar.h" #include "mathlib/mathlib.h" #include #include "mathlib/vmatrix.h" #include #include "materialsystem/itexture.h" #ifdef OSX #include #else #include #endif #include "../vgui2/src/VPanel.h" #include #if defined( _X360 ) #include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h" #endif #include "xbox/xboxstubs.h" #include "../vgui2/src/Memorybitmap.h" #pragma warning( disable : 4706 ) #include #include #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" #pragma warning( default : 4706 ) // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #define VPANEL_NORMAL ((vgui::SurfacePlat *) NULL) #define VPANEL_MINIMIZED ((vgui::SurfacePlat *) 0x00000001) using namespace vgui; static bool g_bSpewFocus = false; class CVguiMatInfoVar : public IVguiMatInfoVar { public: CVguiMatInfoVar( IMaterialVar *pMaterialVar ) { m_pMaterialVar = pMaterialVar; } // from IVguiMatInfoVar virtual int GetIntValue ( void ) const { return m_pMaterialVar->GetIntValue(); } virtual void SetIntValue ( int val ) { m_pMaterialVar->SetIntValue( val ); } private: IMaterialVar *m_pMaterialVar; }; class CVguiMatInfo : public IVguiMatInfo { public: CVguiMatInfo( IMaterial *pMaterial ) { m_pMaterial = pMaterial; } // from IVguiMatInfo virtual IVguiMatInfoVar* FindVarFactory( const char *varName, bool *found ) { IMaterialVar *pMaterialVar = m_pMaterial->FindVar( varName, found ); if ( pMaterialVar == NULL ) return NULL; return new CVguiMatInfoVar( pMaterialVar ); } virtual int GetNumAnimationFrames( void ) { return m_pMaterial->GetNumAnimationFrames(); } private: IMaterial *m_pMaterial; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Globals... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vgui::IInputInternal *g_pIInput; static bool g_bInDrawing; static CFontTextureCache g_FontTextureCache; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Singleton instance //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMatSystemSurface g_MatSystemSurface; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CMatSystemSurface, ISurface, VGUI_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION, g_MatSystemSurface ); #if defined(LINUX) || defined(OSX) || defined(BSD) CUtlDict< CMatSystemSurface::font_entry, unsigned short > CMatSystemSurface::m_FontData; #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make sure the panel is the same size as the viewport //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMatEmbeddedPanel::CMatEmbeddedPanel() : BaseClass( NULL, "MatSystemTopPanel" ) { SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); #if defined( _X360 ) SetPos( 0, 0 ); SetSize( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ), GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) ); #endif } void CMatEmbeddedPanel::OnThink() { int x, y, width, height; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->GetViewport( x, y, width, height ); SetSize( width, height ); SetPos( x, y ); Repaint(); } VPANEL CMatEmbeddedPanel::IsWithinTraverse(int x, int y, bool traversePopups) { VPANEL retval = BaseClass::IsWithinTraverse( x, y, traversePopups ); if ( retval == GetVPanel() ) return 0; return retval; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor, destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMatSystemSurface::CMatSystemSurface() : m_pEmbeddedPanel(NULL), m_pWhite(NULL) { m_iBoundTexture = -1; m_HWnd = NULL; m_bIn3DPaintMode = false; m_b3DPaintRenderToTexture = false; m_bDrawingIn3DWorld = false; m_PlaySoundFunc = NULL; m_bInThink = false; m_bAllowJavaScript = false; m_bAppDrivesInput = false; m_nLastInputPollCount = 0; m_hCurrentFont = NULL; m_pRestrictedPanel = NULL; m_bNeedsKeyboard = true; m_bNeedsMouse = true; m_bUsingTempFullScreenBufferMaterial = false; m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId = -1; memset( m_WorkSpaceInsets, 0, sizeof( m_WorkSpaceInsets ) ); m_nBatchedCharVertCount = 0; m_nFullscreenViewportX = m_nFullscreenViewportY = 0; m_nFullscreenViewportWidth = m_nFullscreenViewportHeight = 0; m_pFullscreenRenderTarget = NULL; m_cursorAlwaysVisible = false; } CMatSystemSurface::~CMatSystemSurface() { if ( m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId != -1 ) { DestroyTextureID( m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId ); m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId = -1; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Connect, disconnect... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { if ( !BaseClass::Connect( factory ) ) return false; if ( !g_pFullFileSystem ) { Warning( "MatSystemSurface requires the file system to run!\n" ); return false; } if ( !g_pMaterialSystem ) { Warning( "MatSystemSurface requires the material system to run!\n" ); return false; } if ( !g_pVGuiPanel ) { Warning( "MatSystemSurface requires the vgui::IPanel system to run!\n" ); return false; } g_pIInput = (IInputInternal *)factory( VGUI_INPUTINTERNAL_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !g_pIInput ) { Warning( "MatSystemSurface requires the vgui::IInput system to run!\n" ); return false; } if ( !g_pVGui ) { Warning( "MatSystemSurface requires the vgui::IVGUI system to run!\n" ); return false; } Assert( g_pVGuiSurface == this ); // initialize vgui_control interfaces if ( !vgui::VGui_InitInterfacesList( "MATSURFACE", &factory, 1 ) ) return false; #ifdef USE_SDL g_pLauncherMgr = (ILauncherMgr *)factory( SDLMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); #endif return true; } void CMatSystemSurface::Disconnect() { g_pIInput = NULL; BaseClass::Disconnect(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Access to other interfaces... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void *CMatSystemSurface::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) { // We also implement the IMatSystemSurface interface if (!Q_strncmp( pInterfaceName, MAT_SYSTEM_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION, Q_strlen(MAT_SYSTEM_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION) + 1)) return (IMatSystemSurface*)this; // We also implement the IMatSystemSurface interface if (!Q_strncmp( pInterfaceName, VGUI_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION, Q_strlen(VGUI_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION) + 1)) return (vgui::ISurface*)this; return BaseClass::QueryInterface( pInterfaceName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::InitFullScreenBuffer( const char *pszRenderTargetName ) { if ( !IsPC() ) return; char pTemp[512]; Q_snprintf( pTemp, sizeof(pTemp), "VGUI_3DPaint_FullScreen_%s", pszRenderTargetName ); m_FullScreenBufferMaterial.Shutdown(); // Set up a material with which to reference the final image for subsequent display using vgui KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues = new KeyValues( "UnlitGeneric" ); pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$basetexture", pszRenderTargetName ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$nocull", 1 ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$nofog", 1 ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$ignorez", 1 ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$translucent", 1 ); m_FullScreenBufferMaterial.Init( pTemp, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, pVMTKeyValues ); m_FullScreenBufferMaterial->Refresh(); if ( m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId != -1 ) { DestroyTextureID( m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId ); } m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId = -1; m_FullScreenBuffer.Shutdown(); m_FullScreenBufferName = pszRenderTargetName; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization and shutdown... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- InitReturnVal_t CMatSystemSurface::Init( void ) { InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init(); if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK ) return nRetVal; // Allocate a white material KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues = new KeyValues( "UnlitGeneric" ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$vertexcolor", 1 ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$vertexalpha", 1 ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$ignorez", 1 ); pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$no_fullbright", 1 ); if ( ! (CommandLine()->FindParm("-disable_matsurf_noculls")) ) { pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$nocull", 1 ); // skip this if user asks for the switch above } m_pWhite.Init( "VGUI_White", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, pVMTKeyValues ); InitFullScreenBuffer( "_rt_FullScreen" ); m_DrawColor[0] = m_DrawColor[1] = m_DrawColor[2] = m_DrawColor[3] = 255; m_nTranslateX = m_nTranslateY = 0; EnableScissor( false ); SetScissorRect( 0, 0, 100000, 100000 ); m_flAlphaMultiplier = 1.0f; // By default, use the default embedded panel m_pDefaultEmbeddedPanel = new CMatEmbeddedPanel; SetEmbeddedPanel( m_pDefaultEmbeddedPanel->GetVPanel() ); m_iBoundTexture = -1; // Initialize font info.. m_pDrawTextPos[0] = m_pDrawTextPos[1] = 0; m_DrawTextColor[0] = m_DrawTextColor[1] = m_DrawTextColor[2] = m_DrawTextColor[3] = 255; m_bIn3DPaintMode = false; m_b3DPaintRenderToTexture = false; m_bDrawingIn3DWorld = false; m_PlaySoundFunc = NULL; // Input system InitInput(); // Initialize cursors InitCursors(); // fonts initialization char language[64]; bool bValid; if ( IsPC() ) { bValid = system()->GetRegistryString( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\Source\\Language", language, sizeof(language)-1 ); } else { Q_strncpy( language, XBX_GetLanguageString(), sizeof( language ) ); bValid = true; } if ( bValid ) { FontManager().SetLanguage( language ); } else { FontManager().SetLanguage( "english" ); } #if defined(LINUX) || defined(OSX) || defined(BSD) FontManager().SetFontDataHelper( &CMatSystemSurface::FontDataHelper ); #endif // font manager needs the file system and material system for bitmap fonts FontManager().SetInterfaces( g_pFullFileSystem, g_pMaterialSystem ); g_bSpewFocus = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-vguifocus" ) ? true : false; return INIT_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::Shutdown( void ) { for ( int i = m_FileTypeImages.First(); i != m_FileTypeImages.InvalidIndex(); i = m_FileTypeImages.Next( i ) ) { delete m_FileTypeImages[ i ]; } m_FileTypeImages.RemoveAll(); // Release all textures TextureDictionary()->DestroyAllTextures(); m_iBoundTexture = -1; // Release the standard materials m_pWhite.Shutdown(); m_FullScreenBufferMaterial.Shutdown(); m_FullScreenBuffer.Shutdown(); m_Titles.Purge(); m_PaintStateStack.Purge(); #if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) // release any custom font files // use newer function if possible HMODULE gdiModule = ::LoadLibrary( "gdi32.dll" ); typedef int (WINAPI *RemoveFontResourceExProc)(LPCTSTR, DWORD, PVOID); RemoveFontResourceExProc pRemoveFontResourceEx = NULL; if ( gdiModule ) { pRemoveFontResourceEx = (RemoveFontResourceExProc)::GetProcAddress(gdiModule, "RemoveFontResourceExA"); } for (int i = 0; i < m_CustomFontFileNames.Count(); i++) { if (pRemoveFontResourceEx) { // dvs: Keep removing the font until we get an error back. After consulting with Microsoft, it appears // that RemoveFontResourceEx must sometimes be called multiple times to work. Doing this insures that // when we load the font next time we get the real font instead of Ariel. int nRetries = 0; while ( (*pRemoveFontResourceEx)(m_CustomFontFileNames[i].String(), 0x10, NULL) && ( nRetries < 10 ) ) { nRetries++; Msg( "Removed font resource %s on attempt %d.\n", m_CustomFontFileNames[i].String(), nRetries ); } } else { // dvs: Keep removing the font until we get an error back. After consulting with Microsoft, it appears // that RemoveFontResourceEx must sometimes be called multiple times to work. Doing this insures that // when we load the font next time we get the real font instead of Ariel. int nRetries = 0; while ( ::RemoveFontResource(m_CustomFontFileNames[i].String()) && ( nRetries < 10 ) ) { nRetries++; Msg( "Removed font resource %s on attempt %d.\n", m_CustomFontFileNames[i].String(), nRetries ); } } } #endif m_CustomFontFileNames.RemoveAll(); m_BitmapFontFileNames.RemoveAll(); m_BitmapFontFileMapping.RemoveAll(); Cursor_ClearUserCursors(); #if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) if ( gdiModule ) { ::FreeLibrary(gdiModule); } #endif BaseClass::Shutdown(); } void CMatSystemSurface::SetEmbeddedPanel(VPANEL pEmbeddedPanel) { m_pEmbeddedPanel = pEmbeddedPanel; ((VPanel *)pEmbeddedPanel)->Client()->RequestFocus(0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // hierarchy root //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPANEL CMatSystemSurface::GetEmbeddedPanel() { return m_pEmbeddedPanel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: cap bits // Warning: if you change this, make sure the SurfaceV28 wrapper above reports // the correct capabilities. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::SupportsFeature(SurfaceFeature_e feature) { switch (feature) { case ISurface::ANTIALIASED_FONTS: case ISurface::DROPSHADOW_FONTS: return true; case ISurface::OUTLINE_FONTS: if ( IsX360() ) return false; return true; case ISurface::ESCAPE_KEY: return true; case ISurface::OPENING_NEW_HTML_WINDOWS: case ISurface::FRAME_MINIMIZE_MAXIMIZE: default: return false; }; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hook needed to Get input to work //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::AttachToWindow( void *hWnd, bool bLetAppDriveInput ) { InputDetachFromWindow( m_HWnd ); m_HWnd = hWnd; if ( hWnd ) { InputAttachToWindow( hWnd ); m_bAppDrivesInput = bLetAppDriveInput; } else { // Never call RunFrame stuff m_bAppDrivesInput = true; } } bool CMatSystemSurface::HandleInputEvent( const InputEvent_t &event ) { if ( !m_bAppDrivesInput ) { g_pIInput->UpdateButtonState( event ); } return InputHandleInputEvent( event ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a panel in 3D space. Assumes view + projection are already set up // Also assumes the (x,y) coordinates of the panels are defined in 640xN coords // (N isn't necessary 480 because the panel may not be 4x3) // The width + height specified are the size of the panel in world coordinates //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawPanelIn3DSpace( vgui::VPANEL pRootPanel, const VMatrix &panelCenterToWorld, int pw, int ph, float sw, float sh ) { Assert( pRootPanel ); // FIXME: When should such panels be solved?!? SolveTraverse( pRootPanel, false ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); // Force Z buffering to be on for all panels drawn... pRenderContext->OverrideDepthEnable( true, false ); Assert(!m_bDrawingIn3DWorld); m_bDrawingIn3DWorld = true; StartDrawingIn3DSpace( panelCenterToWorld, pw, ph, sw, sh ); ((VPanel *)pRootPanel)->Client()->Repaint(); ((VPanel *)pRootPanel)->Client()->PaintTraverse(true, false); FinishDrawing(); // Reset z buffering to normal state pRenderContext->OverrideDepthEnable( false, true ); m_bDrawingIn3DWorld = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Setup rendering for vgui on a panel existing in 3D space //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::StartDrawingIn3DSpace( const VMatrix &screenToWorld, int pw, int ph, float sw, float sh ) { g_bInDrawing = true; m_iBoundTexture = -1; int px = 0; int py = 0; m_pSurfaceExtents[0] = px; m_pSurfaceExtents[1] = py; m_pSurfaceExtents[2] = px + pw; m_pSurfaceExtents[3] = py + ph; // In order for this to work, the model matrix must have its origin // at the upper left corner of the screen. We must also scale down the // rendering from pixel space to screen space. Let's construct a matrix // transforming from pixel coordinates (640xN) to screen coordinates // (wxh, with the origin at the upper left of the screen). Then we'll // concatenate it with the panelCenterToWorld to produce pixelToWorld transform VMatrix pixelToScreen; // First, scale it so that 0->pw transforms to 0->sw MatrixBuildScale( pixelToScreen, sw / pw, -sh / ph, 1.0f ); // Construct pixelToWorld VMatrix pixelToWorld; MatrixMultiply( screenToWorld, pixelToScreen, pixelToWorld ); // make sure there is no translation and rotation laying around CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadMatrix( pixelToWorld ); // These are only here so that FinishDrawing works... pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); // Always enable scissoring (translate to origin because of the glTranslatef call above..) EnableScissor( true ); m_nTranslateX = 0; m_nTranslateY = 0; m_flAlphaMultiplier = 1.0f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Setup ortho for vgui //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // we may need to offset by 0.5 texels to account for the different in pixel vs. texel centers in dx7-9 // however, we do this fixup already when we set up the texture coordinates for all materials/fonts // so in theory we shouldn't need to do any adjustments for setting up the screen // HOWEVER, we must do the offset, else the driver will think the text is something that should // be antialiased, so the text will look broken if antialiasing is turned on (usually forced on in the driver) float g_flPixelOffsetX = 0.5f; float g_flPixelOffsetY = 0.5f; bool g_bCheckedCommandLine = false; extern void ___stop___( void ); void CMatSystemSurface::StartDrawing( void ) { MAT_FUNC; if ( !g_bCheckedCommandLine ) { g_bCheckedCommandLine = true; const char *pX = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-pixel_offset_x", (const char*)NULL ); if ( pX ) g_flPixelOffsetX = atof( pX ); const char *pY = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-pixel_offset_y", (const char*)NULL ); if ( pY ) g_flPixelOffsetY = atof( pY ); } g_bInDrawing = true; m_iBoundTexture = -1; int x, y, width, height; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->GetViewport( x, y, width, height); // we don't want to include x and y from the viewport here. DX will // automatically translate any drawing we do into that viewport. m_pSurfaceExtents[0] = 0; m_pSurfaceExtents[1] = 0; m_pSurfaceExtents[2] = width; m_pSurfaceExtents[3] = height; pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); pRenderContext->Scale( 1, -1, 1 ); //___stop___(); pRenderContext->Ortho( g_flPixelOffsetX, g_flPixelOffsetY, width + g_flPixelOffsetX, height + g_flPixelOffsetY, -1.0f, 1.0f ); // make sure there is no translation and rotation laying around pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); // Always enable scissoring (translate to origin because of the glTranslatef call above..) EnableScissor( true ); m_nTranslateX = 0; m_nTranslateY = 0; pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::FinishDrawing( void ) { MAT_FUNC; // We're done with scissoring EnableScissor( false ); // Restore the matrices CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); Assert( g_bInDrawing ); g_bInDrawing = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // frame //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::RunFrame() { int nPollCount = g_pInputSystem->GetPollCount(); if ( m_nLastInputPollCount == nPollCount ) return; // If this isn't true, we've lost input! if ( !m_bAppDrivesInput && m_nLastInputPollCount != nPollCount - 1 ) { Assert( 0 ); Warning( "Vgui is losing input messages! Call brian!\n" ); } m_nLastInputPollCount = nPollCount; if ( m_bAppDrivesInput ) return; // Generate all input messages int nEventCount = g_pInputSystem->GetEventCount(); const InputEvent_t* pEvents = g_pInputSystem->GetEventData( ); for ( int i = 0; i < nEventCount; ++i ) { HandleInputEvent( pEvents[i] ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets up a particular painting state... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetupPaintState( const PaintState_t &paintState ) { m_nTranslateX = paintState.m_iTranslateX; m_nTranslateY = paintState.m_iTranslateY; SetScissorRect( paintState.m_iScissorLeft, paintState.m_iScissorTop, paintState.m_iScissorRight, paintState.m_iScissorBottom ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Indicates a particular panel is about to be rendered //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::PushMakeCurrent(VPANEL pPanel, bool useInSets) { int inSets[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int absExtents[4]; int clipRect[4]; if (useInSets) { g_pVGuiPanel->GetInset(pPanel, inSets[0], inSets[1], inSets[2], inSets[3]); } g_pVGuiPanel->GetAbsPos(pPanel, absExtents[0], absExtents[1]); int wide, tall; g_pVGuiPanel->GetSize(pPanel, wide, tall); absExtents[2] = absExtents[0] + wide; absExtents[3] = absExtents[1] + tall; g_pVGuiPanel->GetClipRect(pPanel, clipRect[0], clipRect[1], clipRect[2], clipRect[3]); int i = m_PaintStateStack.AddToTail(); PaintState_t &paintState = m_PaintStateStack[i]; paintState.m_pPanel = pPanel; // Determine corrected top left origin paintState.m_iTranslateX = inSets[0] + absExtents[0] - m_pSurfaceExtents[0]; paintState.m_iTranslateY = inSets[1] + absExtents[1] - m_pSurfaceExtents[1]; // Setup clipping rectangle for scissoring paintState.m_iScissorLeft = clipRect[0] - m_pSurfaceExtents[0]; paintState.m_iScissorTop = clipRect[1] - m_pSurfaceExtents[1]; paintState.m_iScissorRight = clipRect[2] - m_pSurfaceExtents[0]; paintState.m_iScissorBottom = clipRect[3] - m_pSurfaceExtents[1]; SetupPaintState( paintState ); } void CMatSystemSurface::PopMakeCurrent(VPANEL pPanel) { //hushed MAT_FUNC; // draw any remaining text if ( m_nBatchedCharVertCount > 0 ) { DrawFlushText(); } int top = m_PaintStateStack.Count() - 1; // More pops that pushes? Assert( top >= 0 ); // Didn't pop in reverse order of push? Assert( m_PaintStateStack[top].m_pPanel == pPanel ); m_PaintStateStack.Remove(top); if (top > 0) SetupPaintState( m_PaintStateStack[top-1] ); // m_iBoundTexture = -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Color Setting methods //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) { Assert( g_bInDrawing ); m_DrawColor[0]=(unsigned char)r; m_DrawColor[1]=(unsigned char)g; m_DrawColor[2]=(unsigned char)b; m_DrawColor[3]=(unsigned char)(a * m_flAlphaMultiplier); } void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetColor(Color col) { Assert( g_bInDrawing ); DrawSetColor(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // material Setting methods //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::InternalSetMaterial( IMaterial *pMaterial ) { if (!pMaterial) { pMaterial = m_pWhite; } CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); m_pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, pMaterial ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper method to initialize vertices (transforms them into screen space too) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::InitVertex( vgui::Vertex_t &vertex, int x, int y, float u, float v ) { vertex.m_Position.Init( x + m_nTranslateX, y + m_nTranslateY ); vertex.m_TexCoord.Init( u, v ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a line! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawTexturedLineInternal( const Vertex_t &a, const Vertex_t &b ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( !m_bIn3DPaintMode ); // Don't bother drawing fully transparent lines if( m_DrawColor[3] == 0 ) return; vgui::Vertex_t verts[2] = { a, b }; verts[0].m_Position.x += m_nTranslateX + g_flPixelOffsetX; verts[0].m_Position.y += m_nTranslateY + g_flPixelOffsetY; verts[1].m_Position.x += m_nTranslateX + g_flPixelOffsetX; verts[1].m_Position.y += m_nTranslateY + g_flPixelOffsetY; vgui::Vertex_t clippedVerts[2]; if (!ClipLine( verts, clippedVerts )) return; meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_LINES, 1 ); meshBuilder.Position3f( clippedVerts[0].m_Position.x, clippedVerts[0].m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, clippedVerts[0].m_TexCoord.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( clippedVerts[1].m_Position.x, clippedVerts[1].m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, clippedVerts[1].m_TexCoord.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.End(); m_pMesh->Draw(); } void CMatSystemSurface::DrawLine( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); // Don't bother drawing fully transparent lines if( m_DrawColor[3] == 0 ) return; vgui::Vertex_t verts[2]; verts[0].Init( Vector2D( x0, y0 ), Vector2D( 0, 0 ) ); verts[1].Init( Vector2D( x1, y1 ), Vector2D( 1, 1 ) ); InternalSetMaterial( ); DrawTexturedLineInternal( verts[0], verts[1] ); } void CMatSystemSurface::DrawTexturedLine( const Vertex_t &a, const Vertex_t &b ) { IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(m_iBoundTexture); InternalSetMaterial( pMaterial ); DrawTexturedLineInternal( a, b ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a line! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawPolyLine( int *px, int *py ,int n ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); Assert( !m_bIn3DPaintMode ); // Don't bother drawing fully transparent lines if( m_DrawColor[3] == 0 ) return; InternalSetMaterial( ); meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_LINES, n ); for ( int i = 0; i < n ; i++ ) { int inext = ( i + 1 ) % n; vgui::Vertex_t verts[2]; vgui::Vertex_t clippedVerts[2]; int x0, y0, x1, y1; x0 = px[ i ]; x1 = px[ inext ]; y0 = py[ i ]; y1 = py[ inext ]; InitVertex( verts[0], x0, y0, 0, 0 ); InitVertex( verts[1], x1, y1, 1, 1 ); if (!ClipLine( verts, clippedVerts )) continue; meshBuilder.Position3f( clippedVerts[0].m_Position.x+ g_flPixelOffsetX, clippedVerts[0].m_Position.y + g_flPixelOffsetY, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, clippedVerts[0].m_TexCoord.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( clippedVerts[1].m_Position.x+ g_flPixelOffsetX, clippedVerts[1].m_Position.y + g_flPixelOffsetY, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, clippedVerts[1].m_TexCoord.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); } meshBuilder.End(); m_pMesh->Draw(); } void CMatSystemSurface::DrawTexturedPolyLine( const vgui::Vertex_t *p,int n ) { MAT_FUNC; int iPrev = n - 1; for ( int i=0; i < n; i++ ) { DrawTexturedLine( p[iPrev], p[i] ); iPrev = i; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a quad: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawQuad( const vgui::Vertex_t &ul, const vgui::Vertex_t &lr, unsigned char *pColor ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( !m_bIn3DPaintMode ); if ( !m_pMesh ) return; meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 ); meshBuilder.Position3f( ul.m_Position.x, ul.m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, ul.m_TexCoord.x, ul.m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( lr.m_Position.x, ul.m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, lr.m_TexCoord.x, ul.m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( lr.m_Position.x, lr.m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, lr.m_TexCoord.x, lr.m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( ul.m_Position.x, lr.m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, ul.m_TexCoord.x, lr.m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.End(); m_pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Draws an array of quads //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawQuadArray( int quadCount, vgui::Vertex_t *pVerts, unsigned char *pColor, bool bShouldClip ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( !m_bIn3DPaintMode ); if ( !m_pMesh ) return; meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, quadCount ); vgui::Vertex_t ulc; vgui::Vertex_t lrc; vgui::Vertex_t *pulc; vgui::Vertex_t *plrc; if ( bShouldClip ) { for ( int i = 0; i < quadCount; ++i ) { PREFETCH360( &pVerts[ 2 * ( i + 1 ) ], 0 ); if ( !ClipRect( pVerts[2*i], pVerts[2*i + 1], &ulc, &lrc ) ) { continue; } pulc = &ulc; plrc = &lrc; meshBuilder.Position3f( pulc->m_Position.x, pulc->m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pulc->m_TexCoord.x, pulc->m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( plrc->m_Position.x, pulc->m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, plrc->m_TexCoord.x, pulc->m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( plrc->m_Position.x, plrc->m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, plrc->m_TexCoord.x, plrc->m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( pulc->m_Position.x, plrc->m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pulc->m_TexCoord.x, plrc->m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < quadCount; ++i ) { PREFETCH360( &pVerts[ 2 * ( i + 1 ) ], 0 ); pulc = &pVerts[2*i]; plrc = &pVerts[2*i + 1]; meshBuilder.Position3f( pulc->m_Position.x, pulc->m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pulc->m_TexCoord.x, pulc->m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( plrc->m_Position.x, pulc->m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, plrc->m_TexCoord.x, pulc->m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( plrc->m_Position.x, plrc->m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, plrc->m_TexCoord.x, plrc->m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( pulc->m_Position.x, plrc->m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( pColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, pulc->m_TexCoord.x, plrc->m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); } } meshBuilder.End(); m_pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Draws a rectangle colored with the current drawcolor // using the white material //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawFilledRect( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); // Don't even bother drawing fully transparent junk if( m_DrawColor[3]!=0 ) { vgui::Vertex_t rect[2]; vgui::Vertex_t clippedRect[2]; InitVertex( rect[0], x0, y0, 0, 0 ); InitVertex( rect[1], x1, y1, 0, 0 ); // Fully clipped? if ( !ClipRect(rect[0], rect[1], &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1]) ) return; InternalSetMaterial(); DrawQuad( clippedRect[0], clippedRect[1], m_DrawColor ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Draws an array of rectangles colored with the current drawcolor // using the white material //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawFilledRectArray( IntRect *pRects, int numRects ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); // Don't even bother drawing fully transparent junk if( m_DrawColor[3]==0 ) return; if ( !m_pMesh ) return; InternalSetMaterial( ); meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, numRects ); for (int i = 0; i < numRects; ++i ) { vgui::Vertex_t rect[2]; vgui::Vertex_t clippedRect[2]; InitVertex( rect[0], pRects[i].x0, pRects[i].y0, 0, 0 ); InitVertex( rect[1], pRects[i].x1, pRects[i].y1, 0, 0 ); ClipRect( rect[0], rect[1], &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1] ); vgui::Vertex_t &ul = clippedRect[0]; vgui::Vertex_t &lr = clippedRect[1]; meshBuilder.Position3f( ul.m_Position.x, ul.m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( lr.m_Position.x, ul.m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( lr.m_Position.x, lr.m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( ul.m_Position.x, lr.m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); } meshBuilder.End(); m_pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a fade between the fadeStartPt and fadeEndPT with the current draw color oriented according to argument // Example: DrawFilledRectFastFade( 10, 10, 100, 20, 50, 60, 255, 128, true ); // -this will draw // a solid rect (10,10,50,20) //alpha 255 // a solid rect (50,10,60,20) //alpha faded from 255 to 128 // a solid rect (60,10,100,20) //alpha 128 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawFilledRectFastFade( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int fadeStartPt, int fadeEndPt, unsigned int alpha0, unsigned int alpha1, bool bHorizontal ) { if( bHorizontal ) { if( alpha0 ) { DrawSetColor( m_DrawColor[0], m_DrawColor[1], m_DrawColor[2], alpha0 ); DrawFilledRect( x0, y0, fadeStartPt, y1 ); } DrawFilledRectFade( fadeStartPt, y0, fadeEndPt, y1, alpha0, alpha1, true ); if( alpha1 ) { DrawSetColor( m_DrawColor[0], m_DrawColor[1], m_DrawColor[2], alpha1 ); DrawFilledRect( fadeEndPt, y0, x1, y1 ); } } else { if( alpha0 ) { DrawSetColor( m_DrawColor[0], m_DrawColor[1], m_DrawColor[2], alpha0 ); DrawFilledRect( x0, y0, x1, fadeStartPt ); } DrawFilledRectFade( x0, fadeStartPt, x1, fadeEndPt, alpha0, alpha1, false ); if( alpha1 ) { DrawSetColor( m_DrawColor[0], m_DrawColor[1], m_DrawColor[2], alpha1 ); DrawFilledRect( x0, fadeEndPt, x1, y1 ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a fade with the current draw color oriented according to argument //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawFilledRectFade( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int alpha0, unsigned int alpha1, bool bHorizontal ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); // Scale the desired alphas by the surface alpha float alphaScale = m_DrawColor[3] / 255.f; alpha0 *= alphaScale; alpha1 *= alphaScale; // Don't even bother drawing fully transparent junk if ( alpha0 == 0 && alpha1 == 0 ) return; vgui::Vertex_t rect[2]; vgui::Vertex_t clippedRect[2]; InitVertex( rect[0], x0, y0, 0, 0 ); InitVertex( rect[1], x1, y1, 0, 0 ); // Fully clipped? if ( !ClipRect(rect[0], rect[1], &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1]) ) return; InternalSetMaterial(); unsigned char colors[4][4] = {{0}}; for ( int i=0; i<4; i++ ) { // copy the rgb and leave the alpha at zero Q_memcpy( colors[i], m_DrawColor, 3 ); } unsigned char nAlpha0 = (alpha0 & 0xFF); unsigned char nAlpha1 = (alpha1 & 0xFF); if ( bHorizontal ) { // horizontal fade colors[0][3] = nAlpha0; colors[1][3] = nAlpha1; colors[2][3] = nAlpha1; colors[3][3] = nAlpha0; } else { // vertical fade colors[0][3] = nAlpha0; colors[1][3] = nAlpha0; colors[2][3] = nAlpha1; colors[3][3] = nAlpha1; } meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 ); meshBuilder.Position3f( clippedRect[0].m_Position.x, clippedRect[0].m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( colors[0] ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, clippedRect[0].m_TexCoord.x, clippedRect[0].m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( clippedRect[1].m_Position.x, clippedRect[0].m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( colors[1] ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, clippedRect[1].m_TexCoord.x, clippedRect[0].m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( clippedRect[1].m_Position.x, clippedRect[1].m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( colors[2] ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, clippedRect[1].m_TexCoord.x, clippedRect[1].m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( clippedRect[0].m_Position.x, clippedRect[1].m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( colors[3] ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, clippedRect[0].m_TexCoord.x, clippedRect[1].m_TexCoord.y ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.End(); m_pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Draws an unfilled rectangle in the current drawcolor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawOutlinedRect(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1) { MAT_FUNC; // Don't even bother drawing fully transparent junk if ( m_DrawColor[3] == 0 ) return; DrawFilledRect(x0,y0,x1,y0+1); //top DrawFilledRect(x0,y1-1,x1,y1); //bottom DrawFilledRect(x0,y0+1,x0+1,y1-1); //left DrawFilledRect(x1-1,y0+1,x1,y1-1); //right } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Draws an outlined circle in the current drawcolor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawOutlinedCircle(int x, int y, int radius, int segments) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); Assert( !m_bIn3DPaintMode ); // Don't even bother drawing fully transparent junk if( m_DrawColor[3]==0 ) return; // NOTE: Gotta use lines instead of linelist or lineloop due to clipping InternalSetMaterial( ); meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_LINES, segments ); vgui::Vertex_t renderVertex[2]; vgui::Vertex_t vertex[2]; vertex[0].m_Position.Init( m_nTranslateX + x + radius, m_nTranslateY + y ); vertex[0].m_TexCoord.Init( 1.0f, 0.5f ); float invDelta = 2.0f * M_PI / segments; for ( int i = 1; i <= segments; ++i ) { float flRadians = i * invDelta; float ca = cos( flRadians ); float sa = sin( flRadians ); // Rotate it around the circle vertex[1].m_Position.x = m_nTranslateX + x + (radius * ca); vertex[1].m_Position.y = m_nTranslateY + y + (radius * sa); vertex[1].m_TexCoord.x = 0.5f * (ca + 1.0f); vertex[1].m_TexCoord.y = 0.5f * (sa + 1.0f); if (ClipLine( vertex, renderVertex )) { meshBuilder.Position3f( renderVertex[0].m_Position.x, renderVertex[0].m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, renderVertex[0].m_TexCoord.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); meshBuilder.Position3f( renderVertex[1].m_Position.x, renderVertex[1].m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, renderVertex[1].m_TexCoord.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); } vertex[0].m_Position = vertex[1].m_Position; vertex[0].m_TexCoord = vertex[1].m_TexCoord; } meshBuilder.End(); m_pMesh->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loads a particular texture (material) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::CreateNewTextureID( bool procedural /*=false*/ ) { return TextureDictionary()->CreateTexture( procedural ); } void CMatSystemSurface::DestroyTextureID( int id ) { TextureDictionary()->DestroyTexture( id ); } bool CMatSystemSurface::DeleteTextureByID(int id) { TextureDictionary()->DestroyTexture( id ); return false; } #ifdef _X360 void CMatSystemSurface::UncacheUnusedMaterials() { // unbind any currently set texture (which may be uncached) DrawSetTexture( -1 ); // X360TBD: Need to only destroy "marked" textures } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : id - // *filename - // maxlen - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::DrawGetTextureFile(int id, char *filename, int maxlen ) { if ( !TextureDictionary()->IsValidId( id ) ) return false; IMaterial *texture = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(id); if ( !texture ) return false; Q_strncpy( filename, texture->GetName(), maxlen ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : id - texture id // Output : returns IMaterial for the referenced texture //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IVguiMatInfo *CMatSystemSurface::DrawGetTextureMatInfoFactory(int id) { if ( !TextureDictionary()->IsValidId( id ) ) return NULL; IMaterial *texture = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(id); if ( texture == NULL ) return NULL; return new CVguiMatInfo(texture); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *filename - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::DrawGetTextureId( char const *filename ) { return TextureDictionary()->FindTextureIdForTextureFile( filename ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pTexture // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::DrawGetTextureId( ITexture *pTexture ) { return TextureDictionary()->CreateTextureByTexture( pTexture ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Associates a texture with a material file (also binds it) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextureFile(int id, const char *pFileName, int hardwareFilter, bool forceReload /*= false*/) { TextureDictionary()->BindTextureToFile( id, pFileName ); DrawSetTexture( id ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Associates a texture with a material file (also binds it) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextureMaterial(int id, IMaterial *pMaterial) { TextureDictionary()->BindTextureToMaterial( id, pMaterial ); DrawSetTexture( id ); } IMaterial *CMatSystemSurface::DrawGetTextureMaterial( int id ) { return TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial( id ); } void CMatSystemSurface::ReferenceProceduralMaterial( int id, int referenceId, IMaterial *pMaterial ) { TextureDictionary()->BindTextureToMaterialReference( id, referenceId, pMaterial ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Binds a texture //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTexture( int id ) { // if we're switching textures, flush any batched text if ( id != m_iBoundTexture ) { DrawFlushText(); m_iBoundTexture = id; if ( IsX360() && id == -1 ) { // ensure we unbind current material that may go away CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->Bind( m_pWhite ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns texture size //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawGetTextureSize(int id, int &iWide, int &iTall) { TextureDictionary()->GetTextureSize( id, iWide, iTall ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a textured rectangle //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawTexturedRect( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); // Don't even bother drawing fully transparent junk if( m_DrawColor[3] == 0 ) return; float s0, t0, s1, t1; TextureDictionary()->GetTextureTexCoords( m_iBoundTexture, s0, t0, s1, t1 ); vgui::Vertex_t rect[2]; vgui::Vertex_t clippedRect[2]; InitVertex( rect[0], x0, y0, s0, t0 ); InitVertex( rect[1], x1, y1, s1, t1 ); // Fully clipped? if ( !ClipRect(rect[0], rect[1], &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1]) ) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(m_iBoundTexture); InternalSetMaterial( pMaterial ); DrawQuad( clippedRect[0], clippedRect[1], m_DrawColor ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a textured rectangle //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawTexturedSubRect( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, float texs0, float text0, float texs1, float text1 ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); // Don't even bother drawing fully transparent junk if( m_DrawColor[3] == 0 ) return; float s0, t0, s1, t1; TextureDictionary()->GetTextureTexCoords( m_iBoundTexture, s0, t0, s1, t1 ); float ssize = s1 - s0; float tsize = t1 - t0; // Rescale tex values into range of s0 to s1 ,etc. texs0 = s0 + texs0 * ( ssize ); texs1 = s0 + texs1 * ( ssize ); text0 = t0 + text0 * ( tsize ); text1 = t0 + text1 * ( tsize ); vgui::Vertex_t rect[2]; vgui::Vertex_t clippedRect[2]; InitVertex( rect[0], x0, y0, texs0, text0 ); InitVertex( rect[1], x1, y1, texs1, text1 ); // Fully clipped? if ( !ClipRect(rect[0], rect[1], &clippedRect[0], &clippedRect[1]) ) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(m_iBoundTexture); InternalSetMaterial( pMaterial ); DrawQuad( clippedRect[0], clippedRect[1], m_DrawColor ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a textured polygon //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawTexturedPolygon(int n, Vertex_t *pVertices, bool bClipVertices /*= true*/ ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( !m_bIn3DPaintMode ); Assert( g_bInDrawing ); // Don't even bother drawing fully transparent junk if( (n == 0) || (m_DrawColor[3]==0) ) return; if ( bClipVertices ) { int iCount; Vertex_t **ppClippedVerts = NULL; iCount = ClipPolygon( n, pVertices, m_nTranslateX, m_nTranslateY, &ppClippedVerts ); if (iCount <= 0) return; IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(m_iBoundTexture); InternalSetMaterial( pMaterial ); meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_POLYGON, iCount ); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i) { meshBuilder.Position3f( ppClippedVerts[i]->m_Position.x, ppClippedVerts[i]->m_Position.y, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, ppClippedVerts[i]->m_TexCoord.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); } meshBuilder.End(); m_pMesh->Draw(); } else { IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(m_iBoundTexture); InternalSetMaterial( pMaterial ); meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_POLYGON, n ); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { meshBuilder.Position3f( pVertices[i].m_Position.x + m_nTranslateX, pVertices[i].m_Position.y + m_nTranslateY, m_flZPos ); meshBuilder.Color4ubv( m_DrawColor ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2fv( 0, pVertices[i].m_TexCoord.Base() ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertexF(); } meshBuilder.End(); m_pMesh->Draw(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Font-related methods begin here // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: creates a new empty font //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HFont CMatSystemSurface::CreateFont() { MAT_FUNC; return FontManager().CreateFont(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: adds glyphs to a font created by CreateFont() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::SetFontGlyphSet(HFont font, const char *windowsFontName, int tall, int weight, int blur, int scanlines, int flags, int nRangeMin, int nRangeMax) { return FontManager().SetFontGlyphSet(font, windowsFontName, tall, weight, blur, scanlines, flags, nRangeMin, nRangeMax); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: adds glyphs to a font created by CreateFont() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::SetBitmapFontGlyphSet(HFont font, const char *windowsFontName, float scalex, float scaley, int flags) { return FontManager().SetBitmapFontGlyphSet(font, windowsFontName, scalex, scaley, flags); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the max height of a font //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::GetFontTall(HFont font) { return FontManager().GetFontTall(font); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the requested height of a font //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::GetFontTallRequested(HFont font) { return FontManager().GetFontTallRequested(font); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the max height of a font //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::GetFontAscent(HFont font, wchar_t wch) { return FontManager().GetFontAscent(font,wch); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : font - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::IsFontAdditive(HFont font) { return FontManager().IsFontAdditive(font); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the abc widths of a single character //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::GetCharABCwide(HFont font, int ch, int &a, int &b, int &c) { FontManager().GetCharABCwide(font, ch, a, b, c); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the pixel width of a single character //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::GetCharacterWidth(HFont font, int ch) { return FontManager().GetCharacterWidth(font, ch); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the kerned width of this char //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::GetKernedCharWidth( HFont font, wchar_t ch, wchar_t chBefore, wchar_t chAfter, float &wide, float &abcA ) //, float &abcC ) { float abcC = 0.0f; FontManager().GetKernedCharWidth(font, ch, chBefore, chAfter, wide, abcA, abcC ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the area of a text string, including newlines //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::GetTextSize(HFont font, const wchar_t *text, int &wide, int &tall) { FontManager().GetTextSize(font, text, wide, tall); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: adds a custom font file (only supports true type font files (.ttf) for now) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::AddCustomFontFile( const char *fontName, const char *fontFileName ) { if ( IsX360() ) { // custom fonts are not supported (not needed) on xbox, all .vfonts are offline converted to ttfs // ttfs are mounted/handled elsewhere return true; } MAT_FUNC; char fullPath[MAX_PATH]; bool bFound = false; // windows needs an absolute path for ttf bFound = g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalPath( fontFileName, fullPath, sizeof( fullPath ) ); if ( !bFound ) { Warning( "Couldn't find custom font file '%s'\n", fontFileName ); return false; } // only add if it's not already in the list Q_strlower( fullPath ); CUtlSymbol sym(fullPath); int i; for ( i = 0; i < m_CustomFontFileNames.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_CustomFontFileNames[i] == sym ) break; } if ( !m_CustomFontFileNames.IsValidIndex( i ) ) { m_CustomFontFileNames.AddToTail( fullPath ); if ( IsPC() ) { // make sure it's on disk // only do this once for each font since in steam it will overwrite the // registered font file, causing windows to invalidate the font g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalCopy( fullPath ); } } // try and use the optimal custom font loader, will makes sure fonts are unloaded properly // this function is in a newer version of the gdi library (win2k+), so need to try get it directly #if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) bool successfullyAdded = false; HMODULE gdiModule = ::LoadLibrary("gdi32.dll"); if (gdiModule) { typedef int (WINAPI *AddFontResourceExProc)(LPCTSTR, DWORD, PVOID); AddFontResourceExProc pAddFontResourceEx = (AddFontResourceExProc)::GetProcAddress(gdiModule, "AddFontResourceExA"); if (pAddFontResourceEx) { int result = (*pAddFontResourceEx)(fullPath, 0x10, NULL); if (result > 0) { successfullyAdded = true; } } ::FreeLibrary(gdiModule); } // add to windows bool success = successfullyAdded || (::AddFontResource(fullPath) > 0); if ( !success ) { Msg( "Failed to load custom font file '%s'\n", fullPath ); } Assert( success ); return success; #elif defined(LINUX) || defined(OSX) || defined(BSD) int size; if ( CMatSystemSurface::FontDataHelper( fontName, size, fontFileName ) ) return true; return false; #elif defined( _X360 ) #include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h" #else #error #endif } #if defined(LINUX) || defined(OSX) || defined(BSD) static void RemoveSpaces( CUtlString &str ) { char *dst = str.GetForModify(); for( int i = 0; i < str.Length(); i++ ) { if( ( str[ i ] != ' ' ) && ( str[ i ] != '-' ) ) { *dst++ = str[ i ]; } } *dst = 0; } void *CMatSystemSurface::FontDataHelper( const char *pchFontName, int &size, const char *fontFileName ) { size = 0; if( fontFileName ) { // If we were given a fontFileName, then load that bugger and shove it in the cache. // Just load the font data, decrypt in memory and register for this process CUtlBuffer buf; if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( fontFileName, NULL, buf ) ) { Msg( "Failed to load custom font file '%s'\n", fontFileName ); return NULL; } FT_Face face; const FT_Error error = FT_New_Memory_Face( FontManager().GetFontLibraryHandle(), (FT_Byte *)buf.Base(), buf.TellPut(), 0, &face ); if ( error ) { // FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format, etc. Msg( "ERROR %d: UNABLE TO LOAD FONT FILE %s\n", error, fontFileName ); return NULL; } if( !pchFontName ) { // If we weren't passed a font name for this thing, then use the one from the face. pchFontName = face->family_name; if ( !pchFontName || !pchFontName[ 0 ] ) { pchFontName = FT_Get_Postscript_Name( face ); } } // Replace spaces and dashes with underscores. CUtlString strFontName( pchFontName ); RemoveSpaces( strFontName ); font_entry entry; entry.size = buf.TellPut(); entry.data = malloc( entry.size ); memcpy( entry.data, buf.Base(), entry.size ); m_FontData.Insert( strFontName.Get(), entry ); FT_Done_Face( face ); size = entry.size; return entry.data; } else { // Replace spaces and dashes with underscores. CUtlString strFontName( pchFontName ); RemoveSpaces( strFontName ); int iIndex = m_FontData.Find( strFontName.Get() ); if ( iIndex != m_FontData.InvalidIndex() ) { size = m_FontData[ iIndex ].size; return m_FontData[ iIndex ].data; } } return NULL; } #endif // LINUX //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: adds a bitmap font file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::AddBitmapFontFile( const char *fontFileName ) { MAT_FUNC; bool bFound = false; bFound = ( ( g_pFullFileSystem->GetDVDMode() == DVDMODE_STRICT ) || g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( fontFileName, IsX360() ? "GAME" : NULL ) ); if ( !bFound ) { Msg( "Couldn't find bitmap font file '%s'\n", fontFileName ); return false; } char path[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( path, fontFileName, MAX_PATH ); // only add if it's not already in the list Q_strlower( path ); CUtlSymbol sym( path ); int i; for ( i = 0; i < m_BitmapFontFileNames.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_BitmapFontFileNames[i] == sym ) break; } if ( !m_BitmapFontFileNames.IsValidIndex( i ) ) { m_BitmapFontFileNames.AddToTail( path ); if ( IsPC() ) { // make sure it's on disk // only do this once for each font since in steam it will overwrite the // registered font file, causing windows to invalidate the font g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalCopy( path ); } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetBitmapFontName( const char *pName, const char *pFontFilename ) { char fontPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( fontPath, pFontFilename, MAX_PATH ); Q_strlower( fontPath ); CUtlSymbol sym( fontPath ); int i; for (i = 0; i < m_BitmapFontFileNames.Count(); i++) { if ( m_BitmapFontFileNames[i] == sym ) { // found it, update the mapping int index = m_BitmapFontFileMapping.Find( pName ); if ( !m_BitmapFontFileMapping.IsValidIndex( index ) ) { index = m_BitmapFontFileMapping.Insert( pName ); } m_BitmapFontFileMapping.Element( index ) = i; break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CMatSystemSurface::GetBitmapFontName( const char *pName ) { // find it in the mapping symbol table int index = m_BitmapFontFileMapping.Find( pName ); if ( index == m_BitmapFontFileMapping.InvalidIndex() ) { return ""; } return m_BitmapFontFileNames[m_BitmapFontFileMapping.Element( index )].String(); } void CMatSystemSurface::ClearTemporaryFontCache( void ) { FontManager().ClearTemporaryFontCache(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Force a set of characters to be rendered into the font page. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::PrecacheFontCharacters( HFont font, const wchar_t *pCharacterString ) { wchar_t *pCommonChars = L"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789,.!:-/%"; MAT_FUNC; if ( !pCharacterString || !pCharacterString[0] ) { // use the common chars, alternate languages are not handled pCharacterString = pCommonChars; } StartDrawing(); DrawSetTextFont( font ); int numChars = 0; while( pCharacterString[ numChars ] ) { numChars++; } int *pTextureIDs_ignored = (int *)_alloca( numChars*sizeof( int ) ); float **pTexCoords_ignored = (float **)_alloca( numChars*sizeof( float * ) ); g_FontTextureCache.GetTextureForChars( m_hCurrentFont, FONT_DRAW_DEFAULT, pCharacterString, pTextureIDs_ignored, pTexCoords_ignored, numChars ); FinishDrawing(); } const char *CMatSystemSurface::GetFontName( HFont font ) { return FontManager().GetFontName( font ); } const char *CMatSystemSurface::GetFontFamilyName( HFont font ) { return FontManager().GetFontFamilyName( font ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextFont(HFont font) { Assert( g_bInDrawing ); m_hCurrentFont = font; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Renders any batched up text //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawFlushText() { if ( !m_nBatchedCharVertCount ) return; { // don't log entry unless actual work happens.. MAT_FUNC; IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(m_iBoundTexture); InternalSetMaterial( pMaterial ); DrawQuadArray( m_nBatchedCharVertCount / 2, m_BatchedCharVerts, m_DrawTextColor ); m_nBatchedCharVertCount = 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the text color //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) { int adjustedAlpha = (a * m_flAlphaMultiplier); if ( r != m_DrawTextColor[0] || g != m_DrawTextColor[1] || b != m_DrawTextColor[2] || adjustedAlpha != m_DrawTextColor[3] ) { // text color changed, flush any existing text DrawFlushText(); m_DrawTextColor[0] = (unsigned char)r; m_DrawTextColor[1] = (unsigned char)g; m_DrawTextColor[2] = (unsigned char)b; m_DrawTextColor[3] = (unsigned char)adjustedAlpha; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: alternate color set //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextColor(Color col) { DrawSetTextColor(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: change the scale of a bitmap font //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextScale(float sx, float sy) { FontManager().SetFontScale( m_hCurrentFont, sx, sy ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Text rendering location //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextPos(int x, int y) { Assert( g_bInDrawing ); m_pDrawTextPos[0] = x; m_pDrawTextPos[1] = y; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawGetTextPos(int& x,int& y) { Assert( g_bInDrawing ); x = m_pDrawTextPos[0]; y = m_pDrawTextPos[1]; } #pragma warning( disable : 4706 ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawUnicodeString( const wchar_t *pString, FontDrawType_t drawType /*= FONT_DRAW_DEFAULT */ ) { // skip fully transparent characters if ( m_DrawTextColor[3] == 0 ) return; //hushed MAT_FUNC; #ifdef POSIX DrawPrintText( pString, V_wcslen( pString ) , drawType ); #else wchar_t ch; while ( ( ch = *pString++ ) ) { DrawUnicodeChar( ch ); } #endif } #pragma warning( default : 4706 ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawUnicodeChar(wchar_t ch, FontDrawType_t drawType /*= FONT_DRAW_DEFAULT */ ) { // skip fully transparent characters if ( m_DrawTextColor[3] == 0 ) return; //hushed MAT_FUNC; CharRenderInfo info; info.drawType = drawType; if ( DrawGetUnicodeCharRenderInfo( ch, info ) ) { DrawRenderCharFromInfo( info ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::DrawGetUnicodeCharRenderInfo( wchar_t ch, CharRenderInfo& info ) { //hushed MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); info.valid = false; if ( !m_hCurrentFont ) { return info.valid; } PREFETCH360( &m_BatchedCharVerts[ m_nBatchedCharVertCount ], 0 ); info.valid = true; info.ch = ch; DrawGetTextPos(info.x, info.y); info.currentFont = m_hCurrentFont; info.fontTall = GetFontTall(m_hCurrentFont); GetCharABCwide(m_hCurrentFont, ch, info.abcA, info.abcB, info.abcC); bool bUnderlined = FontManager().GetFontUnderlined( m_hCurrentFont ); // Do prestep before generating texture coordinates, etc. if ( !bUnderlined ) { info.x += info.abcA; } // get the character texture from the cache info.textureId = 0; float *texCoords = NULL; if (!g_FontTextureCache.GetTextureForChar(m_hCurrentFont, info.drawType, ch, &info.textureId, &texCoords)) { info.valid = false; return info.valid; } int fontWide = info.abcB; if ( bUnderlined ) { fontWide += ( info.abcA + info.abcC ); info.x-= info.abcA; } // Because CharRenderInfo has a pointer to the verts, we need to keep m_BatchedCharVerts in sync, so if we // will be flushing the text when we get to this char, flush it now instead. if ( info.textureId != m_iBoundTexture ) { DrawFlushText(); } // This avoid copying the data in the nonclipped case!!! (X360) info.verts = &m_BatchedCharVerts[ m_nBatchedCharVertCount ]; InitVertex( info.verts[0], info.x, info.y, texCoords[0], texCoords[1] ); InitVertex( info.verts[1], info.x + fontWide, info.y + info.fontTall, texCoords[2], texCoords[3] ); info.shouldclip = true; return info.valid; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: batches up characters for rendering //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawRenderCharInternal( const CharRenderInfo& info ) { //hushed MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); // xbox opts out of pricey/pointless text clipping if ( IsPC() && info.shouldclip ) { Vertex_t clip[ 2 ]; clip[ 0 ] = info.verts[ 0 ]; clip[ 1 ] = info.verts[ 1 ]; if ( !ClipRect( clip[0], clip[1], &info.verts[0], &info.verts[1] ) ) { // Fully clipped return; } } m_nBatchedCharVertCount += 2; if ( m_nBatchedCharVertCount >= MAX_BATCHED_CHAR_VERTS - 2 ) { DrawFlushText(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawRenderCharFromInfo( const CharRenderInfo& info ) { //hushed MAT_FUNC; if ( !info.valid ) return; int x = info.x; // get the character texture from the cache DrawSetTexture( info.textureId ); DrawRenderCharInternal( info ); // Only do post step x += ( info.abcB + info.abcC ); // Update cursor pos DrawSetTextPos(x, info.y); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Renders a text buffer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawPrintText(const wchar_t *text, int iTextLen, FontDrawType_t drawType /*= FONT_DRAW_DEFAULT */ ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); if (!text) return; if (!m_hCurrentFont) return; int x = m_pDrawTextPos[0] + m_nTranslateX; int y = m_pDrawTextPos[1] + m_nTranslateY; int iTall = GetFontTall(m_hCurrentFont); int iLastTexId = -1; int iCount = 0; vgui::Vertex_t *pQuads = (vgui::Vertex_t*)stackalloc((2 * iTextLen) * sizeof(vgui::Vertex_t) ); bool bUnderlined = FontManager().GetFontUnderlined( m_hCurrentFont ); int iTotalWidth = 0; for (int i=0; i 0 ) chBefore = text[i-1]; if ( i < (iTextLen-1) ) chAfter = text[i+1]; FontManager().GetKernedCharWidth( m_hCurrentFont, ch, chBefore, chAfter, flWide, flabcA, flabcC ); int abcA,abcB,abcC; // also grab the single char dimensions so we match the texture size to the one in the font page, // different to the amount we step ahead once rendered GetCharABCwide(m_hCurrentFont, ch, abcA, abcB, abcC); int textureWide = abcB; if ( bUnderlined ) { textureWide += ( abcA + abcC ); x-= flabcA; } #else int abcA,abcB,abcC; GetCharABCwide(m_hCurrentFont, ch, abcA, abcB, abcC); int textureWide = abcB; if ( bUnderlined ) { textureWide += ( abcA + abcC ); x-= abcA; } float flabcA = abcA; float flWide = abcA + abcB + abcC; #endif if ( !iswspace( ch ) || bUnderlined ) { // get the character texture from the cache int iTexId = 0; float *texCoords = NULL; if (!g_FontTextureCache.GetTextureForChar(m_hCurrentFont, drawType, ch, &iTexId, &texCoords)) continue; Assert( texCoords ); if (iTexId != iLastTexId) { // FIXME: At the moment, we just draw all the batched up // text when the font changes. We Should batch up per material // and *then* draw if (iCount) { IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(iLastTexId); InternalSetMaterial( pMaterial ); DrawQuadArray( iCount, pQuads, m_DrawTextColor, IsPC() ); iCount = 0; } iLastTexId = iTexId; } vgui::Vertex_t &ul = pQuads[2*iCount]; vgui::Vertex_t &lr = pQuads[2*iCount + 1]; ++iCount; ul.m_Position.x = x + iTotalWidth + floor(flabcA + 0.6); ul.m_Position.y = y; lr.m_Position.x = ul.m_Position.x + textureWide; lr.m_Position.y = ul.m_Position.y + iTall; // Gets at the texture coords for this character in its texture page /* float tex_U0_bias = prc->Knob("tex-U0-bias"); float tex_V0_bias = prc->Knob("tex-V0-bias"); float tex_U1_bias = prc->Knob("tex-U1-bias"); float tex_V1_bias = prc->Knob("tex-V1-bias"); ul.m_TexCoord[0] = texCoords[0] + tex_U0_bias; ul.m_TexCoord[1] = texCoords[1] + tex_V0_bias; lr.m_TexCoord[0] = texCoords[2] + tex_U1_bias; lr.m_TexCoord[1] = texCoords[3] + tex_V1_bias; */ ul.m_TexCoord[0] = texCoords[0]; ul.m_TexCoord[1] = texCoords[1]; lr.m_TexCoord[0] = texCoords[2]; lr.m_TexCoord[1] = texCoords[3]; } iTotalWidth += floor(flWide+0.6); } // Draw any left-over characters if (iCount) { IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial(iLastTexId); InternalSetMaterial( pMaterial ); DrawQuadArray( iCount, pQuads, m_DrawTextColor, IsPC() ); } m_pDrawTextPos[0] += iTotalWidth; stackfree(pQuads); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the screen size //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::GetScreenSize(int &iWide, int &iTall) { if ( m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_bActive ) { iWide = m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_nValue[ 0 ]; iTall = m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_nValue[ 1 ]; return; } int x, y; // mikesart: This is just sticking in unnecessary BeginRender/EndRender calls to the queue. // CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext = g_pMaterialSystem->GetRenderContext(); pRenderContext->GetViewport( x, y, iWide, iTall ); } bool CMatSystemSurface::ForceScreenSizeOverride( bool bState, int wide, int tall ) { bool bWasSet = m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_bActive; m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_bActive = bState; m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_nValue[ 0 ] = wide; m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_nValue[ 1 ] = tall; return bWasSet; } // LocalToScreen, ParentLocalToScreen fixups for explicit PaintTraverse calls on Panels not at 0, 0 position bool CMatSystemSurface::ForceScreenPosOffset( bool bState, int x, int y ) { bool bWasSet = m_ScreenPosOverride.m_bActive; m_ScreenPosOverride.m_bActive = bState; m_ScreenPosOverride.m_nValue[ 0 ] = x; m_ScreenPosOverride.m_nValue[ 1 ] = y; return bWasSet; } void CMatSystemSurface::OffsetAbsPos( int &x, int &y ) { if ( !m_ScreenPosOverride.m_bActive ) return; x += m_ScreenPosOverride.m_nValue[ 0 ]; y += m_ScreenPosOverride.m_nValue[ 1 ]; } bool CMatSystemSurface::IsScreenSizeOverrideActive( void ) { return ( m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_bActive ); } bool CMatSystemSurface::IsScreenPosOverrideActive( void ) { return ( m_ScreenPosOverride.m_bActive ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Notification of a new screen size //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::OnScreenSizeChanged( int nOldWidth, int nOldHeight ) { int iNewWidth, iNewHeight; GetScreenSize( iNewWidth, iNewHeight ); Msg( "Changing resolutions from (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)\n", nOldWidth, nOldHeight, iNewWidth, iNewHeight ); // update the root panel size ipanel()->SetSize(m_pEmbeddedPanel, iNewWidth, iNewHeight); // notify every panel VPANEL panel = GetEmbeddedPanel(); ivgui()->PostMessage(panel, new KeyValues("OnScreenSizeChanged", "oldwide", nOldWidth, "oldtall", nOldHeight), NULL); // Run a frame of the GUI to notify all subwindows of the message size change ivgui()->RunFrame(); // clear font texture cache ResetFontCaches(); } // Causes fonts to get reloaded, etc. void CMatSystemSurface::ResetFontCaches() { // Don't do this on x360!!! if ( IsX360() ) return; // clear font texture cache g_FontTextureCache.Clear(); m_iBoundTexture = -1; // reload fonts FontManager().ClearAllFonts(); scheme()->ReloadFonts(); // Run a frame of the GUI to notify all subwindows of the message size change ivgui()->RunFrame(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the size of the embedded panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::GetWorkspaceBounds(int &x, int &y, int &iWide, int &iTall) { if ( m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_bActive ) { x = y = 0; iWide = m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_nValue[ 0 ]; iTall = m_ScreenSizeOverride.m_nValue[ 1 ]; return; } // NOTE: This is equal to the viewport size by default, // but other embedded panels can be used x = m_WorkSpaceInsets[0]; y = m_WorkSpaceInsets[1]; g_pVGuiPanel->GetSize(m_pEmbeddedPanel, iWide, iTall); iWide -= m_WorkSpaceInsets[2]; iTall -= m_WorkSpaceInsets[3]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetWorkspaceInsets( int left, int top, int right, int bottom ) { m_WorkSpaceInsets[0] = left; m_WorkSpaceInsets[1] = top; m_WorkSpaceInsets[2] = right; m_WorkSpaceInsets[3] = bottom; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A bunch of methods needed for the windows version only //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetAsTopMost(VPANEL panel, bool state) { } void CMatSystemSurface::SetAsToolBar(VPANEL panel, bool state) // removes the window's task bar entry (for context menu's, etc.) { } void CMatSystemSurface::SetForegroundWindow (VPANEL panel) { BringToFront(panel); } void CMatSystemSurface::SetPanelVisible(VPANEL panel, bool state) { } void CMatSystemSurface::SetMinimized(VPANEL panel, bool state) { if (state) { g_pVGuiPanel->SetPlat(panel, VPANEL_MINIMIZED); g_pVGuiPanel->SetVisible(panel, false); } else { g_pVGuiPanel->SetPlat(panel, VPANEL_NORMAL); } } bool CMatSystemSurface::IsMinimized(vgui::VPANEL panel) { return (g_pVGuiPanel->Plat(panel) == VPANEL_MINIMIZED); } void CMatSystemSurface::FlashWindow(VPANEL panel, bool state) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetTitle(VPANEL panel, const wchar_t *title) { int entry = GetTitleEntry( panel ); if ( entry == -1 ) { entry = m_Titles.AddToTail(); } TitleEntry *e = &m_Titles[ entry ]; Assert( e ); wcsncpy( e->title, title, sizeof( e->title )/ sizeof( wchar_t ) ); e->panel = panel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wchar_t const *CMatSystemSurface::GetTitle( VPANEL panel ) { int entry = GetTitleEntry( panel ); if ( entry != -1 ) { TitleEntry *e = &m_Titles[ entry ]; return e->title; } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Private lookup method // Input : *panel - // Output : TitleEntry //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::GetTitleEntry( vgui::VPANEL panel ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_Titles.Count(); i++ ) { TitleEntry* entry = &m_Titles[ i ]; if ( entry->panel == panel ) return i; } return -1; } void CMatSystemSurface::SwapBuffers(VPANEL panel) { } void CMatSystemSurface::Invalidate(VPANEL panel) { } void CMatSystemSurface::ApplyChanges() { } // notify icons?!? VPANEL CMatSystemSurface::GetNotifyPanel() { return NULL; } void CMatSystemSurface::SetNotifyIcon(VPANEL context, HTexture icon, VPANEL panelToReceiveMessages, const char *text) { } bool CMatSystemSurface::IsWithin(int x, int y) { return true; } bool CMatSystemSurface::ShouldPaintChildPanel(VPANEL childPanel) { if ( m_pRestrictedPanel && ( m_pRestrictedPanel != childPanel ) && !g_pVGuiPanel->HasParent( childPanel, m_pRestrictedPanel ) ) { return false; } bool isPopup = ipanel()->IsPopup(childPanel); return !isPopup; } bool CMatSystemSurface::RecreateContext(VPANEL panel) { return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Focus-related methods //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::HasFocus() { return true; } void CMatSystemSurface::BringToFront(VPANEL panel) { // move panel to top of list g_pVGuiPanel->MoveToFront(panel); // move panel to top of popup list if ( g_pVGuiPanel->IsPopup( panel ) ) { MovePopupToFront( panel ); } } // engine-only focus handling (replacing WM_FOCUS windows handling) void CMatSystemSurface::SetTopLevelFocus(VPANEL pSubFocus) { // walk up the hierarchy until we find what popup panel belongs to while (pSubFocus) { if (ipanel()->IsPopup(pSubFocus) && ipanel()->IsMouseInputEnabled(pSubFocus)) { BringToFront(pSubFocus); break; } pSubFocus = ipanel()->GetParent(pSubFocus); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Installs a function to play sounds //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::InstallPlaySoundFunc( PlaySoundFunc_t soundFunc ) { m_PlaySoundFunc = soundFunc; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // plays a sound //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::PlaySound(const char *pFileName) { if (m_PlaySoundFunc) m_PlaySoundFunc( pFileName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // handles mouse movement //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetCursorPos(int x, int y) { CursorSetPos( m_HWnd, x, y ); } void CMatSystemSurface::GetCursorPos(int &x, int &y) { CursorGetPos( m_HWnd, x, y ); } void CMatSystemSurface::SetCursor(HCursor hCursor) { if ( IsCursorLocked() ) return; if ( _currentCursor != hCursor ) { _currentCursor = hCursor; CursorSelect( hCursor ); } } void CMatSystemSurface::EnableMouseCapture( VPANEL panel, bool state ) { #ifdef WIN32 if ( state ) { ::SetCapture( reinterpret_cast< HWND >( m_HWnd ) ); } else { ::ReleaseCapture(); } #elif defined( POSIX ) // SetCapture on Win32 makes all the mouse messages (move and button up/down) head to // the captured window. From what I can tell, this routine is called for modal dialogs // when you click down on a button. However the current behavior is to highlight the // buttons when you're over them, and trigger when you mouse up over the top - so I // don't believe that SetCapture is needed on Windows, and Linux is behaving exactly // the same as Win32 in all the tests I've run so far. (I've clicked on a lot of dialogs). // I talked with Alfred about this and we haven't done any SetCapture stuff on OSX ever // and he says nobody has ever reported any regressions. // So I've removed the Assert. 8/32/2012 - mikesart. #else #error #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Turns the panel into a standalone window //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::CreatePopup(VPANEL panel, bool minimized, bool showTaskbarIcon, bool disabled , bool mouseInput , bool kbInput) { if (!g_pVGuiPanel->GetParent(panel)) { g_pVGuiPanel->SetParent(panel, GetEmbeddedPanel()); } ((VPanel *)panel)->SetPopup(true); ((VPanel *)panel)->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled(kbInput); ((VPanel *)panel)->SetMouseInputEnabled(mouseInput); HPanel p = ivgui()->PanelToHandle( panel ); if ( m_PopupList.Find( p ) == m_PopupList.InvalidIndex() ) { m_PopupList.AddToTail( p ); } else { MovePopupToFront( panel ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create/destroy panels.. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::AddPanel(VPANEL panel) { if (g_pVGuiPanel->IsPopup(panel)) { // turn it into a popup menu CreatePopup(panel, false); } } void CMatSystemSurface::ReleasePanel(VPANEL panel) { // Remove from popup list if needed and remove any dead popups while we're at it RemovePopup( panel ); int entry = GetTitleEntry( panel ); if ( entry != -1 ) { m_Titles.Remove( entry ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Popup accessors used by VGUI //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::GetPopupCount( ) { return m_PopupList.Count(); } VPANEL CMatSystemSurface::GetPopup( int index ) { HPanel p = m_PopupList[ index ]; VPANEL panel = ivgui()->HandleToPanel( p ); return panel; } void CMatSystemSurface::ResetPopupList( ) { m_PopupList.RemoveAll(); } void CMatSystemSurface::AddPopup( VPANEL panel ) { HPanel p = ivgui()->PanelToHandle( panel ); if ( m_PopupList.Find( p ) == m_PopupList.InvalidIndex() ) { m_PopupList.AddToTail( p ); } } void CMatSystemSurface::RemovePopup( vgui::VPANEL panel ) { // Remove from popup list if needed and remove any dead popups while we're at it int c = GetPopupCount(); for ( int i = c - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { VPANEL popup = GetPopup(i ); if ( popup && ( popup != panel ) ) continue; m_PopupList.Remove( i ); break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods associated with iterating + drawing the panel tree //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::AddPopupsToList( VPANEL panel ) { if (!g_pVGuiPanel->IsVisible(panel)) return; // Add to popup list as we visit popups // Note: popup list is cleared in RunFrame which occurs before this call!!! if ( g_pVGuiPanel->IsPopup( panel ) ) { AddPopup( panel ); } int count = g_pVGuiPanel->GetChildCount(panel); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { VPANEL child = g_pVGuiPanel->GetChild(panel, i); AddPopupsToList( child ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: recurses the panels calculating absolute positions // parents must be solved before children //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::InternalSolveTraverse(VPANEL panel) { VPanel * RESTRICT vp = (VPanel *)panel; vp->TraverseLevel( 1 ); tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "%s - %s", __FUNCTION__, vp->GetName() ); // solve the parent vp->Solve(); CUtlVector< VPanel * > &children = vp->GetChildren(); // WARNING: Some of the think functions add/remove children, so make sure we // explicitly check for children.Count(). for ( int i = 0; i < children.Count(); ++i ) { VPanel *child = children[ i ]; if (child->IsVisible()) { InternalSolveTraverse( (VPANEL)child ); } } vp->TraverseLevel( -1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: recurses the panels giving them a chance to do a user-defined think, // PerformLayout and ApplySchemeSettings // must be done child before parent //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::InternalThinkTraverse(VPANEL panel) { VPanel * RESTRICT vp = (VPanel *)panel; vp->TraverseLevel( 1 ); tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "%s - %s", __FUNCTION__, vp->GetName() ); // think the parent vp->Client()->Think(); CUtlVector< VPanel * > &children = vp->GetChildren(); // WARNING: Some of the think functions add/remove children, so make sure we // explicitly check for children.Count(). for ( int i = 0; i < children.Count(); ++i ) { VPanel *child = children[ i ]; if ( child->IsVisible() ) { InternalThinkTraverse( (VPANEL)child ); } } vp->TraverseLevel( -1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: recurses the panels giving them a chance to do apply settings, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::InternalSchemeSettingsTraverse(VPANEL panel, bool forceApplySchemeSettings) { VPanel * RESTRICT vp = (VPanel *)panel; vp->TraverseLevel( 1 ); tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "%s - %s", __FUNCTION__, vp->GetName() ); CUtlVector< VPanel * > &children = vp->GetChildren(); // apply to the children... for ( int i = 0; i < children.Count(); ++i ) { VPanel *child = children[ i ]; if ( forceApplySchemeSettings || child->IsVisible() ) { InternalSchemeSettingsTraverse((VPANEL)child, forceApplySchemeSettings); } } // and then the parent vp->Client()->PerformApplySchemeSettings(); vp->TraverseLevel( -1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Walks through the panel tree calling Solve() on them all, in order //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SolveTraverse(VPANEL panel, bool forceApplySchemeSettings) { { VPROF( "InternalSchemeSettingsTraverse" ); tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "%s - InternalSchemeSettingsTraverse", __FUNCTION__ ); InternalSchemeSettingsTraverse(panel, forceApplySchemeSettings); } { VPROF( "InternalThinkTraverse" ); tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "%s - InternalThinkTraverse", __FUNCTION__ ); InternalThinkTraverse(panel); } { VPROF( "InternalSolveTraverse" ); tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1, TMZF_NONE, "%s - InternalSolveTraverse", __FUNCTION__ ); InternalSolveTraverse(panel); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Restricts rendering to a single panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::RestrictPaintToSinglePanel(VPANEL panel) { if ( panel && m_pRestrictedPanel && m_pRestrictedPanel == input()->GetAppModalSurface() ) { return; // don't restrict drawing to a panel other than the modal one - that's a good way to hang the game. } m_pRestrictedPanel = panel; if ( !input()->GetAppModalSurface() ) { input()->SetAppModalSurface( panel ); // if painting is restricted to this panel, it had better be modal, or else you can get in some bad state... } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is a panel under the restricted panel? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::IsPanelUnderRestrictedPanel( VPANEL panel ) { if ( !m_pRestrictedPanel ) return true; while ( panel ) { if ( panel == m_pRestrictedPanel ) return true; panel = ipanel()->GetParent( panel ); } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main entry point for painting //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::PaintTraverseEx(VPANEL panel, bool paintPopups /*= false*/ ) { MAT_FUNC; if ( !ipanel()->IsVisible( panel ) ) return; VPROF( "CMatSystemSurface::PaintTraverse" ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); bool bTopLevelDraw = false; if ( g_bInDrawing == false ) { // only set the 2d ortho mode once bTopLevelDraw = true; StartDrawing(); // clear z + stencil buffer // NOTE: Stencil is used to get 3D painting in vgui panels working correctly pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( false, true, true ); pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( true ); pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_REPLACE ); pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_GREATEREQUAL ); pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( 0 ); pRenderContext->SetStencilTestMask( 0xFFFFFFFF ); pRenderContext->SetStencilWriteMask( 0xFFFFFFFF ); } float flOldZPos = m_flZPos; // NOTE You might expect we'd have to draw these under the popups so they would occlude // them, but there are a few things we do have to draw on top of, esp. the black // panel that draws over the top of the engine to darken everything. m_flZPos = 0.0f; if ( panel == GetEmbeddedPanel() ) { if ( m_pRestrictedPanel ) { // Paint the restricted panel, and its parent. // NOTE: This call has guards to not draw popups. If the restricted panel // is a popup, it won't draw here. ipanel()->PaintTraverse( ipanel()->GetParent( m_pRestrictedPanel ), true ); } else { // paint traverse the root panel, painting all children VPROF( "ipanel()->PaintTraverse" ); ipanel()->PaintTraverse( panel, true ); } } else { // If it's a popup, it should already have been painted above VPROF( "ipanel()->PaintTraverse" ); if ( !paintPopups || !ipanel()->IsPopup( panel ) ) { ipanel()->PaintTraverse( panel, true ); } } // draw the popups if ( paintPopups ) { // now draw the popups front to back // since depth-test and depth-write are on, the front panels will occlude the underlying ones { VPROF( "CMatSystemSurface::PaintTraverse popups loop" ); int popups = GetPopupCount(); if ( popups > 254 ) { Warning( "Too many popups! Rendering will be bad!\n" ); } // HACK! Using stencil ref 254 so drag/drop helper can use 255. int nStencilRef = 254; for ( int i = popups - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { VPANEL popupPanel = GetPopup( i ); if ( !popupPanel ) continue; if ( !ipanel()->IsFullyVisible( popupPanel ) ) continue; if ( !IsPanelUnderRestrictedPanel( popupPanel ) ) continue; // This makes sure the drag/drop helper is always the first thing drawn bool bIsTopmostPopup = ( (VPanel *)popupPanel )->IsTopmostPopup(); // set our z position pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( bIsTopmostPopup ? 255 : nStencilRef ); --nStencilRef; m_flZPos = ((float)(i) / (float)popups); ipanel()->PaintTraverse( popupPanel, true ); } } } // Restore the old Z Pos m_flZPos = flOldZPos; if ( bTopLevelDraw ) { // only undo the 2d ortho mode once VPROF( "FinishDrawing" ); // Reset stencil to normal state pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( false ); FinishDrawing(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw a panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::PaintTraverse(VPANEL panel) { PaintTraverseEx( panel, false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Begins, ends 3D painting from within a panel paint() method //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::Begin3DPaint( int iLeft, int iTop, int iRight, int iBottom, bool bRenderToTexture ) { MAT_FUNC; if ( IsX360() ) { Assert( 0 ); return; } Assert( iRight > iLeft ); Assert( iBottom > iTop ); // Can't use this while drawing in the 3D world since it relies on // whacking the shared depth buffer Assert( !m_bDrawingIn3DWorld ); if ( m_bDrawingIn3DWorld ) return; m_n3DLeft = iLeft; m_n3DRight = iRight; m_n3DTop = iTop; m_n3DBottom = iBottom; // Can't use this feature when drawing into the 3D world Assert( !m_bDrawingIn3DWorld ); Assert( !m_bIn3DPaintMode ); m_bIn3DPaintMode = true; m_b3DPaintRenderToTexture = bRenderToTexture; // Save off the matrices in case the painting method changes them. CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); if ( bRenderToTexture ) { // For 3d painting, use the off-screen render target the material system allocates // NOTE: We have to grab it here, as opposed to during init, // because the mode hasn't been set by now. if ( !m_FullScreenBuffer ) { m_FullScreenBuffer.Init( materials->FindTexture( m_FullScreenBufferName, "render targets" ) ); } // FIXME: Set the viewport to match the clip rectangle? // Set the viewport to match the scissor rectangle pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_FullScreenBuffer, 0, 0, iRight - iLeft, iBottom - iTop ); // NOTE: Stencil is used to get 3D painting in vgui panels working correctly pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_REPLACE ); pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_EQUAL ); // Don't draw the 3D scene w/ stencil pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( false ); } else { int clipLeft, clipTop, clipRight, clipBottom; bool clipEnabled; GetScissorRect( clipLeft, clipTop, clipRight, clipBottom, clipEnabled ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport(); pRenderContext->Viewport( clipLeft + iLeft, clipTop + iTop, iRight - iLeft, iBottom - iTop ); } pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CW ); pRenderContext->Flush(); } void CMatSystemSurface::End3DPaint() { MAT_FUNC; if ( IsX360() ) { Assert( 0 ); return; } // Can't use this feature when drawing into the 3D world Assert( !m_bDrawingIn3DWorld ); Assert( m_bIn3DPaintMode ); m_bIn3DPaintMode = false; // Reset stencil to set stencil everywhere we draw CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( true ); pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP ); pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_REPLACE ); pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_GREATEREQUAL ); // Restore the matrices pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); // Restore the viewport (it was stored off in StartDrawing) pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); pRenderContext->CullMode(MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CCW); // Draw the full-screen buffer into the panel, if we rendering // to a texture if ( m_b3DPaintRenderToTexture ) DrawFullScreenBuffer( m_n3DLeft, m_n3DTop, m_n3DRight, m_n3DBottom ); // ReSet the material state InternalSetMaterial( NULL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // skin composition, force drawing //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::BeginSkinCompositionPainting() { g_bInDrawing = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // end drawing when finish skin composition //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::EndSkinCompositionPainting() { g_bInDrawing = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets texture coordinates for drawing the full screen buffer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::GetFullScreenTexCoords( int x, int y, int w, int h, float *pMinU, float *pMinV, float *pMaxU, float *pMaxV ) { int nTexWidth = m_FullScreenBuffer->GetActualWidth(); int nTexHeight = m_FullScreenBuffer->GetActualHeight(); float flOOWidth = 1.0f / nTexWidth; float flOOHeight = 1.0f / nTexHeight; *pMinU = ( (float)x + 0.5f ) * flOOWidth; *pMinV = ( (float)y + 0.5f ) * flOOHeight; *pMaxU = ( (float)(x+w) - 0.5f ) * flOOWidth; *pMaxV = ( (float)(y+h) - 0.5f ) * flOOHeight; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws the fullscreen buffer into the panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawFullScreenBuffer( int nLeft, int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom ) { MAT_FUNC; // Draw a textured rectangle over the area if ( m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId == -1 ) { m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId = CreateNewTextureID(); DrawSetTextureMaterial( m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId, m_FullScreenBufferMaterial ); } float flGetAlphaMultiplier = DrawGetAlphaMultiplier(); unsigned char oldColor[4]; oldColor[0] = m_DrawColor[0]; oldColor[1] = m_DrawColor[1]; oldColor[2] = m_DrawColor[2]; oldColor[3] = m_DrawColor[3]; DrawSetAlphaMultiplier( 1.0f ); DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); DrawSetTexture( m_nFullScreenBufferMaterialId ); float u0, u1, v0, v1; GetFullScreenTexCoords( 0, 0, nRight - nLeft, nBottom - nTop, &u0, &v0, &u1, &v1 ); DrawTexturedSubRect( nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom, u0, v0, u1, v1 ); m_DrawColor[0] = oldColor[0]; m_DrawColor[1] = oldColor[1]; m_DrawColor[2] = oldColor[2]; m_DrawColor[3] = oldColor[3]; DrawSetAlphaMultiplier( flGetAlphaMultiplier ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a rectangle, setting z to the current value //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CMatSystemSurface::GetZPos() const { return m_flZPos; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some drawing methods that cannot be accomplished under Win32 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CIRCLE_POINTS 360 void CMatSystemSurface::DrawColoredCircle( int centerx, int centery, float radius, int r, int g, int b, int a ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); // Draw a circle int iDegrees = 0; Vector vecPoint, vecLastPoint(0,0,0); vecPoint.z = 0.0f; Color clr; clr.SetColor( r, g, b, a ); DrawSetColor( clr ); for ( int i = 0; i < CIRCLE_POINTS; i++ ) { float flRadians = DEG2RAD( iDegrees ); iDegrees += (360 / CIRCLE_POINTS); float ca = cos( flRadians ); float sa = sin( flRadians ); // Rotate it around the circle vecPoint.x = centerx + (radius * sa); vecPoint.y = centery - (radius * ca); // Draw the point, if it's not on the previous point, to avoid smaller circles being brighter if ( vecLastPoint != vecPoint ) { DrawFilledRect( vecPoint.x, vecPoint.y, vecPoint.x + 1, vecPoint.y + 1 ); } vecLastPoint = vecPoint; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Draws colored text to a vgui panel // Input : *font - font to use // x - position of text // y - // r - color of text // g - // b - // a - alpha ( 255 = opaque, 0 = transparent ) // *fmt - va_* text string // ... - // Output : int - horizontal # of pixels drawn //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::DrawColoredText( vgui::HFont font, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a, const char *fmt, va_list argptr ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); int len; char data[1024]; DrawSetTextPos( x, y ); DrawSetTextColor( r, g, b, a ); len = Q_vsnprintf(data, sizeof( data ), fmt, argptr); DrawSetTextFont( font ); wchar_t szconverted[ 1024 ]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( data, szconverted, 1024 ); DrawPrintText( szconverted, wcslen(szconverted ) ); int totalLength = DrawTextLen( font, data ); return x + totalLength; } int CMatSystemSurface::DrawColoredText( vgui::HFont font, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a, const char *fmt, ... ) { MAT_FUNC; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, fmt ); int ret = DrawColoredText( font, x, y, r, g, b, a, fmt, argptr ); va_end(argptr); return ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws text with current font at position and wordwrapped to the rect using color values specified //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SearchForWordBreak( vgui::HFont font, char *text, int& chars, int& pixels ) { chars = pixels = 0; while ( 1 ) { char ch = text[ chars ]; int a, b, c; GetCharABCwide( font, ch, a, b, c ); if ( ch == 0 || ch <= 32 ) { if ( ch == 32 && chars == 0 ) { pixels += ( b + c ); chars++; } break; } pixels += ( b + c ); chars++; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: If text width is specified, reterns height of text at that width //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawTextHeight( vgui::HFont font, int w, int& h, const char *fmt, ... ) { if ( !font ) return; int len; char data[8192]; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, fmt ); len = Q_vsnprintf( data, sizeof( data ), fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); int x = 0; int y = 0; int ystep = GetFontTall( font ); int startx = x; int endx = x + w; //int endy = y + h; int endy = 0; int chars = 0; int pixels = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < len; i += chars ) { SearchForWordBreak( font, &data[ i ], chars, pixels ); if ( data[ i ] == '\n' ) { x = startx; y += ystep; chars = 1; continue; } if ( x + ( pixels ) >= endx ) { x = startx; // No room even on new line!!! if ( x + pixels >= endx ) break; y += ystep; } for ( int j = 0 ; j < chars; j++ ) { int a, b, c; char ch = data[ i + j ]; GetCharABCwide( font, ch, a, b, c ); x += a + b + c; } } endy = y+ystep; h = endy; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws text with current font at position and wordwrapped to the rect using color values specified //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawColoredTextRect( vgui::HFont font, int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b, int a, const char *fmt, ... ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( g_bInDrawing ); if ( !font ) return; int len; char data[8192]; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, fmt ); len = Q_vsnprintf( data, sizeof( data ), fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); DrawSetTextPos( x, y ); DrawSetTextColor( r, g, b, a ); DrawSetTextFont( font ); int ystep = GetFontTall( font ); int startx = x; int endx = x + w; int endy = y + h; int chars = 0; int pixels = 0; char word[ 512 ]; char space[ 2 ]; space[1] = 0; space[0] = ' '; for ( int i = 0 ; i < len; i += chars ) { SearchForWordBreak( font, &data[ i ], chars, pixels ); if ( data[ i ] == '\n' ) { x = startx; y += ystep; chars = 1; continue; } if ( x + ( pixels ) >= endx ) { x = startx; // No room even on new line!!! if ( x + pixels >= endx ) break; y += ystep; } if ( y + ystep >= endy ) break; if ( chars <= 0 ) continue; Q_strncpy( word, &data[ i ], chars + 1 ); DrawSetTextPos( x, y ); wchar_t szconverted[ 1024 ]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( word, szconverted, 1024 ); DrawPrintText( szconverted, wcslen(szconverted ) ); // Leave room for space, too x += DrawTextLen( font, word ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Determine length of text string //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CMatSystemSurface::DrawTextLen( vgui::HFont font, const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; char data[1024]; int len; va_start(argptr, fmt); len = Q_vsnprintf(data, sizeof( data ), fmt, argptr); va_end(argptr); int i; int x = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < len; i++ ) { int a, b, c; GetCharABCwide( font, data[i], a, b, c ); // Ignore a // x += a; x += b; x += c; } return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Disable clipping during rendering //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DisableClipping( bool bDisable ) { // when the clipping rules change. flush any text we've // queued up to draw so it gets clipped appropriatesly DrawFlushText(); EnableScissor( !bDisable ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fetch current clipping rectangle //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::GetClippingRect( int &left, int &top, int &right, int &bottom, bool &bClippingDisabled ) { bool bEnabled = true; GetScissorRect( left, top, right, bottom, bEnabled ); bClippingDisabled = !bEnabled; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set clipping rectangle //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetClippingRect( int left, int top, int right, int bottom ) { SetScissorRect( left, top, right, bottom ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: unlocks the cursor state //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::IsCursorLocked() const { return ::IsCursorLocked(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the mouse Get + Set callbacks //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetMouseCallbacks( GetMouseCallback_t GetFunc, SetMouseCallback_t SetFunc ) { // FIXME: Remove! This is obsolete Assert(0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tells the surface to ignore windows messages //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::EnableWindowsMessages( bool bEnable ) { EnableInput( bEnable ); } void CMatSystemSurface::MovePopupToFront(VPANEL panel) { HPanel p = ivgui()->PanelToHandle( panel ); int index = m_PopupList.Find( p ); if ( index == m_PopupList.InvalidIndex() ) return; m_PopupList.Remove( index ); m_PopupList.AddToTail( p ); if ( g_bSpewFocus ) { char const *pName = ipanel()->GetName( panel ); Msg( "%s moved to front\n", pName ? pName : "(no name)" ); } // If the modal panel isn't a parent, restore it to the top, to prevent a hard lock if ( input()->GetAppModalSurface() ) { if ( !g_pVGuiPanel->HasParent(panel, input()->GetAppModalSurface()) ) { HPanel p = ivgui()->PanelToHandle( input()->GetAppModalSurface() ); index = m_PopupList.Find( p ); if ( index != m_PopupList.InvalidIndex() ) { m_PopupList.Remove( index ); m_PopupList.AddToTail( p ); } } } ivgui()->PostMessage(panel, new KeyValues("OnMovedPopupToFront"), NULL); } void CMatSystemSurface::MovePopupToBack(VPANEL panel) { HPanel p = ivgui()->PanelToHandle( panel ); int index = m_PopupList.Find( p ); if ( index == m_PopupList.InvalidIndex() ) { return; } m_PopupList.Remove( index ); m_PopupList.AddToHead( p ); } bool CMatSystemSurface::IsInThink( VPANEL panel) { if ( m_bInThink ) { if ( panel == m_CurrentThinkPanel ) // HasParent() returns true if you pass yourself in { return false; } return ipanel()->HasParent( panel, m_CurrentThinkPanel); } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMatSystemSurface::IsCursorVisible() { return m_cursorAlwaysVisible || (_currentCursor != dc_none); } void CMatSystemSurface::SetCursorAlwaysVisible( bool visible ) { m_cursorAlwaysVisible = visible; CursorSelect( visible ? dc_alwaysvisible_push : dc_alwaysvisible_pop ); } bool CMatSystemSurface::IsTextureIDValid(int id) { // FIXME: return true; } void CMatSystemSurface::SetAllowHTMLJavaScript( bool state ) { m_bAllowJavaScript = state; } IHTML *CMatSystemSurface::CreateHTMLWindow(vgui::IHTMLEvents *events,VPANEL context) { Assert( !"CMatSystemSurface::CreateHTMLWindow" ); return NULL; } void CMatSystemSurface::DeleteHTMLWindow(IHTML *htmlwin) { } void CMatSystemSurface::PaintHTMLWindow(IHTML *htmlwin) { } bool CMatSystemSurface::BHTMLWindowNeedsPaint(IHTML *htmlwin) { return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextureRGBA( int id, const unsigned char* rgba, int wide, int tall ) { TextureDictionary()->SetTextureRGBAEx( id, (const char *)rgba, wide, tall, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 ); }*/ void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextureRGBA(int id, const unsigned char* rgba, int wide, int tall, int hardwareFilter, bool forceUpload) { TextureDictionary()->SetTextureRGBAEx( id, (const char *)rgba, wide, tall, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, false ); } void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextureRGBAEx( int id, const unsigned char* rgba, int wide, int tall, ImageFormat format ) { TextureDictionary()->SetTextureRGBAEx( id, (const char *)rgba, wide, tall, format, true ); } void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetSubTextureRGBA(int textureID, int drawX, int drawY, unsigned const char *rgba, int subTextureWide, int subTextureTall) { TextureDictionary()->SetSubTextureRGBA( textureID, drawX, drawY, rgba, subTextureWide, subTextureTall ); } void CMatSystemSurface::DrawUpdateRegionTextureRGBA( int nTextureID, int x, int y, const unsigned char *pchData, int wide, int tall, ImageFormat imageFormat ) { TextureDictionary()->UpdateSubTextureRGBA( nTextureID, x, y, pchData, wide, tall, imageFormat ); } void CMatSystemSurface::SetModalPanel(VPANEL ) { } VPANEL CMatSystemSurface::GetModalPanel() { return 0; } void CMatSystemSurface::UnlockCursor() { ::LockCursor( false ); } void CMatSystemSurface::LockCursor() { ::LockCursor( true ); } void CMatSystemSurface::SetTranslateExtendedKeys(bool state) { } VPANEL CMatSystemSurface::GetTopmostPopup() { return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: gets the absolute coordinates of the screen (in screen space) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::GetAbsoluteWindowBounds(int &x, int &y, int &wide, int &tall) { // always work in full window screen space x = 0; y = 0; GetScreenSize(wide, tall); } // returns true if the specified panel is a child of the current modal panel // if no modal panel is set, then this always returns TRUE static bool IsChildOfModalSubTree(VPANEL panel) { if ( !panel ) return true; VPANEL modalSubTree = input()->GetModalSubTree(); if ( modalSubTree ) { bool restrictMessages = input()->ShouldModalSubTreeReceiveMessages(); // If panel is child of modal subtree, the allow messages to route to it if restrict messages is set bool isChildOfModal = ipanel()->HasParent( panel, modalSubTree ); if ( isChildOfModal ) { return restrictMessages; } // If panel is not a child of modal subtree, then only allow messages if we're not restricting them to the modal subtree else { return !restrictMessages; } } return true; } void CMatSystemSurface::CalculateMouseVisible() { int i; m_bNeedsMouse = false; m_bNeedsKeyboard = false; if ( input()->GetMouseCapture() != 0 ) return; int c = surface()->GetPopupCount(); VPANEL modalSubTree = input()->GetModalSubTree(); if ( modalSubTree ) { for (i = 0 ; i < c ; i++ ) { VPanel *pop = (VPanel *)surface()->GetPopup(i) ; bool isChildOfModalSubPanel = IsChildOfModalSubTree( (VPANEL)pop ); if ( !isChildOfModalSubPanel ) continue; bool isVisible=pop->IsVisible(); VPanel *p= pop->GetParent(); while (p && isVisible) { if( p->IsVisible()==false) { isVisible=false; break; } p=p->GetParent(); } if ( isVisible ) { m_bNeedsMouse = m_bNeedsMouse || pop->IsMouseInputEnabled(); m_bNeedsKeyboard = m_bNeedsKeyboard || pop->IsKeyBoardInputEnabled(); // Seen enough!!! if ( m_bNeedsMouse && m_bNeedsKeyboard ) break; } } } else { for (i = 0 ; i < c ; i++ ) { VPanel *pop = (VPanel *)surface()->GetPopup(i) ; bool isVisible=pop->IsVisible(); VPanel *p= pop->GetParent(); while (p && isVisible) { if( p->IsVisible()==false) { isVisible=false; break; } p=p->GetParent(); } if ( isVisible ) { m_bNeedsMouse = m_bNeedsMouse || pop->IsMouseInputEnabled(); m_bNeedsKeyboard = m_bNeedsKeyboard || pop->IsKeyBoardInputEnabled(); // Seen enough!!! if ( m_bNeedsMouse && m_bNeedsKeyboard ) break; } } } if (m_bNeedsMouse) { // NOTE: We must unlock the cursor *before* the set call here. // Failing to do this causes s_bCursorVisible to not be set correctly // (UnlockCursor fails to set it correctly) UnlockCursor(); if ( _currentCursor == vgui::dc_none ) { SetCursor(vgui::dc_arrow); } } else { SetCursor(vgui::dc_none); LockCursor(); } } bool CMatSystemSurface::NeedKBInput() { return m_bNeedsKeyboard; } void CMatSystemSurface::SurfaceGetCursorPos(int &x, int &y) { GetCursorPos( x, y ); } void CMatSystemSurface::SurfaceSetCursorPos(int x, int y) { SetCursorPos( x, y ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: global alpha setting functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetAlphaMultiplier( float alpha /* [0..1] */ ) { m_flAlphaMultiplier = clamp(alpha, 0.0f, 1.0f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: data accessor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CMatSystemSurface::DrawGetAlphaMultiplier() { return m_flAlphaMultiplier; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *curOrAniFile - // Output : vgui::HCursor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vgui::HCursor CMatSystemSurface::CreateCursorFromFile( char const *curOrAniFile, char const *pPathID ) { return Cursor_CreateCursorFromFile( curOrAniFile, pPathID ); } void CMatSystemSurface::SetPanelForInput( VPANEL vpanel ) { g_pIInput->AssociatePanelWithInputContext( DEFAULT_INPUT_CONTEXT, vpanel ); if ( vpanel ) { m_bNeedsKeyboard = true; } else { m_bNeedsKeyboard = false; } } #if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) static bool GetIconSize( ICONINFO& iconInfo, int& w, int& h ) { w = h = 0; HBITMAP bitmap = iconInfo.hbmColor; BITMAP bm; if ( 0 == GetObject((HGDIOBJ)bitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPVOID)&bm) ) { return false; } w = bm.bmWidth; h = bm.bmHeight; return true; } // If rgba is NULL, bufsize gets filled in w/ # of bytes required static bool GetIconBits( HDC hdc, ICONINFO& iconInfo, int& w, int& h, unsigned char *rgba, size_t& bufsize ) { if ( !iconInfo.hbmColor || !iconInfo.hbmMask ) return false; if ( !rgba ) { if ( !GetIconSize( iconInfo, w, h ) ) return false; bufsize = (size_t)( ( w * h ) << 2 ); return true; } bool bret = false; Assert( w > 0 ); Assert( h > 0 ); Assert( bufsize == (size_t)( ( w * h ) << 2 ) ); DWORD *maskData = new DWORD[ w * h ]; DWORD *colorData = new DWORD[ w * h ]; DWORD *output = (DWORD *)rgba; BITMAPINFO bmInfo; memset( &bmInfo, 0, sizeof( bmInfo ) ); bmInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( bmInfo.bmiHeader ); bmInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; bmInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = h; bmInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bmInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; // Get the info about the bits if ( GetDIBits( hdc, iconInfo.hbmMask, 0, h, maskData, &bmInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ) == h && GetDIBits( hdc, iconInfo.hbmColor, 0, h, colorData, &bmInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ) == h ) { bret = true; for ( int row = 0; row < h; ++row ) { // Invert int r = ( h - row - 1 ); int rowstart = r * w; DWORD *color = &colorData[ rowstart ]; DWORD *mask = &maskData[ rowstart ]; DWORD *outdata = &output[ row * w ]; for ( int col = 0; col < w; ++col ) { unsigned char *cr = ( unsigned char * )&color[ col ]; // Set alpha cr[ 3 ] = mask[ col ] == 0 ? 0xff : 0x00; // Swap blue and red unsigned char t = cr[ 2 ]; cr[ 2 ] = cr[ 0 ]; cr[ 0 ] = t; *( unsigned int *)&outdata[ col ] = *( unsigned int * )cr; } } } delete[] colorData; delete[] maskData; return bret; } static bool ShouldMakeUnique( char const *extension ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( extension, "cur" ) ) return true; if ( !Q_stricmp( extension, "ani" ) ) return true; return false; } #endif // !_X360 vgui::IImage *CMatSystemSurface::GetIconImageForFullPath( char const *pFullPath ) { vgui::IImage *newIcon = NULL; #if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) SHFILEINFO info = { 0 }; DWORD_PTR dwResult = SHGetFileInfo( pFullPath, 0, &info, sizeof( info ), SHGFI_TYPENAME | SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE ); if ( dwResult ) { if ( info.szTypeName[ 0 ] != 0 ) { char ext[ 32 ]; Q_ExtractFileExtension( pFullPath, ext, sizeof( ext ) ); char lookup[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( lookup, sizeof( lookup ), "%s", ShouldMakeUnique( ext ) ? pFullPath : info.szTypeName ); // Now check the dictionary unsigned short idx = m_FileTypeImages.Find( lookup ); if ( idx == m_FileTypeImages.InvalidIndex() ) { ICONINFO iconInfo; if ( 0 != GetIconInfo( info.hIcon, &iconInfo ) ) { int w, h; size_t bufsize = 0; HDC hdc = ::GetDC(reinterpret_cast(m_HWnd)); if ( GetIconBits( hdc, iconInfo, w, h, NULL, bufsize ) ) { byte *bits = new byte[ bufsize ]; if ( bits && GetIconBits( hdc, iconInfo, w, h, bits, bufsize ) ) { newIcon = new MemoryBitmap( bits, w, h ); } delete[] bits; } ::ReleaseDC( reinterpret_cast(m_HWnd), hdc ); } idx = m_FileTypeImages.Insert( lookup, newIcon ); } newIcon = m_FileTypeImages[ idx ]; } DestroyIcon( info.hIcon ); } #endif return newIcon; } const char *CMatSystemSurface::GetResolutionKey( void ) const { Assert( !IsPC() ); int x, y, width, height; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->GetViewport( x, y, width, height ); if( height <= 480 ) { return "_lodef"; } else { return "_hidef"; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::Set3DPaintTempRenderTarget( const char *pRenderTargetName ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( !m_bUsingTempFullScreenBufferMaterial ); m_bUsingTempFullScreenBufferMaterial = true; InitFullScreenBuffer( pRenderTargetName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::Reset3DPaintTempRenderTarget( void ) { MAT_FUNC; Assert( m_bUsingTempFullScreenBufferMaterial ); m_bUsingTempFullScreenBufferMaterial = false; InitFullScreenBuffer( "_rt_FullScreen" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets the origin of the viewport to render into if we were // rendering into the frame buffer. This version of the function is // mostly here for backward compatibility and always uses a NULL // render target (i.e. the frame buffer.) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetFullscreenViewport( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { SetFullscreenViewportAndRenderTarget( x, y, w, h, NULL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets the origin of the viewport to render into if we were // rendering into the frame buffer. We might actually be generally // using a render target but need to switch back to the frame buffer // for some panels. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetFullscreenViewportAndRenderTarget( int x, int y, int w, int h, ITexture *pRenderTarget ) { m_nFullscreenViewportX = x; m_nFullscreenViewportY = y; m_nFullscreenViewportWidth = w; m_nFullscreenViewportHeight = h; m_pFullscreenRenderTarget = pRenderTarget; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Gets the origin of the viewport to render into if we were // rendering into the frame buffer. We might actually be generally // using a render target but need to switch back to the frame buffer // for some panels. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::GetFullscreenViewportAndRenderTarget( int & x, int & y, int & w, int & h, ITexture **ppRenderTarget ) { if( m_nFullscreenViewportHeight == 0 ) { // this can't actually be zero. If it is, use the height of the screen instead x = y = 0; GetScreenSize( w, h ); if( ppRenderTarget) *ppRenderTarget = NULL; } else { x = m_nFullscreenViewportX; y = m_nFullscreenViewportY; w = m_nFullscreenViewportWidth; h = m_nFullscreenViewportHeight; if( ppRenderTarget) *ppRenderTarget = m_pFullscreenRenderTarget; } } void CMatSystemSurface::GetFullscreenViewport( int & x, int & y, int & w, int & h ) { GetFullscreenViewportAndRenderTarget( x, y, w, h, NULL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Handle switching in and out of "render to fullscreen" mode. We don't // actually support this mode in tools. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::PushFullscreenViewport() { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); // the viewport x/y will be wrong because the render target is only for one eye. // Ask the surface for that information instead. int vx, vy, vw, vh; ITexture *pRenderTarget; GetFullscreenViewportAndRenderTarget( vx, vy, vw, vh, &pRenderTarget ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( pRenderTarget, NULL, vx, vy, vw, vh ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); pRenderContext->Scale( 1, -1, 1 ); //___stop___(); pRenderContext->Ortho( g_flPixelOffsetX, g_flPixelOffsetY, vw + g_flPixelOffsetX, vh + g_flPixelOffsetY, -1.0f, 1.0f ); DisableClipping( true ); } void CMatSystemSurface::PopFullscreenViewport() { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); DisableClipping( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Handle switching in and out of "render to fullscreen" mode. We don't // actually support this mode in tools. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMatSystemSurface::SetSoftwareCursor( bool bUseSoftwareCursor ) { EnableSoftwareCursor( bUseSoftwareCursor ); } void CMatSystemSurface::PaintSoftwareCursor() { if( !ShouldDrawSoftwareCursor() ) return; // this asks Windows for the position RIGHT NOW, which should be the least // latent notion we have of where to draw the cursor int x, y; GetCursorPos( x, y ); Color clr( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); float uOffset, vOffset; int nTextureID = GetSoftwareCursorTexture( &uOffset, &vOffset ); if( nTextureID <= 0 ) return; int w, h; DrawGetTextureSize( nTextureID, w, h ); // the cursors are actually pretty big. Make them smaller. w /= 2; h /= 2; int xOffset = (int)(uOffset * (float)w); int yOffset = (int)(vOffset * (float)h); Assert( !g_bInDrawing ); StartDrawing(); PaintState_t paintState; paintState.m_iTranslateX = paintState.m_iTranslateY = 0; paintState.m_iScissorLeft = paintState.m_iScissorTop = 0; GetScreenSize( paintState.m_iScissorRight, paintState.m_iScissorBottom ); SetupPaintState( paintState ); DrawSetColor( clr ); DrawSetTexture( nTextureID ); DrawTexturedRect( x + xOffset, y + yOffset, x + xOffset + w, y + yOffset + h ); DrawSetTexture(0); FinishDrawing(); } int CMatSystemSurface::GetTextureNumFrames( int id ) { IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial( id ); if ( !pMaterial ) { return 0; } return pMaterial->GetNumAnimationFrames(); } void CMatSystemSurface::DrawSetTextureFrame( int id, int nFrame, unsigned int *pFrameCache ) { IMaterial *pMaterial = TextureDictionary()->GetTextureMaterial( id ); if ( !pMaterial ) { return; } int nTotalFrames = pMaterial->GetNumAnimationFrames(); if ( !nTotalFrames ) { return; } IMaterialVar *pFrameVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$frame", pFrameCache ); if ( pFrameVar ) { pFrameVar->SetIntValue( nFrame % nTotalFrames ); } }