//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: interface to the game coordinator for this application

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "steam/steamtypes.h"
#include "steam/steamclientpublic.h"
#include "steam/isteamclient.h"

// list of possible return values from the ISteamGameCoordinator API
enum EGCResults
	k_EGCResultOK = 0,
	k_EGCResultNoMessage = 1,			// There is no message in the queue
	k_EGCResultBufferTooSmall = 2,		// The buffer is too small for the requested message
	k_EGCResultNotLoggedOn = 3,			// The client is not logged onto Steam
	k_EGCResultInvalidMessage = 4,		// Something was wrong with the message being sent with SendMessage

// Purpose: Functions for sending and receiving messages from the Game Coordinator
//			for this application
class ISteamGameCoordinator

	// sends a message to the Game Coordinator
	virtual EGCResults SendMessage( uint32 unMsgType, const void *pubData, uint32 cubData ) = 0;

	// returns true if there is a message waiting from the game coordinator
	virtual bool IsMessageAvailable( uint32 *pcubMsgSize ) = 0; 

	// fills the provided buffer with the first message in the queue and returns k_EGCResultOK or 
	// returns k_EGCResultNoMessage if there is no message waiting. pcubMsgSize is filled with the message size.
	// If the provided buffer is not large enough to fit the entire message, k_EGCResultBufferTooSmall is returned
	// and the message remains at the head of the queue.
	virtual EGCResults RetrieveMessage( uint32 *punMsgType, void *pubDest, uint32 cubDest, uint32 *pcubMsgSize ) = 0; 


// callback notification - A new message is available for reading from the message queue
struct GCMessageAvailable_t
	enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameCoordinatorCallbacks + 1 };
	uint32 m_nMessageSize;

// callback notification - A message failed to make it to the GC. It may be down temporarily
struct GCMessageFailed_t
	enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameCoordinatorCallbacks + 2 };