//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #include "dme_controls/BaseAnimationSetEditor.h" #include "tier1/KeyValues.h" #include "tier2/fileutils.h" #include "vgui_controls/Splitter.h" #include "vgui_controls/Menu.h" #include "vgui_controls/Label.h" #include "vgui_controls/ToggleButton.h" #include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h" #include "vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h" #include "vgui_controls/MessageBox.h" #include "vgui_controls/perforcefilelistframe.h" #include "studio.h" #include "dme_controls/BaseAnimSetAttributeSliderPanel.h" #include "dme_controls/BaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel.h" #include "dme_controls/BaseAnimSetControlGroupPanel.h" #include "dme_controls/dmecontrols_utils.h" #include "dme_controls/dmepicker.h" #include "sfmobjects/exportfacialanimation.h" #include "movieobjects/dmechannel.h" #include "movieobjects/dmeanimationset.h" #include "movieobjects/dmeclip.h" #include "movieobjects/dmeanimationlist.h" #include "movieobjects/dmegamemodel.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" using namespace vgui; #define ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT 38 #define ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_YPOS 12 #define ANIMATION_SET_BUTTON_INSET 0 struct AnimSetLayout_t { CBaseAnimationSetEditor::EAnimSetLayout_t type; const char *shortname; const char *contextmenulabel; }; static AnimSetLayout_t g_AnimSetLayout[] = { { CBaseAnimationSetEditor::LAYOUT_SPLIT, "split", "#BxAnimSetSplitLayout" }, { CBaseAnimationSetEditor::LAYOUT_VERTICAL, "vertical", "#BxAnimSetVerticalLayout" }, { CBaseAnimationSetEditor::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, "horizontal", "#BxAnimSetHorizontalLayout" }, }; static const char *NameForLayout( CBaseAnimationSetEditor::EAnimSetLayout_t layout, bool menu ) { int c = ARRAYSIZE( g_AnimSetLayout ); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { const AnimSetLayout_t& data = g_AnimSetLayout[ i ]; if ( data.type == layout ) { return menu ? data.contextmenulabel : data.shortname; } } Assert( 0 ); return menu ? g_AnimSetLayout[ 0 ].contextmenulabel : g_AnimSetLayout[ 0 ].shortname; } static CBaseAnimationSetEditor::EAnimSetLayout_t LayoutForName( const char *name ) { int c = ARRAYSIZE( g_AnimSetLayout ); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { const AnimSetLayout_t& data = g_AnimSetLayout[ i ]; if ( !Q_stricmp( data.shortname, name ) ) { return data.type; } } Assert( 0 ); return CBaseAnimationSetEditor::LAYOUT_SPLIT; } CBaseAnimationSetEditor::CBaseAnimationSetEditor( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *className, bool bShowGroups ) : BaseClass( parent, className ), m_Layout( LAYOUT_SPLIT ), m_Images( false ) { const char *modes[] = { "AS_OFF", "AS_PREVIEW", "AS_RECORD", "AS_PLAYBACK", }; const char *imagefiles[] = { "tools/ifm/icon_recordingmode_off", "tools/ifm/icon_recordingmode_preview", "tools/ifm/icon_recordingmode_record", "tools/ifm/icon_recordingmode_playback", }; int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_AS_RECORDING_STATES; ++i ) { m_pState[ i ] = new ToggleButton( this, modes[ i ], "" ); m_pState[ i ]->SetContentAlignment( Label::a_center ); m_pState[ i ]->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pState[ i ]->SetVisible( bShowGroups ); m_pState[ i ]->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ); } m_pSelectionModeType = new ToggleButton( this, "AnimSetSelectionModeType", "" ); m_pSelectionModeType->SetContentAlignment( Label::a_center ); m_pSelectionModeType->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pSelectionModeType->SetSelected( false ); m_pSelectionModeType->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ); m_pComboBox = new ComboBox( this, "AnimationSets", 10, false ); // m_Images.AddImage( scheme()->GetImage( "tools/ifm/icon_lock", false ) ); // m_Images.AddImage( scheme()->GetImage( "tools/ifm/icon_eyedropper", false ) ); // m_Images.AddImage( scheme()->GetImage( "tools/ifm/icon_selectionmodeactive", false ) ); m_Images.AddImage( scheme()->GetImage( "tools/ifm/icon_selectionmodeattached", false ) ); for ( i = 0; i < NUM_AS_RECORDING_STATES; ++i ) { m_Images.AddImage( scheme()->GetImage( imagefiles[ i ], false ) ); } int w, h; m_Images.GetImage( 1 )->GetContentSize( w, h ); m_Images.GetImage( 1 )->SetSize( w, h ); m_Images.GetImage( 2 )->GetContentSize( w, h ); m_Images.GetImage( 2 )->SetSize( w, h ); // SETUP_PANEL( this ); PostMessage( GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "OnChangeLayout", "value", m_Layout ) ); PostMessage( GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "PopulateAnimationSetsChoice" ) ); m_pSelectionModeType->SetVisible( bShowGroups ); m_pComboBox->SetVisible( bShowGroups ); SetRecordingState( bShowGroups ? AS_PLAYBACK : AS_PREVIEW, true ); m_hFileOpenStateMachine = new vgui::FileOpenStateMachine( this, this ); m_hFileOpenStateMachine->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); } CBaseAnimationSetEditor::~CBaseAnimationSetEditor() { } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::CreateToolsSubPanels() { m_hControlGroup = new CBaseAnimSetControlGroupPanel( (Panel *)NULL, "AnimSetControlGroup", this ); m_hPresetFader = new CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel( (Panel *)NULL, "AnimSetPresetFader", this ); m_hAttributeSlider = new CBaseAnimSetAttributeSliderPanel( (Panel *)NULL, "AnimSetAttributeSliderPanel", this ); } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnButtonToggled( KeyValues *params ) { Panel *ptr = reinterpret_cast< Panel * >( params->GetPtr( "panel" ) ); /* if ( ptr == m_pSelectionModeType ) { // FIXME, could do this with MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS and look up "panel" ptr and compare to figure out which button was manipulated... g_pMovieMaker->SetTimeSelectionModeType( !m_pSelectionModeType->IsSelected() ? CIFMTool::MODE_DETACHED : CIFMTool::MODE_ATTACHED ); } else */ { for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_AS_RECORDING_STATES; ++i ) { if ( ptr == m_pState[ i ] ) { SetRecordingState( (RecordingState_t)i, true ); break; } } } } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::ChangeLayout( EAnimSetLayout_t newLayout ) { int i; m_Layout = newLayout; // Make sure these don't get blown away... m_hControlGroup->SetParent( (Panel *)NULL ); m_hPresetFader->SetParent( (Panel *)NULL ); m_hAttributeSlider->SetParent( (Panel *)NULL ); delete m_Splitter.Get(); m_Splitter = NULL; CUtlVector< Panel * > list; list.AddToTail( m_hControlGroup.Get() ); list.AddToTail( m_hPresetFader.Get() ); list.AddToTail( m_hAttributeSlider.Get() ); Splitter *sub = NULL; switch ( m_Layout ) { default: case LAYOUT_SPLIT: { m_Splitter = new Splitter( this, "AnimSetEditorMainSplitter", SPLITTER_MODE_VERTICAL, 1 ); m_Splitter->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT, 0, 0 ); m_Splitter->SetBounds( 0, ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT, GetWide(), GetTall() - ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT ); m_Splitter->SetSplitterColor( Color(32, 32, 32, 255) ); // m_Splitter->EnableBorders( false ); m_hControlGroup->SetParent( m_Splitter->GetChild( 0 ) ); m_hControlGroup->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); sub = new Splitter( m_Splitter->GetChild( 1 ), "AnimSetEditorSubSplitter", SPLITTER_MODE_HORIZONTAL, 1 ); sub->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); m_hPresetFader->SetParent( sub->GetChild( 0 ) ); m_hPresetFader->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); m_hAttributeSlider->SetParent( sub->GetChild( 1 ) ); m_hAttributeSlider->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } break; case LAYOUT_VERTICAL: { m_Splitter = new Splitter( this, "AnimSetEditorMainSplitter", SPLITTER_MODE_VERTICAL, 2 ); m_Splitter->SetSplitterColor( Color(32, 32, 32, 255) ); m_Splitter->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT, 0, 0 ); m_Splitter->SetBounds( 0, ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT, GetWide(), GetTall() - ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT ); for ( i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i ) { list[ i ]->SetParent( m_Splitter->GetChild( i ) ); list[ i ]->SetSize( m_Splitter->GetChild( i )->GetWide(), m_Splitter->GetChild( i )->GetTall() ); list[ i ]->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } m_Splitter->EvenlyRespaceSplitters(); } break; case LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL: { m_Splitter = new Splitter( this, "AnimSetEditorMainSplitter", SPLITTER_MODE_HORIZONTAL, 2 ); m_Splitter->SetSplitterColor( Color(32, 32, 32, 255) ); m_Splitter->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT, 0, 0 ); m_Splitter->SetBounds( 0, ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT, GetWide(), GetTall() - ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_HEIGHT ); for ( i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i ) { list[ i ]->SetParent( m_Splitter->GetChild( i ) ); list[ i ]->SetSize( m_Splitter->GetChild( i )->GetWide(), m_Splitter->GetChild( i )->GetTall() ); list[ i ]->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } m_Splitter->EvenlyRespaceSplitters(); } break; } if ( sub ) { sub->OnSizeChanged( sub->GetWide(), sub->GetTall() ); sub->EvenlyRespaceSplitters(); } } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); int w, h; GetSize( w, h ); int ypos = ANIMATION_SET_EDITOR_BUTTONTRAY_YPOS; int xpos = w - 25; m_pSelectionModeType->SetBounds( xpos, ypos, 20, 20 ); for ( int i = NUM_AS_RECORDING_STATES - 1; i >= 0 ; --i ) { xpos -= 23; m_pState[ i ]->SetBounds( xpos, ypos, 20, 20 ); } m_pComboBox->SetBounds( 10, ypos, xpos - 10- 5, 20 ); } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnChangeLayout( int value ) { ChangeLayout( ( EAnimSetLayout_t )value ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finds a channel in the animation set to overwrite with import data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDmeChannel* CBaseAnimationSetEditor::FindImportChannel( CDmeChannel *pChannel, CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip ) { CDmElement *pTargetElement = pChannel->GetToElement(); if ( !pTargetElement ) return NULL; CDmAttribute *pTargetAttribute = pChannel->GetToAttribute(); if ( !pTargetAttribute ) return NULL; const char *pTarget = pTargetAttribute->GetName(); const char *pTargetName = pTargetElement->GetName(); CDmeLog *pTargetLog = pChannel->GetLog(); int nCount = pChannelsClip->m_Channels.Count(); for ( int j = 0; j < nCount; ++j ) { CDmeChannel *pImportChannel = pChannelsClip->m_Channels[j]; if ( !pImportChannel ) continue; CDmeLog *pImportLog = pImportChannel->GetLog(); if ( !pImportLog ) continue; if ( pTargetLog && ( pImportLog->GetType() != pTargetLog->GetType() ) ) continue; if ( !pImportChannel->GetToAttribute() ) continue; const char *pImportTarget = pImportChannel->GetToAttribute()->GetName(); // Attribute to write into has to match exactly if ( Q_stricmp( pTarget, pImportTarget ) ) continue; CDmElement *pImportTargetElement = pImportChannel->GetToElement(); const char *pImportName = pImportTargetElement->GetName(); // Element name has to match exactly or be of the form *(channel name)* if ( !Q_stricmp( pTargetName, pImportName ) ) return pImportChannel; char pTemp[512]; const char *pParen = strrchr( pTargetName, '(' ); if ( !pParen ) continue; Q_strncpy( pTemp, pParen+1, sizeof(pTemp) ); char *pParen2 = strchr( pTemp, ')' ); if ( !pParen2 ) continue; *pParen2 = 0; if ( !Q_stricmp( pImportName, pTemp ) ) return pImportChannel; } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Transforms an imported channel, if necessary //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::TransformImportedChannel( CDmeChannel *pChannel ) { CDmElement *pTarget = pChannel->GetToElement(); const static UtlSymId_t symBones = g_pDataModel->GetSymbol( "bones" ); CDmeGameModel *pGameModel = FindReferringElement<CDmeGameModel>( pTarget, symBones ); if ( !pGameModel ) return; int nBoneIndex = pGameModel->FindBone( CastElement< CDmeTransform >( pTarget ) ); if ( nBoneIndex < 0 ) return; // If we've got logs that have been imported, we need to compute our bounds. pGameModel->m_bComputeBounds = true; DmAttributeType_t logType = pChannel->GetLog()->GetDataType(); int nLayerCount = pChannel->GetLog()->GetNumLayers(); bool bHasPreTransform = false; bool bHasPostTransform = false; matrix3x4_t preTransform, postTransform; if ( pGameModel->GetSrcBoneTransforms( &preTransform, &postTransform, nBoneIndex ) ) { bHasPreTransform = true; bHasPostTransform = true; } if ( pGameModel->IsRootTransform( nBoneIndex ) ) { // NOTE: Root transforms require a pre-multiply of log data // Deal with the 'up axis' rotation matrix3x4_t rootTransform; RadianEuler angles( M_PI / 2.0f, 0.0f, M_PI / 2.0f ); if ( bHasPreTransform ) { AngleMatrix( angles, rootTransform ); ConcatTransforms( rootTransform, preTransform, preTransform ); } else { AngleMatrix( angles, preTransform ); } bHasPreTransform = true; } if ( !bHasPreTransform && !bHasPostTransform ) return; for ( int i = 0; i < nLayerCount; ++i ) { if ( logType == AT_VECTOR3 ) { CDmeVector3LogLayer *pPositionLog = CastElement< CDmeVector3LogLayer >( pChannel->GetLog()->GetLayer( i ) ); if ( bHasPreTransform ) { RotatePositionLog( pPositionLog, preTransform ); } #ifdef _DEBUG // At the moment, we don't support anything but prerotation. // This would be tricky because we'd need to read the quat logs // to figure out how to translate in local space. if ( bHasPostTransform ) { Assert( fabs( postTransform[0][3] ) < 1e-3 && fabs( postTransform[1][3] ) < 1e-3 && fabs( postTransform[2][3] ) < 1e-3 ); } #endif } else { CDmeQuaternionLogLayer *pOrientationLog = CastElement< CDmeQuaternionLogLayer >( pChannel->GetLog()->GetLayer( i ) ); if ( bHasPreTransform ) { RotateOrientationLog( pOrientationLog, preTransform, true ); } if ( bHasPostTransform ) { RotateOrientationLog( pOrientationLog, postTransform, false ); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expands channels clip time to encompass log //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::FixupChannelsClipTime( CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip, CDmeLog *pLog ) { // Expand the channels clip to include the entire channel DmeTime_t st = pLog->GetBeginTime(); DmeTime_t et = pLog->GetEndTime(); st = pChannelsClip->FromChildMediaTime( st, false ); et = pChannelsClip->FromChildMediaTime( et, false ); if ( et < pChannelsClip->GetEndTime() ) { et = pChannelsClip->GetEndTime(); } if ( st < pChannelsClip->GetStartTime() ) { DmeTime_t tDelta = pChannelsClip->GetStartTime() - st; DmeTime_t tOffset = pChannelsClip->GetTimeOffset(); pChannelsClip->SetStartTime( st ); pChannelsClip->SetTimeOffset( tOffset - tDelta ); } else { st = pChannelsClip->GetStartTime(); } DmeTime_t duration = et - st; if ( duration > pChannelsClip->GetDuration() ) { pChannelsClip->SetDuration( duration ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expands channels clip time to encompass log //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::FixupChannelsClipTime( CDmeChannel *pChannel, CDmeLog *pLog ) { CUtlVector< CDmeChannelsClip* > clips; FindAncestorsReferencingElement( pChannel, clips ); int nCount = clips.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { FixupChannelsClipTime( clips[i], pLog ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Imports a specific channels clip into the animation set //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnImportConfirmed( KeyValues *pParams ) { KeyValues *pImportParams = pParams->FindKey( "context" ); CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip = GetElementKeyValue< CDmeChannelsClip >( pImportParams, "channelsClip" ); if ( pParams->GetInt( "operationPerformed" ) == 0 ) { CDisableUndoScopeGuard sg; g_pDataModel->RemoveFileId( pChannelsClip->GetFileId() ); return; } bool bVisibleOnly = pImportParams->GetInt( "visibleOnly" ) != 0; CUtlVector< LogPreview_t > controls; int nCount = bVisibleOnly ? BuildVisibleControlList( controls ) : BuildFullControlList( controls ); CUndoScopeGuard guard( "Import Animation" ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { for ( int k = 0; k < LOG_PREVIEW_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT; ++k ) { CDmeChannel *pChannel = controls[i].m_hChannels[k]; if ( !pChannel ) continue; CDmeChannel *pImportChannel = FindImportChannel( pChannel, pChannelsClip ); if ( !pImportChannel ) continue; // Switch the log over CDmeLog *pImportLog = pImportChannel->GetLog(); pChannel->SetLog( pImportLog ); pImportChannel->SetLog( NULL ); pImportLog->SetFileId( pChannel->GetFileId(), TD_DEEP ); TransformImportedChannel( pChannel ); // Expand the channels clip to include the entire channel FixupChannelsClipTime( pChannel, pChannel->GetLog() ); } } guard.Release(); // Cleanup the file CDisableUndoScopeGuard sg; g_pDataModel->RemoveFileId( pChannelsClip->GetFileId() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Imports a specific channels clip into the animation set //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::ImportAnimation( CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip, bool bVisibleOnly ) { CUtlVector< LogPreview_t > controls; int nCount = bVisibleOnly ? BuildVisibleControlList( controls ) : BuildFullControlList( controls ); COperationFileListFrame *pStatusFrame = new COperationFileListFrame( this, "Import the Following Channels?", "Target Control", false ); pStatusFrame->SetCloseButtonVisible( false ); pStatusFrame->SetOperationColumnHeaderText( "Source Channel" ); int nSrcCount = pChannelsClip->m_Channels.Count(); CDmeChannel** ppFoundChannels = (CDmeChannel**)_alloca( nSrcCount * sizeof(CDmeChannel*) ); int nFoundCount = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { for ( int k = 0; k < LOG_PREVIEW_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT; ++k ) { CDmeChannel *pChannel = controls[i].m_hChannels[k]; if ( !pChannel || pChannel->GetToElement() == NULL ) continue; char pChannelInfo[512]; Q_snprintf( pChannelInfo, sizeof(pChannelInfo), "\"%s\" : %s", pChannel->GetToElement()->GetName(), pChannel->GetToAttribute()->GetName() ); CDmeChannel *pImportChannel = FindImportChannel( pChannel, pChannelsClip ); if ( !pImportChannel ) { pStatusFrame->AddOperation( "No source channel", pChannelInfo, Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); continue; } ppFoundChannels[nFoundCount++] = pImportChannel; char pImportInfo[512]; Q_snprintf( pImportInfo, sizeof(pImportInfo), "\"%s\" : %s", pImportChannel->GetToElement()->GetName(), pImportChannel->GetToAttribute()->GetName() ); pStatusFrame->AddOperation( pImportInfo, pChannelInfo, Color( 0, 255, 0, 255 ) ); } } for ( int i = 0; i < nSrcCount; ++i ) { CDmeChannel *pMissingChannel = pChannelsClip->m_Channels[i]; int j; for ( j = 0; j < nFoundCount; ++j ) { if ( ppFoundChannels[j] == pMissingChannel ) break; } if ( j != nFoundCount ) continue; char pImportInfo[512]; Q_snprintf( pImportInfo, sizeof(pImportInfo), "\"%s\" : %s", pMissingChannel->GetToElement()->GetName(), pMissingChannel->GetToAttribute()->GetName() ); pStatusFrame->AddOperation( pImportInfo, "No destination control", Color( 255, 255, 0, 255 ) ); } KeyValues *pContext = new KeyValues( "context" ); SetElementKeyValue( pContext, "channelsClip", pChannelsClip ); pContext->SetInt( "visibleOnly", bVisibleOnly ); pStatusFrame->DoModal( pContext, "ImportConfirmed" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called by CDmePickerFrame in SelectImportAnimation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnImportAnimationSelected( KeyValues *pParams ) { KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = pParams->FindKey( "context" ); CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip = GetElementKeyValue< CDmeChannelsClip >( pParams, "dme" ); if ( pChannelsClip ) { bool bVisibleOnly = pContextKeyValues->GetInt( "visibleOnly" ) != 0; ImportAnimation( pChannelsClip, bVisibleOnly ); } else { OnImportAnimationCancelled( pParams ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called by CDmePickerFrame in SelectImportAnimation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnImportAnimationCancelled( KeyValues *pParams ) { KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = pParams->FindKey( "context" ); CDmElement *pAnimationList = GetElementKeyValue<CDmElement>( pContextKeyValues, "animationList" ); // Cleanup the file if ( pAnimationList ) { CDisableUndoScopeGuard sg; g_pDataModel->RemoveFileId( pAnimationList->GetFileId() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Selects an animation to import //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::SelectImportAnimation( CDmeAnimationList *pAnimationList, bool bVisibleOnly ) { KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "context" ); SetElementKeyValue( pContextKeyValues, "animationList", pAnimationList ); pContextKeyValues->SetInt( "visibleOnly", bVisibleOnly ); int nCount = pAnimationList->GetAnimationCount(); CUtlVector< DmePickerInfo_t > choices( 0, nCount ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CDmeChannelsClip *pAnimation = pAnimationList->GetAnimation( i ); if ( !pAnimation ) continue; int j = choices.AddToTail(); DmePickerInfo_t& info = choices[j]; info.m_hElement = pAnimation->GetHandle(); info.m_pChoiceString = pAnimation->GetName(); } CDmePickerFrame *pAnimationPicker = new CDmePickerFrame( this, "Select Animation To Import" ); pAnimationPicker->DoModal( choices, pContextKeyValues ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called by the FileOpenDialog in OnImportAnimation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnFileSelected( KeyValues *kv ) { KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = kv->FindKey( "ImportAnimation" ); if ( !pContextKeyValues ) return; bool bVisibleOnly = pContextKeyValues->GetInt( "visibleOnly" ); if ( bVisibleOnly ) { CUtlVector< LogPreview_t > controls; int nCount = BuildVisibleControlList( controls ); if ( nCount == 0 ) { vgui::MessageBox *pMessageBox = new vgui::MessageBox( "Error Importing Animations\n", "Cannot import because there are no visible controls!\n", GetParent() ); pMessageBox->DoModal( ); return; } } const char *pFileName = kv->GetString( "fullpath", NULL ); if ( !pFileName ) return; CDmElement *pRoot; CDisableUndoScopeGuard guard; DmFileId_t fileId = g_pDataModel->RestoreFromFile( pFileName, NULL, NULL, &pRoot, CR_FORCE_COPY ); guard.Release(); if ( fileId == DMFILEID_INVALID ) return; CDmeChannelsClip *pChannelsClip = CastElement< CDmeChannelsClip >( pRoot ); if ( pChannelsClip ) { ImportAnimation( pChannelsClip, bVisibleOnly ); return; } CDmeAnimationList* pAnimationList = CastElement< CDmeAnimationList >( pRoot ); if ( !pAnimationList ) { pAnimationList = pRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeAnimationList >( "animationList" ); } if ( !pAnimationList || pAnimationList->GetAnimationCount() == 0 ) { char pBuf[1024]; Q_snprintf( pBuf, sizeof(pBuf), "File \"%s\" contains no animations!\n", pFileName ); vgui::MessageBox *pMessageBox = new vgui::MessageBox( "Error Importing Animations\n", pBuf, GetParent() ); pMessageBox->DoModal( ); CDisableUndoScopeGuard sg; g_pDataModel->RemoveFileId( pRoot->GetFileId() ); sg.Release(); return; } if ( pAnimationList->GetAnimationCount() == 1 ) { ImportAnimation( pAnimationList->GetAnimation( 0 ), bVisibleOnly ); } else { SelectImportAnimation( pAnimationList, bVisibleOnly ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called by the context menu to import animation files //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnImportAnimation( KeyValues *pParams ) { // Compute starting directory CDmeGameModel *pGameModel = m_AnimSet->GetValueElement< CDmeGameModel >( "gameModel" ); char pStartingDir[ MAX_PATH ]; if ( !pGameModel ) { GetModContentSubdirectory( "models", pStartingDir, sizeof(pStartingDir) ); } else { char pModelName[ MAX_PATH ]; studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = pGameModel->GetStudioHdr(); Q_StripExtension( pStudioHdr->pszName(), pModelName, sizeof(pModelName) ); char pRelativePath[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( pRelativePath, sizeof(pRelativePath), "models/%s/animations/dmx", pModelName ); GetModContentSubdirectory( pRelativePath, pStartingDir, sizeof(pStartingDir) ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->IsDirectory( pStartingDir ) ) { Q_snprintf( pRelativePath, sizeof(pRelativePath), "models/%s", pModelName ); GetModContentSubdirectory( pRelativePath, pStartingDir, sizeof(pStartingDir) ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->IsDirectory( pStartingDir ) ) { GetModContentSubdirectory( "models", pStartingDir, sizeof(pStartingDir) ); } } } KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "ImportAnimation", "visibleOnly", pParams->GetInt( "visibleOnly" ) ); FileOpenDialog *pDialog = new FileOpenDialog( this, "Select Animation File Name", true, pContextKeyValues ); pDialog->SetStartDirectoryContext( "animation_set_import_animation", pStartingDir ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.*", "All Files (*.*)", false ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.dmx", "Animation file (*.dmx)", true ); pDialog->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); pDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); pDialog->DoModal( ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main entry point for exporting facial animation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::SetupFileOpenDialog( vgui::FileOpenDialog *pDialog, bool bOpenFile, const char *pFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { // Compute starting directory char pStartingDir[ MAX_PATH ]; GetModSubdirectory( "scenes", pStartingDir, sizeof(pStartingDir) ); Assert( !bOpenFile ); pDialog->SetTitle( "Save Facial Animation As", true ); Assert( !V_strcmp( pFileFormat, "facial_animation" ) ); pDialog->SetStartDirectoryContext( "facial_animation_export", pStartingDir ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.*", "All Files (*.*)", false ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.dmx", "Facial animation file (*.dmx)", true, pFileFormat ); } bool CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnReadFileFromDisk( const char *pFileName, const char *pFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { Assert( 0 ); return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called when it's time to write the file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnWriteFileToDisk( const char *pFileName, const char *pFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { // Recompute relative paths for each source now that we know the file name // NOTE: This also updates the name of the fileID in the datamodel system CDisableUndoScopeGuard guard; bool bOk = ExportFacialAnimation( pFileName, GetRootClip(), GetAnimationSetClip(), m_AnimSet ); return bOk; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main entry point for exporting facial animation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnExportFacialAnimation() { KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "ExportFacialAnimation" ); m_hFileOpenStateMachine->SaveFile( pContextKeyValues, NULL, "facial_animation", FOSM_SHOW_PERFORCE_DIALOGS ); } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnOpenContextMenu( KeyValues *params ) { if ( m_hContextMenu.Get() ) { delete m_hContextMenu.Get(); m_hContextMenu = NULL; } m_hContextMenu = new Menu( this, "ActionMenu" ); int c = ARRAYSIZE( g_AnimSetLayout ); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { const AnimSetLayout_t& data = g_AnimSetLayout[ i ]; m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( data.contextmenulabel, new KeyValues( "OnChangeLayout", "value", (int)data.type ), this ); } if ( m_AnimSet.Get() ) { m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator( ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#ImportAnimation", new KeyValues( "ImportAnimation" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#ReattachToModel", new KeyValues( "ReattachToModel" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#ExportFacialAnimation", new KeyValues( "ExportFacialAnimation" ), this ); } Panel *rpanel = reinterpret_cast< Panel * >( params->GetPtr( "contextlabel" ) ); if ( rpanel ) { // force the menu to compute required width/height m_hContextMenu->PerformLayout(); m_hContextMenu->PositionRelativeToPanel( rpanel, Menu::DOWN, 0, true ); } else { Menu::PlaceContextMenu( this, m_hContextMenu.Get() ); } } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); // Have to manually apply settings here if they aren't attached in hierarchy if ( m_hControlGroup->GetParent() != this ) { m_hControlGroup->ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); } if ( m_hPresetFader->GetParent() != this ) { m_hPresetFader->ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); } if ( m_hAttributeSlider->GetParent() != this ) { m_hAttributeSlider->ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); } m_pSelectionModeType->ClearImages(); m_pSelectionModeType->AddImage( m_Images.GetImage( 1 ), 0 ); for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_AS_RECORDING_STATES; ++i ) { m_pState[ i ]->ClearImages(); m_pState[ i ]->AddImage( m_Images.GetImage( i + 2 ), 0 ); } m_pComboBox->SetFont( pScheme->GetFont( "DefaultBold" ) ); } CBaseAnimSetControlGroupPanel *CBaseAnimationSetEditor::GetControlGroup() { return m_hControlGroup.Get(); } CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel *CBaseAnimationSetEditor::GetPresetFader() { return m_hPresetFader.Get(); } CBaseAnimSetAttributeSliderPanel *CBaseAnimationSetEditor::GetAttributeSlider() { return m_hAttributeSlider.Get(); } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::ChangeAnimationSet( CDmeAnimationSet *newAnimSet ) { m_AnimSet = newAnimSet; if ( newAnimSet ) { CUndoScopeGuard guard( "Auto-create Procedural Presets" ); newAnimSet->EnsureProceduralPresets(); } // send to sub controls m_hControlGroup->ChangeAnimationSet( newAnimSet ); m_hPresetFader->ChangeAnimationSet( newAnimSet ); m_hAttributeSlider->ChangeAnimationSet( newAnimSet ); } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnDataChanged() { } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::OnTextChanged() { KeyValues *kv = m_pComboBox->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( !kv ) return; CDmeAnimationSet *set = GetElementKeyValue< CDmeAnimationSet >( kv, "handle" ); if ( set ) { ChangeAnimationSet( set ); } } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::SetRecordingState( RecordingState_t state, bool /*updateSettings*/ ) { m_RecordingState = state; // Reset buttons as needed for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_AS_RECORDING_STATES; ++i ) { if ( (RecordingState_t)i == state ) { m_pState[ i ]->SetSelected( true ); m_pState[ i ]->ForceDepressed( true ); } else { m_pState[ i ]->SetSelected( false ); m_pState[ i ]->ForceDepressed( false ); } } } RecordingState_t CBaseAnimationSetEditor::GetRecordingState() const { return m_RecordingState; } CDmeAnimationSet *CBaseAnimationSetEditor::GetAnimationSet() { return m_AnimSet; } int CBaseAnimationSetEditor::BuildVisibleControlList( CUtlVector< LogPreview_t >& list ) { return m_hAttributeSlider->BuildVisibleControlList( list ); } int CBaseAnimationSetEditor::BuildFullControlList( CUtlVector< LogPreview_t >& list ) { return m_hAttributeSlider->BuildFullControlList( list ); } void CBaseAnimationSetEditor::RecomputePreview() { m_hAttributeSlider->RecomputePreview(); }