//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: queries server for the command list, and then use QueryCommand() to see // if the server supports this command. // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #include <ctype.h> // isspace() define #include <string.h> #include "CMDList.h" #include "Iresponse.h" #include "Socket.h" #include "proto_oob.h" #include "DialogGameInfo.h" #include "inetapi.h" #include "TokenLine.h" #include "dialogkickplayer.h" extern void v_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, int bufsize); typedef enum { NONE = 0, INFO_REQUESTED, INFO_RECEIVED } RCONSTATUS; typedef enum { FS, PAK } MAP_TYPES; CCMDList::CCMDList(IResponse *target,serveritem_t &server, const char *rconPassword) { memcpy(&m_Server, &server,sizeof(serveritem_t)); m_bGotCommands = false; m_pResponseTarget=target; v_strncpy(m_szRconPassword,rconPassword,100); m_pRcon = new CRcon(this , server,rconPassword); m_pRcon->SendRcon("cmdlist"); m_CMDList.RemoveAll(); } CCMDList::~CCMDList() { delete m_pRcon; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCMDList::RunFrame() { if(m_pRcon) { m_pRcon->RunFrame(); } } void CCMDList::ServerResponded() { char store[2048]; strcpy(store, m_pRcon->RconResponse()); char *cur=store; char *next=NULL; char *cmd=NULL; bool cmd_end=false; // response format: //Command List //-------------- //_unloadmodule // ... // writeip //-------------- //125 Total Commands //CmdList ? for syntax while(cur!=NULL) { if(next!=NULL) { cur++; } next=strchr(cur,'\n'); if(next!=NULL) { *next='\0'; } if( strncmp(cur,"Command List",12) && strncmp(cur,"-------------",13) && strncmp(cur,"Total Commands",14) && strncmp(cur,"CmdList ? for syntax",20) ) { char *removeWhiteSpace=cur; while(!isspace(*removeWhiteSpace) && removeWhiteSpace<next) { removeWhiteSpace++; } *removeWhiteSpace='\0'; cmd = new char[strlen(cur)]; if(cmd) { strcpy(cmd,cur); m_CMDList.AddToTail(cmd); } } else if ( ! strncmp(cur,"CmdList ? for syntax",20)) { cmd_end=true; } cur=next; } if( cmd_end ) { m_bGotCommands = true; m_pResponseTarget->ServerResponded(); } } void CCMDList::ServerFailedToRespond() { //m_pResponseTarget->ServerFailedToRespond(); } serveritem_t &CCMDList::GetServer() { return m_Server; } bool CCMDList::QueryCommand(char *cmd) { if(!m_bGotCommands) return false; for(int i=0;i<m_CMDList.Count();i++) { char *cmd_in = m_CMDList[i]; if(!stricmp(cmd,m_CMDList[i])) break; } if(i!=m_CMDList.Count()) { return true; } else return false; } bool CCMDList::GotCommands() { return m_bGotCommands; } void CCMDList::SetPassword(const char *newPass) { m_pRcon->SetPassword(newPass); m_bGotCommands = false; m_CMDList.RemoveAll(); m_pRcon->SendRcon("cmdlist"); }