//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $

#ifndef SND_SFX_H
#define SND_SFX_H

#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once

class CAudioSource;

class CSfxTable

	// gets sound name, possible decoracted with prefixes
	virtual const char	*getname();
	// gets the filename, the part after the optional prefixes
	const char			*GetFileName();
	FileNameHandle_t	GetFileNameHandle();

	void				SetNamePoolIndex( int index );
	bool				IsPrecachedSound();
	void				OnNameChanged( const char *pName );

	int					m_namePoolIndex;
	CAudioSource		*pSource;

	bool				m_bUseErrorFilename : 1;
	bool				m_bIsUISound : 1;
	bool				m_bIsLateLoad : 1;
	bool				m_bMixGroupsCached : 1;
	byte				m_mixGroupCount;
	// UNDONE: Use a fixed bit vec here?
	byte				m_mixGroupList[8];

	// Only set in debug mode so you can see the name.
	const char *m_pDebugName;

#endif // SND_SFX_H