//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// // C callable material system interface for the utils. #include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterial.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" #include <cmdlib.h> #include "utilmatlib.h" #include "tier0/dbg.h" #include <windows.h> #include "filesystem.h" #include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h" #include "mathlib/Mathlib.h" void LoadMaterialSystemInterface( CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory ) { if( g_pMaterialSystem ) return; // materialsystem.dll should be in the path, it's in bin along with vbsp. const char *pDllName = "materialsystem.dll"; CSysModule *materialSystemDLLHInst; materialSystemDLLHInst = g_pFullFileSystem->LoadModule( pDllName ); if( !materialSystemDLLHInst ) { Error( "Can't load MaterialSystem.dll\n" ); } CreateInterfaceFn clientFactory = Sys_GetFactory( materialSystemDLLHInst ); if ( clientFactory ) { g_pMaterialSystem = (IMaterialSystem *)clientFactory( MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !g_pMaterialSystem ) { Error( "Could not get the material system interface from materialsystem.dll (" __FILE__ ")" ); } } else { Error( "Could not find factory interface in library MaterialSystem.dll" ); } if (!g_pMaterialSystem->Init( "shaderapiempty.dll", 0, fileSystemFactory )) { Error( "Could not start the empty shader (shaderapiempty.dll)!" ); } } void InitMaterialSystem( const char *materialBaseDirPath, CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory ) { LoadMaterialSystemInterface( fileSystemFactory ); MaterialSystem_Config_t config; g_pMaterialSystem->OverrideConfig( config, false ); } void ShutdownMaterialSystem( ) { if ( g_pMaterialSystem ) { g_pMaterialSystem->Shutdown(); g_pMaterialSystem = NULL; } } MaterialSystemMaterial_t FindMaterial( const char *materialName, bool *pFound, bool bComplain ) { IMaterial *pMat = g_pMaterialSystem->FindMaterial( materialName, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, bComplain ); MaterialSystemMaterial_t matHandle = pMat; if ( pFound ) { *pFound = true; if ( IsErrorMaterial( pMat ) ) *pFound = false; } return matHandle; } void GetMaterialDimensions( MaterialSystemMaterial_t materialHandle, int *width, int *height ) { PreviewImageRetVal_t retVal; ImageFormat dummyImageFormat; IMaterial *material = ( IMaterial * )materialHandle; bool translucent; retVal = material->GetPreviewImageProperties( width, height, &dummyImageFormat, &translucent ); if (retVal != MATERIAL_PREVIEW_IMAGE_OK ) { #if 0 if (retVal == MATERIAL_PREVIEW_IMAGE_BAD ) { Error( "problem getting preview image for %s", g_pMaterialSystem->GetMaterialName( materialInfo[matID].materialHandle ) ); } #else *width = 128; *height = 128; #endif } } void GetMaterialReflectivity( MaterialSystemMaterial_t materialHandle, float *reflectivityVect ) { IMaterial *material = ( IMaterial * )materialHandle; const IMaterialVar *reflectivityVar; bool found; reflectivityVar = material->FindVar( "$reflectivity", &found, false ); if( !found ) { Vector tmp; material->GetReflectivity( tmp ); VectorCopy( tmp.Base(), reflectivityVect ); } else { reflectivityVar->GetVecValue( reflectivityVect, 3 ); } } int GetMaterialShaderPropertyBool( MaterialSystemMaterial_t materialHandle, int propID ) { IMaterial *material = ( IMaterial * )materialHandle; switch( propID ) { case UTILMATLIB_NEEDS_BUMPED_LIGHTMAPS: return material->GetPropertyFlag( MATERIAL_PROPERTY_NEEDS_BUMPED_LIGHTMAPS ); case UTILMATLIB_NEEDS_LIGHTMAP: return material->GetPropertyFlag( MATERIAL_PROPERTY_NEEDS_LIGHTMAP ); default: Assert( 0 ); return 0; } } int GetMaterialShaderPropertyInt( MaterialSystemMaterial_t materialHandle, int propID ) { IMaterial *material = ( IMaterial * )materialHandle; switch( propID ) { case UTILMATLIB_OPACITY: if (material->IsTranslucent()) return UTILMATLIB_TRANSLUCENT; if (material->IsAlphaTested()) return UTILMATLIB_ALPHATEST; return UTILMATLIB_OPAQUE; default: Assert( 0 ); return 0; } } const char *GetMaterialVar( MaterialSystemMaterial_t materialHandle, const char *propertyName ) { IMaterial *material = ( IMaterial * )materialHandle; IMaterialVar *var; bool found; var = material->FindVar( propertyName, &found, false ); if( found ) { return var->GetStringValue(); } else { return NULL; } } const char *GetMaterialShaderName( MaterialSystemMaterial_t materialHandle ) { IMaterial *material = ( IMaterial * )materialHandle; return material->GetShaderName(); }