//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Holds constants for the econ item system // //============================================================================= #include "cbase.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *g_szQualityStrings[] = { "Normal", "rarity1", // Genuine "rarity2", // Customized "vintage", // Vintage has to stay at 3 for backwards compatibility "rarity3", // Well-Designed "rarity4", // Unusual "Unique", "community", "developer", "selfmade", "customized", "strange", "completed", "haunted", "collectors", "paintkitWeapon", "default", // AE_RARITY_DEFAULT, "common", // AE_RARITY_COMMON, "uncommon", // AE_RARITY_UNCOMMON, "rare", // AE_RARITY_RARE, "mythical", // AE_RARITY_MYTHICAL, "legendary", // AE_RARITY_LEGENDARY, "ancient", // AE_RARITY_ANCIENT, }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szQualityStrings ) == AE_MAX_TYPES ); const char *EconQuality_GetQualityString( EEconItemQuality eQuality ) { // This is a runtime check and not an assert because we could theoretically bounce the GC with new // qualities while the client is running. if ( eQuality >= 0 && eQuality < AE_MAX_TYPES ) return g_szQualityStrings[ eQuality ]; return NULL; } EEconItemQuality EconQuality_GetQualityFromString( const char* pszQuality ) { // Convert to lowercase CUtlString strLoweredInput( pszQuality ); strLoweredInput.ToLower(); // Guaranteed with the compile time assert above that AE_MAX_TYPES is // the size of the string qualities for( int i = 0; i < AE_MAX_TYPES; ++i ) { // Convert to lowercase CUtlString strLoweredQuality( g_szQualityStrings[i] ); strLoweredQuality.ToLower(); if( !Q_stricmp( strLoweredInput.Get(), strLoweredQuality.Get() ) ) return EEconItemQuality(i); } return AE_UNDEFINED; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *g_szQualityColorStrings[] = { "QualityColorNormal", "QualityColorrarity1", "QualityColorrarity2", "QualityColorVintage", "QualityColorrarity3", "QualityColorrarity4", // AE_UNUSUAL "QualityColorUnique", "QualityColorCommunity", "QualityColorDeveloper", "QualityColorSelfMade", "QualityColorSelfMadeCustomized", "QualityColorStrange", "QualityColorCompleted", "QualityColorHaunted", // AE_HAUNTED "QualityColorCollectors", // AE_COLLECTORS "QualityColorPaintkitWeapon", // AE_PAINTKITWEAPON "ItemRarityDefault" , // AE_RARITY_DEFAULT, "ItemRarityCommon" , // AE_RARITY_COMMON, "ItemRarityUncommon" , // AE_RARITY_UNCOMMON, "ItemRarityRare" , // AE_RARITY_RARE, "ItemRarityMythical" , // AE_RARITY_MYTHICAL, "ItemRarityLegendary" , // AE_RARITY_LEGENDARY, "ItemRarityAncient" , // AE_RARITY_ANCIENT, }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szQualityColorStrings ) == AE_MAX_TYPES ); const char *EconQuality_GetColorString( EEconItemQuality eQuality ) { if ( eQuality >= 0 && eQuality < AE_MAX_TYPES ) return g_szQualityColorStrings[ eQuality ]; return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *g_szQualityLocalizationStrings[] = { "#Normal", "#rarity1", // Genuine "#rarity2", "#vintage", "#rarity3", // Artisan "#rarity4", // Unusual "#unique", "#community", "#developer", "#selfmade", "#customized", "#strange", "#completed", "#haunted", "#collectors", "#paintkitWeapon", "#Rarity_Default", "#Rarity_Common", "#Rarity_Uncommon", "#Rarity_Rare", "#Rarity_Mythical", "#Rarity_Legendary", "#Rarity_Ancient" }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szQualityLocalizationStrings ) == AE_MAX_TYPES ); const char *EconQuality_GetLocalizationString( EEconItemQuality eQuality ) { if ( eQuality >= 0 && eQuality < AE_MAX_TYPES ) return g_szQualityLocalizationStrings[ eQuality ]; return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sort order for rarities // Small Numbers sort to front //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int g_nRarityScores[] = { 15, // AE_NORMAL, 10, // AE_RARITY1, // Geniune 102, // AE_RARITY2, // Customized (unused) 11, // AE_VINTAGE, 101, // AE_RARITY3, // Artisan (unused) 0, // AE_UNUSUAL, 14, // AE_UNIQUE, -1, // AE_COMMUNITY, -3, // AE_DEVELOPER, -2, // AE_SELFMADE, 100, // AE_CUSTOMIZED, // Unused 9, // AE_STRANGE, 103, // AE_COMPLETED, // Unused 13, // AE_HAUNTED 12, // AE_COLLECTORS 8, // AE_PAINTKITWEAPON 7, // AE_RARITY_DEFAULT, 6, // AE_RARITY_COMMON, 5, // AE_RARITY_UNCOMMON, 4, // AE_RARITY_RARE, 3, // AE_RARITY_MYTHICAL, 2, // AE_RARITY_LEGENDARY, 1, // AE_RARITY_ANCIENT, }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_nRarityScores ) == AE_MAX_TYPES ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int EconQuality_GetRarityScore( EEconItemQuality eQuality ) { if ( eQuality >= 0 && eQuality < AE_MAX_TYPES ) return g_nRarityScores[ eQuality ]; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *g_pchWearAmountStrings[] = { "#TFUI_InvTooltip_None", "#TFUI_InvTooltip_FactoryNew", "#TFUI_InvTooltip_MinimalWear", "#TFUI_InvTooltip_FieldTested", "#TFUI_InvTooltip_WellWorn", "#TFUI_InvTooltip_BattleScared" }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int EconWear_ToIntCategory( float flWear ) { if ( flWear <= 0.2f ) { return 1; } else if ( flWear <= 0.4f ) { return 2; } else if ( flWear <= 0.6f ) { return 3; } else if ( flWear <= 0.8f ) { return 4; } else if ( flWear <= 1.0f ) { return 5; } return 3; // default wear } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Shim to return a value for buckets. For strange we bucket all of them in to 1 non-instance data group int EconStrange_ToStrangeBucket( float value ) { return 0; } float EconStrange_FromStrangeBucket( int value ) { return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *GetWearLocalizationString( float flWear ) { int nIndex = EconWear_ToIntCategory( flWear ); return g_pchWearAmountStrings[ nIndex ]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool EconWear_IsValidValue( int nWear ) { return nWear > 0 && nWear <= 5; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSchemaColorDefHandle g_AttribColorDefs[] = { CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_level" ), // ATTRIB_COL_LEVEL CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_attrib_neutral" ), // ATTRIB_COL_NEUTRAL CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_attrib_positive" ), // ATTRIB_COL_POSITIVE CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_attrib_negative" ), // ATTRIB_COL_NEGATIVE CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_itemset_name" ), // ATTRIB_COL_ITEMSET_NAME CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_itemset_equipped" ), // ATTRIB_COL_ITEMSET_EQUIPPED CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_itemset_missing" ), // ATTRIB_COL_ITEMSET_MISSING CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_bundle" ), // ATTRIB_COL_BUNDLE_ITEM CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_limited_use" ), // ATTRIB_COL_LIMITED_USE CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_flags" ), // ATTRIB_COL_component_flags CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_limited_quantity" ), // ATTRIB_COL_LIMITED_QUANTITY CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_default" ), // ATTRIB_COL_RARITY_DEFAULT CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_common" ), // ATTRIB_COL_RARITY_COMMON CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_uncommon" ), // ATTRIB_COL_RARITY_UNCOMMON CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_rare" ), // ATTRIB_COL_RARITY_RARE CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_mythical" ), // ATTRIB_COL_RARITY_MYTHICAL CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_legendary" ), // ATTRIB_COL_RARITY_LEGENDARY CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_ancient" ), // ATTRIB_COL_RARITY_ANCIENT CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_immortal" ), // ATTRIB_COL_RARITY_IMMORTAL CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_arcana" ), // ATTRIB_COL_RARITY_ARCANA CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_strange" ), // ATTRIB_COL_STRANGE CSchemaColorDefHandle( "desc_unusual" ), // ATTRIB_COL_UNUSUAL }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_AttribColorDefs ) == NUM_ATTRIB_COLORS ); attrib_colors_t GetAttribColorIndexForName( const char* pszName ) { for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_ATTRIB_COLORS; ++i ) { if ( !Q_strcmp( g_AttribColorDefs[i].GetName(), pszName ) ) return (attrib_colors_t)i; } return (attrib_colors_t)0; } const char *GetColorNameForAttribColor( attrib_colors_t unAttribColor ) { Assert( unAttribColor >= 0 ); Assert( unAttribColor < NUM_ATTRIB_COLORS ); return g_AttribColorDefs[unAttribColor] ? g_AttribColorDefs[unAttribColor]->GetColorName() : "ItemAttribNeutral"; } const char *GetHexColorForAttribColor( attrib_colors_t unAttribColor ) { Assert( unAttribColor >= 0 ); Assert( unAttribColor < NUM_ATTRIB_COLORS ); return g_AttribColorDefs[unAttribColor] ? g_AttribColorDefs[unAttribColor]->GetHexColor() : "#ebe2ca"; } entityquality_t GetItemQualityFromString( const char *sQuality ) { for ( int i = 0; i < AE_MAX_TYPES; i++ ) { if ( !Q_strnicmp( sQuality, g_szQualityStrings[i], 16 ) ) return (entityquality_t)i; } return AE_NORMAL; } const char *g_szRecipeCategoryStrings[] = { "crafting", // RECIPE_CATEGORY_CRAFTINGITEMS = 0, "commonitem", // RECIPE_CATEGORY_COMMONITEMS, "rareitem", // RECIPE_CATEGORY_RAREITEMS, "special", // RECIPE_CATEGORY_SPECIAL, }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szRecipeCategoryStrings ) == NUM_RECIPE_CATEGORIES ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Item acquisition. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Strings shown to the local player in the pickup dialog const char *g_pszItemPickupMethodStrings[] = { "#NewItemMethod_Dropped", // UNACK_ITEM_DROPPED = 1, "#NewItemMethod_Crafted", // UNACK_ITEM_CRAFTED, "#NewItemMethod_Traded", // UNACK_ITEM_TRADED, "#NewItemMethod_Purchased", // UNACK_ITEM_PURCHASED, "#NewItemMethod_FoundInCrate", // UNACK_ITEM_FOUND_IN_CRATE, "#NewItemMethod_Gifted", // UNACK_ITEM_GIFTED, "#NewItemMethod_Support", // UNACK_ITEM_SUPPORT, "#NewItemMethod_Promotion", // UNACK_ITEM_PROMOTION, "#NewItemMethod_Earned", // UNACK_ITEM_EARNED, "#NewItemMethod_Refunded", // UNACK_ITEM_REFUNDED, "#NewItemMethod_GiftWrapped", // UNACK_ITEM_GIFT_WRAPPED, "#NewItemMethod_Foreign", // UNACK_ITEM_FOREIGN, "#NewItemMethod_CollectionReward", // UNACK_ITEM_COLLECTION_REWARD "#NewItemMethod_PreviewItem", // UNACK_ITEM_PREVIEW_ITEM "#NewItemMethod_PreviewItemPurchased", // UNACK_ITEM_PREVIEW_ITEM_PURCHASED "#NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward",// UNACK_ITEM_PERIODIC_SCORE_REWARD "#NewItemMethod_MvMBadgeCompletionReward",// UNACK_ITEM_MVM_MISSION_COMPLETION_REWARD "#NewItemMethod_MvMSquadSurplusReward",// UNACK_ITEM_MVM_SQUAD_SURPLUS_REWARD "#NewItemMethod_HolidayGift", // UNACK_ITEM_FOUND_HOLIDAY_GIFT "#NewItemMethod_CommunityMarketPurchase", // UNACK_ITEM_COMMUNITY_MARKET_PURCHASE "#NewItemMethod_RecipeOutput", // UNACK_ITEM_RECIPE_OUTPUT NULL, // UNACK_ITEM_HIDDEN_QUEST_ITEM "#NewItemMethod_QuestOutput", // UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_OUTPUT "#NewItemMethod_QuestLoaner", // UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_LOANER "#NewItemMethod_TradeUp", // UNACK_ITEM_TRADE_UP "#NewItemMethod_QuestMerasmissionOutput", //UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_MERASMISSION_OUTPUT "#NewItemMethod_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread", //UNACK_ITEM_VIRAL_COMPETITIVE_BETA_PASS_SPREAD #ifdef ENABLE_STORE_RENTAL_BACKEND "#NewItemMethod_RentalPurchase", // UNACK_ITEM_RENTAL_PURCHASE #endif }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_pszItemPickupMethodStrings ) == (UNACK_NUM_METHODS - 1) ); // -1 because UNACK_ITEM_DROPPED is index 1, not 0 const char *g_pszItemPickupMethodStringsUnloc[] = { "dropped", // UNACK_ITEM_DROPPED = 1, "crafted", // UNACK_ITEM_CRAFTED, "traded", // UNACK_ITEM_TRADED, "purchased", // UNACK_ITEM_PURCHASED, "found_in_crate", // UNACK_ITEM_FOUND_IN_CRATE, "gifted", // UNACK_ITEM_GIFTED, "support", // UNACK_ITEM_SUPPORT, "promotion", // UNACK_ITEM_PROMOTION, "earned", // UNACK_ITEM_EARNED, "refunded", // UNACK_ITEM_REFUNDED, "gift_wrapped", // UNACK_ITEM_GIFT_WRAPPED "foreign", // UNACK_ITEM_FOREIGN "collection_reward",// UNACK_ITEM_COLLECTION_REWARD "preview_item", // UNACK_ITEM_PREVIEW_ITEM "preview_item_purchased", // UNACK_ITEM_PREVIEW_ITEM_PURCHASED "periodic_score_reward", // UNACK_ITEM_PERIODIC_SCORE_REWARD "mvm_badge_completion_reward", // UNACK_ITEM_MVM_MISSION_COMPLETION_REWARD "mvm_squad_surplus_reward", // UNACK_ITEM_MVM_SQUAD_SURPLUS_REWARD "holiday_gift", // UNACK_ITEM_FOUND_HOLIDAY_GIFT "market_purchase", // UNACK_ITEM_COMMUNITY_MARKET_PURCHASE "recipe_output", // UNACK_ITEM_RECIPE_OUTPUT "hidden_quest", // UNACK_ITEM_HIDDEN_QUEST_ITEM "quest_output", // UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_OUTPUT "trade_up", // UNACK_ITEM_TRADE_UP "quest_output", // UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_MERASMISSION_OUTPUT "viral_competitive_beta_pass", //UNACK_ITEM_VIRAL_COMPETITIVE_BETA_PASS_SPREAD #ifdef ENABLE_STORE_RENTAL_BACKEND "rental_purchase", // UNACK_ITEM_RENTAL_PURCHASE #endif }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_pszItemPickupMethodStringsUnloc ) == (UNACK_NUM_METHODS - 1) ); // Strings shown to other players in the chat dialog const char *g_pszItemFoundMethodStrings[] = { "#Item_Found", // UNACK_ITEM_DROPPED = 1, "#Item_Crafted", // UNACK_ITEM_CRAFTED, "#Item_Traded", // UNACK_ITEM_TRADED, NULL, // UNACK_ITEM_PURCHASED, "#Item_FoundInCrate", // UNACK_ITEM_FOUND_IN_CRATE, "#Item_Gifted", // UNACK_ITEM_GIFTED, NULL, // UNACK_ITEM_SUPPORT, NULL, // UNACK_ITEM_PROMOTION "#Item_Earned", // UNACK_ITEM_EARNED "#Item_Refunded", // UNACK_ITEM_REFUNDED "#Item_GiftWrapped", // UNACK_ITEM_GIFT_WRAPPED "#Item_Foreign", // UNACK_ITEM_FOREIGN "#Item_CollectionReward", // UNACK_ITEM_COLLECTION_REWARD "#Item_PreviewItem", // UNACK_ITEM_PREVIEW_ITEM "#Item_PreviewItemPurchased",// UNACK_ITEM_PREVIEW_ITEM_PURCHASED "#Item_PeriodicScoreReward",// UNACK_ITEM_PERIODIC_SCORE_REWARD "#Item_MvMBadgeCompletionReward",// UNACK_ITEM_MVM_MISSION_COMPLETION_REWARD "#Item_MvMSquadSurplusReward",// UNACK_ITEM_MVM_SQUAD_SURPLUS_REWARD "#Item_HolidayGift", // UNACK_ITEM_FOUND_HOLIDAY_GIFT NULL, // UNACK_ITEM_COMMUNITY_MARKET_PURCHASE "#Item_RecipeOutput", // UNACK_ITEM_RECIPE_OUTPUT NULL, // UNACK_ITEM_HIDDEN_QUEST_ITEM "#Item_QuestOutput", // UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_OUTPUT NULL, // UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_LOANER "#Item_TradeUp", // UNACK_ITEM_TRADE_UP "#Item_QuestMerasmissionOutput", // UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_MERASMISSION_OUTPUT "#Item_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread", //UNACK_ITEM_VIRAL_COMPETITIVE_BETA_PASS_SPREAD #ifdef ENABLE_STORE_RENTAL_BACKEND NULL, // UNACK_ITEM_RENTAL_PURCHASE #endif }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_pszItemFoundMethodStrings ) == (UNACK_NUM_METHODS - 1) ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct strange_attr_set_t { strange_attr_set_t( const char *pScoreAttrName, const char *pTypeAttrName, const char *pRestrictionAttrName, const char *pRestrictionValueAttrName, bool bIsUserCustomizable ) : m_attrScore( pScoreAttrName ) , m_attrType( pTypeAttrName ) , m_attrRestriction( pRestrictionAttrName ) , m_attrRestrictionValue( pRestrictionValueAttrName ) , m_bIsUserCustomizable( bIsUserCustomizable ) { // } CSchemaAttributeDefHandle m_attrScore; CSchemaAttributeDefHandle m_attrType; CSchemaAttributeDefHandle m_attrRestriction; CSchemaAttributeDefHandle m_attrRestrictionValue; bool m_bIsUserCustomizable; }; strange_attr_set_t g_KillEaterAttr[] = { strange_attr_set_t( "kill eater", "kill eater score type", "strange restriction type 1", "strange restriction value 1", false ), strange_attr_set_t( "kill eater 2", "kill eater score type 2", "strange restriction type 2", "strange restriction value 2", false ), strange_attr_set_t( "kill eater 3", "kill eater score type 3", "strange restriction type 3", "strange restriction value 3", false ), // assumption: all of the user-customizable attributes will follow all of the schema-specified attributes strange_attr_set_t( "kill eater user 1", "kill eater user score type 1", "strange restriction user type 1", "strange restriction user value 1", true ), strange_attr_set_t( "kill eater user 2", "kill eater user score type 2", "strange restriction user type 2", "strange restriction user value 2", true ), strange_attr_set_t( "kill eater user 3", "kill eater user score type 3", "strange restriction user type 3", "strange restriction user value 3", true ), }; int GetKillEaterAttrCount() { #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT // Verify our commented assumption that all of the non-user-customizable attributes will be followed by // all of the user-customizable attributes. bool bInUserCustomizableBlock = false; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_KillEaterAttr ); i++ ) { if ( bInUserCustomizableBlock ) { AssertMsg( g_KillEaterAttr[i].m_bIsUserCustomizable, "Ordering assumption for g_KillEaterAttr violated! User-customizable attributes should all be at the end of the list!" ); } bInUserCustomizableBlock |= g_KillEaterAttr[i].m_bIsUserCustomizable; } #endif return ARRAYSIZE( g_KillEaterAttr ); } int GetKillEaterAttrCount_UserCustomizable() { int iCount = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ ) { if ( GetKillEaterAttr_IsUserCustomizable( i ) ) { iCount++; } } return iCount; } const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *GetKillEaterAttr_Score( int i ) { Assert( i >= 0 ); Assert( i < GetKillEaterAttrCount() ); const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrRes = g_KillEaterAttr[i].m_attrScore; AssertMsg1( pAttrRes, "Missing Killeater attr score %s", g_KillEaterAttr[ i ].m_attrScore.GetName() ); return pAttrRes; } const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *GetKillEaterAttr_Type( int i ) { Assert( i >= 0 ); Assert( i < GetKillEaterAttrCount() ); const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrRes = g_KillEaterAttr[i].m_attrType; AssertMsg1( pAttrRes, "Missing Killeater attr type %s", g_KillEaterAttr[ i ].m_attrType.GetName() ); return pAttrRes; } const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *GetKillEaterAttr_Restriction( int i ) { Assert( i >= 0 ); Assert( i < GetKillEaterAttrCount() ); const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrRes = g_KillEaterAttr[i].m_attrRestriction; AssertMsg1( pAttrRes, "Missing Killeater attr restriction %s", g_KillEaterAttr[ i ].m_attrRestriction.GetName() ); return pAttrRes; } const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *GetKillEaterAttr_RestrictionValue( int i ) { Assert( i >= 0 ); Assert( i < GetKillEaterAttrCount() ); const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrRes = g_KillEaterAttr[i].m_attrRestrictionValue; AssertMsg1( pAttrRes, "Missing Killeater attr restriction value %s", g_KillEaterAttr[ i ].m_attrRestrictionValue.GetName() ); return pAttrRes; } bool GetKillEaterAttr_IsUserCustomizable( int i ) { Assert( i >= 0 ); Assert( i < GetKillEaterAttrCount() ); return g_KillEaterAttr[i].m_bIsUserCustomizable; } bool GetKilleaterValueByEvent( const IEconItemInterface* pItem, const kill_eater_event_t& EEventType, uint32& value ) { for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ ) { const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttribKillEater = GetKillEaterAttr_Score( i ); const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttribKillEaterScoreType = GetKillEaterAttr_Type( i ); Assert( pAttribKillEater && pAttribKillEaterScoreType ); if ( !pAttribKillEater || !pAttribKillEaterScoreType ) return false; // make sure this item even has a kill count attribute we're looking for uint32 unKillEaterAttrValue; if ( !pItem->FindAttribute( pAttribKillEater, &unKillEaterAttrValue ) ) continue; uint32 unKillEaterScoreTypeAttrValue = kKillEaterEvent_PlayerKill; float fKillEaterScoreTypeAttrValue; if ( FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( pItem, pAttribKillEaterScoreType, &fKillEaterScoreTypeAttrValue ) ) { unKillEaterScoreTypeAttrValue = (uint32)fKillEaterScoreTypeAttrValue; } // this isn't the attribute we're trying to find if ( EEventType != (kill_eater_event_t)unKillEaterScoreTypeAttrValue ) continue; value = unKillEaterAttrValue; return true; } return false; } // Does this thing have kill eater bool BIsItemStrange( const IEconItemInterface *pItem ) { // Go over the attributes of the item, if it has any strange attributes the item is strange and don't apply uint32 unKillEaterAttr; for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ ) { if ( pItem->FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Score( i ), &unKillEaterAttr ) ) { return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get a localization token that describes why an item is not usable // in the trade-up crafting. Returns NULL if no reason. Can pass in // another item to compare against, which causes extra consistency checks //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* GetCollectionCraftingInvalidReason( const IEconItemInterface *pTestItem, const IEconItemInterface *pSourceItem ) { if ( !pTestItem ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem"; } // Needs to have a collection const CEconItemCollectionDefinition* pTestCollection = pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetItemCollectionDefinition(); if ( !pTestCollection ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoCollection"; } // Make sure this item is a part of the collection it claims to be in { item_definition_index_t nThisDefIndex = pTestItem->GetItemDefIndex(); bool bFound = false; for( int i=0; i < pTestCollection->m_iItemDefs.Count() && !bFound; ++i ) { bFound |= pTestCollection->m_iItemDefs[i] == nThisDefIndex; } if ( !bFound ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoCollection"; } } // Needs rarity uint8 nRarity = pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetRarity(); if( nRarity == k_unItemRarity_Any ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoRarity"; } // Can't use items with rarity at the "top" of a collection (what would they craft into?) if ( nRarity == pTestCollection->GetMaxRarity() ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_MaxRarity"; } // No self mades or community items uint32 eQuality = pTestItem->GetQuality(); if ( eQuality == AE_SELFMADE || eQuality == AE_COMMUNITY ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual"; } // This is how we test for unusuals. Don't let unusuals be crafted static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_ParticleEffect( "attach particle effect" ); if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_ParticleEffect ) ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual"; } static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_TauntUnusualAttr( "on taunt attach particle index" ); if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_TauntUnusualAttr ) ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual"; } // Not allowed to be crafted? if ( !pTestItem->IsUsableInCrafting() ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable"; } // If another item was passed in, we have a few consistency checks to make if ( pSourceItem ) { // Need to have the same rarity if ( nRarity != pSourceItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetRarity() ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchRarity"; } // Need to have the same strangeness if ( BIsItemStrange( pSourceItem ) != BIsItemStrange( pTestItem ) ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchStrange"; } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get a localization token that describes why an item is not usable // in the Halloween Offering. Returns NULL if no reason. Can pass in // another item to compare against, which causes extra consistency checks //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* GetHalloweenOfferingInvalidReason( const IEconItemInterface *pTestItem, const IEconItemInterface *pSourceItem ) { // Must either be a Cosmetic // Taunt // Allowable Tool (Strange part, Paint, name tag, killstreak). Not crates, keys // Marketable Weapon ie Strange, Genuine, Vintage, paintkit // Cannot be Unusual if ( !pTestItem ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem"; } // No self mades or community items uint32 eQuality = pTestItem->GetQuality(); if ( eQuality == AE_SELFMADE || eQuality == AE_COMMUNITY ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual"; } // This is how we test for unusuals. Don't let unusuals be crafted static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_ParticleEffect( "attach particle effect" ); if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_ParticleEffect ) ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual"; } static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_TauntUnusualAttr( "on taunt attach particle index" ); if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_TauntUnusualAttr ) ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual"; } // Invalid Items static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_CannotTransmute( "cannot_transmute" ); if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_CannotTransmute ) ) { return "#TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid"; } static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_CannotDelete( "cannot delete" ); if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_CannotDelete ) ) { return "#TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid"; } const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = pTestItem->GetItemDefinition(); if ( pItemDef == NULL ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem"; } if ( pTestItem->IsTemporaryItem() ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem"; } // If you are a taunt or a cosmetic you are allowed if ( pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ) == LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC || pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ) == LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT ) { // do not 'medal' equip region items if ( pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetEquipRegionMask() & GetItemSchema()->GetEquipRegionBitMaskByName( "medal" ) ) { return "#TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid"; } return NULL; } // Do not allow Crates if ( ( pItemDef->GetCapabilities() & ITEM_CAP_DECODABLE ) != 0 ) { return "#TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid"; } // Cause of weird legacy items lets be explicit about what we allow if ( pItemDef->IsTool() ) { // ignore everything that is not a paint can tool const IEconTool *pEconTool = pItemDef->GetEconTool(); if ( !pEconTool ) return "#TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid"; const char *pToolType = pEconTool->GetTypeName(); if ( !V_strcmp( pToolType, "paint_can" ) ) return NULL; else if ( !V_strcmp( pToolType, "strange_part" ) ) return NULL; else if ( !V_strcmp( pToolType, "name" ) ) return NULL; else if ( !V_strcmp( pToolType, "desc" ) ) return NULL; else if ( !V_strcmp( pToolType, "killstreakifier" ) ) return NULL; else if ( !V_strcmp( pToolType, "strangifier" ) ) return NULL; // Not a tool we are allowing return "#TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid"; } // Otherwise you must be a weapon or we won't allow if ( pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ) == LOADOUT_POSITION_PRIMARY || pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ) == LOADOUT_POSITION_SECONDARY || pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ) == LOADOUT_POSITION_MELEE || pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ) == LOADOUT_POSITION_BUILDING || pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ) == LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA || pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ) == LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA2 ) { // Must be strange, genuine, vintage, haunted or paintkit (ie a marketable weapon) eQuality = pTestItem->GetQuality(); if ( eQuality == AE_RARITY1 || eQuality == AE_VINTAGE || eQuality == AE_HAUNTED || eQuality == AE_COLLECTORS || eQuality == AE_PAINTKITWEAPON ) { return NULL; } // Weapons with rarity are allowed uint8 nRarity = pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetRarity(); if ( nRarity != k_unItemRarity_Any ) { return NULL; } // Strange items. Dont just check for strange quality, actually check for a strange attribute. // See if we've got any strange attributes. for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ ) { if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Score( i ) ) ) { return NULL; } } } return "#TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid"; } const char* GetCraftCommonStatClockInvalidReason( const class IEconItemInterface *pTestItem, const class IEconItemInterface *pSourceItem ) { if ( !pTestItem ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem"; } // Not allowed to be crafted? if ( !pTestItem->IsUsableInCrafting() ) { return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable"; } // No self mades or community items uint32 eQuality = pTestItem->GetQuality(); if ( eQuality == AE_SELFMADE || eQuality == AE_COMMUNITY ) return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual"; // This is how we test for unusuals. Don't let unusuals be crafted static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_ParticleEffect( "attach particle effect" ); if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_ParticleEffect ) ) return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual"; static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_TauntUnusualAttr( "on taunt attach particle index" ); if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_TauntUnusualAttr ) ) return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual"; const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = pTestItem->GetItemDefinition(); if ( pItemDef == NULL ) return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem"; if ( pTestItem->IsTemporaryItem() ) return "#TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem"; // Strange items. Dont just check for strange quality, actually check for a strange attribute. // See if we've got any strange attributes. for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ ) { if ( pTestItem->FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Score( i ) ) ) { return NULL; } } // Needs Rarity uint8 nRarity = pTestItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetRarity(); if ( nRarity != k_unItemRarity_Any && nRarity > 1 ) // do not allow default nor common rarity { return NULL; } return "#TF_MannCoTrade_ItemInvalid"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum { kMaxCardUpgradesPerItem = 2 }; int GetMaxCardUpgradesPerItem() { return kMaxCardUpgradesPerItem; } const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *GetCardUpgradeForIndex( const IEconItemInterface *pItem, int i ) { Assert( pItem ); Assert( i >= 0 ); Assert( i < kMaxCardUpgradesPerItem ); class CGetNthUserGeneratedAttributeIterator : public IEconItemUntypedAttributeIterator { public: CGetNthUserGeneratedAttributeIterator( int iTargetIndex ) : m_iCount( iTargetIndex ) , m_pAttrDef( NULL ) { } virtual bool OnIterateAttributeValueUntyped( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef ) OVERRIDE { if ( pAttrDef->GetUserGenerationType() != 0 && m_iCount-- == 0 ) { m_pAttrDef = pAttrDef; return false; } return true; } const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *GetAttrDef() const { return m_pAttrDef; } private: int m_iCount; const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *m_pAttrDef; }; CGetNthUserGeneratedAttributeIterator findNthAttrIterator( i ); pItem->IterateAttributes( &findNthAttrIterator ); return findNthAttrIterator.GetAttrDef(); }