//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 


#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "datamodel/idatamodel.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattribute.h"
#include "tier1/utlrbtree.h"
#include "tier1/utlhash.h"

// Forward declarations
class CDmElement;
class CDmAttribute;

// Element dictionary used in unserialization
typedef int DmElementDictHandle_t;
	ELEMENT_DICT_HANDLE_INVALID = (DmElementDictHandle_t)~0

class CDmElementDictionary

	DmElementDictHandle_t InsertElement( CDmElement *pElement );
	CDmElement *GetElement( DmElementDictHandle_t handle );
	void AddAttribute( CDmAttribute *pAttribute, const DmObjectId_t &pElementId );
	void AddArrayAttribute( CDmAttribute *pAttribute, DmElementDictHandle_t hChild );
	void AddArrayAttribute( CDmAttribute *pAttribute, const DmObjectId_t &pElementId );

	DmElementHandle_t SetElementId( DmElementDictHandle_t hDictHandle,
									const DmObjectId_t &newId,
									DmConflictResolution_t idConflictResolution );

	// Finds an element into the table
	DmElementDictHandle_t FindElement( CDmElement *pElement );

 	// Hook up all element references (which were unserialized as object ids)
	void HookUpElementReferences();

	// Clears the dictionary
	void Clear();

	// iteration through elements
	DmElementDictHandle_t FirstElement() { return 0; }
	DmElementDictHandle_t NextElement( DmElementDictHandle_t h )
		return m_Dict.IsValidIndex( h+1 ) ? h+1 : ELEMENT_DICT_HANDLE_INVALID;

	struct AttributeInfo_t
		CDmAttribute *m_pAttribute;
		int m_nType;	// AT_ELEMENT or AT_OBJECTID
			DmElementDictHandle_t m_hElement;
			DmObjectId_t m_ObjectId;
	typedef CUtlVector<AttributeInfo_t> AttributeList_t;

	struct DmIdPair_t
		DmObjectId_t m_oldId;
		DmObjectId_t m_newId;
		DmIdPair_t() {}
		DmIdPair_t( const DmObjectId_t &id )
			CopyUniqueId( id, &m_oldId );
		DmIdPair_t( const DmObjectId_t &oldId, const DmObjectId_t &newId )
			CopyUniqueId( oldId, &m_oldId );
			CopyUniqueId( newId, &m_newId );
		DmIdPair_t &operator=( const DmIdPair_t &that )
			CopyUniqueId( that.m_oldId, &m_oldId );
			CopyUniqueId( that.m_newId, &m_newId );
			return *this;
		static unsigned int HashKey( const DmIdPair_t& that )
			return *( unsigned int* )&that.m_oldId.m_Value;
		static bool Compare( const DmIdPair_t& a, const DmIdPair_t& b )
			return IsUniqueIdEqual( a.m_oldId, b.m_oldId );

	struct DeletionInfo_t
		DeletionInfo_t() {}
		DeletionInfo_t( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) : m_hElementToDelete( hElement ) {}
		bool operator==( const DeletionInfo_t& src ) const { return m_hElementToDelete == src.m_hElementToDelete; }

		DmElementDictHandle_t m_hDictHandle;
		DmElementHandle_t m_hElementToDelete;
		DmElementHandle_t m_hReplacementElement;

	// Hook up all element references (which were unserialized as object ids)
	void HookUpElementAttributes();
	void HookUpElementArrayAttributes();

	void RemoveAttributeInfosOfElement( AttributeList_t &attributes, DmElementHandle_t hElement );

	CUtlVector< DmElementHandle_t > m_Dict;
	AttributeList_t m_Attributes;
	AttributeList_t m_ArrayAttributes;

	CUtlVector< DeletionInfo_t > m_elementsToDelete;
	CUtlHash< DmIdPair_t > m_idmap;

// Element dictionary used in serialization
class CDmElementSerializationDictionary

	// Creates the list of all things to serialize
	void BuildElementList( CDmElement *pRoot, bool bFlatMode );

	// Should I inline the serialization of this element?
	bool ShouldInlineElement( CDmElement *pElement );

	// Clears the dictionary
	void Clear();

	// Iterates over all root elements to serialize
	DmElementDictHandle_t FirstRootElement() const;
	DmElementDictHandle_t NextRootElement( DmElementDictHandle_t h ) const;
 	CDmElement* GetRootElement( DmElementDictHandle_t h );

	// Finds the handle of the element
	DmElementDictHandle_t Find( CDmElement *pElement );

	// How many root elements do we have?
	int RootElementCount() const;

	struct ElementInfo_t
		bool m_bRoot;
		CDmElement* m_pElement;

	// Creates the list of all things to serialize
	void BuildElementList_R( CDmElement *pRoot, bool bFlatMode, bool bIsRoot );
	static bool LessFunc( const ElementInfo_t &lhs, const ElementInfo_t &rhs );

	CUtlBlockRBTree< ElementInfo_t, DmElementDictHandle_t > m_Dict;