//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Helper for the CHudElement class to add themselves to the list of hud elements
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MessageMap.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

using namespace vgui;

// Start with empty list
CBuildFactoryHelper *CBuildFactoryHelper::m_sHelpers = NULL;

// Purpose: Constructs a panel  factory
// Input  : pfnCreate - fn Ptr to a function which generates a panel
CBuildFactoryHelper::CBuildFactoryHelper( char const *className, PANELCREATEFUNC func )
	// Make this fatal
	if ( HasFactory( className ) )
		Error( "CBuildFactoryHelper:  Factory for '%s' already exists!!!!\n", className );

	//List is empty, or element belongs at front, insert here
	m_pNext			= m_sHelpers;
	m_sHelpers		= this;

	Assert( func );
	m_CreateFunc = func;
	Assert( className );
	m_pClassName = className;

// Purpose: Returns next object in list
// Output : CBuildFactoryHelper
CBuildFactoryHelper *CBuildFactoryHelper::GetNext( void )
	return m_pNext;

char const *CBuildFactoryHelper::GetClassName() const
	return m_pClassName;

vgui::Panel *CBuildFactoryHelper::CreatePanel()
	if ( !m_CreateFunc )
		return NULL;

	return ( *m_CreateFunc )();

// private static meethod
bool CBuildFactoryHelper::HasFactory( char const *className )
	CBuildFactoryHelper *p = m_sHelpers;
	while ( p )
		if ( !Q_stricmp( className, p->GetClassName() ) )
			return true;

		p = p->GetNext();
	return false;

// static method
vgui::Panel *CBuildFactoryHelper::InstancePanel( char const *className )
	CBuildFactoryHelper *p = m_sHelpers;
	while ( p )
		if ( !Q_stricmp( className, p->GetClassName() ) )
			return p->CreatePanel();

		p = p->GetNext();
	return NULL;

// static method
void CBuildFactoryHelper::GetFactoryNames( CUtlVector< char const * >& list )

	CBuildFactoryHelper *p = m_sHelpers;
	while ( p )
		list.AddToTail( p->GetClassName() );
		p = p->GetNext();