//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 


#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "tier1/utlrbtree.h"

// Forward declarations
class CDmxElement;

// Element dictionary used in unserialization
typedef int DmxSerializationHandle_t;
	DMX_SERIALIZATION_HANDLE_INVALID = (DmxSerializationHandle_t)~0

// Element dictionary used in serialization
class CDmxSerializationDictionary
	CDmxSerializationDictionary( int nElementsHint = 0 );

	// Creates the list of all things to serialize
	void BuildElementList( CDmxElement *pRoot, bool bFlatMode );

	// Should I inline the serialization of this element?
	bool ShouldInlineElement( CDmxElement *pElement );

	// Clears the dictionary
	void Clear();

	// Iterates over all root elements to serialize
	DmxSerializationHandle_t FirstRootElement() const;
	DmxSerializationHandle_t NextRootElement( DmxSerializationHandle_t h ) const;
 	CDmxElement* GetRootElement( DmxSerializationHandle_t h );

	// Finds the handle of the element
	DmxSerializationHandle_t Find( CDmxElement *pElement );

	// How many root elements do we have?
	int RootElementCount() const;

	struct DmxElementInfo_t
		CDmxElement* m_pElement;
		bool m_bRoot;

	// Creates the list of all things to serialize
	void BuildElementList_R( CDmxElement *pRoot, bool bFlatMode, bool bIsRoot );
	static bool LessFunc( const DmxElementInfo_t &lhs, const DmxElementInfo_t &rhs );

	CUtlRBTree< DmxElementInfo_t, DmxSerializationHandle_t > m_Dict;