//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Matchmaking stuff shared between GC and gameserver / client

#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_matchmaking_shared.h"
#include "tf_match_description.h"
#include "tf_ladder_data.h"

#ifdef GC_DLL
#include "tf_lobbymanager.h"
#include "tf_partymanager.h"
#include "tf_party.h"

#include "tf_gc_client.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"

#ifdef GAME_DLL
#include "tf_gc_server.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_party.h"

const char *s_pszMatchGroups[] =

COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_pszMatchGroups ) == k_nMatchGroup_Count );

#ifdef GC_DLL
void On6v6MatchSizeChanged( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue )
	if ( !GGCBase()->BIsInLogonSurge() && !GGCTF()->GetIsShuttingDown() && TFLobbyManager()->GetMatchmaker() )
		TFLobbyManager()->GetMatchmaker()->timeRemove6v6LadderGroupsExpire = CRTime::RTime32DateAdd( CRTime::RTime32TimeCur(), 10.f, k_ETimeUnitSecond );

#if !defined GC_DLL
	#define GCConVar ConVar

GCConVar tf_mm_match_size_mvm( "tf_mm_match_size_mvm", "6", FCVAR_MATCHSIZE_THING,
                               "How many players in an MvM matchmade group?" );
GCConVar tf_mm_match_size_ladder_6v6( "tf_mm_match_size_ladder_6v6", "12", FCVAR_MATCHSIZE_THING,
                                      "Number of players required to play a 6v6 ladder game.", true, 1, true, 12
#ifdef GC_DLL
									  , On6v6MatchSizeChanged

GCConVar tf_mm_match_size_ladder_9v9( "tf_mm_match_size_ladder_9v9", "18", FCVAR_MATCHSIZE_THING,
                                      "Number of players required to play a 9v9 ladder game." );
GCConVar tf_mm_match_size_ladder_12v12( "tf_mm_match_size_ladder_12v12", "24", FCVAR_MATCHSIZE_THING,
                                        "Number of players required to play a 12v12 ladder game." );
GCConVar tf_mm_match_size_ladder_12v12_minimum( "tf_mm_match_size_ladder_12v12_minimum", "12", FCVAR_MATCHSIZE_THING,
                                                "Specifies the minimum number of players needed to launch a 12v12 match. Set to -1 to disable." );

// Purpose: Init internal bitvec with ints from the protobuf message
CCasualCriteriaHelper::CCasualCriteriaHelper( const CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria& criteria )
	m_mapsBits.Resize( GetItemSchema()->GetMasterMapsList().Count(), true );
	Assert( m_mapsBits.GetNumDWords() >= criteria.selected_maps_bits_size() );

	for( int i=0; i < criteria.selected_maps_bits_size() && i < m_mapsBits.GetNumDWords(); ++i )
		m_mapsBits.SetDWord( i , criteria.selected_maps_bits( i ) );

	// validate all of the bits to make sure the maps are in valid categories
	int nNumBits = m_mapsBits.GetNumBits();
	for( int i=0; i < nNumBits; ++i )
		if ( m_mapsBits.IsBitSet( i ) == false )

		if ( !IsMapInValidCategory( i ) )
			const MapDef_t* pMap = GetItemSchema()->GetMasterMapDefByIndex( i );
			if ( pMap )
				DevMsg( "CCasualCriteriaHelper: Map %s is selected, but not in any valid game modes!\n", pMap->pszMapName );
			SetMapSelected( i, false );
// Purpose: 
bool CCasualCriteriaHelper::IsMapSelected( const MapDef_t* pMapDef ) const
	if ( !pMapDef )
		return false;

	return IsMapSelected( pMapDef->m_nDefIndex );

// Purpose: Check if bit is selected
bool CCasualCriteriaHelper::IsMapSelected( const uint32 nMapDefIndex ) const
	return m_mapsBits.IsBitSet( nMapDefIndex );

// Purpose: 
bool CCasualCriteriaHelper::IsMapInValidCategory( uint32 nMapDefIndex ) const
	Assert( (int)nMapDefIndex < m_mapsBits.GetNumBits() );

	const MapDef_t* pMap = GetItemSchema()->GetMasterMapDefByIndex( nMapDefIndex );
	if ( !pMap || pMap->m_vecAssociatedGameCategories.Count() == 0 )
		return false;

	// Make sure this map is in at least one category that's in a casual matchmaking group
	FOR_EACH_VEC( pMap->m_vecAssociatedGameCategories, j )
		const SchemaGameCategory_t* pCategory = GetItemSchema()->GetGameCategory( pMap->m_vecAssociatedGameCategories[j] );
		const SchemaMMGroup_t* pMMGroup = pCategory->m_pMMGroup;

		// Need to have active maps in a match making group
		if ( !pMMGroup || ( pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps.Count() == 0 ) || ( !pCategory->PassesRestrictions() ) )

		// and the matchmaking group needs to be Special Events, Core or Alternative (not Comp)
		if ( pMMGroup->m_eMMGroup == kMatchmakingType_SpecialEvents || pMMGroup->m_eMMGroup == kMatchmakingType_Core || pMMGroup->m_eMMGroup == kMatchmakingType_Alternative )
			return true;

	return false;

// Purpose: Check if this criteria is well formed
bool CCasualCriteriaHelper::IsValid() const
	bool bValidMapSeen = false;

	int nNumBits = m_mapsBits.GetNumBits();
	for( int i=0; i < nNumBits; ++i )
		if ( m_mapsBits.IsBitSet( i ) == false )

		if ( IsMapInValidCategory( i ) )
			bValidMapSeen = true;

	return bValidMapSeen;

// Purpose: Turn helper back into protobuf message
CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria CCasualCriteriaHelper::GetCasualCriteria() const
	CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria outCriteria;
	for( int i=0; i < m_mapsBits.GetNumDWords(); ++i )
		outCriteria.add_selected_maps_bits( m_mapsBits.GetDWord( i ) );

	return outCriteria;

// Purpose: Intersection of this criteria and another
void CCasualCriteriaHelper::Intersect( const CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria& otherCriteria )
	CCasualCriteriaHelper otherHelper( otherCriteria );
	m_mapsBits.And( otherHelper.m_mapsBits, &m_mapsBits );

// Purpose: Flip a specific map bit
bool CCasualCriteriaHelper::SetMapSelected( uint32 nMapDefIndex, bool bSelected )
	Assert( (int)nMapDefIndex < m_mapsBits.GetNumBits() );

	if ( bSelected && !IsMapInValidCategory( nMapDefIndex ) )
		const MapDef_t* pMap = GetItemSchema()->GetMasterMapDefByIndex( nMapDefIndex );
		if ( pMap )
			DevMsg( "CCasualCriteriaHelper: Attempting to set map %s as selected, but not in any valid game modes!\n", pMap->pszMapName );
		return false;

	m_mapsBits.Set( (int)nMapDefIndex, bSelected );
	return true;

// Purpose: Sets all bits to zero
void CCasualCriteriaHelper::Clear( void )

// MvM Missions

CMvMMissionSet::CMvMMissionSet() { Clear(); }
CMvMMissionSet::CMvMMissionSet( const CMvMMissionSet &x ) { m_bits = x.m_bits; }
CMvMMissionSet::~CMvMMissionSet() {}
void CMvMMissionSet::operator=( const CMvMMissionSet &x ) { m_bits = x.m_bits; }
void CMvMMissionSet::Clear() { m_bits = 0; }
bool CMvMMissionSet::operator==( const CMvMMissionSet &x ) const { return m_bits == x.m_bits; }

void CMvMMissionSet::SetMissionBySchemaIndex( int idxMission, bool flag )
	Assert( idxMission >= 0 && idxMission < GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissions().Count() );
	uint64 mask = ( (uint64)1 << (unsigned)idxMission );
	if ( flag )
		m_bits |= mask;
		m_bits &= ~mask;

bool CMvMMissionSet::GetMissionBySchemaIndex( int idxMission ) const
	// Bogus index?
	if ( idxMission == k_iMvmMissionIndex_NotInSchema )
		return false;
	if ( idxMission < 0 || idxMission >= GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissions().Count() )
		Assert( idxMission >= 0 );
		Assert( idxMission < GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissions().Count() );
		return false;

	// Check the bit
	uint64 mask = ( (uint64)1 << (unsigned)idxMission );
	return ( m_bits & mask ) != 0;

void CMvMMissionSet::Intersect( const CMvMMissionSet &x )
	m_bits &= x.m_bits;

bool CMvMMissionSet::HasIntersection( const CMvMMissionSet &x ) const
	return ( m_bits & x.m_bits ) != 0;

bool CMvMMissionSet::IsEmpty() const
	return ( m_bits == 0 );

const char *GetMatchGroupName( EMatchGroup eMatchGroup )
	switch ( eMatchGroup )
		case k_nMatchGroup_Invalid: return "(Invalid)";
		case k_nMatchGroup_MvM_Practice: return "MvM Practice";
		case k_nMatchGroup_MvM_MannUp: return "MvM MannUp";
		case k_nMatchGroup_Ladder_6v6: return "6v6 Ladder Match";
		case k_nMatchGroup_Ladder_9v9: return "9v9 Ladder Match";
		case k_nMatchGroup_Ladder_12v12: return "12v12 Ladder Match";
		case k_nMatchGroup_Casual_6v6: return "6v6 Casual Match";
		case k_nMatchGroup_Casual_9v9: return "9v9 Casual Match";
		case k_nMatchGroup_Casual_12v12: return "12v12 Casual Match";

	AssertMsg1( false, "Invalid match group %d", eMatchGroup );
	return "(Invalid match group)";

const char *GetServerPoolName( int iServerPool )
	switch ( iServerPool )
		case k_nGameServerPool_MvM_Practice_Incomplete_Match: return "MvM Boot Camp Active";
		case k_nGameServerPool_MvM_MannUp_Incomplete_Match: return "MvM MannUp Active";
		case k_nGameServerPool_Casual_6v6_Incomplete_Match: return "Casual 6v6 Active";
		case k_nGameServerPool_Casual_9v9_Incomplete_Match: return "Casual 9v9 Active";
		case k_nGameServerPool_Casual_12v12_Incomplete_Match: return "Casual 12v12 Active";

		case k_nGameServerPool_MvM_Practice_Full: return "MvM Boot Camp Full";
		case k_nGameServerPool_MvM_MannUp_Full: return "MvM MannUp Full";
		case k_nGameServerPool_Casual_6v6_Full: return "Casual 6v6 Full";
		case k_nGameServerPool_Casual_9v9_Full: return "Casual 9v9 Full";
		case k_nGameServerPool_Casual_12v12_Full: return "Casual 12v12 Full";

	AssertMsg1( false, "Invalid server pool %d", iServerPool );
	return "(Invalid pool index)";