//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Condition Objects

#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_condition.h"

#ifdef GAME_DLL
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "achievementmgr.h"
#include "baseachievement.h"
#include "achievements_tf.h"



BEGIN_RECV_TABLE_NOBASE( CTFConditionList, DT_TFPlayerConditionListExclusive )
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( _condition_bits ) ),


BEGIN_SEND_TABLE_NOBASE( CTFConditionList, DT_TFPlayerConditionListExclusive )
SendPropInt( SENDINFO( _condition_bits ), MIN( TF_COND_LAST, 32 ), SPROP_UNSIGNED ),


// Ctor
	_condition_bits = _old_condition_bits = 0;

// Condition factory.
bool CTFConditionList::Add( ETFCond type, float duration, CTFPlayer* outer, CBaseEntity* provider /*= NULL*/ )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
	return _Add( type, duration, outer, provider );
	return type == TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED;

bool CTFConditionList::_Add( ETFCond type, float duration, CTFPlayer* outer, CBaseEntity* provider /*= NULL*/ )
	// If we already have a condition of this type, ask it to handle the addition of another.
	for ( int i = 0; i < _conditions.Count(); ++i )
		if ( _conditions[i]->GetType() == type )
			_conditions[i]->Add( duration );
			_conditions[i]->SetProvider( provider );
			return true;

	// Add a new condition.
	CTFCondition* newCond = NULL;
	switch ( type )
		// TODO: Register new conditions anonymously instead of switching.
		newCond = new CTFCondition_CritBoost( type, duration, outer, provider );

	if ( newCond )
		_condition_bits |= (1<<type);
		_old_condition_bits |= (1<<type);

		_conditions.AddToTail( newCond );
		newCond->SetProvider( provider );

		return true;

	return false;

// Remove a condition from the player.
bool CTFConditionList::Remove( ETFCond type, bool ignore_duration )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
	bool bConditionListHandledRemoval = _Remove( type, ignore_duration );

	// The condition list only handles one type of condition. Written slightly weird
	// to avoid unused variable warnings with asserts disabled.
	if ( bConditionListHandledRemoval )
		Assert( type == TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED );
	return type == TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED;

bool CTFConditionList::_Remove( ETFCond type, bool ignore_duration )
	for ( int i=_conditions.Count()-1; i>=0; --i )
		CTFCondition* cond = _conditions[i];
		if ( !cond || cond->GetType() != type )

		if ( cond->UsesMinDuration() && !ignore_duration && cond->GetMinDuration() > 0 )
			cond->SetMaxDuration( cond->GetMinDuration() );
			continue; // Can't remove conditions that haven't expired.

		_conditions.Remove( i );

		_condition_bits &= ~(1<<type);
		_old_condition_bits &= ~(1<<type);

		delete cond;

		return true;

	return false;

// Clear all conditions from the player.
void CTFConditionList::RemoveAll()
	_condition_bits = 0;
	_old_condition_bits = 0;

	for ( int i=0; i<_conditions.Count(); ++i )

// Checks if we have at least one of a given condition applied.
bool CTFConditionList::InCond( ETFCond type ) const
	return ( ( _condition_bits & (1<<type) ) != 0 );

CBaseEntity *CTFConditionList::GetProvider( ETFCond type ) const
	CBaseEntity *pProvider = NULL;
	for ( int i = 0; i < _conditions.Count(); ++i )
		if ( _conditions[i]->GetType() == type )
			pProvider = _conditions[i]->GetProvider();

	return pProvider;

// Client/Server periodic condition think.
void CTFConditionList::Think()
	for ( int i=0; i<_conditions.Count(); ++i )

// Server only per-frame think.
void CTFConditionList::ServerThink()
#ifdef GAME_DLL
	for ( int i=0; i<_conditions.Count(); ++i )
		CTFCondition* cond = _conditions[i];
		if ( cond->GetMaxDuration() > PERMANENT_CONDITION ||
			 cond->GetMinDuration() > PERMANENT_CONDITION )
			// Reduce the duration over time.
			float reduction = gpGlobals->frametime;

			// Healable conditions expire faster when we have healers.
			int numHealers = cond->GetOuter()->m_Shared.GetNumHealers();
			if ( cond->IsHealable() && numHealers > 0 )
				reduction += numHealers * reduction * 4;

			// Decrement min duration.
			if ( cond->GetMinDuration() > PERMANENT_CONDITION )
				cond->SetMinDuration( MAX( cond->GetMinDuration() - reduction, 0 ) );

			// Decrement max duration.
			if ( cond->GetMaxDuration() > PERMANENT_CONDITION )
				cond->SetMaxDuration( MAX( cond->GetMaxDuration() - reduction, 0 ) );

				if ( cond->GetMaxDuration() < cond->GetMinDuration() )
					cond->SetMaxDuration( cond->GetMinDuration() );

			if ( cond->GetMaxDuration() == 0 )
				Remove( cond->GetType() );



void CTFConditionList::OnPreDataChanged( void )
//	_old_condition_bits = _condition_bits;

void CTFConditionList::OnDataChanged( CTFPlayer* outer )
	// Is there a way to improve this by hooking directly into network state changed?
	if ( _old_condition_bits != _condition_bits )
		UpdateClientConditions( outer );

		_old_condition_bits = _condition_bits;

// Creates or destroys conditions to make sure our state matches the server.
void CTFConditionList::UpdateClientConditions( CTFPlayer* outer )
	int nCondChanged = _condition_bits ^ _old_condition_bits;
	int nCondAdded = nCondChanged & _condition_bits;
	int nCondRemoved = nCondChanged & _old_condition_bits;

	int i;
	for ( i=0;i<TF_COND_LAST;i++ )
		if ( nCondAdded & (1<<i) )
			_Add( (ETFCond)i, PERMANENT_CONDITION, outer );
		else if ( nCondRemoved & (1<<i) )
			_Remove( (ETFCond)i );


// Ctor
CTFCondition::CTFCondition( ETFCond type, float duration, CTFPlayer* outer, CBaseEntity* provider /*= NULL*/ )
: _type( type ),
  _min_duration( 0 ),
  _max_duration( duration ),
  _outer( outer ),
  _provider( provider )

// Dtor

// Called if we try to add another condition of a type we already have.
void CTFCondition::Add( float duration )
	if ( duration != PERMANENT_CONDITION )
		// If our new duration is not permanent, is shorter than
		// our current duration, and is longer than our min duration
		// make it our new min duration.
		if ( GetMaxDuration() == PERMANENT_CONDITION ||
			 duration < GetMaxDuration() )
			if ( duration > GetMinDuration() )
				SetMinDuration( duration );

	else if ( GetMaxDuration() != PERMANENT_CONDITION )
		// If our current duration is not permanent and we are adding a
		// permanent duration, make our old finite duration the new min duration.
		// This ensures we last at least that long.
		SetMinDuration( GetMaxDuration() );

	SetMaxDuration( duration );

// Crit Boost
CTFCondition_CritBoost::CTFCondition_CritBoost( ETFCond type, float duration, CTFPlayer* outer, CBaseEntity* provider /*= NULL*/ )
: CTFCondition( type, duration, outer, provider )
	Assert( type == TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED );

void CTFCondition_CritBoost::OnAdded()

	if ( GetOuter()->IsLocalPlayer() && GetOuter()->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ) )
		g_AchievementMgrTF.OnAchievementEvent( ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND );

void CTFCondition_CritBoost::OnRemoved()

void CTFCondition_CritBoost::OnThink()
	if ( GetOuter()->m_pCritBoostEffect )
		CBaseEntity *pWeapon = NULL;
		// Use GetRenderedWeaponModel() instead?
		if ( GetOuter()->IsLocalPlayer() )
			pWeapon = GetOuter()->GetViewModel(0);
			pWeapon = GetOuter()->GetActiveWeapon();

		// Transfer the crit boosted effect if we've switched weapons
		if ( GetOuter()->m_pCritBoostEffect->GetOwner() != pWeapon )

void CTFCondition_CritBoost::OnServerThink()