//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #ifndef BASEENTITY_H #define BASEENTITY_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #define TEAMNUM_NUM_BITS 6 #include "entitylist.h" #include "entityoutput.h" #include "networkvar.h" #include "collisionproperty.h" #include "ServerNetworkProperty.h" #include "shareddefs.h" #include "engine/ivmodelinfo.h" class CDamageModifier; class CDmgAccumulator; struct CSoundParameters; class AI_CriteriaSet; class IResponseSystem; class IEntitySaveUtils; class CRecipientFilter; class CStudioHdr; // Matching the high level concept is significantly better than other criteria // FIXME: Could do this in the script file by making it required and bumping up weighting there instead... #define CONCEPT_WEIGHT 5.0f typedef CHandle EHANDLE; #define MANUALMODE_GETSET_PROP(type, accessorName, varName) \ private:\ type varName;\ public:\ inline const type& Get##accessorName##() const { return varName; } \ inline type& Get##accessorName##() { return varName; } \ inline void Set##accessorName##( const type &val ) { varName = val; m_NetStateMgr.StateChanged(); } #define MANUALMODE_GETSET_EHANDLE(type, accessorName, varName) \ private:\ CHandle varName;\ public:\ inline type* Get##accessorName##() { return varName.Get(); } \ inline void Set##accessorName##( type *pType ) { varName = pType; m_NetStateMgr.StateChanged(); } // saverestore.h declarations class CSaveRestoreData; struct typedescription_t; class ISave; class IRestore; class CBaseEntity; class CEntityMapData; class CBaseCombatWeapon; class IPhysicsObject; class IPhysicsShadowController; class CBaseCombatCharacter; class CTeam; class Vector; struct gamevcollisionevent_t; class CBaseAnimating; class CBasePlayer; class IServerVehicle; struct solid_t; struct notify_system_event_params_t; class CAI_BaseNPC; class CAI_Senses; class CSquadNPC; class variant_t; class CEventAction; typedef struct KeyValueData_s KeyValueData; class CUserCmd; class CSkyCamera; class CEntityMapData; class INextBot; typedef CUtlVector< CBaseEntity* > EntityList_t; #if defined( HL2_DLL ) // For CLASSIFY enum Class_T { CLASS_NONE=0, CLASS_PLAYER, CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY, CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY_VITAL, CLASS_ANTLION, CLASS_BARNACLE, CLASS_BULLSEYE, //CLASS_BULLSQUID, CLASS_CITIZEN_PASSIVE, CLASS_CITIZEN_REBEL, CLASS_COMBINE, CLASS_COMBINE_GUNSHIP, CLASS_CONSCRIPT, CLASS_HEADCRAB, //CLASS_HOUNDEYE, CLASS_MANHACK, CLASS_METROPOLICE, CLASS_MILITARY, CLASS_SCANNER, CLASS_STALKER, CLASS_VORTIGAUNT, CLASS_ZOMBIE, CLASS_PROTOSNIPER, CLASS_MISSILE, CLASS_FLARE, CLASS_EARTH_FAUNA, CLASS_HACKED_ROLLERMINE, CLASS_COMBINE_HUNTER, NUM_AI_CLASSES }; #elif defined( HL1_DLL ) enum Class_T { CLASS_NONE = 0, CLASS_MACHINE, CLASS_PLAYER, CLASS_HUMAN_PASSIVE, CLASS_HUMAN_MILITARY, CLASS_ALIEN_MILITARY, CLASS_ALIEN_MONSTER, CLASS_ALIEN_PREY, CLASS_ALIEN_PREDATOR, CLASS_INSECT, CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY, CLASS_PLAYER_BIOWEAPON, CLASS_ALIEN_BIOWEAPON, NUM_AI_CLASSES }; #elif defined( INVASION_DLL ) enum Class_T { CLASS_NONE = 0, CLASS_PLAYER, CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY, CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY_VITAL, CLASS_ANTLION, CLASS_BARNACLE, CLASS_BULLSEYE, //CLASS_BULLSQUID, CLASS_CITIZEN_PASSIVE, CLASS_CITIZEN_REBEL, CLASS_COMBINE, CLASS_COMBINE_GUNSHIP, CLASS_CONSCRIPT, CLASS_HEADCRAB, //CLASS_HOUNDEYE, CLASS_MANHACK, CLASS_METROPOLICE, CLASS_MILITARY, CLASS_SCANNER, CLASS_STALKER, CLASS_VORTIGAUNT, CLASS_ZOMBIE, CLASS_PROTOSNIPER, CLASS_MISSILE, CLASS_FLARE, CLASS_EARTH_FAUNA, NUM_AI_CLASSES }; #elif defined( CSTRIKE_DLL ) enum Class_T { CLASS_NONE = 0, CLASS_PLAYER, CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY, NUM_AI_CLASSES }; #else enum Class_T { CLASS_NONE = 0, CLASS_PLAYER, CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY, NUM_AI_CLASSES }; #endif // // Structure passed to input handlers. // struct inputdata_t { CBaseEntity *pActivator; // The entity that initially caused this chain of output events. CBaseEntity *pCaller; // The entity that fired this particular output. variant_t value; // The data parameter for this output. int nOutputID; // The unique ID of the output that was fired. }; // Serializable list of context as set by entity i/o and used for deducing proper // speech state, et al. struct ResponseContext_t { DECLARE_SIMPLE_DATADESC(); string_t m_iszName; string_t m_iszValue; float m_fExpirationTime; // when to expire context (0 == never) }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Entity events... targetted to a particular entity // Each event has a well defined structure to use for parameters //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum EntityEvent_t { ENTITY_EVENT_WATER_TOUCH = 0, // No data needed ENTITY_EVENT_WATER_UNTOUCH, // No data needed ENTITY_EVENT_PARENT_CHANGED, // No data needed }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef void (CBaseEntity::*BASEPTR)(void); typedef void (CBaseEntity::*ENTITYFUNCPTR)(CBaseEntity *pOther ); typedef void (CBaseEntity::*USEPTR)( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); #define DEFINE_THINKFUNC( function ) DEFINE_FUNCTION_RAW( function, BASEPTR ) #define DEFINE_ENTITYFUNC( function ) DEFINE_FUNCTION_RAW( function, ENTITYFUNCPTR ) #define DEFINE_USEFUNC( function ) DEFINE_FUNCTION_RAW( function, USEPTR ) // Things that toggle (buttons/triggers/doors) need this enum TOGGLE_STATE { TS_AT_TOP, TS_AT_BOTTOM, TS_GOING_UP, TS_GOING_DOWN }; // Debug overlay bits enum DebugOverlayBits_t { OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT = 0x00000001, // show text debug overlay for this entity OVERLAY_NAME_BIT = 0x00000002, // show name debug overlay for this entity OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT = 0x00000004, // show bounding box overlay for this entity OVERLAY_PIVOT_BIT = 0x00000008, // show pivot for this entity OVERLAY_MESSAGE_BIT = 0x00000010, // show messages for this entity OVERLAY_ABSBOX_BIT = 0x00000020, // show abs bounding box overlay OVERLAY_RBOX_BIT = 0x00000040, // show the rbox overlay OVERLAY_SHOW_BLOCKSLOS = 0x00000080, // show entities that block NPC LOS OVERLAY_ATTACHMENTS_BIT = 0x00000100, // show attachment points OVERLAY_AUTOAIM_BIT = 0x00000200, // Display autoaim radius OVERLAY_NPC_SELECTED_BIT = 0x00001000, // the npc is current selected OVERLAY_NPC_NEAREST_BIT = 0x00002000, // show the nearest node of this npc OVERLAY_NPC_ROUTE_BIT = 0x00004000, // draw the route for this npc OVERLAY_NPC_TRIANGULATE_BIT = 0x00008000, // draw the triangulation for this npc OVERLAY_NPC_ZAP_BIT = 0x00010000, // destroy the NPC OVERLAY_NPC_ENEMIES_BIT = 0x00020000, // show npc's enemies OVERLAY_NPC_CONDITIONS_BIT = 0x00040000, // show NPC's current conditions OVERLAY_NPC_SQUAD_BIT = 0x00080000, // show npc squads OVERLAY_NPC_TASK_BIT = 0x00100000, // show npc task details OVERLAY_NPC_FOCUS_BIT = 0x00200000, // show line to npc's enemy and target OVERLAY_NPC_VIEWCONE_BIT = 0x00400000, // show npc's viewcone OVERLAY_NPC_KILL_BIT = 0x00800000, // kill the NPC, running all appropriate AI. OVERLAY_WC_CHANGE_ENTITY = 0x01000000, // object changed during WC edit OVERLAY_BUDDHA_MODE = 0x02000000, // take damage but don't die OVERLAY_NPC_STEERING_REGULATIONS = 0x04000000, // Show the steering regulations associated with the NPC OVERLAY_TASK_TEXT_BIT = 0x08000000, // show task and schedule names when they start OVERLAY_PROP_DEBUG = 0x10000000, OVERLAY_NPC_RELATION_BIT = 0x20000000, // show relationships between target and all children OVERLAY_VIEWOFFSET = 0x40000000, // show view offset }; struct TimedOverlay_t; /* ========= CBaseEntity ======== All objects in the game are derived from this. a list of all CBaseEntitys is kept in gEntList ================================ */ // creates an entity by string name, but does not spawn it // If iForceEdictIndex is not -1, then it will use the edict by that index. If the index is // invalid or there is already an edict using that index, it will error out. CBaseEntity *CreateEntityByName( const char *className, int iForceEdictIndex = -1 ); CBaseNetworkable *CreateNetworkableByName( const char *className ); // creates an entity and calls all the necessary spawn functions extern void SpawnEntityByName( const char *className, CEntityMapData *mapData = NULL ); // calls the spawn functions for an entity extern int DispatchSpawn( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); inline CBaseEntity *GetContainingEntity( edict_t *pent ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: think contexts //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct thinkfunc_t { BASEPTR m_pfnThink; string_t m_iszContext; int m_nNextThinkTick; int m_nLastThinkTick; DECLARE_SIMPLE_DATADESC(); }; struct EmitSound_t; struct rotatingpushmove_t; #define CREATE_PREDICTED_ENTITY( className ) \ CBaseEntity::CreatePredictedEntityByName( className, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); // // Base Entity. All entity types derive from this // class CBaseEntity : public IServerEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS_NOBASE( CBaseEntity ); //---------------------------------------- // Class vars and functions //---------------------------------------- static inline void Debug_Pause(bool bPause); static inline bool Debug_IsPaused(void); static inline void Debug_SetSteps(int nSteps); static inline bool Debug_ShouldStep(void); static inline bool Debug_Step(void); static bool m_bInDebugSelect; static int m_nDebugPlayer; protected: static bool m_bDebugPause; // Whether entity i/o is paused for debugging. static int m_nDebugSteps; // Number of entity outputs to fire before pausing again. static bool sm_bDisableTouchFuncs; // Disables PhysicsTouch and PhysicsStartTouch function calls public: static bool sm_bAccurateTriggerBboxChecks; // SOLID_BBOX entities do a fully accurate trigger vs bbox check when this is set public: // If bServerOnly is true, then the ent never goes to the client. This is used // by logical entities. CBaseEntity( bool bServerOnly=false ); virtual ~CBaseEntity(); // prediction system DECLARE_PREDICTABLE(); // network data DECLARE_SERVERCLASS(); // data description DECLARE_DATADESC(); // memory handling void *operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock ); void *operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); void operator delete( void *pMem ); void operator delete( void *pMem, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { operator delete(pMem); } // Class factory static CBaseEntity *CreatePredictedEntityByName( const char *classname, const char *module, int line, bool persist = false ); // IHandleEntity overrides. public: virtual void SetRefEHandle( const CBaseHandle &handle ); virtual const CBaseHandle& GetRefEHandle() const; // IServerUnknown overrides virtual ICollideable *GetCollideable(); virtual IServerNetworkable *GetNetworkable(); virtual CBaseEntity *GetBaseEntity(); // IServerEntity overrides. public: virtual void SetModelIndex( int index ); virtual int GetModelIndex( void ) const; virtual string_t GetModelName( void ) const; void ClearModelIndexOverrides( void ); virtual void SetModelIndexOverride( int index, int nValue ); public: // virtual methods for derived classes to override virtual bool TestCollision( const Ray_t& ray, unsigned int mask, trace_t& trace ); virtual bool TestHitboxes( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fContentsMask, trace_t& tr ); virtual void ComputeWorldSpaceSurroundingBox( Vector *pWorldMins, Vector *pWorldMaxs ); // non-virtual methods. Don't override these! public: // An inline version the game code can use CCollisionProperty *CollisionProp(); const CCollisionProperty*CollisionProp() const; CServerNetworkProperty *NetworkProp(); const CServerNetworkProperty *NetworkProp() const; bool IsCurrentlyTouching( void ) const; const Vector& GetAbsOrigin( void ) const; const QAngle& GetAbsAngles( void ) const; SolidType_t GetSolid() const; int GetSolidFlags( void ) const; int GetEFlags() const; void SetEFlags( int iEFlags ); void AddEFlags( int nEFlagMask ); void RemoveEFlags( int nEFlagMask ); bool IsEFlagSet( int nEFlagMask ) const; // Quick way to ask if we have a player entity as a child anywhere in our hierarchy. void RecalcHasPlayerChildBit(); bool DoesHavePlayerChild(); bool IsTransparent() const; void SetNavIgnore( float duration = FLT_MAX ); void ClearNavIgnore(); bool IsNavIgnored() const; // Is the entity floating? bool IsFloating(); // Called by physics to see if we should avoid a collision test.... virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const; // Move type / move collide MoveType_t GetMoveType() const; MoveCollide_t GetMoveCollide() const; void SetMoveType( MoveType_t val, MoveCollide_t moveCollide = MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT ); void SetMoveCollide( MoveCollide_t val ); // Returns the entity-to-world transform matrix3x4_t &EntityToWorldTransform(); const matrix3x4_t &EntityToWorldTransform() const; // Some helper methods that transform a point from entity space to world space + back void EntityToWorldSpace( const Vector &in, Vector *pOut ) const; void WorldToEntitySpace( const Vector &in, Vector *pOut ) const; // This function gets your parent's transform. If you're parented to an attachment, // this calculates the attachment's transform and gives you that. // // You must pass in tempMatrix for scratch space - it may need to fill that in and return it instead of // pointing you right at a variable in your parent. matrix3x4_t& GetParentToWorldTransform( matrix3x4_t &tempMatrix ); // Externalized data objects ( see sharreddefs.h for DataObjectType_t ) bool HasDataObjectType( int type ) const; void AddDataObjectType( int type ); void RemoveDataObjectType( int type ); void *GetDataObject( int type ); void *CreateDataObject( int type ); void DestroyDataObject( int type ); void DestroyAllDataObjects( void ); public: void SetScaledPhysics( IPhysicsObject *pNewObject ); // virtual methods; you can override these public: // Owner entity. // FIXME: These are virtual only because of CNodeEnt CBaseEntity *GetOwnerEntity() const; virtual void SetOwnerEntity( CBaseEntity* pOwner ); void SetEffectEntity( CBaseEntity *pEffectEnt ); CBaseEntity *GetEffectEntity() const; // Only CBaseEntity implements these. CheckTransmit calls the virtual ShouldTransmit to see if the // entity wants to be sent. If so, it calls SetTransmit, which will mark any dependents for transmission too. virtual int ShouldTransmit( const CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo ); // update the global transmit state if a transmission rule changed int SetTransmitState( int nFlag); int GetTransmitState( void ); int DispatchUpdateTransmitState(); // Do NOT call this directly. Use DispatchUpdateTransmitState. virtual int UpdateTransmitState(); // Entities (like ropes) use this to own the transmit state of another entity // by forcing it to not call UpdateTransmitState. void IncrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter(); void DecrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter(); // This marks the entity for transmission and passes the SetTransmit call to any dependents. virtual void SetTransmit( CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo, bool bAlways ); // This function finds out if the entity is in the 3D skybox. If so, it sets the EFL_IN_SKYBOX // flag so the entity gets transmitted to all the clients. // Entities usually call this during their Activate(). // Returns true if the entity is in the skybox (and EFL_IN_SKYBOX was set). bool DetectInSkybox(); // Returns which skybox the entity is in CSkyCamera *GetEntitySkybox(); bool IsSimulatedEveryTick() const; bool IsAnimatedEveryTick() const; void SetSimulatedEveryTick( bool sim ); void SetAnimatedEveryTick( bool anim ); public: virtual const char *GetTracerType( void ); // returns a pointer to the entities edict, if it has one. should be removed! inline edict_t *edict( void ) { return NetworkProp()->edict(); } inline const edict_t *edict( void ) const { return NetworkProp()->edict(); } inline int entindex( ) const { return m_Network.entindex(); }; inline int GetSoundSourceIndex() const { return entindex(); } // These methods encapsulate MOVETYPE_FOLLOW, which became obsolete void FollowEntity( CBaseEntity *pBaseEntity, bool bBoneMerge = true ); void StopFollowingEntity( ); // will also change to MOVETYPE_NONE bool IsFollowingEntity(); CBaseEntity *GetFollowedEntity(); // initialization virtual void Spawn( void ); virtual void Precache( void ) {} virtual void SetModel( const char *szModelName ); protected: // Notification on model load. May be called multiple times for dynamic models. // Implementations must call BaseClass::OnNewModel and pass return value through. virtual CStudioHdr *OnNewModel(); public: virtual void PostConstructor( const char *szClassname ); virtual void PostClientActive( void ); virtual void ParseMapData( CEntityMapData *mapData ); virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, float flValue ); virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const Vector &vecValue ); virtual bool GetKeyValue( const char *szKeyName, char *szValue, int iMaxLen ); void ValidateEntityConnections(); void FireNamedOutput( const char *pszOutput, variant_t variant, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, float flDelay = 0.0f ); // Activate - called for each entity after each load game and level load virtual void Activate( void ); // Hierarchy traversal CBaseEntity *GetMoveParent( void ); CBaseEntity *GetRootMoveParent(); CBaseEntity *FirstMoveChild( void ); CBaseEntity *NextMovePeer( void ); void SetName( string_t newTarget ); void SetParent( string_t newParent, CBaseEntity *pActivator, int iAttachment = -1 ); // Set the movement parent. Your local origin and angles will become relative to this parent. // If iAttachment is a valid attachment on the parent, then your local origin and angles // are relative to the attachment on this entity. If iAttachment == -1, it'll preserve the // current m_iParentAttachment. virtual void SetParent( CBaseEntity* pNewParent, int iAttachment = -1 ); CBaseEntity* GetParent(); int GetParentAttachment(); string_t GetEntityName(); bool NameMatches( const char *pszNameOrWildcard ); bool ClassMatches( const char *pszClassOrWildcard ); bool NameMatches( string_t nameStr ); bool ClassMatches( string_t nameStr ); private: bool NameMatchesComplex( const char *pszNameOrWildcard ); bool ClassMatchesComplex( const char *pszClassOrWildcard ); void TransformStepData_WorldToParent( CBaseEntity *pParent ); void TransformStepData_ParentToParent( CBaseEntity *pOldParent, CBaseEntity *pNewParent ); void TransformStepData_ParentToWorld( CBaseEntity *pParent ); public: int GetSpawnFlags( void ) const; void AddSpawnFlags( int nFlags ); void RemoveSpawnFlags( int nFlags ); void ClearSpawnFlags( void ); bool HasSpawnFlags( int nFlags ) const; int GetEffects( void ) const; void AddEffects( int nEffects ); void RemoveEffects( int nEffects ); void ClearEffects( void ); void SetEffects( int nEffects ); bool IsEffectActive( int nEffects ) const; // makes the entity inactive void MakeDormant( void ); int IsDormant( void ); void RemoveDeferred( void ); // Sets the entity invisible, and makes it remove itself on the next frame // checks to see if the entity is marked for deletion bool IsMarkedForDeletion( void ); // capabilities virtual int ObjectCaps( void ); // Verifies that the data description is valid in debug builds. #ifdef _DEBUG void ValidateDataDescription(void); #endif // _DEBUG // handles an input (usually caused by outputs) // returns true if the the value in the pass in should be set, false if the input is to be ignored virtual bool AcceptInput( const char *szInputName, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, variant_t Value, int outputID ); // // Input handlers. // void InputAlternativeSorting( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAlpha( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputColor( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetParent( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void SetParentAttachment( const char *szInputName, const char *szAttachment, bool bMaintainOffset ); void InputSetParentAttachment( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputClearParent( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetTeam( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputUse( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputKill( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputKillHierarchy( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetDamageFilter( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputDispatchEffect( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputEnableDamageForces( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputDisableDamageForces( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddContext( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputRemoveContext( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputClearContext( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputDispatchResponse( inputdata_t& inputdata ); void InputDisableShadow( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputEnableShadow( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddOutput( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputFireUser1( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputFireUser2( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputFireUser3( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputFireUser4( inputdata_t &inputdata ); // Returns the origin at which to play an inputted dispatcheffect virtual void GetInputDispatchEffectPosition( const char *sInputString, Vector &pOrigin, QAngle &pAngles ); // tries to read a field from the entities data description - result is placed in variant_t bool ReadKeyField( const char *varName, variant_t *var ); // classname access void SetClassname( const char *className ); const char* GetClassname(); // Debug Overlays void EntityText( int text_offset, const char *text, float flDuration, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255 ); const char *GetDebugName(void); // do not make this virtual -- designed to handle NULL this virtual void DrawDebugGeometryOverlays(void); virtual int DrawDebugTextOverlays(void); void DrawTimedOverlays( void ); void DrawBBoxOverlay( float flDuration = 0.0f ); void DrawAbsBoxOverlay(); void DrawRBoxOverlay(); void DrawInputOverlay(const char *szInputName, CBaseEntity *pCaller, variant_t Value); void DrawOutputOverlay(CEventAction *ev); void SendDebugPivotOverlay( void ); void AddTimedOverlay( const char *msg, int endTime ); void SetSolid( SolidType_t val ); // save/restore // only overload these if you have special data to serialize virtual int Save( ISave &save ); virtual int Restore( IRestore &restore ); virtual bool ShouldSavePhysics(); // handler to reset stuff before you are restored // NOTE: Always chain to base class when implementing this! virtual void OnSave( IEntitySaveUtils *pSaveUtils ); // handler to reset stuff after you are restored // called after all entities have been loaded from all affected levels // called before activate // NOTE: Always chain to base class when implementing this! virtual void OnRestore(); int GetTextureFrameIndex( void ); void SetTextureFrameIndex( int iIndex ); // Entities block Line-Of-Sight for NPCs by default. // Set this to false if you want to change this behavior. void SetBlocksLOS( bool bBlocksLOS ); bool BlocksLOS( void ); void SetAIWalkable( bool bBlocksLOS ); bool IsAIWalkable( void ); private: int SaveDataDescBlock( ISave &save, datamap_t *dmap ); int RestoreDataDescBlock( IRestore &restore, datamap_t *dmap ); public: // Networking related methods void NetworkStateChanged(); void NetworkStateChanged( void *pVar ); public: void CalcAbsolutePosition(); // returns the edict index the entity requires when used in save/restore (eg players, world) // -1 means it doesn't require any special index virtual int RequiredEdictIndex( void ) { return -1; } // interface function pts void (CBaseEntity::*m_pfnMoveDone)(void); virtual void MoveDone( void ) { if (m_pfnMoveDone) (this->*m_pfnMoveDone)();}; // Why do we have two separate static Instance functions? static CBaseEntity *Instance( const CBaseHandle &hEnt ); static CBaseEntity *Instance( const edict_t *pent ); static CBaseEntity *Instance( edict_t *pent ); static CBaseEntity* Instance( int iEnt ); // Think function handling void (CBaseEntity::*m_pfnThink)(void); virtual void Think( void ) { if (m_pfnThink) (this->*m_pfnThink)();}; // Think functions with contexts int RegisterThinkContext( const char *szContext ); BASEPTR ThinkSet( BASEPTR func, float flNextThinkTime = 0, const char *szContext = NULL ); void SetNextThink( float nextThinkTime, const char *szContext = NULL ); float GetNextThink( const char *szContext = NULL ); float GetLastThink( const char *szContext = NULL ); int GetNextThinkTick( const char *szContext = NULL ); int GetLastThinkTick( const char *szContext = NULL ); float GetAnimTime() const; void SetAnimTime( float at ); float GetSimulationTime() const; void SetSimulationTime( float st ); void SetRenderMode( RenderMode_t nRenderMode ); RenderMode_t GetRenderMode() const; private: // NOTE: Keep this near vtable so it's in cache with vtable. CServerNetworkProperty m_Network; public: // members string_t m_iClassname; // identifier for entity creation and save/restore string_t m_iGlobalname; // identifier for carrying entity across level transitions string_t m_iParent; // the name of the entities parent; linked into m_pParent during Activate() int m_iHammerID; // Hammer unique edit id number public: // was pev->speed float m_flSpeed; // was pev->renderfx CNetworkVar( unsigned char, m_nRenderFX ); // was pev->rendermode CNetworkVar( unsigned char, m_nRenderMode ); CNetworkVar( short, m_nModelIndex ); #ifdef TF_DLL CNetworkArray( int, m_nModelIndexOverrides, MAX_VISION_MODES ); // used to override the base model index on the client if necessary #endif // was pev->rendercolor CNetworkColor32( m_clrRender ); const color32 GetRenderColor() const; void SetRenderColor( byte r, byte g, byte b ); void SetRenderColor( byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a ); void SetRenderColorR( byte r ); void SetRenderColorG( byte g ); void SetRenderColorB( byte b ); void SetRenderColorA( byte a ); // was pev->animtime: consider moving to CBaseAnimating float m_flPrevAnimTime; CNetworkVar( float, m_flAnimTime ); // this is the point in time that the client will interpolate to position,angle,frame,etc. CNetworkVar( float, m_flSimulationTime ); void IncrementInterpolationFrame(); // Call this to cause a discontinuity (teleport) CNetworkVar( int, m_ubInterpolationFrame ); int m_nLastThinkTick; #if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION ) // Certain entities (projectiles) can be created on the client and thus need a matching id number CNetworkVar( CPredictableId, m_PredictableID ); #endif // used so we know when things are no longer touching int touchStamp; protected: // think function handling enum thinkmethods_t { THINK_FIRE_ALL_FUNCTIONS, THINK_FIRE_BASE_ONLY, THINK_FIRE_ALL_BUT_BASE, }; int GetIndexForThinkContext( const char *pszContext ); CUtlVector< thinkfunc_t > m_aThinkFunctions; #ifdef _DEBUG int m_iCurrentThinkContext; #endif void RemoveExpiredConcepts( void ); int GetContextCount() const; // Call RemoveExpiredConcepts to clean out expired concepts const char *GetContextName( int index ) const; // note: context may be expired const char *GetContextValue( int index ) const; // note: context may be expired bool ContextExpired( int index ) const; int FindContextByName( const char *name ) const; public: void AddContext( const char *nameandvalue ); protected: CUtlVector< ResponseContext_t > m_ResponseContexts; // Map defined context sets string_t m_iszResponseContext; private: CBaseEntity( CBaseEntity& ); // list handling friend class CGlobalEntityList; friend class CThinkSyncTester; // was pev->nextthink CNetworkVarForDerived( int, m_nNextThinkTick ); // was pev->effects CNetworkVar( int, m_fEffects ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public: // Returns a CBaseAnimating if the entity is derived from CBaseAnimating. virtual CBaseAnimating* GetBaseAnimating() { return 0; } virtual IResponseSystem *GetResponseSystem(); virtual void DispatchResponse( const char *conceptName ); // Classify - returns the type of group (i.e, "houndeye", or "human military" so that NPCs with different classnames // still realize that they are teammates. (overridden for NPCs that form groups) virtual Class_T Classify ( void ); virtual void DeathNotice ( CBaseEntity *pVictim ) {}// NPC maker children use this to tell the NPC maker that they have died. virtual bool ShouldAttractAutoAim( CBaseEntity *pAimingEnt ) { return ((GetFlags() & FL_AIMTARGET) != 0); } virtual float GetAutoAimRadius(); virtual Vector GetAutoAimCenter() { return WorldSpaceCenter(); } virtual ITraceFilter* GetBeamTraceFilter( void ); // Call this to do a TraceAttack on an entity, performs filtering. Don't call TraceAttack() directly except when chaining up to base class void DispatchTraceAttack( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator = NULL ); virtual bool PassesDamageFilter( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); protected: virtual void TraceAttack( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator = NULL ); public: virtual bool CanBeHitByMeleeAttack( CBaseEntity *pAttacker ) { return true; } // returns the amount of damage inflicted virtual int OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); // This is what you should call to apply damage to an entity. void TakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual void AdjustDamageDirection( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, Vector &dir, CBaseEntity *pEnt ) {} virtual int TakeHealth( float flHealth, int bitsDamageType ); virtual bool IsAlive( void ); // Entity killed (only fired once) virtual void Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); void SendOnKilledGameEvent( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); // Notifier that I've killed some other entity. (called from Victim's Event_Killed). virtual void Event_KilledOther( CBaseEntity *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { return; } // UNDONE: Make this data? virtual int BloodColor( void ); void TraceBleed( float flDamage, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, int bitsDamageType ); virtual bool IsTriggered( CBaseEntity *pActivator ) {return true;} virtual bool IsNPC( void ) const { return false; } CAI_BaseNPC *MyNPCPointer( void ); virtual CBaseCombatCharacter *MyCombatCharacterPointer( void ) { return NULL; } virtual INextBot *MyNextBotPointer( void ) { return NULL; } virtual float GetDelay( void ) { return 0; } virtual bool IsMoving( void ); bool IsWorld() { return entindex() == 0; } virtual char const *DamageDecal( int bitsDamageType, int gameMaterial ); virtual void DecalTrace( trace_t *pTrace, char const *decalName ); virtual void ImpactTrace( trace_t *pTrace, int iDamageType, const char *pCustomImpactName = NULL ); void AddPoints( int score, bool bAllowNegativeScore ); void AddPointsToTeam( int score, bool bAllowNegativeScore ); void RemoveAllDecals( void ); virtual bool OnControls( CBaseEntity *pControls ) { return false; } virtual bool HasTarget( string_t targetname ); virtual bool IsPlayer( void ) const { return false; } virtual bool IsNetClient( void ) const { return false; } virtual bool IsTemplate( void ) { return false; } virtual bool IsBaseObject( void ) const { return false; } virtual bool IsBaseTrain( void ) const { return false; } bool IsBSPModel() const; bool IsCombatCharacter() { return MyCombatCharacterPointer() == NULL ? false : true; } bool IsInWorld( void ) const; virtual bool IsCombatItem( void ) const { return false; } virtual bool IsBaseCombatWeapon( void ) const { return false; } virtual bool IsWearable( void ) const { return false; } virtual CBaseCombatWeapon *MyCombatWeaponPointer( void ) { return NULL; } // If this is a vehicle, returns the vehicle interface virtual IServerVehicle* GetServerVehicle() { return NULL; } // UNDONE: Make this data instead of procedural? virtual bool IsViewable( void ); // is this something that would be looked at (model, sprite, etc.)? // Team Handling CTeam *GetTeam( void ) const; // Get the Team this entity is on int GetTeamNumber( void ) const; // Get the Team number of the team this entity is on virtual void ChangeTeam( int iTeamNum ); // Assign this entity to a team. bool IsInTeam( CTeam *pTeam ) const; // Returns true if this entity's in the specified team bool InSameTeam( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) const; // Returns true if the specified entity is on the same team as this one bool IsInAnyTeam( void ) const; // Returns true if this entity is in any team const char *TeamID( void ) const; // Returns the name of the team this entity is on. // Entity events... these are events targetted to a particular entity // Each event defines its own well-defined event data structure virtual void OnEntityEvent( EntityEvent_t event, void *pEventData ); // can stand on this entity? bool IsStandable() const; // UNDONE: Do these three functions actually need to be virtual??? virtual bool CanStandOn( CBaseEntity *pSurface ) const { return (pSurface && !pSurface->IsStandable()) ? false : true; } virtual bool CanStandOn( edict_t *ent ) const { return CanStandOn( GetContainingEntity( ent ) ); } virtual CBaseEntity *GetEnemy( void ) { return NULL; } virtual CBaseEntity *GetEnemy( void ) const { return NULL; } void ViewPunch( const QAngle &angleOffset ); void VelocityPunch( const Vector &vecForce ); CBaseEntity *GetNextTarget( void ); // fundamental callbacks void (CBaseEntity ::*m_pfnTouch)( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void (CBaseEntity ::*m_pfnUse)( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); void (CBaseEntity ::*m_pfnBlocked)( CBaseEntity *pOther ); virtual void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); virtual void StartTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); virtual void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); virtual void EndTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); virtual void StartBlocked( CBaseEntity *pOther ) {} virtual void Blocked( CBaseEntity *pOther ); virtual void EndBlocked( void ) {} // Physics simulation virtual void PhysicsSimulate( void ); public: // HACKHACK:Get the trace_t from the last physics touch call (replaces the even-hackier global trace vars) static const trace_t & GetTouchTrace( void ); // FIXME: Should be private, but I can't make em private just yet void PhysicsImpact( CBaseEntity *other, trace_t &trace ); void PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouching( CBaseEntity *other, trace_t &trace ); void PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouchingEventDriven( CBaseEntity *other, trace_t &trace ); void PhysicsTouchTriggers( const Vector *pPrevAbsOrigin = NULL ); // Physics helper static void PhysicsRemoveTouchedList( CBaseEntity *ent ); static void PhysicsNotifyOtherOfUntouch( CBaseEntity *ent, CBaseEntity *other ); static void PhysicsRemoveToucher( CBaseEntity *other, touchlink_t *link ); groundlink_t *AddEntityToGroundList( CBaseEntity *other ); void PhysicsStartGroundContact( CBaseEntity *pentOther ); static void PhysicsNotifyOtherOfGroundRemoval( CBaseEntity *ent, CBaseEntity *other ); static void PhysicsRemoveGround( CBaseEntity *other, groundlink_t *link ); static void PhysicsRemoveGroundList( CBaseEntity *ent ); void StartGroundContact( CBaseEntity *ground ); void EndGroundContact( CBaseEntity *ground ); void SetGroundChangeTime( float flTime ); float GetGroundChangeTime( void ); // Remove this as ground entity for all object resting on this object void WakeRestingObjects(); bool HasNPCsOnIt(); virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void ); virtual void StopLoopingSounds( void ) {} // common member functions void SUB_Remove( void ); void SUB_DoNothing( void ); void SUB_StartFadeOut( float delay = 10.0f, bool bNotSolid = true ); void SUB_StartFadeOutInstant(); void SUB_FadeOut ( void ); void SUB_Vanish( void ); void SUB_CallUseToggle( void ) { this->Use( this, this, USE_TOGGLE, 0 ); } void SUB_PerformFadeOut( void ); virtual bool SUB_AllowedToFade( void ); // change position, velocity, orientation instantly // passing NULL means no change virtual void Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity ); // notify that another entity (that you were watching) was teleported virtual void NotifySystemEvent( CBaseEntity *pNotify, notify_system_event_t eventType, const notify_system_event_params_t ¶ms ); int ShouldToggle( USE_TYPE useType, int currentState ); // UNDONE: Move these virtuals to CBaseCombatCharacter? virtual void MakeTracer( const Vector &vecTracerSrc, const trace_t &tr, int iTracerType ); virtual int GetTracerAttachment( void ); virtual void FireBullets( const FireBulletsInfo_t &info ); virtual void DoImpactEffect( trace_t &tr, int nDamageType ); // give shooter a chance to do a custom impact. // OLD VERSION! Use the struct version void FireBullets( int cShots, const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecDirShooting, const Vector &vecSpread, float flDistance, int iAmmoType, int iTracerFreq = 4, int firingEntID = -1, int attachmentID = -1, int iDamage = 0, CBaseEntity *pAttacker = NULL, bool bFirstShotAccurate = false, bool bPrimaryAttack = true ); virtual void ModifyFireBulletsDamage( CTakeDamageInfo* dmgInfo ) {} virtual CBaseEntity *Respawn( void ) { return NULL; } // Method used to deal with attacks passing through triggers void TraceAttackToTriggers( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector& start, const Vector& end, const Vector& dir ); // Do the bounding boxes of these two intersect? bool Intersects( CBaseEntity *pOther ); virtual bool IsLockedByMaster( void ) { return false; } // Health accessors. virtual int GetMaxHealth() const { return m_iMaxHealth; } void SetMaxHealth( int amt ) { m_iMaxHealth = amt; } int GetHealth() const { return m_iHealth; } void SetHealth( int amt ) { m_iHealth = amt; } // Ugly code to lookup all functions to make sure they are in the table when set. #ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef PLATFORM_64BITS #ifdef GNUC #define ENTITYFUNCPTR_SIZE 16 #else #define ENTITYFUNCPTR_SIZE 8 #endif #else #ifdef GNUC #define ENTITYFUNCPTR_SIZE 8 #else #define ENTITYFUNCPTR_SIZE 4 #endif #endif void FunctionCheck( void *pFunction, const char *name ); ENTITYFUNCPTR TouchSet( ENTITYFUNCPTR func, char *name ) { #ifdef PLATFORM_64BITS COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(func) == 8 ); #else COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(func) == 4 ); #endif m_pfnTouch = func; FunctionCheck( *(reinterpret_cast(&m_pfnTouch)), name ); return func; } USEPTR UseSet( USEPTR func, char *name ) { #ifdef PLATFORM_64BITS COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(func) == 8 ); #else COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(func) == 4 ); #endif m_pfnUse = func; FunctionCheck( *(reinterpret_cast(&m_pfnUse)), name ); return func; } ENTITYFUNCPTR BlockedSet( ENTITYFUNCPTR func, char *name ) { #ifdef PLATFORM_64BITS COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(func) == 8 ); #else COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(func) == 4 ); #endif m_pfnBlocked = func; FunctionCheck( *(reinterpret_cast(&m_pfnBlocked)), name ); return func; } #endif virtual void ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& set ); void AppendContextToCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& set, const char *prefix = "" ); void DumpResponseCriteria( void ); private: friend class CAI_Senses; CBaseEntity *m_pLink;// used for temporary link-list operations. public: // variables promoted from edict_t string_t m_target; CNetworkVarForDerived( int, m_iMaxHealth ); // CBaseEntity doesn't care about changes to this variable, but there are derived classes that do. CNetworkVarForDerived( int, m_iHealth ); CNetworkVarForDerived( char, m_lifeState ); CNetworkVarForDerived( char , m_takedamage ); // Damage filtering string_t m_iszDamageFilterName; // The name of the entity to use as our damage filter. EHANDLE m_hDamageFilter; // The entity that controls who can damage us. // Debugging / devolopment fields int m_debugOverlays; // For debug only (bitfields) TimedOverlay_t* m_pTimedOverlay; // For debug only // virtual functions used by a few classes // creates an entity of a specified class, by name static CBaseEntity *Create( const char *szName, const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles, CBaseEntity *pOwner = NULL ); static CBaseEntity *CreateNoSpawn( const char *szName, const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles, CBaseEntity *pOwner = NULL ); // Collision group accessors int GetCollisionGroup() const; void SetCollisionGroup( int collisionGroup ); void CollisionRulesChanged(); // Damage accessors virtual int GetDamageType() const; virtual float GetDamage() { return 0; } virtual void SetDamage(float flDamage) {} virtual Vector EyePosition( void ); // position of eyes virtual const QAngle &EyeAngles( void ); // Direction of eyes in world space virtual const QAngle &LocalEyeAngles( void ); // Direction of eyes virtual Vector EarPosition( void ); // position of ears Vector EyePosition( void ) const; // position of eyes const QAngle &EyeAngles( void ) const; // Direction of eyes in world space const QAngle &LocalEyeAngles( void ) const; // Direction of eyes Vector EarPosition( void ) const; // position of ears virtual Vector BodyTarget( const Vector &posSrc, bool bNoisy = true); // position to shoot at virtual Vector HeadTarget( const Vector &posSrc ); virtual void GetVectors(Vector* forward, Vector* right, Vector* up) const; virtual const Vector &GetViewOffset() const; virtual void SetViewOffset( const Vector &v ); // NOTE: Setting the abs velocity in either space will cause a recomputation // in the other space, so setting the abs velocity will also set the local vel void SetLocalVelocity( const Vector &vecVelocity ); void ApplyLocalVelocityImpulse( const Vector &vecImpulse ); void SetAbsVelocity( const Vector &vecVelocity ); void ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( const Vector &vecImpulse ); void ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse( const AngularImpulse &angImpulse ); const Vector& GetLocalVelocity( ) const; const Vector& GetAbsVelocity( ) const; // NOTE: Setting the abs velocity in either space will cause a recomputation // in the other space, so setting the abs velocity will also set the local vel void SetLocalAngularVelocity( const QAngle &vecAngVelocity ); const QAngle& GetLocalAngularVelocity( ) const; // FIXME: While we're using (dPitch, dYaw, dRoll) as our local angular velocity // representation, we can't actually solve this problem // void SetAbsAngularVelocity( const QAngle &vecAngVelocity ); // const QAngle& GetAbsAngularVelocity( ) const; const Vector& GetBaseVelocity() const; void SetBaseVelocity( const Vector& v ); virtual Vector GetSmoothedVelocity( void ); // FIXME: Figure out what to do about this virtual void GetVelocity(Vector *vVelocity, AngularImpulse *vAngVelocity = NULL); float GetGravity( void ) const; void SetGravity( float gravity ); float GetFriction( void ) const; void SetFriction( float flFriction ); virtual bool FVisible ( CBaseEntity *pEntity, int traceMask = MASK_BLOCKLOS, CBaseEntity **ppBlocker = NULL ); virtual bool FVisible( const Vector &vecTarget, int traceMask = MASK_BLOCKLOS, CBaseEntity **ppBlocker = NULL ); virtual bool CanBeSeenBy( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC ) { return true; } // allows entities to be 'invisible' to NPC senses. // This function returns a value that scales all damage done by this entity. // Use CDamageModifier to hook in damage modifiers on a guy. virtual float GetAttackDamageScale( CBaseEntity *pVictim ); // This returns a value that scales all damage done to this entity // Use CDamageModifier to hook in damage modifiers on a guy. virtual float GetReceivedDamageScale( CBaseEntity *pAttacker ); void SetCheckUntouch( bool check ); bool GetCheckUntouch() const; void SetGroundEntity( CBaseEntity *ground ); CBaseEntity *GetGroundEntity( void ); CBaseEntity *GetGroundEntity( void ) const { return const_cast(this)->GetGroundEntity(); } // Gets the velocity we impart to a player standing on us virtual void GetGroundVelocityToApply( Vector &vecGroundVel ) { vecGroundVel = vec3_origin; } int GetWaterLevel() const; void SetWaterLevel( int nLevel ); int GetWaterType() const; void SetWaterType( int nType ); virtual bool PhysicsSplash( const Vector ¢erPoint, const Vector &normal, float rawSpeed, float scaledSpeed ) { return false; } virtual void Splash() {} void ClearSolidFlags( void ); void RemoveSolidFlags( int flags ); void AddSolidFlags( int flags ); bool IsSolidFlagSet( int flagMask ) const; void SetSolidFlags( int flags ); bool IsSolid() const; void SetModelName( string_t name ); model_t *GetModel( void ); // These methods return a *world-aligned* box relative to the absorigin of the entity. // This is used for collision purposes and is *not* guaranteed // to surround the entire entity's visual representation // NOTE: It is illegal to ask for the world-aligned bounds for // SOLID_BSP objects const Vector& WorldAlignMins( ) const; const Vector& WorldAlignMaxs( ) const; // This defines collision bounds in OBB space void SetCollisionBounds( const Vector& mins, const Vector &maxs ); // NOTE: The world space center *may* move when the entity rotates. virtual const Vector& WorldSpaceCenter( ) const; const Vector& WorldAlignSize( ) const; // Returns a radius of a sphere // *centered at the world space center* bounding the collision representation // of the entity. NOTE: The world space center *may* move when the entity rotates. float BoundingRadius() const; bool IsPointSized() const; // NOTE: Setting the abs origin or angles will cause the local origin + angles to be set also void SetAbsOrigin( const Vector& origin ); void SetAbsAngles( const QAngle& angles ); // Origin and angles in local space ( relative to parent ) // NOTE: Setting the local origin or angles will cause the abs origin + angles to be set also void SetLocalOrigin( const Vector& origin ); const Vector& GetLocalOrigin( void ) const; void SetLocalAngles( const QAngle& angles ); const QAngle& GetLocalAngles( void ) const; void SetElasticity( float flElasticity ); float GetElasticity( void ) const; void SetShadowCastDistance( float flDistance ); float GetShadowCastDistance( void ) const; void SetShadowCastDistance( float flDesiredDistance, float flDelay ); float GetLocalTime( void ) const; void IncrementLocalTime( float flTimeDelta ); float GetMoveDoneTime( ) const; void SetMoveDoneTime( float flTime ); // Used by the PAS filters to ask the entity where in world space the sounds it emits come from. // This is used right now because if you have something sitting on an incline, using our axis-aligned // bounding boxes can return a position in solid space, so you won't hear sounds emitted by the object. // For now, we're hacking around it by moving the sound emission origin up on certain objects like vehicles. // // When OBBs get in, this can probably go away. virtual Vector GetSoundEmissionOrigin() const; void AddFlag( int flags ); void RemoveFlag( int flagsToRemove ); void ToggleFlag( int flagToToggle ); int GetFlags( void ) const; void ClearFlags( void ); // Sets the local position from a transform void SetLocalTransform( const matrix3x4_t &localTransform ); // See CSoundEmitterSystem void EmitSound( const char *soundname, float soundtime = 0.0f, float *duration = NULL ); // Override for doing the general case of CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this ), and EmitSound( filter, entindex(), etc. ); void EmitSound( const char *soundname, HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE& handle, float soundtime = 0.0f, float *duration = NULL ); // Override for doing the general case of CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this ), and EmitSound( filter, entindex(), etc. ); void StopSound( const char *soundname ); void StopSound( const char *soundname, HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE& handle ); void GenderExpandString( char const *in, char *out, int maxlen ); virtual void ModifyEmitSoundParams( EmitSound_t ¶ms ); static float GetSoundDuration( const char *soundname, char const *actormodel ); static bool GetParametersForSound( const char *soundname, CSoundParameters ¶ms, char const *actormodel ); static bool GetParametersForSound( const char *soundname, HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE& handle, CSoundParameters ¶ms, char const *actormodel ); static void EmitSound( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, const char *soundname, const Vector *pOrigin = NULL, float soundtime = 0.0f, float *duration = NULL ); static void EmitSound( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, const char *soundname, HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE& handle, const Vector *pOrigin = NULL, float soundtime = 0.0f, float *duration = NULL ); static void StopSound( int iEntIndex, const char *soundname ); static soundlevel_t LookupSoundLevel( const char *soundname ); static soundlevel_t LookupSoundLevel( const char *soundname, HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE& handle ); static void EmitSound( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, const EmitSound_t & params ); static void EmitSound( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, const EmitSound_t & params, HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE& handle ); static void StopSound( int iEntIndex, int iChannel, const char *pSample ); static void EmitAmbientSound( int entindex, const Vector& origin, const char *soundname, int flags = 0, float soundtime = 0.0f, float *duration = NULL ); // These files need to be listed in scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt static HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE PrecacheScriptSound( const char *soundname ); static void PrefetchScriptSound( const char *soundname ); // For each client who appears to be a valid recipient, checks the client has disabled CC and if so, removes them from // the recipient list. static void RemoveRecipientsIfNotCloseCaptioning( CRecipientFilter& filter ); static void EmitCloseCaption( IRecipientFilter& filter, int entindex, char const *token, CUtlVector< Vector >& soundorigins, float duration, bool warnifmissing = false ); static void EmitSentenceByIndex( IRecipientFilter& filter, int iEntIndex, int iChannel, int iSentenceIndex, float flVolume, soundlevel_t iSoundlevel, int iFlags = 0, int iPitch = PITCH_NORM, const Vector *pOrigin = NULL, const Vector *pDirection = NULL, bool bUpdatePositions = true, float soundtime = 0.0f ); static bool IsPrecacheAllowed(); static void SetAllowPrecache( bool allow ); static bool m_bAllowPrecache; static bool IsSimulatingOnAlternateTicks(); virtual bool IsDeflectable() { return false; } virtual void Deflected( CBaseEntity *pDeflectedBy, Vector &vecDir ) {} // void Relink() {} public: // VPHYSICS Integration ----------------------------------------------- // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // UNDONE: Move to IEntityVPhysics? or VPhysicsProp() ? // Called after spawn, and in the case of self-managing objects, after load virtual bool CreateVPhysics(); // Convenience routines to init the vphysics simulation for this object. // This creates a static object. Something that behaves like world geometry - solid, but never moves IPhysicsObject *VPhysicsInitStatic( void ); // This creates a normal vphysics simulated object - physics determines where it goes (gravity, friction, etc) // and the entity receives updates from vphysics. SetAbsOrigin(), etc do not affect the object! IPhysicsObject *VPhysicsInitNormal( SolidType_t solidType, int nSolidFlags, bool createAsleep, solid_t *pSolid = NULL ); // This creates a vphysics object with a shadow controller that follows the AI // Move the object to where it should be and call UpdatePhysicsShadowToCurrentPosition() IPhysicsObject *VPhysicsInitShadow( bool allowPhysicsMovement, bool allowPhysicsRotation, solid_t *pSolid = NULL ); // Force a non-solid (ie. solid_trigger) physics object to collide with other entities. virtual bool ForceVPhysicsCollide( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { return false; } private: // called by all vphysics inits bool VPhysicsInitSetup(); public: void VPhysicsSetObject( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics ); // destroy and remove the physics object for this entity virtual void VPhysicsDestroyObject( void ); void VPhysicsSwapObject( IPhysicsObject *pSwap ); inline IPhysicsObject *VPhysicsGetObject( void ) const { return m_pPhysicsObject; } virtual void VPhysicsUpdate( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics ); void VPhysicsUpdatePusher( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics ); // react physically to damage (called from CBaseEntity::OnTakeDamage() by default) virtual int VPhysicsTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual void VPhysicsShadowCollision( int index, gamevcollisionevent_t *pEvent ); virtual void VPhysicsShadowUpdate( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics ) {} virtual void VPhysicsCollision( int index, gamevcollisionevent_t *pEvent ); virtual void VPhysicsFriction( IPhysicsObject *pObject, float energy, int surfaceProps, int surfacePropsHit ); // update the shadow so it will coincide with the current AI position at some time // in the future (or 0 for now) virtual void UpdatePhysicsShadowToCurrentPosition( float deltaTime ); virtual int VPhysicsGetObjectList( IPhysicsObject **pList, int listMax ); virtual bool VPhysicsIsFlesh( void ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- public: #if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION ) // The player drives simulation of this entity void SetPlayerSimulated( CBasePlayer *pOwner ); void UnsetPlayerSimulated( void ); bool IsPlayerSimulated( void ) const; CBasePlayer *GetSimulatingPlayer( void ); #endif // FIXME: Make these private! void PhysicsCheckForEntityUntouch( void ); bool PhysicsRunThink( thinkmethods_t thinkMethod = THINK_FIRE_ALL_FUNCTIONS ); bool PhysicsRunSpecificThink( int nContextIndex, BASEPTR thinkFunc ); bool PhysicsTestEntityPosition( CBaseEntity **ppEntity = NULL ); void PhysicsPushEntity( const Vector& push, trace_t *pTrace ); bool PhysicsCheckWater( void ); void PhysicsCheckWaterTransition( void ); void PhysicsStepRecheckGround(); // Computes the water level + type void UpdateWaterState(); bool IsEdictFree() const { return edict()->IsFree(); } // Callbacks for the physgun/cannon picking up an entity virtual CBasePlayer *HasPhysicsAttacker( float dt ) { return NULL; } // UNDONE: Make this data? virtual unsigned int PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity( void ) const; // Computes the abs position of a point specified in local space void ComputeAbsPosition( const Vector &vecLocalPosition, Vector *pAbsPosition ); // Computes the abs position of a direction specified in local space void ComputeAbsDirection( const Vector &vecLocalDirection, Vector *pAbsDirection ); void SetPredictionEligible( bool canpredict ); protected: // Invalidates the abs state of all children void InvalidatePhysicsRecursive( int nChangeFlags ); int PhysicsClipVelocity (const Vector& in, const Vector& normal, Vector& out, float overbounce ); void PhysicsRelinkChildren( float dt ); // Performs the collision resolution for fliers. void PerformFlyCollisionResolution( trace_t &trace, Vector &move ); void ResolveFlyCollisionBounce( trace_t &trace, Vector &vecVelocity, float flMinTotalElasticity = 0.0f ); void ResolveFlyCollisionSlide( trace_t &trace, Vector &vecVelocity ); virtual void ResolveFlyCollisionCustom( trace_t &trace, Vector &vecVelocity ); private: // Physics-related private methods void PhysicsStep( void ); void PhysicsPusher( void ); void PhysicsNone( void ); void PhysicsNoclip( void ); void PhysicsStepRunTimestep( float timestep ); void PhysicsToss( void ); void PhysicsCustom( void ); void PerformPush( float movetime ); // Simulation in local space of rigid children void PhysicsRigidChild( void ); // Computes the base velocity void UpdateBaseVelocity( void ); // Implement this if you use MOVETYPE_CUSTOM virtual void PerformCustomPhysics( Vector *pNewPosition, Vector *pNewVelocity, QAngle *pNewAngles, QAngle *pNewAngVelocity ); void PhysicsDispatchThink( BASEPTR thinkFunc ); touchlink_t *PhysicsMarkEntityAsTouched( CBaseEntity *other ); void PhysicsTouch( CBaseEntity *pentOther ); void PhysicsStartTouch( CBaseEntity *pentOther ); CBaseEntity *PhysicsPushMove( float movetime ); CBaseEntity *PhysicsPushRotate( float movetime ); CBaseEntity *PhysicsCheckRotateMove( rotatingpushmove_t &rotPushmove, CBaseEntity **pPusherList, int pusherListCount ); CBaseEntity *PhysicsCheckPushMove( const Vector& move, CBaseEntity **pPusherList, int pusherListCount ); int PhysicsTryMove( float flTime, trace_t *steptrace ); void PhysicsCheckVelocity( void ); void PhysicsAddHalfGravity( float timestep ); void PhysicsAddGravityMove( Vector &move ); void CalcAbsoluteVelocity(); void CalcAbsoluteAngularVelocity(); // Checks a sweep without actually performing the move void PhysicsCheckSweep( const Vector& vecAbsStart, const Vector &vecAbsDelta, trace_t *pTrace ); // Computes new angles based on the angular velocity void SimulateAngles( float flFrameTime ); void CheckStepSimulationChanged(); // Run regular think and latch off angle/origin changes so we can interpolate them on the server to fake simulation void StepSimulationThink( float dt ); // Compute network origin private: void ComputeStepSimulationNetwork( StepSimulationData *step ); public: bool UseStepSimulationNetworkOrigin( const Vector **out_v ); bool UseStepSimulationNetworkAngles( const QAngle **out_a ); public: // Add a discontinuity to a step bool AddStepDiscontinuity( float flTime, const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles ); int GetFirstThinkTick(); // get first tick thinking on any context private: // origin and angles to use in step calculations virtual Vector GetStepOrigin( void ) const; virtual QAngle GetStepAngles( void ) const; // These set entity flags (EFL_*) to help optimize queries void CheckHasThinkFunction( bool isThinkingHint = false ); void CheckHasGamePhysicsSimulation(); bool WillThink(); bool WillSimulateGamePhysics(); friend class CPushBlockerEnum; // Sets/Gets the next think based on context index void SetNextThink( int nContextIndex, float thinkTime ); void SetLastThink( int nContextIndex, float thinkTime ); float GetNextThink( int nContextIndex ) const; int GetNextThinkTick( int nContextIndex ) const; // Shot statistics void UpdateShotStatistics( const trace_t &tr ); // Handle shot entering water bool HandleShotImpactingWater( const FireBulletsInfo_t &info, const Vector &vecEnd, ITraceFilter *pTraceFilter, Vector *pVecTracerDest ); // Handle shot entering water void HandleShotImpactingGlass( const FireBulletsInfo_t &info, const trace_t &tr, const Vector &vecDir, ITraceFilter *pTraceFilter ); // Should we draw bubbles underwater? bool ShouldDrawUnderwaterBulletBubbles(); // Computes the tracer start position void ComputeTracerStartPosition( const Vector &vecShotSrc, Vector *pVecTracerStart ); // Computes the tracer start position void CreateBubbleTrailTracer( const Vector &vecShotSrc, const Vector &vecShotEnd, const Vector &vecShotDir ); virtual bool ShouldDrawWaterImpacts() { return true; } // Changes shadow cast distance over time void ShadowCastDistThink( ); // Precache model sounds + particles static void PrecacheModelComponents( int nModelIndex ); static void PrecacheSoundHelper( const char *pName ); protected: // Which frame did I simulate? int m_nSimulationTick; // FIXME: Make this private! Still too many references to do so... CNetworkVar( int, m_spawnflags ); private: int m_iEFlags; // entity flags EFL_* // was pev->flags CNetworkVarForDerived( int, m_fFlags ); string_t m_iName; // name used to identify this entity // Damage modifiers friend class CDamageModifier; CUtlLinkedList m_DamageModifiers; EHANDLE m_pParent; // for movement hierarchy byte m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter; CNetworkVar( unsigned char, m_iParentAttachment ); // 0 if we're relative to the parent's absorigin and absangles. CNetworkVar( unsigned char, m_MoveType ); // One of the MOVETYPE_ defines. CNetworkVar( unsigned char, m_MoveCollide ); // Our immediate parent in the movement hierarchy. // FIXME: clarify m_pParent vs. m_pMoveParent CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_hMoveParent ); // cached child list EHANDLE m_hMoveChild; // generated from m_pMoveParent EHANDLE m_hMovePeer; friend class CCollisionProperty; friend class CServerNetworkProperty; CNetworkVarEmbedded( CCollisionProperty, m_Collision ); CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_hOwnerEntity ); // only used to point to an edict it won't collide with CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_hEffectEntity ); // Fire/Dissolve entity. CNetworkVar( int, m_CollisionGroup ); // used to cull collision tests IPhysicsObject *m_pPhysicsObject; // pointer to the entity's physics object (vphysics.dll) CNetworkVar( float, m_flShadowCastDistance ); float m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance; // Team handling int m_iInitialTeamNum; // Team number of this entity's team read from file CNetworkVar( int, m_iTeamNum ); // Team number of this entity's team. // Sets water type + level for physics objects unsigned char m_nWaterTouch; unsigned char m_nSlimeTouch; unsigned char m_nWaterType; CNetworkVarForDerived( unsigned char, m_nWaterLevel ); float m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime; CNetworkHandleForDerived( CBaseEntity, m_hGroundEntity ); float m_flGroundChangeTime; // Time that the ground entity changed string_t m_ModelName; // Velocity of the thing we're standing on (world space) CNetworkVarForDerived( Vector, m_vecBaseVelocity ); // Global velocity Vector m_vecAbsVelocity; // Local angular velocity QAngle m_vecAngVelocity; // Global angular velocity // QAngle m_vecAbsAngVelocity; // local coordinate frame of entity matrix3x4_t m_rgflCoordinateFrame; // Physics state EHANDLE m_pBlocker; // was pev->gravity; float m_flGravity; // rename to m_flGravityScale; // was pev->friction CNetworkVarForDerived( float, m_flFriction ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flElasticity ); // was pev->ltime float m_flLocalTime; // local time at the beginning of this frame float m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime; // local time the movement has ended float m_flMoveDoneTime; // A counter to help quickly build a list of potentially pushed objects for physics int m_nPushEnumCount; Vector m_vecAbsOrigin; CNetworkVectorForDerived( m_vecVelocity ); //Adrian CNetworkVar( unsigned char, m_iTextureFrameIndex ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bSimulatedEveryTick ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bAnimatedEveryTick ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bAlternateSorting ); // User outputs. Fired when the "FireInputX" input is triggered. COutputEvent m_OnUser1; COutputEvent m_OnUser2; COutputEvent m_OnUser3; COutputEvent m_OnUser4; QAngle m_angAbsRotation; CNetworkVector( m_vecOrigin ); CNetworkQAngle( m_angRotation ); CBaseHandle m_RefEHandle; // was pev->view_ofs ( FIXME: Move somewhere up the hierarch, CBaseAnimating, etc. ) CNetworkVectorForDerived( m_vecViewOffset ); private: // dynamic model state tracking bool m_bDynamicModelAllowed; bool m_bDynamicModelPending; bool m_bDynamicModelSetBounds; void OnModelLoadComplete( const model_t* model ); friend class CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy; protected: void EnableDynamicModels() { m_bDynamicModelAllowed = true; } public: bool IsDynamicModelLoading() const { return m_bDynamicModelPending; } void SetCollisionBoundsFromModel(); #if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION ) CNetworkVar( bool, m_bIsPlayerSimulated ); // Player who is driving my simulation CHandle< CBasePlayer > m_hPlayerSimulationOwner; #endif int m_fDataObjectTypes; // So it can get at the physics methods friend class CCollisionEvent; // Methods shared by client and server public: void SetSize( const Vector &vecMin, const Vector &vecMax ); // UTIL_SetSize( this, mins, maxs ); static int PrecacheModel( const char *name, bool bPreload = true ); static bool PrecacheSound( const char *name ); static void PrefetchSound( const char *name ); void Remove( ); // UTIL_Remove( this ); private: // This is a random seed used by the networking code to allow client - side prediction code // randon number generators to spit out the same random numbers on both sides for a particular // usercmd input. static int m_nPredictionRandomSeed; static CBasePlayer *m_pPredictionPlayer; // FIXME: Make hierarchy a member of CBaseEntity // or a contained private class... friend void UnlinkChild( CBaseEntity *pParent, CBaseEntity *pChild ); friend void LinkChild( CBaseEntity *pParent, CBaseEntity *pChild ); friend void ClearParent( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); friend void UnlinkAllChildren( CBaseEntity *pParent ); friend void UnlinkFromParent( CBaseEntity *pRemove ); friend void TransferChildren( CBaseEntity *pOldParent, CBaseEntity *pNewParent ); public: // Accessors for above static int GetPredictionRandomSeed( void ); static void SetPredictionRandomSeed( const CUserCmd *cmd ); static CBasePlayer *GetPredictionPlayer( void ); static void SetPredictionPlayer( CBasePlayer *player ); // For debugging shared code static bool IsServer( void ) { return true; } static bool IsClient( void ) { return false; } static char const *GetDLLType( void ) { return "server"; } // Used to access m_vecAbsOrigin during restore when it's unsafe to call GetAbsOrigin. friend class CPlayerRestoreHelper; static bool s_bAbsQueriesValid; // Call this when hierarchy is not completely set up (such as during Restore) to throw asserts // when people call GetAbsAnything. static inline void SetAbsQueriesValid( bool bValid ) { s_bAbsQueriesValid = bValid; } static inline bool IsAbsQueriesValid() { return s_bAbsQueriesValid; } }; // Send tables exposed in this module. EXTERN_SEND_TABLE(DT_Edict); EXTERN_SEND_TABLE(DT_BaseEntity); // Ugly technique to override base member functions // Normally it's illegal to cast a pointer to a member function of a derived class to a pointer to a // member function of a base class. static_cast is a sleezy way around that problem. #ifdef _DEBUG #define SetTouch( a ) TouchSet( static_cast (a), #a ) #define SetUse( a ) UseSet( static_cast (a), #a ) #define SetBlocked( a ) BlockedSet( static_cast (a), #a ) #else #define SetTouch( a ) m_pfnTouch = static_cast (a) #define SetUse( a ) m_pfnUse = static_cast (a) #define SetBlocked( a ) m_pfnBlocked = static_cast (a) #endif // handling entity/edict transforms inline CBaseEntity *GetContainingEntity( edict_t *pent ) { if ( pent && pent->GetUnknown() ) { return pent->GetUnknown()->GetBaseEntity(); } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Pauses or resumes entity i/o events. When paused, no outputs will // fire unless Debug_SetSteps is called with a nonzero step value. // Input : bPause - true to pause, false to resume. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CBaseEntity::Debug_Pause(bool bPause) { CBaseEntity::m_bDebugPause = bPause; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if entity i/o is paused, false if not. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool CBaseEntity::Debug_IsPaused(void) { return(CBaseEntity::m_bDebugPause); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Decrements the debug step counter. Used when the entity i/o system // is in single step mode, this is called every time an output is fired. // Output : Returns true on to continue firing outputs, false to stop. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool CBaseEntity::Debug_Step(void) { if (CBaseEntity::m_nDebugSteps > 0) { CBaseEntity::m_nDebugSteps--; } return(CBaseEntity::m_nDebugSteps > 0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets the number of entity outputs to allow to fire before pausing // the entity i/o system. // Input : nSteps - Number of steps to execute. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CBaseEntity::Debug_SetSteps(int nSteps) { CBaseEntity::m_nDebugSteps = nSteps; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if we should allow outputs to be fired, false if not. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool CBaseEntity::Debug_ShouldStep(void) { return(!CBaseEntity::m_bDebugPause || CBaseEntity::m_nDebugSteps > 0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods relating to traversing hierarchy //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline CBaseEntity *CBaseEntity::GetMoveParent( void ) { return m_hMoveParent.Get(); } inline CBaseEntity *CBaseEntity::FirstMoveChild( void ) { return m_hMoveChild.Get(); } inline CBaseEntity *CBaseEntity::NextMovePeer( void ) { return m_hMovePeer.Get(); } // FIXME: Remove this! There shouldn't be a difference between moveparent + parent inline CBaseEntity* CBaseEntity::GetParent() { return m_pParent.Get(); } inline int CBaseEntity::GetParentAttachment() { return m_iParentAttachment; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inline methods //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline string_t CBaseEntity::GetEntityName() { return m_iName; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetName( string_t newName ) { m_iName = newName; } inline bool CBaseEntity::NameMatches( const char *pszNameOrWildcard ) { if ( IDENT_STRINGS(m_iName, pszNameOrWildcard) ) return true; return NameMatchesComplex( pszNameOrWildcard ); } inline bool CBaseEntity::NameMatches( string_t nameStr ) { if ( IDENT_STRINGS(m_iName, nameStr) ) return true; return NameMatchesComplex( STRING(nameStr) ); } inline bool CBaseEntity::ClassMatches( const char *pszClassOrWildcard ) { if ( IDENT_STRINGS(m_iClassname, pszClassOrWildcard ) ) return true; return ClassMatchesComplex( pszClassOrWildcard ); } inline const char* CBaseEntity::GetClassname() { return STRING(m_iClassname); } inline bool CBaseEntity::ClassMatches( string_t nameStr ) { if ( IDENT_STRINGS(m_iClassname, nameStr ) ) return true; return ClassMatchesComplex( STRING(nameStr) ); } inline int CBaseEntity::GetSpawnFlags( void ) const { return m_spawnflags; } inline void CBaseEntity::AddSpawnFlags( int nFlags ) { m_spawnflags |= nFlags; } inline void CBaseEntity::RemoveSpawnFlags( int nFlags ) { m_spawnflags &= ~nFlags; } inline void CBaseEntity::ClearSpawnFlags( void ) { m_spawnflags = 0; } inline bool CBaseEntity::HasSpawnFlags( int nFlags ) const { return (m_spawnflags & nFlags) != 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // checks to see if the entity is marked for deletion //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool CBaseEntity::IsMarkedForDeletion( void ) { return (m_iEFlags & EFL_KILLME); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EFlags //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int CBaseEntity::GetEFlags() const { return m_iEFlags; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetEFlags( int iEFlags ) { m_iEFlags = iEFlags; if ( iEFlags & ( EFL_FORCE_CHECK_TRANSMIT | EFL_IN_SKYBOX ) ) { DispatchUpdateTransmitState(); } } inline void CBaseEntity::AddEFlags( int nEFlagMask ) { m_iEFlags |= nEFlagMask; if ( nEFlagMask & ( EFL_FORCE_CHECK_TRANSMIT | EFL_IN_SKYBOX ) ) { DispatchUpdateTransmitState(); } } inline void CBaseEntity::RemoveEFlags( int nEFlagMask ) { m_iEFlags &= ~nEFlagMask; if ( nEFlagMask & ( EFL_FORCE_CHECK_TRANSMIT | EFL_IN_SKYBOX ) ) DispatchUpdateTransmitState(); } inline bool CBaseEntity::IsEFlagSet( int nEFlagMask ) const { return (m_iEFlags & nEFlagMask) != 0; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetNavIgnore( float duration ) { float flNavIgnoreUntilTime = ( duration == FLT_MAX ) ? FLT_MAX : gpGlobals->curtime + duration; if ( flNavIgnoreUntilTime > m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime ) m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime = flNavIgnoreUntilTime; } inline void CBaseEntity::ClearNavIgnore() { m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime = 0; } inline bool CBaseEntity::IsNavIgnored() const { return ( gpGlobals->curtime <= m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime ); } inline bool CBaseEntity::GetCheckUntouch() const { return IsEFlagSet( EFL_CHECK_UNTOUCH ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Network state optimization //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline CBaseCombatCharacter *ToBaseCombatCharacter( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity ) return NULL; return pEntity->MyCombatCharacterPointer(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Physics state accessor methods //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const Vector& CBaseEntity::GetLocalOrigin( void ) const { return m_vecOrigin.Get(); } inline const QAngle& CBaseEntity::GetLocalAngles( void ) const { return m_angRotation.Get(); } inline const Vector& CBaseEntity::GetAbsOrigin( void ) const { Assert( CBaseEntity::IsAbsQueriesValid() ); if (IsEFlagSet(EFL_DIRTY_ABSTRANSFORM)) { const_cast(this)->CalcAbsolutePosition(); } return m_vecAbsOrigin; } inline const QAngle& CBaseEntity::GetAbsAngles( void ) const { Assert( CBaseEntity::IsAbsQueriesValid() ); if (IsEFlagSet(EFL_DIRTY_ABSTRANSFORM)) { const_cast(this)->CalcAbsolutePosition(); } return m_angAbsRotation; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the entity-to-world transform //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline matrix3x4_t &CBaseEntity::EntityToWorldTransform() { Assert( CBaseEntity::IsAbsQueriesValid() ); if (IsEFlagSet(EFL_DIRTY_ABSTRANSFORM)) { CalcAbsolutePosition(); } return m_rgflCoordinateFrame; } inline const matrix3x4_t &CBaseEntity::EntityToWorldTransform() const { Assert( CBaseEntity::IsAbsQueriesValid() ); if (IsEFlagSet(EFL_DIRTY_ABSTRANSFORM)) { const_cast(this)->CalcAbsolutePosition(); } return m_rgflCoordinateFrame; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some helper methods that transform a point from entity space to world space + back //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CBaseEntity::EntityToWorldSpace( const Vector &in, Vector *pOut ) const { if ( GetAbsAngles() == vec3_angle ) { VectorAdd( in, GetAbsOrigin(), *pOut ); } else { VectorTransform( in, EntityToWorldTransform(), *pOut ); } } inline void CBaseEntity::WorldToEntitySpace( const Vector &in, Vector *pOut ) const { if ( GetAbsAngles() == vec3_angle ) { VectorSubtract( in, GetAbsOrigin(), *pOut ); } else { VectorITransform( in, EntityToWorldTransform(), *pOut ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Velocity //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline Vector CBaseEntity::GetSmoothedVelocity( void ) { Vector vel; GetVelocity( &vel, NULL ); return vel; } inline const Vector &CBaseEntity::GetLocalVelocity( ) const { return m_vecVelocity.Get(); } inline const Vector &CBaseEntity::GetAbsVelocity( ) const { Assert( CBaseEntity::IsAbsQueriesValid() ); if (IsEFlagSet(EFL_DIRTY_ABSVELOCITY)) { const_cast(this)->CalcAbsoluteVelocity(); } return m_vecAbsVelocity; } inline const QAngle &CBaseEntity::GetLocalAngularVelocity( ) const { return m_vecAngVelocity; } /* // FIXME: While we're using (dPitch, dYaw, dRoll) as our local angular velocity // representation, we can't actually solve this problem inline const QAngle &CBaseEntity::GetAbsAngularVelocity( ) const { if (IsEFlagSet(EFL_DIRTY_ABSANGVELOCITY)) { const_cast(this)->CalcAbsoluteAngularVelocity(); } return m_vecAbsAngVelocity; } */ inline const Vector& CBaseEntity::GetBaseVelocity() const { return m_vecBaseVelocity.Get(); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetBaseVelocity( const Vector& v ) { m_vecBaseVelocity = v; } inline float CBaseEntity::GetGravity( void ) const { return m_flGravity; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetGravity( float gravity ) { m_flGravity = gravity; } inline float CBaseEntity::GetFriction( void ) const { return m_flFriction; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetFriction( float flFriction ) { m_flFriction = flFriction; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetElasticity( float flElasticity ) { m_flElasticity = flElasticity; } inline float CBaseEntity::GetElasticity( void ) const { return m_flElasticity; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetShadowCastDistance( float flDistance ) { m_flShadowCastDistance = flDistance; } inline float CBaseEntity::GetShadowCastDistance( void ) const { return m_flShadowCastDistance; } inline float CBaseEntity::GetLocalTime( void ) const { return m_flLocalTime; } inline void CBaseEntity::IncrementLocalTime( float flTimeDelta ) { m_flLocalTime += flTimeDelta; } inline float CBaseEntity::GetMoveDoneTime( ) const { return (m_flMoveDoneTime >= 0) ? m_flMoveDoneTime - GetLocalTime() : -1; } inline CBaseEntity *CBaseEntity::Instance( const edict_t *pent ) { return GetContainingEntity( const_cast(pent) ); } inline CBaseEntity *CBaseEntity::Instance( edict_t *pent ) { if ( !pent ) { pent = INDEXENT(0); } return GetContainingEntity( pent ); } inline CBaseEntity* CBaseEntity::Instance( int iEnt ) { return Instance( INDEXENT( iEnt ) ); } inline int CBaseEntity::GetWaterLevel() const { return m_nWaterLevel; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetWaterLevel( int nLevel ) { m_nWaterLevel = nLevel; } inline const color32 CBaseEntity::GetRenderColor() const { return m_clrRender.Get(); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetRenderColor( byte r, byte g, byte b ) { m_clrRender.Init( r, g, b ); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetRenderColor( byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a ) { m_clrRender.Init( r, g, b, a ); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetRenderColorR( byte r ) { m_clrRender.SetR( r ); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetRenderColorG( byte g ) { m_clrRender.SetG( g ); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetRenderColorB( byte b ) { m_clrRender.SetB( b ); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetRenderColorA( byte a ) { m_clrRender.SetA( a ); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetMoveCollide( MoveCollide_t val ) { m_MoveCollide = val; } inline bool CBaseEntity::IsTransparent() const { return m_nRenderMode != kRenderNormal; } inline int CBaseEntity::GetTextureFrameIndex( void ) { return m_iTextureFrameIndex; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetTextureFrameIndex( int iIndex ) { m_iTextureFrameIndex = iIndex; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // An inline version the game code can use //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline CCollisionProperty *CBaseEntity::CollisionProp() { return &m_Collision; } inline const CCollisionProperty *CBaseEntity::CollisionProp() const { return &m_Collision; } inline CServerNetworkProperty *CBaseEntity::NetworkProp() { return &m_Network; } inline const CServerNetworkProperty *CBaseEntity::NetworkProp() const { return &m_Network; } inline void CBaseEntity::ClearSolidFlags( void ) { CollisionProp()->ClearSolidFlags(); } inline void CBaseEntity::RemoveSolidFlags( int flags ) { CollisionProp()->RemoveSolidFlags( flags ); } inline void CBaseEntity::AddSolidFlags( int flags ) { CollisionProp()->AddSolidFlags( flags ); } inline int CBaseEntity::GetSolidFlags( void ) const { return CollisionProp()->GetSolidFlags(); } inline bool CBaseEntity::IsSolidFlagSet( int flagMask ) const { return CollisionProp()->IsSolidFlagSet( flagMask ); } inline bool CBaseEntity::IsSolid() const { return CollisionProp()->IsSolid( ); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetSolid( SolidType_t val ) { CollisionProp()->SetSolid( val ); } inline void CBaseEntity::SetSolidFlags( int flags ) { CollisionProp()->SetSolidFlags( flags ); } inline SolidType_t CBaseEntity::GetSolid() const { return CollisionProp()->GetSolid(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods related to IServerUnknown //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline ICollideable *CBaseEntity::GetCollideable() { return &m_Collision; } inline IServerNetworkable *CBaseEntity::GetNetworkable() { return &m_Network; } inline CBaseEntity *CBaseEntity::GetBaseEntity() { return this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Model related methods //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CBaseEntity::SetModelName( string_t name ) { m_ModelName = name; DispatchUpdateTransmitState(); } inline string_t CBaseEntity::GetModelName( void ) const { return m_ModelName; } inline int CBaseEntity::GetModelIndex( void ) const { return m_nModelIndex; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods relating to bounds //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const Vector& CBaseEntity::WorldAlignMins( ) const { Assert( !CollisionProp()->IsBoundsDefinedInEntitySpace() ); Assert( CollisionProp()->GetCollisionAngles() == vec3_angle ); return CollisionProp()->OBBMins(); } inline const Vector& CBaseEntity::WorldAlignMaxs( ) const { Assert( !CollisionProp()->IsBoundsDefinedInEntitySpace() ); Assert( CollisionProp()->GetCollisionAngles() == vec3_angle ); return CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs(); } inline const Vector& CBaseEntity::WorldAlignSize( ) const { Assert( !CollisionProp()->IsBoundsDefinedInEntitySpace() ); Assert( CollisionProp()->GetCollisionAngles() == vec3_angle ); return CollisionProp()->OBBSize(); } // Returns a radius of a sphere *centered at the world space center* // bounding the collision representation of the entity inline float CBaseEntity::BoundingRadius() const { return CollisionProp()->BoundingRadius(); } inline bool CBaseEntity::IsPointSized() const { return CollisionProp()->BoundingRadius() == 0.0f; } inline void CBaseEntity::SetRenderMode( RenderMode_t nRenderMode ) { m_nRenderMode = nRenderMode; } inline RenderMode_t CBaseEntity::GetRenderMode() const { return (RenderMode_t)m_nRenderMode.Get(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods to cast away const //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline Vector CBaseEntity::EyePosition( void ) const { return const_cast(this)->EyePosition(); } inline const QAngle &CBaseEntity::EyeAngles( void ) const // Direction of eyes in world space { return const_cast(this)->EyeAngles(); } inline const QAngle &CBaseEntity::LocalEyeAngles( void ) const // Direction of eyes { return const_cast(this)->LocalEyeAngles(); } inline Vector CBaseEntity::EarPosition( void ) const // position of ears { return const_cast(this)->EarPosition(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods relating to networking //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CBaseEntity::NetworkStateChanged() { NetworkProp()->NetworkStateChanged(); } inline void CBaseEntity::NetworkStateChanged( void *pVar ) { // Make sure it's a semi-reasonable pointer. Assert( (char*)pVar > (char*)this ); Assert( (char*)pVar - (char*)this < 32768 ); // Good, they passed an offset so we can track this variable's change // and avoid sending the whole entity. NetworkProp()->NetworkStateChanged( (char*)pVar - (char*)this ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IHandleEntity overrides. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const CBaseHandle& CBaseEntity::GetRefEHandle() const { return m_RefEHandle; } inline void CBaseEntity::IncrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter() { Assert( m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter != 255 ); m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter++; } inline void CBaseEntity::DecrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter() { Assert( m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter != 0 ); m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter--; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bullet firing (legacy)... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CBaseEntity::FireBullets( int cShots, const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecDirShooting, const Vector &vecSpread, float flDistance, int iAmmoType, int iTracerFreq, int firingEntID, int attachmentID, int iDamage, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bFirstShotAccurate, bool bPrimaryAttack ) { FireBulletsInfo_t info; info.m_iShots = cShots; info.m_vecSrc = vecSrc; info.m_vecDirShooting = vecDirShooting; info.m_vecSpread = vecSpread; info.m_flDistance = flDistance; info.m_iAmmoType = iAmmoType; info.m_iTracerFreq = iTracerFreq; info.m_flDamage = iDamage; info.m_pAttacker = pAttacker; info.m_nFlags = bFirstShotAccurate ? FIRE_BULLETS_FIRST_SHOT_ACCURATE : 0; info.m_bPrimaryAttack = bPrimaryAttack; FireBullets( info ); } // Ugly technique to override base member functions // Normally it's illegal to cast a pointer to a member function of a derived class to a pointer to a // member function of a base class. static_cast is a sleezy way around that problem. #define SetThink( a ) ThinkSet( static_cast (a), 0, NULL ) #define SetContextThink( a, b, context ) ThinkSet( static_cast (a), (b), context ) #ifdef _DEBUG #define SetMoveDone( a ) \ do \ { \ m_pfnMoveDone = static_cast (a); \ FunctionCheck( (void *)*((int *)((char *)this + ( offsetof(CBaseEntity,m_pfnMoveDone)))), "BaseMoveFunc" ); \ } while ( 0 ) #else #define SetMoveDone( a ) \ (void)(m_pfnMoveDone = static_cast (a)) #endif inline bool FClassnameIs(CBaseEntity *pEntity, const char *szClassname) { return pEntity->ClassMatches(szClassname); } class CPointEntity : public CBaseEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CPointEntity, CBaseEntity ); void Spawn( void ); virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return BaseClass::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; } virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); private: }; // Has a position + size class CServerOnlyEntity : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CServerOnlyEntity, CBaseEntity ); public: CServerOnlyEntity() : CBaseEntity( true ) {} virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return (BaseClass::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION); } }; // Has only a position, no size class CServerOnlyPointEntity : public CServerOnlyEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CServerOnlyPointEntity, CServerOnlyEntity ); public: virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); }; // Has no position or size class CLogicalEntity : public CServerOnlyEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CLogicalEntity, CServerOnlyEntity ); public: virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); }; // Network proxy functions void SendProxy_Origin( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID ); void SendProxy_OriginXY( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID ); void SendProxy_OriginZ( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStruct, const void *pData, DVariant *pOut, int iElement, int objectID ); #endif // BASEENTITY_H