//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "choreoactor.h"
#include "choreochannel.h"
#include "choreoscene.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Purpose: 
CChoreoActor::CChoreoActor( void )

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *name - 
CChoreoActor::CChoreoActor( const char *name )
	SetName( name );

// Purpose: // Assignment
// Input  : src - 
// Output : CChoreoActor&
CChoreoActor& CChoreoActor::operator=( const CChoreoActor& src )
	m_bActive = src.m_bActive;

	Q_strncpy( m_szName, src.m_szName, sizeof( m_szName ) );
	Q_strncpy( m_szFacePoserModelName, src.m_szFacePoserModelName, sizeof( m_szFacePoserModelName ) );

	for ( int i = 0; i < src.m_Channels.Size(); i++ )
		CChoreoChannel *c = src.m_Channels[ i ];
		CChoreoChannel *newChannel = new CChoreoChannel();
		newChannel->SetActor( this );
		*newChannel = *c;
		AddChannel( newChannel );

	return *this;

// Purpose: 
void CChoreoActor::Init( void )
	m_szName[ 0 ] = 0;
	m_szFacePoserModelName[ 0 ] = 0;
	m_bActive = true;

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *name - 
void CChoreoActor::SetName( const char *name )
	assert( strlen( name ) < MAX_ACTOR_NAME );
	Q_strncpy( m_szName, name, sizeof( m_szName ) );

// Purpose: 
// Output : const char
const char *CChoreoActor::GetName( void )
	return m_szName;

// Purpose: 
// Output : int
int CChoreoActor::GetNumChannels( void )
	return m_Channels.Size();

// Purpose: 
// Input  : channel - 
// Output : CChoreoChannel
CChoreoChannel *CChoreoActor::GetChannel( int channel )
	if ( channel < 0 || channel >= m_Channels.Size() )
		return NULL;

	return m_Channels[ channel ];

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *channel - 
void CChoreoActor::AddChannel( CChoreoChannel *channel )
	m_Channels.AddToTail( channel );

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *channel - 
void CChoreoActor::RemoveChannel( CChoreoChannel *channel )
	int idx = FindChannelIndex( channel );
	if ( idx == -1 )

	m_Channels.Remove( idx );

// Purpose: 
void CChoreoActor::RemoveAllChannels()

// Purpose: 
// Input  : c1 - 
//			c2 - 
void CChoreoActor::SwapChannels( int c1, int c2 )
	CChoreoChannel *temp;

	temp = m_Channels[ c1 ];
	m_Channels[ c1 ] = m_Channels[ c2 ];
	m_Channels[ c2 ] = temp;

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *channel - 
// Output : int
int CChoreoActor::FindChannelIndex( CChoreoChannel *channel )
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Channels.Size(); i++ )
		if ( channel == m_Channels[ i ] )
			return i;
	return -1;

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *name - 
void CChoreoActor::SetFacePoserModelName( const char *name )
	Q_strncpy( m_szFacePoserModelName, name, sizeof( m_szFacePoserModelName ) );

// Purpose: 
// Output : char const
const char *CChoreoActor::GetFacePoserModelName( void ) const
	return m_szFacePoserModelName;

// Purpose: 
// Input  : active - 
void CChoreoActor::SetActive( bool active )
	m_bActive = active;

// Purpose: 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CChoreoActor::GetActive( void ) const
	return m_bActive;

// Purpose: 
void CChoreoActor::MarkForSaveAll( bool mark )
	SetMarkedForSave( mark );

	int c = GetNumChannels();
	for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		CChoreoChannel *channel = GetChannel( i );
		channel->MarkForSaveAll( mark );

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *name - 
// Output : CChoreoChannel
CChoreoChannel *CChoreoActor::FindChannel( const char *name )
	int c = GetNumChannels();
	for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		CChoreoChannel *channel = GetChannel( i );
		if ( !Q_stricmp( channel->GetName(), name ) )
			return channel;

	return NULL;

void CChoreoActor::SaveToBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf, CChoreoScene *pScene, IChoreoStringPool *pStringPool )
	buf.PutShort( pStringPool->FindOrAddString( GetName() ) );

	int c = GetNumChannels();
	Assert( c <= 255 );
	buf.PutUnsignedChar( c );

	for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		CChoreoChannel *channel = GetChannel( i );
		Assert( channel );
		channel->SaveToBuffer( buf, pScene, pStringPool );

	if ( Q_strlen( a->GetFacePoserModelName() ) > 0 )
		FilePrintf( buf, level + 1, "faceposermodel \"%s\"\n", a->GetFacePoserModelName() );
	buf.PutChar( GetActive() ? 1 : 0 );

bool CChoreoActor::RestoreFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf, CChoreoScene *pScene, IChoreoStringPool *pStringPool )
	char sz[ 256 ];
	pStringPool->GetString( buf.GetShort(), sz, sizeof( sz ) );

	SetName( sz );

	int i;
	int c = buf.GetUnsignedChar();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		CChoreoChannel *channel = pScene->AllocChannel();
		Assert( channel );
		if ( channel->RestoreFromBuffer( buf, pScene, this, pStringPool ) )
			AddChannel( channel );
			channel->SetActor( this );

		return false;

	SetActive( buf.GetChar() == 1 ? true : false );

	return true;