//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#include "cbase.h"
#include "weapon_selection.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "history_resource.h"
#include "input.h"

#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>

#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Purpose: hl2 weapon selection hud element
class CHudWeaponSelection : public CBaseHudWeaponSelection, public vgui::Panel
	DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CHudWeaponSelection, vgui::Panel );

	CHudWeaponSelection(const char *pElementName );

	virtual bool ShouldDraw();
	virtual void OnWeaponPickup( C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon );

	virtual void CycleToNextWeapon( void );
	virtual void CycleToPrevWeapon( void );

	virtual C_BaseCombatWeapon *GetWeaponInSlot( int iSlot, int iSlotPos );
	virtual void SelectWeaponSlot( int iSlot );

	virtual C_BaseCombatWeapon	*GetSelectedWeapon( void )
		return m_hSelectedWeapon;

	virtual void OpenSelection( void );
	virtual void HideSelection( void );

	virtual void LevelInit();

	virtual void OnThink();
	virtual void Paint();
	virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme);

	virtual bool IsWeaponSelectable()
		if (IsInSelectionMode())
			return true;

		return false;

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *FindNextWeaponInWeaponSelection(int iCurrentSlot, int iCurrentPosition);
	C_BaseCombatWeapon *FindPrevWeaponInWeaponSelection(int iCurrentSlot, int iCurrentPosition);

	void FastWeaponSwitch( int iWeaponSlot );

	virtual	void SetSelectedWeapon( C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon ) 
		m_hSelectedWeapon = pWeapon;

	void DrawBox(int x, int y, int wide, int tall, Color color, float normalizedAlpha, int number);

	CPanelAnimationVar( vgui::HFont, m_hNumberFont, "NumberFont", "HudSelectionNumbers" );
	CPanelAnimationVar( vgui::HFont, m_hTextFont, "TextFont", "HudSelectionText" );

	CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, m_flSmallBoxSize, "SmallBoxSize", "32", "proportional_float" );
	CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, m_flLargeBoxWide, "LargeBoxWide", "108", "proportional_float" );
	CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, m_flLargeBoxTall, "LargeBoxTall", "72", "proportional_float" );

	CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, m_flBoxGap, "BoxGap", "12", "proportional_float" );

	CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, m_flSelectionNumberXPos, "SelectionNumberXPos", "4", "proportional_float" );
	CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, m_flSelectionNumberYPos, "SelectionNumberYPos", "4", "proportional_float" );

	CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, m_flTextYPos, "TextYPos", "54", "proportional_float" );

	CPanelAnimationVar( float, m_flAlphaOverride, "Alpha", "255" );
	CPanelAnimationVar( float, m_flSelectionAlphaOverride, "SelectionAlpha", "255" );

	CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_TextColor, "TextColor", "SelectionTextFg" );
	CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_NumberColor, "NumberColor", "SelectionNumberFg" );
	CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_EmptyBoxColor, "EmptyBoxColor", "SelectionEmptyBoxBg" );
	CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_BoxColor, "BoxColor", "SelectionBoxBg" );
	CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_SelectedBoxColor, "SelectedBoxClor", "SelectionSelectedBoxBg" );

	CPanelAnimationVar( float, m_flWeaponPickupGrowTime, "SelectionGrowTime", "0.1" );

	CPanelAnimationVar( float, m_flTextScan, "TextScan", "1.0" );

	bool m_bFadingOut;

DECLARE_HUDELEMENT( CHudWeaponSelection );

using namespace vgui;

// Purpose: Constructor
CHudWeaponSelection::CHudWeaponSelection( const char *pElementName ) : CBaseHudWeaponSelection(pElementName), BaseClass(NULL, "HudWeaponSelection")
	vgui::Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport();
	SetParent( pParent );
	m_bFadingOut = false;

// Purpose: sets up display for showing weapon pickup
void CHudWeaponSelection::OnWeaponPickup( C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
	// add to pickup history
	CHudHistoryResource *pHudHR = GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudHistoryResource );
	if ( pHudHR )
		pHudHR->AddToHistory( pWeapon );

#define SELECTION_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD		5.0f	// Seconds

// Purpose: updates animation status
void CHudWeaponSelection::OnThink( void )
	// Time out after awhile of inactivity
	if ( ( gpGlobals->curtime - m_flSelectionTime ) > SELECTION_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD )
		if (!m_bFadingOut)
			// start fading out
			g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "FadeOutWeaponSelectionMenu" );
			m_bFadingOut = true;
		else if (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flSelectionTime > SELECTION_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD + SELECTION_FADEOUT_TIME)
			// finished fade, close
	else if (m_bFadingOut)
		// stop us fading out, show the animation again
		g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "OpenWeaponSelectionMenu" );
		m_bFadingOut = false;

// Purpose: returns true if the panel should draw
bool CHudWeaponSelection::ShouldDraw()
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )
		if ( IsInSelectionMode() )
		return false;

	bool bret = CBaseHudWeaponSelection::ShouldDraw();
	if ( !bret )
		return false;

	return ( m_bSelectionVisible ) ? true : false;

// Purpose: 
void CHudWeaponSelection::LevelInit()

// Purpose: draws the selection area
void CHudWeaponSelection::Paint()
	if (!ShouldDraw())

	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	// find and display our current selection
	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pSelectedWeapon = GetSelectedWeapon();
	if ( !pSelectedWeapon )

	int iActiveSlot = (pSelectedWeapon ? pSelectedWeapon->GetSlot() : -1);

	// interpolate the selected box size between the small box size and the large box size
	// interpolation has been removed since there is no weapon pickup animation anymore, so it's all at the largest size
	float percentageDone = 1.0f; //min(1.0f, (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flPickupStartTime) / m_flWeaponPickupGrowTime);
	int largeBoxWide = m_flSmallBoxSize + ((m_flLargeBoxWide - m_flSmallBoxSize) * percentageDone);
	int largeBoxTall = m_flSmallBoxSize + ((m_flLargeBoxTall - m_flSmallBoxSize) * percentageDone);
	Color selectedColor;
	{for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		selectedColor[i] = m_BoxColor[i] + ((m_SelectedBoxColor[i] - m_BoxColor[i]) * percentageDone);

	// calculate where to start drawing
	int width = (MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS - 1) * (m_flSmallBoxSize + m_flBoxGap) + largeBoxWide;
	int xpos = (GetWide() - width) / 2;
	int ypos = 0;

	// iterate over all the weapon slots
	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS; i++ )
		if ( i == iActiveSlot )
			bool bFirstItem = true;
			for (int slotpos = 0; slotpos < MAX_WEAPON_POSITIONS; slotpos++)
				C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetWeaponInSlot(i, slotpos);
				if ( !pWeapon )

				// draw box for selected weapon
				DrawBox(xpos, ypos, largeBoxWide, largeBoxTall, selectedColor, m_flSelectionAlphaOverride, bFirstItem ? i + 1 : -1);

				// draw icon
				Color col = GetFgColor();
				if ( pWeapon->GetSpriteActive() )
					// find the center of the box to draw in
					int iconWidth = pWeapon->GetSpriteActive()->Width();
					int iconHeight = pWeapon->GetSpriteActive()->Height();

					int x_offs = (largeBoxWide - iconWidth) / 2;
					int y_offs = (largeBoxTall - iconHeight) / 2;

					if (!pWeapon->CanBeSelected())
						// unselectable weapon, display as such
						col = Color(255, 0, 0, col[3]);
					else if (pWeapon == pSelectedWeapon)
						// currently selected weapon, display brighter
						col[3] = m_flSelectionAlphaOverride;

						// draw an active version over the top
						pWeapon->GetSpriteActive()->DrawSelf( xpos + x_offs, ypos + y_offs, col );

					// draw the inactive version
					pWeapon->GetSpriteInactive()->DrawSelf( xpos + x_offs, ypos + y_offs, col );

				// draw text
				col = m_TextColor;
				const FileWeaponInfo_t &weaponInfo = pWeapon->GetWpnData();

				if (pWeapon == pSelectedWeapon)
					wchar_t text[128];
					wchar_t *tempString = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find(weaponInfo.szPrintName);

					// setup our localized string
					if ( tempString )
#ifdef WIN32
						_snwprintf(text, sizeof(text)/sizeof(wchar_t) - 1, L"%s", tempString);
						_snwprintf(text, sizeof(text)/sizeof(wchar_t) - 1, L"%S", tempString);
						text[sizeof(text)/sizeof(wchar_t) - 1] = 0;
						// string wasn't found by g_pVGuiLocalize->Find()
						g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(weaponInfo.szPrintName, text, sizeof(text));

					surface()->DrawSetTextColor( col );
					surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont );

					// count the position
					int slen = 0, charCount = 0, maxslen = 0;
					int firstslen = 0;
						for (wchar_t *pch = text; *pch != 0; pch++)
							if (*pch == '\n') 
								// newline character, drop to the next line
								if (slen > maxslen)
									maxslen = slen;
								if (!firstslen)
									firstslen = slen;

								slen = 0;
							else if (*pch == '\r')
								// do nothing
								slen += surface()->GetCharacterWidth( m_hTextFont, *pch );
					if (slen > maxslen)
						maxslen = slen;
					if (!firstslen)
						firstslen = maxslen;

					int tx = xpos + ((largeBoxWide - firstslen) / 2);
					int ty = ypos + (int)m_flTextYPos;
					surface()->DrawSetTextPos( tx, ty );
					// adjust the charCount by the scan amount
					charCount *= m_flTextScan;
					for (wchar_t *pch = text; charCount > 0; pch++)
						if (*pch == '\n')
							// newline character, move to the next line
							surface()->DrawSetTextPos( xpos + ((largeBoxWide - slen) / 2), ty + (surface()->GetFontTall(m_hTextFont) * 1.1f));
						else if (*pch == '\r')
							// do nothing

				ypos += (largeBoxTall + m_flBoxGap);
				bFirstItem = false;

			xpos += largeBoxWide;
			// check to see if there is a weapons in this bucket
			if ( GetFirstPos( i ) )
				// draw has weapon in slot
				DrawBox(xpos, ypos, m_flSmallBoxSize, m_flSmallBoxSize, m_BoxColor, m_flAlphaOverride, i + 1);
				// draw empty slot
				DrawBox(xpos, ypos, m_flSmallBoxSize, m_flSmallBoxSize, m_EmptyBoxColor, m_flAlphaOverride, -1);

			xpos += m_flSmallBoxSize;

		// reset position
		ypos = 0;
		xpos += m_flBoxGap;

// Purpose: draws a selection box
void CHudWeaponSelection::DrawBox(int x, int y, int wide, int tall, Color color, float normalizedAlpha, int number)
	BaseClass::DrawBox( x, y, wide, tall, color, normalizedAlpha / 255.0f );

	// draw the number
	if (number >= 0)
		Color numberColor = m_NumberColor;
		numberColor[3] *= normalizedAlpha / 255.0f;
		wchar_t wch = '0' + number;
		surface()->DrawSetTextPos(x + m_flSelectionNumberXPos, y + m_flSelectionNumberYPos);

// Purpose: hud scheme settings
void CHudWeaponSelection::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme)

	// set our size
	int screenWide, screenTall;
	int x, y;
	GetPos(x, y);
	GetHudSize(screenWide, screenTall);
	SetBounds(0, y, screenWide, screenTall - y);

// Purpose: Opens weapon selection control
void CHudWeaponSelection::OpenSelection( void )


// Purpose: Closes weapon selection control immediately
void CHudWeaponSelection::HideSelection( void )
	m_bFadingOut = false;

// Purpose: Returns the next available weapon item in the weapon selection
C_BaseCombatWeapon *CHudWeaponSelection::FindNextWeaponInWeaponSelection(int iCurrentSlot, int iCurrentPosition)
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )
		return NULL;

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pNextWeapon = NULL;

	// search all the weapons looking for the closest next
	int iLowestNextSlot = MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS;
	int iLowestNextPosition = MAX_WEAPON_POSITIONS;
	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
		C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer->GetWeapon(i);
		if ( !pWeapon )

		if ( pWeapon->CanBeSelected() )
			int weaponSlot = pWeapon->GetSlot(), weaponPosition = pWeapon->GetPosition();

			// see if this weapon is further ahead in the selection list
			if ( weaponSlot > iCurrentSlot || (weaponSlot == iCurrentSlot && weaponPosition > iCurrentPosition) )
				// see if this weapon is closer than the current lowest
				if ( weaponSlot < iLowestNextSlot || (weaponSlot == iLowestNextSlot && weaponPosition < iLowestNextPosition) )
					iLowestNextSlot = weaponSlot;
					iLowestNextPosition = weaponPosition;
					pNextWeapon = pWeapon;

	return pNextWeapon;

// Purpose: Returns the prior available weapon item in the weapon selection
C_BaseCombatWeapon *CHudWeaponSelection::FindPrevWeaponInWeaponSelection(int iCurrentSlot, int iCurrentPosition)
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )
		return NULL;

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pPrevWeapon = NULL;

	// search all the weapons looking for the closest next
	int iLowestPrevSlot = -1;
	int iLowestPrevPosition = -1;
	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
		C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer->GetWeapon(i);
		if ( !pWeapon )

		if ( pWeapon->CanBeSelected() )
			int weaponSlot = pWeapon->GetSlot(), weaponPosition = pWeapon->GetPosition();

			// see if this weapon is further ahead in the selection list
			if ( weaponSlot < iCurrentSlot || (weaponSlot == iCurrentSlot && weaponPosition < iCurrentPosition) )
				// see if this weapon is closer than the current lowest
				if ( weaponSlot > iLowestPrevSlot || (weaponSlot == iLowestPrevSlot && weaponPosition > iLowestPrevPosition) )
					iLowestPrevSlot = weaponSlot;
					iLowestPrevPosition = weaponPosition;
					pPrevWeapon = pWeapon;

	return pPrevWeapon;

// Purpose: Moves the selection to the next item in the menu
void CHudWeaponSelection::CycleToNextWeapon( void )
	// Get the local player.
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pNextWeapon = NULL;
	if ( IsInSelectionMode() )
		// find the next selection spot
		C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetSelectedWeapon();
		if ( !pWeapon )

		pNextWeapon = FindNextWeaponInWeaponSelection( pWeapon->GetSlot(), pWeapon->GetPosition() );
		// open selection at the current place
		pNextWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();
		if ( pNextWeapon )
			pNextWeapon = FindNextWeaponInWeaponSelection( pNextWeapon->GetSlot(), pNextWeapon->GetPosition() );

	if ( !pNextWeapon )
		// wrap around back to start
		pNextWeapon = FindNextWeaponInWeaponSelection(-1, -1);

	if ( pNextWeapon )
		SetSelectedWeapon( pNextWeapon );

		if ( !IsInSelectionMode() )

		// Play the "cycle to next weapon" sound
		pPlayer->EmitSound( "Player.WeaponSelectionMoveSlot" );

// Purpose: Moves the selection to the previous item in the menu
void CHudWeaponSelection::CycleToPrevWeapon( void )
	// Get the local player.
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pNextWeapon = NULL;
	if ( IsInSelectionMode() )
		// find the next selection spot
		C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetSelectedWeapon();
		if ( !pWeapon )

		pNextWeapon = FindPrevWeaponInWeaponSelection( pWeapon->GetSlot(), pWeapon->GetPosition() );
		// open selection at the current place
		pNextWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();
		if ( pNextWeapon )
			pNextWeapon = FindPrevWeaponInWeaponSelection( pNextWeapon->GetSlot(), pNextWeapon->GetPosition() );

	if ( !pNextWeapon )
		// wrap around back to end of weapon list
		pNextWeapon = FindPrevWeaponInWeaponSelection(MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS, MAX_WEAPON_POSITIONS);

	if ( pNextWeapon )
		SetSelectedWeapon( pNextWeapon );

		if ( !IsInSelectionMode() )

		// Play the "cycle to next weapon" sound
		pPlayer->EmitSound( "Player.WeaponSelectionMoveSlot" );

// Purpose: returns the weapon in the specified slot
C_BaseCombatWeapon *CHudWeaponSelection::GetWeaponInSlot( int iSlot, int iSlotPos )
	C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !player )
		return NULL;

	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
		C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = player->GetWeapon(i);

		if ( pWeapon == NULL )

		if ( pWeapon->GetSlot() == iSlot && pWeapon->GetPosition() == iSlotPos )
			return pWeapon;

	return NULL;

// Purpose: Opens the next weapon in the slot
void CHudWeaponSelection::FastWeaponSwitch( int iWeaponSlot )
	// get the slot the player's weapon is in
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	// see where we should start selection
	int iPosition = -1;
	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pActiveWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();
	if ( pActiveWeapon && pActiveWeapon->GetSlot() == iWeaponSlot )
		// start after this weapon
		iPosition = pActiveWeapon->GetPosition();

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pNextWeapon = NULL;

	// search for the weapon after the current one
	pNextWeapon = FindNextWeaponInWeaponSelection(iWeaponSlot, iPosition);
	// make sure it's in the same bucket
	if ( !pNextWeapon || pNextWeapon->GetSlot() != iWeaponSlot )
		// just look for any weapon in this slot
		pNextWeapon = FindNextWeaponInWeaponSelection(iWeaponSlot, -1);

	// see if we found a weapon that's different from the current and in the selected slot
	if ( pNextWeapon && pNextWeapon != pActiveWeapon && pNextWeapon->GetSlot() == iWeaponSlot )
		// select the new weapon
		::input->MakeWeaponSelection( pNextWeapon );
	else if ( pNextWeapon != pActiveWeapon )
		// error sound
		pPlayer->EmitSound( "Player.DenyWeaponSelection" );

// Purpose: Moves selection to the specified slot
void CHudWeaponSelection::SelectWeaponSlot( int iSlot )
	// iSlot is one higher than it should be, since it's the number key, not the 0-based index into the weapons

	// Get the local player.
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	// Don't try and read past our possible number of slots
	if ( iSlot > MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS )

	// Make sure the player's allowed to switch weapons
	if ( pPlayer->IsAllowedToSwitchWeapons() == false )

	// do a fast switch if set
	if ( hud_fastswitch.GetBool() )
		FastWeaponSwitch( iSlot );

	int slotPos = 0;
	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pActiveWeapon = GetSelectedWeapon();

	// start later in the list
	if ( IsInSelectionMode() && pActiveWeapon && pActiveWeapon->GetSlot() == iSlot )
		slotPos = pActiveWeapon->GetPosition() + 1;

	// find the weapon in this slot
	pActiveWeapon = GetNextActivePos( iSlot, slotPos );
	if ( !pActiveWeapon )
		pActiveWeapon = GetNextActivePos( iSlot, 0 );

	if ( pActiveWeapon != NULL )
		if ( !IsInSelectionMode() )
			// open the weapon selection

		// Mark the change
		SetSelectedWeapon( pActiveWeapon );

	pPlayer->EmitSound( "Player.WeaponSelectionMoveSlot" );