//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h" #include "AI_ResponseSystem.h" #include "igamesystem.h" #include "AI_Criteria.h" #include <KeyValues.h> #include "filesystem.h" #include "utldict.h" #include "ai_speech.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include <ctype.h> #include "sceneentity.h" #include "isaverestore.h" #include "utlbuffer.h" #include "stringpool.h" #include "fmtstr.h" #include "multiplay_gamerules.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" ConVar rr_debugresponses( "rr_debugresponses", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Show verbose matching output (1 for simple, 2 for rule scoring). If set to 3, it will only show response success/failure for npc_selected NPCs." ); ConVar rr_debugrule( "rr_debugrule", "", FCVAR_NONE, "If set to the name of the rule, that rule's score will be shown whenever a concept is passed into the response rules system."); ConVar rr_dumpresponses( "rr_dumpresponses", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Dump all response_rules.txt and rules (requires restart)" ); static CUtlSymbolTable g_RS; inline static char *CopyString( const char *in ) { if ( !in ) return NULL; int len = Q_strlen( in ); char *out = new char[ len + 1 ]; Q_memcpy( out, in, len ); out[ len ] = 0; return out; } class Matcher { public: Matcher() { valid = false; isnumeric = false; notequal = false; usemin = false; minequals = false; usemax = false; maxequals = false; maxval = 0.0f; minval = 0.0f; token = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; rawtoken = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; } void Describe( void ) { if ( !valid ) { DevMsg( " invalid!\n" ); return; } char sz[ 128 ]; sz[ 0] = 0; int minmaxcount = 0; if ( usemin ) { Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), ">%s%.3f", minequals ? "=" : "", minval ); minmaxcount++; } if ( usemax ) { char sz2[ 128 ]; Q_snprintf( sz2, sizeof( sz2 ), "<%s%.3f", maxequals ? "=" : "", maxval ); if ( minmaxcount > 0 ) { Q_strncat( sz, " and ", sizeof( sz ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } Q_strncat( sz, sz2, sizeof( sz ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); minmaxcount++; } if ( minmaxcount >= 1 ) { DevMsg( " matcher: %s\n", sz ); return; } if ( notequal ) { DevMsg( " matcher: !=%s\n", GetToken() ); return; } DevMsg( " matcher: ==%s\n", GetToken() ); } float maxval; float minval; bool valid : 1; //1 bool isnumeric : 1; //2 bool notequal : 1; //3 bool usemin : 1; //4 bool minequals : 1; //5 bool usemax : 1; //6 bool maxequals : 1; //7 void SetToken( char const *s ) { token = g_RS.AddString( s ); } char const *GetToken() { if ( token.IsValid() ) { return g_RS.String( token ); } return ""; } void SetRaw( char const *raw ) { rawtoken = g_RS.AddString( raw ); } char const *GetRaw() { if ( rawtoken.IsValid() ) { return g_RS.String( rawtoken ); } return ""; } private: CUtlSymbol token; CUtlSymbol rawtoken; }; struct Response { DECLARE_SIMPLE_DATADESC(); Response() { type = RESPONSE_NONE; value = NULL; weight.SetFloat( 1.0f ); depletioncount = 0; first = false; last = false; } Response( const Response& src ) { weight = src.weight; type = src.type; value = CopyString( src.value ); depletioncount = src.depletioncount; first = src.first; last = src.last; } Response& operator =( const Response& src ) { if ( this == &src ) return *this; weight = src.weight; type = src.type; value = CopyString( src.value ); depletioncount = src.depletioncount; first = src.first; last = src.last; return *this; } ~Response() { delete[] value; } ResponseType_t GetType() { return (ResponseType_t)type; } char *value; // fixed up value spot // 4 float16 weight; // 6 byte depletioncount; // 7 byte type : 6; // 8 byte first : 1; // byte last : 1; // }; struct ResponseGroup { DECLARE_SIMPLE_DATADESC(); ResponseGroup() { // By default visit all nodes before repeating m_bSequential = false; m_bNoRepeat = false; m_bEnabled = true; m_nCurrentIndex = 0; m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat = true; m_nDepletionCount = 1; m_bHasFirst = false; m_bHasLast = false; } ResponseGroup( const ResponseGroup& src ) { int c = src.group.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { group.AddToTail( src.group[ i ] ); } rp = src.rp; m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat = src.m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat; m_nDepletionCount = src.m_nDepletionCount; m_bHasFirst = src.m_bHasFirst; m_bHasLast = src.m_bHasLast; m_bSequential = src.m_bSequential; m_bNoRepeat = src.m_bNoRepeat; m_bEnabled = src.m_bEnabled; m_nCurrentIndex = src.m_nCurrentIndex; } ResponseGroup& operator=( const ResponseGroup& src ) { if ( this == &src ) return *this; int c = src.group.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { group.AddToTail( src.group[ i ] ); } rp = src.rp; m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat = src.m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat; m_nDepletionCount = src.m_nDepletionCount; m_bHasFirst = src.m_bHasFirst; m_bHasLast = src.m_bHasLast; m_bSequential = src.m_bSequential; m_bNoRepeat = src.m_bNoRepeat; m_bEnabled = src.m_bEnabled; m_nCurrentIndex = src.m_nCurrentIndex; return *this; } bool HasUndepletedChoices() const { if ( !m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat ) return true; int c = group.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { if ( group[ i ].depletioncount != m_nDepletionCount ) return true; } return false; } void MarkResponseUsed( int idx ) { if ( !m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat ) return; if ( idx < 0 || idx >= group.Count() ) { Assert( 0 ); return; } group[ idx ].depletioncount = m_nDepletionCount; } void ResetDepletionCount() { if ( !m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat ) return; ++m_nDepletionCount; } void Reset() { ResetDepletionCount(); SetEnabled( true ); SetCurrentIndex( 0 ); m_nDepletionCount = 1; for ( int i = 0; i < group.Count(); ++i ) { group[ i ].depletioncount = 0; } } bool HasUndepletedFirst( int& index ) { index = -1; if ( !m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat ) return false; int c = group.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { Response *r = &group[ i ]; if ( ( r->depletioncount != m_nDepletionCount ) && r->first ) { index = i; return true; } } return false; } bool HasUndepletedLast( int& index ) { index = -1; if ( !m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat ) return false; int c = group.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { Response *r = &group[ i ]; if ( ( r->depletioncount != m_nDepletionCount ) && r->last ) { index = i; return true; } } return false; } bool ShouldCheckRepeats() const { return m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat; } int GetDepletionCount() const { return m_nDepletionCount; } bool IsSequential() const { return m_bSequential; } void SetSequential( bool seq ) { m_bSequential = seq; } bool IsNoRepeat() const { return m_bNoRepeat; } void SetNoRepeat( bool norepeat ) { m_bNoRepeat = norepeat; } bool IsEnabled() const { return m_bEnabled; } void SetEnabled( bool enabled ) { m_bEnabled = enabled; } int GetCurrentIndex() const { return m_nCurrentIndex; } void SetCurrentIndex( byte idx ) { m_nCurrentIndex = idx; } CUtlVector< Response > group; AI_ResponseParams rp; bool m_bEnabled; byte m_nCurrentIndex; // Invalidation counter byte m_nDepletionCount; // Use all slots before repeating any bool m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat : 1; bool m_bHasFirst : 1; bool m_bHasLast : 1; bool m_bSequential : 1; bool m_bNoRepeat : 1; }; struct Criteria { Criteria() { name = NULL; value = NULL; weight.SetFloat( 1.0f ); required = false; } Criteria& operator =(const Criteria& src ) { if ( this == &src ) return *this; name = CopyString( src.name ); value = CopyString( src.value ); weight = src.weight; required = src.required; matcher = src.matcher; int c = src.subcriteria.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { subcriteria.AddToTail( src.subcriteria[ i ] ); } return *this; } Criteria(const Criteria& src ) { name = CopyString( src.name ); value = CopyString( src.value ); weight = src.weight; required = src.required; matcher = src.matcher; int c = src.subcriteria.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { subcriteria.AddToTail( src.subcriteria[ i ] ); } } ~Criteria() { delete[] name; delete[] value; } bool IsSubCriteriaType() const { return ( subcriteria.Count() > 0 ) ? true : false; } char *name; char *value; float16 weight; bool required; Matcher matcher; // Indices into sub criteria CUtlVector< unsigned short > subcriteria; }; struct Rule { Rule() { m_bMatchOnce = false; m_bEnabled = true; m_szContext = NULL; m_bApplyContextToWorld = false; } Rule& operator =( const Rule& src ) { if ( this == &src ) return *this; int i; int c; c = src.m_Criteria.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { m_Criteria.AddToTail( src.m_Criteria[ i ] ); } c = src.m_Responses.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { m_Responses.AddToTail( src.m_Responses[ i ] ); } SetContext( src.m_szContext ); m_bMatchOnce = src.m_bMatchOnce; m_bEnabled = src.m_bEnabled; m_bApplyContextToWorld = src.m_bApplyContextToWorld; return *this; } Rule( const Rule& src ) { int i; int c; c = src.m_Criteria.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { m_Criteria.AddToTail( src.m_Criteria[ i ] ); } c = src.m_Responses.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { m_Responses.AddToTail( src.m_Responses[ i ] ); } SetContext( src.m_szContext ); m_bMatchOnce = src.m_bMatchOnce; m_bEnabled = src.m_bEnabled; m_bApplyContextToWorld = src.m_bApplyContextToWorld; } ~Rule() { delete[] m_szContext; } void SetContext( const char *context ) { delete[] m_szContext; m_szContext = CopyString( context ); } const char *GetContext( void ) const { return m_szContext; } bool IsEnabled() const { return m_bEnabled; } void Disable() { m_bEnabled = false; } bool IsMatchOnce() const { return m_bMatchOnce; } bool IsApplyContextToWorld() const { return m_bApplyContextToWorld; } // Indices into underlying criteria and response dictionaries CUtlVector< unsigned short > m_Criteria; CUtlVector< unsigned short> m_Responses; char *m_szContext; bool m_bApplyContextToWorld : 1; bool m_bMatchOnce : 1; bool m_bEnabled : 1; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract_class CResponseSystem : public IResponseSystem { public: CResponseSystem(); ~CResponseSystem(); // IResponseSystem virtual bool FindBestResponse( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, AI_Response& response, IResponseFilter *pFilter = NULL ); virtual void GetAllResponses( CUtlVector<AI_Response *> *pResponses ); virtual void Release() = 0; virtual void DumpRules(); virtual void Precache(); virtual void PrecacheResponses( bool bEnable ) { m_bPrecache = bEnable; } bool ShouldPrecache() { return m_bPrecache; } bool IsCustomManagable() { return m_bCustomManagable; } void Clear(); void DumpDictionary( const char *pszName ); protected: virtual const char *GetScriptFile( void ) = 0; void LoadRuleSet( const char *setname ); void ResetResponseGroups(); float LookForCriteria( const AI_CriteriaSet &criteriaSet, int iCriteria ); float RecursiveLookForCriteria( const AI_CriteriaSet &criteriaSet, Criteria *pParent ); public: void CopyRuleFrom( Rule *pSrcRule, int iRule, CResponseSystem *pCustomSystem ); void CopyCriteriaFrom( Rule *pSrcRule, Rule *pDstRule, CResponseSystem *pCustomSystem ); void CopyResponsesFrom( Rule *pSrcRule, Rule *pDstRule, CResponseSystem *pCustomSystem ); void CopyEnumerationsFrom( CResponseSystem *pCustomSystem ); //private: struct Enumeration { float value; }; struct ResponseSearchResult { ResponseSearchResult() { group = NULL; action = NULL; } ResponseGroup *group; Response *action; }; inline bool ParseToken( void ) { if ( m_bUnget ) { m_bUnget = false; return true; } if ( m_ScriptStack.Count() <= 0 ) { Assert( 0 ); return false; } m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].currenttoken = engine->ParseFile( m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].currenttoken, token, sizeof( token ) ); m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].tokencount++; return m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].currenttoken != NULL ? true : false; } inline void Unget() { m_bUnget = true; } inline bool TokenWaiting( void ) { if ( m_ScriptStack.Count() <= 0 ) { Assert( 0 ); return false; } const char *p = m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].currenttoken; if ( !p ) { Error( "AI_ResponseSystem: Unxpected TokenWaiting() with NULL buffer in %p", m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].name ); return false; } while ( *p && *p!='\n') { // Special handler for // comment blocks if ( *p == '/' && *(p+1) == '/' ) return false; if ( !isspace( *p ) || isalnum( *p ) ) return true; p++; } return false; } void ParseOneResponse( const char *responseGroupName, ResponseGroup& group ); void ParseInclude( CStringPool &includedFiles ); void ParseResponse( void ); void ParseCriterion( void ); void ParseRule( void ); void ParseEnumeration( void ); int ParseOneCriterion( const char *criterionName ); bool Compare( const char *setValue, Criteria *c, bool verbose = false ); bool CompareUsingMatcher( const char *setValue, Matcher& m, bool verbose = false ); void ComputeMatcher( Criteria *c, Matcher& matcher ); void ResolveToken( Matcher& matcher, char *token, size_t bufsize, char const *rawtoken ); float LookupEnumeration( const char *name, bool& found ); int FindBestMatchingRule( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, bool verbose ); float ScoreCriteriaAgainstRule( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, int irule, bool verbose = false ); float RecursiveScoreSubcriteriaAgainstRule( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, Criteria *parent, bool& exclude, bool verbose /*=false*/ ); float ScoreCriteriaAgainstRuleCriteria( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, int icriterion, bool& exclude, bool verbose = false ); bool GetBestResponse( ResponseSearchResult& result, Rule *rule, bool verbose = false, IResponseFilter *pFilter = NULL ); bool ResolveResponse( ResponseSearchResult& result, int depth, const char *name, bool verbose = false, IResponseFilter *pFilter = NULL ); int SelectWeightedResponseFromResponseGroup( ResponseGroup *g, IResponseFilter *pFilter ); void DescribeResponseGroup( ResponseGroup *group, int selected, int depth ); void DebugPrint( int depth, const char *fmt, ... ); void LoadFromBuffer( const char *scriptfile, const char *buffer, CStringPool &includedFiles ); void GetCurrentScript( char *buf, size_t buflen ); int GetCurrentToken() const; void SetCurrentScript( const char *script ); bool IsRootCommand(); void PushScript( const char *scriptfile, unsigned char *buffer ); void PopScript(void); void ResponseWarning( const char *fmt, ... ); CUtlDict< ResponseGroup, short > m_Responses; CUtlDict< Criteria, short > m_Criteria; CUtlDict< Rule, short > m_Rules; CUtlDict< Enumeration, short > m_Enumerations; char token[ 1204 ]; bool m_bUnget; bool m_bPrecache; bool m_bCustomManagable; struct ScriptEntry { unsigned char *buffer; FileNameHandle_t name; const char *currenttoken; int tokencount; }; CUtlVector< ScriptEntry > m_ScriptStack; friend class CDefaultResponseSystemSaveRestoreBlockHandler; friend class CResponseSystemSaveRestoreOps; }; BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( Response ) // DEFINE_FIELD( type, FIELD_INTEGER ), // DEFINE_ARRAY( value, FIELD_CHARACTER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( weight, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( depletioncount, FIELD_CHARACTER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( first, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), // DEFINE_FIELD( last, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), END_DATADESC() BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( ResponseGroup ) // DEFINE_FIELD( group, FIELD_UTLVECTOR ), // DEFINE_FIELD( rp, FIELD_EMBEDDED ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_nDepletionCount, FIELD_CHARACTER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_bHasFirst, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_bHasLast, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_bSequential, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_bNoRepeat, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bEnabled, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_nCurrentIndex, FIELD_CHARACTER ), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CResponseSystem::CResponseSystem() { token[0] = 0; m_bUnget = false; m_bPrecache = true; m_bCustomManagable = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CResponseSystem::~CResponseSystem() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : char const //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::GetCurrentScript( char *buf, size_t buflen ) { Assert( buf ); buf[ 0 ] = 0; if ( m_ScriptStack.Count() <= 0 ) return; if ( filesystem->String( m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].name, buf, buflen ) ) { return; } buf[ 0 ] = 0; } void CResponseSystem::PushScript( const char *scriptfile, unsigned char *buffer ) { ScriptEntry e; e.name = filesystem->FindOrAddFileName( scriptfile ); e.buffer = buffer; e.currenttoken = (char *)e.buffer; e.tokencount = 0; m_ScriptStack.AddToHead( e ); } void CResponseSystem::PopScript(void) { Assert( m_ScriptStack.Count() >= 1 ); if ( m_ScriptStack.Count() <= 0 ) return; m_ScriptStack.Remove( 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::Clear() { m_Responses.RemoveAll(); m_Criteria.RemoveAll(); m_Rules.RemoveAll(); m_Enumerations.RemoveAll(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *name - // found - // Output : float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CResponseSystem::LookupEnumeration( const char *name, bool& found ) { int idx = m_Enumerations.Find( name ); if ( idx == m_Enumerations.InvalidIndex() ) { found = false; return 0.0f; } found = true; return m_Enumerations[ idx ].value; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : matcher - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::ResolveToken( Matcher& matcher, char *token, size_t bufsize, char const *rawtoken ) { if ( rawtoken[0] != '[' ) { Q_strncpy( token, rawtoken, bufsize ); return; } // Now lookup enumeration bool found = false; float f = LookupEnumeration( rawtoken, found ); if ( !found ) { Q_strncpy( token, rawtoken, bufsize ); ResponseWarning( "No such enumeration '%s'\n", token ); return; } Q_snprintf( token, bufsize, "%f", f ); } static bool AppearsToBeANumber( char const *token ) { if ( atof( token ) != 0.0f ) return true; char const *p = token; while ( *p ) { if ( *p != '0' ) return false; p++; } return true; } void CResponseSystem::ComputeMatcher( Criteria *c, Matcher& matcher ) { const char *s = c->value; if ( !s ) { matcher.valid = false; return; } const char *in = s; char token[ 128 ]; char rawtoken[ 128 ]; token[ 0 ] = 0; rawtoken[ 0 ] = 0; int n = 0; bool gt = false; bool lt = false; bool eq = false; bool nt = false; bool done = false; while ( !done ) { switch( *in ) { case '>': { gt = true; Assert( !lt ); // Can't be both } break; case '<': { lt = true; Assert( !gt ); // Can't be both } break; case '=': { eq = true; } break; case ',': case '\0': { rawtoken[ n ] = 0; n = 0; // Convert raw token to real token in case token is an enumerated type specifier ResolveToken( matcher, token, sizeof( token ), rawtoken ); // Fill in first data set if ( gt ) { matcher.usemin = true; matcher.minequals = eq; matcher.minval = (float)atof( token ); matcher.isnumeric = true; } else if ( lt ) { matcher.usemax = true; matcher.maxequals = eq; matcher.maxval = (float)atof( token ); matcher.isnumeric = true; } else { if ( *in == ',' ) { // If there's a comma, this better have been a less than or a gt key Assert( 0 ); } matcher.notequal = nt; matcher.isnumeric = AppearsToBeANumber( token ); } gt = lt = eq = nt = false; if ( !(*in) ) { done = true; } } break; case '!': nt = true; break; default: rawtoken[ n++ ] = *in; break; } in++; } matcher.SetToken( token ); matcher.SetRaw( rawtoken ); matcher.valid = true; } bool CResponseSystem::CompareUsingMatcher( const char *setValue, Matcher& m, bool verbose /*=false*/ ) { if ( !m.valid ) return false; float v = (float)atof( setValue ); if ( setValue[0] == '[' ) { bool found = false; v = LookupEnumeration( setValue, found ); } int minmaxcount = 0; if ( m.usemin ) { if ( m.minequals ) { if ( v < m.minval ) return false; } else { if ( v <= m.minval ) return false; } ++minmaxcount; } if ( m.usemax ) { if ( m.maxequals ) { if ( v > m.maxval ) return false; } else { if ( v >= m.maxval ) return false; } ++minmaxcount; } // Had one or both criteria and met them if ( minmaxcount >= 1 ) { return true; } if ( m.notequal ) { if ( m.isnumeric ) { if ( v == (float)atof( m.GetToken() ) ) return false; } else { if ( !Q_stricmp( setValue, m.GetToken() ) ) return false; } return true; } if ( m.isnumeric ) { // If the setValue is "", the NPC doesn't have the key at all, // in which case we shouldn't match "0". if ( !setValue || !setValue[0] ) return false; return v == (float)atof( m.GetToken() ); } return !Q_stricmp( setValue, m.GetToken() ) ? true : false; } bool CResponseSystem::Compare( const char *setValue, Criteria *c, bool verbose /*= false*/ ) { Assert( c ); Assert( setValue ); bool bret = CompareUsingMatcher( setValue, c->matcher, verbose ); if ( verbose ) { DevMsg( "'%20s' vs. '%20s' = ", setValue, c->value ); { //DevMsg( "\n" ); //m.Describe(); } } return bret; } float CResponseSystem::RecursiveScoreSubcriteriaAgainstRule( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, Criteria *parent, bool& exclude, bool verbose /*=false*/ ) { float score = 0.0f; int subcount = parent->subcriteria.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < subcount; i++ ) { int icriterion = parent->subcriteria[ i ]; bool excludesubrule = false; if (verbose) { DevMsg( "\n" ); } score += ScoreCriteriaAgainstRuleCriteria( set, icriterion, excludesubrule, verbose ); } exclude = ( parent->required && score == 0.0f ) ? true : false; return score * parent->weight.GetFloat(); } float CResponseSystem::RecursiveLookForCriteria( const AI_CriteriaSet &criteriaSet, Criteria *pParent ) { float flScore = 0.0f; int nSubCount = pParent->subcriteria.Count(); for ( int iSub = 0; iSub < nSubCount; ++iSub ) { int iCriteria = pParent->subcriteria[iSub]; flScore += LookForCriteria( criteriaSet, iCriteria ); } return flScore; } float CResponseSystem::LookForCriteria( const AI_CriteriaSet &criteriaSet, int iCriteria ) { Criteria *pCriteria = &m_Criteria[iCriteria]; if ( pCriteria->IsSubCriteriaType() ) { return RecursiveLookForCriteria( criteriaSet, pCriteria ); } int iIndex = criteriaSet.FindCriterionIndex( pCriteria->name ); if ( iIndex == -1 ) return 0.0f; Assert( criteriaSet.GetValue( iIndex ) ); if ( Q_stricmp( criteriaSet.GetValue( iIndex ), pCriteria->value ) ) return 0.0f; return 1.0f; } float CResponseSystem::ScoreCriteriaAgainstRuleCriteria( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, int icriterion, bool& exclude, bool verbose /*=false*/ ) { Criteria *c = &m_Criteria[ icriterion ]; if ( c->IsSubCriteriaType() ) { return RecursiveScoreSubcriteriaAgainstRule( set, c, exclude, verbose ); } if ( verbose ) { DevMsg( " criterion '%25s':'%15s' ", m_Criteria.GetElementName( icriterion ), c->name ); } exclude = false; float score = 0.0f; const char *actualValue = ""; int found = set.FindCriterionIndex( c->name ); if ( found != -1 ) { actualValue = set.GetValue( found ); if ( !actualValue ) { Assert( 0 ); return score; } } Assert( actualValue ); if ( Compare( actualValue, c, verbose ) ) { float w = set.GetWeight( found ); score = w * c->weight.GetFloat(); if ( verbose ) { DevMsg( "matched, weight %4.2f (s %4.2f x c %4.2f)", score, w, c->weight.GetFloat() ); } } else { if ( c->required ) { exclude = true; if ( verbose ) { DevMsg( "failed (+exclude rule)" ); } } else { if ( verbose ) { DevMsg( "failed" ); } } } return score; } float CResponseSystem::ScoreCriteriaAgainstRule( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, int irule, bool verbose /*=false*/ ) { Rule *rule = &m_Rules[ irule ]; float score = 0.0f; bool bBeingWatched = false; // See if we're trying to debug this rule const char *pszText = rr_debugrule.GetString(); if ( pszText && pszText[0] && !Q_stricmp( pszText, m_Rules.GetElementName( irule ) ) ) { bBeingWatched = true; } if ( !rule->IsEnabled() ) { if ( bBeingWatched ) { DevMsg("Rule '%s' is disabled.\n", m_Rules.GetElementName( irule ) ); } return 0.0f; } if ( bBeingWatched ) { verbose = true; } if ( verbose ) { DevMsg( "Scoring rule '%s' (%i)\n{\n", m_Rules.GetElementName( irule ), irule+1 ); } // Iterate set criteria int count = rule->m_Criteria.Count(); int i; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { int icriterion = rule->m_Criteria[ i ]; bool exclude = false; score += ScoreCriteriaAgainstRuleCriteria( set, icriterion, exclude, verbose ); if ( verbose ) { DevMsg( ", score %4.2f\n", score ); } if ( exclude ) { score = 0.0f; break; } } if ( verbose ) { DevMsg( "}\n" ); } return score; } void CResponseSystem::DebugPrint( int depth, const char *fmt, ... ) { int indentchars = 3 * depth; char *indent = (char *)_alloca( indentchars + 1); indent[ indentchars ] = 0; while ( --indentchars >= 0 ) { indent[ indentchars ] = ' '; } // Dump text to debugging console. va_list argptr; char szText[1024]; va_start (argptr, fmt); Q_vsnprintf (szText, sizeof( szText ), fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); DevMsg( "%s%s", indent, szText ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::ResetResponseGroups() { int i; int c = m_Responses.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { m_Responses[ i ].Reset(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *g - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CResponseSystem::SelectWeightedResponseFromResponseGroup( ResponseGroup *g, IResponseFilter *pFilter ) { int c = g->group.Count(); if ( !c ) { Assert( !"Expecting response group with >= 1 elements" ); return -1; } int i; // Fake depletion of unavailable choices CUtlVector<int> fakedDepletes; if ( pFilter && g->ShouldCheckRepeats() ) { for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { Response *r = &g->group[ i ]; if ( r->depletioncount != g->GetDepletionCount() && !pFilter->IsValidResponse( r->GetType(), r->value ) ) { fakedDepletes.AddToTail( i ); g->MarkResponseUsed( i ); } } } if ( !g->HasUndepletedChoices() ) { g->ResetDepletionCount(); if ( pFilter && g->ShouldCheckRepeats() ) { fakedDepletes.RemoveAll(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { Response *r = &g->group[ i ]; if ( !pFilter->IsValidResponse( r->GetType(), r->value ) ) { fakedDepletes.AddToTail( i ); g->MarkResponseUsed( i ); } } } if ( !g->HasUndepletedChoices() ) return -1; // Disable the group if we looped through all the way if ( g->IsNoRepeat() ) { g->SetEnabled( false ); return -1; } } bool checkrepeats = g->ShouldCheckRepeats(); int depletioncount = g->GetDepletionCount(); float totalweight = 0.0f; int slot = -1; if ( checkrepeats ) { int check= -1; // Snag the first slot right away if ( g->HasUndepletedFirst( check ) && check != -1 ) { slot = check; } if ( slot == -1 && g->HasUndepletedLast( check ) && check != -1 ) { // If this is the only undepleted one, use it now for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { Response *r = &g->group[ i ]; if ( checkrepeats && ( r->depletioncount == depletioncount ) ) { continue; } if ( r->last ) { Assert( i == check ); continue; } // There's still another undepleted entry break; } // No more undepleted so use the r->last slot if ( i >= c ) { slot = check; } } } if ( slot == -1 ) { for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { Response *r = &g->group[ i ]; if ( checkrepeats && ( r->depletioncount == depletioncount ) ) { continue; } // Always skip last entry here since we will deal with it above if ( checkrepeats && r->last ) continue; int prevSlot = slot; if ( !totalweight ) { slot = i; } // Always assume very first slot will match totalweight += r->weight.GetFloat(); if ( !totalweight || random->RandomFloat(0,totalweight) < r->weight.GetFloat() ) { slot = i; } if ( !checkrepeats && slot != prevSlot && pFilter && !pFilter->IsValidResponse( r->GetType(), r->value ) ) { slot = prevSlot; totalweight -= r->weight.GetFloat(); } } } if ( slot != -1 ) g->MarkResponseUsed( slot ); // Revert fake depletion of unavailable choices if ( pFilter && g->ShouldCheckRepeats() ) { for ( i = 0; i < fakedDepletes.Count(); i++ ) { g->group[ fakedDepletes[ i ] ].depletioncount = 0;; } } return slot; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : searchResult - // depth - // *name - // verbose - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CResponseSystem::ResolveResponse( ResponseSearchResult& searchResult, int depth, const char *name, bool verbose /*= false*/, IResponseFilter *pFilter ) { int responseIndex = m_Responses.Find( name ); if ( responseIndex == m_Responses.InvalidIndex() ) return false; ResponseGroup *g = &m_Responses[ responseIndex ]; // Group has been disabled if ( !g->IsEnabled() ) return false; int c = g->group.Count(); if ( !c ) return false; int idx = 0; if ( g->IsSequential() ) { // See if next index is valid int initialIndex = g->GetCurrentIndex(); bool bFoundValid = false; do { idx = g->GetCurrentIndex(); g->SetCurrentIndex( idx + 1 ); if ( idx >= c ) { if ( g->IsNoRepeat() ) { g->SetEnabled( false ); return false; } idx = 0; g->SetCurrentIndex( 0 ); } if ( !pFilter || pFilter->IsValidResponse( g->group[idx].GetType(), g->group[idx].value ) ) { bFoundValid = true; break; } } while ( g->GetCurrentIndex() != initialIndex ); if ( !bFoundValid ) return false; } else { idx = SelectWeightedResponseFromResponseGroup( g, pFilter ); if ( idx < 0 ) return false; } if ( verbose ) { DebugPrint( depth, "%s\n", m_Responses.GetElementName( responseIndex ) ); DebugPrint( depth, "{\n" ); DescribeResponseGroup( g, idx, depth ); } bool bret = true; Response *result = &g->group[ idx ]; if ( result->type == RESPONSE_RESPONSE ) { // Recurse bret = ResolveResponse( searchResult, depth + 1, result->value, verbose, pFilter ); } else { searchResult.action = result; searchResult.group = g; } if( verbose ) { DebugPrint( depth, "}\n" ); } return bret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *group - // selected - // depth - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::DescribeResponseGroup( ResponseGroup *group, int selected, int depth ) { int c = group->group.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c ; i++ ) { Response *r = &group->group[ i ]; DebugPrint( depth + 1, "%s%20s : %40s %5.3f\n", i == selected ? "-> " : " ", AI_Response::DescribeResponse( r->GetType() ), r->value, r->weight.GetFloat() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *rule - // Output : CResponseSystem::Response //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CResponseSystem::GetBestResponse( ResponseSearchResult& searchResult, Rule *rule, bool verbose /*=false*/, IResponseFilter *pFilter ) { int c = rule->m_Responses.Count(); if ( !c ) return false; int index = random->RandomInt( 0, c - 1 ); int groupIndex = rule->m_Responses[ index ]; ResponseGroup *g = &m_Responses[ groupIndex ]; // Group has been disabled if ( !g->IsEnabled() ) return false; int count = g->group.Count(); if ( !count ) return false; int responseIndex = 0; if ( g->IsSequential() ) { // See if next index is valid int initialIndex = g->GetCurrentIndex(); bool bFoundValid = false; do { responseIndex = g->GetCurrentIndex(); g->SetCurrentIndex( responseIndex + 1 ); if ( responseIndex >= count ) { if ( g->IsNoRepeat() ) { g->SetEnabled( false ); return false; } responseIndex = 0; g->SetCurrentIndex( 0 ); } if ( !pFilter || pFilter->IsValidResponse( g->group[responseIndex].GetType(), g->group[responseIndex].value ) ) { bFoundValid = true; break; } } while ( g->GetCurrentIndex() != initialIndex ); if ( !bFoundValid ) return false; } else { responseIndex = SelectWeightedResponseFromResponseGroup( g, pFilter ); if ( responseIndex < 0 ) return false; } Response *r = &g->group[ responseIndex ]; int depth = 0; if ( verbose ) { DebugPrint( depth, "%s\n", m_Responses.GetElementName( groupIndex ) ); DebugPrint( depth, "{\n" ); DescribeResponseGroup( g, responseIndex, depth ); } bool bret = true; if ( r->type == RESPONSE_RESPONSE ) { bret = ResolveResponse( searchResult, depth + 1, r->value, verbose, pFilter ); } else { searchResult.action = r; searchResult.group = g; } if ( verbose ) { DebugPrint( depth, "}\n" ); } return bret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : set - // verbose - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CResponseSystem::FindBestMatchingRule( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, bool verbose ) { CUtlVector< int > bestrules; float bestscore = 0.001f; int c = m_Rules.Count(); int i; for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { float score = ScoreCriteriaAgainstRule( set, i, verbose ); // Check equals so that we keep track of all matching rules if ( score >= bestscore ) { // Reset bucket if( score != bestscore ) { bestscore = score; bestrules.RemoveAll(); } // Add to bucket bestrules.AddToTail( i ); } } int bestCount = bestrules.Count(); if ( bestCount <= 0 ) return -1; if ( bestCount == 1 ) return bestrules[ 0 ]; // Randomly pick one of the tied matching rules int idx = random->RandomInt( 0, bestCount - 1 ); if ( verbose ) { DevMsg( "Found %i matching rules, selecting slot %i\n", bestCount, idx ); } return bestrules[ idx ]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : set - // Output : AI_Response //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CResponseSystem::FindBestResponse( const AI_CriteriaSet& set, AI_Response& response, IResponseFilter *pFilter ) { bool valid = false; int iDbgResponse = rr_debugresponses.GetInt(); bool showRules = ( iDbgResponse == 2 ); bool showResult = ( iDbgResponse == 1 || iDbgResponse == 2 ); // Look for match. verbose mode used to be at level 2, but disabled because the writers don't actually care for that info. int bestRule = FindBestMatchingRule( set, iDbgResponse == 3 ); ResponseType_t responseType = RESPONSE_NONE; AI_ResponseParams rp; char ruleName[ 128 ]; char responseName[ 128 ]; const char *context; bool bcontexttoworld; ruleName[ 0 ] = 0; responseName[ 0 ] = 0; context = NULL; bcontexttoworld = false; if ( bestRule != -1 ) { Rule *r = &m_Rules[ bestRule ]; ResponseSearchResult result; if ( GetBestResponse( result, r, showResult, pFilter ) ) { Q_strncpy( responseName, result.action->value, sizeof( responseName ) ); responseType = result.action->GetType(); rp = result.group->rp; } Q_strncpy( ruleName, m_Rules.GetElementName( bestRule ), sizeof( ruleName ) ); // Disable the rule if it only allows for matching one time if ( r->IsMatchOnce() ) { r->Disable(); } context = r->GetContext(); bcontexttoworld = r->IsApplyContextToWorld(); valid = true; } response.Init( responseType, responseName, set, rp, ruleName, context, bcontexttoworld ); if ( showResult ) { /* // clipped -- chet doesn't really want this info if ( valid ) { // Rescore the winner and dump to console ScoreCriteriaAgainstRule( set, bestRule, true ); } */ if ( valid || showRules ) { // Describe the response, too response.Describe(); } } return valid; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::GetAllResponses( CUtlVector<AI_Response *> *pResponses ) { for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_Responses.Count(); i++ ) { ResponseGroup &group = m_Responses[i]; for ( int j = 0; j < group.group.Count(); j++) { Response &response = group.group[j]; if ( response.type != RESPONSE_RESPONSE ) { AI_Response *pResponse = new AI_Response; pResponse->Init( response.GetType(), response.value, AI_CriteriaSet(), group.rp, NULL, NULL, false ); pResponses->AddToTail(pResponse); } } } } static void TouchFile( char const *pchFileName ) { filesystem->Size( pchFileName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::Precache() { bool bTouchFiles = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-makereslists" ) != 0; // enumerate and mark all the scripts so we know they're referenced for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_Responses.Count(); i++ ) { ResponseGroup &group = m_Responses[i]; for ( int j = 0; j < group.group.Count(); j++) { Response &response = group.group[j]; switch ( response.type ) { default: break; case RESPONSE_SCENE: { // fixup $gender references char file[_MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( file, response.value, sizeof(file) ); char *gender = strstr( file, "$gender" ); if ( gender ) { // replace with male & female const char *postGender = gender + strlen("$gender"); *gender = 0; char genderFile[_MAX_PATH]; // male Q_snprintf( genderFile, sizeof(genderFile), "%smale%s", file, postGender); PrecacheInstancedScene( genderFile ); if ( bTouchFiles ) { TouchFile( genderFile ); } Q_snprintf( genderFile, sizeof(genderFile), "%sfemale%s", file, postGender); PrecacheInstancedScene( genderFile ); if ( bTouchFiles ) { TouchFile( genderFile ); } } else { PrecacheInstancedScene( file ); if ( bTouchFiles ) { TouchFile( file ); } } } break; case RESPONSE_SPEAK: { CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( response.value ); } break; } } } } void CResponseSystem::ParseInclude( CStringPool &includedFiles ) { char includefile[ 256 ]; ParseToken(); Q_snprintf( includefile, sizeof( includefile ), "scripts/%s", token ); // check if the file is already included if ( includedFiles.Find( includefile ) != NULL ) { return; } MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); // Try and load it CUtlBuffer buf; if ( !filesystem->ReadFile( includefile, "GAME", buf ) ) { DevMsg( "Unable to load #included script %s\n", includefile ); return; } LoadFromBuffer( includefile, (const char *)buf.PeekGet(), includedFiles ); } void CResponseSystem::LoadFromBuffer( const char *scriptfile, const char *buffer, CStringPool &includedFiles ) { includedFiles.Allocate( scriptfile ); PushScript( scriptfile, (unsigned char * )buffer ); if( rr_dumpresponses.GetBool() ) { DevMsg("Reading: %s\n", scriptfile ); } while ( 1 ) { ParseToken(); if ( !token[0] ) { break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "#include" ) ) { ParseInclude( includedFiles ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "response" ) ) { ParseResponse(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "criterion" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "criteria" ) ) { ParseCriterion(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "rule" ) ) { ParseRule(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "enumeration" ) ) { ParseEnumeration(); } else { int byteoffset = m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].currenttoken - (const char *)m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].buffer; Error( "CResponseSystem::LoadFromBuffer: Unknown entry type '%s', expecting 'response', 'criterion', 'enumeration' or 'rules' in file %s(offset:%i)\n", token, scriptfile, byteoffset ); break; } } if ( m_ScriptStack.Count() == 1 ) { char cur[ 256 ]; GetCurrentScript( cur, sizeof( cur ) ); DevMsg( 1, "CResponseSystem: %s (%i rules, %i criteria, and %i responses)\n", cur, m_Rules.Count(), m_Criteria.Count(), m_Responses.Count() ); if( rr_dumpresponses.GetBool() ) { DumpRules(); } } PopScript(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::LoadRuleSet( const char *basescript ) { int length = 0; unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)UTIL_LoadFileForMe( basescript, &length ); if ( length <= 0 || !buffer ) { DevMsg( 1, "CResponseSystem: failed to load %s\n", basescript ); return; } CStringPool includedFiles; LoadFromBuffer( basescript, (const char *)buffer, includedFiles ); UTIL_FreeFile( buffer ); Assert( m_ScriptStack.Count() == 0 ); } static ResponseType_t ComputeResponseType( const char *s ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( s, "scene" ) ) { return RESPONSE_SCENE; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( s, "sentence" ) ) { return RESPONSE_SENTENCE; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( s, "speak" ) ) { return RESPONSE_SPEAK; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( s, "response" ) ) { return RESPONSE_RESPONSE; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( s, "print" ) ) { return RESPONSE_PRINT; } return RESPONSE_NONE; } void CResponseSystem::ParseOneResponse( const char *responseGroupName, ResponseGroup& group ) { Response newResponse; newResponse.weight.SetFloat( 1.0f ); AI_ResponseParams *rp = &group.rp; newResponse.type = ComputeResponseType( token ); if ( RESPONSE_NONE == newResponse.type ) { ResponseWarning( "response entry '%s' with unknown response type '%s'\n", responseGroupName, token ); return; } ParseToken(); newResponse.value = CopyString( token ); while ( TokenWaiting() ) { ParseToken(); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "weight" ) ) { ParseToken(); newResponse.weight.SetFloat( (float)atof( token ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "predelay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DELAYBEFORESPEAK; rp->predelay.FromInterval( ReadInterval( token ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "nodelay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DELAYAFTERSPEAK; rp->delay.start = 0; rp->delay.range = 0; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "defaultdelay" ) ) { rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DELAYAFTERSPEAK; rp->delay.start = AIS_DEF_MIN_DELAY; rp->delay.range = ( AIS_DEF_MAX_DELAY - AIS_DEF_MIN_DELAY ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "delay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DELAYAFTERSPEAK; rp->delay.FromInterval( ReadInterval( token ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "speakonce" ) ) { rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_SPEAKONCE; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "noscene" ) ) { rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DONT_USE_SCENE; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "stop_on_nonidle" ) ) { rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_STOP_ON_NONIDLE; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "odds" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_ODDS; rp->odds = clamp( atoi( token ), 0, 100 ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "respeakdelay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_RESPEAKDELAY; rp->respeakdelay.FromInterval( ReadInterval( token ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "weapondelay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_WEAPONDELAY; rp->weapondelay.FromInterval( ReadInterval( token ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "soundlevel" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_SOUNDLEVEL; rp->soundlevel = (soundlevel_t)TextToSoundLevel( token ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "displayfirst" ) ) { newResponse.first = true; group.m_bHasFirst = true; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "displaylast" ) ) { newResponse.last = true; group.m_bHasLast= true; continue; } ResponseWarning( "response entry '%s' with unknown command '%s'\n", responseGroupName, token ); } group.group.AddToTail( newResponse ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CResponseSystem::IsRootCommand() { if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "#include" ) ) return true; if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "response" ) ) return true; if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "enumeration" ) ) return true; if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "criteria" ) ) return true; if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "criterion" ) ) return true; if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "rule" ) ) return true; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *kv - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::ParseResponse( void ) { // Should have groupname at start char responseGroupName[ 128 ]; ResponseGroup newGroup; AI_ResponseParams *rp = &newGroup.rp; // Response Group Name ParseToken(); Q_strncpy( responseGroupName, token, sizeof( responseGroupName ) ); while ( 1 ) { ParseToken(); // Oops, part of next definition if( IsRootCommand() ) { Unget(); break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) { while ( 1 ) { ParseToken(); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) break; if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "permitrepeats" ) ) { newGroup.m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat = false; continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sequential" ) ) { newGroup.SetSequential( true ); continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "norepeat" ) ) { newGroup.SetNoRepeat( true ); continue; } ParseOneResponse( responseGroupName, newGroup ); } break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "predelay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DELAYBEFORESPEAK; rp->predelay.FromInterval( ReadInterval( token ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "nodelay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DELAYAFTERSPEAK; rp->delay.start = 0; rp->delay.range = 0; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "defaultdelay" ) ) { rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DELAYAFTERSPEAK; rp->delay.start = AIS_DEF_MIN_DELAY; rp->delay.range = ( AIS_DEF_MAX_DELAY - AIS_DEF_MIN_DELAY ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "delay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DELAYAFTERSPEAK; rp->delay.FromInterval( ReadInterval( token ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "speakonce" ) ) { rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_SPEAKONCE; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "noscene" ) ) { rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_DONT_USE_SCENE; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "stop_on_nonidle" ) ) { rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_STOP_ON_NONIDLE; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "odds" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_ODDS; rp->odds = clamp( atoi( token ), 0, 100 ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "respeakdelay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_RESPEAKDELAY; rp->respeakdelay.FromInterval( ReadInterval( token ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "weapondelay" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_WEAPONDELAY; rp->weapondelay.FromInterval( ReadInterval( token ) ); continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "soundlevel" ) ) { ParseToken(); rp->flags |= AI_ResponseParams::RG_SOUNDLEVEL; rp->soundlevel = (soundlevel_t)TextToSoundLevel( token ); continue; } ParseOneResponse( responseGroupName, newGroup ); } m_Responses.Insert( responseGroupName, newGroup ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *criterion - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CResponseSystem::ParseOneCriterion( const char *criterionName ) { char key[ 128 ]; char value[ 128 ]; Criteria newCriterion; bool gotbody = false; while ( TokenWaiting() || !gotbody ) { ParseToken(); // Oops, part of next definition if( IsRootCommand() ) { Unget(); break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) { gotbody = true; while ( 1 ) { ParseToken(); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) break; // Look up subcriteria index int idx = m_Criteria.Find( token ); if ( idx != m_Criteria.InvalidIndex() ) { newCriterion.subcriteria.AddToTail( idx ); } else { ResponseWarning( "Skipping unrecongized subcriterion '%s' in '%s'\n", token, criterionName ); } } continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "required" ) ) { newCriterion.required = true; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "weight" ) ) { ParseToken(); newCriterion.weight.SetFloat( (float)atof( token ) ); } else { Assert( newCriterion.subcriteria.Count() == 0 ); // Assume it's the math info for a non-subcriteria resposne Q_strncpy( key, token, sizeof( key ) ); ParseToken(); Q_strncpy( value, token, sizeof( value ) ); newCriterion.name = CopyString( key ); newCriterion.value = CopyString( value ); gotbody = true; } } if ( !newCriterion.IsSubCriteriaType() ) { ComputeMatcher( &newCriterion, newCriterion.matcher ); } if ( m_Criteria.Find( criterionName ) != m_Criteria.InvalidIndex() ) { ResponseWarning( "Multiple definitions for criteria '%s'\n", criterionName ); return m_Criteria.InvalidIndex(); } int idx = m_Criteria.Insert( criterionName, newCriterion ); return idx; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *kv - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::ParseCriterion( void ) { // Should have groupname at start char criterionName[ 128 ]; ParseToken(); Q_strncpy( criterionName, token, sizeof( criterionName ) ); ParseOneCriterion( criterionName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *kv - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::ParseEnumeration( void ) { char enumerationName[ 128 ]; ParseToken(); Q_strncpy( enumerationName, token, sizeof( enumerationName ) ); ParseToken(); if ( Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) { ResponseWarning( "Expecting '{' in enumeration '%s', got '%s'\n", enumerationName, token ); return; } while ( 1 ) { ParseToken(); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) break; if ( Q_strlen( token ) <= 0 ) { ResponseWarning( "Expecting more tokens in enumeration '%s'\n", enumerationName ); break; } char key[ 128 ]; Q_strncpy( key, token, sizeof( key ) ); ParseToken(); float value = (float)atof( token ); char sz[ 128 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "[%s::%s]", enumerationName, key ); Q_strlower( sz ); Enumeration newEnum; newEnum.value = value; if ( m_Enumerations.Find( sz ) == m_Enumerations.InvalidIndex() ) { m_Enumerations.Insert( sz, newEnum ); } /* else { ResponseWarning( "Ignoring duplication enumeration '%s'\n", sz ); } */ } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *kv - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::ParseRule( void ) { static int instancedCriteria = 0; char ruleName[ 128 ]; ParseToken(); Q_strncpy( ruleName, token, sizeof( ruleName ) ); ParseToken(); if ( Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) { ResponseWarning( "Expecting '{' in rule '%s', got '%s'\n", ruleName, token ); return; } // entries are "criteria", "response" or an in-line criteria to instance Rule newRule; char sz[ 128 ]; bool validRule = true; while ( 1 ) { ParseToken(); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } if ( Q_strlen( token ) <= 0 ) { ResponseWarning( "Expecting more tokens in rule '%s'\n", ruleName ); break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "matchonce" ) ) { newRule.m_bMatchOnce = true; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "applyContextToWorld" ) ) { newRule.m_bApplyContextToWorld = true; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "applyContext" ) ) { ParseToken(); if ( newRule.GetContext() == NULL ) { newRule.SetContext( token ); } else { CFmtStrN<1024> newContext( "%s,%s", newRule.GetContext(), token ); newRule.SetContext( newContext ); } continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "response" ) ) { // Read them until we run out. while ( TokenWaiting() ) { ParseToken(); int idx = m_Responses.Find( token ); if ( idx != m_Responses.InvalidIndex() ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); newRule.m_Responses.AddToTail( idx ); } else { validRule = false; ResponseWarning( "No such response '%s' for rule '%s'\n", token, ruleName ); } } continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "criteria" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "criterion" ) ) { // Read them until we run out. while ( TokenWaiting() ) { ParseToken(); int idx = m_Criteria.Find( token ); if ( idx != m_Criteria.InvalidIndex() ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); newRule.m_Criteria.AddToTail( idx ); } else { validRule = false; ResponseWarning( "No such criterion '%s' for rule '%s'\n", token, ruleName ); } } continue; } // It's an inline criteria, generate a name and parse it in Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "[%s%03i]", ruleName, ++instancedCriteria ); Unget(); int idx = ParseOneCriterion( sz ); if ( idx != m_Criteria.InvalidIndex() ) { newRule.m_Criteria.AddToTail( idx ); } } if ( validRule ) { m_Rules.Insert( ruleName, newRule ); } else { DevMsg( "Discarded rule %s\n", ruleName ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CResponseSystem::GetCurrentToken() const { if ( m_ScriptStack.Count() <= 0 ) return -1; return m_ScriptStack[ 0 ].tokencount; } void CResponseSystem::ResponseWarning( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; #ifndef _XBOX static char string[1024]; #else char string[1024]; #endif va_start (argptr, fmt); Q_vsnprintf(string, sizeof(string), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); char cur[ 256 ]; GetCurrentScript( cur, sizeof( cur ) ); DevMsg( 1, "%s(token %i) : %s", cur, GetCurrentToken(), string ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::CopyCriteriaFrom( Rule *pSrcRule, Rule *pDstRule, CResponseSystem *pCustomSystem ) { // Add criteria from this rule to global list in custom response system. int nCriteriaCount = pSrcRule->m_Criteria.Count(); for ( int iCriteria = 0; iCriteria < nCriteriaCount; ++iCriteria ) { int iSrcIndex = pSrcRule->m_Criteria[iCriteria]; Criteria *pSrcCriteria = &m_Criteria[iSrcIndex]; if ( pSrcCriteria ) { int iIndex = pCustomSystem->m_Criteria.Find( m_Criteria.GetElementName( iSrcIndex ) ); if ( iIndex != pCustomSystem->m_Criteria.InvalidIndex() ) { pDstRule->m_Criteria.AddToTail( iIndex ); continue; } // Add the criteria. Criteria dstCriteria; dstCriteria.name = CopyString( pSrcCriteria->name ); dstCriteria.value = CopyString( pSrcCriteria->value ); dstCriteria.weight = pSrcCriteria->weight; dstCriteria.required = pSrcCriteria->required; dstCriteria.matcher = pSrcCriteria->matcher; int nSubCriteriaCount = pSrcCriteria->subcriteria.Count(); for ( int iSubCriteria = 0; iSubCriteria < nSubCriteriaCount; ++iSubCriteria ) { int iSrcSubIndex = pSrcCriteria->subcriteria[iSubCriteria]; Criteria *pSrcSubCriteria = &m_Criteria[iSrcSubIndex]; if ( pSrcCriteria ) { int iSubIndex = pCustomSystem->m_Criteria.Find( pSrcSubCriteria->value ); if ( iSubIndex != pCustomSystem->m_Criteria.InvalidIndex() ) continue; // Add the criteria. Criteria dstSubCriteria; dstSubCriteria.name = CopyString( pSrcSubCriteria->name ); dstSubCriteria.value = CopyString( pSrcSubCriteria->value ); dstSubCriteria.weight = pSrcSubCriteria->weight; dstSubCriteria.required = pSrcSubCriteria->required; dstSubCriteria.matcher = pSrcSubCriteria->matcher; int iSubInsertIndex = pCustomSystem->m_Criteria.Insert( pSrcSubCriteria->value, dstSubCriteria ); dstCriteria.subcriteria.AddToTail( iSubInsertIndex ); } } int iInsertIndex = pCustomSystem->m_Criteria.Insert( m_Criteria.GetElementName( iSrcIndex ), dstCriteria ); pDstRule->m_Criteria.AddToTail( iInsertIndex ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::CopyResponsesFrom( Rule *pSrcRule, Rule *pDstRule, CResponseSystem *pCustomSystem ) { // Add responses from this rule to global list in custom response system. int nResponseGroupCount = pSrcRule->m_Responses.Count(); for ( int iResponseGroup = 0; iResponseGroup < nResponseGroupCount; ++iResponseGroup ) { int iSrcResponseGroup = pSrcRule->m_Responses[iResponseGroup]; ResponseGroup *pSrcResponseGroup = &m_Responses[iSrcResponseGroup]; if ( pSrcResponseGroup ) { // Add response group. ResponseGroup dstResponseGroup; dstResponseGroup.rp = pSrcResponseGroup->rp; dstResponseGroup.m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat = pSrcResponseGroup->m_bDepleteBeforeRepeat; dstResponseGroup.m_nDepletionCount = pSrcResponseGroup->m_nDepletionCount; dstResponseGroup.m_bHasFirst = pSrcResponseGroup->m_bHasFirst; dstResponseGroup.m_bHasLast = pSrcResponseGroup->m_bHasLast; dstResponseGroup.m_bSequential = pSrcResponseGroup->m_bSequential; dstResponseGroup.m_bNoRepeat = pSrcResponseGroup->m_bNoRepeat; dstResponseGroup.m_bEnabled = pSrcResponseGroup->m_bEnabled; dstResponseGroup.m_nCurrentIndex = pSrcResponseGroup->m_nCurrentIndex; int nSrcResponseCount = pSrcResponseGroup->group.Count(); for ( int iResponse = 0; iResponse < nSrcResponseCount; ++iResponse ) { Response *pSrcResponse = &pSrcResponseGroup->group[iResponse]; if ( pSrcResponse ) { // Add Response Response dstResponse; dstResponse.weight = pSrcResponse->weight; dstResponse.type = pSrcResponse->type; dstResponse.value = CopyString( pSrcResponse->value ); dstResponse.depletioncount = pSrcResponse->depletioncount; dstResponse.first = pSrcResponse->first; dstResponse.last = pSrcResponse->last; dstResponseGroup.group.AddToTail( dstResponse ); } } int iInsertIndex = pCustomSystem->m_Responses.Insert( m_Responses.GetElementName( iSrcResponseGroup ), dstResponseGroup ); pDstRule->m_Responses.AddToTail( iInsertIndex ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::CopyEnumerationsFrom( CResponseSystem *pCustomSystem ) { int nEnumerationCount = m_Enumerations.Count(); for ( int iEnumeration = 0; iEnumeration < nEnumerationCount; ++iEnumeration ) { Enumeration *pSrcEnumeration = &m_Enumerations[iEnumeration]; if ( pSrcEnumeration ) { Enumeration dstEnumeration; dstEnumeration.value = pSrcEnumeration->value; pCustomSystem->m_Enumerations.Insert( m_Enumerations.GetElementName( iEnumeration ), dstEnumeration ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::CopyRuleFrom( Rule *pSrcRule, int iRule, CResponseSystem *pCustomSystem ) { // Verify data. Assert( pSrcRule ); Assert( pCustomSystem ); if ( !pSrcRule || !pCustomSystem ) return; // New rule Rule dstRule; dstRule.SetContext( pSrcRule->GetContext() ); dstRule.m_bMatchOnce = pSrcRule->m_bMatchOnce; dstRule.m_bEnabled = pSrcRule->m_bEnabled; dstRule.m_bApplyContextToWorld = pSrcRule->m_bApplyContextToWorld; // Copy off criteria. CopyCriteriaFrom( pSrcRule, &dstRule, pCustomSystem ); // Copy off responses. CopyResponsesFrom( pSrcRule, &dstRule, pCustomSystem ); // Copy off enumerations - Don't think we use these. // CopyEnumerationsFrom( pCustomSystem ); // Add rule. pCustomSystem->m_Rules.Insert( m_Rules.GetElementName( iRule ), dstRule ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A special purpose response system associated with a custom entity //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CInstancedResponseSystem : public CResponseSystem { typedef CResponseSystem BaseClass; public: CInstancedResponseSystem( const char *scriptfile ) : m_pszScriptFile( 0 ) { Assert( scriptfile ); int len = Q_strlen( scriptfile ) + 1; m_pszScriptFile = new char[ len ]; Assert( m_pszScriptFile ); Q_strncpy( m_pszScriptFile, scriptfile, len ); } ~CInstancedResponseSystem() { delete[] m_pszScriptFile; } virtual const char *GetScriptFile( void ) { Assert( m_pszScriptFile ); return m_pszScriptFile; } // CAutoGameSystem virtual bool Init() { const char *basescript = GetScriptFile(); LoadRuleSet( basescript ); return true; } virtual void LevelInitPostEntity() { ResetResponseGroups(); } virtual void Release() { Clear(); delete this; } private: char *m_pszScriptFile; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The default response system for expressive AIs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDefaultResponseSystem : public CResponseSystem, public CAutoGameSystem { typedef CAutoGameSystem BaseClass; public: CDefaultResponseSystem() : CAutoGameSystem( "CDefaultResponseSystem" ) { } virtual const char *GetScriptFile( void ) { return "scripts/talker/response_rules.txt"; } // CAutoServerSystem virtual bool Init(); virtual void Shutdown(); virtual void LevelInitPostEntity() { } virtual void Release() { Assert( 0 ); } void AddInstancedResponseSystem( const char *scriptfile, CInstancedResponseSystem *sys ) { m_InstancedSystems.Insert( scriptfile, sys ); } CInstancedResponseSystem *FindResponseSystem( const char *scriptfile ) { int idx = m_InstancedSystems.Find( scriptfile ); if ( idx == m_InstancedSystems.InvalidIndex() ) return NULL; return m_InstancedSystems[ idx ]; } IResponseSystem *PrecacheCustomResponseSystem( const char *scriptfile ) { CInstancedResponseSystem *sys = ( CInstancedResponseSystem * )FindResponseSystem( scriptfile ); if ( !sys ) { sys = new CInstancedResponseSystem( scriptfile ); if ( !sys ) { Error( "Failed to load response system data from %s", scriptfile ); } if ( !sys->Init() ) { Error( "CInstancedResponseSystem: Failed to init response system from %s!", scriptfile ); } AddInstancedResponseSystem( scriptfile, sys ); } sys->Precache(); return ( IResponseSystem * )sys; } IResponseSystem *BuildCustomResponseSystemGivenCriteria( const char *pszBaseFile, const char *pszCustomName, AI_CriteriaSet &criteriaSet, float flCriteriaScore ); void DestroyCustomResponseSystems(); virtual void LevelInitPreEntity() { // This will precache the default system // All user installed systems are init'd by PrecacheCustomResponseSystem which will call sys->Precache() on the ones being used // FIXME: This is SLOW the first time you run the engine (can take 3 - 10 seconds!!!) if ( ShouldPrecache() ) { Precache(); } ResetResponseGroups(); } void ReloadAllResponseSystems() { Clear(); Init(); int c = m_InstancedSystems.Count(); for ( int i = c - 1 ; i >= 0; i-- ) { CInstancedResponseSystem *sys = m_InstancedSystems[ i ]; if ( !IsCustomManagable() ) { sys->Clear(); sys->Init(); } else { // Custom reponse rules will manage/reload themselves - remove them. m_InstancedSystems.RemoveAt( i ); } } } private: void ClearInstanced() { int c = m_InstancedSystems.Count(); for ( int i = c - 1 ; i >= 0; i-- ) { CInstancedResponseSystem *sys = m_InstancedSystems[ i ]; sys->Release(); } m_InstancedSystems.RemoveAll(); } CUtlDict< CInstancedResponseSystem *, int > m_InstancedSystems; }; IResponseSystem *CDefaultResponseSystem::BuildCustomResponseSystemGivenCriteria( const char *pszBaseFile, const char *pszCustomName, AI_CriteriaSet &criteriaSet, float flCriteriaScore ) { // Create a instanced response system. CInstancedResponseSystem *pCustomSystem = new CInstancedResponseSystem( pszCustomName ); if ( !pCustomSystem ) { Error( "BuildCustomResponseSystemGivenCriterea: Failed to create custom response system %s!", pszCustomName ); } pCustomSystem->Clear(); // Copy the relevant rules and data. int nRuleCount = m_Rules.Count(); for ( int iRule = 0; iRule < nRuleCount; ++iRule ) { Rule *pRule = &m_Rules[iRule]; if ( pRule ) { float flScore = 0.0f; int nCriteriaCount = pRule->m_Criteria.Count(); for ( int iCriteria = 0; iCriteria < nCriteriaCount; ++iCriteria ) { int iRuleCriteria = pRule->m_Criteria[iCriteria]; flScore += LookForCriteria( criteriaSet, iRuleCriteria ); if ( flScore >= flCriteriaScore ) { CopyRuleFrom( pRule, iRule, pCustomSystem ); break; } } } } // Set as a custom response system. m_bCustomManagable = true; AddInstancedResponseSystem( pszCustomName, pCustomSystem ); // pCustomSystem->DumpDictionary( pszCustomName ); return pCustomSystem; } void CDefaultResponseSystem::DestroyCustomResponseSystems() { ClearInstanced(); } static CDefaultResponseSystem defaultresponsesytem; IResponseSystem *g_pResponseSystem = &defaultresponsesytem; CON_COMMAND( rr_reloadresponsesystems, "Reload all response system scripts." ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return; defaultresponsesytem.ReloadAllResponseSystems(); #if defined( TF_DLL ) // This is kind of hacky, but I need to get it in for now! if( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() ) { CMultiplayRules *pMultiplayRules = static_cast<CMultiplayRules*>( g_pGameRules ); pMultiplayRules->InitCustomResponseRulesDicts(); } #endif } static short RESPONSESYSTEM_SAVE_RESTORE_VERSION = 1; // note: this won't save/restore settings from instanced response systems. Could add that with a CDefSaveRestoreOps implementation if needed // class CDefaultResponseSystemSaveRestoreBlockHandler : public CDefSaveRestoreBlockHandler { public: const char *GetBlockName() { return "ResponseSystem"; } void WriteSaveHeaders( ISave *pSave ) { pSave->WriteShort( &RESPONSESYSTEM_SAVE_RESTORE_VERSION ); } void ReadRestoreHeaders( IRestore *pRestore ) { // No reason why any future version shouldn't try to retain backward compatability. The default here is to not do so. short version; pRestore->ReadShort( &version ); m_fDoLoad = ( version == RESPONSESYSTEM_SAVE_RESTORE_VERSION ); } void Save( ISave *pSave ) { CDefaultResponseSystem& rs = defaultresponsesytem; int count = rs.m_Responses.Count(); pSave->WriteInt( &count ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { pSave->StartBlock( "ResponseGroup" ); pSave->WriteString( rs.m_Responses.GetElementName( i ) ); const ResponseGroup *group = &rs.m_Responses[ i ]; pSave->WriteAll( group ); short groupCount = group->group.Count(); pSave->WriteShort( &groupCount ); for ( int j = 0; j < groupCount; ++j ) { const Response *response = &group->group[ j ]; pSave->StartBlock( "Response" ); pSave->WriteString( response->value ); pSave->WriteAll( response ); pSave->EndBlock(); } pSave->EndBlock(); } } void Restore( IRestore *pRestore, bool createPlayers ) { if ( !m_fDoLoad ) return; CDefaultResponseSystem& rs = defaultresponsesytem; int count = pRestore->ReadInt(); for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { char szResponseGroupBlockName[SIZE_BLOCK_NAME_BUF]; pRestore->StartBlock( szResponseGroupBlockName ); if ( !Q_stricmp( szResponseGroupBlockName, "ResponseGroup" ) ) { char groupname[ 256 ]; pRestore->ReadString( groupname, sizeof( groupname ), 0 ); // Try and find it int idx = rs.m_Responses.Find( groupname ); if ( idx != rs.m_Responses.InvalidIndex() ) { ResponseGroup *group = &rs.m_Responses[ idx ]; pRestore->ReadAll( group ); short groupCount = pRestore->ReadShort(); for ( int j = 0; j < groupCount; ++j ) { char szResponseBlockName[SIZE_BLOCK_NAME_BUF]; char responsename[ 256 ]; pRestore->StartBlock( szResponseBlockName ); if ( !Q_stricmp( szResponseBlockName, "Response" ) ) { pRestore->ReadString( responsename, sizeof( responsename ), 0 ); // Find it by name int ri; for ( ri = 0; ri < group->group.Count(); ++ri ) { Response *response = &group->group[ ri ]; if ( !Q_stricmp( response->value, responsename ) ) { break; } } if ( ri < group->group.Count() ) { Response *response = &group->group[ ri ]; pRestore->ReadAll( response ); } } pRestore->EndBlock(); } } } pRestore->EndBlock(); } } private: bool m_fDoLoad; } g_DefaultResponseSystemSaveRestoreBlockHandler; ISaveRestoreBlockHandler *GetDefaultResponseSystemSaveRestoreBlockHandler() { return &g_DefaultResponseSystemSaveRestoreBlockHandler; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CResponseSystemSaveRestoreOps // // Purpose: Handles save and load for instanced response systems... // // BUGBUG: This will save the same response system to file multiple times for "shared" response systems and // therefore it'll restore the same data onto the same pointer N times on reload (probably benign for now, but we could // write code to save/restore the instanced ones by filename in the block handler above maybe? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CResponseSystemSaveRestoreOps : public CDefSaveRestoreOps { public: virtual void Save( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t &fieldInfo, ISave *pSave ) { CResponseSystem *pRS = *(CResponseSystem **)fieldInfo.pField; if ( !pRS || pRS == &defaultresponsesytem ) return; int count = pRS->m_Responses.Count(); pSave->WriteInt( &count ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { pSave->StartBlock( "ResponseGroup" ); pSave->WriteString( pRS->m_Responses.GetElementName( i ) ); const ResponseGroup *group = &pRS->m_Responses[ i ]; pSave->WriteAll( group ); short groupCount = group->group.Count(); pSave->WriteShort( &groupCount ); for ( int j = 0; j < groupCount; ++j ) { const Response *response = &group->group[ j ]; pSave->StartBlock( "Response" ); pSave->WriteString( response->value ); pSave->WriteAll( response ); pSave->EndBlock(); } pSave->EndBlock(); } } virtual void Restore( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t &fieldInfo, IRestore *pRestore ) { CResponseSystem *pRS = *(CResponseSystem **)fieldInfo.pField; if ( !pRS || pRS == &defaultresponsesytem ) return; int count = pRestore->ReadInt(); for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { char szResponseGroupBlockName[SIZE_BLOCK_NAME_BUF]; pRestore->StartBlock( szResponseGroupBlockName ); if ( !Q_stricmp( szResponseGroupBlockName, "ResponseGroup" ) ) { char groupname[ 256 ]; pRestore->ReadString( groupname, sizeof( groupname ), 0 ); // Try and find it int idx = pRS->m_Responses.Find( groupname ); if ( idx != pRS->m_Responses.InvalidIndex() ) { ResponseGroup *group = &pRS->m_Responses[ idx ]; pRestore->ReadAll( group ); short groupCount = pRestore->ReadShort(); for ( int j = 0; j < groupCount; ++j ) { char szResponseBlockName[SIZE_BLOCK_NAME_BUF]; char responsename[ 256 ]; pRestore->StartBlock( szResponseBlockName ); if ( !Q_stricmp( szResponseBlockName, "Response" ) ) { pRestore->ReadString( responsename, sizeof( responsename ), 0 ); // Find it by name int ri; for ( ri = 0; ri < group->group.Count(); ++ri ) { Response *response = &group->group[ ri ]; if ( !Q_stricmp( response->value, responsename ) ) { break; } } if ( ri < group->group.Count() ) { Response *response = &group->group[ ri ]; pRestore->ReadAll( response ); } } pRestore->EndBlock(); } } } pRestore->EndBlock(); } } } g_ResponseSystemSaveRestoreOps; ISaveRestoreOps *responseSystemSaveRestoreOps = &g_ResponseSystemSaveRestoreOps; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CDefaultResponseSystem::Init() { /* Warning( "sizeof( Response ) == %d\n", sizeof( Response ) ); Warning( "sizeof( ResponseGroup ) == %d\n", sizeof( ResponseGroup ) ); Warning( "sizeof( Criteria ) == %d\n", sizeof( Criteria ) ); Warning( "sizeof( AI_ResponseParams ) == %d\n", sizeof( AI_ResponseParams ) ); */ const char *basescript = GetScriptFile(); LoadRuleSet( basescript ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDefaultResponseSystem::Shutdown() { // Wipe instanced versions ClearInstanced(); // Clear outselves Clear(); // IServerSystem chain BaseClass::Shutdown(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Instance a custom response system // Input : *scriptfile - // Output : IResponseSystem //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IResponseSystem *PrecacheCustomResponseSystem( const char *scriptfile ) { return defaultresponsesytem.PrecacheCustomResponseSystem( scriptfile ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Instance a custom response system // Input : *scriptfile - // set - // Output : IResponseSystem //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IResponseSystem *BuildCustomResponseSystemGivenCriteria( const char *pszBaseFile, const char *pszCustomName, AI_CriteriaSet &criteriaSet, float flCriteriaScore ) { return defaultresponsesytem.BuildCustomResponseSystemGivenCriteria( pszBaseFile, pszCustomName, criteriaSet, flCriteriaScore ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DestroyCustomResponseSystems() { defaultresponsesytem.DestroyCustomResponseSystems(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::DumpRules() { int c = m_Rules.Count(); int i; for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { Msg("%s\n", m_Rules.GetElementName( i ) ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CResponseSystem::DumpDictionary( const char *pszName ) { Msg( "\nDictionary: %s\n", pszName ); int nRuleCount = m_Rules.Count(); for ( int iRule = 0; iRule < nRuleCount; ++iRule ) { Msg(" Rule %d: %s\n", iRule, m_Rules.GetElementName( iRule ) ); Rule *pRule = &m_Rules[iRule]; int nCriteriaCount = pRule->m_Criteria.Count(); for( int iCriteria = 0; iCriteria < nCriteriaCount; ++iCriteria ) { int iRuleCriteria = pRule->m_Criteria[iCriteria]; Criteria *pCriteria = &m_Criteria[iRuleCriteria]; Msg( " Criteria %d: %s %s\n", iCriteria, pCriteria->name, pCriteria->value ); } int nResponseGroupCount = pRule->m_Responses.Count(); for ( int iResponseGroup = 0; iResponseGroup < nResponseGroupCount; ++iResponseGroup ) { int iRuleResponse = pRule->m_Responses[iResponseGroup]; ResponseGroup *pResponseGroup = &m_Responses[iRuleResponse]; Msg( " ResponseGroup %d: %s\n", iResponseGroup, m_Responses.GetElementName( iRuleResponse ) ); int nResponseCount = pResponseGroup->group.Count(); for ( int iResponse = 0; iResponse < nResponseCount; ++iResponse ) { Response *pResponse = &pResponseGroup->group[iResponse]; Msg( " Response %d: %s\n", iResponse, pResponse->value ); } } } }