//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //===========================================================================// // // hud_redraw.cpp // #include "cbase.h" #include "hudelement.h" #include "iclientmode.h" #include "itextmessage.h" #include "vgui_basepanel.h" #include "hud_crosshair.h" #include <vgui/ISurface.h> #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) #include "replay/ienginereplay.h" #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" using namespace vgui; //For progress bar orientations const int CHud::HUDPB_HORIZONTAL = 0; const int CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL = 1; const int CHud::HUDPB_HORIZONTAL_INV = 2; // Called when a ConVar changes value static void FovChanged_Callback( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue ) { ConVarRef var( pConVar ); if ( engine->IsInGame() ) { engine->ServerCmd( VarArgs( "fov %f\n", var.GetFloat() ) ); } } static ConVar fov_watcher( "_fov", "0", 0, "Automates fov command to server.", FovChanged_Callback ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Think //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHud::Think(void) { #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) // Don't draw this extern IEngineClientReplay *g_EngineClientReplay; const bool bPlayingReplay = g_pEngineClientReplay && g_pEngineClientReplay->IsPlayingReplayDemo(); #endif // Determine the visibility of all hud elements for ( int i = 0; i < m_HudList.Size(); i++ ) { // Visible? bool visible = m_HudList[i]->ShouldDraw(); #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) visible = visible && !bPlayingReplay; #endif m_HudList[i]->SetActive( visible ); // If it's a vgui panel, hide/show as appropriate vgui::Panel *pPanel = dynamic_cast<vgui::Panel*>(m_HudList[i]); if ( pPanel && pPanel->IsVisible() != visible ) { pPanel->SetVisible( visible ); } else if ( !pPanel ) { // All HUD elements should now derive from vgui!!! Assert( 0 ); } if ( visible ) { m_HudList[i]->ProcessInput(); } } // Let the active weapon at the keybits C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetActiveWeapon(); if ( pWeapon ) { pWeapon->HandleInput(); } if ( ( m_flScreenShotTime > 0 ) && ( m_flScreenShotTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) ) { if ( !IsX360() ) { engine->ClientCmd( "screenshot" ); } m_flScreenShotTime = -1; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The percentage passed in is expected and clamped to 0.0f to 1.0f // Input : x - // y - // width - // height - // percentage - // clr - // type - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHud::DrawProgressBar( int x, int y, int width, int height, float percentage, Color& clr, unsigned char type ) { //Clamp our percentage percentage = MIN( 1.0f, percentage ); percentage = MAX( 0.0f, percentage ); Color lowColor = clr; lowColor[ 0 ] /= 2; lowColor[ 1 ] /= 2; lowColor[ 2 ] /= 2; //Draw a vertical progress bar if ( type == HUDPB_VERTICAL ) { int barOfs = height * percentage; surface()->DrawSetColor( lowColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x + width, y + barOfs ); surface()->DrawSetColor( clr ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y + barOfs, x + width, y + height ); } else if ( type == HUDPB_HORIZONTAL ) { int barOfs = width * percentage; surface()->DrawSetColor( lowColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x + barOfs, y + height ); surface()->DrawSetColor( clr ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x + barOfs, y, x + width, y + height ); } else if ( type == HUDPB_HORIZONTAL_INV ) { int barOfs = width * percentage; surface()->DrawSetColor( clr ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x + barOfs, y + height ); surface()->DrawSetColor( lowColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( x + barOfs, y, x + width, y + height ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The percentage passed in is expected and clamped to 0.0f to 1.0f // Input : x - // y - // *icon - // percentage - // clr - // type - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHud::DrawIconProgressBar( int x, int y, CHudTexture *icon, CHudTexture *icon2, float percentage, Color& clr, int type ) { if ( icon == NULL ) return; //Clamp our percentage percentage = MIN( 1.0f, percentage ); percentage = MAX( 0.0f, percentage ); int height = icon->Height(); int width = icon->Width(); //Draw a vertical progress bar if ( type == HUDPB_VERTICAL ) { int barOfs = height * percentage; icon2->DrawSelfCropped( x, y, // Pos 0, 0, width, barOfs, // Cropped subrect clr ); icon->DrawSelfCropped( x, y + barOfs, 0, barOfs, width, height - barOfs, // Cropped subrect clr ); } else if ( type == HUDPB_HORIZONTAL ) { int barOfs = width * percentage; icon2->DrawSelfCropped( x, y, // Pos 0, 0, barOfs, height, // Cropped subrect clr ); icon->DrawSelfCropped( x + barOfs, y, barOfs, 0, width - barOfs, height, // Cropped subrect clr ); } }