//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#include "pch_serverbrowser.h"

// expose the server browser interfaces
CServerBrowser g_ServerBrowserSingleton;
EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR(CServerBrowser, IVGuiModule, "VGuiModuleServerBrowser001", g_ServerBrowserSingleton); // the interface loaded by PlatformMenu.vdf

// singleton accessor
CServerBrowser &ServerBrowser()
	return g_ServerBrowserSingleton;

IRunGameEngine *g_pRunGameEngine = NULL;

static CSteamAPIContext g_SteamAPIContext;
CSteamAPIContext *steamapicontext = &g_SteamAPIContext;

IEngineReplay *g_pEngineReplay = NULL;

ConVar sb_firstopentime( "sb_firstopentime", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Indicates the time the server browser was first opened." );
ConVar sb_numtimesopened( "sb_numtimesopened", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Indicates the number of times the server browser was opened this session." );

// the original author of this code felt strdup was not acceptible.
inline char *CloneString( const char *str )
	char *cloneStr = new char [ strlen(str)+1 ];
	strcpy( cloneStr, str );
	return cloneStr;

// Purpose: Constructor

// Purpose: Destructor

// Purpose: 
void CServerBrowser::CreateDialog()
	if (!m_hInternetDlg.Get())
		m_hInternetDlg = new CServerBrowserDialog(NULL); // SetParent() call below fills this in

// Purpose: links to vgui and engine interfaces
bool CServerBrowser::Initialize(CreateInterfaceFn *factorylist, int factoryCount)
	ConnectTier1Libraries( factorylist, factoryCount );
	ConnectTier2Libraries( factorylist, factoryCount );
	ConnectTier3Libraries( factorylist, factoryCount );
	g_pRunGameEngine = NULL;

	for ( int i = 0; i < factoryCount; ++i )
		if ( !g_pEngineReplay )
			g_pEngineReplay = ( IEngineReplay * )factorylist[ i ]( ENGINE_REPLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
	SteamAPI_SetTryCatchCallbacks( false ); // We don't use exceptions, so tell steam not to use try/catch in callback handlers

	for (int i = 0; i < factoryCount; i++)
		if (!g_pRunGameEngine)
			g_pRunGameEngine = (IRunGameEngine *)(factorylist[i])(RUNGAMEENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);

	// load the vgui interfaces
#if defined( STEAM ) || defined( HL1 )
	if ( !vgui::VGuiControls_Init("ServerBrowser", factorylist, factoryCount) )
	if ( !vgui::VGui_InitInterfacesList("ServerBrowser", factorylist, factoryCount) )
		return false;

	// load localization file
	g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "servers/serverbrowser_%language%.txt" );
	return true;

// Purpose: links to other modules interfaces (tracker)
bool CServerBrowser::PostInitialize(CreateInterfaceFn *modules, int factoryCount)
	// find the interfaces we need
	for (int i = 0; i < factoryCount; i++)
		if (!g_pRunGameEngine)
			g_pRunGameEngine = (IRunGameEngine *)(modules[i])(RUNGAMEENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);


	return g_pRunGameEngine;

// Purpose: true if the user can't play a game due to VAC banning
bool CServerBrowser::IsVACBannedFromGame( int nAppID )
	return false;

// Purpose: Marks that the tool/game loading us intends to feed us workshop information
void CServerBrowser::SetWorkshopEnabled( bool bManaged )
	m_bWorkshopEnabled = bManaged;

// Purpose: Add a mapname to our known user-subscribed workshop maps list
void CServerBrowser::AddWorkshopSubscribedMap( const char *pszMapName )
	CUtlString strMap( pszMapName );
	if ( !IsWorkshopSubscribedMap( strMap ) )
		m_vecWorkshopSubscribedMaps.AddToTail( strMap );

// Purpose: remove a mapname to our known user-subscribed workshop maps list
void CServerBrowser::RemoveWorkshopSubscribedMap( const char *pszMapName )
	m_vecWorkshopSubscribedMaps.FindAndFastRemove( CUtlString( pszMapName ) );

// Purpose: Well, is it?
bool CServerBrowser::IsWorkshopEnabled()
	return m_bWorkshopEnabled;

// Purpose: Check if this map is in our subscribed list
bool CServerBrowser::IsWorkshopSubscribedMap( const char *pszMapName )
	return m_vecWorkshopSubscribedMaps.HasElement( CUtlString( pszMapName ) );

// Purpose: 
bool CServerBrowser::IsValid()
	return ( g_pRunGameEngine );

// Purpose: 
bool CServerBrowser::Activate()
	static bool firstTimeOpening = true;
	if ( firstTimeOpening )
		m_hInternetDlg->LoadUserData(); // reload the user data the first time the dialog is made visible, helps with the lag between module load and
										// steamui getting Deactivate() call
		firstTimeOpening = false;

	int numTimesOpened = sb_numtimesopened.GetInt() + 1;
	sb_numtimesopened.SetValue( numTimesOpened );
	if ( numTimesOpened == 1 )
		time_t aclock;
		time( &aclock );
		sb_firstopentime.SetValue( (int) aclock );

	return true;

// Purpose: called when the server browser gets used in the game
void CServerBrowser::Deactivate()
	if (m_hInternetDlg.Get())

// Purpose: called when the server browser is no longer being used in the game
void CServerBrowser::Reactivate()
	if (m_hInternetDlg.Get())
		if (m_hInternetDlg->IsVisible())

// Purpose: 
void CServerBrowser::Open()

// Purpose: returns direct handle to main server browser dialog
vgui::VPANEL CServerBrowser::GetPanel()
	return m_hInternetDlg.Get() ? m_hInternetDlg->GetVPanel() : NULL;

// Purpose: sets the parent panel of the main module panel
void CServerBrowser::SetParent(vgui::VPANEL parent)
	if (m_hInternetDlg.Get())

// Purpose: Closes down the server browser for good
void CServerBrowser::Shutdown()
	if (m_hInternetDlg.Get())

#if defined( STEAM )


// Purpose: opens a game info dialog to watch the specified server; associated with the friend 'userName'
bool CServerBrowser::OpenGameInfoDialog( uint64 ulSteamIDFriend, const char *pszConnectCode )
#if !defined( _X360 ) // X360TBD: SteamFriends()
	if ( m_hInternetDlg.Get() )
		// activate an already-existing dialog
		CDialogGameInfo *pDialogGameInfo = m_hInternetDlg->GetDialogGameInfoForFriend( ulSteamIDFriend );
		if ( pDialogGameInfo )
			return true;

		// none yet, create a new dialog
		FriendGameInfo_t friendGameInfo;
		if ( steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendGamePlayed( ulSteamIDFriend, &friendGameInfo ) )
			uint16 usConnPort = friendGameInfo.m_usGamePort;
			if ( friendGameInfo.m_usQueryPort < QUERY_PORT_ERROR )
				usConnPort = friendGameInfo.m_usQueryPort;
			CDialogGameInfo *pDialogGameInfo = m_hInternetDlg->OpenGameInfoDialog( friendGameInfo.m_unGameIP, friendGameInfo.m_usGamePort, usConnPort, pszConnectCode );
			pDialogGameInfo->SetFriend( ulSteamIDFriend );
			return true;
	return false;

// Purpose: joins a specified game - game info dialog will only be opened if the server is fully or passworded
bool CServerBrowser::JoinGame( uint64 ulSteamIDFriend, const char *pszConnectCode )
	if ( OpenGameInfoDialog( ulSteamIDFriend, pszConnectCode ) )
		CDialogGameInfo *pDialogGameInfo = m_hInternetDlg->GetDialogGameInfoForFriend( ulSteamIDFriend );

	return false;

// Purpose: joins a game by IP/Port
bool CServerBrowser::JoinGame( uint32 unGameIP, uint16 usGamePort, const char *pszConnectCode )
    m_hInternetDlg->JoinGame( unGameIP, usGamePort, pszConnectCode );
	return true;

// Purpose: forces the game info dialog closed
void CServerBrowser::CloseGameInfoDialog( uint64 ulSteamIDFriend )
	CDialogGameInfo *pDialogGameInfo = m_hInternetDlg->GetDialogGameInfoForFriend( ulSteamIDFriend );
	if ( pDialogGameInfo )

// Purpose: closes all the game info dialogs
void CServerBrowser::CloseAllGameInfoDialogs()
	if ( m_hInternetDlg.Get() )

CUtlVector< gametypes_t > g_GameTypes;

// Purpose: 
void LoadGameTypes( void )
	if ( g_GameTypes.Count() > 0 )

	#define GAMETYPES_FILE				"servers/ServerBrowserGameTypes.txt"

	KeyValues * kv = new KeyValues( GAMETYPES_FILE );

	if  ( !kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, GAMETYPES_FILE, "MOD" ) )


	for ( KeyValues *pData = kv->GetFirstSubKey(); pData != NULL; pData = pData->GetNextKey() )
		gametypes_t gametype;

		gametype.pPrefix = CloneString( pData->GetString( "prefix", "" ) );
		gametype.pGametypeName = CloneString( pData->GetString( "name", "" ) );
		g_GameTypes.AddToTail( gametype );


const char *GetGameTypeName( const char *pMapName )
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_GameTypes.Count(); i++ )
		int iLength = strlen( g_GameTypes[i].pPrefix );

		if ( !Q_strncmp( pMapName, g_GameTypes[i].pPrefix, iLength ) )
			return g_GameTypes[i].pGametypeName;

	return "";

// Purpose of comments like these: none
const char *CServerBrowser::GetMapFriendlyNameAndGameType( const char *pszMapName, char *szFriendlyMapName, int cchFriendlyName )
	// Make sure game types are loaded

	// Scan list
	const char *pszFriendlyGameTypeName = "";
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_GameTypes.Count(); i++ )
		int iLength = strlen( g_GameTypes[i].pPrefix );

		if ( !Q_strnicmp( pszMapName, g_GameTypes[i].pPrefix, iLength ) )
			pszMapName += iLength;
			pszFriendlyGameTypeName = g_GameTypes[i].pGametypeName;

	// See how many characters from the name to copy.
	// Start by assuming we'll copy the whole thing.
	// (After any prefix we just skipped)
	int l = V_strlen( pszMapName );
	const char *pszFinal = Q_stristr( pszMapName, "_final" );
	if ( pszFinal )
		// truncate the _final (or _final1) part of the filename if it's at the end of the name
		const char *pszNextChar = pszFinal + Q_strlen( "_final" );
		if ( ( *pszNextChar == '\0' ) ||
			( ( *pszNextChar == '1' ) && ( *(pszNextChar+1) == '\0' ) ) )
			l = pszFinal - pszMapName;

	// Safety check against buffer size
	if ( l >= cchFriendlyName )
		Assert( !"Map name too long for buffer!" );
		l = cchFriendlyName-1;

	// Copy friendly portion of name only
	V_memcpy( szFriendlyMapName, pszMapName, l );

	// It's like the Alamo.  We never forget.
	szFriendlyMapName[l] = '\0';

	// Result should be the friendly game type name
	return pszFriendlyGameTypeName;