//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#ifndef GAMEDATA_H
#define GAMEDATA_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#pragma warning(push, 1)
#pragma warning(disable:4701 4702 4530)
#include <fstream>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include "TokenReader.h"
#include "GDClass.h"
#include "InputOutput.h"
#include "UtlString.h"
#include "utlvector.h"

class MDkeyvalue;
class GameData;
class KeyValues;


typedef void (*GameDataMessageFunc_t)(int level, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ...);

// FGD-based AutoMaterialExclusion data

struct FGDMatExlcusions_s
	char szDirectory[MAX_PATH];		// Where we store the material exclusion directories
	bool bUserGenerated;			// If the user specified this ( default:  false -- FGD defined )

// FGD-based AutoVisGroup data

struct FGDVisGroupsBaseClass_s
	char szClass[MAX_PATH];				// i.e. Scene Logic, Sounds, etc   "Custom\Point Entities\Lights"
	CUtlStringList szEntities;			// i.e. func_viscluster

struct FGDAutoVisGroups_s
	char szParent[MAX_PATH];								// i.e. Custom, SFM, etc
	CUtlVector< FGDVisGroupsBaseClass_s >	m_Classes;		// i.e. Scene Logic, Sounds, etc


// Purpose: Contains the set of data that is loaded from a single FGD file.
class GameData
		typedef enum
		} TNameFixup;


		BOOL Load(const char *pszFilename);

		GDclass *ClassForName(const char *pszName, int *piIndex = NULL);

		void ClearData();

		inline int GetMaxMapCoord(void);
		inline int GetMinMapCoord(void);

		inline int GetClassCount();
		inline GDclass *GetClass(int nIndex);

		GDclass *BeginInstanceRemap( const char *pszClassName, const char *pszInstancePrefix, Vector &Origin, QAngle &Angle );
		bool	RemapKeyValue( const char *pszKey, const char *pszInValue, char *pszOutValue, TNameFixup NameFixup );
		bool	RemapNameField( const char *pszInValue, char *pszOutValue, TNameFixup NameFixup );
		bool	LoadFGDMaterialExclusions( TokenReader &tr );
		bool	LoadFGDAutoVisGroups( TokenReader &tr );

		CUtlVector< FGDMatExlcusions_s >	m_FGDMaterialExclusions;

		CUtlVector< FGDAutoVisGroups_s >	m_FGDAutoVisGroups;


		bool ParseMapSize(TokenReader &tr);

		CUtlVector<GDclass *> m_Classes;

		int m_nMinMapCoord;		// Min & max map bounds as defined by the FGD.
		int m_nMaxMapCoord;

		// Instance Remapping
		Vector		m_InstanceOrigin;			// the origin offset of the instance
		QAngle		m_InstanceAngle;			// the rotation of the the instance
		matrix3x4_t	m_InstanceMat;				// matrix of the origin and rotation of rendering
		char		m_InstancePrefix[ 128 ];	// the prefix used for the instance name remapping
		GDclass		*m_InstanceClass;			// the entity class that is being remapped

inline int GameData::GetClassCount()
	return m_Classes.Count();

inline GDclass *GameData::GetClass(int nIndex)
	if (nIndex >= m_Classes.Count())
		return NULL;
	return m_Classes.Element(nIndex);

// Purpose: 
int GameData::GetMinMapCoord(void)
	return m_nMinMapCoord;

// Purpose: 
int GameData::GetMaxMapCoord(void)
	return m_nMaxMapCoord;

void GDSetMessageFunc(GameDataMessageFunc_t pFunc);
bool GDError(TokenReader &tr, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *error, ...);
bool GDSkipToken(TokenReader &tr, trtoken_t ttexpecting = TOKENNONE, const char *pszExpecting = NULL);
bool GDGetToken(TokenReader &tr, char *pszStore, int nSize, trtoken_t ttexpecting = TOKENNONE, const char *pszExpecting = NULL);
bool GDGetTokenDynamic(TokenReader &tr, char **pszStore, trtoken_t ttexpecting, const char *pszExpecting = NULL);

#endif // GAMEDATA_H