//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// $Header: $
// $NoKeywords: $
// Converts from any one DMX file format to another
// Can also output SMD or a QCI header from DMX input

#ifndef DMXEDIT_H
#define DMXEDIT_H

// Valve includes
#include "movieobjects/dmemesh.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/UtlStringMap.h"

// Lua includes
#include <lua.h>

class CDmxEditProxy;

// CDmxEdit declaration
class CDmxEdit
	void SetScriptFilename( const char *pFilename );

	class delta : public CUtlString
		delta() {};
		delta( const char *pString ) : CUtlString( pString ) {}
		delta( const CUtlString &string ) : CUtlString( string ) {}

	class CFalloffType
		CFalloffType( CDmeMesh::Falloff_t falloffType )
		: m_falloffType( falloffType )

		CDmeMesh::Falloff_t StringToFalloff( const char *pFalloffTypeString )
			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pFalloffTypeString, "L", 1 ) )
				return CDmeMesh::LINEAR;

			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pFalloffTypeString, "ST", 2 ) )
				return CDmeMesh::STRAIGHT;

			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pFalloffTypeString, "B", 1 ) )
				return CDmeMesh::BELL;

			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pFalloffTypeString, "SM", 2 ) )
				return CDmeMesh::SMOOTH;

			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pFalloffTypeString, "SP", 2 ) )
				return CDmeMesh::SPIKE;

			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pFalloffTypeString, "D", 1 ) )
				return CDmeMesh::DOME;

			Msg( "// ERROR: Can't Figure Out Which Falloff Type Is Meant By \"%s\", Assuming STRAIGHT\n", pFalloffTypeString );

			return CDmeMesh::STRAIGHT;

		CFalloffType( const char *pFalloffTypeString )
		: m_falloffType( StringToFalloff( pFalloffTypeString ) )

		CDmeMesh::Falloff_t operator()() const { return m_falloffType; }

		operator char *() const
			switch ( m_falloffType )
			case CDmeMesh::LINEAR:
				return "STRAIGHT";
			case CDmeMesh::BELL:
				return "BELL";
			case CDmeMesh::SPIKE:
				return "SPIKE";
			case CDmeMesh::DOME:
				return "DOME";

			return "STRAIGHT";

		const CDmeMesh::Falloff_t m_falloffType;

	static const CFalloffType STRAIGHT;
	static const CFalloffType LINEAR;
	static const CFalloffType BELL;
	static const CFalloffType SMOOTH;
	static const CFalloffType SPIKE;
	static const CFalloffType DOME;

	class CSelectOp
		enum SelectOp_t

		CSelectOp( SelectOp_t selectOp )
		: m_selectOp( selectOp )

		SelectOp_t StringToSelectOp( const char *pSelectOpString )
			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pSelectOpString, "A", 1 ) )
				return kAdd;

			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pSelectOpString, "S", 1 ) )
				return kSubtract;

			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pSelectOpString, "T", 1 ) )
				return kToggle;

			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pSelectOpString, "I", 1 ) )
				return kIntersect;

			if ( !Q_strnicmp( pSelectOpString, "R", 1 ) )
				return kReplace;

			Msg( "// ERROR: Can't Figure Out Which Select Operation Type Is Meant By \"%s\", Assuming REPLACE\n", pSelectOpString );

			return kReplace;

		CSelectOp( const char *pSelectOp )
		: m_selectOp( StringToSelectOp( pSelectOp ) )

		SelectOp_t operator()() const { return m_selectOp; }

		operator char *() const
			switch ( m_selectOp )
			case kAdd:
				return "ADD";
			case kSubtract:
				return "SUBTRACT";
			case kToggle:
				return "TOGGLE";
			case kIntersect:
				return "INTERSECT";

			return "REPLACE";

		const SelectOp_t m_selectOp;

	static const CSelectOp ADD;
	static const CSelectOp SUBTRACT;
	static const CSelectOp TOGGLE;
	static const CSelectOp INTERSECT;
	static const CSelectOp REPLACE;

	class CSelectType
		enum Select_t

		CSelectType( Select_t selectType )
		: m_selectType( selectType )

		Select_t SelectTypeStringToType( const char *pSelectString )
			if ( !Q_stricmp( pSelectString, "NONE" ) )
				return kNone;

			if ( !Q_stricmp( pSelectString, "ALL" ) )
				return kAll;

			return kDelta;

		CSelectType( const char *pSelectTypeString )
		: m_selectType( SelectTypeStringToType( pSelectTypeString ) )

		Select_t operator()() const { return m_selectType; }

		operator char *() const
			switch ( m_selectType )
			case kNone:
				return "NONE";
			case kAll:
				return "ALL";

			return "DELTA";

		const Select_t m_selectType;

	static const CSelectType ALL;
	static const CSelectType NONE;

	class CObjType
		enum Obj_t

		CObjType( Obj_t objType )
		: m_objType( objType )

		CObjType &operator=( const CObjType &rhs )
			m_objType = rhs.m_objType;
			return *this;

		Obj_t ObjTypeStringToType( const char *pObjString )
			if ( pObjString && ( *pObjString == 'r' || *pObjString == 'R' ) )
				return kRelative;

			return kAbsolute;

		CObjType( const char *pObjTypeString )
		: m_objType( ObjTypeStringToType( pObjTypeString ) )

		Obj_t operator()() const { return m_objType; }

		operator char *() const
			switch ( m_objType )
			case kRelative:
				return "RELATIVE";

			return "ABSOLUTE";

		Obj_t m_objType;

	static const CObjType ABSOLUTE;
	static const CObjType RELATIVE;

	class CDistanceType
		CDistanceType( CDmeMesh::Distance_t distanceType )
		: m_distanceType( distanceType )

		CDmeMesh::Distance_t DistanceTypeStringToType( const char *pDistanceTypeString )
			if ( pDistanceTypeString && ( *pDistanceTypeString == 'a' || *pDistanceTypeString == 'A' ) )
				return CDmeMesh::DIST_ABSOLUTE;

			if ( pDistanceTypeString && ( *pDistanceTypeString == 'r' || *pDistanceTypeString == 'R' ) )
				return CDmeMesh::DIST_RELATIVE;

			return CDmeMesh::DIST_DEFAULT;

		CDistanceType( const char *pDistanceTypeString )
		: m_distanceType( DistanceTypeStringToType( pDistanceTypeString ) )

		CDmeMesh::Distance_t operator()() const { return m_distanceType; }

		operator char *() const
			switch ( m_distanceType )
			case CDmeMesh::DIST_ABSOLUTE:
				return "ABSOLUTE";
			case CDmeMesh::DIST_RELATIVE:
				return "RELATIVE";

			return "DEFAULT";

		CDmeMesh::Distance_t m_distanceType;

	static const CDistanceType DIST_ABSOLUTE;
	static const CDistanceType DIST_RELATIVE;
	static const CDistanceType DIST_DEFAULT;

	class CAxisType
		enum Axis_t

		CAxisType( Axis_t axisType )
		: m_axisType( axisType )

		Axis_t AxisTypeStringToType( const char *pAxisString )
			if ( pAxisString && ( *pAxisString == 'y' || *pAxisString == 'Y' ) )
				return kYAxis;

			if ( pAxisString && ( *pAxisString == 'z' || *pAxisString == 'Z' ) )
				return kZAxis;

			return kXAxis;

		CAxisType( const char *pAxisTypeString )
		: m_axisType( AxisTypeStringToType( pAxisTypeString ) )

		Axis_t operator()() const { return m_axisType; }

		operator char *() const
			switch ( m_axisType )
			case kYAxis:
				return "YAXIS";
			case kZAxis:
				return "ZAXIS";

			return "XAXIS";

		const Axis_t m_axisType;

	static const CAxisType XAXIS;
	static const CAxisType YAXIS;
	static const CAxisType ZAXIS;

	class CHalfType
		enum Half_t

		CHalfType( Half_t halfType )
		: m_halfType( halfType )

		Half_t HalfTypeStringToType( const char *pHalfString )
			if ( pHalfString && ( *pHalfString == 'l' || *pHalfString == 'L' ) )
				return kLeft;

			if ( pHalfString && ( *pHalfString == 'r' || *pHalfString == 'R' ) )
				return kRight;

			return kLeft;

		CHalfType( const char *pHalfTypeString )
		: m_halfType( HalfTypeStringToType( pHalfTypeString ) )

		Half_t operator()() const { return m_halfType; }

		operator char *() const
			switch ( m_halfType )
			case kLeft:
				return "LEFT";
			case kRight:
				return "RIGHT";

			return "LEFT";

		const Half_t m_halfType;

	static const CHalfType LEFT;
	static const CHalfType RIGHT;


	virtual ~CDmxEdit() {};

	bool Load( const char *pFilename, const CObjType &loadType = ABSOLUTE );

	bool Import( const char *pFilename, const char *pParentName = NULL );

	operator bool() const { return m_pMesh != NULL; }

	void DoIt();

	bool ListDeltas();

	int DeltaCount();

	const char *DeltaName( int nDeltaIndex );

	void Unload();

	bool ImportComboRules( const char *pFilename, bool bOverwrite = true, bool bPurgeDeltas = true );

	bool ResetState();

	bool SetState( const char *pDeltaName );

	bool Select( const char *selectString, CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL, CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL );

	bool Select( const CSelectType &selectType, CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL, CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL );

	bool Select( const CSelectOp &selectOp, const char *pSelectTypeString, CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL, CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL );

	bool Select( const CSelectOp &selectOp, const CSelectType &selectType, CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL, CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL );

	bool SelectHalf( const CSelectOp &selectOp, const CHalfType &halfType, CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL, CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL );

	bool SelectHalf( const CHalfType &halfType, CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL, CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL );

	bool GrowSelection( int nSize = 1 );

	bool ShrinkSelection( int nSize = 1 );

	enum AddType { kRaw, kCorrected };

	bool Add(
		AddType addType,
		const CDmxEditProxy &e,
		float weight = 1.0f,
		float featherDistance = 0.0f,
		const CFalloffType &falloffType = STRAIGHT,
		const CDistanceType &distanceType = DIST_DEFAULT );

	bool Add(
		const CDmxEditProxy &e,
		float weight = 1.0f,
		float featherDistance = 0.0f,
		const CFalloffType &falloffType = STRAIGHT,
		const CDistanceType &distanceType = DIST_DEFAULT )
		return Add( kRaw, e, weight, featherDistance, falloffType, distanceType );

	bool Add(
		AddType addType,
		const char *pDeltaName,
		float weight = 1.0f,
		float featherDistance = 0.0f,
		const CFalloffType &falloffType = STRAIGHT,
		const CDistanceType &distanceType = DIST_DEFAULT );

	bool Add(
		const char *pDeltaName,
		float weight = 1.0f,
		float featherDistance = 0.0f,
		const CFalloffType &falloffType = STRAIGHT,
		const CDistanceType &distanceType = DIST_DEFAULT )
		return Add( kRaw, pDeltaName, weight, featherDistance, falloffType, distanceType );

	bool Interp( const CDmxEditProxy &e, float weight = 1.0f, float featherDistance = 0.0f, const CFalloffType &falloffType = STRAIGHT, const CDistanceType &distanceType = DIST_DEFAULT );

	bool Interp( const char *pDeltaName, float weight = 1.0f, float featherDistance = 0.0f, const CFalloffType &falloffType = STRAIGHT, const CDistanceType &distanceType = DIST_DEFAULT );

	bool SaveDelta( const char *pDeltaName );

	bool DeleteDelta( const delta &d );

	bool Save( const char *pFilename, const CObjType &saveType = ABSOLUTE, const char *pDeltaName = NULL );

	bool Save() { return Save( m_filename ); }

	void CleanupWork();

	void CreateWork();
	bool Merge( const char *pInFilename, const char *pOutFilename );

	bool RemapMaterial( int nMaterialIndex, const char *pNewMaterialName );

	bool RemapMaterial( const char *pOldMaterialName, const char *pNewMaterialName );

	bool RemoveFacesWithMaterial( const char *pMaterialName );

	bool RemoveFacesWithMoreThanNVerts( int nVertexCount );

	bool Mirror( CAxisType = XAXIS );

	bool ComputeNormals();

	bool CreateDeltasFromPresets( const char *pPresetFilename, bool bDeleteNonPresetDeltas = true, const CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pPurgeAllButThese = NULL, const char *pExpressionFilename = NULL );

	bool CachePreset( const char *pPresetFilename, const char *pExpressionFilename = NULL );

	bool ClearPresetCache();

	bool CreateDeltasFromCachedPresets( bool bDeleteNonPresetDeltas = true, const CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pPurgeAllButThese = NULL ) const;

	bool CreateExpressionFileFromPresets( const char *pPresetFilename, const char *pExpressionFilename );

	bool CreateExpressionFilesFromCachedPresets() const;

	bool ComputeWrinkles( bool bOverwrite );

	bool ComputeWrinkle( const char *pDeltaName, float scale, const char *pOperation );

	bool Scale( float sx, float sy, float sz );

	bool SetDistanceType( const CDistanceType &distanceType );

	bool Translate(
		Vector t,
		float featherDistance = 0.0f,
		const CFalloffType &falloffType = STRAIGHT,
		const CDistanceType &distanceType = DIST_DEFAULT,
		CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL,
		CDmeVertexData *pPassedBase = NULL,
		CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL );

	bool Translate( Vector t, float featherDistance, const CFalloffType &falloffType = STRAIGHT )
		return Translate( t, featherDistance, falloffType, m_distanceType );

	bool Rotate(
		Vector r,
		Vector o,
		float featherDistance = 0.0f,
		const CFalloffType &falloffType = STRAIGHT,
		const CDistanceType &passedDistanceType = DIST_DEFAULT,
		CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL,
		CDmeVertexData *pPassedBase = NULL,
		CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL );

	bool FixPresetFile( const char *pPresetFilename );

	bool GroupControls( const char *pGroupName, CUtlVector< const char * > &rawControlNames );

	bool ReorderControls( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &controlNames );

	bool AddDominationRule( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &dominators, CUtlVector< CUtlString > &supressed );

	bool SetStereoControl( const char *pControlName, bool bStereo );

	bool SetEyelidControl( const char *pControlName, bool bEyelid );

	float MaxDeltaDistance( const char *pDeltaName );

	float DeltaRadius( const char *pDeltaName );

	float SelectionRadius();

	bool SetWrinkleScale( const char *pControlName, const char *pRawControlName, float flScale );

	bool ErrorState() {
		return m_errorState;

	void Error( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const tchar *pMsgFormat, ... );

	const CUtlString &SetFuncString( lua_State *pLuaState );

	const CUtlString &GetFuncString() const { return m_funcString; }

	int GetLineNumber() const { return m_lineNo; }

	const CUtlString &GetSourceFile() const { return m_sourceFile; }

	const CUtlString &GetErrorString() const { return m_errorString; }

	int LuaOk( lua_State *pLuaState )
		Msg( "// %s\n", GetFuncString().Get() );

		lua_pushboolean( pLuaState, true );
		return 1;

	int LuaError( lua_State *pLuaState )
		if ( GetLineNumber() >= 0 )
			Error( "// ERROR: %s:%d: %s - %s\n",
				GetErrorString().Get() );
			Error( "// ERROR: %s - %s\n",
				GetErrorString().Get() );

		lua_pushboolean( pLuaState, false );
		return 1;

	int LuaError( lua_State *pLuaState, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ... )
		char tmpBuf[ 4096 ];

		va_list marker;

		va_start( marker, pFormat );
#ifdef _WIN32
		int len = _vsnprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1, pFormat, marker );
#elif LINUX
		int len = vsnprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1, pFormat, marker );
#error "define vsnprintf type."
		va_end( marker );

		// Len < 0 represents an overflow
		if( len < 0 )
			len = sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1;
			tmpBuf[sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1] = 0;

		if ( GetLineNumber() >= 0 )
			Error( "// ERROR: %s:%d: %s - %s\n",
				tmpBuf );
			Error( "// ERROR: %s - %s\n",
				tmpBuf );

		lua_pushboolean( pLuaState, false );
		return 1;

	void LuaWarning( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ... )
		char tmpBuf[ 4096 ];

		va_list marker;

		va_start( marker, pFormat );
#ifdef _WIN32
		int len = _vsnprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1, pFormat, marker );
#elif LINUX
		int len = vsnprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1, pFormat, marker );
#error "define vsnprintf type."
		va_end( marker );

		// Len < 0 represents an overflow
		if( len < 0 )
			len = sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1;
			tmpBuf[sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1] = 0;

		if ( GetLineNumber() >= 0 )
			Warning( "// WARNING: %s:%d: %s - %s\n",
				tmpBuf );
			Warning( "// WARNING: %s - %s\n",
				tmpBuf );

	bool SetErrorString( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ... )
		char tmpBuf[ 4096 ];

		va_list marker;

		va_start( marker, pFormat );
#ifdef _WIN32
		int len = _vsnprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1, pFormat, marker );
#elif LINUX
		int len = vsnprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1, pFormat, marker );
#error "define vsnprintf type."
		va_end( marker );

		// Len < 0 represents an overflow
		if( len < 0 )
			len = sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1;
			tmpBuf[sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1] = 0;

		m_errorString = tmpBuf;

		return false;

	CUtlString m_filename;
	CDmElement *m_pRoot;
	CDmeMesh *m_pMesh;
	CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *m_pCurrentSelection;
	bool m_errorState;
	CDistanceType m_distanceType;

	CUtlStringMap< CUtlString > m_presetCache;

	CUtlString m_scriptFilename;

	bool Select( CDmeVertexDeltaData *pDelta, CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL, CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL );

	bool Select( const CSelectOp &selectOp, CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pOriginal, const CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pNew );

	bool Select( const CSelectOp &selectOp, CDmeVertexDeltaData *pDelta, CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection = NULL, CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL );

	void ImportCombinationControls( CDmeCombinationOperator *pSrcComboOp, CDmeCombinationOperator *pDstComboOp, bool bOverwrite );

	void ImportDominationRules( CDmeCombinationOperator *pDestComboOp, CDmeCombinationOperator *pSrcComboOp, bool bOverwrite );

	CDmeMesh *GetMesh( CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh )
		return pPassedMesh ? pPassedMesh : m_pMesh;

	void SetErrorState()
		m_errorState = true;

	void ResetErrorState()
		m_errorState = false;

	CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *GetSelection( CDmeSingleIndexedComponent *pPassedSelection )
		return pPassedSelection ? pPassedSelection : m_pCurrentSelection;

	CDmeVertexDeltaData *FindDeltaState( const char *pDeltaName, const CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL ) const
		const CDmeMesh *pMesh = pPassedMesh ? pPassedMesh : m_pMesh;
		if ( !pMesh )
			return NULL;

		return pMesh->FindDeltaState( pDeltaName );

	CDmeVertexData *GetBindState( const CDmeMesh *pPassedMesh = NULL ) const
		const CDmeMesh *pMesh = pPassedMesh ? pPassedMesh : m_pMesh;
		if ( !pMesh )
			return NULL;

		return pMesh->FindBaseState( "bind" );

	void GetFuncArg( lua_State *pLuaState, int nIndex, CUtlString &funcString );

	CUtlString m_funcString;

	int m_lineNo;

	CUtlString m_sourceFile;

	CUtlString m_errorString;

	void UpdateMakefile( CDmElement *pRoot );
	void AddExportTags( CDmElement *pRoot, const char *pFilename );
	void RemoveExportTags( CDmElement *pRoot, const char *pExportTagsName );

typedef int ( * LuaFunc_t ) ( lua_State * );

struct LuaFunc_s
	LuaFunc_s( const char *pName, LuaFunc_t pFunc, const char *pProto, const char *pDoc )
	: m_pFuncName( pName )
	, m_pFunc( pFunc )
	, m_pFuncPrototype( pProto )
	, m_pFuncDesc( pDoc )
		m_pNextFunc = s_pFirstFunc;
		s_pFirstFunc = this;

	const char *m_pFuncName;
	LuaFunc_t m_pFunc;
	const char *m_pFuncPrototype;
	const char *m_pFuncDesc;

	static LuaFunc_s *s_pFirstFunc;
	LuaFunc_s *m_pNextFunc;

	static CDmxEdit m_dmxEdit;

// Macro to install a valve lua command
// Use like this:
// LUA_COMMAND( blah, "blah prototype", "blah documentation" )
// {
//		// ... blah implementation ...
//		// ... Function is passed single struct of lua_State *pLuaState  ...
//		// ... Function returns an int ...
//		// Example usage:
//		const char *pArg = luaL_checkstring( pLuaState, 1 );
//		return 0;
// }
#define LUA_COMMAND( _name, _proto, _doc ) \
	static int _name##_luaFunc( lua_State *pLuaState ); \
	static LuaFunc_s _name##_LuaFunc_s( #_name, _name##_luaFunc, _proto, _doc ); \
	static int _name##_luaFunc( lua_State *pLuaState )

class CDmxEditLua

	bool DoIt( const char *pFilename );

	void SetVar( const CUtlString &var, const CUtlString &val );

	void SetGame( const CUtlString &game );

	static int FileExists( lua_State *pLuaState );

	lua_State *m_pLuaState;

class CDmxEditProxy
	CDmxEditProxy( CDmxEdit &dmxEdit )
	: m_dmxEdit( dmxEdit )

	CDmxEditProxy &operator=( const char *pFilename ) { m_dmxEdit.Load( pFilename ); return *this; }

	operator bool() const { m_dmxEdit; }

	CDmxEdit &m_dmxEdit;

#endif // DMXEDIT_H