// NextBotComponentInterface.h
// Interface for all components
// Author: Michael Booth, May 2006
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//


#include "NextBotEventResponderInterface.h"

class INextBot;
class Path;
class CGameTrace;
class CTakeDamageInfo;

 * Various processes can invoke a "reply" (ie: callback) via instances of this interface
class INextBotReply
	virtual void OnSuccess( INextBot *bot )  { }						// invoked when process completed successfully

	enum FailureReason
	virtual void OnFail( INextBot *bot, FailureReason reason ) { }		// invoked when process failed

 * Next Bot component interface
class INextBotComponent : public INextBotEventResponder
	INextBotComponent( INextBot *bot );
	virtual ~INextBotComponent() { }

	virtual void Reset( void )	{ m_lastUpdateTime = 0; m_curInterval = TICK_INTERVAL; }				// reset to initial state
	virtual void Update( void ) = 0;									// update internal state
	virtual void Upkeep( void ) { }										// lightweight update guaranteed to occur every server tick

	inline bool ComputeUpdateInterval();								// return false is no time has elapsed (interval is zero)
	inline float GetUpdateInterval();

	virtual INextBot *GetBot( void ) const  { return m_bot; }
	float m_lastUpdateTime;
	float m_curInterval;

	friend class INextBot;
	INextBot *m_bot;
	INextBotComponent *m_nextComponent;									// simple linked list of components in the bot

inline bool INextBotComponent::ComputeUpdateInterval() 
	if ( m_lastUpdateTime ) 
		float interval = gpGlobals->curtime - m_lastUpdateTime;

		const float minInterval = 0.0001f;
		if ( interval > minInterval )
			m_curInterval = interval;
			m_lastUpdateTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
			return true;

		return false;

	// First update - assume a reasonable interval.
	// We need the very first update to do work, for cases
	// where the bot was just created and we need to propagate
	// an event to it immediately.
	m_curInterval = 0.033f;
	m_lastUpdateTime = gpGlobals->curtime - m_curInterval;

	return true;

inline float INextBotComponent::GetUpdateInterval() 
	return m_curInterval; 