//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #ifndef BUY_PRESETS_H #define BUY_PRESETS_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #define USE_BUY_PRESETS 1 /** * CLASS STRUCTURE: * Buy presets are managed by TheBuyPresetManager, which has a list of BuyPreset objects. * Each BuyPreset has a list of fallback WeaponSets. Each WeaponSet is a complete set of * weapons and equipment that could be purchased by a buy preset. * * BUYING: * When purchasing a buy preset, the fallback WeaponSets are considered in order from first * to last. When one is deemed to be purchasable, the buy commands are generated and * processing stops. * * EDITING: * When editing buy presets, TheBuyPresetManager maintains a second list of BuyPresets, to * allow an all-or-nothing undo system. The editing is done on two main VGUI menus: a * list of the four main buy presets (CBuyPresetEditMainMenu), and a menu showing the * fallbacks for a single preset (CBuyPresetEditOutfitListMenu). * * Presets and fallbacks can be copied, created, deleted, etc from these pages. From the * fallback menu, a wizard can edit the contents of a fallback, specifying primary weapon, * pistol, and equipment. */ #include "weapon_csbase.h" #include <KeyValues.h> #include <utlvector.h> class BuyPreset; class CCSWeaponInfo; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum BuyPresetStringSizes { BUY_PRESET_COMMAND_LEN = 256, MaxBuyPresetName = 64, MaxBuyPresetImageFname = 64, }; enum AmmoSizeType { AMMO_PERCENT, AMMO_CLIPS, AMMO_ROUNDS }; enum { NUM_PRESETS = 4 }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A BuyPresetWeapon stores the mp.dll version of the WeaponID, the increment for buying ammo (clips, rounds, etc), * the number of increments to buy, etc. This is the basic info for buying a weapon that is present in an * item set. */ class BuyPresetWeapon { public: BuyPresetWeapon(); BuyPresetWeapon( CSWeaponID weaponID ); BuyPresetWeapon& operator= (const BuyPresetWeapon& other); const wchar_t* GetName() const { return m_name; } ///< Returns the display name corresponding to the weapon ID CSWeaponID GetWeaponID() const { return m_weaponID; } ///< Returns the WEAPON_* weapon ID void SetWeaponID( CSWeaponID weaponID ); ///< Sets the WEAPON_* weapon ID (and resets ammo, etc) void SetAmmoType( AmmoSizeType ammoType ) { m_ammoType = ammoType; } ///< Sets the ammo type - percent (unused), clips, or rounds (unused) void SetAmmoAmount( int ammoAmount ) { m_ammoAmount = ammoAmount; } ///< Sets the amount of ammo, in units relevant to the ammo type void SetFillAmmo( bool fill ) { m_fillAmmo = fill; } ///< Sets whether the weapon's ammo should be topped off AmmoSizeType GetAmmoType() const { return m_ammoType; } ///< Returns ammo type - percent (unused), clips, or rounds (unused) int GetAmmoAmount() const { return m_ammoAmount; } ///< Returns the amount of ammo, in units relevant to the ammo type bool GetFillAmmo() const { return m_fillAmmo; } ///< Returns true if the weapon's ammo should be topped off protected: const wchar_t *m_name; CSWeaponID m_weaponID; AmmoSizeType m_ammoType; int m_ammoAmount; bool m_fillAmmo; }; typedef CUtlVector< BuyPresetWeapon > BuyPresetWeaponList; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A WeaponSet is part of a buy preset. Each buy preset is composed of a series of (fallback) WeaponSets. * The WeaponSet contains a snapshot of a set of weapons and equipment that should be bought. */ class WeaponSet { public: WeaponSet(); void GetCurrent( int& cost, WeaponSet& ws ) const; ///< Generates a WeaponSet containing only items that would be bought right now void GetFromScratch( int& cost, WeaponSet& ws ) const; ///< Generates a WeaponSet containing everything that would be bought from scratch void GenerateBuyCommands( char command[BUY_PRESET_COMMAND_LEN] ) const; ///< Generates a list of commands to buy the current WeaponSet. int FullCost() const; ///< Calculates the full cost of the WeaponSet, including all optional items void Reset( void ); const BuyPresetWeapon& GetPrimaryWeapon() const { return m_primaryWeapon; } const BuyPresetWeapon& GetSecondaryWeapon() const { return m_secondaryWeapon; } BuyPresetWeapon m_primaryWeapon; BuyPresetWeapon m_secondaryWeapon; // Equipment -------------------------------- int m_armor; bool m_helmet; bool m_smokeGrenade; bool m_HEGrenade; int m_flashbangs; bool m_defuser; bool m_nightvision; }; typedef CUtlVector< WeaponSet > WeaponSetList; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The BuyPreset is a complete representation of a buy preset. Essentially, it consists of the preset name, * whether or not the preset is used for autobuy, and a list of fallback WeaponSets. */ class BuyPreset { public: BuyPreset(); ~BuyPreset(); BuyPreset(const BuyPreset& other); void SetName( const wchar_t *name ); const wchar_t * GetName() const { return m_name; } void Parse( KeyValues *data ); ///< Populates data from a KeyValues structure, for loading void Save( KeyValues *data ); ///< Fills in a KeyValues structure with data, for saving int GetNumSets() const { return m_weaponList.Count(); } ///< Returns the number of fallback WeaponSets const WeaponSet * GetSet( int index ) const; ///< Returns the specified fallback WeaponSet, or NULL if it doesn't exist int FullCost() const; ///< Calculates the full cost of the preset, which is exactly the full cost of the first fallback WeaponSet // editing functions -------------------- void DeleteSet( int index ); ///< Deletes a fallback void SwapSet( int firstIndex, int secondIndex ); ///< Switches the order of two fallbacks void ReplaceSet( int index, const WeaponSet& weaponSet ); ///< Replaces a fallback with the supplied WeaponSet private: wchar_t m_name[MaxBuyPresetName]; WeaponSetList m_weaponList; }; typedef CUtlVector< BuyPreset > BuyPresetList; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The BuyPresetManager singleton manages saving/loading/buying the individual BuyPresets. It also tracks the * ownership of some items that aren't explicitly known by the client (defuser, nightvision). * * Two sets of BuyPresets are maintained - the live set used for purchasing, and a set that is acted upon for * editing. This provides the basic save changes/abandon changes ability when editing presets. */ class BuyPresetManager { public: BuyPresetManager(); void Save(); void PurchasePreset( int presetIndex ); ///< Generates and sends buy commands to buy a specific preset int GetNumPresets() { VerifyLoadedTeam(); return m_presets.Count(); } const BuyPreset * GetPreset( int index ) const; ///< Returns the specified "live" preset, or NULL if it doesn't exist void SetPreset( int index, const BuyPreset *preset ); void SetPresets( const BuyPresetList& presets ) { m_presets = presets; } void SetEditPresets( const BuyPresetList& presets ) { m_editPresets = presets; } int GetNumEditPresets() const { return m_editPresets.Count(); } BuyPreset * GetEditPreset( int index ); ///< Returns the specified editing preset, or NULL if it doesn't exist const CUtlVector< BuyPreset >& GetEditPresets() const { return m_editPresets; } void ResetEditPresets() { m_editPresets = m_presets; } ///< Resets the editing presets to the live presets (e.g. when starting editing) void ResetEditToDefaults( void ); ///< Loads the default presets into the editing presets (e.g. when hitting the "Use Defaults" button) void GetCurrentLoadout( WeaponSet *weaponSet ); private: BuyPresetList m_presets; ///< Current (live) presets BuyPresetList m_editPresets; ///< BuyPresets used when editing int m_loadedTeam; void VerifyLoadedTeam( void ); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern BuyPresetManager *TheBuyPresets; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Functions for controlling the display of the various buy preset editing menus. Opening one closes any * others open. */ enum { REOPEN_YES, REOPEN_NO, REOPEN_DONTCHANGE }; ///< Determines if we need to re-open the buy menu when done editing. void ShowBuyPresetMainMenu( bool runUpdate, int reopenBuyMenu ); ///< Open the main preset editing menu void ShowBuyPresetEditMenu( int presetIndex ); ///< Open the menu for editing the list of fallbacks for an individual preset //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the image filename for a given WEAPON_* weapon ID. Primary is specified because WEAPON_NONE returns * separate images for primary and pistol, to facilitate showing an outline version for "Current Weapon". */ const char *ImageFnameFromWeaponID( CSWeaponID weaponID, bool isPrimary ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructs a list of weapons that will satisfy the any unfinished weapon-specific career tasks: * 1. If there are no unfinished career tasks, the source list is returned * 2. If there are unfinished career tasks, all weapons that can be used for the tasks are added * to the front of the list. This list of career weapons is sorted according to the order of * weapons in the source list, so that if any weapons in the source list can be used for career * tasks, they will be. */ BuyPresetWeaponList CareerWeaponList( const BuyPresetWeaponList& source, bool isPrimary, CSWeaponID currentClientID ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the number of clips that will have to be bought for the specified BuyPresetWeapon */ class CCSWeaponInfo; int CalcClipsNeeded( const BuyPresetWeapon *pWeapon, const CCSWeaponInfo *pInfo, const int ammo[MAX_AMMO_TYPES] ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Fills the ammo array with the ammo currently owned by the local player */ void FillClientAmmo( int ammo[MAX_AMMO_TYPES] ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns true if the client can currently buy the weapon according to class/gamemode restrictions. Returns * true also if the player owns the weapon already. */ bool CanBuyWeapon( CSWeaponID currentPrimaryID, CSWeaponID currentSecondaryID, CSWeaponID weaponID ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the display name for a weapon, based on it's weaponID */ const wchar_t* WeaponIDToDisplayName( CSWeaponID weaponID ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If our weapon is NONE, we want to be able to buy up to this many clips for the current gun we're holding enum { NUM_CLIPS_FOR_CURRENT = 4 }; #if USE_BUY_PRESETS extern ConVar cl_buy_favorite_quiet; extern ConVar cl_buy_favorite_nowarn; #endif // USE_BUY_PRESETS #endif // BUY_PRESETS_H