//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// // Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003 #include "cbase.h" #include "cs_bot.h" #include "datacache/imdlcache.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Used to update view angles to stay on a ladder */ inline float StayOnLadderLine( CCSBot *me, const CNavLadder *ladder ) { // determine our facing NavDirType faceDir = AngleToDirection( me->EyeAngles().y ); const float stiffness = 1.0f; // move toward ladder mount point switch( faceDir ) { case NORTH: return stiffness * (ladder->m_top.x - me->GetAbsOrigin().x); case SOUTH: return -stiffness * (ladder->m_top.x - me->GetAbsOrigin().x); case WEST: return -stiffness * (ladder->m_top.y - me->GetAbsOrigin().y); case EAST: return stiffness * (ladder->m_top.y - me->GetAbsOrigin().y); } return 0.0f; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSBot::ComputeLadderAngles( float *yaw, float *pitch ) { if ( !yaw || !pitch ) return; Vector myOrigin = GetCentroid( this ); // set yaw to aim at ladder Vector to = m_pathLadder->GetPosAtHeight(myOrigin.z) - myOrigin; float idealYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( to ); Vector faceDir = (m_pathLadderFaceIn) ? -m_pathLadder->GetNormal() : m_pathLadder->GetNormal(); QAngle faceAngles; VectorAngles( faceDir, faceAngles ); const float lookAlongLadderRange = 50.0f; const float ladderPitchUpApproach = -30.0f; const float ladderPitchUpTraverse = -60.0f; // -80 const float ladderPitchDownApproach = 0.0f; const float ladderPitchDownTraverse = 80.0f; // adjust pitch to look up/down ladder as we ascend/descend switch( m_pathLadderState ) { case APPROACH_ASCENDING_LADDER: { Vector to = m_goalPosition - myOrigin; *yaw = idealYaw; if (to.IsLengthLessThan( lookAlongLadderRange )) *pitch = ladderPitchUpApproach; break; } case APPROACH_DESCENDING_LADDER: { Vector to = m_goalPosition - myOrigin; *yaw = idealYaw; if (to.IsLengthLessThan( lookAlongLadderRange )) *pitch = ladderPitchDownApproach; break; } case FACE_ASCENDING_LADDER: if ( m_pathLadderDismountDir == LEFT ) { *yaw = AngleNormalizePositive( idealYaw + 90.0f ); } else if ( m_pathLadderDismountDir == RIGHT ) { *yaw = AngleNormalizePositive( idealYaw - 90.0f ); } else { *yaw = idealYaw; } *pitch = ladderPitchUpApproach; break; case FACE_DESCENDING_LADDER: *yaw = idealYaw; *pitch = ladderPitchDownApproach; break; case MOUNT_ASCENDING_LADDER: case ASCEND_LADDER: if ( m_pathLadderDismountDir == LEFT ) { *yaw = AngleNormalizePositive( idealYaw + 90.0f ); } else if ( m_pathLadderDismountDir == RIGHT ) { *yaw = AngleNormalizePositive( idealYaw - 90.0f ); } else { *yaw = faceAngles[ YAW ] + StayOnLadderLine( this, m_pathLadder ); } *pitch = ( m_pathLadderState == ASCEND_LADDER ) ? ladderPitchUpTraverse : ladderPitchUpApproach; break; case MOUNT_DESCENDING_LADDER: case DESCEND_LADDER: *yaw = faceAngles[ YAW ] + StayOnLadderLine( this, m_pathLadder ); *pitch = ( m_pathLadderState == DESCEND_LADDER ) ? ladderPitchDownTraverse : ladderPitchDownApproach; break; case DISMOUNT_ASCENDING_LADDER: if ( m_pathLadderDismountDir == LEFT ) { *yaw = AngleNormalizePositive( faceAngles[ YAW ] + 90.0f ); } else if ( m_pathLadderDismountDir == RIGHT ) { *yaw = AngleNormalizePositive( faceAngles[ YAW ] - 90.0f ); } else { *yaw = faceAngles[ YAW ]; } break; case DISMOUNT_DESCENDING_LADDER: *yaw = faceAngles[ YAW ]; break; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Move actual view angles towards desired ones. * This is the only place v_angle is altered. * @todo Make stiffness and turn rate constants timestep invariant. */ void CCSBot::UpdateLookAngles( void ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::UpdateLookAngles", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); const float deltaT = g_BotUpkeepInterval; float maxAccel; float stiffness; float damping; // If mimicing the player, don't modify the view angles. if ( bot_mimic.GetInt() ) return; // springs are stiffer when attacking, so we can track and move between targets better if (IsAttacking()) { stiffness = 300.0f; damping = 30.0f; // 20 maxAccel = 3000.0f; // 4000 } else { stiffness = 200.0f; damping = 25.0f; maxAccel = 3000.0f; } // these may be overridden by ladder logic float useYaw = m_lookYaw; float usePitch = m_lookPitch; // // Ladders require precise movement, therefore we need to look at the // ladder as we approach and ascend/descend it. // If we are on a ladder, we need to look up or down to traverse it - override pitch in this case. // // If we're trying to break something, though, we actually need to look at it before we can // look at the ladder // if ( IsUsingLadder() && !(IsLookingAtSpot( PRIORITY_HIGH ) && m_lookAtSpotAttack) ) { ComputeLadderAngles( &useYaw, &usePitch ); } // get current view angles QAngle viewAngles = EyeAngles(); // // Yaw // float angleDiff = AngleNormalize( useYaw - viewAngles.y ); /* * m_forwardAngle is unreliable. Need to simulate mouse sliding & centering if (!IsAttacking()) { // do not allow rotation through our reverse facing angle - go the "long" way instead float toCurrent = AngleNormalize( pev->v_angle.y - m_forwardAngle ); float toDesired = AngleNormalize( useYaw - m_forwardAngle ); // if angle differences are different signs, they cross the forward facing if (toCurrent * toDesired < 0.0f) { // if the sum of the angles is greater than 180, turn the "long" way around if (abs( toCurrent - toDesired ) >= 180.0f) { if (angleDiff > 0.0f) angleDiff -= 360.0f; else angleDiff += 360.0f; } } } */ // if almost at target angle, snap to it const float onTargetTolerance = 1.0f; // 3 if (angleDiff < onTargetTolerance && angleDiff > -onTargetTolerance) { m_lookYawVel = 0.0f; viewAngles.y = useYaw; } else { // simple angular spring/damper float accel = stiffness * angleDiff - damping * m_lookYawVel; // limit rate if (accel > maxAccel) accel = maxAccel; else if (accel < -maxAccel) accel = -maxAccel; m_lookYawVel += deltaT * accel; viewAngles.y += deltaT * m_lookYawVel; // keep track of how long our view remains steady const float steadyYaw = 1000.0f; if (fabs( accel ) > steadyYaw) { m_viewSteadyTimer.Start(); } } // // Pitch // Actually, this is negative pitch. // angleDiff = usePitch - viewAngles.x; angleDiff = AngleNormalize( angleDiff ); if (false && angleDiff < onTargetTolerance && angleDiff > -onTargetTolerance) { m_lookPitchVel = 0.0f; viewAngles.x = usePitch; } else { // simple angular spring/damper // double the stiffness since pitch is only +/- 90 and yaw is +/- 180 float accel = 2.0f * stiffness * angleDiff - damping * m_lookPitchVel; // limit rate if (accel > maxAccel) accel = maxAccel; else if (accel < -maxAccel) accel = -maxAccel; m_lookPitchVel += deltaT * accel; viewAngles.x += deltaT * m_lookPitchVel; // keep track of how long our view remains steady const float steadyPitch = 1000.0f; if (fabs( accel ) > steadyPitch) { m_viewSteadyTimer.Start(); } } //PrintIfWatched( "yawVel = %g, pitchVel = %g\n", m_lookYawVel, m_lookPitchVel ); // limit range - avoid gimbal lock if (viewAngles.x < -89.0f) viewAngles.x = -89.0f; else if (viewAngles.x > 89.0f) viewAngles.x = 89.0f; // update view angles SnapEyeAngles( viewAngles ); // if our weapon is zooming, our view is not steady if (IsWaitingForZoom()) { m_viewSteadyTimer.Start(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if we can see the point */ bool CCSBot::IsVisible( const Vector &pos, bool testFOV, const CBaseEntity *ignore ) const { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::IsVisible( pos )", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); // we can't see anything if we're blind if (IsBlind()) return false; // is it in my general viewcone? if (testFOV && !(const_cast<CCSBot *>(this)->FInViewCone( pos ))) return false; // check line of sight against smoke if (TheCSBots()->IsLineBlockedBySmoke( EyePositionConst(), pos )) return false; // check line of sight // Must include CONTENTS_MONSTER to pick up all non-brush objects like barrels trace_t result; CTraceFilterNoNPCsOrPlayer traceFilter( ignore, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ); UTIL_TraceLine( EyePositionConst(), pos, MASK_VISIBLE_AND_NPCS, &traceFilter, &result ); if (result.fraction != 1.0f) return false; return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if we can see any part of the player * Check parts in order of importance. Return the first part seen in "visPart" if it is non-NULL. */ bool CCSBot::IsVisible( CCSPlayer *player, bool testFOV, unsigned char *visParts ) const { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::IsVisible( player )", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); // optimization - assume if center is not in FOV, nothing is // we're using WorldSpaceCenter instead of GUT so we can skip GetPartPosition below - that's // the most expensive part of this, and if we can skip it, so much the better. if (testFOV && !(const_cast<CCSBot *>(this)->FInViewCone( player->WorldSpaceCenter() ))) { return false; } unsigned char testVisParts = NONE; // check gut Vector partPos = GetPartPosition( player, GUT ); // finish gut check if (IsVisible( partPos, testFOV )) { if (visParts == NULL) return true; testVisParts |= GUT; } // check top of head partPos = GetPartPosition( player, HEAD ); if (IsVisible( partPos, testFOV )) { if (visParts == NULL) return true; testVisParts |= HEAD; } // check feet partPos = GetPartPosition( player, FEET ); if (IsVisible( partPos, testFOV )) { if (visParts == NULL) return true; testVisParts |= FEET; } // check "edges" partPos = GetPartPosition( player, LEFT_SIDE ); if (IsVisible( partPos, testFOV )) { if (visParts == NULL) return true; testVisParts |= LEFT_SIDE; } partPos = GetPartPosition( player, RIGHT_SIDE ); if (IsVisible( partPos, testFOV )) { if (visParts == NULL) return true; testVisParts |= RIGHT_SIDE; } if (visParts) *visParts = testVisParts; if (testVisParts) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Interesting part positions */ CCSBot::PartInfo CCSBot::m_partInfo[ MAX_PLAYERS ]; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Compute part positions from bone location. */ void CCSBot::ComputePartPositions( CCSPlayer *player ) { const int headBox = 12; const int gutBox = 9; const int leftElbowBox = 14; const int rightElbowBox = 17; //const int hipBox = 0; //const int leftFootBox = 4; //const int rightFootBox = 8; const int maxBoxIndex = rightElbowBox; VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::ComputePartPositions", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); // which PartInfo corresponds to the given player PartInfo *info = &m_partInfo[ player->entindex() % MAX_PLAYERS ]; // always compute feet, since it doesn't rely on bones info->m_feetPos = player->GetAbsOrigin(); info->m_feetPos.z += 5.0f; // get bone positions for interesting points on the player MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); CStudioHdr *studioHdr = player->GetModelPtr(); if (studioHdr) { mstudiohitboxset_t *set = studioHdr->pHitboxSet( player->GetHitboxSet() ); if (set && maxBoxIndex < set->numhitboxes) { QAngle angles; mstudiobbox_t *box; // gut box = set->pHitbox( gutBox ); player->GetBonePosition( box->bone, info->m_gutPos, angles ); // head box = set->pHitbox( headBox ); player->GetBonePosition( box->bone, info->m_headPos, angles ); Vector forward, right; AngleVectors( angles, &forward, &right, NULL ); // in local bone space const float headForwardOffset = 4.0f; const float headRightOffset = 2.0f; info->m_headPos += headForwardOffset * forward + headRightOffset * right; /// @todo Fix this hack - lower the head target because it's a bit too high for the current T model info->m_headPos.z -= 2.0f; // left side box = set->pHitbox( leftElbowBox ); player->GetBonePosition( box->bone, info->m_leftSidePos, angles ); // right side box = set->pHitbox( rightElbowBox ); player->GetBonePosition( box->bone, info->m_rightSidePos, angles ); return; } } // default values if bones are not available info->m_headPos = GetCentroid( player ); info->m_gutPos = info->m_headPos; info->m_leftSidePos = info->m_headPos; info->m_rightSidePos = info->m_headPos; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return world space position of given part on player. * Uses hitboxes to get accurate positions. * @todo Optimize by computing once for each player and storing. */ const Vector &CCSBot::GetPartPosition( CCSPlayer *player, VisiblePartType part ) const { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::GetPartPosition", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); // which PartInfo corresponds to the given player PartInfo *info = &m_partInfo[ player->entindex() % MAX_PLAYERS ]; if (gpGlobals->framecount > info->m_validFrame) { // update part positions const_cast< CCSBot * >( this )->ComputePartPositions( player ); info->m_validFrame = gpGlobals->framecount; } // return requested part position switch( part ) { default: { AssertMsg( false, "GetPartPosition: Invalid part" ); // fall thru to GUT } case GUT: return info->m_gutPos; case HEAD: return info->m_headPos; case FEET: return info->m_feetPos; case LEFT_SIDE: return info->m_leftSidePos; case RIGHT_SIDE: return info->m_rightSidePos; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update desired view angles to point towards m_lookAtSpot */ void CCSBot::UpdateLookAt( void ) { Vector to = m_lookAtSpot - EyePositionConst(); QAngle idealAngle; VectorAngles( to, idealAngle ); //Vector idealAngle = UTIL_VecToAngles( to ); //idealAngle.x = 360.0f - idealAngle.x; SetLookAngles( idealAngle.y, idealAngle.x ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Look at the given point in space for the given duration (-1 means forever) */ void CCSBot::SetLookAt( const char *desc, const Vector &pos, PriorityType pri, float duration, bool clearIfClose, float angleTolerance, bool attack ) { if (IsBlind()) return; // if currently looking at a point in space with higher priority, ignore this request if (m_lookAtSpotState != NOT_LOOKING_AT_SPOT && m_lookAtSpotPriority > pri) return; // if already looking at this spot, just extend the time const float tolerance = 10.0f; if (m_lookAtSpotState != NOT_LOOKING_AT_SPOT && VectorsAreEqual( pos, m_lookAtSpot, tolerance )) { m_lookAtSpotDuration = duration; if (m_lookAtSpotPriority < pri) m_lookAtSpotPriority = pri; } else { // look at new spot m_lookAtSpot = pos; m_lookAtSpotState = LOOK_TOWARDS_SPOT; m_lookAtSpotDuration = duration; m_lookAtSpotPriority = pri; } m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = angleTolerance; m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = clearIfClose; m_lookAtDesc = desc; m_lookAtSpotAttack = attack; PrintIfWatched( "%3.1f SetLookAt( %s ), duration = %f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, desc, duration ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Block all "look at" and "look around" behavior for given duration - just look ahead */ void CCSBot::InhibitLookAround( float duration ) { m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime + duration; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update enounter spot timestamps, etc */ void CCSBot::UpdatePeripheralVision() { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::UpdatePeripheralVision", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); const float peripheralUpdateInterval = 0.29f; // if we update at 10Hz, this ensures we test once every three if (gpGlobals->curtime - m_peripheralTimestamp < peripheralUpdateInterval) return; m_peripheralTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime; if (m_spotEncounter) { // check LOS to all spots in case we see them with our "peripheral vision" const SpotOrder *spotOrder; Vector pos; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_spotEncounter->spots, it ) { spotOrder = &m_spotEncounter->spots[ it ]; const Vector &spotPos = spotOrder->spot->GetPosition(); pos.x = spotPos.x; pos.y = spotPos.y; pos.z = spotPos.z + HalfHumanHeight; if (!IsVisible( pos, CHECK_FOV )) continue; // can see hiding spot, remember when we saw it last SetHidingSpotCheckTimestamp( spotOrder->spot ); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update the "looking around" behavior. */ void CCSBot::UpdateLookAround( bool updateNow ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::UpdateLookAround", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); // // If we recently saw an enemy, look towards where we last saw them // Unless we can hear them moving, in which case look towards the noise // const float closeRange = 500.0f; if (!IsNoiseHeard() || GetNoiseRange() > closeRange) { const float recentThreatTime = 1.0f; // 0.25f; if (!IsLookingAtSpot( PRIORITY_MEDIUM ) && gpGlobals->curtime - m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp < recentThreatTime) { ClearLookAt(); Vector spot = m_lastEnemyPosition; // find enemy position on the ground if (TheNavMesh->GetSimpleGroundHeight( m_lastEnemyPosition, &spot.z )) { spot.z += HalfHumanHeight; SetLookAt( "Last Enemy Position", spot, PRIORITY_MEDIUM, RandomFloat( 2.0f, 3.0f ), true ); return; } } } // // Look at nearby enemy noises // if (UpdateLookAtNoise()) return; // check if looking around has been inhibited // Moved inhibit to allow high priority enemy lookats to still occur if (gpGlobals->curtime < m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp) return; // // If we are hiding (or otherwise standing still), watch all approach points leading into this region // const float minStillTime = 2.0f; if (IsAtHidingSpot() || IsNotMoving( minStillTime )) { // update approach points const float recomputeApproachPointTolerance = 50.0f; if ((m_approachPointViewPosition - GetAbsOrigin()).IsLengthGreaterThan( recomputeApproachPointTolerance )) { ComputeApproachPoints(); m_approachPointViewPosition = GetAbsOrigin(); } // if we're sniping, zoom in to watch our approach points if (IsUsingSniperRifle()) { // low skill bots don't pre-zoom if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() > 0.4f) { if (!IsViewMoving()) { float range = ComputeWeaponSightRange(); AdjustZoom( range ); } else { // zoom out if (GetZoomLevel() != NO_ZOOM) SecondaryAttack(); } } } if (m_lastKnownArea == NULL) return; if (gpGlobals->curtime < m_lookAroundStateTimestamp) return; // if we're sniping, switch look-at spots less often if (IsUsingSniperRifle()) m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime + RandomFloat( 5.0f, 10.0f ); else m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime + RandomFloat( 1.0f, 2.0f ); // 0.5, 1.0 #define MAX_APPROACHES 16 Vector validSpot[ MAX_APPROACHES ]; int validSpotCount = 0; Vector *earlySpot = NULL; float earliest = 999999.9f; for( int i=0; i<m_approachPointCount; ++i ) { float spotTime = m_approachPoint[i].m_area->GetEarliestOccupyTime( OtherTeam( GetTeamNumber() ) ); // ignore approach areas the enemy could not have possibly reached yet if (TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() >= spotTime) { validSpot[ validSpotCount++ ] = m_approachPoint[i].m_pos; } else { // keep track of earliest spot we can see in case we get there very early if (spotTime < earliest) { earlySpot = &m_approachPoint[i].m_pos; earliest = spotTime; } } } Vector spot; if (validSpotCount) { int which = RandomInt( 0, validSpotCount-1 ); spot = validSpot[ which ]; } else if (earlySpot) { // all of the spots we can see can't be reached yet by the enemy - look at the earliest spot spot = *earlySpot; } else { return; } // don't look at the floor, look roughly at chest level /// @todo If this approach point is very near, this will cause us to aim up in the air if were crouching spot.z += HalfHumanHeight; SetLookAt( "Approach Point (Hiding)", spot, PRIORITY_LOW ); return; } // // Glance at "encouter spots" as we move past them // if (m_spotEncounter) { // // Check encounter spots // if (!IsSafe() && !IsLookingAtSpot( PRIORITY_LOW )) { // allow a short time to look where we're going if (gpGlobals->curtime < m_spotCheckTimestamp) return; /// @todo Use skill parameter instead of accuracy // lower skills have exponentially longer delays float asleep = (1.0f - GetProfile()->GetSkill()); asleep *= asleep; asleep *= asleep; m_spotCheckTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime + asleep * RandomFloat( 10.0f, 30.0f ); // figure out how far along the path segment we are Vector delta = m_spotEncounter->path.to - m_spotEncounter->path.from; float length = delta.Length(); float adx = (float)fabs(delta.x); float ady = (float)fabs(delta.y); float t; Vector myOrigin = GetCentroid( this ); if (adx > ady) t = (myOrigin.x - m_spotEncounter->path.from.x) / delta.x; else t = (myOrigin.y - m_spotEncounter->path.from.y) / delta.y; // advance parameter a bit so we "lead" our checks const float leadCheckRange = 50.0f; t += leadCheckRange / length; if (t < 0.0f) t = 0.0f; else if (t > 1.0f) t = 1.0f; // collect the unchecked spots so far #define MAX_DANGER_SPOTS 16 HidingSpot *dangerSpot[MAX_DANGER_SPOTS]; int dangerSpotCount = 0; int dangerIndex = 0; const float checkTime = 10.0f; const SpotOrder *spotOrder; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_spotEncounter->spots, it ) { spotOrder = &(m_spotEncounter->spots[ it ]); // if we have seen this spot recently, we don't need to look at it if (gpGlobals->curtime - GetHidingSpotCheckTimestamp( spotOrder->spot ) <= checkTime) continue; if (spotOrder->t > t) break; // ignore spots the enemy could not have possibly reached yet if (spotOrder->spot->GetArea()) { if (TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() < spotOrder->spot->GetArea()->GetEarliestOccupyTime( OtherTeam( GetTeamNumber() ) )) { continue; } } dangerSpot[ dangerIndex++ ] = spotOrder->spot; if (dangerIndex >= MAX_DANGER_SPOTS) dangerIndex = 0; if (dangerSpotCount < MAX_DANGER_SPOTS) ++dangerSpotCount; } if (dangerSpotCount) { // pick one of the spots at random int which = RandomInt( 0, dangerSpotCount-1 ); // glance at the spot for minimum time SetLookAt( "Encounter Spot", dangerSpot[which]->GetPosition() + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight ), PRIORITY_LOW, 0.2f, true, 10.0f ); // immediately mark it as "checked", so we don't check it again // if we get distracted before we check it - that's the way it goes SetHidingSpotCheckTimestamp( dangerSpot[which] ); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * "Bend" our line of sight around corners until we can "see" the point. */ bool CCSBot::BendLineOfSight( const Vector &eye, const Vector &target, Vector *bend, float angleLimit ) const { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::BendLineOfSight", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); bool doDebug = false; const float debugDuration = 0.04f; if (doDebug && cv_bot_debug.GetBool() && IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe()) NDebugOverlay::Line( eye, target, 255, 255, 255, true, debugDuration ); // if we can directly see the point, use it trace_t result; CTraceFilterNoNPCsOrPlayer traceFilter( this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ); UTIL_TraceLine( eye, target, MASK_VISIBLE_AND_NPCS, &traceFilter, &result ); if (result.fraction == 1.0f && !result.startsolid) { // can directly see point, no bending needed *bend = target; return true; } // "bend" our line of sight until we can see the approach point Vector to = target - eye; float startAngle = UTIL_VecToYaw( to ); float length = to.Length2D(); to.NormalizeInPlace(); struct Color3 { int r, g, b; }; const int colorCount = 6; Color3 colorSet[ colorCount ] = { { 255, 0, 0 }, { 0, 255, 0 }, { 0, 0, 255 }, { 255, 255, 0 }, { 0, 255, 255 }, { 255, 0, 255 }, }; int color = 0; // optiming assumption - previous rays cast "shadow" on subsequent rays since they already // enumerated visible space along their length. // We should do a dot product and compute the exact length, but since the angular changes // are incremental, using the direct length should be close enough. float priorVisibleLength[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; float angleInc = 5.0f; for( float angle = angleInc; angle <= angleLimit; angle += angleInc ) { // check both sides at this angle offset for( int side=0; side<2; ++side ) { float actualAngle = (side) ? (startAngle + angle) : (startAngle - angle); float dx = cos( 3.141592f * actualAngle / 180.0f ); float dy = sin( 3.141592f * actualAngle / 180.0f ); // compute rotated point ray endpoint Vector rotPoint( eye.x + length * dx, eye.y + length * dy, target.z ); // check LOS to find length to test along ray UTIL_TraceLine( eye, rotPoint, MASK_VISIBLE_AND_NPCS, &traceFilter, &result ); // if this ray started in an obstacle, skip it if (result.startsolid) { continue; } Vector ray = rotPoint - eye; float rayLength = ray.NormalizeInPlace(); float visibleLength = rayLength * result.fraction; if (doDebug && cv_bot_debug.GetBool() && IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe()) { NDebugOverlay::Line( eye, eye + visibleLength * ray, colorSet[color].r, colorSet[color].g, colorSet[color].b, true, debugDuration ); } // step along ray, checking if point is visible from ray point const float bendStepSize = 50.0f; // start from point that prior rays couldn't see float startLength = priorVisibleLength[ side ]; for( float bendLength=startLength; bendLength <= visibleLength; bendLength += bendStepSize ) { // compute point along ray Vector bendPoint = eye + bendLength * ray; // check if we can see approach point from this bend point UTIL_TraceLine( bendPoint, target, MASK_VISIBLE_AND_NPCS, &traceFilter, &result ); if (doDebug && cv_bot_debug.GetBool() && IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe()) { NDebugOverlay::Line( bendPoint, result.endpos, colorSet[color].r/2, colorSet[color].g/2, colorSet[color].b/2, true, debugDuration ); } if (result.fraction == 1.0f && !result.startsolid) { // target is visible from this bend point on the ray - use this point on the ray as our point // keep "bent" point at correct height along line of sight bendPoint.z = eye.z + bendLength * to.z; *bend = bendPoint; return true; } } priorVisibleLength[ side ] = visibleLength; ++color; if (color >= colorCount) { color = 0; } } // side } // bending rays didn't help - still can't see the point return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if we "notice" given player * @todo Increase chance if player is rotating * @todo Decrease chance as nears edge of FOV */ bool CCSBot::IsNoticable( const CCSPlayer *player, unsigned char visParts ) const { // if this player has just fired his weapon, we notice him if (DidPlayerJustFireWeapon( player )) { return true; } float deltaT = m_attentionInterval.GetElapsedTime(); // all chances are specified in terms of a standard "quantum" of time // in which a normal person would notice something const float noticeQuantum = 0.25f; // determine percentage of player that is visible float coverRatio = 0.0f; if (visParts & GUT) { const float chance = 40.0f; coverRatio += chance; } if (visParts & HEAD) { const float chance = 10.0f; coverRatio += chance; } if (visParts & LEFT_SIDE) { const float chance = 20.0f; coverRatio += chance; } if (visParts & RIGHT_SIDE) { const float chance = 20.0f; coverRatio += chance; } if (visParts & FEET) { const float chance = 10.0f; coverRatio += chance; } // compute range modifier - farther away players are harder to notice, depeding on what they are doing float range = (player->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin()).Length(); const float closeRange = 300.0f; const float farRange = 1000.0f; float rangeModifier; if (range < closeRange) { rangeModifier = 0.0f; } else if (range > farRange) { rangeModifier = 1.0f; } else { rangeModifier = (range - closeRange)/(farRange - closeRange); } // harder to notice when crouched bool isCrouching = (player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING); // moving players are easier to spot float playerSpeedSq = player->GetAbsVelocity().LengthSqr(); const float runSpeed = 200.0f; const float walkSpeed = 30.0f; float farChance, closeChance; if (playerSpeedSq > runSpeed * runSpeed) { // running players are always easy to spot (must be standing to run) return true; } else if (playerSpeedSq > walkSpeed * walkSpeed) { // walking players are less noticable far away if (isCrouching) { closeChance = 90.0f; farChance = 60.0f; } else // standing { closeChance = 100.0f; farChance = 75.0f; } } else { // motionless players are hard to notice if (isCrouching) { // crouching and motionless - very tough to notice closeChance = 80.0f; farChance = 5.0f; // takes about three seconds to notice (50% chance) } else // standing { closeChance = 100.0f; farChance = 10.0f; } } // combine posture, speed, and range chances float dispositionChance = closeChance + (farChance - closeChance) * rangeModifier; // determine actual chance of noticing player float noticeChance = dispositionChance * coverRatio/100.0f; // scale by skill level noticeChance *= (0.5f + 0.5f * GetProfile()->GetSkill()); // if we are alert, our chance of noticing is much higher if (IsAlert()) { const float alertBonus = 50.0f; noticeChance += alertBonus; } // scale by time quantum noticeChance *= deltaT / noticeQuantum; // there must always be a chance of detecting the enemy const float minChance = 0.1f; if (noticeChance < minChance) { noticeChance = minChance; } //PrintIfWatched( "Notice chance = %3.2f\n", noticeChance ); return (RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) < noticeChance); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return most dangerous threat in my field of view (feeds into reaction time queue). * @todo Account for lighting levels, cover, and distance to see if we notice enemy */ CCSPlayer *CCSBot::FindMostDangerousThreat( void ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::FindMostDangerousThreat", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); if (IsBlind()) { return NULL; } enum { MAX_THREATS = 16 }; // maximum number of simulataneously attendable threats struct CloseInfo { CCSPlayer *enemy; float range; } threat[ MAX_THREATS ]; int threatCount = 0; int prevIndex = m_enemyQueueIndex - 1; if ( prevIndex < 0 ) prevIndex = MAX_ENEMY_QUEUE - 1; CCSPlayer *currentThreat = m_enemyQueue[ prevIndex ].player; m_bomber = NULL; m_isEnemySniperVisible = false; m_closestVisibleFriend = NULL; float closeFriendRange = 99999999999.9f; m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = NULL; float closeHumanFriendRange = 99999999999.9f; CCSPlayer *sniperThreat = NULL; float sniperThreatRange = 99999999999.9f; bool sniperThreatIsFacingMe = false; const float lookingAtMeTolerance = 0.7071f; int i; { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::Collect Threats", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); for( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i ) { CBaseEntity *entity = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if (entity == NULL) continue; // is it a player? if (!entity->IsPlayer()) continue; CCSPlayer *player = static_cast<CCSPlayer *>( entity ); // ignore self if (player->entindex() == entindex()) continue; // is it alive? if (!player->IsAlive()) continue; // is it an enemy? if (player->InSameTeam( this )) { // keep track of nearby friends - use less exact visibility check if (IsVisible( entity->WorldSpaceCenter(), false, this )) { // update watch timestamp int idx = player->entindex(); m_watchInfo[idx].timestamp = gpGlobals->curtime; m_watchInfo[idx].isEnemy = false; // keep track of our closest friend Vector to = GetAbsOrigin() - player->GetAbsOrigin(); float rangeSq = to.LengthSqr(); if (rangeSq < closeFriendRange) { m_closestVisibleFriend = player; closeFriendRange = rangeSq; } // keep track of our closest human friend if (!player->IsBot() && rangeSq < closeHumanFriendRange) { m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = player; closeHumanFriendRange = rangeSq; } } continue; } // check if this enemy is fully or partially visible unsigned char visParts; if (!IsVisible( player, CHECK_FOV, &visParts )) continue; // do we notice this enemy? (always notice current enemy) if (player != currentThreat) { if (!IsNoticable( player, visParts )) { continue; } } // update watch timestamp int idx = player->entindex(); m_watchInfo[idx].timestamp = gpGlobals->curtime; m_watchInfo[idx].isEnemy = true; // note if we see the bomber if (player->HasC4()) { m_bomber = player; } // keep track of all visible threats Vector d = GetAbsOrigin() - player->GetAbsOrigin(); float distSq = d.LengthSqr(); // track enemy sniper threats if (IsSniperRifle( player->GetActiveCSWeapon() )) { m_isEnemySniperVisible = true; // keep track of the most dangerous sniper we see if (sniperThreat) { if (IsPlayerLookingAtMe( player, lookingAtMeTolerance )) { if (sniperThreatIsFacingMe) { // several snipers are facing us - keep closest if (distSq < sniperThreatRange) { sniperThreat = player; sniperThreatRange = distSq; sniperThreatIsFacingMe = true; } } else { // even if this sniper is farther away, keep it because he's aiming at us sniperThreat = player; sniperThreatRange = distSq; sniperThreatIsFacingMe = true; } } else { // this sniper is not looking at us, only consider it if we dont have a sniper facing us if (!sniperThreatIsFacingMe && distSq < sniperThreatRange) { sniperThreat = player; sniperThreatRange = distSq; } } } else { // first sniper we see sniperThreat = player; sniperThreatRange = distSq; sniperThreatIsFacingMe = IsPlayerLookingAtMe( player, lookingAtMeTolerance ); } } { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::Sort Threats", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); // maintain set of visible threats, sorted by increasing distance if (threatCount == 0) { threat[0].enemy = player; threat[0].range = distSq; threatCount = 1; } else { // find insertion point int j; for( j=0; j<threatCount; ++j ) { if (distSq < threat[j].range) break; } // shift lower half down a notch for( int k=threatCount-1; k>=j; --k ) threat[k+1] = threat[k]; // insert threat into sorted list threat[j].enemy = player; threat[j].range = distSq; if (threatCount < MAX_THREATS) ++threatCount; } } } } { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::Count nearby Friends & Enemies", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); // track the maximum enemy and friend counts we've seen recently int prevEnemies = m_nearbyEnemyCount; m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0; m_nearbyFriendCount = 0; for( i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; ++i ) { if (m_watchInfo[i].timestamp <= 0.0f) continue; const float recentTime = 3.0f; if (gpGlobals->curtime - m_watchInfo[i].timestamp < recentTime) { if (m_watchInfo[i].isEnemy) ++m_nearbyEnemyCount; else ++m_nearbyFriendCount; } } // note when we saw this batch of enemies if (prevEnemies == 0 && m_nearbyEnemyCount > 0) { m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime; } } { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::Track enemy Place", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); // // Track the place where we saw most of our enemies // struct PlaceRank { unsigned int place; int count; }; static PlaceRank placeRank[ MAX_PLACES_PER_MAP ]; int locCount = 0; PlaceRank common; common.place = 0; common.count = 0; for( i=0; i<threatCount; ++i ) { // find the area the player/bot is standing on CNavArea *area; CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast<CCSBot *>(threat[i].enemy); if (bot && bot->IsBot()) { area = bot->GetLastKnownArea(); } else { Vector enemyOrigin = GetCentroid( threat[i].enemy ); area = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( enemyOrigin ); } if (area == NULL) continue; unsigned int threatLoc = area->GetPlace(); if (!threatLoc) continue; // if place is already in set, increment count int j; for( j=0; j<locCount; ++j ) if (placeRank[j].place == threatLoc) break; if (j == locCount) { // new place if (locCount < MAX_PLACES_PER_MAP) { placeRank[ locCount ].place = threatLoc; placeRank[ locCount ].count = 1; if (common.count == 0) common = placeRank[locCount]; ++locCount; } } else { // others are in that place, increment ++placeRank[j].count; // keep track of the most common place if (placeRank[j].count > common.count) common = placeRank[j]; } } // remember most common place m_enemyPlace = common.place; } { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::Select Threat", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); if (threatCount == 0) return NULL; // if we can still see our current threat, keep it // unless a new one is much closer bool sawCloserThreat = false; bool sawCurrentThreat = false; int t; for( t=0; t<threatCount; ++t ) { if ( threat[t].enemy == currentThreat ) { sawCurrentThreat = true; } else if ( threat[t].enemy != currentThreat && IsSignificantlyCloser( threat[t].enemy, currentThreat ) ) { sawCloserThreat = true; } } if ( sawCurrentThreat && !sawCloserThreat ) { return currentThreat; } // if we are a sniper and we see a sniper threat, attack it unless // there are other close enemies facing me if (IsSniper() && sniperThreat) { const float closeCombatRange = 500.0f; for( t=0; t<threatCount; ++t ) { if (threat[t].range < closeCombatRange && IsPlayerLookingAtMe( threat[t].enemy, lookingAtMeTolerance )) { return threat[t].enemy; } } return sniperThreat; } // otherwise, find the closest threat that is looking at me for( t=0; t<threatCount; ++t ) { if (IsPlayerLookingAtMe( threat[t].enemy, lookingAtMeTolerance )) { return threat[t].enemy; } } } // return closest threat return threat[0].enemy; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update our reaction time queue */ void CCSBot::UpdateReactionQueue( void ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CCSBot::UpdateReactionQueue", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ); // zombies dont see any threats if (cv_bot_zombie.GetBool()) return; // find biggest threat at this instant CCSPlayer *threat = FindMostDangerousThreat(); // reset timer m_attentionInterval.Start(); int now = m_enemyQueueIndex; // store a snapshot of its state at the end of the reaction time queue if (threat) { m_enemyQueue[ now ].player = threat; m_enemyQueue[ now ].isReloading = threat->IsReloading(); m_enemyQueue[ now ].isProtectedByShield = threat->IsProtectedByShield(); } else { m_enemyQueue[ now ].player = NULL; m_enemyQueue[ now ].isReloading = false; m_enemyQueue[ now ].isProtectedByShield = false; } // queue is round-robin ++m_enemyQueueIndex; if (m_enemyQueueIndex >= MAX_ENEMY_QUEUE) m_enemyQueueIndex = 0; if (m_enemyQueueCount < MAX_ENEMY_QUEUE) ++m_enemyQueueCount; // clamp reaction time to enemy queue size float reactionTime = GetProfile()->GetReactionTime() - g_BotUpdateInterval; float maxReactionTime = (MAX_ENEMY_QUEUE * g_BotUpdateInterval) - 0.01f; if (reactionTime > maxReactionTime) reactionTime = maxReactionTime; // "rewind" time back to our reaction time int reactionTimeSteps = (int)((reactionTime / g_BotUpdateInterval) + 0.5f); int i = now - reactionTimeSteps; if (i < 0) i += MAX_ENEMY_QUEUE; m_enemyQueueAttendIndex = (unsigned char)i; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return the most dangerous threat we are "conscious" of */ CCSPlayer *CCSBot::GetRecognizedEnemy( void ) { if (m_enemyQueueAttendIndex >= m_enemyQueueCount || IsBlind()) { return NULL; } return m_enemyQueue[ m_enemyQueueAttendIndex ].player; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if the enemy we are "conscious" of is reloading */ bool CCSBot::IsRecognizedEnemyReloading( void ) { if (m_enemyQueueAttendIndex >= m_enemyQueueCount) return false; return m_enemyQueue[ m_enemyQueueAttendIndex ].isReloading; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if the enemy we are "conscious" of is hiding behind a shield */ bool CCSBot::IsRecognizedEnemyProtectedByShield( void ) { if (m_enemyQueueAttendIndex >= m_enemyQueueCount) return false; return m_enemyQueue[ m_enemyQueueAttendIndex ].isProtectedByShield; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return distance to closest enemy we are "conscious" of */ float CCSBot::GetRangeToNearestRecognizedEnemy( void ) { const CCSPlayer *enemy = GetRecognizedEnemy(); if (enemy) return (GetAbsOrigin() - enemy->GetAbsOrigin()).Length(); return 99999999.9f; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Blind the bot for the given duration */ void CCSBot::Blind( float holdTime, float fadeTime, float startingAlpha ) { PrintIfWatched( "Blinded: holdTime = %3.2f, fadeTime = %3.2f, alpha = %3.2f\n", holdTime, fadeTime, startingAlpha ); // if we were only blinded a little bit, shake it off const float mildBlindTime = 3.0f; if (holdTime < mildBlindTime) { Wait( 0.75f * holdTime ); BecomeAlert(); BaseClass::Blind( holdTime, fadeTime, startingAlpha ); return; } // if blinded while in combat - then spray and pray! m_blindFire = IsAttacking(); // retreat // do this first, so spot selection happens before IsBlind() is set const float hideRange = 400.0f; TryToRetreat( hideRange ); PrintIfWatched( "I'm blind!\n" ); if (RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) < 33.3f) { GetChatter()->Say( "Blinded", 1.0f ); } // no longer safe AdjustSafeTime(); // decide which way to move while blind m_blindMoveDir = static_cast<NavRelativeDirType>( RandomInt( 1, NUM_RELATIVE_DIRECTIONS-1 ) ); // if we're defusing, don't give up if (IsDefusingBomb()) { return; } // can't see to aim at enemy StopAiming(); // dont override "facing away" behavior unless we are going to spray and pray if (m_blindFire) { ClearLookAt(); // just look straight ahead while blind Vector forward; EyeVectors( &forward ); SetLookAt( "Blind", EyePosition() + 10000.0f * forward, PRIORITY_UNINTERRUPTABLE, holdTime + 0.5f * fadeTime ); } StopWaiting(); BecomeAlert(); BaseClass::Blind( holdTime, fadeTime, startingAlpha ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CheckLookAt { public: CheckLookAt( const CCSBot *me, bool testFOV ) { m_me = me; m_testFOV = testFOV; } bool operator() ( CBasePlayer *player ) { if (!m_me->IsEnemy( player )) return true; if (m_testFOV && !(const_cast< CCSBot * >(m_me)->FInViewCone( player->WorldSpaceCenter() ))) return true; if (!m_me->IsPlayerLookingAtMe( player )) return true; if (m_me->IsVisible( (CCSPlayer *)player )) return false; return true; } const CCSBot *m_me; bool m_testFOV; }; /** * Return true if any enemy I have LOS to is looking directly at me * @todo Use reaction time pipeline */ bool CCSBot::IsAnyVisibleEnemyLookingAtMe( bool testFOV ) const { CheckLookAt checkLookAt( this, testFOV ); return (ForEachPlayer( checkLookAt ) == false) ? true : false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Do panic behavior */ void CCSBot::UpdatePanicLookAround( void ) { if (m_panicTimer.IsElapsed()) { return; } if (IsEnemyVisible()) { StopPanicking(); return; } if (HasLookAtTarget()) { // wait until we finish our current look at return; } // select a spot somewhere behind us to look at as we search for our attacker const QAngle &eyeAngles = EyeAngles(); QAngle newAngles; newAngles.x = RandomFloat( -30.0f, 30.0f ); // Look directly behind at a random offset in a 90 window. float yaw = RandomFloat( 135.0f, 225.0f ); newAngles.y = eyeAngles.y + yaw; newAngles.z = 0.0f; Vector forward; AngleVectors( newAngles, &forward ); Vector spot; spot = EyePosition() + 1000.0f * forward; SetLookAt( "Panic", spot, PRIORITY_HIGH, 0.0f ); PrintIfWatched( "Panic yaw angle = %3.2f\n", newAngles.y ); }