// NextBotInterface.cpp
// Implentation of system methods for NextBot interface
// Author: Michael Booth, May 2006
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//

#include "cbase.h"

#include "props.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "team.h"

#include "NextBotInterface.h"
#include "NextBotBodyInterface.h"
#include "NextBotManager.h"

#include "tier0/vprof.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// development only, off by default for 360
ConVar NextBotDebugHistory( "nb_debug_history", IsX360() ? "0" : "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "If true, each bot keeps a history of debug output in memory" );

INextBot::INextBot( void ) : m_debugHistory( MAX_NEXTBOT_DEBUG_HISTORY, 0 )	// CUtlVector: grow to max length, alloc 0 initially
	m_tickLastUpdate = -999;
	m_id = -1;
	m_componentList = NULL;
	m_debugDisplayLine = 0;

	m_immobileAnchor = vec3_origin;

	m_currentPath = NULL;

	// register with the manager
	m_id = TheNextBots().Register( this );


	// tell the manager we're gone
	TheNextBots().UnRegister( this );

	// delete Intention first, since destruction of Actions may access other components
	if ( m_baseIntention )
		delete m_baseIntention;

	if ( m_baseLocomotion )
		delete m_baseLocomotion;

	if ( m_baseBody )
		delete m_baseBody;

	if ( m_baseVision )
		delete m_baseVision;

void INextBot::Reset( void )
	m_tickLastUpdate = -999;
	m_debugType = 0;
	m_debugDisplayLine = 0;

	m_immobileAnchor = vec3_origin;

	for( INextBotComponent *comp = m_componentList; comp; comp = comp->m_nextComponent )

void INextBot::ResetDebugHistory( void )
	for ( int i=0; i<m_debugHistory.Count(); ++i )
		delete m_debugHistory[i];


bool INextBot::BeginUpdate()
	if ( TheNextBots().ShouldUpdate( this ) )
		TheNextBots().NotifyBeginUpdate( this );
		return true;
	return false;

void INextBot::EndUpdate( void )
	TheNextBots().NotifyEndUpdate( this );

void INextBot::Update( void )
	VPROF_BUDGET( "INextBot::Update", "NextBot" );

	m_debugDisplayLine = 0;

	if ( IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_DEBUG_ALL ) )
		CFmtStr msg;
		DisplayDebugText( msg.sprintf( "#%d", GetEntity()->entindex() ) );


	// update all components
	for( INextBotComponent *comp = m_componentList; comp; comp = comp->m_nextComponent )
		if ( comp->ComputeUpdateInterval() )

void INextBot::Upkeep( void )
	VPROF_BUDGET( "INextBot::Upkeep", "NextBot" );

	// do upkeep for all components
	for( INextBotComponent *comp = m_componentList; comp; comp = comp->m_nextComponent )

bool INextBot::SetPosition( const Vector &pos )
	IBody *body = GetBodyInterface();
	if (body)
		return body->SetPosition( pos );
	// fall back to setting raw entity position
	GetEntity()->SetAbsOrigin( pos );
	return true;

const Vector &INextBot::GetPosition( void ) const
	return const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin();

 * Return true if given actor is our enemy
bool INextBot::IsEnemy( const CBaseEntity *them ) const
	if ( them == NULL )
		return false;
	// this is not strictly correct, as spectators are not enemies
	return const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity()->GetTeamNumber() != them->GetTeamNumber();

 * Return true if given actor is our friend
bool INextBot::IsFriend( const CBaseEntity  *them ) const
	if ( them == NULL )
		return false;
	return const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity()->GetTeamNumber() == them->GetTeamNumber();

 * Return true if 'them' is actually me
bool INextBot::IsSelf( const CBaseEntity *them ) const
	if ( them == NULL )
		return false;

	return const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity()->entindex() == them->entindex();

 * Components call this to register themselves with the bot that contains them
void INextBot::RegisterComponent( INextBotComponent *comp )
	// add to head of singly linked list
	comp->m_nextComponent = m_componentList;
	m_componentList = comp;

bool INextBot::IsRangeLessThan( CBaseEntity *subject, float range ) const
	Vector botPos;
	CBaseEntity *bot = const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity();
	if ( !bot || !subject )
		return 0.0f;

	bot->CollisionProp()->CalcNearestPoint( subject->WorldSpaceCenter(), &botPos );
	float computedRange = subject->CollisionProp()->CalcDistanceFromPoint( botPos );
	return computedRange < range;

bool INextBot::IsRangeLessThan( const Vector &pos, float range ) const
	Vector to = pos - GetPosition();
	return to.IsLengthLessThan( range );

bool INextBot::IsRangeGreaterThan( CBaseEntity *subject, float range ) const
	Vector botPos;
	CBaseEntity *bot = const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity();
	if ( !bot || !subject )
		return true;

	bot->CollisionProp()->CalcNearestPoint( subject->WorldSpaceCenter(), &botPos );
	float computedRange = subject->CollisionProp()->CalcDistanceFromPoint( botPos );
	return computedRange > range;

bool INextBot::IsRangeGreaterThan( const Vector &pos, float range ) const
	Vector to = pos - GetPosition();
	return to.IsLengthGreaterThan( range );

float INextBot::GetRangeTo( CBaseEntity *subject ) const
	Vector botPos;
	CBaseEntity *bot = const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity();
	if ( !bot || !subject )
		return 0.0f;

	bot->CollisionProp()->CalcNearestPoint( subject->WorldSpaceCenter(), &botPos );
	float computedRange = subject->CollisionProp()->CalcDistanceFromPoint( botPos );
	return computedRange;

float INextBot::GetRangeTo( const Vector &pos ) const
	Vector to = pos - GetPosition();
	return to.Length();

float INextBot::GetRangeSquaredTo( CBaseEntity *subject ) const
	Vector botPos;
	CBaseEntity *bot = const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity();
	if ( !bot || !subject )
		return 0.0f;

	bot->CollisionProp()->CalcNearestPoint( subject->WorldSpaceCenter(), &botPos );
	float computedRange = subject->CollisionProp()->CalcDistanceFromPoint( botPos );
	return computedRange * computedRange;

float INextBot::GetRangeSquaredTo( const Vector &pos ) const
	Vector to = pos - GetPosition();
	return to.LengthSqr();	

bool INextBot::IsDebugging( unsigned int type ) const
	if ( TheNextBots().IsDebugging( type ) )
		return TheNextBots().IsDebugFilterMatch( this );

	return false;

 * Return the name of this bot for debugging purposes
const char *INextBot::GetDebugIdentifier( void ) const
	const int nameSize = 256;
	static char name[ nameSize ];
	Q_snprintf( name, nameSize, "%s(#%d)", const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity()->GetClassname(), const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity()->entindex() );

	return name;

 * Return true if we match the given debug symbol
bool INextBot::IsDebugFilterMatch( const char *name ) const
	// compare debug identifier
	if ( !Q_strnicmp( name, GetDebugIdentifier(), Q_strlen( name ) ) )
		return true;

	// compare team name
	CTeam *team = GetEntity()->GetTeam();
	if ( team && !Q_strnicmp( name, team->GetName(), Q_strlen( name ) ) )
		return true;

	return false;

 * There are some things we never want to climb on
bool INextBot::IsAbleToClimbOnto( const CBaseEntity *object ) const
	if ( object == NULL || !const_cast<CBaseEntity *>(object)->IsAIWalkable() )
		return false;

	// never climb onto doors
	if ( FClassnameIs( const_cast< CBaseEntity * >( object ), "prop_door*" ) || FClassnameIs( const_cast< CBaseEntity * >( object ), "func_door*" ) )
		return false;

	// ok to climb on this object
	return true;

 * Can we break this object
bool INextBot::IsAbleToBreak( const CBaseEntity *object ) const
	if ( object && object->m_takedamage == DAMAGE_YES )
		if ( FClassnameIs( const_cast< CBaseEntity * >( object ), "func_breakable" ) && 
			 object->GetHealth() )
			return true;

		if ( FClassnameIs( const_cast< CBaseEntity * >( object ), "func_breakable_surf" ) )
			return true;

		if ( dynamic_cast< const CBreakableProp * >( object ) != NULL )
			return true;

	return false;

void INextBot::DisplayDebugText( const char *text ) const
	const_cast< INextBot * >( this )->GetEntity()->EntityText( m_debugDisplayLine++, text, 0.1 );

void INextBot::DebugConColorMsg( NextBotDebugType debugType, const Color &color, const char *fmt, ... )
	bool isDataFormatted = false;

	va_list argptr;

	if ( developer.GetBool() && IsDebugging( debugType ) )
		va_start(argptr, fmt);
		Q_vsnprintf(data, sizeof( data ), fmt, argptr);
		isDataFormatted = true;

		ConColorMsg( color, "%s", data );

	if ( !NextBotDebugHistory.GetBool() )
		if ( m_debugHistory.Count() )

	// Don't bother with event data - it's spammy enough to overshadow everything else.
	if ( debugType == NEXTBOT_EVENTS )

	if ( !isDataFormatted )
		va_start(argptr, fmt);
		Q_vsnprintf(data, sizeof( data ), fmt, argptr);
		isDataFormatted = true;

	int lastLine = m_debugHistory.Count() - 1;
	if ( lastLine >= 0 )
		NextBotDebugLineType *line = m_debugHistory[lastLine];
		if ( line->debugType == debugType && V_strstr( line->data, "\n" ) == NULL )
			// append onto previous line
			V_strncat( line->data, data, MAX_NEXTBOT_DEBUG_LINE_LENGTH );

	// Prune out an old line if needed, keeping a pointer to re-use the memory
	NextBotDebugLineType *line = NULL;
	if ( m_debugHistory.Count() == MAX_NEXTBOT_DEBUG_HISTORY )
		line = m_debugHistory[0];
		m_debugHistory.Remove( 0 );

	// Add to debug history
	if ( !line )
		line = new NextBotDebugLineType;
	line->debugType = debugType;
	V_strncpy( line->data, data, MAX_NEXTBOT_DEBUG_LINE_LENGTH );
	m_debugHistory.AddToTail( line );

// build a vector of debug history of the given types
void INextBot::GetDebugHistory( unsigned int type, CUtlVector< const NextBotDebugLineType * > *lines ) const
	if ( !lines )


	for ( int i=0; i<m_debugHistory.Count(); ++i )
		NextBotDebugLineType *line = m_debugHistory[i];
		if ( line->debugType & type )
			lines->AddToTail( line );

void INextBot::UpdateImmobileStatus( void )
	if ( m_immobileCheckTimer.IsElapsed() )
		m_immobileCheckTimer.Start( 1.0f );

		// if we haven't moved farther than this in 1 second, we're immobile
		if ( ( GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin() - m_immobileAnchor ).IsLengthGreaterThan( GetImmobileSpeedThreshold() ) )
			// moved far enough, not immobile
			m_immobileAnchor = GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin();
			// haven't escaped our anchor - we are immobile
			if ( !m_immobileTimer.HasStarted() )