#ifndef I_NOVINT_HFX #define I_NOVINT_HFX #define HFX_VERSION_MAJOR 0 #define HFX_VERSION_MAJOR_SZ "0" #define HFX_VERSION_MINOR 5 #define HFX_VERSION_MINOR_SZ "5" #define HFX_VERSION_FLOAT 0.5 #include "util/HFXInterfaceHelper.h" //( NovintHFX ) #include "HFXConfig.h" //( HFXClasses ) namespace std{ template<class _Ty> class allocator; template <class _Ty, class _Ax > class vector; }; #if _MSC_VER < 1400 #define VECTOR_TYPE(type) std::vector<type> #endif #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 #define VECTOR_TYPE(type) ::std::vector<type, ::std::allocator<type> > #endif #pragma warning( disable : 4251 ) class EffectTag; //ensure these are not int he NovintHFX namespace. #include "IHFXParam.h" #include "IHFXEffect.h" typedef int _declspec(dllimport) (*LinkHFX_Fn)( const char * password, const char *cmdline, void **effects, void **system ); //temporarily disable warning regarding to data classes // needing external classes #pragma warning(disable:4661) //forward decl. class IDevice; class IStack; struct IBaseEffectParams; class IBaseEffect; //( HapticsMath ) #include "Types/hfxVec3.h" //( HapticsSystem ) struct IHapticEffectParamGroup; typedef IHapticEffectParamGroup IHFXParamGroup; typedef int DeviceIndex; typedef unsigned long hfxPreciseTime; typedef bool (*EnableMouseFn)( void ); enum eMouseMove { eHFXMM_Delta=0, eHFXMM_Absolute=0, }; enum eMouseButton { eHFXMM_1232=0,//1=left 2=right 3=middle 4=right eHFXMM_1111,//1=left 2=left 3=left 4=left eHFXMM_1342,//1=left 2=middle 3=4th 4=right eHFXMM_None, }; enum eMouseMethod { eHFXMouseMeth_OSInput=0, eHFXMouseMeth_fMouse, eHFXMouseMeth_useCallback, eHFXMouseMeth_smartDelta, eHFXMouseMeth_delta, eHFXMouseMeth_COUNT, }; enum eMouseClick { eHFXMC_Left=0, eHFXMC_Right, eHFXMC_Middle, eHFXMC_Fourth, eHFXMC_COUNT, }; typedef bool (*MouseEmulationFn)( const double &devicex_pos, const double &devicey_pos, const double &devicez_pos, const double &devicex_delta, const double &devicey_delta, const double &devicez_delta, const int &buttons_down, const int &buttons_pressed, const int &buttons_released, bool moved, /* adjust if you would liek to send a mouse button */ bool buttonsDown[eHFXMC_COUNT] ); struct ApplicationData { }; typedef void (*RollCallIndexSetCallBack)(IDevice *pDevice, const int devices_left); class HFX_PURE_INTERFACE IHapticsSystem { public: // call this method prior to shutting down the game. virtual void ShutDown(bool hard=false) =0; // THIS FUNCTION MUST BE CALLED BY YOUR APPLICATION AND RETURN TRUE PRIOR TO CREATING A DEVICE! // window = the HWND of the program. // returns weather or not the applicationdata was sufficent. virtual bool AttachApplication(ApplicationData &app) =0; virtual bool AttachApplicationByProcessName(ApplicationData &app, const char *szProcessName) =0; // If you want to use more than 1 device set this before. NOTE: for multiple devices you must use device lock //HFX_VIRTUAL bool SetOptionalDeviceCount( unsigned int nDevices ); // Use this function to create a device. (note: when making multiple devices they must be connected in numerical order.) virtual bool RunDevice(IDevice **ppDevice, const char *deviceName=0, const char *configDir=0) =0; // When using multiple devices you _MUST_ lock devices after device connection attempts are made. virtual void LockDevices() =0; // When using mutliple devices you _MUST_ unlock devices once they are locked to connect more devices and then lock again afterwards. virtual void UnlockDevices() =0; // Note: this will return the max number of devices specified in the constructor of HapticsSystem. virtual unsigned int GetTargetDeviceCount() const =0; // connects multiple devices at once. returns number of devices connected. // if targetNumber==-1 then all connected devices will be ran. virtual int RunMultipleDevices(const int targetNumber=-1) =0; // returns true if device was stopped. virtual bool StopRunningDevice(IDevice **ppDevice) =0; // returns true if all instances were stopped. virtual bool StopAllRunningDevices() =0; //this will ask the user to press a button on each device. the order in which they // press a button on each connected device will order their device id from zero to the number // of falcons the user has minus one. // note: without roll call devices are ordered by their serial number. // returns false if only one falcon is connected. virtual bool RollCallDevices(RollCallIndexSetCallBack CallBackFn=0,bool bCreateThread=false) =0; // will return true untill roll call is over. virtual bool IsInRollCall() const =0; // updates roll call data. only call this if your in a roll call and the roll call was not started // with bCreateThread set to true. // returns true if still in roll call. virtual bool RollCallUpdate() =0; // cancles roll call in progress. if ApplyMadeChanges is true the devices who responded // to the roll call will be set in and the unset will be moved to the end of the index list. virtual bool StopRollCall(bool ApplyMadeChanges=false) =0; //only call this ONCE per game input tick. // returns number of devices updated. virtual int InputUpdate(); //void SetMouseMode(HWND window,eHFXMouseMove MoveMode=eHFXMM_Delta,eHFXMouseButton ButtonMode=eHFXMM_1232); virtual void SetMouseMode(eMouseMove MoveMode=eHFXMM_Delta,eMouseButton ButtonMode=eHFXMM_1232) =0; virtual void StartMouse(IDevice *pDev) =0; virtual void StartMouse(const DeviceIndex device) =0; virtual void StartMouse() =0; virtual void MouseUpdate() =0; virtual void StopMouse() =0; // returns if we are in cursor emulation. If pDevice is null it will return weather any device is in mouse emulation. virtual bool IsMouseMode(const IDevice *pDevice=0) =0; //returns true if forces are allowed. virtual bool ForcesAllowed() =0; //returns true if input is allowed. virtual bool InputAllowed() =0; //returns true if forces are enabled. // Note: this could be true and forces may not be allowed. // MouseMode RollCall window focus and possibly other things will not allow forces. virtual bool ForcesEnabled() =0; //HFX_VIRTUAL void DisableForces() HFX_PURE; //HFX_VIRTUAL void EnableForces() HFX_PURE; //returns device of index nDevice virtual IDevice *GetRunningDeviceByIndex(const DeviceIndex nDevice) const =0; //returns device on hardware index. virtual IDevice *GetRunningDeviceByHardwareIndex(const int nSerialOrder) const =0; //returns number of running devices. virtual int RunningDeviceCount() const =0; //returns number of devices connected to the users computer. virtual int ConnectedDeviceCount() const =0; // this will re count available devices. // use ConnectedDeviceCount() to get the count. virtual void RecountConnectedDevices() =0; virtual bool AllocateEffectParameter(IHFXParamGroup *&pIEffectParam, HFXEffectID associatedClass, const char *copyCachedSettings=0, const char *storageName=0) =0; HFX_INLINE bool AllocateEffectParameter(IHFXParamGroup *&pIEffectParam, const char *copyCachedSettings=(const char*)0, const char *storageName=0 ){return AllocateEffectParameter(pIEffectParam, 0, copyCachedSettings, storageName);} virtual bool DeallocateEffectParameter(IHFXParamGroup *&ppIEffectParam) =0; virtual unsigned int GetCachedParameterCount() const =0; virtual IHFXParamGroup *GetCachedParameter(const char *name) =0; virtual IHFXParamGroup *GetCachedParameter(const unsigned int name) =0; virtual const char *GetCachedParameterName(const unsigned int id) const =0; // Note: any format ( besides Bitfile ) where it cannot find the file specified will try to // load a encoded bitfile if it does not exist. A bit file will be generated when you load any // format. When release time comes around just delete the iniFile and include the bitfile output // each format has a way to turn this functionality off. if you virtual bool CacheEffectParametersINI( const char *iniFile ) =0; virtual bool CacheEffectParametersBitfile( const char *bitFile ) =0; // will add .nvnt extension virtual bool SaveCache( const char *file ) =0; //HFX_VIRTUAL bool LoadHFXModule( const char *moduleName, const char *modulePassword=0 ) HFX_PURE; virtual hfxPreciseTime GetBaseTime() const =0; virtual hfxPreciseTime GetRunTime() const =0; virtual double GetRunTimeSeconds() const =0; virtual double GetBaseTimeSeconds() const =0; virtual bool CreateNewEffectStack(const char *uniqueName, IStack**ppStack, unsigned int inputDevices=0) =0; virtual bool DeleteEffectStack(IStack**ppStack) =0; virtual IStack* FindEffectStack(const char *name) =0; //command support //HFX_VIRTUAL int RunCommand( const char *cmd ) HFX_PURE; //HFX_VIRTUAL bool InitFromXML(ApplicationData &appdata,unsigned int &devices, const char *xmlLoc) HFX_PURE; virtual int LogMessage(const int type, const char *fmt, ...); virtual int LogMessage(const char *fmt, ...); virtual bool SetMouseEmulation( eMouseMethod method ) =0; virtual bool SetMouseEmulationFunction( MouseEmulationFn method_function ) =0; #ifndef HFX_INTERNAL inline bool SetMouseEmulation( MouseEmulationFn method_function ){if(!method_function) return false; return ( SetMouseEmulation(eHFXMouseMeth_useCallback) && SetMouseEmulationFunction(method_function)); } #endif virtual bool ScaleDeviceCoordsForCursor( double &x, double &y, double width=-1, double height=-1, double offsetx=-1, double offsety=-1 ) =0; // try and put device to sleep. if null all devices will try to sleep. devices will sleep untill touched. virtual void AttemptSlumber(IDevice *device=0) =0; virtual void ActivateDynamicWindowHandler(const char *windowClassName, const char *windowText, unsigned int msHeartInterval=70) =0; virtual void DeactivateDynamicWindowHandler() =0; virtual bool IsDynamicWindowHandlerRunning() const =0; virtual HFXEffectID RegisterEffectClass(const char *tag, HFXCreate_t alloc, HFXDestroy_t dealloc, HFXNEED needs, IHFXParamGroup *defaults=0) =0; #define HFX_NON_ELEMENT 0xFFFFF0 virtual bool SetParameterGroupVar(IHFXParamGroup ¶ms, HFXParamID var, const char *string, unsigned int element=HFX_NON_ELEMENT) =0; virtual bool SetParameterGroupVar(IHFXParamGroup ¶ms, const char *varString, const char *string, unsigned int element=HFX_NON_ELEMENT) =0; virtual HFXEffectID LookupEffectIDByName(const char *name) const =0; virtual const char *LookupEffectNameByID(HFXEffectID id) const =0; // only call if explicit stack syncs are enabled virtual void SyncEffectStacks() =0; virtual HFXParamID EnumerateEffectParameters( HFXEffectID id, HFXParamID LastParamID ) =0; virtual bool CacheEffectParameterGroupCopy(const char *cachename, IHFXParamGroup *params) =0; virtual bool SaveEffectParameterCache(const char *filename, const char *type = "ini") =0; virtual void DoReport() =0; }; //( HapticsDevice ) //HFX BUTTON DEFINES : Based on HDL Button Defines. #define HFX_BUTTON_1 0x00000001 /**< Mask for button 1 */ #define HFX_BUTTON_2 0x00000002 /**< Mask for button 2 */ #define HFX_BUTTON_3 0x00000004 /**< Mask for button 3 */ #define HFX_BUTTON_4 0x00000008 /**< Mask for button 4 */ #define HFX_BUTTON_ANY 0xffffffff /**< Mask for any button */ //Internal class. struct HFX_PURE_INTERFACE IDeviceData { }; namespace NovintHFX{ class Device; class Stack; namespace Effects{ struct command_info; int ProcessCommand( IBaseEffect *pEffect, const char *argv[], const unsigned int argc ); } }; // This function callback type will be used with SetServoLoopCallbackFunction. // The main difference between hdlServoOp and this is that you get the device. typedef int (*OldServoLoopFn) (void *pParam, class IDevice *pDevice, double outforces[3]); class HFX_PURE_INTERFACE IDevice { public: //Is this device able to output forces? virtual bool AcceptingForces() const =0; //The device is connected. virtual bool IsConnected() const =0; //Sets pos to the tool Position. virtual void GetToolPosition(double pos[3]) const =0; virtual void GetToolPositionWorkspace(double pos[3]) const =0; virtual void GetButtonData(int *down=0, int *pressed=0, int *released=0) const =0; virtual void GetCurrentForce(double force[3]) const =0; virtual bool IsButtonDown( int nButton ) const =0; virtual IStack *GetEffectStack() =0; virtual const DeviceIndex GetIndex() const =0; virtual int GetHardwareIndex() const =0; virtual void InputUpdate() =0; virtual bool ConnectStack( IStack *stack ) =0; virtual bool DisconnectStack( IStack *stack ) =0; // This function is here for quick integration into games which already have a few custom // effects of their own. Taking the old ServoOp function and adding in pDevice virtual void SetServoLoopCallbackFunction( OldServoLoopFn old_fn, void *pParam ) =0; // you should never call this unless your in a callback running on servo. virtual void _GetServoData(double toolpos[3], int &buttons) =0; virtual __int64 GetSerialNumber() const =0; virtual BoundingBox3 GetWorkspace() const =0; virtual void SetEngineData(void *data) =0; virtual void *GetEngineData() const =0; virtual bool HasRested( unsigned int msDur=1 ) const =0; virtual bool IsSleeping(bool justForces=false) const =0; virtual bool TriggerFade(unsigned int msMuteTime, unsigned int msDuration, bool forceOverride=false) =0; virtual void ForceSlumber() =0; virtual void SetForceScale(const double &scale) =0; virtual double GetForceScale() const =0; }; //( HapticsStack ) class Processor; //EFFECT STACK //note one stack per device handle only. class HFX_PURE_INTERFACE IStack { public: // Returns true if effect was created. // -- // NOTE: NOT ALL EFFECTS ( SUCH AS SELF DELETING ) // WILL ALLOW YOU TO HAVE A HANDLE TO IT. // CHECKING POINTER VALIDITY OF THE HANDLE IN THE // CREATE NEW EFFECT WILL ONLY LET YOU KNOW IF // ANYTHING WAS SET TO IT, NOT NECCISARILLY IF // THE EFFECT WAS CREATED. // -- virtual bool CreateCachedEffect(IHFXEffect *&pHandle, const char *entry, const char *instancename=0 ); template<typename T> HFX_INLINE bool CreateCachedEffect(T *&pTypedHandle, const char *entry, const char *instanceName=0) { return CreateCachedEffect((IHFXEffect*&)pTypedHandle, entry, instanceName); } HFX_INLINE bool CreateCachedEffect(const char *entry){ return CreateCachedEffect(hfxNoHandle, entry); } virtual bool CreateNewEffect(IHFXEffect *&ppHandle, HFXEffectID effectName, IHFXParamGroup *params, const char *instanceName=0); template<typename T> HFX_INLINE bool CreateNewEffect(T *&pTypedHandle, HFXEffectID effectName, IHFXParamGroup *params, const char *instanceName=0) { return CreateNewEffect((IHFXEffect*&)pTypedHandle, effectName, params, instanceName); } HFX_INLINE bool CreateNewEffect(HFXEffectID effectName, IHFXParamGroup *params){ return CreateNewEffect(hfxNoHandle, effectName, params, 0); }; // Returns NULL if there was no effect using that name. // -- // NOTE: YOU SHOULD ONLY HAVE ONE HANDLE OF A EFFECT // IN AS A MEMBER VARIABLE ( NON LOCAL ). OTHERWISE // YOU RISK INVALID POINTERS IF YOU DELETE THE EFFECT. // WITH A SECOND REFERENCE. virtual IHFXEffect *FindRunningEffect(const char *instanceName) const =0; // Returns true if effect was deleted // -- // NOTE: THIS IS ONLY FOR EFFECTS WHICH NEED TO BE // DELETED MANUALLY. MANY EFFECTS WILL DELETE // THEMSELFS AND THOSE EFFECTS YOU SHOULD NOT // EVER RECEIVE HANDLES FOR. // -- virtual bool DeleteRunningEffect(IHFXEffect *&effect) =0; template<typename T> HFX_INLINE bool DeleteRunningEffect(T *&pTypedEffect) { return DeleteRunningEffect((IHFXEffect*&)pTypedEffect); } virtual void GetLastForce(double force[3])const =0; virtual void SetDeviceLock(bool state) =0; virtual bool IsDeviceListLocked() const =0; // returns true if device was added or is already a member. if slot is -1 it will just enter the device // as the next available slot. virtual bool AddDevice(IDevice*pDevice, int slot=-1) =0; // returns the device in slot virtual IDevice *GetDeviceInSlot(unsigned int id=0) const =0; virtual void GetCalclatedForces(double force[3]) =0; virtual const char *Name() const =0; //command support //HFX_VIRTUAL int RunCommand( const char *cmd ) HFX_PURE; virtual void *GetUserData() const =0; virtual void SetUserData(void*data) =0; virtual void SetVolume( const double &scale ) =0; virtual double GetVolume() const =0; virtual unsigned int GetTargetDeviceCount() const =0; virtual void SetEngineData(void *data) =0; virtual void *GetEngineData() const =0; virtual void SetEffectUserData(IHFXEffect *pEffect, void *pData) =0; virtual void *GetEffectUserData(IHFXEffect *pEffect) =0; }; //( HapticsEffect ) struct HFX_PURE_INTERFACE IRegister { public: virtual void AllocateEffect(IHFXEffect *&pEffectPtr) =0; virtual void DeallocateEffect(IHFXEffect *&pEffectPtr) =0; virtual void AllocateParameterGroup(IHFXParamGroup *&pEffectPtr) =0; virtual void DeallocateParameterGroup(IHFXParamGroup *&pEffectPtr) =0; virtual const char *GetTagName() const =0; }; #define HFX_PROCESSOR_PARAM_FORCESCALE 4294967293 #define HFX_PROCESSOR_PARAM_TIMESCALE 4294967294 class HFX_PURE_INTERFACE IProcessor { public: // call this to mute and unmute this effect. (note: effect will still be updated, just will not output force.) // note : this setting will not be applied untill the next sync op ( InputUpdate ) called by the application. virtual void SetMuted(bool mute) =0; virtual void SetPaused(bool pause) =0; // see if the effect is muted. HFX_INLINE bool IsMuted() const { return ((GetEffectState() & HFXSTATE_MUTE)!=0); } // see if the effect is explicitly paused. HFX_INLINE bool IsPaused() const { return ((GetEffectState() & HFXSTATE_PAUSE)!=0); } // scale this force (NOTE: THIS IS SEPERATE FROM PARAMETER SCALE!) virtual void SetForceScale( double scale ) =0; virtual double GetForceScale( ) const =0; virtual const char *GetEffectTypeName() const =0; // override this function to return the number of falcons this // effect requires. HFX_INLINE unsigned int RequiredDeviceCount() const { HFXNEED needs= GetEffectNeeds(); return HFXNEED_UTIL_COUNT_DEVICES(needs); } // returns true if the effect is running. HFX_INLINE bool IsRunning() const {return ( (GetEffectState() & (HFXSTATE_RUNNING)) != 0 );} // if your effect is not self deleting and requires runtime data you should override this to true. HFX_INLINE bool CanBeHandled() const { return (GetEffectNeeds() & HFXNEED_ENCAPSULATED)==0; } // this lets the haptic effect stack know you are done with this effect and it is waiting to be deleted. // CANNOT BE OVERRIDDEN ( see OnFlaggedForRemoval() ) virtual void FlagForRemoval() =0; //Stack functions! friend class NovintHFX::Stack; friend int NovintHFX::Effects::ProcessCommand( IBaseEffect *pEffect, const char *argv[], const unsigned int argc ); // do not use. //HFX_VIRTUAL bool Stop() HFX_PURE; // DO NOT OVERRIDE! HFX_INLINE bool NeedsRemoval() const { return ( ( GetEffectNeeds() & HFXNEED_REMOVE ) ? ( ( ( GetEffectState() & HFXSTATE_RUNNING ) ) ? false : true ) : false ); } // DO NOT OVERRIDE! HFX_INLINE bool WantsSyncOp() const { return (((GetEffectNeeds() & HFXNEED_SYNC)!=0) && ((GetEffectState() & HFXSTATE_WANT_SYNC)!=0)); } // DO NOT OVERRIDE! virtual bool WantsUpdate() const {return (((GetEffectNeeds() & HFXNEED_PROCESS)!=0) && ((GetEffectState() & HFXSTATE_WANT_UPDATE)!=0) && ((GetEffectState() & HFXSTATE_RUNNING)!=0));} virtual HFXSTATE GetEffectState() const =0; virtual const HFXNEED &GetEffectNeeds() const =0; virtual void *_output() const =0; virtual const double &Runtime() const =0; virtual const double &Frametime() const =0; virtual IStack *GetStack() =0; virtual IHFXSystem *GetSystem() =0; virtual void *GetUserData() =0; virtual void SetUserData(void *userData) =0; HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &Output() { return *(reinterpret_cast<hfxVec3*>(_output())); } HFX_INLINE const hfxVec3 &Output() const{return *(reinterpret_cast<const hfxVec3*>(_output()));} HFX_INLINE double &operator[](int i){ return (Output().m[i]); }; HFX_INLINE const double &operator[](int i)const{ return (Output()[i]); }; HFX_INLINE bool IsOutputValid() const { return !IsOutputNaN();} HFX_INLINE bool IsOutputNaN() const { const double *o=Output(); return(o[0]!=o[0]||o[1]!=o[1]||o[2]!=o[2]);} HFX_INLINE hfxVec3 &operator =(const hfxVec3 &vect){hfxVec3 &out = Output(); out = vect; return out;} }; typedef IProcessor IHFXProcessor; typedef char HFX_VarType; #define HFX_Double 'd' #define HFX_Float 'f' #define HFX_Int 'i' #define HFX_Bool 'b' #define HFX_Other 'o' #define HFX_Pointer 'p' #define HFX_Null 0 #pragma warning( default : 4251 ) #ifdef HFX_MODULE_LAYER #include HFX_MODULE_LAYER #endif #define ConnectNovintHFX YOU_MUST_INCLUDE_WINDOWS_PRIOR_TO_INCLUDING_INovintHFX_h #endif // to connect windows.h must be included #if ( !defined(I_NOVINT_HFX_WINDOWS) && ( defined(_INC_WINDOWS) || defined(LoadLibrary) && defined(HMODULE) ) ) && !defined(STATIC_IHFX) #define I_NOVINT_HFX_WINDOWS #ifdef ConnectNovintHFX #undef ConnectNovintHFX #endif extern HMODULE dllNovintHFX_; extern IHapticsSystem *_hfx; //quick helper class to ensure novint hfx unloads properly. struct NovintHFXCloseHelper { NovintHFXCloseHelper() : forceSkipQuit(false) { static bool ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY=true; if(!ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY) { #ifdef _DEBUG // look at the call stack and please remove whatever is calling this constructor. // there should be only one HFX_INIT_VARS. DebugBreak(); #endif ExitProcess(100); } ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY = false; }; bool forceSkipQuit; ~NovintHFXCloseHelper() { if(!forceSkipQuit&&_hfx) { _hfx->ShutDown(true); } }; }; extern NovintHFXCloseHelper _hfx_close; #define HFX_INIT_VARS() \ HMODULE dllNovintHFX_=0; \ IHapticsSystem *_hfx =0; \ NovintHFXCloseHelper _hfx_close; // if windows is included heres a inline function to get the interface! inline bool ConnectNovintHFX( IHapticsSystem **ppSystem, void *window, const char *cmd, void*pCursorEnableFn=0, unsigned int TargetDevices=1) { if(ppSystem==0) return false; char szNovintDir[ MAX_PATH ]; char szNovintDll[ MAX_PATH ]; if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "NOVINT_DEVICE_SUPPORT", szNovintDir, sizeof( szNovintDir ) ) == 0 || !V_IsAbsolutePath( szNovintDir ) ) { return false; } unsigned int tries = 0; while(dllNovintHFX_==0) { const char *dllName = HFX_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY_NAME(tries); if(!dllName) break; V_sprintf_safe( szNovintDll, "%s\\bin\\%s", szNovintDir, dllName ); dllNovintHFX_ = LoadLibraryA( szNovintDll ); if(!dllNovintHFX_) tries++; } NovintHFX_ExposeInterfaceFn connectFn = 0; if(dllNovintHFX_) { connectFn = (NovintHFX_ExposeInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(dllNovintHFX_, HFX_CONNECT_FUNCTION_NAME()); } if(!connectFn){ // if direct load failed.. if(dllNovintHFX_) { FreeLibrary(dllNovintHFX_); } V_sprintf_safe( szNovintDll, "%s\\bin\\%s", szNovintDir, "hfx.dll" ); dllNovintHFX_ = LoadLibraryA( szNovintDll ); if(dllNovintHFX_) { connectFn = (NovintHFX_ExposeInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(dllNovintHFX_, "CreateHFX"); } } if(connectFn&&connectFn((void **)ppSystem, window, cmd, HFX_VERSION_MAJOR, HFX_VERSION_MINOR, pCursorEnableFn, TargetDevices )==0) { _hfx = (*ppSystem); return true; } return false; } #ifndef HFX_STRIPPED inline bool ConnectNovintHFX_XML( IHapticsSystem **ppSystem, void *window, const char *xml, void*pCursorEnableFn=0, unsigned int TargetDevices=1) { if(ppSystem==0) return false; char szNovintDir[ MAX_PATH ]; char szNovintDll[ MAX_PATH ]; if ( GetEnvironmentVariable( "NOVINT_DEVICE_SUPPORT", szNovintDir, sizeof( szNovintDir ) ) == 0 || !V_IsAbsolutePath( szNovintDir ) ) { return false; } unsigned int tries = 0; while(dllNovintHFX_==0) { const char *dllName = HFX_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY_NAME(tries); if(!dllName) break; V_sprintf_safe( szNovintDll, "%s\\bin\\%s", szNovintDir, dllName ); dllNovintHFX_ = LoadLibraryA( szNovintDll ); if(!dllNovintHFX_) tries++; } NovintHFX_ExposeInterfaceFn connectFn = 0; if(dllNovintHFX_) { connectFn = (NovintHFX_ExposeInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(dllNovintHFX_, HFX_CONNECT_FUNCTION_NAME_XML()); } if(!connectFn){ if(dllNovintHFX_) { FreeLibrary(dllNovintHFX_); dllNovintHFX_=0; } V_sprintf_safe( szNovintDll, "%s\\bin\\%s", szNovintDir, "hfx.dll" ); dllNovintHFX_ = LoadLibraryA( szNovintDll ); if(dllNovintHFX_) { connectFn = (NovintHFX_ExposeInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(dllNovintHFX_, "CreateHFX_XML"); } } if(connectFn&&connectFn((void **)ppSystem, window, xml, HFX_VERSION_MAJOR, HFX_VERSION_MINOR, pCursorEnableFn, TargetDevices )==0) { _hfx = (*ppSystem); return true; } return false; } #endif inline bool ConnectNovintHFX( IHapticsSystem **ppSystem, HWND hwnd, const char *cmd, void*pCursorEnableFn=0, unsigned int TargetDevices=1 ){ return ConnectNovintHFX( ppSystem, (void*)hwnd, cmd, pCursorEnableFn, TargetDevices); } inline void DisconnectNovintHFX(IHapticsSystem **ppSystem=0) { if(dllNovintHFX_&&_hfx) { IHapticsSystem *pTemp = _hfx; _hfx = 0; _hfx_close.forceSkipQuit=true; if(ppSystem) { *ppSystem = 0; } pTemp->ShutDown(); if(FreeLibrary(dllNovintHFX_)) { dllNovintHFX_ = 0; } } } #endif