//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= //#include "stdafx.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "winlite.h" #include "winsock.h" #elif POSIX #define INVALID_SOCKET -1 #define SOCKET_ERROR -1 #define SOCKET int #define LPSOCKADDR struct sockaddr * #define SOCKADDR_IN struct sockaddr_in #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #define closesocket close #endif #include "tier1/strtools.h" #include "KeyValues.h" #include "utlbuffer.h" #include "tier1/checksum_crc.h" #include "tier1/convar.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "cs_gamestats.h" #include "cs_gamerules.h" #include "cs_urlretrieveprices.h" #if _DEBUG #define WEEKLY_PRICE_URL "http://gamestats/weeklyprices.dat" #else #define WEEKLY_PRICE_URL "http://www.steampowered.com/stats/csmarket/weeklyprices.dat" #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: request a URL from connection //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SendHTTPRequest( const char *pchRequestURL, SOCKET socketHTML ) { char szHeader[ MED_BUFFER_SIZE ]; char szHostName[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; ::gethostname( szHostName, sizeof(szHostName) ); Q_snprintf( szHeader, sizeof(szHeader), "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n" \ "Accept: */*\r\n" \ "Accept-Language: en-us\r\n" \ "User-Agent: Steam/3.0\r\n" \ "Host: %s\r\n" \ "\r\n", pchRequestURL, szHostName ); return ::send( socketHTML, szHeader, Q_strlen(szHeader) + 1, 0 ) != SOCKET_ERROR ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Given a previous HTTP request parse the response into a key values buffer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ParseHTTPResponse( SOCKET socketHTML, uint32 *unPageHash = NULL ) { char szHeaderBuf[ MED_BUFFER_SIZE ]; char szBodyBuf[ MED_BUFFER_SIZE ]; int dwRet = 0; bool bFinishedHeaderRead = false; int iRecvPosition = 0; int cCharsInLine = 0; // scan for the end of the header while ( !bFinishedHeaderRead && iRecvPosition < sizeof(szHeaderBuf) ) { dwRet = ::recv( socketHTML, &szHeaderBuf[ iRecvPosition ] , 1, 0); if ( dwRet < 0 ) { bFinishedHeaderRead = true; } switch( szHeaderBuf[ iRecvPosition ] ) { case '\r': break; case '\n': if ( cCharsInLine == 0 ) bFinishedHeaderRead = true; cCharsInLine = 0; break; default: cCharsInLine++; break; } iRecvPosition++; } CUtlBuffer buf; buf.SetBufferType( false, false ); while( 1 ) { dwRet = ::recv( socketHTML, szBodyBuf, sizeof(szBodyBuf)-1, 0); if ( dwRet <= 0 ) break; buf.Put( szBodyBuf, sizeof(szBodyBuf)-1 ); } weeklyprice_t weeklyprice; Q_memset( &weeklyprice, 0, sizeof( weeklyprice_t) ); buf.Get( &weeklyprice, sizeof( weeklyprice_t ) ); if ( weeklyprice.iVersion != PRICE_BLOB_VERSION ) { Msg( "Incorrect price blob version! Update your server!\n" ); return false; } CSGameRules()->AddPricesToTable( weeklyprice ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Given http url crack it into an address and the request part //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ProcessURL( const char *pchURL, void *pSockAddrIn, char *pchRequest, int cchRequest ) { char rgchHost[ MAX_DNS_NAME ]; char rgchRequest[ MED_BUFFER_SIZE ]; uint16 iPort; if ( Q_strnicmp( pchURL, "http://", 7 ) != 0 ) { Assert( !"http protocol only supported" ); return false; } const char *pchColon = strchr( pchURL + 7, ':' ); if ( pchColon ) { Q_strncpy( rgchHost, pchURL + 7, pchColon - ( pchURL + 7 ) + 1 ); const char *pchForwardSlash = strchr( pchColon + 1, '/' ); if ( !pchForwardSlash ) return false; Q_strncpy( rgchRequest, pchColon + 1, pchForwardSlash - ( pchColon + 1 ) + 1 ); iPort = atoi( rgchRequest ); Q_strncpy( rgchRequest, pchForwardSlash, ( pchURL + Q_strlen(pchURL) ) - pchForwardSlash + 1 ); } else { const char *pchForwardSlash = strchr( pchURL + 7, '/' ); if ( !pchForwardSlash ) return false; Q_strncpy( rgchHost, pchURL + 7, pchForwardSlash - ( pchURL + 7 ) + 1 ); iPort = 80; Q_strncpy( rgchRequest, pchForwardSlash, ( pchURL + Q_strlen(pchURL) ) - pchForwardSlash + 1 ); } struct hostent *hp = NULL; if ( inet_addr( rgchHost ) == INADDR_NONE ) { hp = gethostbyname( rgchHost ); } else { uint32 addr = inet_addr( rgchHost ); hp = gethostbyaddr( ( char* )&addr, sizeof( addr ), AF_INET ); } if( hp == NULL ) { return false; } sockaddr_in &sockAddrIn = *((sockaddr_in *)pSockAddrIn); sockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr = *( ( unsigned long* )hp->h_addr ); sockAddrIn.sin_family = AF_INET; sockAddrIn.sin_port = htons( iPort ); Q_strncpy( pchRequest, rgchRequest, cchRequest ); return true; } //networkstringtable bool BlackMarket_DownloadPrices( void ) { char szRequest[ MED_BUFFER_SIZE ]; sockaddr_in server; bool bConnected = false; if ( ProcessURL( WEEKLY_PRICE_URL, &server, szRequest, sizeof(szRequest) ) ) { SOCKET socketHTML = ::socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ); if ( socketHTML != INVALID_SOCKET) { int iRet = ::connect( socketHTML, (LPSOCKADDR)&server, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) ); if ( !iRet ) { bConnected = true; if ( SendHTTPRequest( szRequest, socketHTML ) ) { uint32 unHash = 0; bool bRet = ParseHTTPResponse( socketHTML, &unHash ); closesocket( socketHTML ); return bRet; } else { return false; } } else { closesocket( socketHTML ); return false; } } } else { return false; } return true; }