//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// #include <stdio.h> #include "convert.h" #include "ivp_cache_object.hxx" #include "coordsize.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #if 1 // game is in inches vphysics_units_t g_PhysicsUnits = { METERS_PER_INCH, //float unitScaleMeters; // factor that converts game units to meters 1.0f / METERS_PER_INCH, //float unitScaleMetersInv; // factor that converts meters to game units 0.25f, // float globalCollisionTolerance; // global collision tolerance in game units DIST_EPSILON, // float collisionSweepEpsilon; // collision sweep tests clip at this, must be the same as engine's DIST_EPSILON 1.0f/256.0f, // float collisionSweepIncrementalEpsilon; // near-zero test for incremental steps in collision sweep tests }; #else // game is in meters vphysics_units_t g_PhysicsUnits = { 1.0f, //float unitScaleMeters; // factor that converts game units to meters 1.0f, //float unitScaleMetersInv; // factor that converts meters to game units 0.01f, // float globalCollisionTolerance; // global collision tolerance in game units 0.01f, // float collisionSweepEpsilon; // collision sweep tests clip at this, must be the same as engine's DIST_EPSILON 1e-4f, // float collisionSweepIncrementalEpsilon; // near-zero test for incremental steps in collision sweep tests }; #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HL to IVP conversions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConvertBoxToIVP( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, Vector &outmins, Vector &outmaxs ) { float tmpZ; tmpZ = mins.y; outmins.y = -HL2IVP(mins.z); outmins.z = HL2IVP(tmpZ); outmins.x = HL2IVP(mins.x); tmpZ = maxs.y; outmaxs.y = -HL2IVP(maxs.z); outmaxs.z = HL2IVP(tmpZ); outmaxs.x = HL2IVP(maxs.x); tmpZ = outmaxs.y; outmaxs.y = outmins.y; outmins.y = tmpZ; } void ConvertMatrixToIVP( const matrix3x4_t& matrix, IVP_U_Matrix &out ) { Vector forward, left, up; forward.x = matrix[0][0]; forward.y = matrix[1][0]; forward.z = matrix[2][0]; left.x = matrix[0][1]; left.y = matrix[1][1]; left.z = matrix[2][1]; up.x = matrix[0][2]; up.y = matrix[1][2]; up.z = matrix[2][2]; up = -up; IVP_U_Float_Point ivpForward, ivpLeft, ivpUp; ConvertDirectionToIVP( forward, ivpForward ); ConvertDirectionToIVP( left, ivpLeft ); ConvertDirectionToIVP( up, ivpUp ); out.set_col( IVP_INDEX_X, &ivpForward ); out.set_col( IVP_INDEX_Z, &ivpLeft ); out.set_col( IVP_INDEX_Y, &ivpUp ); out.vv.k[0] = HL2IVP(matrix[0][3]); out.vv.k[1] = -HL2IVP(matrix[2][3]); out.vv.k[2] = HL2IVP(matrix[1][3]); } void ConvertRotationToIVP( const QAngle& angles, IVP_U_Matrix3 &out ) { Vector forward, right, up; IVP_U_Float_Point ivpForward, ivpLeft, ivpUp; AngleVectors( angles, &forward, &right, &up ); // now this is left right = -right; up = -up; ConvertDirectionToIVP( forward, ivpForward ); ConvertDirectionToIVP( right, ivpLeft ); ConvertDirectionToIVP( up, ivpUp ); out.set_col( IVP_INDEX_X, &ivpForward ); out.set_col( IVP_INDEX_Z, &ivpLeft ); out.set_col( IVP_INDEX_Y, &ivpUp ); } void ConvertRotationToIVP( const QAngle& angles, IVP_U_Quat &out ) { IVP_U_Matrix3 tmp; ConvertRotationToIVP( angles, tmp ); out.set_quaternion( &tmp ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IVP to HL conversions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConvertMatrixToHL( const IVP_U_Matrix &in, matrix3x4_t& output ) { #if 1 // copy the row vectors over, swapping z & -y. Also, negate output z output[0][0] = in.get_elem(0, 0); output[0][2] = -in.get_elem(0, 1); output[0][1] = in.get_elem(0, 2); output[1][0] = in.get_elem(2, 0); output[1][2] = -in.get_elem(2, 1); output[1][1] = in.get_elem(2, 2); output[2][0] = -in.get_elem(1, 0); output[2][2] = in.get_elem(1, 1); output[2][1] = -in.get_elem(1, 2); #else // this code is conceptually simpler, but the above is smaller/faster Vector forward, left, up; IVP_U_Float_Point out; in.get_col( IVP_INDEX_X, &out ); ConvertDirectionToHL( out, forward ); in.get_col( IVP_INDEX_Z, &out ); ConvertDirectionToHL( out, left); in.get_col( IVP_INDEX_Y, &out ); ConvertDirectionToHL( out, up ); up = -up; output[0][0] = forward.x; output[1][0] = forward.y; output[2][0] = forward.z; output[0][1] = left.x; output[1][1] = left.y; output[2][1] = left.z; output[0][2] = up.x; output[1][2] = up.y; output[2][2] = up.z; #endif output[0][3] = IVP2HL(in.vv.k[0]); output[1][3] = IVP2HL(in.vv.k[2]); output[2][3] = -IVP2HL(in.vv.k[1]); } void ConvertRotationToHL( const IVP_U_Matrix3 &in, QAngle& angles ) { IVP_U_Float_Point out; Vector forward, right, up; in.get_col( IVP_INDEX_X, &out ); ConvertDirectionToHL( out, forward ); in.get_col( IVP_INDEX_Z, &out ); ConvertDirectionToHL( out, right ); in.get_col( IVP_INDEX_Y, &out ); ConvertDirectionToHL( out, up ); float xyDist = sqrt( forward[0] * forward[0] + forward[1] * forward[1] ); // enough here to get angles? if ( xyDist > 0.001 ) { // (yaw) y = ATAN( forward.y, forward.x ); -- in our space, forward is the X axis angles[1] = RAD2DEG( atan2( forward[1], forward[0] ) ); // (pitch) x = ATAN( -forward.z, sqrt(forward.x*forward.x+forward.y*forward.y) ); angles[0] = RAD2DEG( atan2( -forward[2], xyDist ) ); // (roll) z = ATAN( -right.z, up.z ); angles[2] = RAD2DEG( atan2( -right[2], up[2] ) ) + 180; } else // forward is mostly Z, gimbal lock { // (yaw) y = ATAN( -right.x, right.y ); -- forward is mostly z, so use right for yaw angles[1] = RAD2DEG( atan2( right[0], -right[1] ) ); // (pitch) x = ATAN( -forward.z, sqrt(forward.x*forward.x+forward.y*forward.y) ); angles[0] = RAD2DEG( atan2( -forward[2], xyDist ) ); // Assume no roll in this case as one degree of freedom has been lost (i.e. yaw == roll) angles[2] = 180; } } void ConvertRotationToHL( const IVP_U_Quat &in, QAngle& angles ) { IVP_U_Matrix3 tmp; in.set_matrix( &tmp ); ConvertRotationToHL( tmp, angles ); } // utiltiy code void TransformIVPToLocal( IVP_U_Point &point, IVP_Real_Object *pObject, bool translate ) { IVP_U_Point tmp = point; TransformIVPToLocal( tmp, point, pObject, translate ); } void TransformLocalToIVP( IVP_U_Point &point, IVP_Real_Object *pObject, bool translate ) { IVP_U_Point tmp = point; TransformLocalToIVP( tmp, point, pObject, translate ); } // UNDONE: use IVP_Cache_Object instead? Measure perf differences. #define USE_CACHE_OBJECT 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: This is ONLY for use by the routines below. It's not reentrant!!! // No threads or recursive calls! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if USE_CACHE_OBJECT #else static const IVP_U_Matrix *GetTmpObjectMatrix( IVP_Real_Object *pObject ) { static IVP_U_Matrix coreShiftMatrix; const IVP_U_Matrix *pOut = pObject->get_core()->get_m_world_f_core_PSI(); if ( !pObject->flags.shift_core_f_object_is_zero ) { coreShiftMatrix.set_matrix( pOut ); coreShiftMatrix.vmult4( pObject->get_shift_core_f_object(), &coreShiftMatrix.vv ); return &coreShiftMatrix; } return pOut; } #endif void TransformIVPToLocal( const IVP_U_Point &pointIn, IVP_U_Point &pointOut, IVP_Real_Object *pObject, bool translate ) { #if USE_CACHE_OBJECT IVP_Cache_Object *cache = pObject->get_cache_object_no_lock(); if ( translate ) { cache->transform_position_to_object_coords( &pointIn, &pointOut ); } else { cache->transform_vector_to_object_coords( &pointIn, &pointOut ); } #else const IVP_U_Matrix *pMatrix = GetTmpObjectMatrix( pObject ); if ( translate ) { pMatrix->inline_vimult4( &pointIn, &pointOut ); } else { pMatrix->inline_vimult3( &pointIn, &pointOut ); } #endif } void TransformLocalToIVP( const IVP_U_Point &pointIn, IVP_U_Point &pointOut, IVP_Real_Object *pObject, bool translate ) { #if USE_CACHE_OBJECT IVP_Cache_Object *cache = pObject->get_cache_object_no_lock(); if ( translate ) { IVP_U_Float_Point floatPointIn; floatPointIn.set( &pointIn ); cache->transform_position_to_world_coords( &floatPointIn, &pointOut ); } else { cache->transform_vector_to_world_coords( &pointIn, &pointOut ); } #else const IVP_U_Matrix *pMatrix = GetTmpObjectMatrix( pObject ); if ( translate ) { pMatrix->inline_vmult4( &pointIn, &pointOut ); } else { pMatrix->inline_vmult3( &pointIn, &pointOut ); } #endif } void TransformLocalToIVP( const IVP_U_Float_Point &pointIn, IVP_U_Point &pointOut, IVP_Real_Object *pObject, bool translate ) { #if USE_CACHE_OBJECT IVP_Cache_Object *cache = pObject->get_cache_object_no_lock(); if ( translate ) { cache->transform_position_to_world_coords( &pointIn, &pointOut ); } else { IVP_U_Point doublePointIn; doublePointIn.set( &pointIn ); cache->transform_vector_to_world_coords( &doublePointIn, &pointOut ); } #else const IVP_U_Matrix *pMatrix = GetTmpObjectMatrix( pObject ); IVP_U_Float_Point out; if ( translate ) { pMatrix->inline_vmult4( &pointIn, &out ); } else { pMatrix->inline_vmult3( &pointIn, &out ); } pointOut.set( &out ); #endif } void TransformLocalToIVP( const IVP_U_Float_Point &pointIn, IVP_U_Float_Point &pointOut, IVP_Real_Object *pObject, bool translate ) { IVP_U_Point tmpOut; TransformLocalToIVP( pointIn, tmpOut, pObject, translate ); pointOut.set( &tmpOut ); } static char axisMap[] = {0,2,1,3}; int ConvertCoordinateAxisToIVP( int axisIndex ) { return axisIndex < 4 ? axisMap[axisIndex] : 0; } int ConvertCoordinateAxisToHL( int axisIndex ) { return axisIndex < 4 ? axisMap[axisIndex] : 0; }