//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

class IHLTVServer;
class KeyValues;
class Vector;


class IHLTVDirector
	virtual	~IHLTVDirector() {}

	virtual bool	IsActive( void ) = 0; // true if director is active

	virtual void	SetHLTVServer( IHLTVServer *hltv ) = 0; // give the director the engine HLTV interface 
	virtual IHLTVServer* GetHLTVServer( void ) = 0; // get current HLTV server interface
	virtual int		GetDirectorTick( void ) = 0;	// get current broadcast tick from director
	virtual int		GetPVSEntity( void ) = 0; // get current view entity (PVS), 0 if coords are used
	virtual Vector	GetPVSOrigin( void ) = 0; // get current PVS origin
	virtual float	GetDelay( void ) = 0; // returns current delay in seconds

	virtual const char**	GetModEvents() = 0;