//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#ifndef AI_NETWORK_H
#define AI_NETWORK_H

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "ispatialpartition.h"
#include "utlpriorityqueue.h"

// ------------------------------------

class CAI_Node;
class CVarBitVec;
class INodeListFilter;

struct AI_Waypoint_t;
class CAI_BaseNPC;
class CAI_Link;
class CAI_DynamicLink;


class CAI_NetworkManager;


#define	AI_MAX_NODE_LINKS 30
#define MAX_NODES 1500

// Utility classes used by CAI_Network

abstract_class INearestNodeFilter
	virtual bool IsValid( CAI_Node *pNode ) = 0;
	virtual bool ShouldContinue() = 0;


struct AI_NearNode_t
	AI_NearNode_t() = default;
	AI_NearNode_t( int index, float nodedist ) { dist = nodedist; nodeIndex = index; }
	float	dist;
	int		nodeIndex;


class CNodeList : public CUtlPriorityQueue<AI_NearNode_t>
	static bool IsLowerPriority( const AI_NearNode_t &node1, const AI_NearNode_t &node2 )
		// nodes with greater distance are lower priority
		return node1.dist > node2.dist;
	static bool RevIsLowerPriority( const AI_NearNode_t &node1, const AI_NearNode_t &node2 )
		// nodes with lower distance are lower priority
		return node2.dist > node1.dist;

	CNodeList( int growSize = 0, int initSize = 0 ) : CUtlPriorityQueue<AI_NearNode_t>( growSize, initSize, IsLowerPriority ) {}
	CNodeList( AI_NearNode_t *pMemory, int count ) : CUtlPriorityQueue<AI_NearNode_t>( pMemory, count, IsLowerPriority ) {}

// CAI_Network
// Purpose: Stores a node graph through which an AI may pathfind

class CAI_Network : public IPartitionEnumerator, public IEntityListener

	void OnEntityDeleted( CBaseEntity *pEntity );

	CAI_Node *		AddNode( const Vector &origin, float yaw );						// Returns a new node in the network
	CAI_Link *		CreateLink( int srcID, int destID, CAI_DynamicLink *pDynamicLink = NULL );

	bool			IsConnected(int srcID, int destID);	// Use during run time
	void			TestIsConnected(int startID, int endID);	// Use only for initialization!
	Vector			GetNodePosition( CBaseCombatCharacter *pNPC, int nodeID );
	Vector			GetNodePosition( Hull_t hull, int nodeID );
	float			GetNodeYaw( int nodeID );

	static int		FindBSSmallest(CVarBitVec *bitString, float *float_array, int array_size); 

	int				NearestNodeToPoint( CAI_BaseNPC* pNPC, const Vector &vecOrigin, bool bCheckVisiblity, INearestNodeFilter *pFilter );
	int				NearestNodeToPoint( CAI_BaseNPC* pNPC, const Vector &vecOrigin, bool bCheckVisiblity = true ) { return NearestNodeToPoint( pNPC, vecOrigin, bCheckVisiblity, NULL ); }
	int				NearestNodeToPoint(const Vector &vPosition, bool bCheckVisiblity = true );
	int				NumNodes() const 	{ return m_iNumNodes; }
	CAI_Node*		GetNode( int id, bool bHandleError = true )
		if ( id >= 0 && 
			 id < m_iNumNodes ) 
			return m_pAInode[id]; 

		if ( bHandleError )
			static int warningCount = 0;
			if ( ++warningCount < 10 )
				AssertMsg2( 0, "Node (%i) out of range (%i total)\n", id, m_iNumNodes ); 
		return NULL; 
	CAI_Node**		AccessNodes() const	{ return m_pAInode; }

	friend class CAI_NetworkManager;

	virtual IterationRetval_t EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity );

	int				GetCachedNearestNode(const Vector &checkPos, CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, int *pCachePos );
	void			SetCachedNearestNode(const Vector &checkPos, int nodeID, Hull_t nHull);
	int				GetCachedNode(const Vector &checkPos, Hull_t nHull, int *pCachePos);

	int				ListNodesInBox( CNodeList &list, int maxListCount, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, INodeListFilter *pFilter );



	struct NearNodeCache_T
		Vector	vTestPosition;		
		float	expiration;				// Time tested
		int		node;					// Nearest Node to position
		int		hull;					// Hull	type tested (or HULL_NONE is only visibility tested)


	int					m_iNumNodes;				// Number of nodes in this network
	CAI_Node**			m_pAInode;					// Array of all nodes in this network

		PARTITION_NODE	= ( 1 << 0 )

	NearNodeCache_T		m_NearestCache[NEARNODE_CACHE_SIZE];	// Cache of nearest nodes
	int					m_iNearestCacheNext;					// Oldest record in the cache

	ISpatialPartition * m_pNodeTree;
	CUtlVector<int>		m_GatheredNodes;

// CAI_NetworkEditTools
// Purpose: Provides the operations used when building levels, whether in-game
//			debugging tools or editor related items.

// ------------------------------------
// Debug overlay bits

enum DebugNetOverlayBits_e
	bits_debugOverlayNodes			=	0x00000001,		// show node
	bits_debugOverlayNodesLev2		=	0x00000002,		// show nodes and text

	bits_debugOverlayHulls			=	0x00000004,		// show hulls
	bits_debugOverlayConnections	=	0x00000008,		// show connections
	bits_debugOverlayVisibility		=	0x00000010,		// show visibility
	bits_debugOverlayGraphConnect	=   0x00000020,		// show graph connectivity
	bits_debugOverlayGrid			=   0x00000040,		// show grid
	bits_debugOverlayHints			=	0x00000080,		// show hints
	bits_debugOverlayJumpConnections=	0x00000100,		// show jump connections
	bits_debugOverlayFlyConnections	=	0x00000200,		// show fly connections

	bits_debugNeedRebuild			=	0x10000000,		// network needs rebuilding

// ------------------------------------

// ----------------

// Useful utility function defined by AI_network.cpp 
Vector PointOnLineNearestPoint(const Vector& vStartPos, const Vector& vEndPos, const Vector& vPoint);


// For now just using one big AI network
extern CAI_NetworkManager *	g_pAINetworkManager;			
extern CAI_Network * 		g_pBigAINet;			


#endif // AI_NETWORK_H