//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <utlvector.h> #include <vgui/IInput.h> #include <vgui/ILocalize.h> #include <vgui/ISurface.h> #include <vgui/ISystem.h> #include <vgui/KeyCode.h> #include <KeyValues.h> #include <vgui/MouseCode.h> #include <vgui_controls/BuildModeDialog.h> #include <vgui_controls/Label.h> #include <vgui_controls/TextEntry.h> #include <vgui_controls/Button.h> #include <vgui_controls/CheckButton.h> #include <vgui_controls/RadioButton.h> #include <vgui_controls/MenuButton.h> #include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h> #include <vgui_controls/BuildGroup.h> #include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h> #include <vgui_controls/Menu.h> #include <vgui_controls/Divider.h> #include <vgui_controls/PanelListPanel.h> // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> using namespace vgui; struct PanelItem_t { PanelItem_t() : m_EditLabel(NULL) {} Panel *m_EditLabel; TextEntry *m_EditPanel; ComboBox *m_pCombo; Button *m_EditButton; char m_szName[64]; int m_iType; }; class CSmallTextEntry : public TextEntry { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CSmallTextEntry, TextEntry ); public: CSmallTextEntry( Panel *parent, char const *panelName ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName ) { } virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *scheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( scheme ); SetFont( scheme->GetFont( "DefaultVerySmall" ) ); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Holds a list of all the edit fields for the currently selected panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BuildModeDialog::PanelList { public: CUtlVector<PanelItem_t> m_PanelList; void AddItem( Panel *label, TextEntry *edit, ComboBox *combo, Button *button, const char *name, int type ) { PanelItem_t item; item.m_EditLabel = label; item.m_EditPanel = edit; Q_strncpy(item.m_szName, name, sizeof(item.m_szName)); item.m_iType = type; item.m_pCombo = combo; item.m_EditButton = button; m_PanelList.AddToTail( item ); } void RemoveAll( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_PanelList.Size(); i++ ) { PanelItem_t *item = &m_PanelList[i]; delete item->m_EditLabel; delete item->m_EditPanel; delete item->m_EditButton; } m_PanelList.RemoveAll(); m_pControls->RemoveAll(); } KeyValues *m_pResourceData; PanelListPanel *m_pControls; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Dialog for adding localized strings //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BuildModeLocalizedStringEditDialog : public Frame { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE(BuildModeLocalizedStringEditDialog, Frame); public: #pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) BuildModeLocalizedStringEditDialog() : Frame(this, NULL) { m_pTokenEntry = new TextEntry(this, NULL); m_pValueEntry = new TextEntry(this, NULL); m_pFileCombo = new ComboBox(this, NULL, 12, false); m_pOKButton = new Button(this, NULL, "OK"); m_pCancelButton = new Button(this, NULL, "Cancel"); m_pCancelButton->SetCommand("Close"); m_pOKButton->SetCommand("OK"); // add the files to the combo for (int i = 0; i < g_pVGuiLocalize->GetLocalizationFileCount(); i++) { m_pFileCombo->AddItem(g_pVGuiLocalize->GetLocalizationFileName(i), NULL); } } #pragma warning( default : 4355 ) virtual void DoModal(const char *token) { input()->SetAppModalSurface(GetVPanel()); // setup data m_pTokenEntry->SetText(token); // lookup the value StringIndex_t val = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindIndex(token); if (val != INVALID_LOCALIZE_STRING_INDEX) { m_pValueEntry->SetText(g_pVGuiLocalize->GetValueByIndex(val)); // set the place in the file combo m_pFileCombo->SetText(g_pVGuiLocalize->GetFileNameByIndex(val)); } else { m_pValueEntry->SetText(""); } } private: virtual void PerformLayout() { } virtual void OnClose() { input()->SetAppModalSurface(NULL); BaseClass::OnClose(); //PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("Command" } virtual void OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "OK")) { //!! apply changes } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } } vgui::TextEntry *m_pTokenEntry; vgui::TextEntry *m_pValueEntry; vgui::ComboBox *m_pFileCombo; vgui::Button *m_pOKButton; vgui::Button *m_pCancelButton; }; class CBuildModeDialogMgr { public: void Add( BuildModeDialog *pDlg ); void Remove( BuildModeDialog *pDlg ); int Count() const; private: CUtlVector< BuildModeDialog * > m_vecBuildDialogs; }; static CBuildModeDialogMgr g_BuildModeDialogMgr; void CBuildModeDialogMgr::Add( BuildModeDialog *pDlg ) { if ( m_vecBuildDialogs.Find( pDlg ) == m_vecBuildDialogs.InvalidIndex() ) { m_vecBuildDialogs.AddToTail( pDlg ); } } void CBuildModeDialogMgr::Remove( BuildModeDialog *pDlg ) { m_vecBuildDialogs.FindAndRemove( pDlg ); } int CBuildModeDialogMgr::Count() const { return m_vecBuildDialogs.Count(); } int GetBuildModeDialogCount() { return g_BuildModeDialogMgr.Count(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BuildModeDialog::BuildModeDialog(BuildGroup *buildGroup) : Frame(buildGroup->GetContextPanel(), "BuildModeDialog") { SetMinimumSize(300, 256); SetSize(300, 420); m_pCurrentPanel = NULL; m_pEditableParents = NULL; m_pEditableChildren = NULL; m_pNextChild = NULL; m_pPrevChild = NULL; m_pBuildGroup = buildGroup; _undoSettings = NULL; _copySettings = NULL; _autoUpdate = false; MakePopup(); SetTitle("VGUI Build Mode Editor", true); CreateControls(); LoadUserConfig("BuildModeDialog"); g_BuildModeDialogMgr.Add( this ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BuildModeDialog::~BuildModeDialog() { g_BuildModeDialogMgr.Remove( this ); m_pPanelList->m_pResourceData->deleteThis(); m_pPanelList->m_pControls->DeleteAllItems(); if (_undoSettings) _undoSettings->deleteThis(); if (_copySettings) _copySettings->deleteThis(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: makes sure build mode has been shut down properly //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::OnClose() { if (m_pBuildGroup->IsEnabled()) { m_pBuildGroup->SetEnabled(false); } else { BaseClass::OnClose(); MarkForDeletion(); } } class CBuildModeNavCombo : public ComboBox { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CBuildModeNavCombo, ComboBox ); public: CBuildModeNavCombo(Panel *parent, const char *panelName, int numLines, bool allowEdit, bool getParents, Panel *context ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName, numLines, allowEdit ), m_bParents( getParents ) { m_hContext = context; } virtual void OnShowMenu(Menu *menu) { menu->DeleteAllItems(); if ( !m_hContext.Get() ) return; if ( m_bParents ) { Panel *p = m_hContext->GetParent(); while ( p ) { EditablePanel *ep = dynamic_cast < EditablePanel * >( p ); if ( ep && ep->GetBuildGroup() ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "Panel" ); kv->SetPtr( "ptr", p ); char const *text = ep->GetName() ? ep->GetName() : "unnamed"; menu->AddMenuItem( text, new KeyValues("SetText", "text", text), GetParent(), kv ); } p = p->GetParent(); } } else { int i; int c = m_hContext->GetChildCount(); for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { EditablePanel *ep = dynamic_cast < EditablePanel * >( m_hContext->GetChild( i ) ); if ( ep && ep->IsVisible() && ep->GetBuildGroup() ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "Panel" ); kv->SetPtr( "ptr", ep ); char const *text = ep->GetName() ? ep->GetName() : "unnamed"; menu->AddMenuItem( text, new KeyValues("SetText", "text", text), GetParent(), kv ); } } } } private: bool m_bParents; vgui::PHandle m_hContext; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Creates the build mode editing controls //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::CreateControls() { int i; m_pPanelList = new PanelList; m_pPanelList->m_pResourceData = new KeyValues( "BuildDialog" ); m_pPanelList->m_pControls = new PanelListPanel(this, "BuildModeControls"); // file to edit combo box is first m_pFileSelectionCombo = new ComboBox(this, "FileSelectionCombo", 10, false); for ( i = 0; i < m_pBuildGroup->GetRegisteredControlSettingsFileCount(); i++) { m_pFileSelectionCombo->AddItem(m_pBuildGroup->GetRegisteredControlSettingsFileByIndex(i), NULL); } if (m_pFileSelectionCombo->GetItemCount() < 2) { m_pFileSelectionCombo->SetEnabled(false); } int buttonH = 18; // status info at top of dialog m_pStatusLabel = new Label(this, "StatusLabel", "[nothing currently selected]"); m_pStatusLabel->SetTextColorState(Label::CS_DULL); m_pStatusLabel->SetTall( buttonH ); m_pDivider = new Divider(this, "Divider"); // drop-down combo box for adding new controls m_pAddNewControlCombo = new ComboBox(this, NULL, 30, false); m_pAddNewControlCombo->SetSize(116, buttonH); m_pAddNewControlCombo->SetOpenDirection(Menu::DOWN); m_pEditableParents = new CBuildModeNavCombo( this, NULL, 15, false, true, m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel() ); m_pEditableParents->SetSize(116, buttonH); m_pEditableParents->SetOpenDirection(Menu::DOWN); m_pEditableChildren = new CBuildModeNavCombo( this, NULL, 15, false, false, m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel() ); m_pEditableChildren->SetSize(116, buttonH); m_pEditableChildren->SetOpenDirection(Menu::DOWN); m_pNextChild = new Button( this, "NextChild", "Next", this ); m_pNextChild->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "OnChangeChild", "direction", 1 ) ); m_pPrevChild = new Button( this, "PrevChild", "Prev", this ); m_pPrevChild->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "OnChangeChild", "direction", -1 ) ); // controls that can be added // this list comes from controls EditablePanel can create by name. int defaultItem = m_pAddNewControlCombo->AddItem("None", NULL); CUtlVector< char const * > names; CBuildFactoryHelper::GetFactoryNames( names ); // Sort the names CUtlRBTree< char const *, int > sorted( 0, 0, StringLessThan ); for ( i = 0; i < names.Count(); ++i ) { sorted.Insert( names[ i ] ); } for ( i = sorted.FirstInorder(); i != sorted.InvalidIndex(); i = sorted.NextInorder( i ) ) { m_pAddNewControlCombo->AddItem( sorted[ i ], NULL ); } m_pAddNewControlCombo->ActivateItem(defaultItem); m_pExitButton = new Button(this, "ExitButton", "&Exit"); m_pExitButton->SetSize(64, buttonH); m_pSaveButton = new Button(this, "SaveButton", "&Save"); m_pSaveButton->SetSize(64, buttonH); m_pApplyButton = new Button(this, "ApplyButton", "&Apply"); m_pApplyButton->SetSize(64, buttonH); m_pReloadLocalization = new Button( this, "Localization", "&Reload Localization" ); m_pReloadLocalization->SetSize( 100, buttonH ); m_pExitButton->SetCommand("Exit"); m_pSaveButton->SetCommand("Save"); m_pApplyButton->SetCommand("Apply"); m_pReloadLocalization->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "ReloadLocalization" ) ); m_pDeleteButton = new Button(this, "DeletePanelButton", "Delete"); m_pDeleteButton->SetSize(64, buttonH); m_pDeleteButton->SetCommand("DeletePanel"); m_pVarsButton = new MenuButton(this, "VarsButton", "Variables"); m_pVarsButton->SetSize(72, buttonH); m_pVarsButton->SetOpenDirection(Menu::UP); // iterate the vars KeyValues *vars = m_pBuildGroup->GetDialogVariables(); if (vars && vars->GetFirstSubKey()) { // create the menu m_pVarsButton->SetEnabled(true); Menu *menu = new Menu(m_pVarsButton, "VarsMenu"); // set all the variables to be copied to the clipboard when selected for (KeyValues *kv = vars->GetFirstSubKey(); kv != NULL; kv = kv->GetNextKey()) { char buf[32]; _snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%%%s%%", kv->GetName()); menu->AddMenuItem(kv->GetName(), new KeyValues("SetClipboardText", "text", buf), this); } m_pVarsButton->SetMenu(menu); } else { // no variables m_pVarsButton->SetEnabled(false); } m_pApplyButton->SetTabPosition(1); m_pPanelList->m_pControls->SetTabPosition(2); m_pVarsButton->SetTabPosition(3); m_pDeleteButton->SetTabPosition(4); m_pAddNewControlCombo->SetTabPosition(5); m_pSaveButton->SetTabPosition(6); m_pExitButton->SetTabPosition(7); m_pEditableParents->SetTabPosition( 8 ); m_pEditableChildren->SetTabPosition( 9 ); m_pPrevChild->SetTabPosition( 10 ); m_pNextChild->SetTabPosition( 11 ); m_pReloadLocalization->SetTabPosition( 12 ); } void BuildModeDialog::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); HFont font = pScheme->GetFont( "DefaultVerySmall" ); m_pStatusLabel->SetFont( font ); m_pReloadLocalization->SetFont( font ); m_pExitButton->SetFont( font ); m_pSaveButton->SetFont( font ); m_pApplyButton->SetFont( font ); m_pAddNewControlCombo->SetFont( font ); m_pEditableParents->SetFont( font ); m_pEditableChildren->SetFont( font ); m_pDeleteButton->SetFont( font ); m_pVarsButton->SetFont( font ); m_pPrevChild->SetFont( font ); m_pNextChild->SetFont( font ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: lays out controls //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); // layout parameters const int BORDER_GAP = 16, YGAP_SMALL = 4, YGAP_LARGE = 8, TITLE_HEIGHT = 24, BOTTOM_CONTROLS_HEIGHT = 145, XGAP = 6; int wide, tall; GetSize(wide, tall); int xpos = BORDER_GAP; int ypos = BORDER_GAP + TITLE_HEIGHT; // controls from top down // selection combo m_pFileSelectionCombo->SetBounds(xpos, ypos, wide - (BORDER_GAP * 2), m_pStatusLabel->GetTall()); ypos += (m_pStatusLabel->GetTall() + YGAP_SMALL); // status m_pStatusLabel->SetBounds(xpos, ypos, wide - (BORDER_GAP * 2), m_pStatusLabel->GetTall()); ypos += (m_pStatusLabel->GetTall() + YGAP_SMALL); // center control m_pPanelList->m_pControls->SetPos(xpos, ypos); m_pPanelList->m_pControls->SetSize(wide - (BORDER_GAP * 2), tall - (ypos + BOTTOM_CONTROLS_HEIGHT)); // controls from bottom-right ypos = tall - BORDER_GAP; xpos = BORDER_GAP + m_pVarsButton->GetWide() + m_pDeleteButton->GetWide() + m_pAddNewControlCombo->GetWide() + (XGAP * 2); // bottom row of buttons ypos -= m_pApplyButton->GetTall(); xpos -= m_pApplyButton->GetWide(); m_pApplyButton->SetPos(xpos, ypos); xpos -= m_pExitButton->GetWide(); xpos -= XGAP; m_pExitButton->SetPos(xpos, ypos); xpos -= m_pSaveButton->GetWide(); xpos -= XGAP; m_pSaveButton->SetPos(xpos, ypos); // divider xpos = BORDER_GAP; ypos -= (YGAP_LARGE + m_pDivider->GetTall()); m_pDivider->SetBounds(xpos, ypos, wide - (xpos + BORDER_GAP), 2); ypos -= (YGAP_LARGE + m_pVarsButton->GetTall()); xpos = BORDER_GAP; m_pEditableParents->SetPos( xpos, ypos ); m_pEditableChildren->SetPos( xpos + 150, ypos ); ypos -= (YGAP_LARGE + 18 ); xpos = BORDER_GAP; m_pReloadLocalization->SetPos( xpos, ypos ); xpos += ( XGAP ) + m_pReloadLocalization->GetWide(); m_pPrevChild->SetPos( xpos, ypos ); m_pPrevChild->SetSize( 64, m_pReloadLocalization->GetTall() ); xpos += ( XGAP ) + m_pPrevChild->GetWide(); m_pNextChild->SetPos( xpos, ypos ); m_pNextChild->SetSize( 64, m_pReloadLocalization->GetTall() ); ypos -= (YGAP_LARGE + m_pVarsButton->GetTall()); xpos = BORDER_GAP; // edit buttons m_pVarsButton->SetPos(xpos, ypos); xpos += (XGAP + m_pVarsButton->GetWide()); m_pDeleteButton->SetPos(xpos, ypos); xpos += (XGAP + m_pDeleteButton->GetWide()); m_pAddNewControlCombo->SetPos(xpos, ypos); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Deletes all the controls from the panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::RemoveAllControls( void ) { // free the array m_pPanelList->RemoveAll(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: simple helper function to get a token from a string // Input : char **string - pointer to the string pointer, which will be incremented // Output : const char * - pointer to the token //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *ParseTokenFromString( const char **string ) { static char buf[128]; buf[0] = 0; // find the first alnum character const char *tok = *string; while ( !V_isalnum(*tok) && *tok != 0 ) { tok++; } // read in all the alnum characters int pos = 0; while ( V_isalnum(tok[pos]) ) { buf[pos] = tok[pos]; pos++; } // null terminate the token buf[pos] = 0; // update the main string pointer *string = &(tok[pos]); // return a pointer to the static buffer return buf; } void BuildModeDialog::OnTextKillFocus() { if ( !m_pCurrentPanel ) return; ApplyDataToControls(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: sets up the current control to edit //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::SetActiveControl(Panel *controlToEdit) { if (m_pCurrentPanel == controlToEdit) { // it's already set, so just update the property data and quit if (m_pCurrentPanel) { UpdateControlData(m_pCurrentPanel); } return; } // reset the data m_pCurrentPanel = controlToEdit; RemoveAllControls(); m_pPanelList->m_pControls->MoveScrollBarToTop(); if (!m_pCurrentPanel) { m_pStatusLabel->SetText("[nothing currently selected]"); m_pStatusLabel->SetTextColorState(Label::CS_DULL); RemoveAllControls(); return; } // get the control description string const char *controlDesc = m_pCurrentPanel->GetDescription(); // parse out the control description int tabPosition = 1; while (1) { const char *dataType = ParseTokenFromString(&controlDesc); // finish when we have no more tokens if (*dataType == 0) break; // default the data type to a string int datat = TYPE_STRING; if (!stricmp(dataType, "int")) { datat = TYPE_STRING; //!! just for now } else if (!stricmp(dataType, "alignment")) { datat = TYPE_ALIGNMENT; } else if (!stricmp(dataType, "autoresize")) { datat = TYPE_AUTORESIZE; } else if (!stricmp(dataType, "corner")) { datat = TYPE_CORNER; } else if (!stricmp(dataType, "localize")) { datat = TYPE_LOCALIZEDSTRING; } // get the field name const char *fieldName = ParseTokenFromString(&controlDesc); int itemHeight = 18; // build a control & label Label *label = new Label(this, NULL, fieldName); label->SetSize(96, itemHeight); label->SetContentAlignment(Label::a_east); TextEntry *edit = NULL; ComboBox *editCombo = NULL; Button *editButton = NULL; if (datat == TYPE_ALIGNMENT) { // drop-down combo box editCombo = new ComboBox(this, NULL, 9, false); editCombo->AddItem("north-west", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("north", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("north-east", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("west", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("center", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("east", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("south-west", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("south", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("south-east", NULL); edit = editCombo; } else if (datat == TYPE_AUTORESIZE) { // drop-down combo box editCombo = new ComboBox(this, NULL, 4, false); editCombo->AddItem( "0 - no auto-resize", NULL); editCombo->AddItem( "1 - resize right", NULL); editCombo->AddItem( "2 - resize down", NULL); editCombo->AddItem( "3 - down & right", NULL); edit = editCombo; } else if (datat == TYPE_CORNER) { // drop-down combo box editCombo = new ComboBox(this, NULL, 4, false); editCombo->AddItem("0 - top-left", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("1 - top-right", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("2 - bottom-left", NULL); editCombo->AddItem("3 - bottom-right", NULL); edit = editCombo; } else if (datat == TYPE_LOCALIZEDSTRING) { editButton = new Button(this, NULL, "..."); editButton->SetParent(this); editButton->AddActionSignalTarget(this); editButton->SetTabPosition(tabPosition++); editButton->SetTall( itemHeight ); label->SetAssociatedControl(editButton); } else { // normal string edit edit = new CSmallTextEntry(this, NULL); } if (edit) { edit->SetTall( itemHeight ); edit->SetParent(this); edit->AddActionSignalTarget(this); edit->SetTabPosition(tabPosition++); label->SetAssociatedControl(edit); } HFont smallFont = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() )->GetFont( "DefaultVerySmall" ); if ( label ) { label->SetFont( smallFont ); } if ( edit ) { edit->SetFont( smallFont ); } if ( editCombo ) { editCombo->SetFont( smallFont ); } if ( editButton ) { editButton->SetFont( smallFont ); } // add to our control list m_pPanelList->AddItem(label, edit, editCombo, editButton, fieldName, datat); if ( edit ) { m_pPanelList->m_pControls->AddItem(label, edit); } else { m_pPanelList->m_pControls->AddItem(label, editButton); } } // check and see if the current panel is a Label // iterate through the class hierarchy if ( controlToEdit->IsBuildModeDeletable() ) { m_pDeleteButton->SetEnabled(true); } else { m_pDeleteButton->SetEnabled(false); } // update the property data in the dialog UpdateControlData(m_pCurrentPanel); // set our title if ( m_pBuildGroup->GetResourceName() ) { m_pFileSelectionCombo->SetText(m_pBuildGroup->GetResourceName()); } else { m_pFileSelectionCombo->SetText("[ no resource file associated with dialog ]"); } m_pApplyButton->SetEnabled(false); InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the edit fields with information about the control //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::UpdateControlData(Panel *control) { KeyValues *dat = m_pPanelList->m_pResourceData->FindKey( control->GetName(), true ); control->GetSettings( dat ); // apply the settings to the edit panels for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPanelList->m_PanelList.Size(); i++ ) { const char *name = m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_szName; const char *datstring = dat->GetString( name, "" ); UpdateEditControl(m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i], datstring); } char statusText[512]; Q_snprintf(statusText, sizeof(statusText), "%s: \'%s\'", control->GetClassName(), control->GetName()); m_pStatusLabel->SetText(statusText); m_pStatusLabel->SetTextColorState(Label::CS_NORMAL); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the data in a single edit control //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::UpdateEditControl(PanelItem_t &panelItem, const char *datstring) { switch (panelItem.m_iType) { case TYPE_AUTORESIZE: case TYPE_CORNER: { int dat = atoi(datstring); panelItem.m_pCombo->ActivateItemByRow(dat); } break; case TYPE_LOCALIZEDSTRING: { panelItem.m_EditButton->SetText(datstring); } break; default: { wchar_t unicode[512]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(datstring, unicode, sizeof(unicode)); panelItem.m_EditPanel->SetText(unicode); } break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when one of the buttons is pressed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "Save")) { // apply the current data and save it to disk ApplyDataToControls(); if (m_pBuildGroup->SaveControlSettings()) { // disable save button until another change has been made m_pSaveButton->SetEnabled(false); } } else if (!stricmp(command, "Exit")) { // exit build mode ExitBuildMode(); } else if (!stricmp(command, "Apply")) { // apply data to controls ApplyDataToControls(); } else if (!stricmp(command, "DeletePanel")) { OnDeletePanel(); } else if (!stricmp(command, "RevertToSaved")) { RevertToSaved(); } else if (!stricmp(command, "ShowHelp")) { ShowHelp(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Deletes a panel from the buildgroup //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::OnDeletePanel() { if (!m_pCurrentPanel->IsBuildModeEditable()) { return; } m_pBuildGroup->RemoveSettings(); SetActiveControl(m_pBuildGroup->GetCurrentPanel()); _undoSettings->deleteThis(); _undoSettings = NULL; m_pSaveButton->SetEnabled(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Applies the current settings to the build controls //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::ApplyDataToControls() { // don't apply if the panel is not editable if ( !m_pCurrentPanel->IsBuildModeEditable()) { UpdateControlData( m_pCurrentPanel ); return; // return success, since we are behaving as expected. } char fieldName[512]; if (m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[0].m_EditPanel) { m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[0].m_EditPanel->GetText(fieldName, sizeof(fieldName)); } else { m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[0].m_EditButton->GetText(fieldName, sizeof(fieldName)); } // check to see if any buildgroup panels have this name Panel *panel = m_pBuildGroup->FieldNameTaken(fieldName); if (panel) { if (panel != m_pCurrentPanel)// make sure name is taken by some other panel not this one { char messageString[255]; Q_snprintf(messageString, sizeof( messageString ), "Fieldname is not unique: %s\nRename it and try again.", fieldName); MessageBox *errorBox = new MessageBox("Cannot Apply", messageString); errorBox->DoModal(); UpdateControlData(m_pCurrentPanel); m_pApplyButton->SetEnabled(false); return; } } // create a section to store settings // m_pPanelList->m_pResourceData->getSection( m_pCurrentPanel->GetName(), true ); KeyValues *dat = new KeyValues( m_pCurrentPanel->GetName() ); // loop through the textedit filling in settings for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPanelList->m_PanelList.Size(); i++ ) { const char *name = m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_szName; char buf[512]; if (m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_EditPanel) { m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_EditPanel->GetText(buf, sizeof(buf)); } else { m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_EditButton->GetText(buf, sizeof(buf)); } switch (m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_iType) { case TYPE_CORNER: case TYPE_AUTORESIZE: // the integer value is assumed to be the first part of the string for these items dat->SetInt(name, atoi(buf)); break; default: dat->SetString(name, buf); break; } } // dat is built, hand it back to the control m_pCurrentPanel->ApplySettings( dat ); if ( m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel() ) { m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel()->Repaint(); } m_pApplyButton->SetEnabled(false); m_pSaveButton->SetEnabled(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Store the settings of the current panel in a KeyValues //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::StoreUndoSettings() { // don't save if the planel is not editable if ( !m_pCurrentPanel->IsBuildModeEditable()) { if (_undoSettings) _undoSettings->deleteThis(); _undoSettings = NULL; return; } if (_undoSettings) { _undoSettings->deleteThis(); _undoSettings = NULL; } _undoSettings = StoreSettings(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Revert to the stored the settings of the current panel in a keyValues //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::DoUndo() { if ( _undoSettings ) { m_pCurrentPanel->ApplySettings( _undoSettings ); UpdateControlData(m_pCurrentPanel); _undoSettings->deleteThis(); _undoSettings = NULL; } m_pSaveButton->SetEnabled(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Copy the settings of the current panel into a keyValues //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::DoCopy() { if (_copySettings) { _copySettings->deleteThis(); _copySettings = NULL; } _copySettings = StoreSettings(); Q_strncpy (_copyClassName, m_pCurrentPanel->GetClassName(), sizeof( _copyClassName ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Create a new Panel with the _copySettings applied //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::DoPaste() { // Make a new control located where you had the mouse int x, y; input()->GetCursorPos(x, y); m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel()->ScreenToLocal(x,y); Panel *newPanel = OnNewControl(_copyClassName, x, y); if (newPanel) { newPanel->ApplySettings(_copySettings); newPanel->SetPos(x, y); char name[255]; m_pBuildGroup->GetNewFieldName(name, sizeof(name), newPanel); newPanel->SetName(name); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Store the settings of the current panel in a keyValues //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyValues *BuildModeDialog::StoreSettings() { KeyValues *storedSettings; storedSettings = new KeyValues( m_pCurrentPanel->GetName() ); // loop through the textedit filling in settings for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPanelList->m_PanelList.Size(); i++ ) { const char *name = m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_szName; char buf[512]; if (m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_EditPanel) { m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_EditPanel->GetText(buf, sizeof(buf)); } else { m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_EditButton->GetText(buf, sizeof(buf)); } switch (m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_iType) { case TYPE_CORNER: case TYPE_AUTORESIZE: // the integer value is assumed to be the first part of the string for these items storedSettings->SetInt(name, atoi(buf)); break; default: storedSettings->SetString(name, buf); break; } } return storedSettings; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code) { if (code == KEY_ENTER) // if someone hits return apply the changes { ApplyDataToControls(); } else { Frame::OnKeyCodeTyped(code); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Checks to see if any text has changed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::OnTextChanged( Panel *panel ) { if (panel == m_pFileSelectionCombo) { // reload file if it's changed char newFile[512]; m_pFileSelectionCombo->GetText(newFile, sizeof(newFile)); if (stricmp(newFile, m_pBuildGroup->GetResourceName()) != 0) { // file has changed, reload SetActiveControl(NULL); m_pBuildGroup->ChangeControlSettingsFile(newFile); } return; } if (panel == m_pAddNewControlCombo) { char buf[40]; m_pAddNewControlCombo->GetText(buf, 40); if (stricmp(buf, "None") != 0) { OnNewControl(buf); // reset box back to None m_pAddNewControlCombo->ActivateItemByRow( 0 ); } } if ( panel == m_pEditableChildren ) { KeyValues *kv = m_pEditableChildren->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( kv ) { EditablePanel *ep = reinterpret_cast< EditablePanel * >( kv->GetPtr( "ptr" ) ); if ( ep ) { ep->ActivateBuildMode(); } } } if ( panel == m_pEditableParents ) { KeyValues *kv = m_pEditableParents->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( kv ) { EditablePanel *ep = reinterpret_cast< EditablePanel * >( kv->GetPtr( "ptr" ) ); if ( ep ) { ep->ActivateBuildMode(); } } } if (m_pCurrentPanel && m_pCurrentPanel->IsBuildModeEditable()) { m_pApplyButton->SetEnabled(true); } if (_autoUpdate) { ApplyDataToControls(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::ExitBuildMode( void ) { // make sure rulers are off if (m_pBuildGroup->HasRulersOn()) { m_pBuildGroup->ToggleRulerDisplay(); } m_pBuildGroup->SetEnabled(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Create a new control in the context panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel *BuildModeDialog::OnNewControl( const char *name, int x, int y) { // returns NULL on failure Panel *newPanel = m_pBuildGroup->NewControl(name, x, y); if (newPanel) { // call mouse commands to simulate selecting the new // panel. This will set everything up correctly in the buildGroup. m_pBuildGroup->MousePressed(MOUSE_LEFT, newPanel); m_pBuildGroup->MouseReleased(MOUSE_LEFT, newPanel); } m_pSaveButton->SetEnabled(true); return newPanel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: enable the save button, useful when buildgroup needs to Activate it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::EnableSaveButton() { m_pSaveButton->SetEnabled(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Revert to the saved settings in the .res file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::RevertToSaved() { // hide the dialog as reloading will destroy it surface()->SetPanelVisible(this->GetVPanel(), false); m_pBuildGroup->ReloadControlSettings(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Display some information about the editor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::ShowHelp() { char helpText[]= "In the Build Mode Dialog Window:\n" "Delete button - deletes the currently selected panel if it is deletable.\n" "Apply button - applies changes to the Context Panel.\n" "Save button - saves all settings to file. \n" "Revert to saved- reloads the last saved file.\n" "Auto Update - any changes apply instantly.\n" "Typing Enter in any text field applies changes.\n" "New Control menu - creates a new panel in the upper left corner.\n\n" "In the Context Panel:\n" "After selecting and moving a panel Ctrl-z will undo the move.\n" "Shift clicking panels allows multiple panels to be selected into a group.\n" "Ctrl-c copies the settings of the last selected panel.\n" "Ctrl-v creates a new panel with the copied settings at the location of the mouse pointer.\n" "Arrow keys slowly move panels, holding shift + arrow will slowly resize it.\n" "Holding right mouse button down opens a dropdown panel creation menu.\n" " Panel will be created where the menu was opened.\n" "Delete key deletes the currently selected panel if it is deletable.\n" " Does nothing to multiple selections."; MessageBox *helpDlg = new MessageBox ("Build Mode Help", helpText, this); helpDlg->AddActionSignalTarget(this); helpDlg->DoModal(); } void BuildModeDialog::ShutdownBuildMode() { m_pBuildGroup->SetEnabled(false); } void BuildModeDialog::OnPanelMoved() { m_pApplyButton->SetEnabled(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: message handles thats sets the text in the clipboard //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildModeDialog::OnSetClipboardText(const char *text) { system()->SetClipboardText(text, strlen(text)); } void BuildModeDialog::OnCreateNewControl( char const *text ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( text, "None" ) ) return; OnNewControl( text, m_nClick[ 0 ], m_nClick[ 1 ] ); } void BuildModeDialog::OnShowNewControlMenu() { if ( !m_pBuildGroup ) return; int i; input()->GetCursorPos( m_nClick[ 0 ], m_nClick[ 1 ] ); m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel()->ScreenToLocal( m_nClick[ 0 ], m_nClick[ 1 ] ); if ( m_hContextMenu ) delete m_hContextMenu.Get(); m_hContextMenu = new Menu( this, "NewControls" ); // Show popup menu m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "None", "None", new KeyValues( "CreateNewControl", "text", "None" ), this ); CUtlVector< char const * > names; CBuildFactoryHelper::GetFactoryNames( names ); // Sort the names CUtlRBTree< char const *, int > sorted( 0, 0, StringLessThan ); for ( i = 0; i < names.Count(); ++i ) { sorted.Insert( names[ i ] ); } for ( i = sorted.FirstInorder(); i != sorted.InvalidIndex(); i = sorted.NextInorder( i ) ) { m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( sorted[ i ], sorted[ i ], new KeyValues( "CreateNewControl", "text", sorted[ i ] ), this ); } Menu::PlaceContextMenu( this, m_hContextMenu ); } void BuildModeDialog::OnReloadLocalization() { // reload localization files g_pVGuiLocalize->ReloadLocalizationFiles( ); } bool BuildModeDialog::IsBuildGroupEnabled() { // Don't ever edit the actual build dialog!!! return false; } void BuildModeDialog::OnChangeChild( int direction ) { Assert( direction == 1 || direction == -1 ); if ( !m_pBuildGroup ) return; Panel *current = m_pCurrentPanel; Panel *context = m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel(); if ( !current || current == context ) { current = NULL; if ( context->GetChildCount() > 0 ) { current = context->GetChild( 0 ); } } else { int i; // Move in direction requested int children = context->GetChildCount(); for ( i = 0; i < children; ++i ) { Panel *child = context->GetChild( i ); if ( child == current ) { break; } } if ( i < children ) { for ( int offset = 1; offset < children; ++offset ) { int test = ( i + ( direction * offset ) ) % children; if ( test < 0 ) test += children; if ( test == i ) continue; Panel *check = context->GetChild( test ); BuildModeDialog *bm = dynamic_cast< BuildModeDialog * >( check ); if ( bm ) continue; current = check; break; } } } if ( !current ) { return; } SetActiveControl( current ); }