/* File: Editions.h Contains: Edition Manager Interfaces. Version: Technology: System 7.5 Release: QuickTime 7.3 Copyright: (c) 2007 (c) 1989-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on the World Wide Web: http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/ */ #ifndef __EDITIONS__ #define __EDITIONS__ #ifndef __MACTYPES__ #include <MacTypes.h> #endif #ifndef __MIXEDMODE__ #include <MixedMode.h> #endif #ifndef __FILES__ #include <Files.h> #endif #ifndef __ALIASES__ #include <Aliases.h> #endif #ifndef __DIALOGS__ #include <Dialogs.h> #endif #if PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if PRAGMA_IMPORT #pragma import on #endif #if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=mac68k #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH #pragma pack(push, 2) #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK #pragma pack(2) #endif enum { /* resource types */ rSectionType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sect'), /* ResType of saved SectionRecords */ /* Finder types for edition files */ kPICTEditionFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('edtp'), kTEXTEditionFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('edtt'), ksndEditionFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('edts'), kUnknownEditionFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('edtu'), kPublisherDocAliasFormat = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('alis'), kPreviewFormat = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prvw'), kFormatListFormat = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fmts') }; enum { /* section types */ stSubscriber = 0x01, stPublisher = 0x0A }; enum { sumAutomatic = 0, /* subscriber update mode - Automatically */ sumManual = 1, /* subscriber update mode - Manually */ pumOnSave = 0, /* publisher update mode - OnSave */ pumManual = 1 /* publisher update mode - Manually */ }; enum { kPartsNotUsed = 0, kPartNumberUnknown = -1 }; enum { kPreviewWidth = 120, kPreviewHeight = 120 }; enum { /* bits for formatsMask */ kPICTformatMask = 1, kTEXTformatMask = 2, ksndFormatMask = 4 }; enum { /* pseudo-item hits for dialogHooks the first is for NewPublisher or NewSubscriber Dialogs */ emHookRedrawPreview = 150, /* the following are for SectionOptions Dialog */ emHookCancelSection = 160, emHookGoToPublisher = 161, emHookGetEditionNow = 162, emHookSendEditionNow = 162, emHookManualUpdateMode = 163, emHookAutoUpdateMode = 164 }; enum { /* the refcon field of the dialog record during a modalfilter or dialoghook contains one the following */ emOptionsDialogRefCon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('optn'), emCancelSectionDialogRefCon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cncl'), emGoToPubErrDialogRefCon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gerr') }; enum { kFormatLengthUnknown = -1 }; /* one byte, stSubscriber or stPublisher */ typedef SignedByte SectionType; /* seconds since 1904 */ typedef unsigned long TimeStamp; /* similar to ResType */ typedef FourCharCode FormatType; /* used in Edition I/O */ typedef Handle EditionRefNum; /* update modes */ /* sumAutomatic, pumSuspend, etc */ typedef short UpdateMode; typedef struct SectionRecord SectionRecord; typedef SectionRecord * SectionPtr; typedef SectionPtr * SectionHandle; struct SectionRecord { SignedByte version; /* always 0x01 in system 7.0 */ SectionType kind; /* stSubscriber or stPublisher */ UpdateMode mode; /* auto or manual */ TimeStamp mdDate; /* last change in document */ long sectionID; /* app. specific, unique per document */ long refCon; /* application specific */ AliasHandle alias; /* handle to Alias Record */ long subPart; /* which part of container file */ SectionHandle nextSection; /* for linked list of app's Sections */ Handle controlBlock; /* used internally */ EditionRefNum refNum; /* used internally */ }; struct EditionContainerSpec { FSSpec theFile; ScriptCode theFileScript; long thePart; Str31 thePartName; ScriptCode thePartScript; }; typedef struct EditionContainerSpec EditionContainerSpec; typedef EditionContainerSpec * EditionContainerSpecPtr; struct EditionInfoRecord { TimeStamp crDate; /* date EditionContainer was created */ TimeStamp mdDate; /* date of last change */ OSType fdCreator; /* file creator */ OSType fdType; /* file type */ EditionContainerSpec container; /* the Edition */ }; typedef struct EditionInfoRecord EditionInfoRecord; struct NewPublisherReply { Boolean canceled; /* O */ Boolean replacing; Boolean usePart; /* I */ SInt8 filler; Handle preview; /* I */ FormatType previewFormat; /* I */ EditionContainerSpec container; /* I/O */ }; typedef struct NewPublisherReply NewPublisherReply; struct NewSubscriberReply { Boolean canceled; /* O */ SignedByte formatsMask; EditionContainerSpec container; /*I/O*/ }; typedef struct NewSubscriberReply NewSubscriberReply; struct SectionOptionsReply { Boolean canceled; /* O */ Boolean changed; /* O */ SectionHandle sectionH; /* I */ ResType action; /* O */ }; typedef struct SectionOptionsReply SectionOptionsReply; typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , ExpModalFilterProcPtr )(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short itemOffset, short *itemHit, Ptr yourDataPtr); typedef CALLBACK_API( short , ExpDlgHookProcPtr )(short itemOffset, short itemHit, DialogPtr theDialog, Ptr yourDataPtr); typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(ExpModalFilterProcPtr) ExpModalFilterUPP; typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(ExpDlgHookProcPtr) ExpDlgHookUPP; #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * NewExpModalFilterUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( ExpModalFilterUPP ) NewExpModalFilterUPP(ExpModalFilterProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES enum { uppExpModalFilterProcInfo = 0x0000FBD0 }; /* pascal 1_byte Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 2_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(ExpModalFilterUPP) NewExpModalFilterUPP(ExpModalFilterProcPtr userRoutine) { return (ExpModalFilterUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppExpModalFilterProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else #define NewExpModalFilterUPP(userRoutine) (ExpModalFilterUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppExpModalFilterProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()) #endif #endif /* * NewExpDlgHookUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( ExpDlgHookUPP ) NewExpDlgHookUPP(ExpDlgHookProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES enum { uppExpDlgHookProcInfo = 0x00003EA0 }; /* pascal 2_bytes Func(2_bytes, 2_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(ExpDlgHookUPP) NewExpDlgHookUPP(ExpDlgHookProcPtr userRoutine) { return (ExpDlgHookUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppExpDlgHookProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else #define NewExpDlgHookUPP(userRoutine) (ExpDlgHookUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppExpDlgHookProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()) #endif #endif /* * DisposeExpModalFilterUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeExpModalFilterUPP(ExpModalFilterUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeExpModalFilterUPP(ExpModalFilterUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); } #else #define DisposeExpModalFilterUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP) #endif #endif /* * DisposeExpDlgHookUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeExpDlgHookUPP(ExpDlgHookUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeExpDlgHookUPP(ExpDlgHookUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); } #else #define DisposeExpDlgHookUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP) #endif #endif /* * InvokeExpModalFilterUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( Boolean ) InvokeExpModalFilterUPP( DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord * theEvent, short itemOffset, short * itemHit, Ptr yourDataPtr, ExpModalFilterUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(Boolean) InvokeExpModalFilterUPP(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord * theEvent, short itemOffset, short * itemHit, Ptr yourDataPtr, ExpModalFilterUPP userUPP) { return (Boolean)CALL_FIVE_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppExpModalFilterProcInfo, theDialog, theEvent, itemOffset, itemHit, yourDataPtr); } #else #define InvokeExpModalFilterUPP(theDialog, theEvent, itemOffset, itemHit, yourDataPtr, userUPP) (Boolean)CALL_FIVE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppExpModalFilterProcInfo, (theDialog), (theEvent), (itemOffset), (itemHit), (yourDataPtr)) #endif #endif /* * InvokeExpDlgHookUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( short ) InvokeExpDlgHookUPP( short itemOffset, short itemHit, DialogPtr theDialog, Ptr yourDataPtr, ExpDlgHookUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(short) InvokeExpDlgHookUPP(short itemOffset, short itemHit, DialogPtr theDialog, Ptr yourDataPtr, ExpDlgHookUPP userUPP) { return (short)CALL_FOUR_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppExpDlgHookProcInfo, itemOffset, itemHit, theDialog, yourDataPtr); } #else #define InvokeExpDlgHookUPP(itemOffset, itemHit, theDialog, yourDataPtr, userUPP) (short)CALL_FOUR_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppExpDlgHookProcInfo, (itemOffset), (itemHit), (theDialog), (yourDataPtr)) #endif #endif #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON || OLDROUTINENAMES /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: New...Proc and Call...Proc */ #define NewExpModalFilterProc(userRoutine) NewExpModalFilterUPP(userRoutine) #define NewExpDlgHookProc(userRoutine) NewExpDlgHookUPP(userRoutine) #define CallExpModalFilterProc(userRoutine, theDialog, theEvent, itemOffset, itemHit, yourDataPtr) InvokeExpModalFilterUPP(theDialog, theEvent, itemOffset, itemHit, yourDataPtr, userRoutine) #define CallExpDlgHookProc(userRoutine, itemOffset, itemHit, theDialog, yourDataPtr) InvokeExpDlgHookUPP(itemOffset, itemHit, theDialog, yourDataPtr, userRoutine) #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ typedef SInt8 FormatIOVerb; enum { ioHasFormat = 0, ioReadFormat = 1, ioNewFormat = 2, ioWriteFormat = 3 }; typedef SInt8 EditionOpenerVerb; enum { eoOpen = 0, eoClose = 1, eoOpenNew = 2, eoCloseNew = 3, eoCanSubscribe = 4 }; struct FormatIOParamBlock { long ioRefNum; FormatType format; long formatIndex; unsigned long offset; Ptr buffPtr; unsigned long buffLen; }; typedef struct FormatIOParamBlock FormatIOParamBlock; typedef struct EditionOpenerParamBlock EditionOpenerParamBlock; typedef CALLBACK_API( short , FormatIOProcPtr )(FormatIOVerb selector, FormatIOParamBlock *PB); typedef CALLBACK_API( short , EditionOpenerProcPtr )(EditionOpenerVerb selector, EditionOpenerParamBlock *PB); typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(FormatIOProcPtr) FormatIOUPP; typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(EditionOpenerProcPtr) EditionOpenerUPP; struct EditionOpenerParamBlock { EditionInfoRecord info; SectionHandle sectionH; const FSSpec * document; OSType fdCreator; long ioRefNum; FormatIOUPP ioProc; Boolean success; SignedByte formatsMask; }; #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * NewFormatIOUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( FormatIOUPP ) NewFormatIOUPP(FormatIOProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES enum { uppFormatIOProcInfo = 0x00000360 }; /* pascal 2_bytes Func(1_byte, 4_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(FormatIOUPP) NewFormatIOUPP(FormatIOProcPtr userRoutine) { return (FormatIOUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppFormatIOProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else #define NewFormatIOUPP(userRoutine) (FormatIOUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppFormatIOProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()) #endif #endif /* * NewEditionOpenerUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( EditionOpenerUPP ) NewEditionOpenerUPP(EditionOpenerProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES enum { uppEditionOpenerProcInfo = 0x00000360 }; /* pascal 2_bytes Func(1_byte, 4_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(EditionOpenerUPP) NewEditionOpenerUPP(EditionOpenerProcPtr userRoutine) { return (EditionOpenerUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppEditionOpenerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else #define NewEditionOpenerUPP(userRoutine) (EditionOpenerUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppEditionOpenerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()) #endif #endif #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON || OLDROUTINENAMES /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: New...Proc and Call...Proc */ #define NewFormatIOProc(userRoutine) NewFormatIOUPP(userRoutine) #define NewEditionOpenerProc(userRoutine) NewEditionOpenerUPP(userRoutine) #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* Section events now arrive in the message buffer using the AppleEvent format. The direct object parameter is an aeTemporaryIDParamType ('tid '). The temporary ID's type is rSectionType ('sect') and the 32-bit value is a SectionHandle. The following is a sample buffer name offset contents ---- ------ -------- header 0 'aevt' majorVersion 4 0x01 minorVersion 6 0x01 endOfMetaData 8 ';;;;' directObjKey 12 '----' paramType 16 'tid ' paramLength 20 0x0008 tempIDType 24 'sect' tempID 28 the SectionHandle <-- this is want you want */ enum { sectionEventMsgClass = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sect'), sectionReadMsgID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('read'), sectionWriteMsgID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('writ'), sectionScrollMsgID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('scrl'), sectionCancelMsgID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cncl') }; enum { currentEditionMgrVers = 0x0011 }; #if TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #define InitEditionPack() InitEditionPackVersion(currentEditionMgrVers) #else #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * InitEditionPack() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) InitEditionPack(void) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0011, 0x303C, 0x0100, 0xA82D); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ #endif /* TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM */ #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * InitEditionPackVersion() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) InitEditionPackVersion(short curEditionMgrVers) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0100, 0xA82D); /* * NewSection() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) NewSection( const EditionContainerSpec * container, const FSSpec * sectionDocument, /* can be NULL */ SectionType kind, long sectionID, UpdateMode initalMode, SectionHandle * sectionH) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0A02, 0xA82D); /* * RegisterSection() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) RegisterSection( const FSSpec * sectionDocument, SectionHandle sectionH, Boolean * aliasWasUpdated) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0604, 0xA82D); /* * UnRegisterSection() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) UnRegisterSection(SectionHandle sectionH) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0206, 0xA82D); /* * IsRegisteredSection() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) IsRegisteredSection(SectionHandle sectionH) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0208, 0xA82D); /* * AssociateSection() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) AssociateSection( SectionHandle sectionH, const FSSpec * newSectionDocument) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x040C, 0xA82D); /* * CreateEditionContainerFile() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) CreateEditionContainerFile( const FSSpec * editionFile, OSType fdCreator, ScriptCode editionFileNameScript) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x050E, 0xA82D); /* * DeleteEditionContainerFile() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) DeleteEditionContainerFile(const FSSpec * editionFile) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0210, 0xA82D); /* * OpenEdition() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) OpenEdition( SectionHandle subscriberSectionH, EditionRefNum * refNum) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0412, 0xA82D); /* * OpenNewEdition() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) OpenNewEdition( SectionHandle publisherSectionH, OSType fdCreator, const FSSpec * publisherSectionDocument, /* can be NULL */ EditionRefNum * refNum) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0814, 0xA82D); /* * CloseEdition() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) CloseEdition( EditionRefNum whichEdition, Boolean successful) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0316, 0xA82D); /* * EditionHasFormat() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) EditionHasFormat( EditionRefNum whichEdition, FormatType whichFormat, Size * formatSize) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0618, 0xA82D); /* * ReadEdition() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) ReadEdition( EditionRefNum whichEdition, FormatType whichFormat, void * buffPtr, Size * buffLen) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x081A, 0xA82D); /* * WriteEdition() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) WriteEdition( EditionRefNum whichEdition, FormatType whichFormat, const void * buffPtr, Size buffLen) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x081C, 0xA82D); /* * GetEditionFormatMark() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetEditionFormatMark( EditionRefNum whichEdition, FormatType whichFormat, unsigned long * currentMark) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x061E, 0xA82D); /* * SetEditionFormatMark() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetEditionFormatMark( EditionRefNum whichEdition, FormatType whichFormat, unsigned long setMarkTo) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0620, 0xA82D); /* * GetEditionInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetEditionInfo( SectionHandle sectionH, EditionInfoRecord * editionInfo) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0422, 0xA82D); /* * GoToPublisherSection() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GoToPublisherSection(const EditionContainerSpec * container) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0224, 0xA82D); /* * GetLastEditionContainerUsed() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetLastEditionContainerUsed(EditionContainerSpec * container) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0226, 0xA82D); /* * GetStandardFormats() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetStandardFormats( const EditionContainerSpec * container, FormatType * previewFormat, Handle preview, Handle publisherAlias, Handle formats) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0A28, 0xA82D); /* * GetEditionOpenerProc() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetEditionOpenerProc(EditionOpenerUPP * opener) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x022A, 0xA82D); /* * SetEditionOpenerProc() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetEditionOpenerProc(EditionOpenerUPP opener) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x022C, 0xA82D); /* * CallEditionOpenerProc() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) CallEditionOpenerProc( EditionOpenerVerb selector, EditionOpenerParamBlock * PB, EditionOpenerUPP routine) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x052E, 0xA82D); /* * CallFormatIOProc() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) CallFormatIOProc( FormatIOVerb selector, FormatIOParamBlock * PB, FormatIOUPP routine) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0530, 0xA82D); /* * NewSubscriberDialog() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) NewSubscriberDialog(NewSubscriberReply * reply) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0232, 0xA82D); /* * NewSubscriberExpDialog() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) NewSubscriberExpDialog( NewSubscriberReply * reply, Point where, short expansionDITLresID, ExpDlgHookUPP dlgHook, ExpModalFilterUPP filter, void * yourDataPtr) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0B34, 0xA82D); /* * NewPublisherDialog() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) NewPublisherDialog(NewPublisherReply * reply) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0236, 0xA82D); /* * NewPublisherExpDialog() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) NewPublisherExpDialog( NewPublisherReply * reply, Point where, short expansionDITLresID, ExpDlgHookUPP dlgHook, ExpModalFilterUPP filter, void * yourDataPtr) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0B38, 0xA82D); /* * SectionOptionsDialog() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SectionOptionsDialog(SectionOptionsReply * reply) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x023A, 0xA82D); /* * SectionOptionsExpDialog() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SectionOptionsExpDialog( SectionOptionsReply * reply, Point where, short expansionDITLresID, ExpDlgHookUPP dlgHook, ExpModalFilterUPP filter, void * yourDataPtr) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0B3C, 0xA82D); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ #if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=reset #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH #pragma pack(pop) #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK #pragma pack() #endif #ifdef PRAGMA_IMPORT_OFF #pragma import off #elif PRAGMA_IMPORT #pragma import reset #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __EDITIONS__ */