//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// #include "mathlib/mathlib.h" #include "bsplib.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include "iscratchpad3d.h" #include "filesystem_tools.h" #include "tier2/fileutils.h" #include "gamebspfile.h" #include "tier1/utlstringmap.h" #include "tools_minidump.h" #include "cmdlib.h" bool g_bTreeInfo = false; bool g_bDrawTree = false; float g_nOptimumDepth; int g_nMinTreeDepth; int g_nMaxTreeDepth; int g_TotalTreeDepth; float g_TotalVariance; float g_ySpacing = -1; // (set by code) double g_xSpacing = 1.0; void CalculateTreeInfo_R( int iNode, int depth ) { dnode_t *pNode = &dnodes[iNode]; if ( iNode < 0 ) // (is this a leaf) { g_nMinTreeDepth = min( g_nMinTreeDepth, depth ); g_nMaxTreeDepth = max( g_nMaxTreeDepth, depth ); g_TotalTreeDepth += depth; g_TotalVariance += fabs( depth - g_nOptimumDepth ); } else { CalculateTreeInfo_R( pNode->children[0], depth+1 ); CalculateTreeInfo_R( pNode->children[1], depth+1 ); } } void DrawTreeToScratchPad_R( IScratchPad3D *pPad, int iNode, // Which node we're drawing. int iLevel, // (used to get Y coordinate) float flXMin, float flXMax, const Vector *pParentPos // Parent node position to draw connecting line (if there is a parent). ) { float flMyX = (flXMin + flXMax) * 0.5f; Vector vMyPos; vMyPos.x = 0; vMyPos.y = flMyX; vMyPos.z = -iLevel * g_ySpacing; // Draw the connecting line. if ( pParentPos ) { pPad->DrawLine( CSPVert( *pParentPos, Vector(1,1,1) ), CSPVert( vMyPos, Vector(1,0,0) ) ); } dnode_t *pNode = &dnodes[iNode]; if ( iNode < 0 ) { // This is a leaf. pPad->DrawPoint( CSPVert( vMyPos, Vector(1,0,0) ), 6 ); } else { pPad->DrawPoint( CSPVert( vMyPos, Vector(1,1,1) ), 2 ); DrawTreeToScratchPad_R( pPad, pNode->children[0], iLevel+1, flXMin, flMyX, &vMyPos ); DrawTreeToScratchPad_R( pPad, pNode->children[1], iLevel+1, flMyX, flXMax, &vMyPos ); } } void CalcTreeDepth_R( int iNode, int iLevel, int &iMaxDepth ) { iMaxDepth = max( iLevel, iMaxDepth ); if ( iNode < 0 ) return; CalcTreeDepth_R( dnodes[iNode].children[0], iLevel+1, iMaxDepth ); CalcTreeDepth_R( dnodes[iNode].children[1], iLevel+1, iMaxDepth ); } void DrawTreeToScratchPad() { IScratchPad3D *pPad = ScratchPad3D_Create(); pPad->SetAutoFlush( false ); int maxDepth = 0; CalcTreeDepth_R( dmodels[0].headnode, 0, maxDepth ); float flXSpace = (1 << min( maxDepth, 14 )) * g_xSpacing; g_ySpacing = (flXSpace / maxDepth) / 4; DrawTreeToScratchPad_R( pPad, dmodels[0].headnode, 0, // start on level 0 -flXSpace/2, flXSpace/2, NULL ); pPad->Release(); } struct WorldTextureStats_t { int texdataID; int refCount; }; int WorldTextureCompareFunc( const void *t1, const void *t2 ) { WorldTextureStats_t *pStat1 = ( WorldTextureStats_t * )t1; WorldTextureStats_t *pStat2 = ( WorldTextureStats_t * )t2; if( pStat1->refCount < pStat2->refCount ) { return 1; } if( pStat1->refCount > pStat2->refCount ) { return -1; } return 0; } void PrintWorldTextureStats( FILE *fp ) { static WorldTextureStats_t stats[MAX_MAP_TEXDATA]; int i; for( i = 0; i < numtexdata; i++ ) { stats[i].texdataID = i; stats[i].refCount = 0; } for( i = 0; i < numfaces; i++ ) { dface_t *pFace = &dfaces[i]; int texinfoID = pFace->texinfo; Assert( texinfoID >= 0 && texinfoID < texinfo.Count() ); int texdataID = texinfo[texinfoID].texdata; Assert( texdataID >= 0 && texdataID < numtexdata ); stats[texdataID].refCount++; } qsort( stats, numtexdata, sizeof( WorldTextureStats_t ), WorldTextureCompareFunc ); for( i = 0; i < numtexdata; i++ ) { const char *pTextureName = TexDataStringTable_GetString( dtexdata[stats[i].texdataID].nameStringTableID ); fprintf( fp, "%5d surface(s) use material \"%s\"\n", stats[i].refCount, pTextureName ); } } void PrintModelStats( FILE *fp ) { CUtlStringMap<int> modelMap; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Deal with static props // ------------------------------------------------------- GameLumpHandle_t handle = g_GameLumps.GetGameLumpHandle( GAMELUMP_STATIC_PROPS ); // int nLumpSize = g_GameLumps.GameLumpSize( handle ); void *pStaticPropLump = g_GameLumps.GetGameLump( handle ); unsigned char *pScan = ( unsigned char * )pStaticPropLump; // fprintf( fp, "nLumpSize: %d\n", nLumpSize ); // read dictionary int nDictCount = ( ( int * )pScan )[0]; pScan += sizeof( int ); StaticPropDictLump_t *pDictLump = ( StaticPropDictLump_t * )pScan; pScan += nDictCount * sizeof( StaticPropDictLump_t ); // read leaves int nLeafCount = ( ( int * )pScan )[0]; pScan += sizeof( int ); // StaticPropLeafLump_t *pLeafLump = ( StaticPropLeafLump_t * )pScan; pScan += nLeafCount * sizeof( StaticPropLeafLump_t ); // read objects int nObjCount = ( ( int * )pScan )[0]; pScan += sizeof( int ); StaticPropLump_t *pStaticPropLumpData = ( StaticPropLump_t * )pScan; pScan += nObjCount * sizeof( StaticPropLump_t ); int i; for( i = 0; i < nObjCount; i++ ) { StaticPropLump_t &pData = pStaticPropLumpData[i]; const char *pName = pDictLump[pData.m_PropType].m_Name; if( modelMap.Defined( pName ) ) { modelMap[pName]++; } else { modelMap[pName] = 1; } } extern int num_entities; extern entity_t entities[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; ParseEntities(); for( i = 0; i < num_entities; i++ ) { const entity_t *pEnt = &entities[i]; const epair_t *pEPair = pEnt->epairs; const char *pClassName = NULL; const char *pModelName = NULL; for( ; pEPair; pEPair = pEPair->next ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pEPair->key, "classname" ) == 0 ) { pClassName = pEPair->value; } else if( Q_stricmp( pEPair->key, "model" ) == 0 ) { if( StringHasPrefix( pEPair->value, "models" ) ) { pModelName = pEPair->value; } } } if( pClassName && pModelName ) { if( modelMap.Defined( pModelName ) ) { modelMap[pModelName]++; } else { modelMap[pModelName] = 1; } } } for( i = 0; i < modelMap.GetNumStrings(); i++ ) { printf( "%s,%d\n", modelMap.String( i ), modelMap[modelMap.String( i )] ); } } void PrintListStaticProps( FILE *fp ) { // ------------------------------------------------------- // Deal with static props // ------------------------------------------------------- GameLumpHandle_t handle = g_GameLumps.GetGameLumpHandle( GAMELUMP_STATIC_PROPS ); // int nLumpSize = g_GameLumps.GameLumpSize( handle ); void *pStaticPropLump = g_GameLumps.GetGameLump( handle ); unsigned char *pScan = ( unsigned char * )pStaticPropLump; // fprintf( fp, "nLumpSize: %d\n", nLumpSize ); // read dictionary int nDictCount = ( ( int * )pScan )[0]; pScan += sizeof( int ); StaticPropDictLump_t *pDictLump = ( StaticPropDictLump_t * )pScan; pScan += nDictCount * sizeof( StaticPropDictLump_t ); // read leaves int nLeafCount = ( ( int * )pScan )[0]; pScan += sizeof( int ); // StaticPropLeafLump_t *pLeafLump = ( StaticPropLeafLump_t * )pScan; pScan += nLeafCount * sizeof( StaticPropLeafLump_t ); // read objects int nObjCount = ( ( int * )pScan )[0]; pScan += sizeof( int ); StaticPropLump_t *pStaticPropLumpData = ( StaticPropLump_t * )pScan; pScan += nObjCount * sizeof( StaticPropLump_t ); int i; for( i = 0; i < nObjCount; i++ ) { StaticPropLump_t &pData = pStaticPropLumpData[i]; const char *pName = pDictLump[pData.m_PropType].m_Name; printf( "%03d %s\n", i, pName ); } } void PrintCommandLine( int argc, char **argv ) { Warning( "Command line: " ); for ( int z=0; z < argc; z++ ) { Warning( "\"%s\" ", argv[z] ); } Warning( "\n\n" ); } void main (int argc, char **argv) { // Install an exception handler. SetupDefaultToolsMinidumpHandler(); int i; char source[1024]; int size; FILE *f; bool extractlumps[HEADER_LUMPS]; memset( extractlumps, 0, sizeof(extractlumps) ); bool bHaveAnyToExtract = false; ::SetHDRMode( false ); CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv ); InitCommandLineProgram( argc, argv ); g_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem; MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false ); PrintCommandLine( argc, argv ); if (argc == 1) { printf( "vbspinfo: build date(" __DATE__ ")\n" ); printf("usage: vbspinfo [parameters] bspfile [bspfiles]\n"); printf(" -treeinfo \n"); // printf(" -drawtree \n"); Remove for now until the option can be fixed printf(" -worldtexturestats \n"); printf(" -modelstats \n"); printf(" -liststaticprops \n"); printf(" -X[lump ID] Extract BSP lump to file. i.e -X0 extracts entity lump.\n"); printf(" -size Show .bsp worldmodel bounds\n"); Error("Incorrect syntax."); } bool bWorldTextureStats = false; bool bModelStats = false; bool bListStaticProps = false; bool bShowMapBounds = false; for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-treeinfo" ) == 0 ) { g_bTreeInfo = true; continue; } else if ( stricmp( argv[i], "-drawtree" ) == 0 ) { g_bDrawTree = true; continue; } else if( stricmp( argv[i], "-worldtexturestats" ) == 0 ) { bWorldTextureStats = true; continue; } else if( stricmp( argv[i], "-modelstats" ) == 0 ) { bModelStats = true; continue; } else if( stricmp( argv[i], "-liststaticprops" ) == 0 ) { bListStaticProps = true; continue; } else if( stricmp( argv[i], "-steamlocal" ) == 0 ) { continue; } else if( stricmp( argv[i], "-steam" ) == 0 ) { continue; } else if( strnicmp( argv[i], "-X", 2 ) == 0 ) { int iLump = atoi( argv[i]+2 ); extractlumps[iLump] = true; bHaveAnyToExtract = true; continue; } else if ( stricmp( argv[ i ], "-size" ) == 0 ) { bShowMapBounds = true; continue; } if( !bWorldTextureStats && !bModelStats && !bListStaticProps ) { printf ("---------------------\n"); } strcpy (source, argv[i]); Q_DefaultExtension (source, ".bsp", sizeof( source ) ); strcpy( source, ExpandPath( source ) ); f = fopen (source, "rb"); if (f) { fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END ); size = ftell( f ); fclose (f); } else size = 0; if( !bWorldTextureStats && !bModelStats && !bListStaticProps ) { Msg ("reading %s (%d)\n", source, size); } // If we're extracting, do that and quit. if ( bHaveAnyToExtract ) { OpenBSPFile(source); // If the filename doesn't have a path, prepend with the current directory char fullbspname[MAX_PATH]; _fullpath( fullbspname, source, sizeof( fullbspname ) ); for ( int extract = 0; extract < HEADER_LUMPS; extract++ ) { if ( extractlumps[extract] ) { printf ("Extracting lump %d.\n", extract ); WriteLumpToFile( fullbspname, extract ); } } CloseBSPFile(); printf ("Finished extraction.\n" ); return; } LoadBSPFile (source); if( bWorldTextureStats ) { PrintWorldTextureStats( stdout ); } else if( bModelStats ) { PrintModelStats( stdout ); } else if( bListStaticProps ) { PrintListStaticProps( stdout ); } else if ( bShowMapBounds ) { dmodel_t *world = &dmodels[ 0 ]; printf( "Full : (%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f) - (%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f)\n", world->mins.x, world->mins.y, world->mins.z, world->maxs.x, world->maxs.y, world->maxs.z ); if ( !num_entities ) ParseEntities(); for ( int e = 0; e < num_entities; ++i ) { char* pEntity = ValueForKey(&entities[e], "classname"); if ( strcmp(pEntity, "worldspawn" ) ) continue; Vector wmins; Vector wmaxs; wmins.Init(); wmaxs.Init(); char* pchMins = ValueForKey(&entities[e], "world_mins"); sscanf( pchMins, "%f %f %f", &wmins.x, &wmins.y, &wmins.z ); char* pchMaxs = ValueForKey(&entities[e], "world_maxs"); sscanf( pchMaxs, "%f %f %f", &wmaxs.x, &wmaxs.y, &wmaxs.z ); printf( "No Skybox: (%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f) - (%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f)\n", wmins.x, wmins.y, wmins.z, wmaxs.x, wmaxs.y, wmaxs.z ); break; } } else { PrintBSPFileSizes (); } if ( g_bTreeInfo ) { g_nOptimumDepth = (int)( log( ( float )numnodes ) / log( 2.0f ) ); g_nMinTreeDepth = 999999; g_nMaxTreeDepth = -999999; g_TotalTreeDepth = 0; g_TotalVariance = 0; CalculateTreeInfo_R( dmodels[0].headnode, 0 ); printf( "\n" "\t-------------------\n" "\tTREE INFO:\n" "\t-------------------\n" "\tNumber of nodes ------------------ : %d\n" "\tOptimum tree depth (logN) -------- : %.3f\n" "\tMinimum tree depth --------------- : %d\n" "\tMaximum tree depth --------------- : %d\n" "\tAverage tree depth --------------- : %.3f\n" "\tAverage leaf variance from optimum : %.3f\n\n", numnodes, g_nOptimumDepth, g_nMinTreeDepth, g_nMaxTreeDepth, (float)g_TotalTreeDepth / numnodes, (float)g_TotalVariance / numnodes ); } if ( g_bDrawTree ) { DrawTreeToScratchPad(); } if( !bWorldTextureStats && !bModelStats && !bListStaticProps ) { printf ("---------------------\n"); } } }