//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// TokenLine.h: interface for the CommandLine class.


#pragma once

#define MAX_LINE_TOKENS		128
#define MAX_LINE_CHARS		2048

class TokenLine  

	TokenLine( char * string);
	virtual ~TokenLine();

	char *	GetRestOfLine(int i);	// returns all chars after token i
	int		CountToken();			// returns number of token
	char *	CheckToken(char * parm);// returns token after token parm or ""
	char *	GetToken(int i);		// returns token i
	char *	GetLine();				// returns full line
	bool	SetLine (const char * newLine);	// set new token line and parses it

	char	m_tokenBuffer[MAX_LINE_CHARS];
	char	m_fullLine[MAX_LINE_CHARS];
	char *	m_token[MAX_LINE_TOKENS];
	int		m_tokenNumber;


#endif // !defined TOKENLINE_H