//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $

#include "stdafx.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

namespace GCSDK
CSchemaFull g_SchemaFull;
CSchemaFull & GSchemaFull()
	return g_SchemaFull;

// Purpose: Constructor
	m_pubScratchBuffer = NULL;
	m_cubScratchBuffer = 0;
	m_unCheckSum = 0;

	m_mapFTSEnabled.SetLessFunc( DefLessFunc( enum ESchemaCatalog ) );

// Purpose: Destructor

// Purpose: Call this after you've finished setting up the SchemaFull (either
//			by loading it or by in GenerateIntrinsic).  It calculates our checksum
//			and allocates our scratch buffer.
void CSchemaFull::FinishInit()
	// Calculate our checksum
	m_unCheckSum = 0;

	for ( int iSchema = 0; iSchema < m_VecSchema.Count(); iSchema++ )
		m_unCheckSum += m_VecSchema[iSchema].CalcChecksum();

	// Allocate our scratch buffer
	Assert( NULL == m_pubScratchBuffer );
	// Include some slop for field IDs and sizes in a sparse record
	// 2k is way overkill but still no big deal
	m_cubScratchBuffer = k_cubRecordMax + 2048;
	m_pubScratchBuffer = ( uint8 * ) malloc( m_cubScratchBuffer );

// Purpose: Call this after you've finished setting up the SchemaFull (either
//			by loading it or by in GenerateIntrinsic).  It calculates our checksum
//			and allocates our scratch buffer.

void CSchemaFull::SetITable( CSchema* pSchema, int iTable )
	// make sure we don't have this schema anywhere already
	for ( int iSchema = 0; iSchema < m_VecSchema.Count(); iSchema++ )
		if ( pSchema != &m_VecSchema[iSchema] )
			AssertFatalMsg( m_VecSchema[iSchema].GetITable() != iTable, "Duplicate iTable in schema definition.\n" );

	// set the pSchema object
	pSchema->SetITable( iTable );

// Purpose: Uninits the schema.  Need to call this explicitly before app shutdown
//			on static instances of this object, as the CSchema objects
//			point to memory in static memory pools which may destruct
//			before static instances of this object.
void CSchemaFull::Uninit()
	if ( NULL != m_pubScratchBuffer )
		free( m_pubScratchBuffer );
		m_pubScratchBuffer = NULL;

// Purpose: Get the scratch buffer. It is large enough to handle any 
//			record, sparse or otherwise
uint8* CSchemaFull::GetPubScratchBuffer( )
	return m_pubScratchBuffer;

// Purpose: This is used during the generation of our intrinsic schema.  We've
//			added a new schema to ourselves, and we need to make sure that it
//			matches the corresponding C class.
// Input:	pSchema -			Schema to check
//			cField -			Number of fields the schema should contain.
//			cubRecord -			Size of a record in the schema
void CSchemaFull::CheckSchema( CSchema *pSchema, int cField, uint32 cubRecord )
	// We generate our structures and our schema using macros that operate on the
	// same source.  We check a couple of things to make sure that they're properly in sync.

	// This will fail if the schema's definition specifies the wrong iTable
	if ( pSchema != &m_VecSchema[pSchema->GetITable()] )
		EmitError( SPEW_SQL, "Table %s has a bad iTable\n", pSchema->GetPchName() );

	// This will fail if there are missing lines in the schema definition
	if ( pSchema->GetCField() != cField )
		EmitError( SPEW_SQL, "Badly formed table %s (blank line in schema def?)\n", pSchema->GetPchName() );
		AssertFatal( false );

	// This is unlikely to fail.  It indicates some kind of size mismatch (maybe a packing problem?)
	if ( pSchema->CubRecordFixed() != cubRecord )
		// You may hit this if END_FIELDDATA_HAS_VAR_FIELDS is not used properly
		EmitError( SPEW_SQL, "Table %s has an inconsistent size (class = %d, schema = %d)\n",
			pSchema->GetPchName(), cubRecord, pSchema->CubRecordFixed() );
		AssertFatal( false );

// Purpose: Finds the table with a given name.
// Input:	pchName -			Name of the table to search for
// Output:	Index of the matching table ( k_iTableNil if there isn't one)
int CSchemaFull::FindITable( const char *pchName )
	for ( int iSchema = 0; iSchema < m_VecSchema.Count(); iSchema++ )
		if ( 0 == Q_strcmp( pchName, m_VecSchema[iSchema].GetPchName() ) )
			return iSchema;

	return k_iTableNil;

// Purpose: Finds the table with a given iTable (iSchema)
// Input:	iTable -
// Output:	NULL or a const char * to the name (for temporary use only)
const char * CSchemaFull::PchTableFromITable( int iTable )
	if ( iTable < 0 || iTable >= m_VecSchema.Count() )
		return NULL;
		return m_VecSchema[ iTable ].GetPchName();

void CSchemaFull::AddFullTextCatalog( enum ESchemaCatalog eCatalog, const char *pstrCatalogName, int nFileGroup )
	CFTSCatalogInfo info;
	info.m_eCatalog = eCatalog;
	info.m_nFileGroup = nFileGroup;
	info.m_pstrName = strdup(pstrCatalogName);

	m_vecFTSCatalogs.AddToTail( info );

int CSchemaFull::GetFTSCatalogByName( enum ESchemaCatalog eCatalog, const char *pstrCatalogName )
	int nIndex = -1;
	FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecFTSCatalogs, i )
		CFTSCatalogInfo &refInfo = m_vecFTSCatalogs[ i ];
		if ( 0 == Q_stricmp( pstrCatalogName, refInfo.m_pstrName ) )
			nIndex = i;

	return nIndex;

// Purpose: turn on FTS for the named schema catalog. Called by the
//			InitIntrinsic() function.
void CSchemaFull::EnableFTS( enum ESchemaCatalog eCatalog )
	// mark it enabled in the map
	m_mapFTSEnabled.Insert( eCatalog, true );

// Purpose: is FTS enabled for the supplied schema catalog?
bool CSchemaFull::GetFTSEnabled( enum ESchemaCatalog eCatalog )
	int iEntry = m_mapFTSEnabled.Find( eCatalog );
	if ( iEntry == m_mapFTSEnabled.InvalidIndex() )
		return false;
	return true;

// Purpose: Adds a schema conversion instruction (for use in converting from
//			a different SchemaFull to this one).
void CSchemaFull::AddDeleteTable( const char *pchTableName )
	DeleteTable_t &deleteTable = m_VecDeleteTable[m_VecDeleteTable.AddToTail()];
	Q_strncpy( deleteTable.m_rgchTableName, pchTableName, sizeof( deleteTable.m_rgchTableName ) );

// Purpose: Adds a schema conversion instruction (for use in converting from
//			a different SchemaFull to this one).
void CSchemaFull::AddRenameTable( const char *pchTableNameOld, const char *pchTableNameNew )
	RenameTable_t &renameTable = m_VecRenameTable[m_VecRenameTable.AddToTail()];
	Q_strncpy( renameTable.m_rgchTableNameOld, pchTableNameOld, sizeof( renameTable.m_rgchTableNameOld ) );
	renameTable.m_iTableDst = FindITable( pchTableNameNew );
	Assert( k_iTableNil != renameTable.m_iTableDst );

// Purpose: Adds a schema conversion instruction (for use in converting from
//			a different SchemaFull to this one).
void CSchemaFull::AddDeleteField( const char *pchTableName, const char *pchFieldName )
	int iSchema = FindITable( pchTableName );
	AssertFatal( k_iTableNil != iSchema );

	m_VecSchema[iSchema].AddDeleteField( pchFieldName );

// Purpose: Adds a schema conversion instruction (for use in converting from
//			a different SchemaFull to this one).
void CSchemaFull::AddRenameField( const char *pchTableName, const char *pchFieldNameOld, const char *pchFieldNameNew )
	int iSchema = FindITable( pchTableName );
	AssertFatal( k_iTableNil != iSchema );

	m_VecSchema[iSchema].AddRenameField( pchFieldNameOld, pchFieldNameNew );

// Purpose: Adds a schema conversion instruction (for use in converting from
//			a different SchemaFull to this one).
void CSchemaFull::AddAlterField( const char *pchTableName, const char *pchFieldNameOld, const char *pchFieldnameNew, PfnAlterField_t pfnAlterField )
	int iSchema = FindITable( pchTableName );
	AssertFatal( k_iTableNil != iSchema );

	m_VecSchema[iSchema].AddAlterField( pchFieldNameOld, pchFieldnameNew, pfnAlterField );

// Purpose: Add a trigger to the desired schema
void CSchemaFull::AddTrigger( ESchemaCatalog eCatalog, const char *pchTableName, const char *pchTriggerName, ETriggerType eTriggerType, const char *pchTriggerText )
	CTriggerInfo trigger;
	trigger.m_eTriggerType = eTriggerType;
	trigger.m_eSchemaCatalog = eCatalog;
	Q_strncpy( trigger.m_szTriggerName, pchTriggerName, Q_ARRAYSIZE( trigger.m_szTriggerName ) );
	Q_strncpy( trigger.m_szTriggerTableName, pchTableName, Q_ARRAYSIZE( trigger.m_szTriggerTableName ) );
	trigger.m_strText = pchTriggerText;

	// add it to our list
	m_VecTriggers.AddToTail( trigger );

// Purpose:	Figures out how to map a table from another SchemaFull into us.
//			First we check our conversion instructions to see if any apply,
//			and then we look for a straightforward match.
// Input:	pchTableName -		Name of the table we're trying to map
//			piTableDst -		[Return] Index of the table to map it to
// Output:	true if we know what to do with this table (if false, the conversion
//			is undefined and dangerous).
bool CSchemaFull::BCanConvertTable( const char *pchTableName, int *piTableDst )
	// Should this table be deleted?
	for ( int iDeleteTable = 0; iDeleteTable < m_VecDeleteTable.Count(); iDeleteTable++ )
		if ( 0 == Q_strcmp( pchTableName, m_VecDeleteTable[iDeleteTable].m_rgchTableName ) )
			*piTableDst = k_iTableNil;
			return true;

	// Should this table be renamed?
	for ( int iRenameTable = 0; iRenameTable < m_VecRenameTable.Count(); iRenameTable++ )
		if ( 0 == Q_strcmp( pchTableName, m_VecRenameTable[iRenameTable].m_rgchTableNameOld ) )
			*piTableDst = m_VecRenameTable[iRenameTable].m_iTableDst;
			return true;

	// Find out which of our tables this table maps to (if it doesn't map
	// to any of them, we don't know what to do with it).
	*piTableDst = FindITable( pchTableName );
	return ( k_iTableNil != *piTableDst );

// Purpose:	Gets the default SQL schema name for a catalog
const char *CSchemaFull::GetDefaultSchemaNameForCatalog( ESchemaCatalog eCatalog )
	// For all catalogs it's actually the same
	if ( m_strDefaultSchemaName.IsEmpty() )
		m_strDefaultSchemaName.Set( CFmtStr( "App%u", GGCBase()->GetAppID() ) );

	return m_strDefaultSchemaName.Get();

// Purpose: Run a global validation pass on all of our data structures and memory
//			allocations.
// Input:	validator -		Our global validator object
//			pchName -		Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CSchemaFull::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName )

	ValidateObj( m_VecSchema );
	for ( int iSchema = 0; iSchema < m_VecSchema.Count(); iSchema++ )
		ValidateObj( m_VecSchema[iSchema] );

	ValidateObj( m_VecDeleteTable );
	ValidateObj( m_VecRenameTable );

	ValidateObj( m_mapFTSEnabled );

	ValidateObj( m_vecFTSCatalogs );
	FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecFTSCatalogs, i )
		ValidateObj( m_vecFTSCatalogs[i] );

	ValidateObj( m_VecTriggers );
	FOR_EACH_VEC( m_VecTriggers, i )
		ValidateObj( m_VecTriggers[i] );

	validator.ClaimMemory( m_pubScratchBuffer );

} // namespace GCSDK