//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Parsing of entity network packets. // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "client_pch.h" #include "con_nprint.h" #include "iprediction.h" #include "cl_entityreport.h" #include "dt_recv_eng.h" #include "net_synctags.h" #include "ispatialpartitioninternal.h" #include "LocalNetworkBackdoor.h" #include "basehandle.h" #include "dt_localtransfer.h" #include "iprediction.h" #include "netmessages.h" #include "ents_shared.h" #include "cl_ents_parse.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" static ConVar cl_flushentitypacket("cl_flushentitypacket", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet."); // Prints important entity creation/deletion events to console #if defined( _DEBUG ) static ConVar cl_deltatrace( "cl_deltatrace", "0", 0, "For debugging, print entity creation/deletion info to console." ); #define TRACE_DELTA( text ) if ( cl_deltatrace.GetInt() ) { ConMsg( "%s", text ); }; #else #define TRACE_DELTA( funcs ) #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Debug networking stuff. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #define DEBUG_NETWORKING 1 #if defined( DEBUG_NETWORKING ) void SpewToFile( char const* pFmt, ... ); static ConVar cl_packettrace( "cl_packettrace", "1", 0, "For debugging, massive spew to file." ); #define TRACE_PACKET( text ) if ( cl_packettrace.GetInt() ) { SpewToFile text ; }; #else #define TRACE_PACKET( text ) #endif #if defined( DEBUG_NETWORKING ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Opens the recording file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static FileHandle_t OpenRecordingFile() { FileHandle_t fp = 0; static bool s_CantOpenFile = false; static bool s_NeverOpened = true; if (!s_CantOpenFile) { fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( "cltrace.txt", s_NeverOpened ? "wt" : "at" ); if (!fp) { s_CantOpenFile = true; } s_NeverOpened = false; } return fp; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Records an argument for a command, flushes when the command is done //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpewToFile( char const* pFmt, ... ) { static CUtlVector<unsigned char> s_RecordingBuffer; char temp[2048]; va_list args; va_start( args, pFmt ); int len = Q_vsnprintf( temp, sizeof( temp ), pFmt, args ); va_end( args ); assert( len < 2048 ); int idx = s_RecordingBuffer.AddMultipleToTail( len ); memcpy( &s_RecordingBuffer[idx], temp, len ); if ( 1 ) //s_RecordingBuffer.Size() > 8192) { FileHandle_t fp = OpenRecordingFile(); g_pFileSystem->Write( s_RecordingBuffer.Base(), s_RecordingBuffer.Size(), fp ); g_pFileSystem->Close( fp ); s_RecordingBuffer.RemoveAll(); } } #endif // DEBUG_NETWORKING //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Frees the client DLL's binding to the object. // Input : iEnt - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CL_DeleteDLLEntity( int iEnt, const char *reason, bool bOnRecreatingAllEntities ) { IClientNetworkable *pNet = entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( iEnt ); if ( pNet ) { ClientClass *pClientClass = pNet->GetClientClass(); TRACE_DELTA( va( "Trace %i (%s): delete (%s)\n", iEnt, pClientClass ? pClientClass->m_pNetworkName : "unknown", reason ) ); #ifndef _XBOX CL_RecordDeleteEntity( iEnt, pClientClass ); #endif if ( bOnRecreatingAllEntities ) { pNet->SetDestroyedOnRecreateEntities(); } pNet->Release(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Has the client DLL allocate its data for the object. // Input : iEnt - // iClass - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IClientNetworkable* CL_CreateDLLEntity( int iEnt, int iClass, int iSerialNum ) { #if defined( _DEBUG ) IClientNetworkable *pOldNetworkable = entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( iEnt ); Assert( !pOldNetworkable ); #endif ClientClass *pClientClass; if ( ( pClientClass = cl.m_pServerClasses[iClass].m_pClientClass ) != NULL ) { TRACE_DELTA( va( "Trace %i (%s): create\n", iEnt, pClientClass->m_pNetworkName ) ); #ifndef _XBOX CL_RecordAddEntity( iEnt ); #endif if ( !cl.IsActive() ) { COM_TimestampedLog( "cl: create '%s'", pClientClass->m_pNetworkName ); } // Create the entity. return pClientClass->m_pCreateFn( iEnt, iSerialNum ); } Assert(false); return NULL; } void SpewBitStream( unsigned char* pMem, int bit, int lastbit ) { int val = 0; char buf[1024]; char* pTemp = buf; int bitcount = 0; int charIdx = 1; while( bit < lastbit ) { int byte = bit >> 3; int bytebit = bit & 0x7; val |= ((pMem[byte] & bytebit) != 0) << bitcount; ++bit; ++bitcount; if (bitcount == 4) { if ((val >= 0) && (val <= 9)) pTemp[charIdx] = '0' + val; else pTemp[charIdx] = 'A' + val - 0xA; if (charIdx == 1) charIdx = 0; else { charIdx = 1; pTemp += 2; } bitcount = 0; val = 0; } } if ((bitcount != 0) || (charIdx != 0)) { if (bitcount > 0) { if ((val >= 0) && (val <= 9)) pTemp[charIdx] = '0' + val; else pTemp[charIdx] = 'A' + val - 0xA; } if (charIdx == 1) { pTemp[0] = '0'; } pTemp += 2; } pTemp[0] = '\0'; TRACE_PACKET(( " CL Bitstream %s\n", buf )); } inline static void CL_AddPostDataUpdateCall( CEntityReadInfo &u, int iEnt, DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { ErrorIfNot( u.m_nPostDataUpdateCalls < MAX_EDICTS, ("CL_AddPostDataUpdateCall: overflowed u.m_PostDataUpdateCalls") ); u.m_PostDataUpdateCalls[u.m_nPostDataUpdateCalls].m_iEnt = iEnt; u.m_PostDataUpdateCalls[u.m_nPostDataUpdateCalls].m_UpdateType = updateType; ++u.m_nPostDataUpdateCalls; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get the receive table for the specified entity // Input : *pEnt - // Output : RecvTable* //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline RecvTable* GetEntRecvTable( int entnum ) { IClientNetworkable *pNet = entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( entnum ); if ( pNet ) return pNet->GetClientClass()->m_pRecvTable; else return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if the entity index corresponds to a player slot // Input : index - // Output : bool //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline bool CL_IsPlayerIndex( int index ) { return ( index >= 1 && index <= cl.m_nMaxClients ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Bad data was received, just flushes incoming delta data. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CL_FlushEntityPacket( CClientFrame *packet, char const *errorString, ... ) { con_nprint_t np; char str[2048]; va_list marker; // Spit out an error. va_start(marker, errorString); Q_vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), errorString, marker); va_end(marker); ConMsg("%s", str); np.fixed_width_font = false; np.time_to_live = 1.0; np.index = 0; np.color[ 0 ] = 1.0; np.color[ 1 ] = 0.2; np.color[ 2 ] = 0.0; Con_NXPrintf( &np, "WARNING: CL_FlushEntityPacket, %s", str ); // Free packet memory. delete packet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Regular handles for ReadPacketEntities. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CL_CopyNewEntity( CEntityReadInfo &u, int iClass, int iSerialNum ) { if ( u.m_nNewEntity < 0 || u.m_nNewEntity >= MAX_EDICTS ) { Host_Error ("CL_CopyNewEntity: u.m_nNewEntity < 0 || m_nNewEntity >= MAX_EDICTS"); return; } // If it's new, make sure we have a slot for it. IClientNetworkable *ent = entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( u.m_nNewEntity ); if( iClass >= cl.m_nServerClasses ) { Host_Error("CL_CopyNewEntity: invalid class index (%d).\n", iClass); return; } // Delete the entity. ClientClass *pClass = cl.m_pServerClasses[iClass].m_pClientClass; bool bNew = false; if ( ent ) { // if serial number is different, destory old entity if ( ent->GetIClientUnknown()->GetRefEHandle().GetSerialNumber() != iSerialNum ) { CL_DeleteDLLEntity( u.m_nNewEntity, "CopyNewEntity" ); ent = NULL; // force a recreate } } if ( !ent ) { // Ok, it doesn't exist yet, therefore this is not an "entered PVS" message. ent = CL_CreateDLLEntity( u.m_nNewEntity, iClass, iSerialNum ); if( !ent ) { const char *pNetworkName = cl.m_pServerClasses[iClass].m_pClientClass ? cl.m_pServerClasses[iClass].m_pClientClass->m_pNetworkName : ""; Host_Error( "CL_ParsePacketEntities: Error creating entity %s(%i)\n", pNetworkName, u.m_nNewEntity ); return; } bNew = true; } int start_bit = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsRead(); DataUpdateType_t updateType = bNew ? DATA_UPDATE_CREATED : DATA_UPDATE_DATATABLE_CHANGED; ent->PreDataUpdate( updateType ); // Get either the static or instance baseline. const void *pFromData; int nFromBits; PackedEntity *baseline = u.m_bAsDelta ? cl.GetEntityBaseline( u.m_nBaseline, u.m_nNewEntity ) : NULL; if ( baseline && baseline->m_pClientClass == pClass ) { Assert( !baseline->IsCompressed() ); pFromData = baseline->GetData(); nFromBits = baseline->GetNumBits(); } else { // Every entity must have a static or an instance baseline when we get here. ErrorIfNot( cl.GetClassBaseline( iClass, &pFromData, &nFromBits ), ("CL_CopyNewEntity: GetClassBaseline(%d) failed.", iClass) ); nFromBits *= 8; // convert to bits } // Delta from baseline and merge to new baseline bf_read fromBuf( "CL_CopyNewEntity->fromBuf", pFromData, Bits2Bytes(nFromBits), nFromBits ); RecvTable *pRecvTable = GetEntRecvTable( u.m_nNewEntity ); if( !pRecvTable ) Host_Error( "CL_ParseDelta: invalid recv table for ent %d.\n", u.m_nNewEntity ); if ( u.m_bUpdateBaselines ) { // store this baseline in u.m_pUpdateBaselines ALIGN4 char packedData[MAX_PACKEDENTITY_DATA] ALIGN4_POST; bf_write writeBuf( "CL_CopyNewEntity->newBuf", packedData, sizeof(packedData) ); RecvTable_MergeDeltas( pRecvTable, &fromBuf, u.m_pBuf, &writeBuf, -1, NULL, true ); // set the other baseline cl.SetEntityBaseline( (u.m_nBaseline==0)?1:0, pClass, u.m_nNewEntity, packedData, writeBuf.GetNumBytesWritten() ); fromBuf.StartReading( packedData, writeBuf.GetNumBytesWritten() ); RecvTable_Decode( pRecvTable, ent->GetDataTableBasePtr(), &fromBuf, u.m_nNewEntity, false ); } else { // write data from baseline into entity RecvTable_Decode( pRecvTable, ent->GetDataTableBasePtr(), &fromBuf, u.m_nNewEntity, false ); // Now parse in the contents of the network stream. RecvTable_Decode( pRecvTable, ent->GetDataTableBasePtr(), u.m_pBuf, u.m_nNewEntity, true ); } CL_AddPostDataUpdateCall( u, u.m_nNewEntity, updateType ); // If ent doesn't think it's in PVS, signal that it is Assert( u.m_pTo->last_entity <= u.m_nNewEntity ); u.m_pTo->last_entity = u.m_nNewEntity; Assert( !u.m_pTo->transmit_entity.Get(u.m_nNewEntity) ); u.m_pTo->transmit_entity.Set( u.m_nNewEntity ); // // Net stats.. // int bit_count = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsRead() - start_bit; #ifndef _XBOX if ( cl_entityreport.GetBool() ) CL_RecordEntityBits( u.m_nNewEntity, bit_count ); #endif if ( CL_IsPlayerIndex( u.m_nNewEntity ) ) { if ( u.m_nNewEntity == cl.m_nPlayerSlot + 1 ) { u.m_nLocalPlayerBits += bit_count; } else { u.m_nOtherPlayerBits += bit_count; } } } void CL_PreserveExistingEntity( int nOldEntity ) { IClientNetworkable *pEnt = entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( nOldEntity ); if ( !pEnt ) { // If you hit this, this is because there's a networked client entity that got released // by some method other than a server update. This can happen if client code calls // release on a networked entity. #if defined( STAGING_ONLY ) // Try to use the cl_removeentity_backtrace_capture code in cliententitylist.cpp... Msg( "%s: missing client entity %d.\n", __FUNCTION__, nOldEntity ); Cbuf_AddText( CFmtStr( "cl_removeentity_backtrace_dump %d\n", nOldEntity ) ); Cbuf_Execute(); #endif // STAGING_ONLY Host_Error( "CL_PreserveExistingEntity: missing client entity %d.\n", nOldEntity ); return; } pEnt->OnDataUnchangedInPVS(); } void CL_CopyExistingEntity( CEntityReadInfo &u ) { int start_bit = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsRead(); IClientNetworkable *pEnt = entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( u.m_nNewEntity ); if ( !pEnt ) { Host_Error( "CL_CopyExistingEntity: missing client entity %d.\n", u.m_nNewEntity ); return; } Assert( u.m_pFrom->transmit_entity.Get(u.m_nNewEntity) ); // Read raw data from the network stream pEnt->PreDataUpdate( DATA_UPDATE_DATATABLE_CHANGED ); RecvTable *pRecvTable = GetEntRecvTable( u.m_nNewEntity ); if( !pRecvTable ) { Host_Error( "CL_ParseDelta: invalid recv table for ent %d.\n", u.m_nNewEntity ); return; } RecvTable_Decode( pRecvTable, pEnt->GetDataTableBasePtr(), u.m_pBuf, u.m_nNewEntity ); CL_AddPostDataUpdateCall( u, u.m_nNewEntity, DATA_UPDATE_DATATABLE_CHANGED ); u.m_pTo->last_entity = u.m_nNewEntity; Assert( !u.m_pTo->transmit_entity.Get(u.m_nNewEntity) ); u.m_pTo->transmit_entity.Set( u.m_nNewEntity ); int bit_count = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsRead() - start_bit; #ifndef _XBOX if ( cl_entityreport.GetBool() ) CL_RecordEntityBits( u.m_nNewEntity, bit_count ); #endif if ( CL_IsPlayerIndex( u.m_nNewEntity ) ) { if ( u.m_nNewEntity == cl.m_nPlayerSlot + 1 ) { u.m_nLocalPlayerBits += bit_count; } else { u.m_nOtherPlayerBits += bit_count; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CL_MarkEntitiesOutOfPVS( CBitVec<MAX_EDICTS> *pvs_flags ) { int highest_index = entitylist->GetHighestEntityIndex(); // Note that we go up to and including the highest_index for ( int i = 0; i <= highest_index; i++ ) { IClientNetworkable *ent = entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( i ); if ( !ent ) continue; // FIXME: We can remove IClientEntity here if we keep track of the // last frame's entity_in_pvs bool curstate = !ent->IsDormant(); bool newstate = pvs_flags->Get( i ) ? true : false; if ( !curstate && newstate ) { // Inform the client entity list that the entity entered the PVS ent->NotifyShouldTransmit( SHOULDTRANSMIT_START ); } else if ( curstate && !newstate ) { // Inform the client entity list that the entity left the PVS ent->NotifyShouldTransmit( SHOULDTRANSMIT_END ); #ifndef _XBOX CL_RecordLeavePVS( i ); #endif } } } static void CL_CallPostDataUpdates( CEntityReadInfo &u ) { for ( int i=0; i < u.m_nPostDataUpdateCalls; i++ ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_(g_pMDLCache); CPostDataUpdateCall *pCall = &u.m_PostDataUpdateCalls[i]; IClientNetworkable *pEnt = entitylist->GetClientNetworkable( pCall->m_iEnt ); ErrorIfNot( pEnt, ("CL_CallPostDataUpdates: missing ent %d", pCall->m_iEnt) ); pEnt->PostDataUpdate( pCall->m_UpdateType ); } } static float g_flLastPerfRequest = 0.0f; static ConVar cl_debug_player_perf( "cl_debug_player_perf", "0", 0 ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: An svc_packetentities has just been parsed, deal with the // rest of the data stream. This can be a delta from the baseline or from a previous // client frame for this client. // Input : delta - // *playerbits - // Output : void CL_ParsePacketEntities //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CL_ProcessPacketEntities ( SVC_PacketEntities *entmsg ) { VPROF( "_CL_ParsePacketEntities" ); // Packed entities for that frame // Allocate space for new packet info. CClientFrame *newFrame = cl.AllocateFrame(); newFrame->Init( cl.GetServerTickCount() ); CClientFrame *oldFrame = NULL; // if cl_flushentitypacket is set to N, the next N entity updates will be flushed if ( cl_flushentitypacket.GetInt() ) { // we can't use this, it is too old CL_FlushEntityPacket( newFrame, "Forced by cvar\n" ); cl_flushentitypacket.SetValue( cl_flushentitypacket.GetInt() - 1 ); // Reduce the cvar. return false; } if ( entmsg->m_bIsDelta ) { int nDeltaTicks = cl.GetServerTickCount() - entmsg->m_nDeltaFrom; float flDeltaSeconds = TICKS_TO_TIME( nDeltaTicks ); // If we have cl_debug_player_perf set and we see a huge delta between what we've ack'd to the server and where it's at // ask it for an instantaneous perf snapshot if ( cl_debug_player_perf.GetBool() && ( flDeltaSeconds > 0.5f ) && // delta is pretty out of date ( ( realtime - g_flLastPerfRequest ) > 5.0f ) ) // haven't requested in a while { g_flLastPerfRequest = realtime; Warning( "Gap in server data, requesting connection perf data\n" ); cl.SendStringCmd( "playerperf\n" ); } if ( cl.GetServerTickCount() == entmsg->m_nDeltaFrom ) { Host_Error( "Update self-referencing, connection dropped.\n" ); return false; } // Otherwise, mark where we are valid to and point to the packet entities we'll be updating from. oldFrame = cl.GetClientFrame( entmsg->m_nDeltaFrom ); if ( !oldFrame ) { CL_FlushEntityPacket( newFrame, "Update delta not found.\n" ); return false; } } else { if ( cl_debug_player_perf.GetBool() ) { Warning( "Received uncompressed server update\n" ); } // Clear out the client's entity states.. for ( int i=0; i <= entitylist->GetHighestEntityIndex(); i++ ) { CL_DeleteDLLEntity( i, "ProcessPacketEntities", true ); } } // signal client DLL that we have started updating entities ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify( FRAME_NET_UPDATE_START ); g_nPropsDecoded = 0; Assert( entmsg->m_nBaseline >= 0 && entmsg->m_nBaseline < 2 ); if ( entmsg->m_bUpdateBaseline ) { // server requested to use this snapshot as baseline update int nUpdateBaseline = (entmsg->m_nBaseline == 0) ? 1 : 0; cl.CopyEntityBaseline( entmsg->m_nBaseline, nUpdateBaseline ); // send new baseline acknowledgement(as reliable) cl.m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( CLC_BaselineAck( cl.GetServerTickCount(), entmsg->m_nBaseline ), true ); } CEntityReadInfo u; u.m_pBuf = &entmsg->m_DataIn; u.m_pFrom = oldFrame; u.m_pTo = newFrame; u.m_bAsDelta = entmsg->m_bIsDelta; u.m_nHeaderCount = entmsg->m_nUpdatedEntries; u.m_nBaseline = entmsg->m_nBaseline; u.m_bUpdateBaselines = entmsg->m_bUpdateBaseline; // update the entities cl.ReadPacketEntities( u ); ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify( FRAME_NET_UPDATE_POSTDATAUPDATE_START ); // call PostDataUpdate() for each entity CL_CallPostDataUpdates( u ); ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify( FRAME_NET_UPDATE_POSTDATAUPDATE_END ); // call NotifyShouldTransmit() for entities that entered or left the PVS CL_MarkEntitiesOutOfPVS( &newFrame->transmit_entity ); // adjust net channel stats cl.m_NetChannel->UpdateMessageStats( INetChannelInfo::LOCALPLAYER, u.m_nLocalPlayerBits ); cl.m_NetChannel->UpdateMessageStats( INetChannelInfo::OTHERPLAYERS, u.m_nOtherPlayerBits ); cl.m_NetChannel->UpdateMessageStats( INetChannelInfo::ENTITIES, -(u.m_nLocalPlayerBits+u.m_nOtherPlayerBits) ); cl.DeleteClientFrames( entmsg->m_nDeltaFrom ); // If the client has more than 64 frames, the host will start to eat too much memory. // TODO: We should enforce this somehow. if ( MAX_CLIENT_FRAMES < cl.AddClientFrame( newFrame ) ) { DevMsg( 1, "CL_ProcessPacketEntities: frame window too big (>%i)\n", MAX_CLIENT_FRAMES ); } // all update activities are finished ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify( FRAME_NET_UPDATE_END ); return true; } /* ================== CL_PreprocessEntities Server information pertaining to this client only ================== */ namespace CDebugOverlay { extern void PurgeServerOverlays( void ); } void CL_PreprocessEntities( void ) { // Zero latency!!! (single player or listen server?) bool bIsUsingMultiplayerNetworking = NET_IsMultiplayer(); bool bLastOutgoingCommandEqualsLastAcknowledgedCommand = cl.lastoutgoingcommand == cl.command_ack; // We always want to re-run prediction when using the multiplayer networking, or if we're the listen server and we get a packet // before any frames have run if ( bIsUsingMultiplayerNetworking || bLastOutgoingCommandEqualsLastAcknowledgedCommand ) { //Msg( "%i/%i CL_ParseClientdata: no latency server ack %i\n", // host_framecount, cl.tickcount, // command_ack ); CL_RunPrediction( PREDICTION_SIMULATION_RESULTS_ARRIVING_ON_SEND_FRAME ); } // Copy some results from prediction back into right spot // Anything not sent over the network from server to client must be specified here. //if ( cl.last_command_ack ) { int number_of_commands_executed = ( cl.command_ack - cl.last_command_ack ); #if 0 COM_Log( "cl.log", "Receiving frame acknowledging %i commands\n", number_of_commands_executed ); COM_Log( "cl.log", " last command number executed %i\n", cl.command_ack ); COM_Log( "cl.log", " previous last command number executed %i\n", cl.last_command_ack ); COM_Log( "cl.log", " current world frame %i\n", cl.m_nCurrentSequence ); #endif // Copy last set of changes right into current frame. g_pClientSidePrediction->PreEntityPacketReceived( number_of_commands_executed, cl.m_nCurrentSequence ); } CDebugOverlay::PurgeServerOverlays(); }